#R2 Fashion
applexscruff · 1 year
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Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
C R E D I T S:
Find all things i’m wearing by clicking [x]
◉ W e a r i n g
- Head & Makeup
Lelutka - Ceylon Head [x]
Heaux - Mikaela Skin [x]
Ayashi - Kagura Hair @ Neo Japan [x]
RZ - Prototype V1 [x]
Iicing - Cyber Face Full [x]
Neo Kitsch - Matsumoto Mutsu Mask @ Neo Japan [x]
Reverie - Juno Eyebrows [x]
- Body & Clothes
R2 Fashion - Goku Outfit @ Neo Japan [x]
This is Wrong - Animatronix Tattoo [x]
Eliavah - Manticore Mecha Arms [x]
Rekt x TRV - Neo Legs @ Neo Japan [x]
- Accessories
Sole - Articulated Arm Wings & Collar AAW @ Neo Japan [x]
Doux - Demon Horns [x]
- Backdrop
Varonis - Level 03 [x]
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perioddramapolls · 8 months
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Period dramas dresses tournament: Green dresses Round 2- Group D: Miranda Hamilton, Black sails (gifset) vs Elizabeth Tudor, Becoming Elizabeth (gifset)
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mmmngoc · 1 month
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Naomi Osaka’s day kit for US Open 2024
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Indian artistes transforming heirloom saris into chic quilts, jackets and dresses
The Rewrap Company What started out as a thrift store for saris in 2021, has grown to include upcycling weaves into home accessories and table linen such as table cloths, placemats, table runners, coasters, cushion covers, and more. “We have also designed wine bags, Christmas ornaments and buntings,” says co-founder Deepa Balaji of the initiative run by a women-led team. Their most recent…
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erinkeifer · 11 months
ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕞𝕪 𝕔𝕠𝕕𝕖 - ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕀𝕍
[Anakin Skywalker x Padawan!Fem Reader]
Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3 Not My Code Masterlist
Summary: When Anakin was away on missions, all you could do was miss him and work at the temple. Now, on the eve of your knighting ceremony, Anakin returned, very exhausted, but you didn't hesitate to comfort him in a very special way.
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Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI | smut | rough oral sex (m!receiving) | face fucking | dom!Anakin | sub!Reader | kissing | cursing | mentions of injuries
Author note: I'm doing my best to make each part readable on its own, without knowledge of the previous ones, so no worries! If you don't want to catch up on the storyline, you can treat it as a one-shot!
Word Count: 4,2k
Though you won't admit it to anyone, you feel that as the ceremony approaches, your self-assurance is growing. The past few weeks have been difficult to endure - Anakin barely returned to the temple, and when he did, it was at night when you had no chance to see him. A few times, you communicated through comlinks, but he was never alone, so you waited very patiently.
However, contact with Anakin wasn't the only thing you lacked patience for during this time. Yesterday marked two weeks since you should have had your period, and if you hadn't gotten it today, your first meeting with Anakin after the separation would have been rather stressful.
Stepping out of the bathroom, a weight lifted off your heart - relieved of one worry, you walked to your wardrobe and chose one of your outfits that you had recently purchased.
In your spare time this week, you allowed yourself to spend a few credits in Coruscant, and since you had gazed at the luxurious boutique next to Luthen's antique shop, you decided to splurge a bit. You had always admired Mon Mothma's fashion, and when you discreetly observed her leaving that very shop during one of your missions, you took it as a true mark of quality.
One of your choices was a beautiful jumpsuit in a dark, iridescent purple, snug with a long, flowing overlay that embraced your shoulders, waist, and gently flared down, creating a gown-like effect. The bottom of it could be fastened, but today, you decided to leave it unfastened, revealing your legs adorned in the shimmering material and high, comfortable heeled shoes.
Leaving your quarters, you made sure your makeup looked flawless and ran your fingers through your unruly, long waves that majestically cascaded down your shoulders like a curtain.
The stretch of the corridor you were walking along, leaving your room, seemed empty, but just around the corner, you heard a familiar noise that piqued your curiosity.
"Hey there? Buddy?" you muttered under your breath, taking a few more steps forward before leaning out from behind a nearby pillar.
"Don't tell me you've been waiting here the whole time!" You smiled, placing your hands on your hips, catching your favorite droid hiding behind the wall. R2-D2 let out a series of chaotic beeps.
"I know, I know, I didn't hear you at all from behind the door." Thank goodness. At least you know Anakin's talk about soundproof rooms wasn't just hot air."
"Did you distribute everything? Didn't miss anyone?" you asked, to which R2 responded with affirmative beeps.
"Good job, my friend. You've earned my gratitude." You patted the droid on the head, and he beeped triumphantly.
With R2's response, you continued forward, walking at a calm pace toward the landing platform where Anakin and the crew would soon arrive. Your heart raced at the thought of reuniting with your master after weeks of waiting, but you tried to suppress any tension within you enough not to arouse any suspicions.
Riding the elevator with the friendly droid, you ascended one floor, and just a few seconds after entering another corridor, you heard familiar footsteps and voices.
"I think we all need a day off." you heard Rex say as he walked in the middle between Obi-Wan and Skywalker.
"Tell that to Master Yoda." Obi-Wan replied jokingly, and the three men laughed, but their eyes quickly landed on you as you walked slowly in their direction.
"Gentlemen." you nodded in greeting and smiled slightly, noticing a certain kind of surprise on their faces.
"Good morning, Ma'am. You're blooming!" Rex greeted, admiringly looking at you, and Anakin glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.
"I have to agree with the Captain's words." Obi-Wan replied with a smile, which you immediately reciprocated.
"Thank you, General, thank you, Captain. It's a pleasure to finally see you. You too, Master." you said, standing tall, with your hands clasped behind your back, and your gaze finally landed on Anakin's eyes. Skywalker nodded, smiling at the corners of his mouth.
"Did you all receive invitations to tomorrow's ceremony? R2-D2 did his best to reach everyone." you asked with a smile, exchanging glances with the three of them.
"We all received them, and of course, we'll be there as a matter of duty. Thank you very much." Obi-Wan replied proudly, to which the rest of them smiled and nodded in agreement.
"I'm glad to hear that. I've heard rumors that your mission today was a success." you replied, wanting to show interest in what was happening around the temple.
"Absolutely. We're just heading to report with the Captain, and then, hopefully, it's time for some well-deserved rest." Kenobi answered, smiling warmly at Rex.
"And rightfully so. I've planned a very long day for tomorrow. Carry on with your duties, I won't keep you." you said, returning Kenobi's smile.
"General Skywalker, I assume that's all for today. We're leaving you with the Padawan." Rex replied before moving with Obi-Wan to the briefing room.
"Yes, I believe so. Give your report and head for some rest." Anakin responded, speaking for the first time during the conversation, and your gaze shifted toward him.
"Just don't kill each other." Kenobi quipped, turning in your direction as he and Captain Rex walked in the opposite direction of the corridor.
"We'll try." you sarcastically retorted, watching both men disappear from your sight.
"Hello, Master." you said to Skywalker when his friendly droid was the only one accompanying you.
"Hey." he responded with a warm tone, initially locking eyes with you, but after a moment, he looked you up and down.
You pretended not to notice his gaze, and though it was challenging to restrain a mischievous smile, you maintained a neutral expression. Anakin knelt down and glanced at his droid, almost as if checking to ensure that no harm had befallen him under your care.
"Missed him, did you?" you said, smiling at the sight of the Master and his faithful assistant.
"Thanks for looking after him." Anakin said, directing his gaze at you and then back at R2.
"It was a pleasure, as always. Besides, he performed quite well." you replied, still smiling.
"Was that so, R2? Did she do well too?" Anakin asked the droid, who beeped chaotically in response.
"All night? Seriously?" Skywalker retorted with feigned annoyance in his voice, turning his gaze to you and raising his eyebrows in surprise. Oh, shut up, you little troublemaker.
"Ooh, he came back in the night after distributing the invitations, and I was already asleep and didn't hear him through the door." you replied, narrowing your eyes at the droid who got you into this, to which Anakin smiled and stood up slowly.
"I'll punish her for that, I promise." he said, patting the droid on the head and pointing in the direction you both slowly started walking.
'I'll hold you to that promise.' you thought in your head as you walked alongside your two companions.
"Anyway, Master, I have two pieces of news: good and bad – which one do you want first?" you replied after a few silent steps, to which Anakin instantly sighed.
"Well, let's get the bad news out of the way first." he replied, turning his attention to you.
"So – it's not time for rest just yet. Yoda has planned a meeting with the younglings, and they're probably waiting for you already." Anakin sighed again and rolled his eyes.
"And the good news?"
"That's the last thing for today – unless the Separatists decide to change our plans – we're off duty for the rest of the day." You smiled, and Anakin's facial expression became slightly more optimistic.
"If you want, I can take R2 for a while, and you can deal with the younglings." you asked with a mischievous smile, subconsciously trying to avoid the tasks you didn't particularly enjoy.
"Oh no, not this time. You're coming with me. It's not just my show." Anakin immediately replied, knowing how much you would like to get out of it.
"Ouch." you muttered under your breath, and the expression on your face dropped.
"No sighing. Get it together, Padawan." Anakin smiled at the corners of his mouth and gave you a motivational nudge on the shoulder.
Perhaps it was supposed to be your joint 'show,' but Anakin certainly struggled more with it. After the training and a long series of presenting new techniques along with answering the kids' questions, the group thanked both of you, and it was time for a well-deserved rest.
"I don't know about you, but I feel like I've been through the wringer." Anakin said, closing the training room door behind you.
Before leaving, you managed to tidy up, collect the props that had been brought from another location, and basically, all that was left was to return them to where they were taken from and head to your respective quarters.
"A bit better, but only a bit. After all, I wasn't the one on a mission today." you smiled, watching Anakin turn the key.
"Uh, right. This way." Skywalker directed, and you headed towards the storage room for training props.
The setting sun tinted the sky with a purple hue, and the temple was beautifully illuminated at this time, feeding your gaze with a beautiful view until you descended to the covered rooms one floor below, where the storage room awaited you. Soon, you emptied your hands there.
"I guess that's it." Anakin said, shaking off his hands and leaning against the wall in the dark room.
"I guess so." you replied, shrugging. Finally, you left the dingy room and closed the door behind you, heading in opposite directions.
"You should go and rest, and I... Well, I guess the first thing is to wash this off me." you said, turning away from Anakin, standing with your back to him. Your hands were dirty from the dust, and even your face had some unwanted spots that you gained inadvertently by touching it.
"Not just you." Anakin replied, pointing to the muddy traces on his clothes and skin.
"On me?" he added after a moment, and you didn't fully understand what he meant by that.
"What do you mean?" you asked.
"We can go to my place. Your quarters are on the other side of the Temple, mine's practically around the corner." Anakin clarified, and a green light lit up in your mind. You absolutely didn't want to finish this day alone, and truth be told, you were secretly hoping for it.
"Lead the way." you smiled, and without adding anything else, you headed towards Anakin's quarters, accompanied by R2, who was still with you.
Well, Anakin wasn't lying at all – his quarters were less than a minute away from the storage room, and as soon as you reached the door, you felt a certain kind of tension within you.
You remembered this place; you had been here for a moment when, a few years ago, at Kenobi's command, you had to find Anakin due to a sudden call from the crew. You recalled how much Skywalker didn't want you here – and what stuck in your memory the most was the sight of a woman, none other than Padmé Amidala. That day, you learned about their relationship, but that's already history.
"Come on in, feel free." Anakin's voice snapped you out of the flood of memories, and in the blink of an eye, you returned to reality. With slow steps, you entered the room, and behind you came your Master's friendly droid – well, at least it attempted to enter.
"R2, do me a favor, buddy." Skywalker said to the droid, who directed its indicators toward him as if it started to listen attentively.
"Stay outside and keep an eye in case someone unwanted would be lurking around, okay?" Anakin requested, to which the droid beeped in agreement and retreated behind the door.
"Thanks." he smiled and slowly closed the quarters' door.
Wait, didn't Anakin mention once that on his stretch of the corridor, nobody really hangs around because there's no reason to? Hm, anyway...
His quarters weren't just ordinary quarters. You stood in a spacious, beautifully, albeit somewhat dimly, decorated apartment with a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and a terrace – the latter particularly catching your attention.
The beautifully situated terrace revealed the best view of the cityscape, and in its secluded corner, there was a bar and a large jacuzzi, ingeniously incorporated into the robust structure of the building. On the other side of the terrace, you could see the balconies of guest apartments, which at the moment exuded emptiness.
Well... It's impressive.
"Today's a bit too cold for that." Anakin spoke from behind you as he saw you looking at the outdoor jacuzzi.
"But I can invite you in here." he added after a moment, gesturing for you to follow him, and headed to the bathroom. It was much more spacious than yours – besides the shower, there was also a bathtub, and frankly, you didn't know what you'd prefer for today.
Once both of you were inside, Anakin closed the door behind you and without hesitation began to remove his robes.
"Shit." he muttered under his breath, and you quickly noticed that his issue was with the fabric stuck to a wound, which, when pulled off, caused quite some discomfort.
"Let me..." you reached for his robes to do it more gently and as painlessly as possible.
"Well, at least somewhat lighter than last time..." you remarked, revealing rather fresh, though less extensive, wounds on his chest. It was worse when it came to bruises – you weren't surprised he felt like he'd been through the wringer.
"Have you checked this in the Med Bay? Something might be fractured..." you asked, looking with concern at the purplish marks on Skywalker's body.
"Nah, nothing major. Thanks." he replied, taking back his robes from you and tossing them into the laundry basket.
You weren't sure whether to start undressing yourself; you were sore too, though not for the same reasons as Anakin, and frankly, you didn't know how to tell him that today, there wouldn't be anything 'interesting' happening.
Skywalker, on the other hand, didn't hesitate to remove his pants and boxers, then took two towels from the hanger, tossing one in your direction.
"Won't you join?" he asked, stepping into the shower cabin. Finally, you tore your eyes away from the mirror where you examined your slightly stained face, and had to admit it to yourself again – his body was intimidating.
Your heart raced faster, and though you didn't know what to say, you took off the upper part of your jumpsuit, standing in front of Anakin in just tight pants. Skywalker scanned your bare chest, and before – as usual – you instinctively began to cover yourself, he pulled you into the – still dry – shower cabin.
"Still got that same tic, sunshine?" he whispered, standing very close, his face near yours, taking your waist in a strong grip.
"You have no idea what you did to me in this... outfit." he continued, bringing his face to your ear.
"But you know what's wrong?" he murmured, gently tilting your chin in his direction with a slight movement of his hand.
"That I haven't ripped the rest of your clothes off yet."
At that moment, you felt your back forcefully collide with the wall, and you let out a slight hiss, not even noticing when Anakin's hands reached for the zipper of your pants.
"Anakin, please, wait..." Although Skywalker's hands trembled with desire, your dramatic tone halted his further movements, and his eyes landed on yours.
"I... I can't." you said with a hint of disappointment in your voice.
"You know... I'm bleeding." you blushed, trying to gently withdraw Anakin's hands from your zipper.
"Darling, you know I really don't have a prob..." he started, but you quickly interrupted him,
"I know, but... Somehow I can't. And it hurts a bit too much..." you replied, and only after a moment did you process in your mind the term Anakin used to address you – 'Darling'... You felt like melting for a moment.
"I can leave your underwear on if that's okay with you, but just be here with me, okay?" he suggested.
"I mean... You can take everything off; I'm protected... We just won't..."
"Okay, sure..." he replied, and following your words, he slid your pants and underwear off.
When all the clothes were lying on the floor, Anakin closed the shower cabin's door and gently let the water flow. In the first moments, he didn't move, just watched. He watched as your body became increasingly wet and shimmered with water droplets falling onto it.
You made the first move, gently embracing him at the waist and nestling into the wet strands of hair falling on his shoulders. Soon, however, you felt as if some demon had awakened in Skywalker – his strong arms gripped you around the waist and turned you towards the wall, so you collided with it with your breasts, while Anakin pressed his body against yours from behind.
"You have no idea... Damn... You have no idea how you would fight for survival on this wall if I could fuck you right now." he muttered into your ear with a hoarse, needy voice, colliding with your body and simultaneously pressing you against the wall.
"You'd have worse bruises than mine, you know that???" You responded only with soft moans, feeling how his words ignited you from within. Suddenly, he turned your body back to face him.
"Kiss me." he whispered, and you didn't hesitate, just pressed your wet lips against his. The kiss lingered; when you ran out of breath, you pulled away for a second, so he could slip his tongue back into your mouth after a while.
Moment by moment, it became increasingly sloppy, and your hands wandered chaotically over each other's bodies. Soon, you parted your lips from each other—only a thin thread of your saliva separated them.
You looked at him and saw how painfully hard he was; you gently touched his lower abdomen when he didn't take his eyes off you.
"How can I take care of you?" you whispered, returning your gaze to your Master, who took a moment to think.
One word was enough for you to start feeling like your heart was about to leap out of your chest. Without breaking eye contact with Anakin, you complied with his request and slowly bent down on your knees, ultimately kneeling before him on the wet shower floor.
He smiled at the corners of his mouth as his hand caressed your face, and his fingers traced a ticklish path across your cheeks. Finally, one of his fingers began to wander over your lips, eventually stopping and gently parting them.
"Open your mouth."
Obediently, you did as your master commanded, and although you expected something different, Anakin inserted two fingers into your mouth. Without taking his eyes off you, he slid them in as deep as possible, as if testing you.
He watched attentively every one of your grimaces, and the longer he looked, the more painful his desire became. When he 'prepared' your lips and felt he was on the edge, he withdrew his fingers from your mouth and pivoted his body closer, almost touching his length to your face.
"Do it for me." he whispered, and you swallowed saliva, wanting to please him in the best possible way but also fearing you wouldn't handle his massive size. To start, you wanted to assist yourself with your hands—placing them at the base—but he gently set them aside.
"For now, just your mouth, please." he muttered, and you nodded, placing your hands on his hips, trying not to squeeze too tightly around the bruised areas.
Finally, you took a deep breath and enveloped the tip of his erection with your lips, suctioning and teasing it lightly with your tongue. Anakin hissed softly, feeling the touch of your lips on his throbbing, sensitive point, while you gradually tried to test your boundaries.
You pressed your lips against his shaft and began maneuvering them with a sliding motion, so far unable to reach even halfway. Anakin's quiet moans were music to your ears, motivating you to maintain your pace—a pace he thought he had already outlined in his wicked plan.
Soon, you felt his trembling but strong fingers grabbing your hair, first with his mechanical hand, then adding the other, initially without applying pressure.
The sound of his deep, increasingly rapid breaths, the gentle stream of water, and the wet sound of your lips sliding along his length filled your ears—enough to make you feel ecstatic, but at the same time, you felt a blockage. You were afraid of choking, afraid of embarrassing yourself, and he knew it all along, piercing you not only with his gaze but also with his mind.
"D-do you remember what I said when we were heading to training?" he muttered above you, and you released him from your mouth for a moment to look at him questioningly.
"Do you mean..." you began to wonder, but he didn't let you.
"I promised to punish you." Hearing his words, you could simultaneously see something beastly awakening in him, and his dilated pupils buried in you widened.
"Take it." he growled, and you repositioned your mouth as before, continuing what you hadn't finished. Suddenly, you felt the pressure of his hands on your head, and your mouth filled even more.
Your eyes narrowed more and more, and your lips grew numb as his wicked smile spread across his face. Taking one of his hands off your head, he patted your cheek when you involuntarily crossed over half of his length, and tears welled up in your eyes. You thought you could somehow adjust your throat to him, but all that remained for you was to accept your fate when suddenly he began to fulfill what he desired so much. He thrust straight into your throat.
For a moment, it felt like you were falling apart, and when he did it a second time, the tears accumulated in your eyes instantly splashed onto your cheeks.
"Oh my... Fuck!" Anakin almost shouted, feeling how hopelessly you clenched onto him.
You were so overwhelmed by the intense sensation that it belatedly occurred to you that you were practically choking. Impulsively, you pulled away from Anakin, somehow overpowering the grip of his hands, but he still wasn't as strong as he planned.
"Don't even think..." he growled, thrusting again into your mouth, but before this—fortunately—you managed to quickly take a deep breath.
"Keep going... Just a bit more... -Fuck... A little more." he muttered, breathing heavily and trembling with excitement, watching you take his thrusts painfully.
You whimpered, choking on his length, and he fucked your face until your lips reached the very base. As he felt your trembling hands digging into his bruised hips, his loud moans mixed with growls, punishing you for it, pressing you against him so hard that he didn't even consider that you might vomit at any moment.
"I'm... Oh fuck... Oh f-fuck." Anakin began to choke on his own voice as he felt his orgasm approaching, and his back forcefully hit the shower wall as he tried to maintain balance.
His hands were numb as he climaxed, so when he didn't press you so hard anymore, you helped yourself with your hands, jerking him with great force until you finally felt his warm cum filling your mouth. His own throat muffled the screams he could have let out—he groaned and panted above you with clenched eyes until he emptied himself completely. When he finished, he grabbed the wall next to him to gain any balance.
You slumped hopelessly onto the wet shower floor, trying to catch your breath. Your makeup was smeared, and mascara ran down your face in numerous teary streaks. Both of you were detached from the galaxy at that moment—you had no strength for anything, not even to simply leave the shower. After a few minutes of regaining your breath, Anakin slowly turned off the water tap, and the only sound that reached his ears at that moment was your—still quite rapid—breathing.
When he felt less numb, he opened the shower door and, smoothing your back beforehand, carried you out of the cabin. You calmed down, feeling his pulsating chest so closely, and without saying anything—without even having the strength—you simply waited for the next scenario.
Exiting the bathroom, he immediately guided you towards the spacious bed that awaited just around the corner, and the next thing you felt was the touch of a soft mattress.
After gently placing you on the bed, Anakin handed you a blanket, which he eventually decided to spread himself. Before lying down, he sat beside you, smiling at the corners of his mouth at the sight of your exhausted face.
"Now it's time to rest."
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renlyslittlerose · 2 days
Kinktober Day 2 - Sexting
For @chirpchirpmuahaha 💗
Just Text Me - 1,743 Rating: E Content: Established Relationship / Explicit Sexual Content / Sexting / Masturbation / Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Menace / Dirty Talk
'Thinking about that pretty cock of yours.'
Anakin stared down at his comm-link on his wrist, re-reading the innocent letters that combined to create a message that was anything but. At first he thought he'd hallucinated the message, his propensity for daydreaming when it came to imagining Obi-Wan in a variety of positions and circumstances finally getting the better of him. But no, the message remained there clear as day, hovering above Anakin's wrist in small, electric blue font.
Obi-Wan was texting him.
About his cock.
In the middle of a debrief with the 501st.
Anakin was brought back into the room when Ahsoka shifted, her shoulder pressing up against his as she slumped further in her chair. Before them Rex stood in front of a holo-map, the sharp lines of his face highlighted as he dutifully went over their last battle with the aplomb that only Rex could muster even after all these brutal months. Around them the other clones listened intently, matching furrowed brows and bright eyes across their faces.
Another chirp from Anakin's comm-link alerted him to a new message. Covering the comm-link with his hand he straightened up slightly and tried to pay attention to the report. He was a General of the Republican Army and a Jedi who had reached the rank of Knight. He was respected and well-regarded by the men who sat and stood beside him, and called Master by the young Padawan currently trying not to fall asleep next to him.
He shouldn't look.
He couldn't look.
Even though he really, really wanted to.
His cheeks burned and his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't contain the small patter of excitement that coursed through his body any time he thought about how Obi-Wan Kenobi was sending him lewd messages. It wasn't often he stepped out of line in such a fashion. Any time they so much as brushed hands in public Obi-Wan would straighten up, pull away, and fuss with his collar of the hilt of his lightsaber in an attempt to distance himself from Anakin. It was only in the privacy of a bedroom or the thin walls of a tent that Obi-Wan would suck on Anakin's tongue and palm him through his trousers, desperate little huffs slipping past his lips as he painted Anakin's body with his adoration.
He did not send 'lewd messages' and he certainly didn't do them when away on assignment.
Another chirp.
What if it was important? What if it was someone trying to inform Anakin that R2 had done something 'needlessly violent' again, or that he'd done something 'needlessly violent' again and had to report to some command post to get a lecture from Master Yoda over a holo-call?
Taking in the room quickly, Anakin made sure no one was looking at him before he opened the messages.
KENOBI.O: 'I adore the way in which your come rests on my tongue, the vestiges of it tasted throughout the day as I long and wait for our inevitable reunion.' KENOBI.O: 'Sometimes the memory of how your legs spread and your back arches as you beg for my cock, are all that get me through the day.'
Anakin swallowed thickly.
"You okay, Skyguy?"
Anakin slammed his hand over his comm-link and glared sharply at Ahsoka. "I'm fine," he gritted out.
"I was just asking." Ahsoka rolled her eyes and slumped further in her chair, her arms crossing tightly around her narrow frame. She sent Anakin another look before she turned her attention back to Rex.
Rex, for his part, was still prattling on as if his General and his Padawan hadn't just sniped at each other like a pair of vexis.
Another chirp.
Slipping his hand away, Anakin opened the message and turned slightly from Ahsoka.
KENOBI.O:'The sounds you made last week when I tongued you open were simply divine; the taste of the sweat along your thighs even sweeter. Tell me, darling, how many times have you come from the memory this past week?'
Anakin held back a groan and bit the inside of his cheek. Hard. He could feel Ahsoka pressing against their bond, a little irritating tremor that worked its way into Anakin's teeth, but he blocked her out best he could and slipped into the warm space where Obi-Wan's presence was kept. Though they were separated by starlight Anakin could still feel Obi-Wan, soft and reassuring.
And turned on.
With a steady hand Anakin replied.
SKYWLKR.A: 'Haven't had time to get off this week. Been busy. But I'm just saving myself for you :)'
He waited a few seconds before Obi-Wan replied.
KENOBI.O: 'That's not a very exciting reply. Do better.'
Anakin rolled his eyes. Of course Obi-Wan would criticize his text messages.
SKYWLKR.A: 'All night and every night I wack off to the thought of your thick cock and big balls, oh Master of mine.'
A soft flutter of annoyance went through their bond, barely felt but still there all the same.
KENOBI.O: 'Anakin.' KENOBI.O: 'Be a dear and help me through this session. I've been edging for the past hour and I realize what I truly need is you. Now help me through this or I'll withhold from you the next time we're together.' KENOBI.O: 'I won't even let you smell my undergarments.'
Anakin let out a low keening sound.
"I'm fine," Anakin snarled at Ahsoka.
He stood then, not giving Ahsoka's startled look time to make him feel bad. With a curt nod to Rex he slipped through the crowd of clones and situated himself in one of the back corners, tucked away save for the presence of a droid that cooed quietly when Anakin approached. Pressing into the corner, he pretended to look invested in important business - which he technically was - and returned to his comm-link.
SKYWLKR.A: 'You touching your hole?'
It took only a moment before Obi-Wan replied.
KENOBI.O: 'No. Think that's a problem? Did you want me to?' SKYWLKR.A: 'Yeah. Suck on your fingers and then rub the spit against your hole. Get it nice and wet.' KENOBI.O: 'Will you be doing the same?' SKYWLKR.A: 'I'm in a debrief. Can't. But I'll call you when I'm out.' KENOBI.O: 'The call will have to go through encrypted channels, darling.' SKYWLKR.A: 'So? Let them know how much I want your cock in my mouth. Let them know how good I am for my Master and how I let him train me in all sorts of things :)' SKYWLKR.A: 'And let them know how much you love to fuck me. How you use your Padawan for your own pleasure. How much of a slut you are for my cock and hole.'
There was a lull after that, and Anakin knew Obi-Wan was touching himself. He could almost picture it - Obi-Wan spread out on the bed, one hand wrapped around his fat, long cock while the other fussed with his hole, pushing but never breaching, thick, rough fingertips rubbing against the puffy rim. Or maybe he was playing with his nipples while he touched his hole - Obi-Wan always did love it when Anakin pinched and bit and licked them, getting them nice and pert and swollen.
Finally, another message appeared.
KENOBI.O: 'What else should I do?'
Anakin glanced around the room to make sure the meeting was still going and that no eyes were on him, before he shot off another reply.
SKYWLKR.A: 'Hump the bed and keep playing with your hole.' KENOBI.O: 'Rather undignified, don't you think?' SKYWLKR.A: 'I do it all the time.' KENOBI.O: 'The point remains.' SKYWLKR.A: 'Don't pretend you're better than me. I know you're a slut.' SKYWLKR.A: 'Now hump the bed, little jack-rabbit.'
Another lull. Anakin hoped Obi-Wan was humping the bed, but knew he probably wasn't. Sometimes he made Anakin do it while he watched, saying he liked how desperate Anakin looked as he took his pleasures from the bedding. It wasn't as good as having Obi-Wan's hands on him, but the sight of Obi-Wan sitting as he fucked himself was enough to make Anakin come every single time.
SKYWLKR.A: 'You fucking your bed?' KENOBI.O: 'No. It's too narrow.' SKYWLKR.A: ':(' SKYWLKR.A: 'Then what are you doing?' KENOBI.O: 'My hand. The old fashion way.' SKYWLKR.A: 'Old is certainly descriptive.' KENOBI.O: 'Do you think you're being cute?' SKYWLKR.A: 'I know I am :) now keep going, old man.'
There was another lull, but Obi-Wan replied first after a few moments.
KENOBI.O: 'I'm close. How shall I finish?'
Anakin rolled his eyes at the use of 'shall' but pondered the question all the same. How should he finish? A variety of images flashed through Anakin's mind - Obi-Wan thrusting up into the hollow of his hands, or finally slipping a finger into his hole to play with his prostate, or maybe sat on the edge of the bed in front of a mirror, watching himself as he--
Anakin looked up from his comm-link to see that the men were dispersing and all that was left was he, Rex, and the little droid.
"Uh, what?" Anakin asked. He shifted slightly, his tabards sliding gracefully across his groin.
"The debrief is over," Rex said slowly. He peered at Anakin. "Are you... alright?"
Anakin smiled tightly. "I'm fine."
"It's just..."
"Speak freely."
"Maybe you should see a medical droid about that flush of yours. We were on that cold planet for a while - you might have picked something up."
"I'll think about it. Now uh... you're relieved." Anakin nodded his head toward the exit.
Rex, for his part, saluted and left as instructed, no backward glances or looks of suspicion sent Anakin's way. As soon as he'd slipped through the door Anakin returned to his comm-link and typed his message.
SKYWLKR.A: 'Angle your hips up against the wall and come all over your face. Soak yourself in your come and then lick what you can from your lips and beard.' SKYWLKR.A: 'Make yourself as dirty as you make me.'
A moment passed, Anakin's blood rushing furiously though his head as he waited for the inevitable confirmation.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a message popped up.
KENOBI.O: 'Too late; I've long since finished.' SKYWLKR.A: '????? ??????? ??????????????????' KENOBI.O: 'You took too long to respond. I told you I was close.' SKYWLKR.A: 'How did you come then??????' KENOBI.O: 'The 'old' fashioned way. With my hand.' KENOBI.O: 'Now get back to work, darling. You are on duty, are you not?'
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short-wooloo · 1 year
My thoughts on the announcement of a new SW film about Rey and rebuilding the Jedi Order
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First off...
Turns out all of those click bait YouTube videos about how the sequels would be erased/rebooted/retconned out were lying out of their asses and just saying what people wanted to hear because youtube's algorithm favors negativity
In any case, here are the things I want to see in the movie
Bisexual Rey, let her being the successor to Obi-Wan's Bi energy
Rose, see above
Millennium Falcon in Jedi colors, I want to see the old girl refurbished and given a new coat of paint with the Jedi emblem, and Chewbacca is in this movie as the Jedi chauffeur
speaking of returning characters, R2 and 3P0, gotta have em, no arguments allowed,
Ghost Luke, get Mark Hamill back as Luke in the spirit guide role
(also have something where Luke acknowledges/approves of Rey taking on the Skywalker name so people will shut up about that)
Acknowledge Finn as a Jedi in some way, I know John Boyega is rightfully done with the franchise over how he was treated, so how about instead we get so mention of him in the film, a passing mention of "Master Finn" or "Finn is off on a mission with his Padawan"
X-Wings, Jedi edition, I love Jedi starfighters, so I want Rey and the new Jedi to have their own model of X-Wing, built and designed for Jedi pilots
Return of that classic Jedi fashion style, specifically in Rey's case I want her to have robes like Ep I Obi-Wan
Jedi babies, show me the Younglings
Jedi Momma Rey
given that the official description for the movie involves Rey defending the rebuilding Jedi Order, I expect to see Rey protecting the younglings
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similar note, but there's something I hope for the plot, Rey is obviously the main character, but maybe there's a pack of Jedi Padawans as the supporting characters
and for my most left-field, "unlikely to happen but god it would be amazing" thing I want to happen...
Old Master Reva
have Reva return, now in her 80s, as a Jedi Master and advisor to Rey, maybe she can be the Creche-Master watching over the younglings
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garblegarden · 1 year
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More palindrome ethnicities! There's probably more subdivisions of these but more than this would clutter the map a good bit. I'm hoping to cover at least the most prominent of these ecotypes, their cultures and fashion and such.
T1 - Western Tundra (Pale periwinkle with colorpoints and spots) T2 - Central Tundra (More vibrant) T3 - Eastern Tundra (More contrast) T4 - Island Tundra (Darker) TG - Southern Tundra (Minimal colorpointing and larger spots)
G1 - Grasslands (Mint with white spotting) GF - Savanna (Mint with white striping)
R1 - Eastern Rainforest (Dark teal with blocky rosettes) R2 - Western Rainforest (Darker teal with round rosettes, occasional false eyes) R3 - South Islands Rainforest (Teal with round rosettes, bright false eyes) RG - Archipelago (Bright teal with dark and light blotching)
F1 - Southwest Woodland (Dull teal with dark stripes) F2 - Central Woodland (Brighter) F3 - Eastern Taiga (Darker and cooler with irregular face splotching and a solid band around waist) F4 - Western Taiga (Slightly warmer than F3 with stripes in place of splotches) F5 - Western Woodland (Warm teal with low contrast stripes)
C1 - Western Coast (Light blue with darker banding) C2 - Central Bay (Darker) C3 - Eastern Coast (Higher contrast and thinner bands)
W1 - Western Wetlands (Indigo with blocky spots) W2 - Eastern Wetlands (Darker with spots absent on waist)
S1 - Southern Chaparral (Warm grey with banding) S2 - Northern Chaparral (Cooler grey with single light band) S3 - Coastal Chaparral (Slightly cooler grey with chevron banding)
D - Saltpan (Dark)
These mainly apply to social palindromes because drifters rarely stay in one place while social palindromes may travel, but they always have a place they return to. Drifters frequently have more ambiguous genetics, though there are some who match a social ecotype pretty perfectly (take Patrick for example) as well. Those palindromes may either be social palindromes who have taken on a different lifestyle, or they just look like that.
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Letter M pleaseee!! 💗
Fluff Alphabet
M (marriage)
Now, having grown up in the country, Luke is a bit of an old-fashioned guy in the sense that he really wants to get married. He definitely would fantasize about his dream wedding as a little kid--most of all, he fantasized about having a partner to call his spouse, someone to love and be loved by for the rest of his life.
Luke is honestly the type of guy to just randomly blurt out "MARRY ME," but he makes an effort to make your proposal something really memorable. There's a pretty good chance he proposes as soon as he returns to Endor after the fateful battle on the Death Star. He's so ecstatic to see his loved ones--not to mention full of adrenaline after nearly dying at the hands of the Emperor--so he gently pulls you aside, gets down on one knee, and pops the question. Instead of conventional wedding rings, he made the two of you matching japor snippet necklaces with runes and symbols signifying love; to this day, he hasn't even taken his off once.
While Luke does have a few ideas--big or small, he definitely wants his family in attendance--he isn't picky at all when it comes to the details of the wedding. He wants it to be as personalized and meaningful as possible, so it can thoroughly represent how special your bond is and celebrate the wonderful marriage that is to come. My favorite headcanon is marrying him in the exact same place on Naboo where his parents got married (and then having your honeymoon there); he fell in love with the location the moment R2 showed him a secret recording of their elopement. However you want your wedding to be, at the end of the day, it's a really magical moment, and he's over the moon that it's one he gets to spend with you and cherish forever.
Okay, I think we all agree that Luke would basically be the perfect husband. He's a surprisingly domestic guy--Aunt Beru raised him right--and will cook, clean, and do chores without complaint. In accordance to his Jedi lifestyle, he likes to maintain relatively simple and neat living conditions. Frugality is second nature to him (growing up on a moisture farm will do that to you), and while he wouldn't mind at all if you prefer to have more vibrant spaces, you can always count on him to keep everything nice and tidy.
Disagreements are inevitable in any relationship, but with Luke, they never escalate into full-blown arguments. While he was infamously very stubborn in the past, he always makes an effort to never raise his voice at or be rude to you whenever you're having a disagreement. He believes in open communication and values above all else having enough trust in your relationship to freely share your emotions and differing viewpoints. Ultimately, you and Luke have such a strong, loving marriage, with the two of you inspiring each other to be the best versions of yourselves every single day.
obligatory shoutout to @dailydragon08 for helping me come up with ideas ❤️❤️❤️
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burnwater13 · 2 months
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Grogu greeting R2-D2 on Moff Gideon's ship after Luke Skywalker's arrival on the ship. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 8, The Rescue. Calendar from DateWorks.
Grogu recognized R2-D2 immediately. It had been a long time since he'd seen the mech roaming around the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. A long time. So many things had happened since then. Grogu hadn't really expected the mech to survive it all. Even back in those days, R2-D2 was known to be risk taker. But somehow, here it was tootling a ‘hello there’ as if they had just missed each other at the flight training center canteen.
Grogu replied ‘Long time, no see' or words to that effect and the mech had laughed, as mechs do, in a stream of binary that was far too fast for the humans to understand. Grogu asked R2 who had trained the ‘Kid’, because it was clear to him that the young human male was not what he would have called a Jedi.
R2 shared what it knew. Grogu was impressed. Obi-Wan Kenobi? Master Yoda? A holocron? Wow. He kind of wished he'd been able to do things that way. Instead, he had to deal with the old fashioned go to classes, take tests, practice, practice, practice method. It did at least explain why Luke was wearing the wrong colors. No Jedi worth their kyber crystal ever dressed all in black. That's what had Grogu worried about going anywhere with the youngster. Obviously no one had bothered explaining how the exterior was a reflection of the interior. 
R2 commented that the Kid was in mourning. Huh? That was a reason to dress plainly Grogu supposed, but given the number of people he had lost, his coverall’s color should have duplicated a Sith’s heart. Grogu had often imagined that was like looking into a void in the space/time continuum. But you couldn't just order your robes in the color of despair, so you put up with what you had and made do. 
Grogu asked who the Kid was mourning and was surprised at the answer. Vader? Why would anyone mourn Vader? He looked at the Kid again and wondered if he could just slowly back away? But the Mandalorian really wanted him to go with the Kid and learn something. Grogu chirped at R2 and asked him the obvious question, was the Kid a Sith?
A gale of laughter met his ears when the mech replied. Of course Luke wasn’t a Sith. He was Anakin Skywalker’s son. Anakin had become Vader and had never known he had children until it was too late. 
Oh. Alright then. Huh?
Grogu asked R2 to explain it to him like he was back at the Jedi Temple. It took a few moments because R2 streamed the information to him at a frequency that Grogu could hear but the humans simply ignored. To them it probably looked like the two of them were just sizing each other up, but that was just a convenient cover for their intense discussion. 
So Luke (Grogu still thought of him as ‘the Kid’) was Anakin’s son, had a sister, Anakin’s daughter, and had grown up on Tatooine, not far from Tosche Station. Ben Kenobi (Obi-Wan’s cover name) kept an eye on Luke and eventually helped him reunite with his sister, Leia, while helping her escape from Imperial captivity, thwarting Darth Vader's plans to get the princess (princess? Yup) to betray the Rebel Alliance. Kenobi helped them escape by tricking Vader into fighting him instead. That hadn't worked well for Obi-Wan, but then it wasn't supposed to. Anyway, then there was a bunch of running around with the Rebel Alliance and eventually Luke went to Degobah to train with Master Yoda. On the plus side, Master Yoda recognized R2, on the downside, Luke really struggled with balance. A lot. A lot a lot. That made sense. After some training from Master Yoda, Luke had to go back to the Rebellion, met Boba Fett, sort of, and ended up not being able to finish his training after he returned to Degobah and Master Yoda became one with the Force. But Luke still had to help the Rebellion because he was the only Jedi anyone knew about. Wow. That’s how he ended up meeting Vader again. Again? Yup, the first time he met him was when he was trying to help his sister and her friend Han. It turned out that the whole thing was a trap! R2 had done what he could to help, but Luke ended up getting his hand cut off by Vader's lightsaber (Grogu had wondered about the gloves) and had to recover from it. It had been a tough first meeting. 
Grogu had wanted to know more, but he sensed that all the humans in the room were getting a little antsy. Was he staying or going? He sighed. He really didn't want to leave the Mandalorian. Din Djarin needed a friend and that’s what Grogu was. His friend. But… he really wanted to know what happened when the Kid met Vader the second time. He felt like he would learn something pretty important. It felt just like the the time he met the Mandalorian. That had worked out pretty well, all things considered. 
This is the Way?
R2 whistled to him that they needed to go. It was a long flight to Ossus. 
Ossus! Why didn't the mech lead with that?! Ossus had amazing history within the Jedi Order. Of course Grogu wanted to go there. He could go for a couple of weeks and check things out, get the rest of the Kid’s story from R2 and then head back to Nevarro or Tatooine or wherever the Mandalorian was at the time. Grogu would find him. They were part of the same clan. You couldn't keep them from finding each other, even if you tried. 
This is the Way.
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abubblingcandle · 8 months
RoyJamie Bingo Masterpost
The place to find all of my @royjamiebingo fills
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P1 - Miscommunication
P2 - Manchester - I am Real and the Pretender Ch2
Ch2 - Jamie walks out onto the pitch with his biggest fan but the walls remain up around his teammates
P3 - "Give us a kiss then" - The Lost City
Roy doesn't know what to feel about the new season starting. Catrick is still a prick. Roy's body is failing him. The team is arguably shit. He just needs to take his mind off it all and what better way to do it than finding some pretty boy to suck all his feelings out through his dick
“He’s new to the club, not new to the scene. Early twenties, sub but bratty, got an ego the size of Mount Everest, fit, been here basically every night this past week and nobody has worked out for him. Connor nearly lamped him,” Casey huffed a laugh. Roy’s jaw tightened and grip on the counter did the same. “But yet he’s still here. Back flirting and causing a scene. He’s Keeley’s latest part time fling but looking for someone to take him out of his head he says. They certainly gotta work for it though.”
P4 - Practice - The Portable Heater (you'll be cold without)
When Roy got the message from Jamie cancelling their 4am training, he assumed the lad was just hung over. But when he arrives at regular training Roy starts to worry it's something worse. He's not sure when he started to want to look after the prick but the compulsion was definitely in full force now.
P5 - Matching Tattoos - For The Rest Of My Days
Jamie and Roy are happily married but they are not happily out to the world. This starts to take it's toll on Jamie but Roy has a solution.
R1 - Domestic Fluff
R2 - Not Actually Unrequited Love
R3 - Public Opinion
R4 - Roomates AU - An Effective Echelon
When Jamie is rejected by Man City and Richmond in one day, he is in dire need of someone to take his anger out on. Who else would be better than Roy Kent? Get into a little fight, get punched, maybe feel something again, go home, job done.
What this plan doesn't take into account is Roy inviting him inside and giving him a bed for the night ... and not punching him in the face!
R5 - "What are you wearing?" - Questionable Summer Fashion Choices
“What the fuck are you wearing?”
Roy didn’t even know what to think about what he had just walked in on. He had existed in football changing rooms are all long as he could remember and so had stumbled upon everything you could ever think of stumbling upon in a changing room. But this complete and utter affront to his sensibilities was something brand new and a full different tier of stupid.
“Oh, hey Roy,” Keeley chirped up from where she was reclined in the corner on her phone.
“What the fuck is he wearing?” Roy turned to Keeley to try and get an answer through the giggles of the assembled greyhounds. They were only buckets of popcorn away from this being a real show.
“Um it’s called a shirt Roy,” Jamie scoffed, rolling his eyes as he spun round.
I1 - Travelling - Are We There Yet?
Train strikes derail Jamie's summer plans so he has to find another way to travel the length of the country. Good thing he has a coach that loves him so much and will drop everything to drive him on a 4 hour each way round trip ... what do you mean Roy said no?
I2 - "Thank you" - I am Real and the Pretender Ch1
Roy knows that Jamie Tartt is a prick. Deep down he has accepted that Jamie Tartt is a prick. So why is the fact that Jamie is good with children causing something to happen with his feeling
5 times Prick Jamie was good with children and 1 time Roy kissed him for it
Ch1 - Roy is pursued by a toddler and is rescued by surprise baby sitter Jamie Tartt
I3 - Free - It's Not Lost, You Just Don't Know Where It's Gone
Roy and Jamie go cycling again when Roy is struggling with his feelings. Their chat turns to nostalgia and thinking about that ghost fire. Roy tells Jamie about the blanket he regrets burning ... which puts Jamie in an awkward situation for many reasons. 1) Jamie didn't burn the boots his mum gave him 2) And he just lied to Roy about that 3) Roy's blanket didn't burn either 4) And he's just lied to Roy about that as well
I4 - Phoebe - Monopoly Warfare
An innocent game night turns into a game of extortion, slight of hand, stamina, sleep deprivation and potential avunculicide
aka. Monopoly makes it onto the banned games list in the Kent-Tartt household
I5 - Competition - Suspension of Duties
Roy hasn't needed to have a wank on his own in months with Jamie around but with Jamie out at a sponsor party and nothing to do to entertain himself ... what else was a man to do? What he didn't expect was this to lead to Jamie finding Roy with his pants around his knees, sprawled on the living room settee, with his hand around his cock and Jamie’s season of Lust Conquers All on the TV.
C1 - Sam Obisanya
C2 - Touch Starved - Everytime We Touch
Roy woke up feeling like death and calls his sister to get him to hospital. Jamie woke up feeling like death but keeps trucking and goes to work.
Neither of them even considered that their matching pains could be anything to do with the vanilla vodka from the night before. But that one decision of Roy's, to drink Jamie's drink, leaves them both trapped together for the next two weeks.
C3 - Music
C4 - Because I love you" - Plum and Cherry
Ted wants Roy to come and coach Richmond but he doesn't anticipate the prospective coach's new relationship to be the sticking problem in getting the contract signed
C5 - 4:00
K1 - Much Needed Hug
K2 - Soulmates AU
K3 - Insomnia - One Step Out of Time
Jamie thought he was rebuilding a relationship with his father. He thought he would be fine when James Tartt Sr was back out into the world as a free sober man. Jamie was wrong on all counts. Now Jamie can't sleep no matter what he tries and why is Roy being so goddamn nice to him all of a sudden?
Jamie explores his relationship with his father, his relationship with his Roy and his relationship with the concept of a relationship all while trying to hold onto his own sanity
K4 - Sharing Clothes - What's Yours is Mine
Jamie knew the power he wielded over Roy. Roy had sculpted Jamie's body and loved to see the impact he had on the other man's physique.
Roy didn't know the power he wielded over Jamie until he tried on one of Jamie's jumpers and let's just say ... Jamie is a fan.
K5 - Pool Day
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perioddramapolls · 7 months
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Period dramas dresses tournament: Grey/Silver dresses Round 2- Group B: Princess Darya Oblonskaya, Anna Karenina vs Ann Walker, Gentleman Jack (gifset)
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storyweaverofgondor · 5 months
Did i ever share my funny 'Rex finds out Luke's Anakin kid and reunites with R2' idea? (I can't find it if i did so here you go)
Basically the idea is that Rex attends a rebel briefing or meeting and Luke, Leia and Artoo are there. Rex sees Luke with Anakin's lightsaber, sees Leia who looks jarringly like Padme and Anakin and puts two and two together and starts having a mimed conversation with R2 so as not to interrupt the meeting and R2 ends up miming out the whole last half of RotS for him while Rex loses his mind in hilarious, silent fashion like that Doctor Who scene.
Completely silent conversation:
Rex: *Sees R2 from across the room* Exaggerated surprise and pointing to mime 'You!'
R2: *waves a greeting with one mech arm*
Rex: *points are distracted Luke and Leia's backs with a questioning expression* 'Are they-?' *vague gestures* 'Anakin and Padme's-?'
R2: *bluntly and exasperated* 'Yes!'
Rex: *Shock and disbelief because he remembers the Jedi Code very well* 'And they don't know?!' *incredulous hand gestures* 'it's so obvious!'
R2: *frustrated robotic arm waving* 'I know! Everyone is an idiot!'
Rex: *questioning gestures* 'How do they not know they're related?!'
R2: *gestures with Mech arms* 'so there's a funny story about that. . .'
*Several minutes lates*
Hera: Uh, Captain Rex? Are you alright?
Rex, on his knees facepalming repeatedly and sobbing as R2 nonsensically mimes out the RotS Kenobi vs Anakin fight from across the room: Fine, ma'am. Absolutely fine.
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crochetedblorbos · 6 months
"Well, hearts are what I do."
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Character Name: Azu
Fandom: Rusty Quill Gaming [Podcast]
Played By: Helen Gould
Yarn Used: Skin: Loops & Threads Cozy Wool - Chocolate Shoes/Trousers/Armor: Loops & Threads Cozy Wool - Petal Pink Armor Contrast: Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick - Rouge Eyes - CraftSmart Value - Coffee Mouth - CraftSmart Value - White Cloak - Loops & Threads Facets - Coastal
Basic pattern here.
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Canonically, I know Azu isn’t actually that much bigger than a human - her height is given as 6’6” in the finale before she activates her armor and doubles in height - but she’s got a big personality, so I wanted her to be bigger. Hence why I used a much thicker yarn for her. That being said, I actually went down a couple hook sizes from what the label said to use (it claims I should be using a 10mm/US 15 hook, but I did the foundation chain with a 9mm hook and then started crocheting with an 8mm, and it worked a lot better). Other ways Azu alters from the base pattern are as follows:
Shoes: The most fashionable of pink boots! Like most of the other blorbos, I made Azu’s shoes all one color, but in my defense, this yarn was only available in one shade of pink. To give her boots, I worked the pattern as normal up until row 11, then: R12: Ch 2, hdc in back loops of each sc around, sl st in first hdc (15 hdc). R13: Ch 1, dc in front loops of R11 around, sl st in first dc (15 dc). R14: Ch 1, hdc in each hdc from R12 around, sl st in first hdc (15 hdc).
Trousers: I didn’t really do anything special with Azu’s pants/leggings/whatever the heck she wears between her boots and her agile half-plate, but I did stop a row earlier than in the basic pattern because reasons, so the body starts at R29 instead of R28. Basically, take away R29 and the pattern is the same as the base from R15-34.
Armor: I wanted to give Azu a little bit of a waist, and also put a kind of decoration at the bottom of the armor (not exactly a skirt or kilt, but something like that), but also kind of emphasize that she had broad shoulders. I probably made this a bit more complicated than I needed to, but: R35: Ch 1, sc in front loops of each sc around, sl st in first sc. Without doing a chain st for height, sc in back loops of each sc in R34 around, sl st in first sc in back row (38 sc). R36: Ch 2, hdc in back loop of front sc and front loop of back sc around, sl st in first hdc (38hdc). R37-40: Continue as in base pattern. R41: Ch 1, inv dec five times, sc in next 8 st, inv dec 6 times, sc in next 8 st, sl st in first st (27 sc). R42: Ch 1, [sc in first 2 st, 2sc in next st] 9 times around, sl st in first sc (36 sc). R43-50: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (36 sc). R51: Switch to skin color. Ch 1, [sc in first 2 st, inv dec] 9 times around, sl st in first sc (27 sc). Continue remainder of pattern as in base pattern. After completing her body (actually after completing literally everything else), I added on the decoration by joining the armor contrast color (Wool-Ease Thick & Quick - Rouge) to the loops standing out from R35, and then: R1: Ch 3, dc in front loop of each st around, sl st in first dc (38 dc). R2: Ch 1, [sc in next st, ch 3, skip next st, tc in next st, ch 3, skip next st, sc in next st] around, sl st into first sc.
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Head: I embroidered Azu’s eyes with some of the regular yarn, partly because I didn’t have safety eyes big enough and partly because I forgot to put them on before I finished. For her mouth, I crocheted the single fang (she broke the other one in the battle with the Lads and Blokes) by ch 3, turn, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next st, ch 1, turn, inv dec, and then sewed it in place and embroidered the rest of the mouth. The ears were made as follows: R1: Leaving long tail, ch 7, turn, sc in second ch from hook, sc in each ch, turn (6 sc). R2: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc in next 2 st, sc2tog, turn (4 sc). R3: Ch 1, sc, sc2tog, sc, turn (3 sc). R4: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn (3 sc). R5: Ch 1, sc2tog, insert hook into same sc, sc2tog, turn (2 sc). R6: Ch 1, sc2tog, turn (1 sc). R7: Ch 1, sc, bind off (1 sc). Stitch ears to either side of head using long tail. (I ended up getting them uneven, but I think it works for her.)
Arms: Pro tip for any yarncrafters starting or plotting a project: If the yarn you’re buying is on clearance, buy all of the yarn that is available. I realized when I got to her arms that I only had a little bit of the pink yarn left over, not enough for full sleeves, and I thought I had another ball but I didn’t…and Loops & Threads Cozy Wool was discontinued before I ever started Azu, let alone before I finished her. Thank God for yarnconverter.com, which helpfully provided me with the knowledge that Wool-Ease Thick & Quick had the exact same gauge. I used the Cozy Wool for Azu’s gauntlets. Pattern worked as normal up through R7, and then: R8: Ch 1, sc in first 9 st. Join armor yarn, fpdc around next 6 st in R6, join with sl st (9 sc, 6 fpdc). R9: Ch 1 using skin yarn, (sc in next 2 st, inv dec) 3 times, switch to armor yarn, (sc in next 2 st, inv dec) 2 times, join with sl st (12 sc). R10: Ch 1, sc in back loops of first 6 st, sc in next 6 st, join with sl st (12sc). R11-13: Continue as normal. R14: Switch to skin yarn. Ch 1, sc in front loops of each st around, join with sl st (12 sc). R15-18: Continue as normal. R19: Switch to armor contrast color. Ch 1, sc in back loop of each st around, join with sl st (12 sc). R20-25: Continue as normal.
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Cloak: The official art on the shirts has Azu with a cloak, so I made her one. (Admittedly, I also did it because I saw the yarn at Michael’s, thought it was pretty, and wanted an excuse to make it.) I really didn’t do anything particularly exciting with it, just made more or less a square with a fairly basic wave stitch pattern. When I decided it was long enough, I finished off with a row of sc and stitched three of them on either side directly to her shoulders so the cloak is part of her half-plate. I also edged the entire thing in a slip stitch, less for aesthetic reasons and more because I hadn’t realized how close I was to being done with it when I got to church and needed something to keep my hands occupied during the sermon. I do think it looks nice, though, and I’m going to have to start doing it more often…
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The Clone Wars 4.13 ‘Escape from Kadavo’ Reaction Take 2 
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This scene of the slave camp in the Kadavo mines was brutal. Or at least I’m assuming they're mines of some sort, what with the shovelling of coal and minecarts being pushed around by the enslaved Togruta colonists.
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More Obi-Wan and Rex whump. Aw yisssssssssss 
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I know he’s just been hit with an electro staff but Rex really does look like he’s lounging on the coal pile. It also looks like he's wearing a skirt. I know it's a tunic that's part of the Zygerrian outfit but Rex's legs are looking particularly nice in it. More skirts for clones!
Does Dooku’s space ship have sails? This is reminding me of something but I can’t quite place it. Possibly a different sci-fi story or universe?
How does R2-D2 manage to roll around everywhere without getting spotted or detained?
“Dooku is not my master.” Honey, that is denial.
Anakin just yeeting himself over the edge of the balcony.
How did that Zygerrian not die on impact after being hurled that far off the balcony by Anakin?
“I’m listening.” Dooku is keen for more Obi-Wan despair.
That line from the Zygerrian queen about Obi-Wan’s efforts to help people only hurting them was rough yet also had some element of truth to it. Hmmmm. 
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Poor Obi-Wan looks so sad in the enslaved bunk room that they’ve all been put in. Though the Zygerrian queen is busy monologuing about breaking his spirit at this point, so I suppose that makes sense.
Dooku has so much sass. It must be a disaster lineage thing.
The music in this episode was just fantastic. The music in The Clone Wars, and The Bad Batch, has been consistently excellent and the Kiner’s have done an amazing job. But this episode was even another step up on top of that. The fantastical theme that’s playing in the background as Anakin frees Ahsoka by lifting up her cage really elevated (heh) the moment.
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Ahsoka just casually using the Force to break off her slave collar like it’s nothing.
A betrayal by your most faithful servant? Who would’ve thought!
The soap opera-espe way the Zygerrian queen screamed and threw her space martini on the floor was hilariously over the top.
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Did Anakin really just walk into a confrontation with Dooku without a lightsaber? Or did he think he’d just be able to magically get it from the Zygerrian queen without Dooku noticing? More of the famed ‘no plan’ approach from Anakin.
“I see the queen has given you a long leash.” ahahahaha the snark.
Anakin just yeeting himself backwards through a giant glass window.
Yes, you’re also a slave. Took you long enough to realise it.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the “I’m no Jedi” moment has arrived!
More excellent Obi-Wan and Rex whump. Yassssssssss
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There’s just something about Rex on his knees. Mmmmmmmm.
“Still afraid to get your hands dirty.” CACKLING
Wow, they did not hesitate to blow up the Zygerrian ship that Anakin and Ahsoka arrived on Kadavo in. Instantly started blasting.
“We’ll get through the old fashioned way.” Rip that door.
Rex looks so pissed at Dooku.
Ow, poor R2 getting blasted in the foot.
Anakin is absolutely not listening to Obi-Wan here, and for once that’s probably a good thing. His line about “I’ve had enough bargaining with slave drivers.” makes it pretty clear that he’s done with all of this.
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“Who said I was alone?” which leads us to...
What a fanfare for their arrival. That is definitely a ‘the heroes have arrived to save the day’ moment.
Hey Warthog!
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“About time.” Rex is ready to kick some arse.
Even Plo’s fighter is painted in the Wolf Pack pattern. Buir loves his sons very much.
Anakin just casually booting in a giant circle of metal like it’s nothing.
“We’ll need a bigger ship.” something something Jaws reference
Ok, I swear I have seen Obi-Wan use the same manoeuvre that Anakin just used that finishes with stabbing the enemy behind you while facing away from them. It feels awfully familiar. Seeing as Anakin was Obi-Wan’s padawan, it makes sense that Anakin would use some of the same fighting styles and movements as Obi-Wan, even though they ended up specialising in different lightsaber fighting forms. 
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What an absolutely badass move by Plo. Getting R7 to cut the engines to tumble backwards behind the enemy so that he could take them out from behind. 
Fuck that blast shot from the canon just hit the clone flying that LAAT/i in the head. That was brutal.
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Yas Rex, beat the shit out of that Zygerrian slaver!
Well that’s not gone well.
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Omg that’s the moment Rex stabs the first Zygerrian slaver with his own electro staff. He just whirls around and stabs him with the Zygerrian slaver behind him. Also, the look afterwards. That glare. I am on the floor. 
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Rex fighting that Zygerrian slaver is just So. Damn. Hot. And then he headbutts him with the most perfect keldabe kiss. And then the way he just stands there afterwards and gets a hero pose with the camera framing him from below. Sir. Please. Have mercy. 
The music is so good here. It’s really heightening everything and taking it all up a notch. Several notches even.
Ahsoka just magically knowing how to open the doors to the enslaved Togruta colonists. Blah blah movie magic blah blee yes I know.
Anakin looked so disgruntled at the canons having ray shields. Not worried. Like it was an irritation. How dare the canons ruin my fun with ray shields. Booooo.
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Finally get a good look at Wolffe’s bucket and he’s got 3 gold rectangles above his left eye, which isn’t the one he lost to Ventress. He’s also got funny looking spikey shapes beneath the lower split of his visor. Are those supposed to be fangs Wolffe? Oh, and there’s some triangles along the sides as well, under what passes for cheekbones on his bucket. His visor is also narrower than the other clones. It’s got a raised white lining around the outside. I wonder what that’s for. It's a different shape too.
Hello to the other two Wolf Pack clones in the background. I don’t think I’ve seen the marking of the one on the left but his helmet looks cool. The markings kind of look similar-ish to the Rishi eel on Fives’ bucket. Maybe this is Comet? Just checked Wookieepedia and yup, it's Comet. Hi Comet! I wonder what the design on his bucket is. Does anyone know?
The other Wolf Pack clone looks pretty standard apart from the grey lower sections of his bucket (which Wolffe also has) so I’m going to go with this being Sinker based on what I could see of their armour paint in 4.5 ‘Mercy Mission’.
Admiral Coburn seems about as no nonsense as Wolffe. I can see them getting along fairly well.
I don’t think that cruiser is a Venator. It doesn’t look big enough. Just checked Wookieepedia and it looks more like an Arquitens-class light cruiser.
Omg the “I’m no Jedi” scene has arrived.
“I know a Jedi won’t killed an unarmed man.” Obi-Wan: Have you met my very much not-a-Jedi friend?
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The way Obi-Wan looks over at Rex like he’s the loophole out of this situation. 
Batman baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
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Rex just flings that electro staff like it’s nothing. He impales the Zygerrian slaver through his own chair. This post by @nikolaislanstovs has some fantastic contributions from @thatfunkyopossum, @norcumii and @anundine that break down just how strong Rex is in this scene. That electro staff isn’t pointed. It’s blunt. And Rex still hurls it through the Zygerrian slaver and through the back of his thick chair (that is presumably made of some kind of metal) so the entire head of the electro staff and more is sticking out of the back of the chair. The strength. Sir, please contain yourself. Actually, no. Don’t. Your particular brand of unhinged is perfect. 
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AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA OMG REX. SIR. OMG. You can impale me anytime.
As much as I love this moment, I expected it to be more. It’s another one of those major moments in the lives of the clones that end up being very brief moments in the show. I’ve rambled on about this before, most recently in 4.10 ‘Carnage of Krell’ so I’m going to stop myself before I keep blithering on about the same point.
That Zygerrian slaver and his silly hover chair made a particularly satisfying thunk when they crashed into the screen.
That is a tight fit for the cruiser. Good parking job whichever clone was flying.
Look at the Wolf Pack run along the top of the cruiser!
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Aaaaaaaaaah they’ve got jet packs and Wolffe's kama is flapping behind him and he leaps off the top of the cruiser like a superhero and aaaaaaaaaaaaaah. 
Look at them all leap into the air and fly around! I love them all!
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That’s a squad of 5 from the Wolf Pack. I wonder who they all are. Ok one of them is the clone with the somewhat Rishi eel style paint so I’m just going to run with the idea that it’s Comet. Oh, turns out the triangles on the sides of Wolffe’s bucket look like teeth. We get it Wolffe. You’re a wolf. Bless him. The paint on his vambraces and upper arm armour is also grey and finishes in spikes. Plus I think he has the same 3 gold rectangles above his eye on the other side (so the eye that he did lose to Ventress). He’s also got a tiny upside down red triangle in the middle of the forehead of his bucket. Fives had the same one. I wonder if this means something, or is supposed to denote something. Is this an ARC trooper thing? Wookieepedia doesn’t list Wolffe as an ARC but he’s got a kama so I’m going to go with the theory that he is one. 
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Ahsoka saving the falling Togruta colonist by catching them physically and with the Force. More canonical evidence for my Tech is saved by a Jedi headcanon. 
How are the Togruta colonists not shredding their hands sliding down the cables?
Wolf Pack clones saving the other falling Togruta colonists by catching them using their jet packs! More canonical evidence for the Tech saves himself with the secret jetpack he’s made in his pack headcanon.
The Wolf Pack clone that saved the Togruta with long montrals had grey paint on the bottom section of their bucket so let’s assume that’s Sinker.
“That’s everyone. We have to go. The facility’s breaking up.” He’s so gruff and no nonsense and grumpy. I love Wolffe so much.
The music is so grand and triumphant here. It’s been so damn good this whole episode. 
Obi-Wan looking like an absolute wreck. Man keeps loosing robes in more ways than one. At least Cody doesn’t have to pick it up off the battlefield this time.
“Surviving this will only strengthen the people.” Hmmmmm. That’s not always the case. Speaking from personal experience here. What doesn’t kill you doesn’t always make you stronger.
You can see Plo, Anakin, Rex, Obi-Wan and Wolffe standing in the background having a conversation. I can just picture Wolffe giving Rex so much shit for his Zygerrian outfit. The commander's group chat is going to have a field day after this. There’s going to be so much ribbing.
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storm-breaker7 · 2 years
• Code name: TANGO •
Pairing: Rex X Reader X Fives
Summary: Being one of the best pilots you gain the attention of the republic. You become a getaway driver for the 501st battalion but when an assignment is given to Anakin, you find yourself between a rock and a hard place.
Warnings: Swearing, A creepy perverted fat dude (yea. It's a warning in itself), Fem reader, Very spicy (I may continue if I have modivation)
A/n: Sorry this took so long but holy water and grass for 50 cents 😅 (The sins I have committed in this one fanfic is scarry 💀🔥) please lemme know if you want the extended version- this has been in my drafts for way to long tho so it's outta here.
Edit: Help why are so many ppl liking this post. I really thought this would be a major flop. Why is this even past 10 likes 💀💀💀
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I groaned, "This slagger won't fucking work!" Grumbling to myself how nice it would be if R2 showed up to help. This ship is as stubborn as me, and it's getting annoying. My comm buzzed and I picked it up after I had let out a string of course words. "Yea?" I asked into the comm,
"We have a new assignment, we need you for this one so be up at the bridge. Were starting in 10 minutes." General Skywalker explained over the comm.
"Be there in a shake, General" I told him and ended the call before he could argue again how I don't have to call him general. I left the tools on the floor and went to clean myself up. I could hear footsteps coming down the hall behind me but I continued on, I'm being paranoid.
"Hey Tango!" I heard Fives call,
"You do know you only have to call me that on missions?" I called over my shoulder as I continued down the hall. Fives jogged up next to me and started to walk backward so he could face me.
"Come on, You know I know you love it when I call you that" He pointed at me and himself boldly, I only hummed and gave him a side glance that, to put it simply, said 'Sureee'.
"Whatever floats your boat Fives" I say before stopping at my door and punching in the code. "Cya later" I wave at him as I closed the door, chuckling quietly when you heard his pleas for you to let him in.
I walked into my personal bathroom and washed my hands from the grease quickly. I looked into the mirror and tried scrubbing away some grease off my cheek and forehead. I sighed and gave my face a little splash.
Then I walked back out and pulled my shirt off. I pulled a half decent shirt on and walked back out again. If I'm right I have about 4 minutes to get to the bridge.
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I heaved out breaths and slowed in front of the bridge doors. I took a deep breath, fixed my ruffled hair and walked in still huffing lightly. "For a second I thought you weren't coming Y/n." Ashoka joked and I only smiled at her,
"You know me," I started and she joined in saying a phrase that went back between us both, "Fashionably late is just my/your style" We both laughed before getting back on topic, General Skywalker was waiting with a small smile on his face. A hologram near where the General was standing had a human male that was the definition of fat rolls, Don't make me throw up breakfast.
"Alright. We have been given intel that this mob boss, here," Anakin gestured to the hologram, "Is selling black market goods to the separatist. We either were going to get Ashoka or Y/n to be the distraction while Me, Rex and Fives sneak into here, his storage shed at these docks. We only need enough time to slip in, get evidence and slip out" Anakin gestured to another hologram that popped up, Anakin gulped and sucked a breath in, "So... Who's the distraction?"
I cut in immediately, "I'll go, Ashoka is too young to be trying to get an ugly mug that to touch her." I stated quickly placing my hand on Ashokas shoulder.
"She has a point, General. N-not that I want her to touch... That" Fives stumbled over his words as he explained himself. Anakin shook his head,
"We can do it another way-"
"Anakin." I walked up and patted his shoulder, "Just tell me for how long and I'll do it. I don't want anyone touching her, being the age she is."
Anakin huffed, a war raging behind his eyes, "Fine. But if I say get out of there, I mean it. No risking it."
"You got it, General." I smiled at him, "I've gotta dress the part though don't I?"
"How many times must I tell you? I'm tired of telling you? Just Anakin is fine" He huffed out a sad laugh and glanced away, "But yea, I'll get Ashoka to take the dress to your room. Be ready by 1930 hours and meet at the ship you were just working on. It's going down tonight, the council wants no delay." Anakin glanced back and sighed waving me away and worked on the plan with Rex. Me and Ashoka walked out of the bridge and down the endless halls.
I noticed Fives and Rex exchange glances multiple times throughout that whole thing... Maybe they were just worried about me. I zoned out of my daze when Ashoka tapped my shoulder, "Sorry what?" I asked, glancing down at her quickly.
"Go to your room and I'll grab the dress for ya" Ashoka repeated with a smile, I nodded and returned it. Ashoka parted off down another hall and I continued on down to my quarters. It was a good few minutes before I got to my room and I took the extra time I had to take a quick shower.
I turned the water off, missing its warmth already now that the cold air replaced it. A knock at my door sounded and I raised a brow as I peeked my head threw the bathroom door into my bedroom. "The door is open Ashoka! What are you waiting for?"
"Uhm.. what?" I heard Fives say,
"Goddamn it Fives. I have to go soon and aren't you meant to be getting debriefed right now?" I called back keeping my body in the bathroom, just in case.
"It's finished, Y/n, Ashoka told us Skywalker needed her help so she got me to take your dress.... And Fives just tagged along." Rex explained and I mentally cursed, Just had to be those two-
"Hey it's alright. Uhm I'm still finishing up in my bathroom so just put it on my bed, if that's not a problem" I said closing the bathroom door and started pacing in the bathroom waiting for them to leave my dress so I can get dressed.
The door opened with a hiss and I heard their light footsteps walk in then out again and the door hissed closed. I sighed as I walked out of the bathroom, then called out, "Thanks boys! Appreciate it!" A small call back from Fives was all I could hear and It made me smile lightly.
I walked to my bed that was in the corner of the room. I smiled as I picked up the dress. The beautiful royal blue silk cascaded down like a waterfall. At least I got to stay in our colours, I thought to myself.
I pulled the towel off and dried myself before slipping it on. I grimaced, "God fucking damnit" Was all I managed. The dress I had on had large slits on the side that let everyone have a nice view of my thighs, but thankfully covered up everything else.
I sighed but continued on, grabbing black high heels and putting on a black leather bracelet, it's my comm system. I brushed my hair quickly before grabbing my heels and running out barefoot. I have to make it in time.
By now I had run past many clones that may have or almost passed out, I was concerned but I kept runnin', I can't be late again. I ran smack into the doors because I forgot to open them but I quickly recovered and opened it, walking through. I cursed to myself and made my way over to the ship I was working on not 45 minutes ago. It's fine I was only fixing some small things.
"I sure hope I'm not late guys. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Late both... Times... ...uhm.. Why are you all looking at me like that?" I slowed down to a stop and shook the heels in my hand lighty. I was getting real nervous, this silence was stretching out forever. "Does it not look good-? I don't really have time to chan-"
"No, nono no. You look great. Really great." Fives waved his hands around, "Were just.... Stunned.."
"Uh-huh.... Well come on we don't have all night. Can't be dreaming about me, we got a mission to complete" I joked and stepped into the ship and waved everyone else in, "I thought I was late, Come on"
Ashoka had a mischievous grin on her face and I could hear the General whisper yelling 'no' repeatedly. Rexs' face was red and priceless and Fives suddenly found the floor interesting. The general and commander walked in with Rex and Fives close behind. I walked into the cockpit and started the small-ish ship up.
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The ear piece was uncomfortable but I dealt with it in the end. We had split off earlier, me and Ashoka were dropped near the club and the others went off to the dock. Ashoka was only meant to be in the club and somewhere close to me for back up, and when I mean back up I mean if someone pulls a blaster on me she can help.
I walked in with a sway, god I hate heels, and made my way over to the bar. "Where is he?" I asked Ashoka, but quietly because the boys and us shared this comm frequency.
"To your right. In the corner with Twi'leks all over him." Ashoka whispered back.
"Got it, Thanks" I whispered before setting off toward the Mob boss. I could hear Anakin and Ashoka lightly arguing in my ear piece but I ignored them and stalked over to the target.
He got up and practically brushed off all the Twi'leks he had gathered and started walking away, Something must be up I thought. I put my path on his and 'accidentally' ran into him. God has he ever heard of a breath mint?
He looked me up and down like a creep. "What's a pretty girl like you doing in this part of town?" He drunkenly slurred, tracing a finger down my arm.
I grimaced but continued to do my job, "You first" I purred, trying my best to think of how much I saved Ashoka from doing this.
"Well if you want to follow me, I'll show you enough" His words were still slurred as he leaned forward.
"Well I'd have to turn that offer down. I'm only here for a drink." I thanked the maker I was a good lair because it came in handy at times like these.
"Just a drink, dressed in this?" He asked, fiddling with the front part of the silky dress.
I heard Anakin and Rex bark something in my ear and it didn't sound good. The target turned away a tad and checked his comm that was buried deep in a pocket, somewhere where I wasn't going to bother looking.
I forced my best smirk on and turned and walked away from bar and his 'hideout' altogether, hoping like hell he'd follow.
"Playing hard to get, huh? Two can play at that game" He growled as he caught up, pushing past people trying to catch up to me. I gulped and kept walking.
"We've got it. Get out of there Tango. Now." Anakin whisper yelled over the ear piece.
"Alright." I responded with before I whipped around and let my fist fly to his face. "Whoops my bad, my hand slipped" I growled and stormed off leaving him a wheezing heap on the floor.
I burst out the bar and pulled my heels off. I sat down on a random bench nearby and sighed a relief. Thank the maker I'm out of that mess.
Getting back up again proved to be a hard thing to do after getting hit on by a whale, but I did and I continued on to the ship pushing past people. I didn't know nights got this busy here.
When I finally made it back to the rust bucket I was given a big hug by literally everyone. Ashoka first, then the general, and Fives jumped in then Rex after him.
"Yea guys don't worry, I don't need any air today" I joked and they all let go of me a smidge but didn't let go fully.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with that" Ashoka mumbled into my dress. I hugged them back with a small smile growing on my face. "Hey it's alright-" I started,
"No, it wasn't. I could hear everything he said. That chakaaryc got a fist to the face for a reason." Fives growled.
*Translation- Rotten, Lowlife [chah- KAR-eesh]*
"Guys you can let go I'm not going to disappear. Come on we have to get back to the cruiser." I suggested, lightly tapping Anakins' shoulder and Rexs' back. They all slowly detached from me and looked around guiltily. I shook my head and smiled as I walked up the ramp and into the cockpit.
Once everyone was in, I took of back toward the republic cruiser. Tonight was not so great, let's just hope that dinner will be better.
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I landed the old rust bucket in the hanger then stepped out of the cockpit. I followed the others out and saw R2 frantically coming over here. He zoomed straight past Anakin, who was going to pat him like a puppy, and continued over to me.
R2 skidded to a stop in front of me then bumped my leg. I smiled and patted him, "What's up with you?" I asked and kneeled down to be eye level with R2.
"Traitor" Anakin called jokingly but continued off to report the mission to the council. I smiled and patted R2 once again before standing to my full height. I started to walk but stopped and turned back to R2 when he beeped up a storm.
"Don't tell me you came here just to say sorry about not helping R2." I shot back, He beeped a reply and I scoffed dramatically, "R2, I swear one day you are going to get decommissioned because of how sassy you are"
He beeped then followed after me as I walked off. We chatted on my way to my quarters then went off by his lonesome once I had gone into my quarters.
I placed my shoes down and pulled my jewelry off. Just as I was about to pull my dress off a knock sounded at my door. "Yea?" I called, flattening my dress out and walking over to the door. A few more furious knocks later and I opened the door. Fives came tumbling with Rex close behind, their blacks were hugging them tight and I gulped.
I closed the door and rolled my eyes, "What have you two done now? You can't keep hiding here whenever you start something." Fives sighed and Rex huffed,
"Fives decided it would be a great idea to start a-... Why are you still in your dress?" Rex gestured at me and I only frowned.
"I was just about to take it off when you two barged in" I grumbled and stalked over to the baggy shirt and some skinny jeans.
"Wait- Hold on a damn minute" Fives held his hand up. I put the clothes back on top of the dresser and turned to the two boys. "We have managed to find something we can share."
"I'm interested... I gotta see it" I grinned and waved my hands around.
"Well... If you insist.." Rex and Fives glanced at each other before walking up to me. I raised my brow at Fives as he circled around behind me and Rex walked straight up to me.
I swallowed thickly and froze. Fives started tracing patterns on my hip and they had both pressed themselves against me. My hands stayed strictly at my side though because I had some good bad ideas.
Fives leaned in and whispered into my ear from behind me, "Found it"
I'm half mad and half thankful at myself right now... And I'm not sure which one takes the cake. I thought as my eyes carefully watched Rex and Fives. I gave a curt nod, and Fives shot up to attack my neck. Me and Rex met halfway and he eased into the kiss.
I could feel Rex and Fives' hands roam trying to carefully yank the silky blue dress off me. The dress fell with a light thud and they both pulled away.
I felt their eyes drag down my body and I shifted uncomfortably under their gaze. Rex rested his hands on my hips and Fives leaned in whispering a small few words of approval, "Hotter than I expected, Cyar'ika"
I smiled back at him as I felt his hands slither up my back toward my bra and unclasped it, slipping it off. Rex let out a strangled groan as my bra joined the dress on the floor.
I turned around to Fives and smirked, "You both better start, I'm feeling a little left out here"
They both started to yank their blacks off and I pulled my underwear off leaving it in the pile of my clothes. I leaned back against the wall and watched the show unravel.
I let out a heavy and shakey breath as they both finished and threw their blacks somewhere else in the room. "You alright with us doing this mesh'la?" Rex asked as he and Fives guided me toward my bed.
Fives sat at the edge of the bed waiting just as I replied, "Do your worst"
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