#R slur
spot-the-ableism · 1 day
just was made very uncomfortable with the use of the r-slur (especially as an autistic person)
“The R-word, also known as the R-slur, is a hurtful term that remains prevalent throughout social media, according to a Kantar Social Listening study. The research shows that when social media users are posting about people with intellectual disabilities, 7 in every 10 of those posts are negative, and 6 in 10 contain a slur.  The R-word is a form of hate speech that stands for “retard,” “retarded,” or other offensive words ending in “-tard.” While “mental retardation” was originally introduced as a medical term in 1961 for people with intellectual disabilities, in the decades since, the R-word has become an insult used all too commonly in everyday language. Those who use the R-word often do so with little regard for the pain it causes people with intellectual disabilities—and the exclusion it perpetuates in our society.” -source
there’s not exactly any perfect resource I can point to that explains everything correctly so I will explain, since I will be @‘ing homo with this information I genuinely do think it’s that because their first language is not English they probably don’t know about the reason why people are upset, so I am using the benefit of the doubt.
“Retard”, “retarded”, “retardation” and “retardant” are all words that mean to slow or delay something. It’s originally a French-ish word.
there are many different contexts that the word is used, not all times is it a slur.
But the reason it is, is due to almost a hundred plus years of systemic abuses to intellectually disabled people, epileptics, people with learning disabilities and people with autism and schizophrenia.
for almost a 100 plus years people were sent to institutions or asylums to live out the rest of their lives abused or dying, many many people died in those institutions.
they were diagnosed with “mental retardation” which is actually an umbrella term for all sorts of mental and neurological disabilities, many people with Down’s syndrome, facial deformities and differences, people without the use of their vocal cords and more were also treated in these asylums and institutions and were among the many effected by the rampant systemic ableism and eugenics of the time.
there is this idea that asylums and institutions are not bad, when in reality it’s been almost 200-300 years of them and you can have families and friends and people who wrote books about it and they’ll tell you what it is. Hell.
so why did I give you that context?
well the reason “retarded” or “retard” is a slur is because of those institutions and asylums treatment of people they called the R slur.
their autonomy was taken away, they had no rights, anyone calling out the abuses of institutions were for a long time also penalised, and the eugenics of the time had swayed way too many peoples opinions of the rights of the neurodevlopmentally disabled.
over time things got better and the eugenics of it all started to be penalised, but the fact remains that the r slur is incredibly hurtful and harmful to people still to this day.
there is generational trauma that comes with being neurodevlopmentally disabled or having intellectual disability.
so a lot of people are very insulted and upset at the usage of the word as a slur to insult or belittle others.
I hope that makes sense to you @homochadensistm
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bloodanddiscoballs · 5 months
The thing about the r slur is that people who are using it again are indeed using it as a slur. This isn't a word that is being reclaimed. This is a word that is once again being used 100% as a slur. You're being a bigot if you're using it against others. Straight up. There isn't another argument to be made. Knock it tf off.
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nyancrimew · 1 month
i can’t express how much i hate the word “slay”. stop saying it you sound absolutely fucking retarded. if you still say it today aug 14th IN 2024; you need to kill yourself, you are the reason the world has gone to shit faggot.
i think you need to calm down
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cozy2000 · 2 months
Can we please not make fun of people's triggers in fucking 2024 are we not tired of needless cruelty against mentally ill people. "how do you live in real life" Surprise surprise they don't. They're the people you walk past with disgust when they're shaking in fear outside the restaurant. They're the people who scream out loud when a baby cries. They're the people who go into the fetal position in the store if Bohemian Rhapsody starts playing. Maybe if you treated these people with more respect when you saw them in real life, the people you say are tweaking or snicker and mentally note as freaks or retarded, you wouldn't be pushing more of this cruelty on others online
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firefox-official · 1 month
the fact that you are just a retard with a god complex will never make me laugh
is this because i ditched you at the senior prom
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caesarsaladinn · 2 years
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sentences of all time
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txttletale · 9 months
you shouldn't read the fan version with the slurs removed. idk if that's unpopular in general but it's unpopular among the specific social circles i'm in. i just think doing so ends up just lying to you about what homestuck is, which is a very very context-bound snapshot of a specific sort of internet culture where people said retard and faggot a lot. like it just seems like an extension of the "making up a better version of homestuck that exists in your head" project that the mainstream homestuck fandom has been engaged with for like a decade now which i also think is a silly way to engage with art
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weast-of-eden · 9 days
i present: my favorite eric bogosian scenes in netflix’s the get down (2016)
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lezbi0nic · 11 months
The r slur is a nasty, nasty word and I do not understand how so many otherwise progressive people hurl it around like confetti. A lot of yall have zero solidarity with those who are intellectually disabled. You are not ""reclaiming"" it when you use it to insult someone. Be real, you just wanna use it cuz it gives you a little surge of catharsis whenever you are Big Mad. Fuck you.
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6kuros · 2 months
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might delete this later cuz its all doodoo but thought ppl might enjoy magma shtuff with @/underhell69. r slur cw i can reclaim dont worry its not going to be regular thing i just think we popped off w that comic
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jackrabblt · 7 months
Every time someone calls me ableist for using the r slur as an autistic creature, a rabbit gains pawpads againist it's will.
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zebulontheplanet · 4 months
Someone getting upset over me saying in a post that I don’t like the r-slur being used: “this can be said about any slur. Don’t put your opinion on other people”
Me: blocked.
I want to be quite frankly clear, I don’t give a flying fuck about your opinion on the r-slur if you aren’t intellectually disabled, and even then, I don’t really give a fuck either.
The r-slur has been used to dehumanize intellectually disabled people and severely developmentally disabled people for decades. For you to ignore that, is just you wallowing in your own ignorance. If you don’t give a fuck then fine, but don’t get upset when I get upset. I’m an intellectually disabled adult. I’m allowed to have my opinion. So sit down and shut the fuck up.
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despazito · 9 days
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robotleech · 4 months
i can't begin to express how ashamed i am by how funny this clip is. this isn't even including the following bit of simmons just yelling while firing the warthog gun at a rock in the background of the reds' dialogue.
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svetzzi · 9 months
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starving elephant
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communistkenobi · 10 months
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can you guys like pay attention to the op of popular meme posts. i know sometimes meme aggregator accounts are subtle but this has a slur in the url
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