#Qwuilleran watches TV drunk and tries to do meta
My superpower is watching the CR cast role dice and being pretty good at guessing near or at what they get (with bonuses)
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qwuilleran · 10 months
Bring back rebloggable ads. I desperately want to make fun of the way word choice can be interpreted, while retaining a link to the original content because "site your sources" and so they know.
Yes, maple syrup is delicious. I want to eat this.... candle.
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fatherleftus · 4 years
Theory: "the series finale is a love letter to the fans"
Reality: The series finale was a big eff-yew to the fans, but also a gift. "You like writing fix-it fic so much? Here. Fix this!" *throws another wad of flaming garbage at 2020*
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qwuilleran · 2 years
RE [that post about] the older couple who met through an accidental email, met for a business meeting and she broke up with her partner the next day
Those kinds of stories are cute and demonstrate serendipity and that love has no season,
But people who are in closed monogamous relationships who are unfaithful in their heart never sit right with me. Who is to say they won't do the same to you?
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qwuilleran · 4 years
Tumblr beat a virus before the U.S. did.
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qwuilleran · 7 years
I think about all my rp characters far too much
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qwuilleran · 5 years
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Companies really be out there like, "Give us access to your name and personally identifiable information AND the name of another person without their consent. You get to play spy and feel justified. We get to keep your info and do whatever we want with it. Win-win 🤞🏼"
And @staff Tumblr supports this underhanded identity theft.
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qwuilleran · 7 years
That feeling when it's late at night and you see something out of the corner of your eye and you pull the covers closer to you so that it'll go away. "You're not wanted here (sorry, not sorry)." A lonely lank sulks in its shattered esteem somewhere just beyond the edge of the woods.
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Rewatching Episode 23: “The Rematch” and Episode 43: “Return to Vasselheim” for reasons (reason being a refresher on Earthbreaker Groon), and I’m all *heart eyes* and geeking out because we’re gonna get a rematch in episode 85?? Around the two hour mark they start talking about Groon, Dawn Marshal of the Braving Grounds, and High Cleric of the Church of Kord. I had forgotten that Groon was the leader of a “religious” order. This is going to be so important for Grog to speak to Groon again and show him what he’s learned, especially in the wake of Scanlan’s resurrection. Grog was having an identity crisis, thinking himself unworthy to enter a temple. Just as families can be more than just blood relatives, religion can be more than a convoluted dusty notion of ancient tomes and chanting. ~ Side note: This is also the episode where we meet VICTOR! Comedy gold. And Kynan, too. ~ Guys, I am so excited for this Thursday.
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qwuilleran · 7 years
Ice Skating:
If Ballet decided to join Extreme Sports while drunk. Just strap knives onto your shoes. While it's freezing outside. Oh, and go dance on ice. Bonus points if there's liquid water underneath.
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qwuilleran · 6 years
I'm gonna write a memoir, but instead of calling it "You're never weird on the internet," I'll call it "You're never real on the internet"
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qwuilleran · 6 years
What if I get treatment for my depression but instead of having more energy I find out that I really am just a lazy person
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rashnorkthings replied to your quote
“He has a silver helmet that shines with many embedded gems, including…”
the helmet called a helm of brilliance and is super fucking powerful and expensive
woah~ Thanks for the clarification!
I’m aware that as artificer to the arcane he has access to a whole arsenal of powerful magic items, and that artificers are a rich man’s game.   It was satire. I was playing it off as less than it is because he is the kind of character you love to hate and it is always funny when those characters receive their share of bad luck.
Edit** On the issue of camouflage, do those armors every become worn with age, or are they magically protected from rust and dents?
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fatherleftus · 8 years
Dean: “I don’t want to get turned into a pillar of salt.” God!Chuck: “Actually, I didn’t do that…” ~~~~~~ No, that was the angels. And maybe they thought they were doing what they were supposed to do. Or maybe that was just the ripping of hair and gnashing of teeth of children that were just abandoned by their father taking it out on those under them. All those things in the Old Testament attributed to a cruel and capricious God were just the tantrums of lost children.
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qwuilleran · 10 years
A 1/4 cup in
caffeine sensitivity: confirmed
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