marekmarocroatia · 1 year
Malediwy Egipskie - Hamata Wyspy Qulaan
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french-maestro12 · 2 years
Voyage de noce en Égypte
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La lune de miel est un voyage important dans la vie des jeunes mariés. Elle restera aussi les plus beaux souvenirs qui peuvent être conservés à jamais. Si vous voulez commencer votre vie différetement et incroyable avec votre partenaire , vous pouvez passer votre lune de miel en Égypte. Votre lune de miel en Égypte sera un souvenir inoubliable. Alors , Comment passerez-vous votre lune de miel en Égypte ? Votre lune de miel sera une excursion pleine de plaisir, d’aventure et de joie et vous pouvez visiter de nombreuses destinations touristiques en Égypte. Par ailleurs , vous ferez pratiquer plusieurs activités récréatives pleines d’avanture pour profiter votre lune de miel. Et maintenant , Notre rôle est venu d’énumérer les meilleurs lieux touristiques pour passer la lune de miel en Égypte et et les stations balnéaires les plus importants. Vous pouvez continuer à lire cet article pour découvrir toutes ces informations. 1)Marsa Alam
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C’est une ville touristique et une destination côtière, située à 274 Km au sud de la ville d’Hurghada. Quant aux jeunes mariés, cette ville est l’un des meilleurs endroits pour passer la lune de miel en Égypte parce qu’il comprend beaucoup de monuments naturels , comme la vallée des chameaux “le parc national de Wadi El-Gemal”, île de Hamata , Port Galib , plage de Charm El Luli et d’autres. Dans ces lieux , vous pouvez profiter de la nature fabuleuse , du calme et passer du moment agréable avec votre partenaire.
*Les attractions touristiques à Marsa Alam
Le parc national d’Abu Dabab Bay
La réserve de Samadi ou “la maison des dauphins”
Le Village de Bernice
Le parc national de Wadi El-Qulaan
*Les activités récréatives à Marsa Alam Pour profiter votre lune de miel à Marsa Alam, vous pouvez pratiquer beaucoup d’activités sportives et récréatives, telles que :-
Faire la plongée sous-marine
Faire le Safari
Profiter des excursions en yacht
Nager avec les dauphins
Voir les récifs coralliens
Passer la nuit dans les villégiatures
* Les centres de villégiature pour passer la lune de miel à Marsa
The Three Corners Equinox Beach Resort
Magic Tulip Beach Resort
Laguna Beach Resort
Blue Countryside Resort
2)Ras Shitan à Nuweiba
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Vous pouvez faire une excursion à Ras Shitan , situé au gouvernorat du Sinaï Sud. Dans cette région , il y a des cottages bédouins simples de chaume et des feuilles de palmier sur la plage, surplombant une mer riche en différents types de récifs coralliens et de poissons colorés.
*Les destinations touristiques trouvées à Ras Shitan
Vous pouvez visiter beaucoup de destinations touristiques à Ras Shitan, telles que
la Plage d'Aqaba
 le canyon coloré
Castle Beach
le canyon d’al-Wushwashi
*Que faire à Ras Shitan?
Si vous voulez profiter de votre lune de miel , vous trouverez beaucoup de choses que vous faites à Ras Shitan comme :-
Camper au cœur du désert
Pratiquer la natation et la plongée sous marine
Faire le Safari et assister aux fêtes bédouines
Assister à des barbecues
Profiter de voir les étoiles dans la nuit
Escalader les montagnes
* L’hébergement à Ras Shitan Il n’y a pas de hôtels ou des centres de villégiature , mais il existe d’autres types d’hébergement dans cette région comme les cottages en bois et les tentes installées “Al-Khiam”
3) Fêter votre marriage à Assouan
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Vous pouvez aller à la ville d’Assouan pour profiter de votre lune de miel avec partenaire et pouvez également faire votre mariage sur la terre de l’Égypte, en particulier à Assouan, où vous pouvez célébrer votre mariage différemment. Imaginez que votre mariage sera de style nubien. Votre fête de mariage commence par “Zaffa" et une ambiance pleine de la musique et la danse nubienne.Par ailleurs , vous pouvez visiter beaucoup de sites archéologiques et touristiques trouvés à Assouan comme le temple d’Abou Simbel , le temple Philae , le Haut Barrage , le village nubien et d’autres.
4)Le Caire
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vous pouvez passer votre lune de miel au Caire .Votre lune de miel au Caire est une combinaison de la relaxation ,du calme , de l’aventure et de la romance . Pourquoi passer vos vacances au caire? Parce que le caire comprend beaucoup d’attractions touristiques différentes. Si votre but de visiter le caire est de profiter et de divertir , vous pouvez aller à plusieurs les lieux récréatifs au Caire et pouvez faire les activités de divertissement comme prendre une croisière sur le Nil . Et si votre but de visiter le caire est de faire du tourisme historique , vous pouvez visiter le musée ��gyptien , le musée national de la civilisation égyptienne , les pyramides de Gizeh et prenez un selfie avec votre partenaire en face du Sphinx et d’autres. Pour vivre un moment romantique, prenez une croisière sur le nil ou une felouque pour voir la beauté du Caire.C’est une merveilleuse opportunité pour vous et votre partenaire .
écrit par:Mariam Sameh E-mail:- [email protected] Mobile:-+201001422529 Site: www.egyptonlinetours.com
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qulaan · 7 years
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Q U L A A N   I L O H   :     F e a s t i n g   Y u r t  ( pt. 2 )
The Qulaan Tribe gathers tonight under the (IC) full moon to celebrate Qulasar – a monthly gathering that acts half as a tribal meeting where many announcements are made and matters are brought before to the tribe, and half as a social gathering filled with feasting, drinking, dancing, singing, and general merry-making.
With that in mind, we have redecorated the tribe’s small house in the Goblet to emulate the feel of a traditional yurt as closely as we could manage!
The lower level of the house contains the feasting yurt. The room is headed by a high table where the Khatun and her hunting partner sit in a position of respect and honor. In front of them is a long, lower table for the rest of the tribe. At the center of that table is a raised platform where the Qulaani make offerings to their goddess, Balanai the Huntress. Finally, in the rear of the room lie the cookfire which continues to turn out fresh, hot food and kumis until the appetites of all the hunters are well sated.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Qulaan, please visit the Qulaan Lore Website. We will also be posting a log of the night’s Qulasar in the coming days for those who either missed the meeting, or those who are simply curious! And finally, feel free to drop by Qulaan Iloh to see it in-game in the Goblet, Ward 10, Plot 1!
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sea-and-storm · 7 years
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(Stormblood-related spoilers below the cut.)
The yol let out a soft cry as the Xaela man dismounted from its back, turning its head back expectantly towards him. An armor-covered hand reached out to affectionately run fingers through the raptor's plumage. However brief the gesture, the yol seemed satisfied by it as it let out a low rumble and settled at the cliff's edge.
Its rider, on the other hand, seemed decidedly less at peace as he stepped to the edge and turned his pale jade gaze outwards over the expanse that lie below -- over the settlement of Reunion, where even from such a distance and height he could still see traders milling about the mid-day markets. His brow furrowed and his arms crossed across his chest as he watched, and as his mind began to wander.
Where goes the hunter when his prey has fled and the trail turns cold?
His father had asked him that once after his first lone hunt, when he had been only barely tall and strong enough to draw a bowstring. An easy hunt it was to have been -- a deer for the tribe's supper -- yet still he had failed. His arrow had flew wide and missed and the deer fled. He had spent hours attempting to track it once more, only to finally return to the camp defeated and angry at himself. That was when Oyuun had knelt before him, laying his large hands upon his son's shoulders, and bestowed upon him the lesson. Words that he could still hear to this day, if only he listened carefully enough to his heart.
He returns home, his father had told him. The hunter returns to his home with his head held high, for he is not yet defeated. He rests, he gathers his strength, he trains, he learns, and -- above all else -- he humbles himself before the Huntress and prays for Her guidance and blessing.
That advice had taken root in his heart, nurtured through years and years of his own hard work and dedication. It flourished through the steadfast support of his father. It was tested and proven true time and time again, with each and every trial and Hunt laid before him, until he too was a grown man and a proven hunter-warrior in his own right.
Those days seemed so far gone, a distant and dreamlike memory that was often too raw and painful to touch without recoiling as one would upon touching a flame. Ten years.. It had been a full decade since everything had changed, ripping the world he had known his entire life out from under him. Since it felt as if his own heart had been pulled still beating from his chest when his younger sister's lifeless body was brought back to the camp, conjuring a grief so strong that it had driven even his own wise father to pursue foolish revenge.
He was a different man now than that which he had been on that day, changed by ten years of near-constant solitude. It had become hard for even him -- once the son of the khan himself -- to remember what it felt like to be a part of a tribe. His people and his family were slain. There were no more rituals and rites and celebrations. Though he would ever remember the words of their songs, he could not bear to sing them aloud any longer.
The only thing that had remained to him that connected him to his people was the Hunt. Yet no longer did he stalk the land in search of formidable beasts. Rather, his quarry had shifted considerably -- to Imperials. If only he could claim that his motives had been wholly pure, that he had only sought to bring glory and justice to the Huntress to those who had slaughtered her children. Even that pureness in purpose had been lost to him. What had driven him for the better part of the last ten years had not been spiritual, but a deep and burning thirst for revenge against those who had taken everything from him.
Arukh Ironbane had long since lost his way, though he had remained stubbornly ignorant of such for as long as he could. With his own personal Hunt neverending so long as the Imperials continued to blight the land, he had had little time to question it. Yet now Yanxia had been liberated and the Empire's soldiers had been largely driven back. Of course, there were those that remained in the outskirts and fringes, but it was only a matter of time before they too were made to either retreat or burrow themselves so deep in their castrums that he would have no chance to Hunt them on his own.
Only then did it finally dawn upon him that with the Imperials gone, he would be a hunter bereft of prey and purpose once more. Only then did his father's words finally seem to reach him once more with advice he had almost forgotten. Where goes the hunter when his prey is fled? He returns home.
Ten years he had spent in Yanxia, but now it was finally time to return to the Steppe. It was time to return to the lands that had shaped him into the hunter-warrior he had become, and to allow it to reshape him once more. He knew not if any of his tribe remained, though he doubted it heavily. Even still, even if he was the only bearer of the wolf's blood remaining on this soil, he would proudly pick up the name of Qulaan once more.
But still, having come so far to stand at the cliff's edge with Reunion lying ahead of him, a part of him knew it would not be easy to let go of the prey he pursued so easily. Perhaps his quarry had escaped him for now, but he would see his Hunt to completion still, for his own father's next words had left that ember burning within him:
..and should hunter only listen to his heart, he shall know when the time has come for him to set out in pursuit once more.
@saraghul @babybatu @fortress-and-flame @qulaan
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dalalrus-blog · 5 years
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#RedSea #Marsa_Allam #Qulaan #Mangrove #Ababda #EPEA #MarineLife #SunSet (at خليج قلعان - El Qulan Lagoon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvmgr4_D993t3PczefEeQXJQ2EEN_mmJAVEl1s0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=178wkbeu50i2
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nerashi · 8 years
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A few screenshots from tonight’s Qalli Circle.
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ir-egipto-travel · 4 years
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Qulaan Islands, the Maldives of Egypt
The Qulaan islands in the Red Sea, Marsa Alam, Egypt coast. They are also described as the Maldives of the Red Sea. Beautiful small islands in the beautiful bright red seawith the most colorful corals and tropical fish. The only one difference to the Maldives – the islands aren’t atolls, they are formed by fringing reefs atop a sandy ledge surrounded by kilometers of coral reefs.
Qulaan is part of Wadi El-Gemal National Park south of Marsa Alam These 5 islands are six to seven kilometers off the coast near Hamata, and about hundred kilometers south of Marsa Alam
When you see a very crystal clear water and strange white sand surrounded by forest of very rare kind of trees, you should know that you are in Qulaan Lagoon at Wadi El-Gemal National Park.
That rare trees called Mangrove, small trees that grow in coastal saline.
Qulaan has its own natural water pools you can swim and scout the under water nature.
#iregipto #egyptpassion #discoveregypt #thisisegypt #egypt
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for-gold-and-glory · 5 years
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[Balmung] The Golden Gala! Dec 28th, Gold Court, Ul’dah 7:00pm EST
The Golden Gala returns for its fifth straight year! Originally founded by Jaliqai Qulaan and Ryssmyna Syvynmhaswyn, the Gold and Glory Hunter’s Guild continues to host what we hope will be a wonderful and golden the evening extravaganza. Join us for a night of singing, dancing, eating, and our favorite White Oliphant game! Master Doc: https://tinyurl.com/ggala19
We have quiet the joyous holiday line up this year. From the sewer drains of Ul’dah, one who is just as likely to eat a songbird than be referred to as one, Savo the Sewercat! From the academic world, performing their mandatory fine arts final, the Silvergrace Show Choir! From the stages of Eorzea’s most premiere and beloved show performances, Ellmida Westrose! From the Eastern idol stages, mall venues, and convention circuit, Haurchefant-en-Ciel and a special feature performance from bard songstress Dylan Thorne! 
Enjoy the performances and dance the night away. If you get hungry, our wandering servers will be happy to refresh you with a unique Starlight snack or drink. 
White Oliphant Game:
This event is based off of the real-life White Elephant gift exchange game in which players take turns selecting and stealing gift boxes from one another, in the hopes of taking home something especially nice. We’ll be supplying all the gifts and boy, has the prize pool grown! We will be giving away several million gil worth of items at this year’s event – for free! There’s no cost to sign-up for this event, so even if you don’t win big, you’ve nothing to lose!
To sign up, please send a Discord DM to Aegir#5138
Once you’ve done one of these three things, wait for me to respond to you with confirmation to ensure that I didn’t miss your sign up!And remember thatsigning up is completely free! That’s right – you could take home hundred of thousands or even millions of gil in free prizes! (Or you could end up with a worthless-but-hilarious gag gift. But hey, it was free!)
For those who sign up, be sure to check back at @for-gold-and-glory on December 26. This list will describe the way each box is wrapped and if there’s anything special about it, so it may contain clues to the boxes’ contents! So you’ll definitely want to check that our before Event Time and decide which you’re most interested in! The big ticket item this year is: The Rebel Coat
After Party:
If you’re still in the mood to party after the festivities have ended, then come join us at the Bountiful Chest Tavern for a relaxed afterparty. Open in Goblet Ward 6, Plot 5, we will have open seating at the bar and dining hall for everyone who isn’t ready to go home just yet. 
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osama3elwan · 6 years
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falllenstars · 7 years
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basically my muse 👩🏽🌊: #egypt #marsalam #qulaan #beach #sand #modeling #photography #photographer #vsco #vscocam #vscofilter #girl #bestfriend #bestfriendgoals #landscapes #views #sky #brunette #fierce #letitbe #canon📸 #canon60d #model (at Qulaan Mangrove Beach)
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aegir-ffxiv · 6 years
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The Menphina Madness Blitzball Season is over!!!
Thank you so much for everyone who participated and helped out with this event, especially my co-GM Iota Draconis, the people who helped with the mechanics and referring: Aiden Mathias, Akos Talon, Hali Naras, Araceli Caillen. All the performers, our DJ Wendy, and our announcer Don Coconero!
Thanks to the cheerleaders, the Garlean escorts, the 4th Auxiliary, FLEET, and all of our sponsors, especially Sidara!
And thank you Maelstrom Radio for letting us stream with you, and Caiden the Stoic for providing the voice of Don Coconero in the final match! A SPECIAL THANKS TO DYLAN THORNE FOR ARRANGING THE CHARITY EVENT! 
I created this picture as a thank you for all the hard work the teams put in!
The Limsa Lominsa Buccaneers: Moengeim Bhalnwyn, Dylan Thorne, Fahron Elikha, Leanne Delphium, Asa Naeuri, Rastirah Kacha, Leona Jeanne Northgate, Rhan’li Zohra! The Ul’dah Gil Turtles: Reagan Runsford, Neroki Tpes, Qadan Qulaan, Ryanti Veanysus, Sylastair Wolfhart, Paradyme Capellago, Stephany Gillmeister, and co-captain East Achilles O’hteco!
The Gridania Sea Chocobos: Alan Ejinn, Syluss Koelain, Vherin’to Levanha, Baptistaux Hortimonte, Arcadius Vernos, Kophon Sunlily, Ishra Levanha, and Gegeruza Xixiruza!
The Ishgard Eyes: Oliver Delvants (sorry Coconero forgot to announce you last night!), Durendel Bladebreak, Gemini d’Argent, Reinhardt Pendragon, Irga Ronsolloux, Villette Laurent, Fiona Arianna de Serevaine-Delaine, Rex Sahashin, Ramona Zale, Idristan Agache!
The Ala Mhigo Royal Griffons: Agni Isole, Sil Ascheblade, Cerise Maylithos, Colt Sterline, Fjolnir Drakenbane, Skadi Woodward, Sain Ironheart, Alexei Zolotse!
The Kugane Koban Crushers: Kara Skyfallen, Cirina Malqir, Asahio no Haruhi, Rydia Misuto, Blitzball Player, Ashe Zahra, Momo Kurogane!
The Imperial Ala Mhigo Salt Barons: Mynxe nan Janus, Eigaar oen Hellus, Yuuto oen Ueda, Octavius oen Nero, Albrecht kir Berginer, Blappa jen Wydaar, and Talon Khaine!
The Garlemald Classiarii Techinicii: Khallendra sas Khaine, Fujiko bas Chosai, quo Faustius, Jin, Innocentius jen Shinra, Rattus aan Rattus!
Cheer Squad: Tyme Northstar, Daliqara Vachir, Dylan Thorne, Sidar Hartnell, U’illya Verial, Jean Ashdale!
Thanks for RPing with us!
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tiffanychendesigns · 3 years
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01 Red Sea . Inspired by the moray eels and Qulaan Mangrove Beach. The Red Sea was a lot of fun to research and create! . This starts Mermay! I have always wanted to take part in this series. So, @ariddick_designs and I collaborated and made a list of prompts. I am planning to post every other day! Thanks for following this journey and this new series! . #mermay2021 #mermay #redsea #redseamermaid #morayeel #mangrovebeach #qulaanmangrovebeach #art #artistsoninstagram #mermaid #mermaychallenge2021 #mermaychallenge (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/COVfRrUj58l/?igshid=zfv9lgq0dstu
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braggaman · 7 years
Memories from the Golden Gala
Last night was our THIRD annual Golden Gala!
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Actually, this is the first time Araceli/Lirilith, Aegir, and the rest of us have run the event. The Golden Gala was created by Jaliqai  Qulaan and  Ryssmyna Syvynmhaswyn two years ago and they were kind enough to let us do the event this year!
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Eiden was kind enough to take pictures for us again! Although it was really hard to RP while capturing screenshots.
We had two performers this year!
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WYNG and Savo! We also had our annual White Oliphant Gift Stealing Game! Some people walked away with fabulous prizes! Others with a good laugh! Either way, our two performers put on an amazing show!   (This is about the time we ran out of screenshots, sorry!) Also helping us keep order was The Fourth Auxiliary Regiment and one dedicated Brass Blade! Thank you so much guys!  @4thauxiliaryregiment 
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Thank you so much for coming! I hope everyone had a good time! We learned a lot and had a lot of laughs! Thank you Eiden for letting us use your screenshots!
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qulaan · 7 years
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The Qulaan are a tribe of Xaela located on the Balmung server of Final Fantasy XIV, operating primarily out of an in-game Linkshell and an out-of-game Discord server. We are a small group of players that really enjoy the tribal Xaela scene and are looking to make our presence known on the Azim Steppe and beyond!
At a glance, the Qulaan are a small tribe whose lives revolve around the pursuit of Big Game -- the more challenging, the better. However, that only begins to scratch the surface. Our tribe operates on a rich collection of custom lore and traditions maintained on our beautiful and easy-to-use Qulaan Lore Website. Yet our lore is made to allow those interested a good degree of flexibility so that you don't feel like you have to shape your new or existing character into a strict cookie-cutter mold to join us. We very much aim to bring together a diverse and varied cast of characters under a common tribal goal and creed!
We are currently recruiting both new Qulaan alts as well as Xaela characters from other tribes! Both are equally welcomed. The only character restrictions currently are that we are not accepting any non-Xaela into the tribe. Sorry!
If you’re interested, please click the ‘Keep Reading’ below for more information!
                          Signal boosts are appreciated!
Can I join with a Xaela character from another tribe?
You absolutely can! The Qulaan were originally a full-fledged tribe of their own, largely closed to outsiders who did not share their blood. However, in the tribe's current iteration, they are now opening up their ranks to accept Xaela of other heritages so long as they are willing to adhere to the Qulaani way of life centered around the Hunt.
What sort of players are you looking to recruit?
Speaking ICly, we’re not looking for any specific “type” of character. So long as your character concept will jive with our standard of lore compliance (which isn’t even super strict), we’re pretty open-minded! Speaking OOCly, you may be a good fit for the Qulaan Tribe if..
You are looking for traditional Xaela tribal RP based in the Steppes and Othard. Your character is more than welcome to travel beyond these borders, but the tribe's storyline and group RPs will be primarily Othard-based.
You're interested in organized  group events that don’t always follow a set schedule or recurring pattern. We plan on doing things like monthly IC meetings and various events centered on the Hunt. However, we can't promise a planned, organized event every single week since scheduling depends on DM/participant availability.
You can also manage your own RP between said group events. We aren't going to be micromanaging RP within the tribe, which means that you're responsible for creating or finding your own RP between events. You'll get out what you're willing to put in!
You aren't looking specifically for an FC. We're only a Linkshell and Discord server. So if you're looking for a full-fledged FC, we're likely not the right fit!
You are excited to actively participate in tribe affairs. We would never expect you to dedicate every waking moment to us! But we're just getting started, so we have a great need for people who are excited to participate by showing up to events (or maybe even running their own), drumming up RP between, responding to polls and calls for feedback, and even just hanging out and shooting the breeze in the LS / Discord.
Finally, our recruitment policy is to prioritize the quality of our members over quantity. This DOES NOT mean that you have to be a super experienced, always-writes-no-less-than-five-paragraphs-a-post “Master Roleplayer.” All it means is that we prioritize people who (1) are fun, chill, and courteous OOCly and (2) jive well with our lore, concept, and both the IC and OOC group dynamic.
If you have any questions as to what any of the above means, please don't hesitate to ask for clarification! We would be more than happy to answer questions and elaborate!
Consider me interested! How do I join you?
Whether you want to make a fresh new Qulaan or if you want to join up on a non-Qulaani character, your first step is to check out our Recruitment Page! 
Look through it for a bit of important info about us, the rules, an explanation of the process, and a list of Frequently Asked Questions.  It may look like a long read, but I assure you that it’s mostly pretty standard stuff and a LOT simpler and way more laidback than you might think! And as always, if you have any questions, Jaliqai is but an ask, tell, or pm away!
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sea-and-storm · 7 years
So while getting ready to finish up the Qulaan LS/Discord stuff today, I realized I had screwed up our original Discord channel pretty spectacularly. Cause you apparently can’t either delete or deny read access to the original text channel of a server. Consider it a lesson learned, wompwomp.
So I had to make a whole new, fresh server and renamed the old one:
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marsawaves · 4 years
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‏‎HAMATA Marsaalam Qulaan Island’s day trip Qulaan Islands, also known as Hamata Islands, are located in the Wadi El Gemal National Park, south of Marsa Alam There is a reason why the islands are also called the Egyptian Maldives. White, fine sandy beaches and crystal clear water – a paradise for snorkelers, wether beginner or advanced. Discover the beauties of the sea in a breathtaking environment of nature – almost untouched by tourism. The excursion starts in the early morning with our team picking you up from the reception. The pick-up time depends on the distance from the hotel. Please don’t forget to bring a copy of your passport with you before you start. Once you arrive at the port, the boat starts at around 10:00 a.m. and sail about 45 minutes to Syal Island. There you will find a large number of colorful fish and corals, which are rarely seen anywhere else. Enjoy the snorkeling and explore the underwater world for around one hour. Those who prefer a walk on the white sandy beach and sunbathing are in the right place. On the second spot, Shawaret Island, you also have the chance to snorkel along the island with your guide. Afterwards, a rich, freshly prepared lunch awaits you on board Drinks on board are available during the whole day and are included in the price Also at the last snorkeling spot, Um El Shiekh Island you have plenty of time to admire the fascinating nature before the boat moves back towards the marina Around 4 p.m. we come back to the port of Hamata where our team is waiting for you and bring you back to your hotel The price included Transfer from the hotel and back Mineral water, hot and cold drinks all day long Snorkeling Guide Snorkeling equipment Freshly prepared lunch Not included in the price Personal expenses Please bring Copy of your passport Towel Sunscreen, sunglasses, hat The price: 58 € per person Children from 6 years to 12 years 50 ℅ discount Children from 1 to 5 years free The trip is available 3 days a week (Tuesday – Thursday – Saturday) For more information please contact us. Book Now https://satayadolphinreef.com/ _____________________________ #hamataisland #island #snorkeling #marsaalam‎‏ (في ‏‎Hamata Island‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIp6oVvgXMR/?igshid=1t9oby7mairwn
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