#Quiet guy stuff
No because today I say i would not expend time doing things I don't really know how to do, and then you see me trying to do a fluffybird animatic with the human centipede songie (aka as red flags song tho) all in the middle of the day 💀.
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eats-a-berry · 3 months
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rarepair on side, rarepair on side!
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iamacolor · 1 year
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all is well in france! they didn't just lie about the teenager trying to run over a cop who was supposedly standing in front of the car to stop him (when in reality he was on the side at the car window pointing his gun directly in the car), most of the first media reports presented the kid as a recidivist delinquent to twist the narrative in their favor even though he had no record! also in the video that debunked their claims of legitimate defense, the policeman can be heard saying "open or I'll shoot you in the head". also it's not said here but most of the poc killed by the police in france are men and the numbers of killings by the police are steadily on the rise over the last few years (because of one law that was put in place in 2017 or around that time and gives policemen more situations in which they can use their weapons for legitimate defense or public security) if you still think France is the country of human rights and freedom bla bla bla, think again
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clambuoyance · 1 year
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Roxy’s goodbye (clambuoyance’s version)
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taegularities · 5 months
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thesoupisburning · 4 months
could shifty leave alone if she wanted to?
at the end, i mean. she talks about leaving , she says she'll know what she wants to do when she's fully together, herself. at the end, all she says is that she missed you, and she wants you to understand her, fully, taking any resistance to her as. not understanding. or seeking the conflict and change she desperately seeks from you. and she says she has to save you before you can leave.
what i'm asking is, dear stp fans, could she have left alone at that point?
or more interestingly. could she have killed us?
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spaciebabie · 4 months
its always "i support autistic ppl" until you meet someone irl who is as quiet as me and then im "weird" and "offputting" and "scary"
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moeblob · 2 months
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Ananza realizing that Deacon's mom was a devoted follower of hers THEREFORE that's her son now, too! And she will dote on him and love him and never pick on him like all the other deities tend to do. That's her precious little boy who lives in another city and rarely gets to see her!
#my characters#deacon gets mocked for being weird by every other deity but her and ymber (though he does think hes a TAD weird)#and ananza is like NOPE THATS MY LIL BOY !!! I LOVE HIM! and after deacon and ymber leave from their visit#she gets all huffy with fulj because YOU COMPLAINED ABOUT DEACON SO MUCH ??? my sweet lil angel?#and fulj just what - hey wait - did we meet the same person? sweet lil angel?#also for if you care cause i definitely do#ananza is like hmmmm since thats my son now i HAVE to give him something but .... ymber is so protective....#and then she is like OH YEAH ! ohime said deacon recognized my dance !#then she is like deacon please come dance with me i formally request a dance come here away from him please here hey#and since deacon is a nice guy hes like ok but i cant really dance well and shes just noooo worries!#and then as they dance she slowly gets him away from ymber and after they are at a decent distance she just#takes his hands in hers and then FWOOSH there's a bunch of wind and deacon is left speechless like ??? what was that?#and so then she is so proud to say that while ymber placed a very PASSIONATE blessing on him she did no such thing!#it is a simple blessing for him since hes like a son to her and hey it might not make you immune to stuff like drowning#but if you are ever in combat which i hope you arent then you will be super duper agile and quiet#and so hes like oh thats pretty cool actually! hey wait what did you mean by passionate hey what#but then the super light footsteps actually are not simply for combat and now hes just a very tall quiet guy#and since he cant remember faces if he sneaks up on someone and they say AGAIN? HOW ARE YOU SO QUIET? hes just#im sorry i didnt mean.... to.... do that.... again.............. (whomst is this and how many times did i spook them)#and ymber is just really happy that thank goodness his blessing and ward act as a GPS and so at least HE knows when deacon is nearby#and fulj is like i hate him even more now did you know he nearly gave me a heart attack like two hours ago ??? this is a crime against me#anyway ananza and deacon are just cute together and hes her precious lil son!
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ineed-to-sleep · 2 years
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Couple of little references I made for my prophet's design bc I love him a little too much
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its-simply-just-krys · 6 months
the urge to reinvent yourself at exactly 2am
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This is so funny to me bc this is about my tav who is very much not the dark urge! just a bit of a freak
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#tav yeric#astarion#bg3#started rambling about yeric in the tags couldn’t stop lol#yeric is pretty well adjusted for a guy who’s been living in the woods alone for a decade#he is generally really reserved and quiet#but off putting stuff just spills from his mouth sometimes#and when he does open up he says things without thinking them through (and that’s on his 8 INT)#also the thing about cannibalism is that yeric got trapped in the mountains with a bunch of travelers when he was 23#and they ended up having to cannibalize some people and eat their dead#Yeric’s partner died and he ate her#this launched the previously mentioned decade long woods isolation#and so yeric has issues around food and hunger#and a deep deep fear of people around him starving to death#so I’m some ways like getting fed on by astarion is genuinely a comfort to him#doesn’t need to worry about astarion being hungry!#he has direct proof that astarion is physically well!#all he has to do is take care of himself and cast lesser restoration and someone else can be sustained just on that! how wonderful!#yeric is also a big acts of service guy so that desire also gets fulfilled by the blood sucking agreement#at the same time#yeric also processed the cannibalism thing in a weird way where his survivors guilt manifested as a desire to be eaten#so while he genuinely does get a lot out of the agreement with astarion it is also triggering to him and does not help at all with#his self worth issues#astarion and yeric have a long talk about this post game - I think their relationship would need a break from the feeding for a while#yeric needs space to be see himself being loved outside of his utility to other people#and also to know that astarion is going to be okay if yeric takes a break from being his personal juicebox for 5 minutes
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goldensunset · 1 year
it's all been said before but something something riku is the element of change and kairi is the element of stability cuz riku wanted to leave the island above all else while kairi didn't really care she just wanted to stay with her friends above all else no matter where she was (and of course sora was kinda in between) something something the moral of the story here being that some things in life have to change while other things are meant to last and this is why both kairi and riku are both so important to the heart of this story cuz they represent that duality. we can't stay on this tiny island forever as innocent kids. but the island and what it means to us will always be there. y'know
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crabussy · 10 months
everyone in my school loves to scream as louyd as they can on purpose to hurt me just because they can
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blorbobutworse · 5 months
Guys help im looking at a tumblr post that was implied about fanfiction and what people write in general. What are your guy's thoughts?
Personally, I think that, at least generally, what people write is not a reflection of who they are as a person. At least pieces of fiction. Fanfiction in particular I feel that this statement applies to a lot more. Like. Fan fictions are just that: Fiction Written by Fans. And fans project. And fans love and demonize and follow characters characteristics exactly or empty them out and put their OCs personality in or a million other things!! And that's okay.
That's why 'don't like don't read' EXISTS. Because it's people publishing THEIR works and THEIR feelings and they know that what they are posting is strange. Like. If someone doesn't want a response on their stuff is it so bad to leave them alone? What morally compells you to intrude on a space other people are asking to be left alone in?
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 5 months
Happy STS Elli!
What inspires you to write? Are there things that you know that you can get inspiration from or does it just come randomly?
Happy STS!
For me, inspiration doesn't mean "to write".
There are, and always have been, a lot of stories floating around in my mind - ideas, scenes, vibes, outlines. I get inspiration from literally everywhere, from talking to my friends, and video games, and scrolling past images or prompts, and reading books, and spending too much time on reddit, and…
Many remain daydreams, or character backstories, eventually lost to time.
Now for actually being able to sit my ass down and get words on the page? I don't know. It comes and goes as it pleases. Having a beehive where a brain should be does NOT help, let me tell you that.
I just. Can't focus on shit lately. Can barely make it through a chapter when reading. Every day is just suddenly over, and I got nothing done, and I am so tired. I have a completely outlined short thing I have been trying to write since Nov, and it's like pulling teeth.
I could do with several months off work while everyone leaves me the fuck alone. How would that be.
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oifaaa · 1 year
Wait I don’t think I was around for your gaslight the audience era. Which fake comic stories did you gaslight them with? 👀
I'm taking that information to the grave I'll never let on to which stuff is real and which stuff is fake
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