#Quentin x Idie
bloodyhellel · 2 years
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meruz · 6 months
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complicated feelings abt the change of era aside, im hyped to see my fave kids in a new book!! love the new ryan stegman designs too
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illyanarasputinfan · 7 days
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The Uncanny X-Men #7 “Raid on Graymalkin Lane - Part 2 of 4” (2024) Marvel Comics
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wwprice1 · 24 days
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The X-Men chilling. By Gleb Melnikov.
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comicwaren · 3 months
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From X-Men Vol. 7 #001, “Fire-Baptized Species”
Art by Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer and Marte Gracia
Written by Jed MacKay
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tasteless-lemonade · 6 months
logan with teenager daughters (kitty pryde, laura kinney, hisako ichiki, idie okonkwo, jubilee, anna marie) and one teenager son (quentin quire)
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farsight-the-char · 4 months
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Adjective-less X-men variant by Mahmud Asrar, colours by Matt Wilson.
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kjxlll · 2 months
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i’m so so so normal about them lately
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arrumiekookie · 5 days
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X-Men #8 Idie Okonkwo [ Oya | Temper ] Variant Cover by Aka (2024) Marvel Comics
I AM SO EXCITED. She looks so beautiful, it is sickening.
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heckcareoxytwit · 5 months
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A preview of Wolverine #48
CREED VS. CREED! It’s a family affair as GRAYDON CREED, the maligned son of VICTOR CREED, A.K.A. SABRETOOTH, brings the fight to his father. The winner gets WOLVERINE — or… what’s left of him…!
Written by: Victor LaValle, Benjamin Percy Art by: Cory Smith, Alex Sinclair Cover by: Leinil Francis Yu, Romulo Fajardo Jr. Page Count: 28 Pages Release Date: April 24, 2024
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rei-ismyname · 27 days
X-Men #3 (From The Ashes)
At last, this book is starting to cook and show us where these people are at. Scott Summers enjoyers are eating well today, always good to see. Full coverage under the cut, and spoilers of course. TW discussion of violence, anxiety/PTSD mention.
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Jed McKay hits the ground running with a bunch of goons called Shrikes having inserted into the Factory, the Alaskan X-Men's base. Shrike is Latin for 'butcher' and the eponymous bird is known for impaling stuff, so we can assume that they're not nice dudes. They caught a ride from the Vanisher (a 60s X-Men foe who has popped up here and there as a mercenary teleporter/unwilling X-Force asset. His aesthetic is much better these days) who's like 'damn y'all live like this' but objects to them using the term 'mutie.' Bro, you're dropping black ops goons into their house for an unnamed quid pro quo, you think their allies?
- The Shrikes want to be inflicting casualties but they're deferring to Lundqvist, who doesn't. Not yet at least. We don't know if they're contractors or part of O*N*E (Office for National Emergency), a government agency I'm surprised still exists, given its abject failures in containing, protecting, or killing mutant schoolchildren.
- These jerks are Team One, clearly part of a larger group or organisation.
- They're professionals with quite advanced technology, and while one slur doesn't necessarily make them frothing racists, they're seemingly ideologically aligned with this mission.
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Meanwhile, Scott ain't home right now. We don't get enough of his conversation with Rogue to see where their relationship is at, but we learn the Uncanny X-Men team are moving on Graymalkin and will not wait to synchronize plans or discuss it further.
- They're moving on Graymalkin? That name has been used quite a bit, so we can't be 100% sure if it's Cable's spaceship (unlikely), Xavier's 200 year old ancestor who was buried beneath the mansion for centuries (also unlikely), Graymalkin Industries, or a little house on Graymalkin Lane.
- Considering Scott's estimation that it'll escalate everything, I have to assume it's the X-Mansion. Rescuing Chuck? I don't see Logan wanting to do that. Killing him? That'd be a no from Rogue. Shutting down the torture prison that Chuck's in? Maybe. There's a lot of threads in the X-books and if the 'strays' came from there it'd tie a bunch together while inciting conflict. I guess we'll see.
- Of course Scott has plans. No clues here as to what they are.
- I've said it before, but I don't buy why these teams are separate or even in conflict with each other. It's going to feel inorganic for as long as we don't get an explanation. In UXM 1, Logan was acting like Schism Logan, which didn't even make sense back then. He's been living with Scott and Jean in a polycule for the last X years, and Scott/Rogue were on a Krakoan team together. These people trust and love each other, they've been family for decades. Everyone considers it a dark time for mutants and they have every reason to both want and need to work together. Show us why they're not! I beg you.
- The aforementioned Lundqvist has showed up with heavies to the diner, which the cop doesn't love. He says it's payback for embarrassing him, but considering what team one are doing that's almost certainly not the full reason.
- Looks like their relationship is adversarial. What's holding him back, though?
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- Interesting. It was a government-owned Sentinel factory, and it was part of a settlement. I really want more information on Scott Summers v The United States. She-Hulk was his counsel too, I wonder if she was his trial lawyer on this. I'm assuming settlement has at least 3 meanings there, which is clever.
- I wonder if Scott got to choose. He likes Alaska, I could see him demanding it strategically. If the US chose it, ooof. A sentinel factory about as far as you can get from the Marvel hotspots while still being in the US. The whole 'implication' is ugly as hell too.
Is Scott Summers taking this shit?
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As Collossus would say, nyet Tovarich, he is not taking it. Good to see he's not fucking around, though in that list of damages I'm very aware 'being forcibly deported from our nation' is not on it. Krakoa comes up, but it's being deprioritised and erased. It's a fist pump moment, but it still makes me sad.
- Shit yeah, get angry dude. You should be.
- Lundqvist is hard to read but he seems to be put in his place.
- Love the BLT power move.
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Hahaha! Look at him chowing down with his mouth full. I just ordered a BLT, sometimes you forget how much you enjoy something until you read or hear about it, you know? Anyway, what does this dickhead want Scott to do about it? You know, aside from what he already is - trying to handle it. If he wasn't stalling for his goon squad I'd dismiss it completely.
- The ongoing mystery of the manifesting mutants gets a nod as national news. I can imagine Tucker Carlson or JK Rowling being the worst with this. The Truthseekers name feels very true to life. Right wing kooks are all about weaponising what is true and what is not.
- Scott not knowing what a thermobaric bomb is has some significance, but I think it tells us more about Lundqvist that he does. They're a fuel only type of explosive mostly associated with atrocities. Research indicates they're a very painful and comparatively slow way to die, bc the brain is still active while the body is torn apart or worse. Fuck this guy.
- I did wonder what those drone looking things were last issue. Seems the Truthseekers have some good technology, and may be looking to deny the X-Men theirs (if they're working with the government, which, come on. They always are.
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HAHAHA. EAT A DICK LUNDQVIST. Okay he's getting to the point. The X-Men make him look bad because they're doing his job and not covering it up.
- Either he doesn't know Scott very well or he's running out of shit to say. I really dig what's happening with body language here.
- X-factor are a joke in and out of universe. Sorry not sorry but Alex is too. I do wonder who has better intel on x-factor. Scott has always valued intelligence, though I wonder if he's more likely to get it from Warren or Alex. Warren is reliable AF, always has been. I can totally see him enduring that embarrassment to be the man on the inside. Alex could go either way tbh. He is not reliable at all. Most recently he moved to Limbo to be with Maddie and it was not a healthy relationship. It was codependent and Alex, at least was delusional. He also spent a while as a demon zombie.
- That's been brushed aside and for some reason he and Lorna seem to have regressed 15 years. They argued and the impression I got was Lorna was team mutant, Alex was team government/human? That kid's a mess so it's hard to tell. They could be running a long con - we'll see.
- But yeah, Scott's not having it. At all. Carrot or stick - choose! I do like the Brotherhood mention but I swear to god this better not be used to villainise Scott and fuel infighting with the Uncanny team.
Meanwhile... Shrike Team One are well prepared for the mission. They can't be sensed psychically or with any technology. Beast gets knocked out like a chump, but Ilyana can see souls.
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See what I mean about technology denial? The last Cerebro unit too.
- Obviously it would be a loss but Beast could build another, right?
- Tumblr image limits being what they are I'm not including the action panels. I'll just say they're okay. Nothing amazing.
- Temper/Idie takes them out and laughs at their thermite (really not messing around, that stuff is wild) while getting off a few badass one liners.
- Magneto doesn't join the fray for some reason (He'd solve it instantly) and chats with Temper. Krakoa is mentioned, as is her imprisonment, but I'm not touching that further right now. When they actually show us where Magneto is I'll have lots to say, for now he's just sitting and saying lightweight stuff. Temper doesn't like or respect Mags though.
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Wrapping up, the goons failed and the X-Men minus Mags and Beast drop them off.
- The official position is 'yes, we will fight America if you insist. Stop making threats and breaking into my house. Also, my wife is a God. You know that right? Now gtfoh.'
- It's really cool, though we've kinda been here before.
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Something is wrong with Scott? It looks like an anxiety attack to me, tbh. Can't blame him, though I have a feeling it's more than that. Full on anxiety disorder/PTSD Cyclops would be new, I wonder if they'd do it. I guess we'll find out.
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And to end on some... news... Trevor Fitzroy is back. yay 😮‍💨. Alive somehow, and resurrecting a ludicrous group from the 2000s. I wonder if Shinobi Shaw and Cortez will be there too. He's also killing mutants for ratings, something that's been done as recently as Krakoa. Not looking forward to it. MAKE UP NEW STUFF FFS.
At the end of the day I enjoyed the issue, mostly by virtue of something happening. Cyclops and Agent Lundqvist chatting in a diner carried it with moments that I'm sure we'll be seeing for years to come as 'fuck yeah' posts on Reddit. The art is competent, nothing really stands out for me besides the body language I mentioned. The art style and choices are probably a whole separate post, like why Cyclops looks 25.
Thanks for reading.
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conquered-gnomes · 6 months
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NEW FITS!!! I love them…
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illyanarasputinfan · 11 days
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X-Men #6 (2024) Marvel Comics
Variant Cover Artist: Julian Totino Tedesco
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wwprice1 · 4 months
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Preview art by Ryan Stegman for the From the Ashes X-Men book. Can’t wait!
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comicwaren · 3 months
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“Let’s get our people, X-Men.” -- Cyclops
Cover art for X-Men Vol. 7 #001, “Fire-Baptized Species”
Art by Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer & Marte Gracia
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souurcitrus · 5 months
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My favorite kids in X-Men '97 style
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