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henrimatosphotography · 3 months ago
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A skate park in Sintra, Portugal.
IG: henrimatos1996
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doodlenoodleboi · 8 months ago
Hello! I have a request for Sal Fisher! Can you please write something about him with a reader who suffers from anxiety and that leads to her eating a bit faster than other people? She feels really embarrased when someone points it out. Comments like "Are you done already?" get to her, but she doesn't say anything and instead ducks her head because she is too shy and non-confrontational to stand up for herself. Thank you! <3
Sal Drabble
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The vibe
It was a high school summer, these summers you could choose to either be a kid again or grow as an adult. We have a difficult time choosing these things. Why must we choose things that we don’t want to why not just live the moment?
“Hey! Hey! Bro, wake up!” I was Welcomed by the faces of my two best friends Sal and Larry, a rather interesting duo. The night before or rather shall I say a couple hours ago we had a sleepover at Larry’s house. I was tired and confused by the sudden disruption of my sleep.
“What?” I said, practically still asleep, rubbing my eyes from the crusty buildup of rheum.
“We’re leaving!” Sal said his smile evident in his voice, even though his prosthetic covered his face. I had never been out at night, especially with these two friends. Apparently it was a common thing amongst Larry and Sal. Sal even took off his prosthetic couple times. Nobody could see you in these dark streets, nobody was there to breathe in the air instead of that suffocating mask as Sal described.
Funny enough, Sal might dislike his appearance but the only thing that he truly appreciates about it, it is how it finds him real friends. Ones that couldn’t care less about his appearance. Those ones still tight, so now we’re strolling late at night down these streets I can’t remember. Soon I’ll never see the streets and will have to go away we have to be independent adults. Maybe even barely seeing each other and that sucked, just even the thought.”
The cold air braised everyone’s skin, obviously cool, but nothing close to freezing. Sal’s shoulder, blue hair covered his face for the most part. The way his face had been obscured as a child scared the creeps away but kept his friends closer. The way his right cheek torn reminded me of Mileena (MK reference).
The walk down the cold streets were quiet the only interruption being Larry every so often comments. And the sound of Sal’s skateboard against the road, streetlight and moonlight being to be only source of illumination.
I simply followed, along like a lost puppy going along with the flow, not wanting to ruin the vibe. It was uncomfortably quiet until Larry made his extroverted comment about being hungry. We stopped at a (insert place), probably close to our destination.
Larry ordered for everyone being the extrovert, he is of the group. Then we left, soon we made it to our destination. An abandoned skate park, right next to it was a building covered in graffiti. It was a comforting vibe about the place, because even if it was abandoned, I’m sure many people have still came here even though such information had been given.
I sat on the top of the Quarterpipe, a rather vacant area until Larry decides to sit next to me. I wasn’t fond of eating in front of people, maybe feel uncomfortable and watched. They could have absolutely no interest in me, but for some reason, I feel like all eyes on me. I am the best person in the world because I could be the absolute worst. I’m scared of people’s perception of me.
I started to eat next to Larry not wanting to confess that I am uncomfortable with the situation. I had been made fun of in the past because of my eating habits. As I ate my food, almost finished with it, Larry responded. (damn little lady you sure can pack it away. Jk) “Yo Bruh you look like Kirby right now, fucking that shit up.” in between the time of now and then, Larry was high, and that truly made me laugh forgetting about the previous situation given his state.
“Shut up Larry.” sal had said as he skated over to him. “He’s probably just high don’t mind him.” For a while, I would be dealing with a high Larry and a Sally who couldn’t care to do more than skate to get his mind off everything.
That night she realized she was surrounded by people. She wouldn’t have to worry about being embarrassed around. After all, they all are flawed.
(I am so sorry this was so rushed and so last-minute)
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woundliqour · 7 months ago
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whys my back look like that. You could do quarterpipe techniques with a tech deck in there
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omeletcat · 5 months ago
ALLRIGHT so i am currently doing.. a lot, soon i will have a massive MASSIVE post explaining all the research i've been doing to improve the game!!
But rn wanna show you this, i added a speed progress bar that keeps track of the players speed, the idea is that you have to try and stay in the green area, that is where you can make most jumps. you gotta push to regain speed, and can go as fast as you want BUT at your own risk of smashing against a wall. ALSO doing tricks like railgrinding and kickflips, or turning around in a quarterpipe, will setup a timer below the metre, and the speed will only be reduced when that timer gets to 0, that way the player is forced to do tricks and use obstacles to stay in the right range,
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dandelionsprout42 · 1 year ago
Norway need to stop being cowards about Winter Olympics hosting
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I've thought about this for a couple or 3 years now, and I've concluded that alleged economics graduates need to stop blatantly lying about the hosting costs, that the Norwegian Sports Federation need to stop giving up after mere weeks, and that Norway's rather aggressive de-centralisation movements need to stop being aggressive.
The cost estimates have been somewhere in the area of 2.3bill€, which is flatout wrong. Had I been prime minister, I'd have done it on 300mill€, simply because we already have all of the needed facilities. No need to build anything new at all. Even at the very most, we'd only need to make a Rena-Elverum trail path and a centre dugout in Friends Arena.
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Snow events:
Ceremonies: Ullevaal Stadion Oslo
Cross-country, biathlon, Nordic Combined, longhill ski jumping, quarterpipe snowboard: Holmenkollen Oslo
Smallhill ski jumping: Lysgård Oslo or Lillehammer
Snowboard, freestyle skiing: The various X Games facilities in Oslo and Trysil
Downhill, Super-G, Alpine Combination: Narvik
Slalom, Great Slalom, team events: Trysil
Ski mountaineering: Geilo, maybe?
Ice events:
Ice hockey Final 4, figure skating, short-track speed skating: Friends Arena Sweden
Ice hockey preliminaries: Håkons Hall Hamar, Scandinavium Sweden, Stavanger Arena
Speed skating: Vikingskipet Hamar
Curling: Trondheim Spektrum
Bobsleigh, luge, skeleton: Lillehammer
Brand new sports because we have that many facilities:
Telemark: Trysil
Bandy: Telenor Arena Oslo
Snowsled racing: Tromsø to Vadsø
Megahill ski jumping, speed-skiing: Vikersund
Crushed Ice: Møllenberg Trondheim
Ski orienteering: Beitostølen
95~100km long-distance skiing: An extended Birkebeineren route with start in Elverum.
960 Chess where matches must be played to checkmate: Oslo Spektrum and/or Jordal Arena Oslo
Should it be necessary to win the vote:
Ice hockey preliminaries, mixed teams curling: Royal Arena Denmark
Preliminaries in 960 Chess where matches must be played to checkmate: Sparkassen-Arena Germany
Long-distance (Maybe 30km?) mass-start speed skating: Heerenveen Netherlands (Not on the above map).
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taquaone · 7 months ago
Thrasher's DIY: Noping Quarterpipe
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lavendarjevil · 1 year ago
Tony Skawks Epic Piepline Boogallo 8
The Quarterpipe's Dark Desire?
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sk8-925 · 2 years ago
Tag 25 / 7te Woche
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Ich weiß nicht, ob es schon an diesem Foto zu erkennen ist, aber ich war heute wieder im Volkspark Friedrichshain. Ich fahre dort etwas länger hin, ist aber auch nicht wild und ich kann da Sachen üben, die in der Hasenheide nicht (so) möglich sind. Was im VPFH leider fehlt, ist eine größere Fläche, auf der sich in Ruhe Tricks einüben lassen. Es gibt zwar kleinere Flächen auf dem Platz, aber im Grunde ist man dort anderen Skatern, die die Bowl, Banks, Quarterpipe oder Stairs befahren wollen, schnell im Weg. Heute war das allerdings kein Problem. Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, war ein Skater da, als ich ankam. Und ich weich dann einfach auf die Flächen aus, die er nicht befahren hat. Nacheinander kamen dann zwei End40er mit ihren Surfskates. Wobei der erste komplett mit Protektoren geschützt gefahren ist, also selbst Rückenprotektor... da er Drop Ins in die Bowl gemacht hat, ist das vielleicht auch nicht verkehrt. Aber ich war überrascht, wie langsam die Dinger dann aber rollen. Überrascht war ich über die Themen, die die beiden besprochen haben. Nicht das ich gelauscht habe, das war nicht nötig gewesen. Ich glaube, erst ging es über E-Autos und verschiedene Lademodelle, dann E-Bikes, um dann zum (Schlaf-)Verhalten der Kinder und auch dem eigenen zu kommen. Einer steht Nachts auf, um einige Stunden für sich zu haben, der andere arbeitet nur bis 13 Uhr und hat dann bis 18h für sich, dann kommt die Freundin mit den Kindern. Scheinbar arbeiten auch beide Partnerinnen mehr Stunden, als ihre Männer... Nachdem die beiden gegangen waren, hatte ich den Parcours erst einmal wieder für mich. Obwohl die Nebenflächen von einer großen Kindergruppe und ihren Betreuer*innen bevölkert wurden. War aber alles kein Problem. Lange alleine blieb ich auch nicht. Ein weiterer Skater und eine Frau mit Rollschuhen kamen dann noch und zwei Mädchen mit Skateboard und so einer kleiner Knirps. Krass, dass so kleine Kinder so wenig Angst haben sich zu verletzten. Der Kleine ist definitiv mutiger unterwegs gewesen als ich. Aber alle waren auch bald schon wieder weg. Als ich mich wieder auf den Weg gemacht habe, war nur doch die Rollschuhskaterin noch da. Ich fand, heute war auch der erste richtig warme Tag und die Sonne stand so auf dem hellen Beton, dass ich befürchtete Schneeblind zu werden. Ich musste auch immer recht schnell wieder Pausen einlegen. Die waren aber kürzer als sonst. Auf dem Platz übe ich z.B. das Auffahren auf eine niedrige Bank, bis die Nose auf die sich anschließende gerade Fläche reicht und dann sicher zurückzurollen. Da gibt es ja diesen Moment, wo das Board kurz innehält und man die Balance halten muss. Das habe ich heute schon besser hinbekommen. Mit der Tail leider noch nicht so gut. Ziel ist es dann auch irgendwann über eine Rail zu kommen. Heißt so das Rohr, das gelegentlich Ebenen und Schrägen voneinander trennt? Dann habe ich heute als zweiten Schwerpunkt 180° Drehungen über den Rücken geübt. Habe bemerkt, dass das an Schrägen sogar etwas leichter funktioniert. Allerdings lässt mein Tail auch ordentlich Federn, also Holz auf der Piste. Wahrscheinlich kann ich damit bald Brot schneiden. Das war´s im Grunde. Morgen nehme ich mal ne größere Wasserflasche mit. Und Sonnencreme, obwohl die vielleicht schon zu spät kommt.
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runthepockets · 1 year ago
"What can we learn from trans men"
Money is the root of all evil
Bacon sandwiches are the bomb
12 year old Tom Schaar was the first to land a 1080 on a mega-ramp quarterpipe
If you have one wish, ask for a big enough ass for the whole world to kiss
It's kinda funny how many articles about trans guys are about how we're the bridge between two worlds and understand both sides of sexism and will bring the decline of the patriarchy, or whatever. I'm literally just some guy.
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azteco-producciones · 3 years ago
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Calaverita de azúcar para Jake Phelps [1962-2019] en el parque de la bandera, zona centro. Con ayuda de mi sobrina #sk8 #skateboard #skate #skateboarding #mural #acrylicpainting #skatepark #quarterpipe #skull #calavera #calaveritadeazucar #jakephelps #rip #diademuertos #cenpasuchil #aztecmarigold #tijuana #streetart https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-fw95v9cN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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snakebitebmx · 4 years ago
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It’s the simple things!👌✨ #bmx #oldschoolbmx #midschoolbmx #quarterpipe #snakebitebmx https://www.instagram.com/p/CKnZczGlsRh/?igshid=l63ygirphavr
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pocketdays · 5 years ago
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Isra, Octubre 2019
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slimjimtherunner · 5 years ago
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alvaroboldu · 4 years ago
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📷Quarter Pipe📷 • • • • #quarterpipe #motorsportphotography #mxphotography #mx5nd #motocrossitalia #motocrosss #motocrosslover #fmx #fmx650 #fmxlife #fmx4ever #fmx13 #sonyphotography #kawasaki #onealrider #bigramp #lleides #mxp #motocrossman #motocrossaction #fmxshow #brap #braap #mxdaily #motocrossdaily (en Lleides Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHQqAb1lifz/?igshid=1hgk0ciyb60g2
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omeletcat · 5 months ago
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ALLRIGHT! so i am reworking these animations for my skating game!!! whenever the player went up a slope the game checked how steep it was and chose the correct animation, a few problems arose tho, 1 after watching a bunch of video's i noticed that usually while using ramps (with the intention of jumping off) the skater tries to keep their body right side up, but when using a halfpipe /quarter-pipe they often rotate their entire body, this means that if i do wanna add a quarter-pipe to my game i'd have to make a special set of animations for it.
i have this cool idea for a quarterpipe at the end of a road/level for the player to go up and then turn around and go down to do a part of the level over again or just to have a halfpipe level for a boss fight!
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pour-one-on-da-bench · 5 years ago
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MANE ‘17
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