#Quantum community
zomb13pup · 4 months
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mihirjaiswal · 1 year
An Interview with a Quantum Computing Community Leader, Lorraine Tsitsi Majiri - The President of OneQuantum Africa
Building community and giving back are two forces driving Lorraine to contribute to the field of Quantum Computing. While talking to her, her zeal for community service was apparent on top of her deep interest in Quantum Computing. In this interview, she introduces us to quantum computing landscape in Zimbabwe and African continent, different community initiatives and the promise of quantum computing.
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Mihir: How did you find out about Quantum Computing? Why did it influence a few of you?
Lorraine: I first found out about it from a friend, Esther Munakandafa. We studied together in high school at a boarding school. She was away studying IT and discovered quantum computing through mentorship Zimbabwe. We had remained in touch throughout the years. She also introduced me to the OneQuantum Africa. She explained that since I had interest in computing, I should join the community of OneQuantum Africa and discover more about quantum computing. That prompted me to attend the very first meeting of OneQuantum Africa. I found quantum computing very interesting and exciting. The people were warm and welcoming in the community. I decided to take the first step and join the community.
Mihir: Did you introduce quantum computing to your colleagues?
Lorraine: I told my classmates about it. However, we were in the last year of our program and many were busy with dissertation and other work, so they were not able to participate actively in quantum computing community. That’s why only about 3-5 students were active. After graduation, more of my former classmates have become active in the field. I would say about 30 are now taking interest in quantum computing. At this point, all of my classmates are aware about quantum computing, because I tell them about it. Some of them are also exploring how to embed it in their own work.
Mihir: How do you explain quantum computing to your colleagues, who have never heard about it before?
Lorraine: I start by mentioning that some literature referred Richard Feynman as the father of quantum mechanics and he said that nobody understands quantum mechanics. Thus, I explain that even the scientist of Feynman’s caliber said that nobody understands quantum mechanics, so quantum fields are not to be afraid of. I go on to say that my interest is more on the computing side of quantum and not on physics or mechanics side. Quantum computing is using quantum mechanics for computation. The field is very broad. I always say that quantum computing has something for everyone as long as you are interested in it. I highlight that quantum computing might help with solving few problems, it might solve few on its own, but it will not solve every single computing problem of the world.
Mihir: Is there an area of quantum computing’s practical application that you find exciting?
Lorraine: While participating in NYU hackathon, I learned that quantum computing can be used in music. That was very interesting to me. Until then, I had never imagined that quantum computing can be used to create music.
Mihir: Let’s pivot to your community efforts. You are the second president of OneQuantum Africa. What is One Quantum Africa?
Lorraine: Andre Konig is the Chair of the OneQuantum as a whole. OneQuantum is a global entity that has chapters across the world. Farai Mazhandu, the first president of OneQuantum Africa, did a great job of building and expanding quantum community on the continent. I picked up from where Farai left. Now the goal is to make quantum computing more accessible, since the world has opened after the pandemic. Local chapters in countries like Ghana, Libya, and Kenya have started organizing in-person events. OneQuantum has four pillars: community, mentorship, career, and skills. The mentorship that I received was so valuable in my growth not only in technical skills but personal skills as well. I understand the importance of community and mentorship. Ultimately, your mentors become your friends. Till today, I get assistance from my previous mentors. We celebrated Africa Unity Day, for example, through OneQuantum for community building. We have many projects that improved the skills of members.
Mihir: You are also a founding member of QZimbabwe, another community. How does that differ from OneQuantum Africa?
Lorraine: For me, QZimbabwe came before I got involved in OneQuantum Africa. QZimbabwe, we are more focused on education. We help people learn quantum computing through workshops like qbronze, qsilver and qnickle. You learn quantum algorithms, basic programming like quantum’s equivalent of ‘hello world’, and other skills. Then OneQuantum Africa helps you grow with those skills through its community and mentorship. You can turn the knowledge gained from QZimbabwe into a career or community. That is how the two are connected.
Mihir: What kind of support and partnership does QZimbabwe have?Lorraine: QZimbabwe is organizing a winter school in 2024, when it will be summer in USA. Many high schools and colleges are partnering with us on that and contributing to its growth.
Mihir: You have done many trainings in different areas of quantum computing? What was training strategy?
Lorraine: Once I came across quantum computing, I was very excited to learn. I am still excited. That is where my heart finds the happiness. Training for me was about get as much knowledge about the field as I could, and to explore the field in its broadness. I also wanted to find what area of the field I like and narrow down my interest in quantum computing. I was able to narrow down my interest to quantum machine learning.
I am also interested in giving back to the community, be a mentor to others, help out in different situation. So some of the trainings I did, helped me become an instructor. I wanted to be in a position where I could teach other Zimbabweans and I am able to do that now. I want everyone’s journey of learning quantum computing to be successful.
Mihir: What is the future of quantum computing? According to you, where is the field going?
Lorraine: Even with hardware and software limitations, there is so much research progress happening in quantum computing already. When the issues of today’s quantum computers are resolved, in future, we will be solving the problems that we are not able to solve today. We will reduce noise. We will have more qubits. Quantum computing, overall, will be more efficient. More and more theoretical aspects will turn into practical achievements.
Mihir: What message would you give to a new quantum computing aspirant?
Lorraine: Quantum computing is for everyone whether you are interested in biology, music, finance, chemistry or any other field. Learning quantum computing is like learning anything new. It comes with some challenges. Learning anything new is not easy. Quantum computing has many communities and support that helps with learning. Learning alone may not be easy. I faced many challenges while learning, but with the help of community I was able to overcome them. With passion and interest, you find your own space and avenue.
Mihir: That concludes the interview. Is there anything you would like to add?
Lorraine: If you are interested in something, go for it. It may look far, there may be some hiccups, and that’s life. There are no guarantees or promises that the life would be smooth. Never be afraid to seek help. If you work towards something, you will get it eventually. Good leaders always ask for help.
Further Reference Recommended by Lorraine
On the Shoulders of Giants: 10 Quantum Pioneers of the Past by Brian Lenahanand Kenna Hughes-Castleberry
Qiskit textbook
The Coding School (QubitxQubit)
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael A Neilsen and Isaac L Chuang
An introduction to quantum machine learning by Maria Schuld, Ilya Sinayskiy& Francesco Petruccione
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cxcosmos · 6 months
If I was able to shift by being stricly lazy, you can too, don't give up
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lunarshifting · 2 months
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do i really have to explain how shifting solves ALL ISSUES??
Wanna be everything? You have eternity to do it. I think people forget that with every universe you experience there is an inconceivable amount of more that become possible from just discovery. How would you GET BORED
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yourmoonie · 8 months
How to live in the end
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Are you feeling anxious about your upcoming photoshoot? Your exams? Sp? Or maybe an event that hasn't occurred yet?
I have got your back
1. Focus on your end goal and not on the "lack/circumstances"
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Our fave stickman wants to go to Barbados, but instead of focusing on Barbados (aka the end goal) he starts focusing on not having the tickets or not having the money to buy the tickets (circumstances)
His entire attention is on the circumstance and not on the end goal
“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” ― Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune
2. Thinking from THE end
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This is based on the timeline jumping method ( the thread, ♡ the visual thread )
So what do we do here?
Tickets are just the bridge of events for your end goal
We mentally go to Barbados and think FROM Barbados and not OF it
(That's how Neville manifested his trip, btw)
"Thinking from the end is the beginning of all miracles" - Neville Goddard
The art of thinking from the end is about internally seeing the world as you would see it if your desire has already been achieved, even if it hasn't physically manifested yet.
3. Not seeing any movement?
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The stickman has got a photoshoot at MoonMoon studio in 2 weeks
On top of that the stickman is manifesting their desired body
> Out of the blue, the stickman gets anxious about their desired body and how they would look during the photoshoot because they "can't" see the results in the 3D
"The journey is in yourself. You travel along the highways of the inner world. Without inner movement, it is impossible to bring forth anything." - Neville Goddard
4. Think FROM & AFTER your desire
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They become anxious about the photoshoot BUT
How can the stickman get out of that anxious state?
Instead of thinking OF the photoshoot, they will think FROM and AFTER the photoshoot
They will mentally imagine that the event has already occurred
5. How to get into the state
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And they ask themselves this question
"How do I feel now when the photoshoot is done?"
"Wow, I like how the photos have turned out. I look so hot,"
They mentally prepare themselves for the best outcome and it helps them to get out of the anxious state
Inner action is an introverted sensation. If you will construct mentally a drama which implies that you have realised your objective, then close your eyes and drop your thoughts inward, centering your imagination all the while in the predetermined action and partake in that action, you will become a self-determined being.
6. You are THE observer
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The Timeline jumping method in nutshell:
This is how you think FROM + After your desire
The observer effect in quantum physics states that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy. As a consequence, you affect the material world. - Joe Dispenza
“Imagination is the act of creation. Imagination creates reality." - Neville Goddard
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cloudimahi · 15 days
U want shifting motivation?
Think about your s/o
Think about the food
Think about your appearance
Think about the MONEYYYY
Think about how you'll be able to travel everywhere and anywhere
Think about being a cat that only sleeps and gets pats from its owner
Think about the makeup
Think about the hairstyles
Think about having a family with your s/o
Think about telling a stranger that you're actually from a different planet and wait for their reaction
Think about asking your s/o if the two of you are gonna be together
Think about the accessories you'll have
Think about being loved by every creature
Think about being globally famous
Think about being the icon of your country
Think about feeling safe
Think about group shifting with your friends in your realities
Think about being talented af
Iconic, isn't it?
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anaagainstallodds · 3 days
Me after every minor inconvenience:
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or just when I'm bored
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melshifting · 18 days
―୨୧ if you're feeling unmotivated remember that... (shifting)
[...] If you doubt that shifting is real, remember that…
𖦹 We are not the first culture to practice shifting - the ability to consciously perceive another reality is found in cultures and religions where meditation and manfestation (shifting) are important elements, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism (Taichi) and Shamanism, for example.
𖦹 Shifting (along with the functioning of the conscious) is a subject that has been studied for years by several scientists and researchers; the most popular case being Jacob Gringberg.
𖦹 Steven Hawking himself speculated a lot about time travelling, to such an extent that he made a party so that in some alternate reality he could meet a time traveler (traveler's party experiment).
[...] If you doubt about your ability to shift, remember that…
𖦹 Shifting, like everything else you have mastered throughout your life, is an ability. Therefore, this is something innate in all people. You are not so special as not to be able to do it.
𖦹 Even if it was unconsciously, you have already shifted countless times, what makes you think that you will not succeed just because you consciously try to do it?
𖦹 There is at least one reality in the entire Infiniverse where you do not know about the existence of shifting; be glad to know about such an ability that you can use to your advantage.
[...] If you think people are lying about shifting, remember that…
𖦹 Do you really think there are thousands of accounts, on various platforms, dedicated exclusively to lie to people? Accounts managed by people who even have a college degree and a job, do you really think they upload content on a daily basis because they have nothing better to do than troll?
𖦹 Shifting is not an inside joke in a certain community; internet jokes are debunked over time, like what happened with “Zepotha” last year, for example.
𖦹 Several shifting content creators have gotten tattoos of the shifting symbol - e.g. @lourcherry; @jamielsavory; @constantmanifesting; @luashiftiing_; @elizabethshifting1; (TikTok accs) etc. It would be silly to have something that is a “lie” tattooed on your skin for life, wouldn't it?
𖦹 Shifting is a concept with many synonyms which you've probably seen on TikTok and other social platforms - the best known synonym for it being “manifestation”. It's a topic which is abundant on this platform, so if we add this to the first point, are millions of people now lying for fun?
Thanks for reading love, happy shifting <3
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zomb13pup · 4 months
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cussima · 3 months
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cxcosmos · 4 months
Rating places I've shifted to pt 1:
Bts dr - 10/10, I stayed here for 8 years and it was a very cool experience, I enjoyed living with the boys and they became a big part of my life, interacting with fans and other kpop groups, idols, k-actors and other celebrities was an experience, a lot happened but I won't go into detail
Twd dr - 2/10, this was an accidental shift but i stayed for like a week out of curiousity, hated it, everywhere was barren and I woke up in a forest ALONE. Scavenging for food and water every day was not for the weak, I had a motorcycle that helped me get from place to place that i found once i left the forest but finding non-expired fuel was a pain in the ass and i had a dagger, no useful weapons and it was hot and I was sweaty and gross, the zombies fucking stink too, just no
Barbie princess charm school dr - 100000/10, my inner child felt so healed, the school was so clean and everywhere smelled good, I had my own little sprite and it was a male, he helped me with everything, schedule, making sure i eat healthy etc, the food there was also amazing, breakfast was my favorite meal, the pancakes were so soft and it literally melted in your mouth, i loved my shared dorm room too, it was customized to my liking, loved it so much
Mha dr - 10000/10, I love it so much, I'm not really close with my classmates in 1-a but I'm dating izuku and I adore him, the classes are pretty hard but it was expected, I scripted in that i have high intelligence so i didn't struggle as much, Aizawa is close to my mother so he personally trains me during the weekdays and is always on my ass, I've stayed here for 6 months +, really great, the world is a lot different from here with quirks and all but it's interesting
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lunarshifting · 2 months
Yall spirituality has been on the win
I have contact with a god, two guides, and have been shifting like CRAZY
I know how to shift on every try now. I know what was holding me back. I wasn't accepting shifting. There was so many "whys" and what ifs that I never stopped to accept the idea that I COULD shift. Accepting vs knowing isn't really talked about that much.
I had been so caught up in the why that I never spent time to think that it was okay now. I needed to accept the fact that a better life really WAS possible. And then it was "well if that was possible, why hadn't I gotten it yet? Why was I robbed of opportunity?" But that doesn't matter now. I had to accept the fact this reality isn't actually comfortable.
When a baby is born into a burning building, they never know how suffocating the smoke is until they get a breath of fresh air. Shifting is that breath of fresh air. It's scary because you've never smelled the fresh grass. You've never felt the sun on your face. The warmth isn't burning. And that's SCARY.
But you HAVE to accept the fact that the world isn't burning. You have to leave the heat of the house to feel the warmth of the sun. The cold of the pool and ocean.
I had to accept the fact comfortability was higher somewhere else. That I deserve better. That was what was holding me back. I can do better.
And since then, I've known EXACTLY how to shift. Everything just snapped.
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mimiyewaffles · 3 months
[Part 2]
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Parts: 1,2,3
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iloveamberfreeman · 29 days
There goes non shifting believers again....
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THEY'RE SO STUPID IM DYING😭😭😭 poor Creator is trying her best 😭
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davidson-eric · 5 months
The dollar collapse is happening NOW!"
The Storm is coming sooner than expected. All financial systems controlled by the corrupt government will collapse.
This crash will be felt on a global level, and many currencies, especially the USD, will be worthless.
Fiat accounts, savings and retirement accounts, mortgage, e.t.c will crash down and wipe off from the system once this event happens, Quantum Financial System is the savior.!!!
Convert every money in your possession to digital gold & silver backed coins and move them into the QFS ledger for safety . There will be a Global Reset. All banks and fiat exchanges will be closed, and there will be a lot of uncertainty & confusion. Cash will be worthless and outdated, and all bank accounts will be closed and crash to zero .
All cabal public banks will be confiscated, and foreclosures will be frozen, as will all public and private dept(mortgage,loans, credit, and debit cards).
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solshifts · 4 months
Ways to shift!
DISCLAIMER: Now this isn't full proof, please take this all with a grain of salt because what works for other people might not for you. I want to emphasize that you don't need anything to shift, you just need yourself! I'm am simply going to be listing some ways you can actually shift (like states you can be in) and this was all done by research I have seen on reddit so shoutout to r/shiftingrealities. 𓆩♡𓆪 Without further ado, enjoy the VERY long research that I have done so far!
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When you shift realities two things mainly happen: 1. You connect to your DR which is basically just when you visualize and robotic affirm / affirm. 2. Or when you detach from your CR. This is when you get into an altered state of consciousness. Meditation is a great way to help with this, though it isn't needed!
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There are different types of states/methods, I'll list the many I have done research on so far. Hypnogogia: This state is the state between wakefulness and sleep. Sleep methods usually use this state because you experience this state while you're drifting off to sleep! Hypnopompia: This is when you first WAKE UP, when you're still very groggy. If you can't seem to shift during sleep methods, use this state when you first wake up if you remember! Lucid dreams: These are super good since you're already detached from your CR self and in your dream world. Though, it can be a little difficult to shift through, it's still fun experiencing a lucid dream and gives you motivation when you experience it. (I've listed ways to get Lucid in my last couple of posts!) Sleep Paralysis: Sleep paralysis is a state of instant manifestation so what you feel, you see, you experience. Hence, why it's so good for shifting. Try not to freak out when you get into this state because it can cause hallucinations (speaking from experience oh my goodness). But super great! You can also go into a lucid dream from there! Meditation: Basically, you get into a meditative state and lose awareness of your CR and gain awareness of your DR. Like the redditor said, This has never worked for me but, it has for a lot of other people!!
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What type of shifter are you guys? Meditative shifter
Manifestation shifter
Xenophrenic shifter All my lucid dreamers, astral projecters, and sleep paralysis cool people fit in here.
Sleepy shifters: Hyonagogia and hypnopompia girlies fit in here( 🙋) . Tiredness is a great altered state of consciousness because your brain waves are different from when you're in an awake, alert state of mind.✧₊⁺ Happy shifting!
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