#Qrow x summer
brokentrafficknight · 9 months
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solanumbittersweet · 1 year
Team STRQ literally just Fleetwood Mac
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nezuko-demon-slayer · 2 years
Where’s all the Qrow is Ruby’s dad theorists/au enjoyers at
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peixedobar · 2 years
Okay, I'm going to fucking say it. Summer's weapon looks a hell lot like Harbinger, to the point I actually thought it was Qrow's weapon.
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softly-potter · 6 months
Lonely Lullaby
Summary: After a night out with Tai where he shares some important information, Qrow walks Summer home.
Loosely inspired by 'Lonely Lullaby' by Owl City
Pairing: Qrow X Summer
Word Count: 1,254
Warning: none
“There's no other way to say this than beside the obvious but, Summers pregnant.”
Qrow nearly spits out his beer.
Beside him, Tai nods, lets out a low whistle before he takes another sip from his pint. “That's about the reaction I figured you’d have.”
“But…” Qrow stutters, questions whirling on his tongue. “How?”
Tai looks at him incredulously, raises a brow. “The way all babies are made?”
Qrow makes a face, waves a dismissive hand. “That's not what I meant. I mean…when did you and Summer…?”
He lets the unspoken question hang in the air, looks at the brown liquid swirling in his cup because he can't look at Tai, can’t let his perceptive teammate read his expression.
You already had my sister. Why couldn't you leave Summer for me?
“I guess it just… did,” Tai sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. “She’s been helping out ever since Raven… y’know. And the more she’s been around, the more I realized I liked having her around. She made dinner one night after putting Yang to bed, we had a few drinks. It just happened.”
Qrow takes a full gulp, his throat burning as he swallows.
“She’s… fuck, she’s amazing.” Tai sighs, leans against his palm.
You're just now realizing that?
Qrow loved his teammate like a brother but in that moment he wanted to punch the love-dizzy expression clear off Tai’s face.
“Well congratulations.” Qrow says softly. “I’m… happy for you.”
Tai snorts. “Yeah, you seem like it. Come on man, I know it wasn't planned but just think, you’ll be an uncle again.”
Qrow tilts his face, both brows raised. “Really?”
“Who else?” Tai says with a smile. Qrow grins slowly, raises his glass and the two men clink. He orders another round of drinks, slaps Tai on the shoulder. They settle into easy conversation about the baby, naming options if it was a boy or a girl, how Yang would react to being a big sister.
When they settle their tab, Tai loops his arm around Qrows shoulder as they walk, patting his chest. “Thank you for being cool about this man.” Tai says, his voice slippery. “I wasn't sure if… I mean, I never knew if you had a thing for Summer or anything, I didn’t wanna, make shit awkward.”
Qrow feels his face heat and is thankful for the overcast night. “You guys will make great parents.”
Tai beams, his rosy face the picture of happiness.
Qrow has always been better at holding his liquor, and when he walks Tai through the front door of the little cottage, he tries to be as quiet as possible.
“Shhh, you’ll wake Yang up.”
From the couch, a sleepy Summer sits up, rubs her eyes. Her black hair is matted to her neck, sleep lines running up her arm and cheek, and Qrow quirks a brow. If they were having a baby, why wasn't she sleeping in his room?
“Sorry,” Qrow whispers, trying to steady Tai. “I didn't know you’d be out here.”
Summer smiles and stands, slips under Tai’s other arm and supports his weight. Together, they walk him to his bedroom, and he flops hard onto the mattress. Summer bends, unties his shoes before pushing him under the covers. Tai lets out a snore, flips to his side and Summer giggles. From the doorway, Qrow watches her care for Tai, and his chest feels heavy.
Ushering him out, Summer closes the door behind her with a finger to her lips. “I was just here to watch Yang while you two had a boys night.” she says in a whisper. Walking to the front door, she slips on her shoes.
“Are you… going home?” Qrow asks, tilts his head. Summer gives him a bemused look.
“Well, yes.”
Qrow rubs his jaw, grips Harbingers hilt. “Let me walk you home.”
Summer presses her lips together for a moment before she nods and opens the door, waiting for Qrow to follow.
They walk quietly for a few paces, Qrow keeping his eyes trained on the dirt pathway, once again thankful for the overcast night.
“So Tai told me the news.” He says, trying to break the silence. Summer pauses her steps, and Qrow stops, looking back at her. Her hands are clasped and she looks at the floor, and it's then that he notices her fingers shaking.
“He did?” She asks softly, looking up. Qrow nods, leans on his weapon. Summer begins walking again, this time out pacing him, and he has to stride faster to keep up with her.
“That's… great. I just wanted to say that's great.” Qrow says, his feet kicking up dirt.
“Yeah. It's great.” Summer replies, her tone flat. The roof of her house appears in view, the dark red shingles damp from the mist, and she pulls her cloak tighter around her.
As she puts her hand on the doorknob, Qrow clears his throat. “Well, um, goodni-”
“I’m going to say this once,” Summer interjects. With her back to him, Qrow can’t see her face, can’t read her expression. “I’ll say this once, and we’ll never speak of it again. Do you hear me? Never.”
Turning around, he sees her eyes are wet, her lower lip trembling. 
“It should've been you,” Summer says, and her voice breaks. “I am over the moon about this, about the baby. And I love Yang, and Tai. I always have. He’s a good man, a good father. We’ll be a family, a family I've always wanted. But it should’ve been you.”
She swipes angrily at stray tears, balls her hands into fists. Qrows throat has gone dry, and he takes a step forward.
“I always thought it’d be you,” she says, her voice quieter than before. “We always… we had something, didn't we? When we were kids?”
He doesn't know if it's her raw honesty or the beer in his gut that makes him react but he nods, his necklace bumping against his chest at the movement.
Summer swallows, nods. “I thought so.” she whispers, looking up at him. “Then why did we never-”
“Because I'm a coward.” Qrow interjects. Summers' brows knit together, and she sniffles before shaking her head.
“No, you’re not.” she tries, and Qrow grinds his teeth.
“I am,” he insists. “If I wasn't, then I wouldn't have lost my chance.”
They're quiet, Summer looking at the ground and Qrow shuts his eyes in wounded frustration, letting out a breath through his nose.
“I lost it, haven't I. My chance, I mean.” Qrow whispers, his eyes still closed. Summer makes a crying sound, and when he opens his eyes her hand is pressed to her mouth, stifling the sound.
And then she nods, and he tastes dejection on his tongue.
“Too little too late I guess.” Qrow says, digs his hands into his pockets.
“I’m sorry.” Summer whispers, and Qrow waves a hand weakly.
“Don’t be, Summer,” He replies, and he tries to smile, tries to offer her comfort without touching her because touching her would hurt more than anything. “Tai says I'm to be an uncle again. And that's… good enough for me.”
Summer wrings her hands. “Will it be?”
He shrugs. “No. But I guess it’ll have to be. Goodnight Summer.”
Qrow turns, begins walking the way he had come. She calls after him, her voice sweet and wavy, but he doesn't respond, doesn't look back. If he did, he might have gathered her in his arms, and done something he could never take back.
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paodocinh · 7 months
Some rwby sketches i've made on the past few days. They're messy, and from different aus.
Most of them are of my Zombie RWBY AU, others are of @peixedobar's AU and a few ones are from my Royalty RWBY AU.
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^ a lyric of Bad Boy by Red velvet.
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mondays-moodboards · 6 months
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Flown North/Hummingbird (Summer x Qrow) moodboard
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starwarskawaii · 2 years
No I don't think Qrow is Ruby's dad.
Yes I ship hummingbird.
We exist.
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teaospin · 1 year
Me and another friend have made a new Qrow/Summer shipping server for all of y’all to take the change to join if you wish!
The server was JUST made two days ago and fully “launched” yesterday- so we’re just getting it up off the ground, if you want to join and help spread the work about it, then feel free to join and do so! ^_^
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m-ir-a-n-da · 1 year
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You simply cannot convince me that Summer and Qrow aren’t actually Ruby’s parents.
• Qrow has always been much more protective of Ruby than Yang. He’s always been much closer to her. Despite the fact that technically (if Summer and Tai are Ruby’s parents) Ruby is not actually Qrow’s niece.
• Ruby exhibits no resemblance to Tai. Yang very clearly looks like both of her parents, but Ruby looks just like Summer. Which is of course a thing, but she inherited Qrow’s personality in many ways.
• Summer and Tai getting together and having a daughter less than two years after Raven left just seems so unlikely to me. Their relationship is confusing if we believe the information that’s been presented to us at its shallowest level, and everything we know about Summer would lead me to believe that Tai is not her type. At least not right away. And then how were she and Raven still friends or at least cordial in the Volume 9 flashback?
•Also, the way Qrow assumes authority over Ruby even in Tai’s presence and the way Tai yields makes me think that Tai respects Qrow’s rights as a father.
•I think it’s possible Summer and Tai began to fall for each other as they raised their children together, and I think it makes sense for Tai to love Ruby as his own. He has raised her on his own. Perhaps that’s even the source of the tension between Tai and Qrow and explains Qrow’s drinking and pain surrounding his semblance.
• not to mention, Ruby’s last name isn’t Xiao Long because Tai ISNT HER DAD. Also, it explains why Qrow is always coming around even though he and Tai clearly don’t enjoy each other’s company. He would want to watch Ruby grow up, and Tai wouldn’t take that away from him regardless of his personal feelings.
• But the one thing I can’t figure out is why Ruby wouldn’t know. Why would Qrow not have raised her? For what reason did Summer and Tai raise their children together? Perhaps Qrow’s semblance? In Volume 4 he says it makes things hard on his family, and you can tell there is some DEEP rooted trauma there. Also, Team STRQ is known to have made some very poor decisions when it comes to emotions and relationships in the past, so why wouldn’t they think it was a good idea for Qrow to pretend to be Ruby’s uncle? I mean, they kept Ozpin’s secrets their whole lives in order to avoid panic and disorder.
I want more info on the dysfunctionality of the Xiao-Long-Branwen family. Did something happen that is related to Summer’s disappearance? I feel like this information is about to revealed to us.
Ruby had to go through the transformation she did in Volume 9 so that she can handle the fucking bomb that’s about to be dropped on her in the coming volume(s). They are setting us up for a major development in the STRQ past that is somehow going to be directly linked to how they defeat Salem.
Team RWBY has continually made better decisions than Team STRQ did at their age which will show us why STRQ has failed to defeat Salem and why RWBY can.
(Me hoping to god Rooster Teeth doesn’t ruin RWBY by making too many volumes, but also trusting them to do the right thing for the story, because they have always prioritized its natural development.)
There is a Harry Potter level of complexity to the relationships between all the characters and the story that doesn’t make it into the script. (I mean just look at how much depth they gave to Neo and Torchwick without Neo ever saying a word and Torchwick barely even interacting with her on screen.)
I don’t care that Miles Luna said Qrow is not Ruby’s dad. That was five years ago. I think the show has brought us here in a way they might not have intended it to.
Sorry that’s a disorganized mess, I’m just spewing my thoughts. Moral of the story: I am excited about all the ways volume 9 left us uncertain of the story’s next steps and I cannot wait to see where they take us next.
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en-chantedslibrary · 1 year
Wish you were here (Qrow Branwen x Summer Rose)
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Its a little angsty, I couldnt help myself lol 
1.3k words
Warnings: loss of a loved one, unrequited love
He had always admired her, respected her. The red head leader who always wore a timid smile on her face. But it wasn’t until recently that the newly licenced huntsman had began to feel a… different type of admiration towards his team leader.
“Hey Qrow, why so glum?” The girl in a white hood asked. Qrow was sat against a tree in forever fall forest, staring out into the crimson landscape that reminded him of her. He didn’t look up; he hadn’t even heard her call out to him until she bent down to meet his eye. “Hey birdbrain, you in there?” she teased. He quickly snapped out of his trance, his red eyes looking into her silver ones.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, what do you want Summer?” He asked, turning his head in an attempt to hide the slight blush that crept on his face. She giggled at his aloofness, moving to sit next to him.
“You sort of disappeared earlier, what’s wrong?” Summer asked, “You can talk to me, you know?” Qrow stiffened. The reason he had quickly fled the bar earlier was far too embarrassing to admit to her.
Raven, Tai, Summer and Qrow were all sat around a table, swapping stories, and drinking enough alcohol to make an ursa pass out.
“Oh, Gods do you remember the first time you tricked Qrow into wearing a skirt?” Raven mentioned to Tai, gripping his forearm to support her while she let out a laugh. Summer snorted in response, strawberry sunrise shooting out of her nose.
“I remember that!” The silver eyed girl laughed “That was hilarious!”
“Hey! You know that I rocked that skirt. You even said my legs looked great.” Qrow replied, taking a sip from his whiskey.
“Honestly one of the best pranks I ever pulled.” Tai commented, moving his hand to hold Raven’s.
“Yeah, hah.” Summer let out a half-hearted laugh, wiping her nose with a napkin, and taking a silent sip of her drink. Qrow noticed the sudden change in Summer’s demeanour, he let his eyes follow where she was looking. Directly at the man and woman sat across from her. More specifically, their interlocked hands. Tai and Raven were so distracted by each other they hadn’t noticed how quiet and sullen their leader had gotten. Qrow had noticed. Qrow noticed everything about Summer Rose. The way she hid under her hood when she felt shy, the way she always pushed herself a little bit harder everyday in training, the way her eyes lit up when she played video games. The way her lips would move to mouth the words she read in books. The small murmurs she let out when she slept. Everything. Qrow noticed and loved everything about the beautiful silver eyed girl. But she never looked his way. He thought it was pathetic. He pined over a leader that only had eyes for his best friend. His sister’s love. Just his luck. Qrow took one final swig from his drink, stood up, simply said “I’m gonna go clear my head. Too much to drink. I’ll see you guys later.” And he was gone.
“I just- I just needed to clear my head.” He replied. He wasn’t lying; he did need to clear his head. He needed to try and get over his feelings for his teammate, but it seemed to Qrow that a walk through Forever Fall Forest would not be enough. He would have to walk to Anima and back to even get rid of a morsel of his devotion to Summer Rose. He was hopelessly in love with her. But that love would never be requited. Why would it? He was just some bad luck charm. It would bring her nothing but misfortune to be involved with him further than being just a teammate. Just a friend.
“You got out of there pretty quick… are you sure there isn’t something wrong?” Summer questioned.
“Well,” Qrow sighs, pulling his knees into his chest and resting his chin on his arms. “I’ve just been thinking. What happens now?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, now we are fully fledged huntsmen… what’s going to happen to us?” Qrow says solemnly.
“I think it’ll take more than graduation to tear team STRQ apart.” Summer replied, nudging Qrow
“Yeah… team STRQ” The us that the dark-haired huntsman was referring to was not the team. It was him and Summer. The two had been inseparable; as partners tended to be at beacon, but Qrow feared that Summer would rather go solo, leaving him alone. Raven had Tai; Summer was sure to find someone much better than him so where would that leave the poor unlucky huntsman? Alone. Again. He supposed he could make flying solo work – no pun intended- but he was scared. He hated being alone, it just reminded him of being back at the tribe. It was cold and no one showed true love and support. It never seemed to bother Raven, but Qrow was always someone who required connection. Love. A small tear left Qrow’s eye. He tried to wipe it away before Summer could notice but she had been watching him the entire time.
“Hey… Stilts, its okay. I’m here.” She spoke in a soft tone, and started to rub his back. This made Qrow begin to sob quietly into his arms.
“I’m – I just…” He began. “I just don’t know what I’m going to do Sum.” Summer’s heart broke at the sound of her partner so vulnerable. It was the first time she had ever seen him cry. In all these years Qrow had always kept up his stoic manner, other than his comical or sweet side. Summer was shocked by how… broken he seemed.
“Hey… shhh, its okay… here” Summer soothed him as she moved to lay him down across her legs, making him stare up at her.
“I’m not going anywhere. Tai and Raven aren’t going anywhere. Team STRQ is forever.” Summer smiled. “And I’m never going to leave you Qrow. You’re my best friend. And besides, who else is going to have your back when you get too cocky in a fight?” She joked, earning a half-hearted chuckle from the man. She smoothed his hair down as she guided him into taking some deep breaths. After a while of calming breaths and small jokes here and there, Summer had fallen asleep, hand still in Qrow’s hair. He dared not to move, afraid that this moment would escape him all too quickly. He just lay there, breathing in the faint smell of roses from her perfume, admiring her porcelain skin and her long lashes. She looked so peaceful like this. He wished that one day he could wake up to this sight every morning. Make coffee with an insane amount of cream and sugar for her every day, be able to plant gentle kisses to her pink lips. But that was just a childish dream. She loved Tai. Not him. So, he would forever sit on the side-lines, admiring her from afar. Qrow continued to stare at Summer until his eyelids became heavy, and his heart at peace. Just for this moment. He closed his eyes, and drifted off into a peaceful, much needed sleep.
When Qrow’s eyes opened, he was met with the view of a beautiful orange sunset. Then, appearing into his vision were silver eyes. He smiled.
“Come on uncle Qrow! Dad made dinner! Get your lazy butt up!” The young silver eyed girl spoke. Her voice was chipper and youthful, it reminded him so much of hers. He smiled.
“Alright, pipsqueak I’m coming.” He groaned, beginning to stand up. His knees groaned at the sudden movement, and his neck ached from laying on the ground. Once he stood up, he looked over to the view over the cliff-side, then down to the engraved stone that lay on the ground, right by where his head was. He smiled, not one of happiness, but one of bittersweet agony.
“I miss you, Summer.”
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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This is Round Two of the Artist Claims for the 2023 round of WIPBB. You may claim up to three fics this round. If you want only one fic, please fill out the form once with your top choices. If you want two fics, fill out the form twice with your first choice in the first form submission with one unique ID and the second choice in another submission with a different unique ID.
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/172201.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/ES2D3d2mTG1nU4Pk6.
Round two of the art claims will go on until July 1st.
Title: Revealed by Mirrored Eyes
Pairing/Characters: Qrow Branwen /Summer rose, Qrow Branwen & Ruby Rose, Qrow Branwen & Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose & Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose & Taiyang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose & JNR, Ruby Rose & Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna & Ruby Rose & Weiss Schnee & Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose & Summer Rose AND not currently tagged on the fic but there is a tentative chance for Ruby Rose/Penny Polendina
Rating Teen | T
Warnings/Tags: Graphic Violence
Violence IS canon typical! Ruby loses a limb somewhere in the middle, there are some (light) references to Qrow's alcoholism, Qrow Branwen IS ruby's biological father and yes this IS a warning bc some of the FNDM is very particular about it.
Summary: Team RWBY has arrived in Atlas, but their enemies are not far behind, and before long they will learn that there are many secrets and dangers lurking within the Solitas’ icy tundra. Soon after they arrive, murders begin happening all over Mantle, and also in smaller settlements on the continent. Tracking the cause for these deaths becomes a priority even as they work to restore global communications with General Ironwood, but in their search for answers, Salem's minions send shockwaves through the people.
Ruby is captured by Salem's minions and spends time in captivity. When she woke up in the everdark, part of one of her legs had been replaced with a grimm portion, and Salem seemed intent to turn Ruby against her friends, using a mysterious figure called Ivory - Ivory was revealed to be Summer Rose, and eventually they were able to escape (along with Ozpin!).
Ruby spends some time recovering and receives a custom prosthetic to replace the grimm portion of her leg, and finally begins to train again so that she can get back into the action. But... Salem's march on Atlas has begun, and the battle won't be easy on anyone.
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
One of my favorite things about Rwby
Is this dynamic
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Ruby Weiss and Blake all have world altering importance
And yangs just like a very determined older sister
Yang just wants her family all safe and happy and would happily die to ensure this
Yangs just like “this is my found family” and it’s like the most important people in the world
Not that this is at all new she’s just like surrounded by them her uncle is one of the best huntsmen alive despite being falling over drunk all the time considering he does all of ozpins missions personally and always by himself Ravens so good of a criminal she was on salems radar plus she’s MAGIC and can turn into a damn bird AND so yangs gif that in her I guess + the whole maiden thing summers super important somehow connected to salem as well ironwood who was the general for a WHILE was so close to qrow he might be her or rubys god father ozpin liked strq so much he gave two members magic so he might be a godfather too cause he seems to be really close to the family too
She’s like a magnet
And Yangs still just kinda there and she doesn’t consider any of these people like high and mighty or anything for being so important
She talks to ironwood super casually for the highest ranking military commander ever when he visits her after she becomes a criminal in v3 Qrows just her uncle when she speaks to Raven she’s totally ok with the idea of beating up her entire clan of criminals to get what she wants and then doesn’t respect a THING she says even after the reveal that MAGIC IS REAL and then when they Talk again after Raven joins salem, the bad guy and reveals she’s the MAIDEN which is super powerful yang insults her over and over with only one of her arms like she’s in no danger and then when she confronted ozpin/ Oscar about what Raven told her she gives him no special treatment for being a magical wizard that her entire family (minus Raven) trusts to make any decisions
Yang makes no exceptions no one is special yang would look the gods in the eyes and go “fuck off” and see nothing wrong with that
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nezuko-demon-slayer · 2 years
*Ahem* Concept:
Spy x Family au with Summer and Qrow and Child!Penny
The Desmonds are the Schnee’s and Penny has to befriend Child!Whitley
Becky is Blake
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brokentrafficknight · 4 months
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softly-potter · 3 months
Wish You Were Sober
Summary: Qrow calls a friend while babysitting his nieces.
Pairing: Qrow x Clover, Qrow x Summer
Word Count: 878
Warning: none
Inspired by 'wish you were sober' by Conan Gray
“You know the answer,” Tai sighs. “If I had found anything you would’ve known by now.”
Qrow scowls into the lip of his flask, brows furrowed before he takes a deep drink. Summer had been missing for nearly four months, and as time went on, it was getting harder to breathe. Harder to eat, harder to sleep. Knowing that she was no longer safely tucked away in that house with Tai and the girls made Qrow sick. Actually, the drink made him sick. The not knowing what happened to her made him want to die. 
“Just update me aight,” Qrow slurs, his tongue heavy in his mouth. On the other end of the scroll, Tai sighs. 
“You drunk again?” Tai huffs into the phone. Qrow rolls his eyes, peers into the bonfire. 
“Don’t worry,” Qrow replies. “The girls are fine.”
“I’m not worried about the girls at the moment.” Tai says, his response clipped. When had he grown up so much?
Qrow blinks slowly, leans his cheek into his palm. “I’m fine. Just find her. Or come home. Or both. The kids miss ya.”
“They miss their Uncle too,” Tai says lowley and Qrow shuts his eyes. “I’ll be back in the morning. Don’t forget to put out the fire before you go back inside.”
“Aye aye, captain.” Qrow mumbles into the scroll, ending the call before Tai can reply. 
Summer was the thing that held the group together, the glue. With her wishful eyes and sweet smile, she made team STRQ a team. A family. When Raven had ran, Summer had slipped into the role of mother easily. A few months later she found out she was going to be a mom herself, and while it had stung that it wasn’t his baby, Qrow couldn’t say he hated the way pregnancy had made Summer glow. 
He knew she hadn’t left on her own accord. Not if she had never intended on coming back. Summer was a mother to Ruby and Yang through and through. She would’ve rather died than be separated from them. Knowing that made Qrow’s breath catch. 
Staring into the fire, he tips the flask back and forth between his palms before raising it to his mouth and taking another sip. 
Beside him, his scroll buzzes and he glares at it before picking it up. Reading the name across the screen, Qrow groans and presses answer. 
“Hey you.”
“Hey yourself.” Qrow grumbles, looking away from the screen. “Tai call you?”
Clover shrugs, his emerald eyes bright even on the phone. “Maybe. But can’t a guy give one of his best friends a call?”
“One of your best friends?” Qrow smirks, quirking an eyebrow. “Let’s be honest, I’m one of your only friends. We both know you don’t consider the Ops to be your friends.”
Clover wrinkles his nose the smallest amount. “They’re my teammates. They’re important in other ways.”
“Sure, sure,” Qrow sighs, and takes a swig from the flask. “So what did Tai want you to do, check in? Give me words of advice? Scold me?”
“He’s just worried about you,” Clover sighs, scratching the back of his head. “We all are. We know how… difficult these last few months have been.”
The screen flashes for a moment as the connection drops and Qrow feels his heart panic for a moment. The connection resumes and Clover's face reappears, making Qrow let out a sigh. 
“Difficult is an understatement.”
“That’s understandable,” Clover replies. He gives a light smile and it’s infectious. “How’re your nieces?”
Qrow grins. “Growing like beanstalks. I swear Yangs going to get into Beacon early.”
“Just like her Uncle, no?” Clover quips and Qrow snickers, rubs at his jaw. 
“I’m lucky I got into Beacon at all.”
“Luck had nothing to do with it.”
Qrow feels his chest tighten and he looks away. They’re both quiet for a moment before he takes another sip. 
“How’ve you been, Clove?” Qrow says his friend's childhood nickname like a happy memory, his eyes bleary. 
Clover lets out a quiet sigh. “I’ve been good, kid.”
“Miss you being around.” Qrow tries, his voice cracking a bit and he coughs. Clover is quiet, frown lines creasing his forehead. “Miss that smartass sarcasm.”
At this, Clover lets out a chuckle but his face looks drawn. “That’s sweet, Qrow,” he says softly, rubbing the back of his neck. “That’s… real sweet. But I wish you were sober.”
Qrow feels an embarrassed flush crawl up his neck and he looks away, digs his heels into the dirt. 
“I should go,” Qrow says quickly, unable to look at the man that could’ve been something, pity him any longer. “Should check on the girls.”
“Qrow, don’t-“
“Bye Clover.”
Qrow ends the call with a hard push of his thumb. He drops the Scroll to the soft grass and lets out a long sigh, stretching his neck to the sky. Taking in the dimly lit moon and stars, he wonders if Summer and Clover are looking at the night sky too. 
Was Summer able to look at the sky, wherever she was? Did Clover remember how they used to stargaze? Qrow squeezes his eyes shut, gripping the flask tightly and wonders if they miss him, as much as he misses them. 
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