#Qiu Fei
thekingsavatar-fan · 8 days
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Happy birthday, Qiu Fei! [wiki]
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2019-07-24 电视剧全职高手 (TKA TV Drama) weibo update
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fwoopersongs · 6 months
[Book Rec + Reaction/Thoughts] The Lantern and the Night Moths 灯与夜蛾 by Yilin Wang
An anthology of translated poems by five modern or contemporary poets and accompanying essays by the translator, @yilinwriter.
You can find the pronunciation guide and list of corrections here!
The cover art, a beautiful expression of the tone of this collection, is by Taiwanese artist Ciaoyin (check out her gorgeous insta!). I'm looking forward to the arrival of the physical book as my tab absolutely does not do it justice xD
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Anyway! The official release date is 02 April 2024 though there have been some very thoughtful reviews by early readers already. Here, here, here and here.
(It was an ARC that I received too… though in the time it took to put this together, the ebooks have already gone out to readers >.< typical snail yj!) 
Instead, I’ll tell you who I think would be interested in this book or might benefit from reading it, then share things that are cool about it from the perspective of a bilingual hobbyist translator + lover of ancient poetry and lyrics.
Who should read it?
If annotations, translator’s notes and reflections spark joy for you...
If you’ve ever read poetry translations and been intensely curious about what goes on under the hood...
If you’re a translator yourself wanting to hear another voice...
Definitely check this out!
Also if you’re CN+EN bilingual and have ever read something in English that references Chinese terms and concepts etc. except ONLY in English, pinyin or wade-giles and been utterly frustrated by the ensuing guessing game (like me) Fear Not.
That will not be a problem here.
I really appreciate how Chinese words are used naturally where needed for concepts and quotes - they are also translated for those who can't read Chinese so no one is left out. It made this book of and about translation (and more) super comfortable to read! The solution is so simple, so direct, so rarely used that I am amused.
Oh, but do note that the Chinese characters are in simplified though!
The poems are organised by their writers who are listed here by order of birth year, not appearance in the book:
秋瑾 (Qiu Jin, 1875 to 1907)
废名 (Fei Ming. 1901 to 1967)
戴望舒 (Dai Wangshu, 1905 to 1950)
小西 (Xiao Xi, 1974 to _)
张巧慧 (Zhang Qiaohui, 1978 to _) 
Altogether, that covers nearly the last 150 years up to now. I’ve never really been into poetry by poets in such relatively recent times, in part because I’d been holding on to this stereotype of them spurning Classical Chinese and ancient poetry in the first half of the 20th century (not entirely true, as I came to realise xD). It made sense and was understandable, but felt sad.
Yet am I the target audience for this book?
Very much so.
In ways I didn’t think I would be too! It was so much fun to experience this both as a reader and a translator that I thought I’d share it here, where we are appreciating Chinese poetry together.
If you didn’t think you’d enjoy modern Chinese poetry, hey, give it a chance!
Oh yeah - on the way home a while back, I was talking to a friend about translation and was surprised to hear that her impression was that it ought to be a straightforward process. Like isn’t it a 1:1 conversion? At some point, ‘what’s the difference between something google translate might return, and how you would say it?’ was asked, and oh that was a delightful question to my ears! I showed her one of my comparison sheets where an original text is laid out alongside multiple translations line-by-line, briefly explaining some common and unique choices and how the people who had translated those probably arrived at the various interpretations. She was pretty amazed to see that the answer to her question was: very different. Hey, it’s a complicated process!
But there’s only so much one can explain in the space of a train ride. That’s why The Lantern and the Night Moths is a book I would also rec to someone like this friend of mine - open minded and curious but never having the chance to think about or encounter the craft of translation.
Like Yilin says, ‘the meaning of a word cannot be fully expressed in one single translation, nor through a series of translation attempts’. She then explains why with great attention to detail and some solid examples from one of the poems with word choices loaded with subtle connotations :D
What's interesting about it?
Okay, for one, Yilin shared a playlist of music that she listened to while working on this book. Here is the link to the spotify one and the one on youtube. Check them out! They sure put me in the mood to read xD (favs: 别知己, 小神仙 & 去有風的地方) Afterwards, this made so much sense like - ah! an audio moodboard.
She's also putting together these adorable mini profiles of each poet along with a cmedia and tea rec to match their vibes. Go see them on her instagram xD
Now to business...
What really helped keep the reader’s focus was the way each section is organized, how the poems and accompanying essay were presented and finally the short bio of each person right at the end. 
The poets are first introduced through five or six of their poems, works well suited to this purpose. Their voices, distinct through the vision, ambition and emotion of their words, are brought across by Yilin’s sensitive, thoughtful and poetic translations into English. These translations were also creative and transformative in a way that made so much sense after reading one of her reflections on the process, how she ‘must guide it with gentle hands to ensure its spirit is kept alive and intact during this transformative, and often excruciating process’. A rebirth into another language!
Personally, I’ve come to think of reading translations as looking at a work through another’s eyes. So it’s delightful when the translator’s presence is discernible, and even more so when the reader is given insight into their intention and process via commentary. 
Yilin’s essays coupled with the poets’ bios at the end provide a means to go back and appreciate their works in context of their circumstance and inspirations. Similarly, to read the translations with a changed perspective.
I don’t know how much of a thing this is with translated poetry anthologies in English - can count the number I’ve read with both hands lol, and they’re all of the ancient chinese poetry variety - but I really like this design.
drawing on poets who came before them
Remember how we’re always recognizing traces of inspiration from ancient works (to them) in poetry of the various dynasties? 李商隐 Li Shangyin of Tang for example, was influenced by 楚辞 Verses of Chu and folklore and mythology such as that in 山海经 Classic of Mountains and Seas, 李白 Li Bai frequently references poets and history of the 魏晋 Wei-Jin era, and 王维 Wang Wei was clearly familiar with Buddhist scriptures which were translations themselves! 
Just like the late Táng poets whom he praised for boldly deviating from the voices before them, Fei Ming used popular references and tropey shorthands ‘in contexts utterly different from the original, reimagining them anew’. Dai Wangshu, too, ‘boldly re-envisioned what modern poetry could look like by revisiting the classics’. In fact, in his very relatable ‘To Answer the Visitor with Classical Imagery’, I see Li Bai’s 春夜宴桃李园序, Qu Yuan’s 离骚 and lots of - as the title says - classical imagery, as if pulling out painting after painting to describe a feeling.
And Dai Wangshu’s faith in the translatability of poetry, that ‘poetry isn’t what is lost in translation, but rather, what survives it’ reminds me of what a friend, @xiakeponz, said that I agree with so much - because readers can ‘experience something in their own individual way through (your) shared humanity rather than language alone’.
poetic tradition and beyond
Between the lines of contemporary poets Zhang Qiaohui and Xiao Xi, I can really see the charm of plain vernacular, how it can be beautiful, incisive and clever in turns. Even as it seems to have moved further than ever from the structure and language of literary Chinese, the themes that inspired common motifs remain a part of life. Mother and divinity, homesickness, finding oneself, tributes to admirable spirits and the issues that trouble society - just in a new form and with different ways of expression.
Qiu Jin
So many FEELINGS about what Qiu Jin was doing - ‘I awaken the spirits of women, hundreds of flowers, abloom’. I would love if she could see the world now. So many things for her to rouse and fight against, but at the same time just as many to be proud of. I am so in awe of her, but now hearing her loneliness and struggle there is a soft spot in my heart for those too. 
So so so…
Qiu Jin’s admirable fire and lonely resolve. Zhang Qiaohui’s precious ability to express beauty in the mundane and in pain. Fei Ming’s utter delight! He is having so much fun and when* I’m vibing, I feel it too. Xiao Xi’s critical eye and keen observation of the world. Dai Wangshu’s whimsical charm and passion for translation. Finally, Yilin Wang, the connecting thread wound through them all, bringing them together so that we may be acquainted. 
*Reading his poetry is like unwrapping a seamless, many layered present. A gift that keeps giving - if only you have a key 😅 Fortunately, Yilin has halved our struggle 🤣
I’ve had such a great time with them all. And if you come, I hope you will too!
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web-novel-polls · 1 year
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sealedsanctuary · 1 year
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霹靂異數之龍圖霸業 Pili Anomalous: The Dragon Domination · 2001 - Ji Wuhua's elegant entrance in the Blossom Feast.
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Hello, the Sharpshooter. 6/7
Story: 7
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: GO Into Your Heart (cdrama); Skate Into Love (cdrama);
First of all this would of been an excellent drama if they cut the series down in half. Forty episodes was much too long for this becoming draggy in a lot of parts. Aside from that though, this was a very enjoyable watch. I liked how they approached the subject of mental illness and stress can effect athletes, along with PTSD. The whole series deals with very sensitive subjects including sexual harassment, rape. The storyline of the romance side, well it’s really nothing new, boy and girl love each they reunite after several years, there’s a bit of amnesia, and hiccups along the way. The chemistry between the main leads are nothing short but amazing as well as the secondary couple. For me overall I did use the fast forward button a lot to skim over the parts that I though were draggy and not really needed.
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cataclysmicamomile · 3 months
Next episode is Qiu Fei!!! The punch!!!! I'm so excited...
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mxtx-ships · 5 months
Edit: So I hate slow burns, so getting into danmei WAS HARD!!!! So I'm looking for romance, and I don't mind pining a bit. But most danmei are slow burn with pining, so I don't think I'll ever find a danmei where it's mostly romance. I got into SVSSS cause I really liked the couple and didn't know it was gonna be a slow burn. TGCF I got into cause i saw so many romantic things, HuaLian! Didn't know I was gonna have angst city!!!! I got into MDZS cause I honestly read all of MXTX books so let's just read the last one! I didn't know they were all slow burn or just everyone pining forever😅😅
Another Edit: I don't mind angst! I live for it! I just want a lot of romance!
Last Edit: ok kings and queens and everyone else! I think I will give The Disabled Tyrant’s Beloved Pet Fish, Ballad of Sword and Wine, and maybe The Husky & His White Cat Shizun! I honestly heard a lot about Ballad of Sword and Wine, and I'm liking it! Them getting together early and just doing shit together which I adore! Thank you to everyone!!!!!🩷🩷🩷
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nemainofthewater · 4 months
These contestants have cleared the (very, very, very low bar) to be the rare breed of cdrama father who is both a (relatively) good father* and ALSO still be alive! And they deserve recognition for this
*some of them clear the bar better than others...
Propaganda, examples, and write-ins absolutely welcome!
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joyouslee · 3 months
MLC King's Avatar (e-sports) AU
just thinking about an MLC King's Avatar AU - LXY is Ye Qiu/ One Autumn Leaf, the fallen prodigy betrayed by the team he built up. LLH is Ye Xiu/ Lord Grim, wanting to live his own life just playing around in the new server (and being an absolute gremlin about it) but then accidentally building a challenger's team to take back his title (then retire). DFS is Han Wenqing, the rival who has fought LXY for 10 years and just wants one more fight against LXY. FDB is... a mishmash of Qiao Yifan and Chen Guo (with Huang Shaotian's ability to insult everyone he plays against) - a certified LXY fanboy that got a pointer from LXY one time and now follows LLH around and eventually bankrolls the challenger team.
just thinking of LLH frustrating everyone he meets and stealing wild bosses, the unknown "a-Fei" who joins them for boss fights and tries constantly to get LLH, a healer, to pvp (to FDB's bewilderment), and FDB following LLH around the map talking up his mentor LXY, not realizing that LLH's healer character is not his only account, but that he has an alt that is the mysterious while-robed swordsman racking up all the records in the new server.
I just want DFS telling a defeated XZJ that LXY wouldn't have lost :D And FDB recognizing LLH when he uses LXY's signature move to avenge FDB.
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thekingsavatar-fan · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Qiu Fei! [wiki]
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lttawnymadison · 3 months
Danmei most highly rated/loved
This list is based on my poll of people's favorite danmei novels. They're also the ones I've heard about multiple times. Many are licensed for English.
MXTX – Heaven Official's Blessing (Tian Guan Ci Fu) 
MXTX – The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Mo Dao Zu Shi)  
MXTX – The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong) 
Meatbun – The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun)
Meatbun - Remnants of Filth (Yu Wu)
Meatbun - Case File Compendium (Bing an Ben)
Meng Xishi - Thousand Autumns (Qian Qiu) 
Meng Xishi – Peerless (Wu Shuang) 
Priest - Stars of Chaos (Sha Po Lang)  
Priest – Lord Seventh (Qi Ye)
Priest - Faraway Wanderers (Tian Ya Ke), sequel to Lord Seventh
Priest – Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire 
Priest - Guardian (Zhen Hun) 
Shisi - Little Mushroom (Xiao Mogu) 
Feng Yu Nie - Mistakenly Saving the Villain 
FTYX - Dinghai Fusheng Records
FTYX - Legend of Exorcism (Tianbao Fuyao Lu) (loose sequel to DFR)
FTYX - To Rule in a Turbulent World (Luan Shi Wei Wang)  
Tang Jiu Qing - Qiang Jin Jiu 
Tang Jiu Qing - Nan Chan 
Cang Wu Bin Bai - Golden Terrace (Cang Wu Bin Bai) 
Cang Wu Bin Bai - Chun Feng Du Jian 
Qing Se Yu Yi - Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know  
Man Man He Qi Duo - Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine 
Lu Ye Qian He - The Wife is First (Qi Wei Shang) 
Yi Yi Yi Yi - How to Survive As a Villain (Chuanyue Cheng Fanpai Yao Ruhe Huoming)  
Zhìchǔ - Fan Service Paradox (Ying Ye Bei Lun)  
Mu Su Li - Global Examination (Quanqiu Gaokao)  
Wei Feng Ji Xu - Mist (Bowu) 
Xue Shan Fei Hu - The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish 
Wu Zhe - Run Wild (Sa Ye) 
bafflinghaze - Dao Of The Salted Fish (Salted Fish Cultivator) 
Lin Qian - The Fallen Merman 
Feng Liu Shu Dai - Quickly wear the face of the devil 
Yin Ya - The Legendary Master’s Wife  
Wú Yì - The Killer of Killers (Sha Qing) 
Bing Kuai’er/ICE (冰块儿) - After Dawn/Dawning 黎明之后 
Jiang Weiji - How to Feed an Abyss! 
Lei Xu - The Grave Robbers' Chronicles
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saincorner · 1 year
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Transporting in the world of beastly men.
Heya! It's been a while since I mixed things up in here, so I decided to create a weekly segment called more like that. It's a compilation of babasahin that have either the same premise or plot, and I collect them all into one post so you can have an idea of what to read next ;)
Pre-historic civilization is a setting that I'm deeply fascinated by, and In this post, I gather all beast men manhua that I can find.
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Beauty and the Beasts
Author(s): Yuewen Manhua
Artist(s): Yuewen Manhua
As soon as she fell into the world of beastmen, a leopard forcibly took her back to his home. Indeed, Bai Qingqing is at a complete and utter loss. The males in this world are all handsome beyond compare, while the women are all so horrid that even the gods shudder at their sight. As a first-rate girl from the modern world (she's even a quarter Russian), Bai Qingqing finds herself sitting at the center of a harem filled with beautiful men -- at the very peak of existence.
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When Beauty Meets Beasts
Author(s): 阅文漫画
Artist(s): 阅文漫画
Lin Huanhuan, a regular 20-year-old girl who just joined the workforce, suddenly transmigrated while taking a bath! What’s more, it’s a world filled with handsome men who wear loincloths and can transform into beasts! Romance with another race is bound to be difficult, but luckily, there’s a transmigration system which teaches her how to survive in this strange new world. Study hard to achieve your sweet romance, Huanhuan!
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Beast World Crazy Concubine
Author(s): 掌阅文化
Artist(s): Unknown
Ji Mo crosses over to the orc continent, where there are handsome male beasts wearing beast skins and showing their long legs that can fly, and she became the most adored female in the entire orc continent, and every male wants Ji Mo to have their cubs. "No! Let go of me, you guys! It's not my ambition to lie around and have cubs every day! " cried Ji Mo as she struggled in the arms of the handsome male beast.
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I Became the Beastman's Wife
Author(s): Luo Fei Qiu Se / 九川动漫
Artist(s): 九川动漫
During her nightly programming session, Yin Zhu suddenly died and was transmigrated into a world of beastmen. She found out that the original owner of her new body drugged Teng Xiao...Her social awkwardness caused everyone to misunderstand her. She claimed to be uninterested in love and only cared about her career. From then on she used the system she created to help her tribe rise to the greatest from the wastelands. Starting from fine food, her covert changes stunned everyone. But why are whiny men coming to Yin Zhu every day telling her to stop doing business, and do them instead??
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Help! I Had Transmigrated and My Snake Husband Pampered Me Too Much
Author(s): 绘境社
Artist(s): 绘境社
Lu Ling transmigrated into the Beast World novel that he had just read halfway through before going to bed, and became a cannon fodder, deer beast. The current plot is that after Lu Linggang agreed to Snake Ying's "courtship" request, he would use his fiancé Snake Ying to get the winter resources. After Lu Ling transmigrated, she couldn't bear Snake Shadow to experience the plot of being "betrayed by herself" and "ruthlessly abandoned" again. Although Snake Shadow's departure may lead to her failure in the future, Lu Ling still decided to "break off the marriage", but she was helpless every time. What will happen to Lu Ling?
~ Bonus ~
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Tsundere Beast Taming Project
Author(s): 绘境社
Artist(s): 绘境社 / 凌晨点头
A girl with an angelic face and a devil figure, travels to the orc world and becomes the daughter of the beast gods that everyone desires, and now all orcs want to have cubs with her.
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web-novel-polls · 4 months
WN Women Tourney - Images & Propaganda
[Last Updated: June 6th, 2024]
The submissions post has been updated with all the current propaganda/submissions. I'll try and add propaganda to some of the characters, but here's a list of the current characters without any propaganda whatsoever:
No Propaganda List
Lang Qiao from Mo Du / Silent Reading 
Lee Sookyung from ORV
Lin Jingshu from Can Ci Pin
Nangong Jingnu from JWQS
Nangong Shunu from JWQS
Su Xiyan from SVSSS
If you'd like to submit propaganda (for characters without propaganda or characters with), feel free to send an ask at any point during the tournament. The following are characters that I couldn't find an image of but will be represented with an image of the cover of their novel unless someone sends in an image:
No Image of Character / Image of Novel
Fu Wanqing from The Beauty’s Blade (Eliminated)
Li Yanru from JWQS (Eliminated)
Manman from Itinerant Doctor* (Eliminated)
Mansha from FGEP
Nagsi Jiya from JWQS (Eliminated)
Qiyan Nomin from JWQS (Eliminated)
Qu Qing Ju from To Be a Virtuous Wife (Eliminated)
Ryu Seol from Best Teacher Baek* (Eliminated)
Su Qingluan from Lord Seventh (Eliminated)
Wei Chengxiang from Tai Sui* (Eliminated)
Youqin from FGEP
Zhao Qindan from Tai Sui* (Eliminated)
*Suspected to have no canon image
Full Character List
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A-Qing from MDZS
Baili Qingmiao from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Bai Rong from Thousand Autumns
*Carynne Heier from Resetting Lady (Dealer’s Choice)
Christelle de Sarnez from When the Third Wheel Strikes Back
Chu Yue from QQGK
Consort Jing from Langya Bang / Langya List / Nirvana in Fire
Feng Xiaoshu/Princess Jing’an from Lord Seventh
Frédérique Riester from When the Third Wheel Strikes Back
Fu Wanqing from The Beauty’s Blade
Grand Princess Liyang from Nirvana in Fire
Gu Xiang from TYK
Hannah from LCF/TCF
Han Sooyoung from ORV
Hua Xiangyi from QJJ
*Isella Evans from Resetting Lady (Dealer’s Choice)
*Iseol Yu from Return of the Blossoming Blade (Dealer’s Choice)
*Jang Hayoung from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
Jiang Yanli from MDZS
Jian Lan from TGCF
*Jung Heewon from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
*Kim Seyun from My School Life Pretending to be a Worthless Person (Dealer’s Choice)
Lang Qiao from Mo Du 
Lee Jihye from ORV
*Lee Sookyung from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
Ling Wen from TGCF
Lin Jingshu from Can Ci Pin
Lin Wanyue from FGEP
Liu Mingyan from SVSSS
Liu Qianqiao from TYK
Li Xian from FGEP
Li Yanru from JWQS 
Luo Qingyang / Mianmian from MDZS
Manman from Itinerant Doctor
Mansha from FGEP
Mary from LCF/TCF
Mu Nihuang from Nirvana in Fire
Murong Mengze from Yuwu
Nagsi Jiya from JWQS
Nangong Jingnu from JWQS
Nangong Shunu from JWQS
Ning Yingying from SVSSS
*Olivia Lanze from DPA (Dealer’s Choice)
Qiu Congxue from DVAWTK
Qiyan Agula from JWQS
Qiyan Nomin/A-Die from JWQS
Qi Zhuyin from QJJ
Qu Qing Ju from To Be a Virtuous Wife
Ryu Seol from Best Teacher Baek
Sha Hualing from SVSSS
Shu Yanyan from DVAWTK
Song Qiutong from 2ha
Son Moa from I Stole the Number One Ranker’s Soul
Su Qingluan from Lord Seventh
Su Xiyan from SVSSS
*Uriel from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
Wei Chengxiang from Tai Sui
Wen Qing from MDZS
Ye Wangxi from 2ha
Yoo Sangah from ORV
Youqin from FGEP
Yushi Huang from TGCF
Zhao Qindan from Tai Sui
Zhou Fei from Bandits/Legend of Fei 
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booksandboba · 5 months
Book Releases in 2024
(Last Updated: 9.20.2024)
(7) Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang, Volume 3, Priest (light novel)
(14) A Crane Among Wolves, Jane Hur (novel)
(21) Witch Hat Atelier, Volume 12, Kamome Shirahama (graphic novel, manga)
(21) Though I Am An Inept Villainess: Tale of the Butterfly-Rat Body Swap in the Maiden Court, Volume 5, Satsuki Nakamura, Ei Ohitsuji, Kana Yuki (graphic novel, manga)
(21) Oshi No Ko, Volume 6, Aka Akasaka, Mengo Yokoyari (graphic novels, manga)
(4) Ballad of Sword and Wine: Qiang Jin Jiu, Volume 1, Tang Jiu Qing (light novel)
(11) The Eccentric Doctor of the Moon Flower Kingdom, Volume 6, Tohru Himuka (graphic novel, manga)
(11) Case File Compendium: Bing An Ben, Volume 2, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(18) The Remarried Empress, Volume 7, Alphatart, SUMPUL, HereLee (comic, unscrolled web comic)
(2) The Night Ends With Fire, K. X. Song (novel)
(9) Thousand Autumns: Qian Qiu, Volume 5, Meng Xi Shi (light novel)
(23) Lullaby of the Dawn, Volume 4, Ichika Yuno (graphic novel, manga)
(23) Remnants of Filth: Yuwu, Volume 4, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(30) Peerless: Wushuang, Volume 1, Meng Xi Shi (light novel)
(1) Nine Tailed: Realm of Four Kingdoms #1, Jayci Lee (novel)
(6) Spy x Family, Volume 12, Tatsuya Endo (graphic novel, manga)
(6) Father, I Don't Want This Marriage, Volume 1, Hong Heesu, Roal, Yuri (comics, unscrolled web comic)
(6) The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish: Canji Baojun De Zhangxin Yu Chong, Volume 2, Xue Shan Fei Hu (light novel)
(13) Guardian: Zhen Hun, Volume 3, Priest (light novel)
(20) The Husky and His White Cat Shizun: Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun, Volume 6, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(27) You’ve Got Mail: The Perils of Pigeon Post: Fei Ge Jiao You Xu Jin Shen, Volume 1, Blackegg (light novel)
(27) Oshi No Ko, Volume 7, Aka Akasaka, Mengo Yokoyari (graphic novels, manga)
(3) When Haru Was Here, Dustin Thao (novel)
(3) How to Survive As a Villain, Volume 1, Yi Yi Yi Yi, Wang Yi (comic, web comic unscrolled)
(10) The Eccentric Doctor of the Moon Flower Kingdom, Volume 7, Tohru Himuka (graphic novel, manga)
(17) Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang, Volume 4, Priest (light novel)
(17) The Remarried Empress, Volume 8, Alphatart, SUMPUL, HereLee (comic, unscrolled webcomic)
(24) KinnPorsche, Volume 1, Daemi (light novel)
(24) Ballad of Sword and Wine: Qiang Jin Jiu, Volume 2, Tang Jiu Qing (light novel)
(8) Case File Compendium: Bing An Ben, Volume 3, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(8) The Last Dragon of the East, Katrina Kwan (novel)
(8) Divine Mortals: Divine Mortals # 1, Amanda M. Helander (novel)
(15) Lullaby of the Dawn, Volume 5, Ichika Yuno (manga)
(22) Case File Compendium: Bing An Ben, Volume 3, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(29) Peerless, Volume 2, Meng Xi Shi (light novel)
(29) Don't Let the Forest In, C.G. Drew (novel)
(5) Dinghai Fusheng Records, Volume 1, Fei Tian Ye Xiang, Qian Er Bai, LV FEI (comic, manhua)
(7) The Undoing of Violet Claybourne, Emily Critchley (novel)
(12) ENNEAD, Volume 4, Mojito (comics, webcomic unscrolled)
(19) Remnants of Filth: Yuwu, Volume 5, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(19) Oshi No Ko, Volume 8, Aka Akasaka, Mengo Yokoyari (graphic novels, manga)
(26) You’ve Got Mail: The Perils of Pigeon Post: Fei Ge Jiao You Xu Jin Shen, Volume 2, Blackegg (light novel)
(3) The Husky and His White Cat Shizun: Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun, Volume 7, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(10) Noragami: Stray God, Volume 27, Adachitoka (graphic novels, manga)
(10) The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish: Canji Baojun De Zhangxin Yu Chong, Volume 3, Xue Shan Fei Hu (light novel)
(17) Though I Am An Inept Villainess: Tale of the Butterfly-Rat Body Swap in the Maiden Court, Volume 6, Satsuki Nakamura, Ei Ohitsuji, Kana Yuki (graphic novel, manga)
(24) The Ancient Magus' Bride, Volume 20, Kore Yamazaki (graphic novels, manga)
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches The King's Avatar - Ep 39
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An accurate portrayal of a lot of male sports fans, sadly. All she's done is move into position and that's apparently not good enough
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Yeah, even the main commentator (not Blue Rain husbands) is a misogynist
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Yes, yes, I know it's fiction. But it's bad form to leave your old team and join your new one before the tournament is even over. And I know it's all poignant and stuff but she technically still works for Excellent Era until the end of this day even if she doesn't have to play again. I'm pleased there's another woman on Team Happy though!
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Everyone else: has their own chair Blue Rain husbands: we'll just share this one
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YAY the girls get to huddle this time!
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Wenzhou: please stop cheering for other teams
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I do love that this is as much about tactics as it is about gameplay skill. It's fascinating to watch Xiao Shiqin and Ye Xiu try and outsmart each other.
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Ohhhhh shit! Ye Xiu is about to fight Sun Xiang and Qiu Fei together at the same time
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GAH SHIT THAT LAST GAME WAS SO INTENSE! But I think Team Happy lost at the last second??? What a place to end! And now I have to get dinner before I can watch the final episode.
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