#Qator Bashtar
zhenniguan · 1 year
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That period where I really liked to add game UI in my art (specifically the health bars haha)
Gabranth has a life bar btw, it's the giant BOSS one!!
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So, I added Bahamut because I thought there weren't enough villains, but somebody just messaged me with somebody I missed somehow. They were on the list, I don't know how they got overlooked, so this will be the poll I pay attention to.
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Qator: Triple threat (gun, sword, eye patch). Bad at spelling.
Golbez: Mind control on mind control on mind control
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fftype-0-mybeloved · 2 years
I longed to finish Type 0 once for all (I didn't load it since 2020) and I must say-
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rvby · 3 months
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vantasei · 3 months
gay asf to sacrifice yrself for the greater good. whatre you dying for. other men?
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xxyumeno · 1 year
It was after the end of the war, nations were doing their best to build their countries back from scratch. Machina made another visit to Byakko, where Qator had assumed control for the time being until everything settles down and the Militese can chose a proper leader for themselves. "I'm glad you are doing alright, sir." he was still both embarrassed and guilt ridden of the previous events. Qator had never mentioned his past once but Machina could tell the other is just being considerate to him. "I came to invite you personally to attend a party we're going to have in the new Academy building to celebrate its revival. "I hope you that you can attend it."
How is he alive?
Shouldn't he be dead?
A miracle surely. How else would one survive nearly being burnt alive?
Many of similar wordings or phrases he remembered hearing when he had come out of his coma after Gabriel came hurtling out of the sky. Gloves melting from the heat as hands gripped the controls tightly. Skin burned barely pulling the MagiTank out of nose dive saving his own life in the process. By some shred of miracle or diving intervention. Though, he was never one to believe in such things. Nor would that change any time soon.
It took awhile for him to recover from his wounds, much longer without the aid of the Crystals that once dominated life in Orience had lost their luster, their glow and died. Without them they had to learn to survive on their own, without the brilliance of the Crystal's blessing. It was quite a laugh if he thought about it long enough. Amazing how reliant humanity was dependant on them that they were nothing without them. Yet, humanity was able to persevere.
❛ They still flinch as I walk by. Preferable over glares filled with hate and loathing... ❜ the general thought as he was handed a report on the present condition of what remained of Ingram and its people. Even though the Ultima Bomb was released in space the aftershock of the explosion could still be felt on the planet itself. After the Gabriel had crashed... it was surprising part of the capital still remained.
❝ Hn... ❞ the sound he made caught the attention of the aid who was helping him. ❝ Is that all? ❞ he inquired as the aide nodded and left the office.
❛ It will be some time before Ingram can recover let alone the people making peace. ❜ he thought while reading over the report. The hate and loathful glares he was greeted with when he walked about the city. The people only seeing him as a reminder of the Ingram's once maddening leader. As the one who served closet to Marshall Cid Aulstyne, was him.
A sarcastic smile formed on his lips. ❝ No rest for the wicked they say. ❞ he laughed seeing some sick humor in it.
❝ I need to get myself out of this office before I drive myself mad. ❞
Eye blinked. ❝ Well, it hasn't been long since your last visit. ❞ a grin of sorts appeared on Qator's lips when he was greeted by the once I'Cie of the no longer Milites Empire.
❝ A party? ❞ that wasn't something he expected to hear let alone be invited to. A party to celebrate the revival at that. A hand rubbed his chin as he fell into thought, thinking it over. ❝ I'll see what I can do about attending. ❞ though he could really use it just to get out of Ingram. ❝ When will it be exactly? ❞ he inquired. His schedule need to be moved around adjusted accordingly. Leave the runnings of Ingram in the hands of his aide.
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❝ How about we talk about this in my office instead out here? ❞ he suggested taking quick note how some soldiers were attempting to evasdrop. ❝ I didn't quite expect to run into you here and I was thinking about taking a walk a moment earlier. ❞
@sentofight + machina &&. plotted interaction // always accepting // can be continued
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monstertreden · 10 days
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Which one will it be Eden 😈👀
Lord have mercy, you're making this hard gurl🧍‍♀️
....Both should compete in "who's the reddest flag"...
THOUGH, as much as I can love (and bully) Poseidon, I'm taking pre-maniac episode Sephiroth with me 😈😈 I can make him worse
(I'm weak for the FF antagonists *coff* Qator Bashtar *coff* )
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toggle1-mrfipp · 10 months
Opera Omnia Burst Themes 6/6
And now for the final piece of this self-indulgent series where I express my love for the music of this series.
Final Fantasy Tactics Mustadio Bunansa: Tension Rapha Galthena: Run Past Through the Plain Marach Galthena: Trisection Cidolfus Orlandeu: Thunder God Cid Meliadoul Tengille: Apoplexy Beowulf Cadmus: Under the Stars Reis Duelar: Unavoidable Battle Construct 8: In Pursuit Bylos: Espionage Delita Heiral: Decisive Battle Orran Durai: Antidote Alma Beoluve: A Chapel Ovelia Atkascha: Desert Land Argath Thadalfus: Enemy Attack Goffgard Gaffgarion: Back Fire Weirgraf Folles: Remnants Zalbaag Beoluve: Zalbaag, the Holy Knight Dycedarg Beoluve: Dycedarg's Theme Messam Elmdore: The Pervert Folmarv Tengille: Bloody Excrement Ultima: Ultima, The Perfect Body Marche Radiuju: Walking in Ivalice Montblac: Undefeated Heart Ezel Berbier: Law Card Ritz Malheur: Painful Battle Shara: Battle of Hope Babus Swain: The Path We Both Aim For Cid Randell: Beyond the Wasteland Mewt Randell: Surpassing the Wall Remidi Randell: Incantation Llednar Twem: Unavoidable Destiny Luso Clemens: Green Wind Cid: Mad Dash! Adelle: Eternal Time Hurdy: Knowledge of the Adventurer Frimelda Lotice: Determination Al-Cid Margrace: Unpreparedness is One's Greatest Foe Illua: Resolution Ewen: Looming Crisis
Final Fantasy Type-0 Tiz: Vermillion Fire Lean Joker: Three Hours That Changed The World Qator Bashtar: The White Weapon Cid Aulstyne: Show of Power Arecia Al-Rashia: Arecia Al-Rashia Zhuyu Voghfau Byot: Divine Fire Caetuna: Vanishing Soul Qun'mi Tru'e: White Lightning Nimbus: Arms of Steel Claes Celestia Misca Sancest: The Azure Spirit Gala: Tempus Finis
Final Fantasy: The Crystal Chronicles Black Knight: Oh, Light! Alahanalem: One-On-One Battle Gnash: Fight Meeth: Meeth Running Wildly Cu Chaspel: Temple of the Moon Galdes: Pope Galdes Larkeicus: Last Battle Veriaulde: Boss Type A Undead Princess: Boss Type B Belle: Girls, We Have To Win This! Althea Sol Alfitraria: Althea's Waltz Blaze: The Awakened Beast King Leo: Knight of the Realm Mira: My Life As A Dark Lord Main Theme
World of Final Fantasy Tama: Mega Mirage Melody Hauyn: Hauyn's Melody Serafie: Comical Melody Goblin Princess: Labyrinth of War Quacho Queen: Another World of Battle Brandelis: Final World of Battle Pellinore: Giga World of Battle Segwarides: Terra World of Battle
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins Ash: Battle: Fiend of Earth Jed: Battle: Fiend of Water Sophia: Battle: Fiend of Wind-Motif from "Flying Fortress" Captain Bikke: Battle: Captain Bikke Nil: Battle: A Future for Whom
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bluefloret · 2 years
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i joined a funny final fantasy RP server at some point and things just keep happening
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Gaiden 2, Chapter 1 Characters: Player, Miyu, Machina, Rem, Lean, Qator, Sice, Trey, Arecia Note: Rather than focusing on multiple different stories, this gaiden recounts the end of another cycle. It gets referred to as the “third cycle” of FF Agito, but I don’t think it’s literally the third cycle of the world. I’m not sure where exactly it belongs in the overall timeline. All I know is that this is the one that was supposed to finally lead to the arrival of the true Agito had the game been allowed to continue.
Thanks to @reverse-vampire for the screenshots which made this translation possible!
Gaiden 2, Chapter 1 The Final Battle of White-Vermilion
--Player, do you remember? The time when you and I first met.
>A cutscene panning over the cemetery with narration from Tohno.
So it seems like… No one came.
…It must have really hurt.
…You must be lonely.
…But, I won’t forget.
I’ll… do my best to remember you.
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>The cutscene ends, focusing on a bouquet resting on a grave.
When Player and I met and when we parted, in the first world...
Since that time, the world has turned through countless Spirals, and each time, I was also reincarnated...
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[Setting: Classroom]
Miyu: --Player... Hey, Player. Miyu, concerned: What's wrong? It's rare to see you spacing out like this. Were you thinking? Machina: We've been fighting for a while. Even Player must be getting tired. Rem: Are you okay? Player, please don't work too hard. >Lean enters the classroom. Lean: ...Whoops, looks like everybody's already here. Sorry for makin' you wait. Machina, scowling: You're late, Lean. Where have you been? Lean, brows furrowed: I was near the lab and ran into Kazusa. Lean, sighing: He suddenly went, "Wait, could you try this medicine for me?" Machina: ...Don't tell me you drank it? Lean: He said it was for the sake of his research, so I really wanted to help him as a fellow researcher... Lean: But then the Rep called for me, so I had to refuse. ...Uh, why? Would there have been a problem if I drank it? Rem: ...Yeeeah. I think it was probably for the best that you didn’t drink it. Right, Player? Lean: Really? ...Wait, more importantly! Rep, you had something important to say, right? Please, go ahead. Miyu: Alright. I'll explain today's strategy. Miyu: Three months have passed since the start of the fullscale war between the Concordia-Lorica Alliance and the Rubrum-Milites Alliance. Miyu: The Lorican army has already been silenced by our onslaught. The Concordian army is steadily losing their momentum. Miyu: Presently, Concordia's last dragon unit has abandoned their capital's defense to attack the Militesi capital of Ingram. Machina: Their last-ditch effort at a counterattack... or something? Concordia must be desperate. Miyu: However, if we take down their dragon unit, they'll be unable to fight any longer. It should be easy to invade their capital now, as well. Miyu: Therefore, it was decided that we'll be dispatching elite cadets to the capitals of both nations-- Miyu: So that we can carry out plans to subjugate the capital of Concordia and support Ingram at the same time. Miyu: Player. You guys must hurry and head to the capital of Milites! Miyu: Lend support to our Militesi allies in Ingram and defeat Concordia's dragon unit! Rem: Roger that! With this, it's all finally going to be settled... Lean: There's nothing to fear when the cadets and the Militesi army fight together. Lean: Isn't that right, Player?
Rubrum and Milites... Even within the repeating spiral, it's rare to see a world where the two join hands.
And the Representative... Even at that time, I'm sure she could feel it.
Player... Inside of you, there's a strong power that connects people...
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Miyu (over COMM): Attention, all cadets! This is Representative Miyu Kagirohi. Miyu (over COMM): Our objective is to support the Militesi army in their battle. Now is the time for us to settle this war with Concordia and Lorica! Miyu (over COMM): Let's grasp the future together! May the Crystal guide us!
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[Setting: Ingram, Milites]
Lean: Alright, let's do it! Player, Machina, Rem. Now’s the time to do or die! Rem: Right! When this battle's over, there will be peace... Let's do our best! Machina: Alright, everyone, get ready!
...At that time, they still didn't know.
Because they didn't know, they believed strongly.
Hmm... I wonder if you, who hadn't forgotten, knew what would happen. Player.
That fact that that scene, which had been burned into our eyes hundreds of millions of times, would happen again...
>A battle begins where Player and the others fight their way through Ingram.
Machina: I can't believe that Concordia's dragon unit still has so much strength left... Lean: Their offense is rather intense. This must be what they mean when they say that a cornered rat will bite a cat! But it's not like we can lose, either!
Lean: Player, the timing of that attack was perfect! As expected! Rem: There are still a lot of enemies here! Stay alert!
Rem: They even brought such a large dragon with them...?! A really strong one is coming, everyone! Be careful! Machina: Kgh... Player, please lend me support! I'll cut my way through!
Lean: Hh... Huff... Huff... It's not finished yet. When this battle is over, the war will be over...! Rem: Right. The enemy's desperate, too... We can't lose now! Let's make it through this!
Lean: ?! Crap, that's... That's a really big one! Get ready! Machina: The number of enemies has noticeably decreased, though. If we can beat these guys... It'll be over! Everyone, let's go!
Rem: Huff... Huff... We... We won...? Lean: Yeah. It's over... It's finally over!! YEAH!!
After an incredibly daunting amount of time... Most things have become faded and hazy.
But... Player.
You're the one thing I can still remember vividly.
The good times we spent together and the things we believed in... Those were the things that helped me continue moving forward.
Even if I knew how the world would end...
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[Setting: Still in Ingram]
Machina: ...It's over at last, Player. We won. Rem: Peace has finally come to the world... Rem: Our days of fighting have finally reached their end...! Machina: Yeah. ...But, if we aren't fighting anymore, what will we do? Lean: There are a lotta things I wanna do. For example... There are many various things I want to research. Rem: Huhu. I'd expect no less from a researcher! But is it related to magic or machine weaponry? Lean: That's just more research for the sake of war, isn't it? There are many things around us we don't know about. Lean: "How was this star formed?" "What's out there beyond this continent?" Those kinds of things. Lean: There's a lot more I wanna know. Rem: Wow... That's amazing. That sounds really interesting! Machina: I see. There's still a whole mountain of things we don't know... Machina: It might be nice to learn about those things, too. Right, Player? Rem: Umm, in that case, I want to take my time getting to know the country of Milites, the place where Lean grew up! Lean: Oh, that would be nice! Please, come visit. I'll show you around! Machina: Sightseeing in Milites... I've never considered it before, but that sounds like it could be fun. Rem: Hey, Player, what would you like to do? >There's a white flash and the sound of thunder. The atmosphere looks a little darker. Rem: Kyaaa!! Lean: Wh-... What was that...?! >The sky turns red, casting everything in a red light.
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Qator (over COMM): This is Qator. Lean, respond! Lean: Brigadier General! Hey, what the hell's going on?! Isn't the fighting over?! Qator (over COMM): It's unclear! However, I can tell you that there's an overwhelming number of soldiers approaching our capital!
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Sice (over COMM): Emergency transmission! Can you hear me, Akademeia? This is Sice! Sice (over COMM): Reporting an attack by unidentified troops in Concordia! Their numbers are unknown. There's too many for me to count! Machina: Sice! No way... It's the same over there, too!?
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Trey (over COMM): The Militesi allied army has been wiped out by the mysterious enemy! We're also being attacked. At this rate-- >Trey's transmission is cut off. Machina: Wh... What is this...?! What's going on?!
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[Setting: Terrace]
Arecia: It looks like the cadets have begun the final battle for their survival. Arecia: Struggle until you can struggle no more. And then, this time... Rise up to Agito. Miyu: Mother. Isn't it a little too early for Tempus Finis to be awoken? Arecia: There should be enough vessels to withstand the trials. Arecia: The battle between humans is over. If Agito still doesn't appear, then my experiment will end here. Arecia: This time, the world will end. Miyu: Not the Spiral, but... the world itself? Is this your will as the Mother Creator? Arecia: If an experiment fails no matter how many millions of times it's repeated, then it's time to abandon the experiment itself. Arecia: This might just be that time. Arecia: I wonder if it could be said that a possibility still exists in Orience. Miyu: ...Then, with my own hands, I'll be the one who determines whether Agito was born in the world this time. >The surroundings rumble and it sounds like something is activated. Arecia: ...Indeed, that was your role this time, wasn't it. Rursan l'Cie, the Judge. Arecia: I wonder when exactly you began cooperating with me...?
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>Miyu's eyes turn purple and the purple l'Cie brand appears over one of her eyes. Judge Myuria: I believe... in the people who lived with me in this world. Arecia: Is that so? I hope the souls of the humans in this cycle can fulfill those expectations.
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dresspheres · 5 years
161 Icons | Qator Bashtar | Final Fantasy Type 0
161 Icons for Qator Bashtar from Final Fantasy Type 0.
Please like or reblog this post if you plan on using the icons.
Credit me if you edit them! Otherwise, credit’s very much appreciated.
Download Here.
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Round 1 - Eliminations
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So long and a fond farewell to Seymour Guado, Emperor Gestahl, Raijin, Irma, Goffard Gafgarion, Qator Bashtar, Square Enix, and Bikke. Though Square Enix may be eliminated from this competition, it will continue to fuck each and every one of us, worry not.
Congratulations to Lusaf, Raogrimm, Ultimecia, Anima, Judge Gabranth, Golbez, Orphan, and Seifer Almasy! We look forward to seeing you in Round 2!
Here are some of the reasons these guys were nominated in the first place:
Seymour: I want that twunk obliterated. (Also Seymour Butts lol) >Hair to grab on to and a low cut robe that tells the other monks >he’s dtf and ready to partayyy >Walks around with his tits out like the disaster slut he is.
Raijin: HIMBO!!!
Square Enix: They fuck me every day with their bad business decisions
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fftype-0-mybeloved · 2 years
Kurasame : Do you have any skeleton in your closet?
Qator : You mean literally or figurally?
Kurasame : Honestly,the fact that I have to specify...
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rvby · 1 year
my sin is fluffifying everyone i draw. its not my fault i want them fluffy!!!!
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tmma1869 · 6 years
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Legendary Heroes that are actual Type-0 characters
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monstertreden · 3 years
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👁️👄👁️Take this s-sir >>❤️
I know he's harshly known in the final fantasy fandom, especially as an antagonist.. However! I want him to be more known q_q, there's not enough of him..
Anyway! This is a redraw of a panel from Final fantasy type 0's manga and the character in question is Qator Bashtar, one of the antagonist! (my favorite along Sephiroth eh eh eh) So! You can expect more of him! Let him shinee👉👈
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