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dcviated · 8 months ago
@sentofight replied to your post “a comprehensive list of scenarios :: open”:
he just wants her to huff at him and pull on the bandages so hard with a cute smile "Try that again~"
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"A-tch-tch-tch!" Well, that sure shuts him up for a moment. Wylan winces and the smirk collapses into a grimace. One eye peeks open at Edea, then averts to the side. "Eheheh, ahhh- you don't have to get so serious about it, y'know. What's the big deal anyway? I've had worse in the past-"
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coolrpblog · 9 months ago
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"You know you are tempted by my charm~"
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psychcdelica · 1 year ago
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"Actually, something totally unrelated - Aiba and I should swap hosts for like a week, I'd love to get a peek into Date's mind~"
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redmagicflower · 6 months ago
hELLO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAH MWAH MWAH THIS IS MY EMPIRE RIGHT HERE. I LOVE YOU WARSYYYYYYY
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talesofourworlds · 6 months ago
Senel watches Chloe and notices a hint of sadness. "Hey, are you okay?" last time she was uuh... sad? she felt better when she hugged him. if you call that a hug. "You can use my back again if you want." he said nonchalantly and turned around. This is as far as a hug he can offer to her.
A shake of her head was the first answer Senel got.
Truth be told? She could have been a lot better. For the most part, she had recovered from losing her parents so long ago. Some days, though... some days, the pain would hit her out of nowhere. Chloe wanted to be strong and try and ride it out. Senel had found her before that much really could happen.
Him offering his back to her, like back in the Forest of No Return, made her breath catch in her throat for a moment. Tears welled in her eyes anew, and before too long she was taking him up on the offer. She pressed up against him, head resting against his shoulder and eyes shutting after a moment.
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"Let me stay like this...? For a little while?"
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thekingofmuses · 8 months ago
Ah, he is like what Seirah told her to stay away from--sparkly and dangerously smooth talker. Kula spotted Benimaru, and instead of turning on her heels to walk away she went towards him. "Hey, why people call you a womanizer? What does it mean? Seirah says you are dangerous to women. Are you? You know, Kula will beat you up if you hurt a woman. Shades (clark) said men should be gentlemen with women. Are you?"
Beni sighed.
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Of course she would say that. That woman really needs to get laid. Maybe then she wouldn't be such a stick in the mud.
"Begging the young lady's pardon, but that is not what it means. I would never hurt a woman. I have nothing but respect for women. Yes, I do flirt and some women may find that offensive. But how is it my fault? Is it wrong to appreciate beauty when I see it? The thing is, because of the way I look and what I do, a lot of women are convinced my sentiments are fake. I'm cursed, really.."
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toestalucia · 6 months ago
Ok but does Gran like ice cream? Asking for a friend.
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gran will join her for ice cream anytime she wants
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lunarcry · 11 months ago
#[looks at natsume……. nyan
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flovverworks · 8 months ago
does akira link people with cats he knew? like all people? or not everyone fit the cats list in his mind XD i wanna know what cats he linked to chrom, einar and feiruz lol
>implying akira EVER TALKS ABOUT CATS HE HAS INTERACTED WITHHHHHH (aside from the ones that the old lady owns<3 my 1 dialogue in the intro<3333
i will not give u examples but i definitely think akira would do that......"oh very chrom"........cuz idk if akira has done it alrdy at the point ure at in main story, but the earlier parts+events especially they constantly compare ppl to cats LOLT_T 'like a stray cat inspecting u', 'tilting their heads like kittens' etc.......its very cute. but i feel akiras relation with cats are too one-time-only for him to keep a list like that,,,,,,T_^ they havent befriended many cats (to akiras despair)...........so its a lot more general behavior instead
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resonatingmuses · 11 months ago
She got her brush and all her hair products to Hope's tent. As Hope suggested the other day to brush her hair, Lucina took her offer and came for some girls' talk. "Are you free right now?"
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Hope turned at the sound of her friend's voice. "Lucina! Of course!" Seeing what Lucina had brought Hope grabbed a stool in her tent and motioned to Lucina to come sit.
"Do mind if I braid your hair?" Hope asked, pulling out some of the hair-ties she brought with her.
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thebreakfastmuses · 1 year ago
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"Agent Date could always try asking me for coffee instead of stealing Boss's~."
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dcviated · 13 days ago
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@shajaah sent: Edea had left a note with the tavern owner for wylan. she was sure if she tried to tip toe to his room and leave it, he would open the door and catch her in the act. mrgrgrrr why does he have a good sense when it comes to these things--cant she just ambush him one time? anyway. the note was invitation for him to come to her house tomorrow morning. she invited him over. the note says she cooked for him so he better come before the food gets cold. the next day, edea wore a cute black dress with red bow to the side with red heels. it was evident she didnt sleep well due to her cooking and trying all sort of dishes that wylan might like but nothing a good make up wont cover, maybe. once he came, the maid walked him into the living room where edea was waiting for him. ears perked up when she heard his voice. redness crept up to her cheeks and up to her ears. what now? she can't hide or run away. he really came. she didnt turn around even though when his footsteps got closer to her. take a deep breath, edea. he's... he's .... "Happy Valentine's day, ...love." A beaming smile greeted the young man once she turned around to face him.
Why the hell does this have to feel so weird? Earlier that same morning it seemed so easy and simple. Picking up the chocolates and flowers. Wylan was bantering effortlessly with the shop owners while doing so and feeling excited about sharing the gift with the lady of his eye. He'd given her plenty of other things too, hadn't he? Sure, some of the cake and treats had been more taken by the precocious brat though that didn't change he'd intended the outcome.
Now, after following the note's instructions and coming by her home, the air felt entirely different. Lightning zapped between his nerves, dancing between the various pathways and taking him along for the ride. Shit. This was stupid, wasn't it? Chocolate flowers of various flavor and color to go with the bouquet? Had a joke to go with it too. Stupid. Silly. She probably wouldn't like it. Wylan's not about to toss it out though.
Walking into the living room the stumble hits him again.
Happy Valentine's day, ..love.
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"Yeah, I did not dress right for this..." He mutters, looking down at what passed for comfortably casual formal or something in those bands. Nicer, but still very Wylan. Compared to her dress, he was just out- a bitter realization quickly washed over. Along with a slight flush to his cheeks. "...but I doubt I could wear anything that brought me to your level anyway. Geez. You're gorgeous. Hi. Uh."
It's only for a moment he stands in the entry to the living room like a fool, one hand behind his back before he gives in to the reliable wild abandon he typically embodies. With a hop to his step he steps forward, taking her in his one arm and offering the box with the other.
Decorated. Tied with a ribbon. Mixed treats inside and a small bundle of flowers. Was it even good? It felt so informal compared to homecooked food. But Wylan can't cook well- not pretty, anyway. And he sure as hell wasn't making chocolate himself. Ugh.
Can't really dip now. Having Edea this close was comforting. She's gorgeous. Yes, he's a little turned on, seeing the dress, sure. But focus! He has that. Fake it till you make it.
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"Happy Valentines to you too, sugarpuff." Fuck it. Try the line anyway. "You can eat half the flowers," Meaning the chocolate ones revealed in the box. "-or all of them. I won't stop you."
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psychcdelica · 6 months ago
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@sentofight sent some cutes: you know who is going to sneak to lay on hitomi's lap and hug her waist. his favorite spot now. maybe purrs. happy man.
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Of course, there was something therapeutic in spending time with her favorite man, to gently play with locks of his gorgeous blonde hair whilst quietly humming to herself. He was her home, just as much as she was his home - Iris was out for the day, streaming to her numerous fans, no doubt with the adorable Mizuki in tow.
This was a rare moment for the couple, just the two of them in her home quietly enjoying each other's company. Memories of similar times before this, before Date's disappearance for 6 years, what did he think of that lost time? Does regret eat away at him?
...Did he still want to live together? To be welcomed home by Hitomi after a long day at work, or did he enjoy his more bachelor life, with his own getaway? Mmm, complicated thoughts for someone indulging in spending time with the man she loves. None of it voiced, at least for now - but it's a conversation Hitomi will consider for another time.
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revclver-jesus · 1 year ago
oh oh i wanna know about takaya's tattoos if u haven't talked about them!!!
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{{ aaaa absolutely! I don't think I've ever really written down a full headcanon about the meaning behind them !
To me, there is definitely a meaning being implied with the two designs on his arm! I'm fairly certain..... one arm represents life and creation and the other represents death and destruction.
On the life side, you can see a caduceus staff, a symbol of healing and vitality, but also in mythology belonged to Hermes-- a messenger for the gods. Therefore in life Takaya has resolved to be a messenger for the gods, but also there is a stabbed heart and chains on his wrist. This is to show that this life is painful and he is chained to an existence he didn't ask for. Also, it should be noted this is his right arm, the arm his shoots with. This seems both ironic and fitting to me, as instead of shooting with his destruction/death arm, when he says "go in peace" and shoots someone, his more merciful tattoos are in plain view, especially his wrist's chains, which reminds that to him there is a sort of mercy about ending a life.
And then there's the death/destruction side, represented by a coiled, goat horned, dragon-like figure that I'm fairly certain is the Leviathan, which symbolizes chaos, and to associate destruction and death with a devil-like figure like Leviathan definitely brings to mind the rapture or Armageddon. Which is then only topped off by a pretty blunt depiction of a wrecking ball on fire, though I do think Takaya sees himself as embodying that wrecking ball. He's anarchy, the kind that naturally comes with nihilism, he's a disruptive force.
I hope none of that sounds like a stretch lmao-- but thank u for the question !! }}
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talesofourworlds · 1 year ago
It was not like he was evading any form of entertainment or celebration, but he feels like a sore thumb in these situations--what to do? All his life (young that is) he was just surviving; fighting and running to protect Shirley. Guess now he has to get accustomed to this slow paced life. No more.. fighting huh. His eyes wandered around the familiar faces, some dancing, some drinking, etc. There was one person who seemingly in the same position as him--clueless to what to do. Sigh ... Chloe ..she's a girl; she should know what to do right? Or at least do something... heck if he knows what people should do now so why he excepts her to do the same when she is equally as a survivor as he was? Damn it! Thinking a lot about this makes his brain hurt. A heaved sigh with a shake of his head then he walks towards her, well, taking careful steps towards her then he stops nearby her. He'll let his bluntness steer this conversation otherwise, his stammering will cause another confusion "Wanna dance?" thats it. if she says no he can just turn away and find something else to do, but if she says yes then... well ..he will think of his next step.
How long had it been since she'd last danced?
She remembered learning when she was younger. Father and mother had been preparing her for when she was older so she could fit in with noble society. How fleetingly short that time had been, she reflected. Where once had been lessons of nobility there soon had been the time of trying to maintain House Valens on her own. In the years that followed losing her family, the years where she'd vowed revenge, there hadn't been need to retain the knowledge she'd gained. But times were different now. She was free from the past.
Now, she stood to the side and watched the familiar faces of Werites Beacon as they had their fun. A part of her longed to join in, but she found herself hesitating as the opportunity. Chloe tried to remember, tried to recall what she'd been taught, but the lessons were as blurred as the memories.
She started to wonder if maybe this was a bad idea. Perhaps it would be better just to stand to the side and watch as the others had their fun. She already could imagine Norma in particular calling her out for not having fun. But without a partner, what use was there in trying?
Familiar footsteps called Chloe out of her thoughts. Brown eyes drifted up and met the steel blue of Senel's. For just a beat, Chloe thought her heart was beating that little bit faster as she registered his request. She had to push back the response she wanted to give, how she wanted to explain she didn't remember how, in favor of considering. If it was with him...
Now, Chloe suspected Senel wasn't aware of her still lingering crush. That was fine, she'd accepted it. Besides, this was just a dance. If he wanted to, then maybe she could recall the steps. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
"Sure," Chloe answered at length, smile finding its way to her face before long. It faltered for just a moment. Maybe she should give him advanced warning.
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"Just so you know, I might not be the best at it. But I still want to," she explained. She held out her hand for him to take. Here went nothing, she supposed.
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thekingofmuses · 8 months ago
"You can actually play music? Kula never heard of you," she is not taunting but too blunt. "Ah! Do you play with Bangs? Are you two on the same band?" seriously, she is not taunting. Yashiro needs to face this uncultured child.
Yashiro's eye twitched.
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If she was going to be blunt, he was too. When it came to Iori, Yashiro preferred stomping him into the ground.
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