#QR Code Sticker Printer
aidc-india · 11 months
Who created the QR code in India?
QR codes have revolutionized the way people access information and interact with businesses, becoming an integral part of daily life. Invented in 1994 by Masahiro Hara, a Japanese engineer, QR codes were initially designed for tracking automobile parts. However, their adoption in India gained momentum in recent years, thanks to the visionary leadership of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the former President of India and a renowned scientist.
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The Visionary: Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, also known as the "Missile Man of India," recognized the immense potential of QR codes beyond their conventional use. His vision was to leverage this technology to bridge the information gap and empower people in various domains, including education, healthcare, and governance. Driven by his passion for technology and societal transformation, he spearheaded the implementation of QR codes across India.
The Innovators Behind QR Code Technology
To bring Dr. Kalam's vision to life, a team of brilliant scientists, engineers, and innovators dedicated their efforts to developing an indigenous QR code system suitable for India's diverse languages and unique needs. Collaborating with government agencies, educational institutions, and industry experts, they created a robust QR code infrastructure capable of handling the scale of India's vast population. Tap The Link to Know More
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wizard-email · 4 months
One thing I highly recommend for activism that I don’t see mentioned on here is QR code stickers. You can buy a thermal printer online for about £10-15 and a pack of 6 sticker rolls for £4, I got mine on tiktok shop a few months ago and I’ve just finished my 2nd roll.
QR codes take a few seconds to generate (I use QR.io) and suddenly you’ve got hundreds of links to mutual aid funds or arab.org daily clicks or whatever else to put around your city/school/university. It’s a very easy and direct way to spend awareness.
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solar-sunnyside-up · 8 months
hey! sorry to bother you, but is there anything a teen without transportation in a rural area can do on their own? im pretty isolated, and theres barely anything around me.
Hey ya sprout 🌱
**A disclaimer Punk comes with some risk socially. Particularly if your in a rural area this risk goes up bc people Know You and also typically these spaces have a different vibe to alt ppl in general. Some activities are more or less risky and I'll try and do my best to give you a range of stuff from the whole spectrum! Of course this is a generalization of rural areas. Some palaces will be more cool then others depending in so many factors I couldn't go into here**
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Rural solarpunk
Your gunna been to pick a topic, sorry babe. In order to not burn yourself out and in order to feel like you have an impact your gunna have to pick a cause to chip away at but I'll give you ideas! And remember just bc your focusing on one thing doesn't mean your ignoring or not helping others. Everything is interconnected and any help, helps all!
So let's give you some ideas to focus on:
Libraries- as a teen in particular you'll have access to a library at school, but depending on how big your town is you might have a public one as well. Become their biggest supporter! They are a great safe space, even conservative ones are still a good place to go for archiving/loitering purposes. They give you spaces to print stuff, to build clubs and community.
Archiving- if you cannot leave your house due to access you can always do stuff online and hear me out, i know when we do stuff online it feels like half points. Like we arent doing anything. I feel that with this blog, it feels so passive no matter how hard you work youll feel lesser. But Archiving is vital to humans! Think of the anthropologists wholl thank you down the road! Plus it does actually give you a way to have a physical representative of work your doing. Dvds, pirating media and archiving them to drives, collecting vinyls/tapes/cds!
DIY- To fight against fast fashion (although that barely exists in the towns I've been in tbh) and to stick out** you could make your own patches, battlejackets, gloves, etc.. They are statement pieces you can wear whenever your in town/at school/social spaces that ppl know what you stand for and who you are. Depending on who/where you are this might be risky so take what you can bare ok? You don't have to wear these items too you can just make them for later on!
Little libraries/little pantries- in a rural space you have more Gruella tactics you can take if you do them in random abandoned spaces. You could build a waterproof little pantry and stock it and leave info somewhere about it for ppl to drop off/pick up items. Stock it with mittens! With canned goods! With books! You might be able to do a space like this at school/library depending in how cool your town is too!
Zines- You could look into making a zine and even if it's digital you could have the QR code for download in places (stickers on lamp posts, flyers in school bathrooms, hidden in a churches pamphlet stacks >.>) making a zine is a cool task that is time consuming and informative and fun!
Vandalism- like I said you can often print off stuff at Libraries, or usually you can find a place to print stuff off near or at post offices depending on how modern your rural space is. if you have your own printer this will reduce your risk by quite a bit though! Create/find stickers or posters you want to toss across town or even school. I'd recommend starting off with some stickers and see how their handled, dipping your toes is important with these kinda things. If your really feeling it, and you know some abandoned places Moss Graffiti is also a good option! I've know ppl who have converted old abandoned stored to skate parks (I honestly have no idea how they built the ramps out of concrete but damn!! Good job guys!)
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Also I'll leave you with 2 book recommendations as well-
Moxie - a RIOT GRRRL story about a girl who gets so fed up with her conservative town she makes a feminist zine and distributes it via girl bathrooms (even having a basically me too stickers and encouraging ppl to put it on boys lockers who have assaulted them). I know there's a movie, didn't seem to capture the same vibe tho so book!
Braiding Sweetgrass - this focuses a lot on reconnecting and adding story to nature around us and having science along side spirituality
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woman-for-women · 1 year
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My new sticker materials should arrive tomorrow so I added the new sticker designs to the store here! Yes, they're free! It's a pay what you can model, so lots of women who order pay literally nothing. You don't even have to give the site credit card information.
Feel free to download my designs from my website and print, sticker, or flyer them yourself.
If you're curious how these stickers are made or you want to make stickers yourself, you can buy a thermal label printer and label tape:
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You can design the stickers in the supported app or you can design the stickers on Adobe Illustrator or Canva and import your designs as images. The printer allows you to print QR codes, images, and text!
In the meantime, please order some stickers here! Stickering is an easy feminist action you can take, and you can do it for free!
One last thing: because I can include QR codes in my stickers, which websites should I link to? Drop suggestions for anti-porn and radical feminist/gender critical websites below.
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rebirthgarments · 3 months
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Hi friends! We have a couple of updates to share. 
Firstly, Seraj needs more than $3,300 to pull off his final Ramadan project before Eid. He wants to distribute it on the last day of Ramadan, which is in 3 days, so we need to get to $20k ASAP! 
contribute at bit.ly/serajfund
The financial situation in Rah Fah continues to decline, with intermediaries taking a 15-17% cut when people get cash out. He is so hopeful that this project will work out! Helping others and bringing smiles to faces–especially those of children–is clearly one of Seraj’s passions. 
Here are the project details, all thought up by Seraj himself. He has amazing ideas! 125-130 cash envelopes containing either 50 or 100 shekels each. Seraj will distribute them based on how large each family is. Seraj will also make 40 envelopes for kids, each containing 20 shekels. 
Currently, Seraj’s plan is to distribute his envelopes on the last day of Ramadan, before Eid al-Fitr. Last time he tried to print something, the printer had no electricity. He has a plan this time for checking in early to make sure he has a chance to print. 
Working with Seraj on his mutual aid projects has been such a tangible reminder that we reject the notion of charity (which is very rooted in the white savior complex and pity of Black and Brown folx), and even allyship (not enough action)  instead are partners and collaborators with Seraj self directing, leading us, and constantly motivating us to to get to the next goal so he can achieve his vision! 
 Because Seraj and his family have managed to survive, he’s been able to give back. No NGOs or governments, just a 21-year-old young man helping as many of his neighbors as he can. In his words, “This is my duty, sisters, as long as I can help! Why don't I do that!”
Seraj is genuinely a superstar to everyone on our team. His generosity is humbling to us. We have so much to learn from Pale-eh -steinians. 
Secondly, we have a date for our upcoming virtual dance party! Mark your calendars for Monday, April 29th in the evening (Pacific time). Sky is hosting this event to hype up our virtual auction for Seraj. Follow Sky on Instagram for more details @rebirthgarments or @radicalvisibilitycollective
If you’d still like to contribute items to the auction, go to bit.ly/fundraiserforseraj ! Seraj’s Support Soirée would like to offer an item or service for every budget. And we encourage a wide variety of dough-nation types! While many of them will be creative objects, they do not have to be.
Some examples:
a book you love or wrote
a framed photograph
a massage (local area bidders only)
a meditation session
a piñata
a tarot reading
a t-shirt you love or designed
a virtual lesson on social media marketing
visual art
a virtual dance lesson
Your items will be listed this week on Give Butter! (stay tuned for details!) 
Our support soiree dance party will hype up the auction featuring selections from the archives of Rebirth Garments fashion performances while you can dance with Sky!
Thank you so much for being here for Seraj. He and his family are so deeply grateful for all of the ways folks have supported them and partnered with them to help others. And our team is so thankful for how you all have stepped up. Please share and contribute! 
-Written by my team member Bex with additions by me!
[image Description: a flyer featuring a photo by Seraj of a small little kid with a blue plastic bag full of fresh fruits and vegetables. The kiddo has a heart emoji over their face and is smiling really big. They are wearing a red shirt that says “sleep time” with a sleeping bear on it. They are standing on a sandy ground in front of a tent. Text to the right of the photo on a red background reads: Gaza Sky Seraj’s mutual aid project for Ramadan in Rah-fah For part 2 of Seraj’s Ramadan project, he gave out 32 food parcels for 32 families around him in the displacement camps. Send support to his family + others! bit.ly/serajfund “ Underneath is a QR code with the link. ]
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printworld · 7 days
Top 5 Benefits of Choosing Custom Sticker Printing in Dubai
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Dubai has an energy which enhances its skyline and illuminates the spirit of the city. It is a city that always demands its share of seventy percent as a mark of its individuality and diversification, a ground that can foster innovative marketing concepts extremely well. This is where one such solution that is currently registering an interesting rise comes into the picture? Custom sticker printing in Dubai.
Still, if people are to question such a company about its marketing choice, why custom sticker printing to promote its products? Here are the top 5 benefits that make it a compelling option: Here are the top 5 benefits that make it a compelling option:
Unleash Your Creativity: In contrast to conventional marketing approaches such as TV or newspaper advertisements, customized stickers easily enable a brand to depart from the boring standard template schemes. Create unique logos, funny and memorable sayings or even something simple yet unusual as QR codes – this opportunity is huge! This level of creative freedom helps to design stickers that are relatable to the target market in a manner that cannot be overridden by the platform’s computers.
Walking Billboards with Global Reach: Promo stickers can simply turn ordinary items into small advertisement boards. sticking a message on a water bottle or a phone case or a laptop and your message goes with your audience all the way. This organic reach extends your brand recognition incredibly, across prospective customers within Dubai and potentially global with people use your stickers.
Cost-Effective Marketing Powerhouse: On the whole, custom sticker printing Dubai is another effective advertising medium that can be made and used at a relatively low cost if compared to other forms of outdoor advertising. This feature offers the opportunity to use as many stickers to promote your business, product, or service as possible due to the low costs per sticker. This puts it as an ideal solution for any startup, company, artist, or even anyone who may be seeking to market themselves or an initiative.
Spark Engagement and Build Connections: Custom sticker printing Dubai goes beyond just branding.Stick to inform, educate, or make a call to action using a story, campaign message, or a question asking for elaboration or feedback. This is especially the case when inserting various codes or special images which can serve as a call to attention as well as a call to action with the target market or audience. Just think about how effective it might be to use stickers to promote kind of a competition, offer a unique promo code, or encourage users to learn more!
Convenience Meets Quality in Dubai: Dubai boasts a thriving online printing industry specializing in custom stickers. This translates to convenience and flexibility.Stick to inform, educate, or make a call to action using a story, campaign message, or a question asking for elaboration or feedback. This is especially the case when inserting various codes or special images which can serve as a call to attention as well as a call to action with the target market or audience. Just think about how effective it might be to use stickers to promote kind of a competition, offer a unique promo code, or encourage users to learn more!
The Dubai Advantage: Built to Last
When it comes to custom sticker printing Dubai offers a unique benefit: scorching temperatures and intense sunlight are no match for your stickers. Many online printers in Dubai offer vinyl stickers specifically designed to withstand these conditions. This ensures your custom stickers stay vibrant and impactful for longer, letting your message shine even in the desert heat.
As we Outline the Might of Custom Stickers!
Business sticker printing Dubai is not just a trend but a tool that holds a number of advantages and can bring an able profit. Therefore let the Facebook campaigns commence, create attractive and artistic stickers, and prepare to leave a mark in the fast paced city of Dubai.
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svgoceandesigns1 · 3 months
Fuck You QR Code SVG - Funny Fuck Code SVG PNG, Cricut File
Fuck You QR Code SVG, Funny Fuck Code SVG PNG EPS DXF PDF, Cricut File, Instant Download File, Cricut File Silhouette Art, Logo Design, Designs For Shirts. ♥ Welcome to SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Store! ♥ ► PLEASE NOTE: – Since this item is digital, no physical product will be sent to you. – Your files will be ready to download immediately after your purchase. Once payment has been completed, SVG Ocean Designs will send you an email letting you know your File is ready for Download. You may also check your Order/Purchase History on SVG Ocean Designs website and it should be available for download there as well. – Please make sure you have the right software required and knowledge to use this graphic before making your purchase. – Due to monitor differences and your printer settings, the actual colors of your printed product may vary slightly. – Due to the digital nature of this listing, there are “no refunds or exchanges”. – If you have a specific Design you would like made, just message me! I will be more than glad to create a Custom Oder for you. ► YOU RECEIVE: This listing includes a zip file with the following formats: – SVG File (check your software to confirm it is compatible with your machine): Includes wording in both white and black (SVG only). Other files are black wording. – PNG File: PNG High Resolution 300 dpi Clipart (transparent background – resize smaller and slightly larger without loss of quality). – DXF: high resolution, perfect for print and many more. – EPS: high resolution, perfect for print, Design and many more. ► USAGE: – Can be used with Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Cameo, Silhouette Studio, Adobe Illustrator, ...and any other software or machines that work with SVG/PNG files. Please make sure your machiMone and software are compatible before purchasing. – You can edit, resize and change colors in any vector or cutting software like Inkscape, Adobe illustrator, Cricut design space, etc. SVG cut files are perfect for all your DIY projects or handmade business Product. You can use them for T-shirts, scrapbooks, wall vinyls, stickers, invitations cards, web and more!!! Perfect for T-shirts, iron-ons, mugs, printables, card making, scrapbooking, etc. ►TERMS OF USE: – NO refunds on digital products. Please contact me if you experience any problems with the purchase. – Watermark and wood background won’t be shown in the downloaded files. – Please DO NOT resell, distribute, share, copy, or reproduce my designs. – Customer service and satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any questions before placing orders, please contact with us via email "[email protected]". – New products and latest trends =>> Click Here . Thank you so much for visiting our store! SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Read the full article
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Marketing Your Dubai Startup with Innovative Vehicle Sticker Designs
Launching a startup in Dubai's bustling business landscape can be both exhilarating and challenging. To stand out and make a lasting impression, innovative marketing strategies are essential. One often overlooked tactic is using vehicle sticker designs.
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Vehicle sticker printing in Dubai can be a powerful tool for boosting brand visibility and attracting potential customers. In this blog, we'll explore how startups can leverage innovative vehicle sticker designs to market their businesses effectively in the dynamic Dubai market.
Why Choose Vehicle Sticker Advertising in Dubai
Dubai's roads are teeming with vehicles, making it a prime advertising space. Vehicle stickers, when designed creatively, can turn your startup into a mobile billboard. These stickers are a cost-effective and versatile marketing solution that ensures your brand message reaches a wide audience.
Designing Eye-Catching Vehicle Stickers
The success of your vehicle sticker marketing campaign begins with a captivating design. Incorporate your branding elements like the company logo, color scheme, and a memorable tagline. Make sure your contact information and website URL are prominent. The design should reflect your brand's identity and resonate with your target audience. If you're not confident in your design skills, consider hiring a professional graphic designer with experience in vehicle sticker printing in Dubai.
Choosing the Right Materials
Dubai's climate can be harsh, with scorching temperatures and occasional sandstorms. Therefore, selecting the right materials is crucial for the longevity of your vehicle stickers. Opt for high-quality, UV-resistant vinyl materials that can withstand the intense sun and sand. Additionally, choose laminated stickers to protect against fading and damage. Working with a reputable printing company experienced in vehicle sticker printing in Dubai is advisable to ensure the quality of materials and printing.
Localizing Your Message
Dubai is a diverse and multicultural city. To connect with your target audience effectively, consider localizing your message. Use a mix of English and Arabic, Dubai's official languages, and incorporate culturally relevant imagery or symbols. Show that your startup understands and respects the local culture.
Measuring Impact and ROI
In any marketing campaign, measuring the impact and return on investment (ROI) is crucial. Implement tracking mechanisms like custom QR codes, unique phone numbers, or dedicated landing pages on your website for those who see your vehicle stickers. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your campaign and make necessary adjustments based on the data.
Compliance with Dubai's Regulations
Dubai has specific regulations related to vehicle advertising. Be sure to adhere to these guidelines to avoid any legal issues. These regulations may include size restrictions and specific requirements for commercial vehicle advertising. Working with a local printer experienced in vehicle sticker printing in Dubai can help ensure compliance with these regulations.
In the competitive business environment of Dubai, startups need to be innovative and strategic with their marketing efforts. Leveraging vehicle sticker advertising can be a game-changer for your brand. By investing in eye-catching designs, choosing the right materials, localizing your message, and measuring impact, you can effectively promote your startup in Dubai's market. Collaborate with a reliable vehicle sticker printing service in Dubai to bring your creative ideas to life and drive your startup's success on the city's roads. Don't underestimate the power of a well-designed vehicle sticker to make your startup memorable and recognizable in the vibrant city of Dubai.
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aartstroke · 1 year
Become an Expert on Barcode Manufacturers
Barcode Manufacturer In Jaipur These stickers are used for barcoding. Manufactured with high adhesive we ought to provide the best quality product to our clients. We also offer pre-printed barcode labels with sequential barcodes derived from a database.
Become an Expert on Barcode Manufacturers
Barcodes are everywhere, from grocery stores to hospitals, and understanding how they work is crucial for businesses. Let us guide you in choosing the best barcode manufacturer.
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What are Barcodes?
QR Codes:-  QR codes are two-dimensional barcodes that are commonly used for a variety of purposes such as tracking products, marketing, advertising and more.
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UPC Barcodes:-  UPC barcodes are the most commonly used barcode globally and appear as a series of lines and spaces of varying widths.
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Code 39 Barcodes:- Code 39 barcodes are alphanumeric codes made up of a series of bars and spaces that are used in a range of industries such as logistics, healthcare, and manufacturing.
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Importance of Barcodes
Efficiency:- Barcodes automate many aspects of business, from inventory management to customer checkout, increasing efficiency and reducing errors.
Accuracy:-  Barcodes provide accurate tracking, minimizing errors while increasing accountability and product traceability.
Cost Savings:- By streamlining business processes and reducing the possibility of errors in tracking inventory, barcodes can save businesses a significant amount of money.
How are Barcodes Created?
Barcode Software:-  Barcode software can help to generate professional barcode labels quickly and efficiently with customizable options such as size, type, and content.
Barcode Printers:- Barcode printers are an ideal solution to meet the barcode label printing requirements of businesses. They come in various types and sizes.
Barcode Scanners:-  Barcode scanners are utilized in the industry to read barcodes on various products. The scanner captures the barcode image and the data is transferred to a computer.
Choosing the Right Barcode Type:-  Businesses need to evaluate which type of barcode suits their specific needs. For example, UPC barcodes are used for retail, while Code 128 barcodes are useful for logistics and supply chain management.
Types of Barcodes
EAN-13 Barcodes:- EAN-13 barcodes are 13 digits long and are used globally for retail and consumer goods.
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Code 128 Barcodes:- Code 128 barcodes can have alphabetic or numeric characters and are used in logistics and supply chain management.
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PDF417 Barcodes:- PDF417 barcodes can store up to 1.1 kilobytes of data and are used for applications such as manufacturing, government, and healthcare.
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Choosing the Right Barcode Manufacturer
Reliability:-  The barcode manufacturer should have a reputation for producing reliable and durable products that meet the needs of your business.
Experience:- A manufacturer with years of experience in the industry is more likely to provide quality products and services.
Customization:- Choose a manufacturer that can customize the barcode product to meet your specific business needs.
 Barcodes Improve Operations:- Barcodes minimize manual data entry and speed up processes, making businesses more efficient and productive.
Choose Quality:- Choosing the right barcode manufacturer is essential for a successful implementation.
Future of Barcoding:- The barcode industry is constantly evolving, with new and innovative products being introduced, including mobile and cloud-based applications.
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Aart stroke is one of the leading label printing services in Jaipur, we are the label manufacturer service provider in Jaipur.
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dlancespray · 1 year
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Dlance Colour printer barcode label | DNB multiapps LLP
Dlance Colour printed barcode labels for jewellery and optical retail. These labels are made of premium, non-tearable materials that have a long lifespan. Additionally, we employ unique GLUE that won't stick or harm your product. Labels printed by DNB Multiapps LLP have a MATT finishing, which provides excellent text and logo clarity. Additionally, MATT finishing stickers make it simple and accurate to scan QR codes or Barcodes. Stickers are printed in a single colour, which can be RED, GREEN, or BLUE. Depending on your brand's logo, you can select any one of these three colours. Additionally, you can use various colours for various product categories. Please Contact us at +91 81474 20462, [email protected], or for more information. Visit our website: - https://dnb-ma.com/color-printed-barcode-labels.php
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qocsuing · 1 year
Smart laser cutter system detects different materials
Smart laser cutter system detects different materials
With the addition of computers, laser cutters have rapidly become a relatively simple and powerful tool, with software controlling shiny machinery that can chop metals, woods, papers, and plastics. While this curious amalgam of materials feels encompassing, users still face difficulties distinguishing between stockpiles of visually similar materials, where the wrong stuff can make gooey messes, give off horrendous odors, or worse, spew out harmful chemicals.Get more news about laser cutting line,you can vist our website!
Addressing what might not be totally apparent to the naked eye, scientists from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) came up with “SensiCut,” a smart material-sensing platform for laser cutters. In contrast to conventional, camera-based approaches that can easily misidentify materials, SensiCut uses a more nuanced fusion. It identifies materials using deep learning and an optical method called “speckle sensing,” a technique that uses a laser to sense a surface’s microstructure, enabled by just one image-sensing add-on.
A little assistance from SensiCut could go a long way — it could potentially protect users from hazardous waste, provide material-specific knowledge, suggest subtle cutting adjustments for better results, and even engrave various items like garments or phone cases that consist of multiple materials.
“By augmenting standard laser cutters with lensless image sensors, we can easily identify visually similar materials commonly found in workshops and reduce overall waste,” says Mustafa Doga Dogan, PhD candidate at MIT CSAIL. “We do this by leveraging a material’s micron-level surface structure, which is a unique characteristic even when visually similar to another type. Without that, you’d likely have to make an educated guess on the correct material name from a large database.” Beyond using cameras, sticker tags (like QR codes) have also been used on individual sheets to identify them. Which seems straightforward, however, during laser cutting, if the code is cut off from the main sheet, it can’t be identified for future uses. Also, if an incorrect tag is attached, the laser cutter will assume the wrong material type.
To successfully play a round of “what material is this,” the team trained SensiCut’s deep neural network on images of 30 different material types of over 38,000 images, where it could then differentiate between things like acrylic, foamboard, and styrene, and even provide further guidance on power and speed settings.
In one experiment, the team decided to build a face shield, which would require distinguishing between transparent materials from a workshop. The user would first select a design file in the interface, and then use the “pinpoint” function to get the laser moving to identify the material type at a point on the sheet. The laser interacts with the very tiny features of the surface and the rays are reflected off it, arriving at the pixels of the image sensor and producing a unique 2-D image. The system could then alert or flag the user that their sheet is polycarbonate, which means potentially highly toxic flames if cut by a laser.
The speckle imaging technique was used inside a laser cutter, with low-cost, off-the shelf-components, like a Raspberry Pi Zero microprocessor board. To make it compact, the team designed and 3-D printed a lightweight mechanical housing.
Beyond laser cutters, the team envisions a future where SensiCut’s sensing technology could eventually be integrated into other fabrication tools like 3-D printers. To capture additional nuances, they also plan to extend the system by adding thickness detection, a pertinent variable in material makeup.
Dogan wrote the paper alongside undergraduate researchers Steven Acevedo Colon and Varnika Sinha in MIT's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Associate Professor Kaan Akşit of University College London, and MIT Professor Stefanie Mueller.
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halkhesaifi · 1 year
Week 8 Summary
This week I worked on the design and production of the giveaways, the sign-up sheet, the feedback form, and the presentation.
I announced the time of the signup sheet and shared the link on Instagram. The seats were full in less than a day.
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I finalized the designs of the giveaways, I experimented with different layouts and die-cuts, and printed prototypes at home.
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However, I ran into problems with the production and printing. Therefore, I went back to the design stage and came up with a solution possible for the printers to accomplish within the timeframe.
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I also changed the giveaways from separate printed feedback forms into a single paper containing the agenda and the QR code on the back to scan for the feedback on google form.
After seeing the prints, I changed the size of the agenda from A4 to A5
I also printed the sticker name tags.
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I wrote the names of the attendees on the paper by hand, to give a warmer feeling to the meeting and to let anyone who joins know that they have a place for them.
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I finished the presentation, I tried to give it structure through the artworks and not through the talking points to avoid leading the conversation in one-way. I prepared notes for myself to not forget any important details.
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I design a reminder to post on instagram stories today
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I made it to Riyadh and am excited to see how it goes!
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woman-for-women · 1 year
hello w4w! i love your blog, thank you for all that you do. i was wondering how you make your stickers? i would love to make some feminist stickers with my own designs! thank you/have a good day!
Hi, and thank you! I think this is a good chance to write up:
How you (yes, you!) can make your own feminist stickers (a comprehensive guide from cheapest to most expensive)
Method 1 - Label Sticker Roll and Markers
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This is the easiest and cheapest method. ANYONE can do this! (Seriously, this is your sign.)
You can use regular permanent markers, multicolored markers, or jumbo markers (seen above) for your desired effect. You can also buy label stickers in smaller packs if $10 for 500 is out of your budget. Permanent markers also last a long time and stay visible for ages. However, the label stickers will deteriorate over time, since they're primarily paper-based and not water proof. I use a glossy paper for my stickers, which has held up decently in heavy rain conditions.
Method 2 - Label Sticker Roll and Stamps
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You can use a customized rubber stamp, a customized self-inking stamp, or a self-inking stamp that you customize yourself with the provided tray of rubber stamping letters that you place on the stamp tray (seen above). This option is great because you can quickly make tons of stickers. The downside is that stamp ink is a little less weather resistant than permanent marker, and the labels are still not water-proof.
Method 3 - Printing Stickers without a Sticker Printer
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These label sticker sheets come in a ton of styles! Since it's just a special 8.5 x 11 in paper, it works in most regular printers! You can format your text or artwork to print on each sticker in Word, Canva, or Adobe Illustrator, then print it at home, at a print shop, or at a local library. Again, these aren't waterproof since they're primarily paper-based, but they stick pretty well and can help you make stickers quickly.
Method 4 - Outsource your Printing
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printplace.com does vinyl stickers for super cheap. You just upload your artwork and you can get stickers for around $0.05/sticker. The downside is you have to buy in bulk, meaning prices start around $50, but the upside is the stickers are high quality, waterproof and weather resistant, don't require tons of manual labor from you to produce, and are ready to go once they arrive on your doorstep!
Method 5 - Thermal Label Printer
This is the method I use to make my stickers! The two printers below are the ones I have, and the refills are the tape refills I use. Since they're thermal printers, they don't use ink. Although the printers are a bit pricey, you get a lot of stickers for your money per sticker tape refill order.
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Both printers use a phone app to print and design stickers. They work via Bluetooth and connect to your phone to do all the printing. Both printers print black text/designs only. The Vixic label printer app is a lot more limited. You can only use different fonts and text, small emojis/icons, and different borders for your sticker design. The NIIMBOT printer allows for QR codes and uploaded images in addition to different fonts/text. The stickers are also larger. The NIIMBOT printer is compatible with several different sticker sizes. The NIIMBOT stickers are primarily paper-based, so they're not completely waterproof. If you want your NIIMBOT stickers to be waterproof, you can buy their clear stickers! Both printers support clear and different-colored tape refills for more colorful stickers. You can also color on your NIIMBOT stickers with Sharpies to add color.
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Between the two I would recommend the NIIMBOT. The refills are a much better value for your money and the stickers are larger and more versatile.
For further resources, I would recommend checking out my w4w how to tag, linked here! It explains how I make my artwork for infographics, posts, (and stickers) in Canva!
You can also order FREE Radical Feminist stickers and dowload FREE ARTWORK for your own stickering/flyering endeavors from my store here!
Because my store blew up overnight a few days ago, I'm introducing limited-inventory drops (hence the X left banner on each item), where every few weeks I will package and add more stickers. That way when someone orders, it's guaranteed their stickers are packaged and all I have to do is address an envelope to them and ship it.
In order to keep up with demand and keep this project afloat, the stickers will remain free/pay-what-you-can, but I'm charging less than $2 for shipping to keep this project funded and make sure I can make and distribute as many stickers. It's also a pretty cheap option for stickers, which is the whole point of my sticker project!
The good news is I'm mailing discount codes on the back of my business cards to customers so they can get a discount on any return orders! I encourage people to order again :)
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You can also download 20+ sticker designs, completely for free, in the link above. You can use it to make your own stickers, flyers, whatever you want!
Happy stickering!
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nahasmin · 2 years
Best photo booth app free on computer
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Get started its free Remember your party forever with Flassh. Test your photo booth and take up to 25 photos for free. Make your Photo Booth in 10 minutes with Flassh. Free and open-source alternatives are abundant. Similar tools are commonplace now but being bundled with Macs makes this one an easy choice. Guests can also remove their own content or turn off auto-sharing at any time. iPad (optional) An iPhone or iPad is optional, but recommended for best viewing, sharing, and printing experience. Apple's webcam app Photo Booth makes memories fun with live filters and the ability to replace backgrounds. They don't have to upload their files separately, so all media from the event appears in your gallery effortlessly and instantaneously. The way this social app works is pretty spectacular - all photos and videos taken at the event will automatically be shared to your event's gallery. In addition to the group selfie station, partygoers can add their own pics into the mix, including selfies and videos from the dance floor. A host can use their device's default camera and share images from the photo booth privately with all of their guests. Developed by the popular wedding planning app The Knot, The Guest is a photo-sharing hub for large gatherings like weddings and conferences. The Guest isn't like the other photo booth apps on this list.
Price: FREE Version, $9.99 to remove watermark, $39.99/mo for Pro Mode Subscription.
Another cool feature is "Event Mode" which allows the host to set a passcode for exiting the app, so users can't switch to a game or search the web while on your device. Like others on this list, Mini Photobooth gives guests the option to share their selfies on social media, or send photos to themselves via text or email. The camera also features a countdown for taking group photos from a tablet or smartphone, and lets you use an external camera shutter remote for instant snapshots. The app allows you to design customized templates for single images, collages, and even GIFs using a variety of stickers, fonts and graphics. Think of Mini Photobooth as a live version of Canva for event photos. This app is popular for its affordability and features.
Price: FREE for iPhone & iPad, $175 to $275 for Windows.
Availability: App Store, Webcam + Windows, and DSLR + Windows.
To reduce germs and fingerprints on the screen, the application also supports contactless controls by scanning a QR code with a guest's smartphone device. Event hosts can have images sent to a business server or Dropbox account, while giving individual users control over their privacy settings as they navigate through the app. Guests can share images instantly via email, text or Dropbox, and print using local AirPrint compatible printers.
The user-friendly software includes a host of neat features from AR filters and Boomerang GIFs to multiple sharing options and in-app surveys. This unique application allows users to create their own custom photo booth interface with personalized configurations and branding. Breeze Booth puts event services professionals in control of their photo booth.
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printworld · 7 days
Say It Loud and Clear: Customised Stickers in Dubai Are Here to Stay
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Dubai is a city that believes in the philosophy of ‘ liberation and emancipation of self.’ From grand tall buildings to the electrifying bustle felt in its boisterous street markets, the city constantly throbs and teems with a special kind of life. But how do you ‘bring that energy’ in ‘me too’ style into your brand or personal style? Look no further than customised stickers in Dubai!
These versatile little squares of personality are more than just a passing fad. Customised stickers Dubai are here to stay, and here's why:
Endless Creativity: In contrast to the typical advertising, customised stickers Dubai are a perfect & blank plot for ideas. Be creative with designing logos, slogans, artwork, or even the latest humorous craze that comes across as memes.
Walking Billboards: It’s a versatile item, stickers can turn any boring, plain surface into a small poster. Message your audience with a customized sticker on a laptop, water bottle, or phone case, and the message will travel with the bottle, laptop, or phone. The organic reach, in turn, takes brand awareness to the next level, organically.
Cost-Effective Marketing: In as much as custom stickers Dubai prove to be an effective way of marketing, they are cheaper than other advertising models. The price per sticker is relatively low and this makes it possible for you to spread your stickers to as many people as you can within your community or your target market in order to create the desired brand awareness.
Spark Conversation: Custom stickers Dubai can be more than just branding tools. They can be used for message-building telling a story, raising awareness in support of a campaign, or even aiming to start a debate on the depicted element of the signage. This means that buttons that are simple and catchy such as QR codes or unmatched impressive images will create a bond with the audience.
Dubai's Printing Powerhouse: Today, Dubai enjoys a number of businesses operating within the online printing niche, which focuses on stickers in particular.This translates to convenience and flexibility.Choose your sticker printable options from a vast variety of sticker materials and select finishes that will best fit your requirements, and make your orders and get them delivered as soon as possible.
The Dubai Advantage:
Dubai offers a unique advantage when it comes to customised stickers:
Durability in the Desert Heat: A large number of online printers that provide vinyl stickers are hard coded and developed to survive the hot temperatures of Dubai and its sunny climate. This makes sure of your customised stickers remain as distinct and colourful as possible for more hours allowing your message to be seen in the heat of the sun as in the deserts.
Get Your Message Out There!
There is no doubt that customised stickers Dubai are one of the best mediums for conveying one’s personal identity or creating a unique marketing campaign. They are cheap, useful, resistant to the climate conditions of Dubai, and can accommodate different activities and events. Well, you can now let it all out and create original and attractive stickers in order to start your campaign for capturing the city!
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greenhorn-art · 2 years
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Title: This Tornado Loves You (link to AO3)
Author: @rabbitcrimes | FeelsForBreakfast (link to AO3)
Fandom: MDZS, The Untamed
Length:  8 821 words | 52 pages total
Hanguang-jun is dating a mild mannered, non-cultivator named Wei Wuxian. The Yiling Laozu rolls up to a nighthunt on a motorbike, no relation at all to the previous statement.
The author made a post for the fic here on tumblr, so go check them out!
Fonts used: 
a Agreement Signature
Art credits:
Lan Wangji landing the Pizza Hut was photshopped by @rabbitcrimes, 
rat swarm by Vojislav Vasiljevic on ArtStation
Motorbike pictures from Silodrome article
The swirly pattern background from Rawpixel
Another short fic bound pamphlet style! 
I knew before I even started reading that this fic was going to be fun -- the first thing that caught my eye while scrolling down AO3 was the tag ‘Dark Rataouille show me the forbidden rat cultivation’. I was not disappointed! It was great! I also had a lot of fun typesetting and designing the cover for this fic.
I really wanted to incorporate the author’s picture of Lan Wangji landing on the Pizza hut and found that it worked well as a silhouette. The red coulour was inspired by the roof of the Pizza Hut from that picture. And of course the swarm of rats from the story. To fill up some empty space I added a fake sticker (a sin, I know. I’m not sorry despite myself) to the back cover with some of the fic’s tags. I chose the swirling pattern seen on the background of the cover because it reminded me of clouds. And at the end of the Author’s Note I added pictures of the of model of motorcycle Wei Wuxian drives. All of the images I used are credited in the colophon at the back, and I added QR codes alongside the links for easy access. The story itself has a QR code on the page with all of the info from AO3. (I just really hate typing out the full URLs. Scanning a QR code is so much easier!)
I had a hard time choosing a font for the title (nothing new there) but in the end settled with a Agreement Signature (link to Fontspace) for the title and headings, and Spartan (link to Google Fonts) for sub-headings and other non-body text. Spartan is a thin font, and it might just be my printer, but it did not print well at regular weight. Especially at a small font size. In the future I’ll try it out as medium or semi-bold. The main body of the fic is in the font Lora (link to Google Fonts) size 10. I like this one a lot, it’s up there with Crimson Text on my shortlist for serif body fonts.
ALSO! I figured out how to avoid the issue of disappearing Blank Pages when I exported to PDF from LibreOffice Writer! Instead of doing page breaks with the Right Page style, I inserted the empty pages using a break with a page style without headers, followed by one with Right Page style. (And there was much rejoicing.)
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