The Hunt
We hunt too hard, For attention in every corner, We hunt too hard, To replace a sordid former, But when we play that card, We’re blinded by our intended partner, Standing in plain armour, Eager to share his ardour.
That ignorance will scar, When we hunt too hard, And look too far.
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Listening to Gallant’s album, Ology
When I reached the 2nd song, it was clear to me that this type of music, his voice and the all round producing of the album would be something that I would resonate for years to come. That invisible swell on my chest, like a sort of awakening was instantly felt. It was like the music synced with the beat of my heart. It was hypnotizing and as the songs went down the album, my attention never wavered. It came to a point that I could not concentrate on whatever I was doing due to the overwhelming emotion I was feeling through this soulfully dark sound.
It was the perfect cocktail of poetic and dulcet where the emotion of the story was felt through the music, a producing feat that I crave for in every new artist I hear. How can a song so calm and soothing make my heartbeat fast? Can music be orgasmic? Cause this feels pretty close.
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Did You? Actually Sleep With Him?
It was supposed to be a small get together among colleagues. Friends who were burnt out by work and need a euphoric release in the form of good company, alcohol, and some ass-kicking music.
The musical entertainment was an after thought. The initial idea was to just plug in an IPod to a speaker and sway away. But Jared expressed, in a very serious manner about getting music from an actual DJ.
“What happens if the IPod shuffles into a lame track featuring some hillbilly folk band? It’ll cut the mood of the party. Getting a DJ is the way to go,” said Jared as he stuffed some beer bottles in their gigantic ice box filled with multiple brands to suit everyone’s palate.
“Well genius, our party starts soon. How are we gonna hire a DJ at this hour? Plus you honestly wanna cough up money for good music?” asked Bianca while planting herself on a bar stool and looking up into the night. The hanging lights looked lovely on the rooftop, sort of blending and twinkling with the stars above.
She was the music writer of the group but it’s funny to see Jared insisting on quality music instead of her.
Missy and Aaron were halfway plugging in their IPod speaker of neon colour when Jared’s eyes went wide like he was high.
“You guys remember that freelance graphic designer that we used when Aaron was on holiday? Didn’t he say he did some DJ on the side?”
“You mean Freddie with the lame nickname on his laptop? What was it ‘fast fingers’? Is he really that good with his hands?” questioned Bianca with arms crossed.
“I thought you would get a feel of him since you’re a tease and all,” joked Missy.
“I’m the pillar of professionalism, thank you. Plus is he really a good DJ? What if he plays hillbilly folk music?” Bianca sneered towards the gang.
30 minutes later, fast finger Freddie reached the top of the stairs carrying a bulk load of equipment with Jared trailing at the back lugging a speaker.
“Sup gang? Where do I set up?” greeted Freddie with a smile as he turned his snapback around to show the words ‘hell blazer’ stitched across the back, bleached blonde hair poking from the sides.
Freddie had freelanced for their publishing company whenever they needed an extra hand. He had a sticker on the top of his MAC that writes ‘fast fingers’ for his speed with a keyboard and mouse. Only God knows if he’s good with a turntable.
“On the elevated platform at the back and you better be good Freddie. I endured too many stress migraines this week for our party to be graced with lame music,” said Missy while helping to carry some wires to the back.
“Have faith in me gang! You trust my design skills, give a brother some love for his music. Oh, hope you gang don’t mind, I invited some guys who I’m working with at the studio. They want to hear some of my new stuff. Don’t worry, they’re cool.”
“Oh Lord, he’s using our party as a promotional platform,” exclaimed Missy with rolled eyes and a head shake, her tight ponytail swaying in the night breeze.
Lights glistening, alcohol flowing and the music on high, Freddie did not disappoint. It is safe to say that his fingers are good with a turntable then it is with a computer mouse. Every flavour of EDM was pouring out of the speakers from trap to house to techno.
2 hours in, everyone noticed 2 gentlemen entering the party of 25.
Bianca who was perched on a bar stool, half-empty cup of beer in hand while swaying her head slightly to the music, looked intensively towards the foreigners. The greeted Freddie by the stage and then took to lean against the wall to just listen and absorb the energy of the party.
A hand snaked onto Bianca’s (most probably Missy’s) pulling her to the dance floor and before she knew it, she was smack in the middle.
With Missy smiling and head-bobbing away in front of her, Bianca danced to the last seconds of a progressive house track. The music then made a transition to a trumpet filled beat. Bianca turned around to see one of Freddie’s friend taking over the turntable.
He was tall with brown curly hair, chains around his neck and friendly but familiar face. He dropped the beat that was so sick (she knew, she was a music writer after all) that made everyone cheer as they gyrated more enthusiastically.
Bianca who was the resident music writer of the publication could not help but find the beat familiar. It was a signature island- EDM sound, mixed wisely to create a sound that forced you to move.
She moved her hips while fixated at the foreign DJ. Then a tap on the shoulder woke her from her thoughts. Tawny hair and hazel eyes in a white t-shirt greeted her, a closer observation of the man previously leaning against a wall. He was Hollywood handsome but with a sense of street that those Tumblr models have.
He lends out a hand of invitation to dance.
“You don’t like this kind of music? ” he half shouted to Bianca over the electronic beats. noticing her lack of movement.
Bianca took his hand and saw herself twirl under his arm.
“I like it. I’m just trying to figure out where I heard it from.”
“Well, why don’t you dance with me and maybe it will jog your memory,” he said with a shadow of a wink. Bianca obliged and let loose a little to dance with the handsome stranger.
After 2 heart-thumping songs with precisely played beats blended with that signature island sound, the stranger whispered to Bianca.
“I’m Ender, by the way.”
That name was enough for Bianca to realised who he was and identify the music that was playing. How could she not recognize the music when she reviewed the album a mere 2 weeks ago?
The DJ duo already had 2 charting singles off their album thanks to their new take on EDM that mixed island sounds and brass instrument. Best friends who grew up together and made music in their basements before gaining momentum in the underground clubbing scene.
Mr. Hollywood or Ender Wiggins is one-half of the duo whose name was similar to the hat on Freddie’s head, Hell Blazer. The DJ on the turntable was Solomon Kane, who like Ender, has a name based on a literary character from an 80s book.
Starstruck was not the precise word to describe how Bianca felt as she moved to the EDM sound, hands around Ender’s neck. She was a music writer and has met numerous singers for her job. But this was someone she actually admired where their sound spoke volumes to her. These guys knew what they were doing sonically and were meticulous with their craft to the point where Bianca wrote that they were the ‘next big thing in EDM’ in her music column.
Understand that those kinds of words do not come easily to Bianca who is critical with every sound, lyric, and production of a song, regardless of genre. She did not even like EDM so much, she preferred R&B.
But dancing with Ender to the music that he and his musical partner made was more of a how-did-I-even-get-here? kind of feeling. Nonetheless, it was an opportunity she would savour for as long as she can.
Editor-in-chief Lydia was jet lagged from her flight from Sweden the previous night but needed to be in the office to check up on her minions who she left unattended for 5 days.
Aaron was scribbling away on his drawing pad, fine lines of a face emerging on the screen in front of him when Lydia leaned against the side of the cubicle.
“Morning Boss. Hope your trip to Sweden went well. Anything I can help you with?“ said Aaron with a cheesy grin. He knew exactly what Lydia wanted but decided to act like an oblivious employee.
“I know you made a video of the party. I wanna make sure none of your colleagues were embarrassing the company,” she said while extending her palm.
“Since when did you guys became cool and invited the boys of Hell Blazer to your shindig?” questioned Lydia sarcastically to Aaron.
“Is that Bianca grinding against Ender Wiggin?” asked Lydia just as Bianca stepped into the office to sit a couple of cubicles away from Aaron. She plopped her tote bag on her desk and took a long sip of her coffee.
“Morning tease. Did you fuck Ender last weekend?” Bianca almost spat out her long black at the sound of that question from Aaron.
Bianca is known as the resident tease of the office but everyone knew she would never cross the line with somebody in the music industry. Heaven forbid she had to interview someone she slept with.
“I don’t need that kind of crap this morning, Aaron,” spat Bianca with a finger towards her graphic designer.
“Regardless of the fornication or the lack of it. Since you two were well acquainted on the dancefloor, I expect an interview for the next issue, Bianca,” ordered Lydia.
“Really Lydia? What if I did sleep with him?”
“Did you?” asked Lydia and Aaron simultaneously.
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The Profession of Vultures
I took journalism as an education path because I was intrigued by the power that truth holds. I was spellbound by the fact that a couple of words, strung into a sentence can move emotions, trigger actions & bring people together.
After dipping my hands in the real world of journalism, there were some things that even the classroom couldn’t warn me.
As informative, efficient and knowledgeable as the media can be sometimes, the people that run it can sometimes be seen as vultures.
When I really start working in this field, I have no doubt i’ll be one too. Nothing wrong with that because if you want information, you gotta pry, dig & poke your way to get it.
But in some situations, I think that we poke things that need to be left alone. Sometimes meddling in it will just make it worst and make it look like we are foolishly putting coal into the fire.
Yes we want to know things in a deeper sense & we want to get expert opinions on certain situations for a better understanding. But big news, some of them, require a cooling off time I think.
When too many people say too many things, emotions tend to stir. Negative emotions and I despise that.
This whole obsession on wanting to know everything and wanting to say everything should not be practiced all the time, especially regarding sensitive issues.
There are millions of stories out there worth highlighting & discussing and we obsess about the little things & purposely exacerbate it to devastating proportions.
The media should take a chill pill once in a while. Especially when they know it’s gonna cause a bigger fire in the end.
Media should be more than just making money and exposing big news. Part of their power is to build better people and a more informative society.
Therefore a chill pill once in a while wouldn’t hurt.
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Now I'm just chasing time with a thousand dreams I'm holding heavy And as we cross the line these fading beats have all been severed Don't tell me our youth is running out It's only just begun
So during these empty days, lots of stuff churns inside my mind and certain emotions like fear tend to creep up once in a while. One fear in particular that I usually sweep aside but has been nagging sporadically these past couple of days is the fear of growing up.
I can be categorised as an adult. I have a licence, I'm above the age of consent and i'm old enough to live on my own. Growing up instils a sense of responsibility and maturity, if one chooses to acknowledge and accept it.
I'm bound to and if I recall clearly, I have already begun accepting and learning the traits and responsibility of growing up. But at this age, at this prime age where i'm old enough to do whatever the hell I want and young enough to get away with it while still looking good, I fear of the dwindling of this beautiful age.
This is my time to enjoy my youth, explore the world and discover myself. Its a beautiful time and I have to admit, i'm enjoying myself to a certain extent. But the fact that it wont last forever and there will come a day where I'll have to hang my coat and give way to things like marriage, career and children kinda scares me.
I fear for the dying of the days where I don't have wrinkles and my body is fit enough to fit into size 2 jeans and embroided mini skirts. I fear for the dwindling of a state of health that I should appreciate now. I fear of the days where my life is consumed by taxes, loan payments, deadlines and a ticking ovarian clock.
We all have to grow up sooner or later. I just hope i have a clear and beautiful snapshot of my youth before I see it decay.
Indulging in the beats of: Youth by Foxes
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Beautiful Savages
Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
So I've been catching up on my movies during this holiday. One movie a day, raging from a variety of genres. Today I decided to embrace Oliver Stone and watched a movie long overdue on my list, Savages.
It has a hot cast, Aaron Johnson, Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively and Salma Hayek. The cast caught my attention but the storyline and the director won it for me.
Its a straight forward drug movie with a beautiful looking cast but to me a movie is more than just the plot. Its the music, the script, the cinematography and many elements joined together to create an experience at the end.
Savages had a beautiful opening and ending and was narrated by Blake Lively throughout it. Those elements made it different and gave the movie more soul.
Those black and white footages, the sound of waves, the close up shots of Blake's hair being blown in the wind as she walked through the beach accompanied by her narration of the story was great to watch.
The similar style of ending added with the Asian inspired music, then suddenly you hear 4 chords from the happiest song ever written and it ends with a sultry voice singing it. That sold me. It was just epic.
The happy song? Here comes the sun by the Beatles sang by the mellifluous voice of Yuna. Yes Yuna on an Oliver Stone soundtrack. What a way to end a movie. Kudos to Mr Stone for that.
Indulging in the beats of: Here Comes The Sun by Yuna
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No Salvation for a Bad Girl
You got the cure Underneath your shirt Don’t you wanna save this Dirty little damsel?
A post about music this time since I haven't made one on Tumblr yet. First I wanna talk about my current obsession, Natalia Kills. I heard her when she did that song with Far East Movement and I realised she has this cool sense of style.
But her new song titled 'Problem' is like my new anthem. I'm not really a bad girl but the beat of that song is sick. It has this sort of edgy lap dance/ heavy make out session kind of beat that is both thumping and sexy at the same time.
Plus that one line on the 2nd verse- We're hell raising cause we don't need saving cause there's no salvation for a bad girl. Such a bold and true expression of a bitch. Praise!
On another note, I stumbled upon a song on the radio just now that brought me back to a time where Timberlake's hair looked like Maggi noodles and it was cool for guys to wear baggy plastic sweat pants.
When I googled the lyrics, discovered the song was sang by a dude named Austin Mahone. All I heard about the guy is that he's like a Bieber wannabe. That's it.
But his new single called 'What about love' emulates such a classic pop boy band sound you cannot listen to it and not be transported back to the late 90s and early 2000s where N'SYNC and BSB excited out lady parts.
Listen to it, the pop-ish/electronic intro which continues to blend at the end of the chorus, the 'break-it-down' session after the second chorus (for dancing purposes) with the repetition of the title of the song and the mellow third verse where he pours his heart out that builds back to the pop beat in an aggressive manner. Its like listening to a 2013 version of Bye Bye Bye and It's Gonna Be Me.
I'm not saying its bad, I just find it refreshing to hear the pop sounds that I grew up with in a time where pop songs are heavily mixed with house or techno influences.
Give these two a listen. The links are on the song titles. You might like it :)
Indulging in the beats of: Problem by Natalia Kills
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Last Days of the Outsider
But what do you say to takin' chances?
What do you say to jumpin' off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
So I know that I have my practical training to endure, only then will I officially be a degree holder. But there are a couple of days more of classes and it will be the end. Yeah I'll come back to the faculty to visit my academic advisor or something but this will be the imminent last class going, bus riding, classmates seeing days.

Semester 1
If you asked me honestly, I would not be as sad. At least I don't think I will be. Matriculation was a place that I despised and cherished at the same time. When I left, I would be lying if I didn't feel a tinge of sadness. Mostly towards the people and not the place.

Semester 2
My constant thought about UiTM was that I could not wait to get out of it. There were some good times and fun memories but as much as I fit in, I felt like an outcast here. I remember people going on that I would totally fit in in the MassComm faculty because every one would have the same mentally as me.
Semester 3
Boy where they wrong. So now before the end of days at this institution, I'm going to admit that I pretty much felt like a passer by in this faculty. I would always tell people that I'm an anti-social in this place & believe me when I say that it was my personal choice to be that way.

Semester 4
To me, faculty of Communication and Media Studies was just a place I went to everyday to gain knowledge. It was just a place I needed to go to absorb from books and lecturers just so I can get a degree in journalism.

Semester 5
It wasn't a place I look forward to be in or go back to. It was a road I had to pass to reach my ambition. I learned a lot, endure different kinds of people and as hard as I wanna say it, made some friends. Friends that drove me crazy, annoyed me to hell and some that made me smile and laugh.
For most of it, I learned a lot more about myself. I learned to tolerate, to be patient, to be humble and I learned to tell myself that if you wanna be happy, stay away from the things that prevent it. Best lesson I learned in 3 years.
So I guess its bittersweet for me. It wasn't the most joyous time but it wasn't also a the saddest. Its somewhere in the middle and no matter what I think, it is a chapter of my life. Something I can't take back. If I could do it differently and chose a different road, maybe I would.
C'est la vie, bitches,
Indulging in the beats of: Taking Chances by Celine Dion
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The End of a Story
This growing old is getting old I often find myself here thinking About the birds, the boats, and past loves.
If anyone asked me about my favorite book of all time, a book that moved my imagination, sparked my love for writing, intrigued me to the wonders of history and practically turned my love into an obsession is all present in the pages of a book series called Blue Bloods.
I remember the day I stumbled upon that book in the discount section of the Borders bookstore at the Curve early in 2007. I think it was early 2007. I was almost 17 and found escape in books. I was currently reading the Twilight saga when I found this Blue Blood series.
I remember going to KLCC after school with my friend and instantly buying the 2nd book that just arrived on the shelf after excitingly finishing the first book.
I remember I couldn't wait for the 3rd book to arrive so my best friend went and bought me a copy while she was holidaying in New York.
I remember those nights lying in my bed reading them, pausing every now and then during an unexpected scene to say 'holy fuck' or 'no effing way'.
I remember not being able to put the book down once I got it because I would wait an average of a year for the next book to come so I would cherish and be entranced every time my fingers skim through those pages.
I remember having to wait an extra couple of months to get the books because I would insist on getting the hard cover that was only available overseas.
I remember falling in love with the characters, the way its plot line cleverly twisting with the history of our world and that every ending was never the end.
Now its 2013, I bought and read the last book. I have the whole hard cover collection down to the companion novels. I just finished the last book and I'm happy and sad at the same time. Maybe its because these book represented a time of my life when I was adapting from being a teenager to a young adult.
I followed the characters through their hardship and went through my own. Its just odd that I cant anticipate for the next book, the next adventure, the next love story.
And in true Melissa De La Cruz style, she ended the saga and did not at the same time. So I don't know what's gonna happen next with the series. But I do know it was a great journey with those books. A memorable enchanting journey that you wont understand till you dive into those stories and make those characters your friends.
All I have to say is, what an end indeed.
Indulging in the beats of : Stars by Fun
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Where is your Heart of Gold?
Here I am starring, at your perfection in my arms; so beautiful. The sky is getting bright, the stars are burnin’ out. Somebody slow it down.
So last weekend I experienced a big loss when I fell victim to a pick pocket asshole who stole my smartphone. I wasn't weeping like a child but I am sad because my smartphone has definitely become a part of my life. All my Blackberry contacts, phone numbers, synced emails and even applications like Twitter are my life savers. And its all stored in my tiny little Blackberry.
Now its gone and I'm left with a simple phone that cant access the internet but does allow me to call and text people. I'm kinda grateful that I can still communicate to the world in a small way.
Anyway today's post is about something bigger than me losing my phone. Its about good attitudes and common sense. A mere couple of hours ago, my friend accidentally left his smartphone in class and when he went back to retrieve it, it was gone.
That means someone in the faculty took it and decided to make it their own. Phone calls and whatsapps were made and sent to the phone but no reply. Eventually after a few tries, the perpetrator switched off the phone.
If I found a smartphone in class, I would use my common sense and good attitude to call the last person on the list or wait till someone calls or paling2 pun give it to the office.
One puts a lot in their smartphones so if I found it, I would want it to be safely back in the hands of it owner. The faculty is not that big and a lot of people are connected to a lot of people. So its not hard to try to give back the phone to its owner.
Why do you wanna steal it? Can't you for once be a good human being and do the right thing? Jeezz......
Indulging in the beats of : Daylight by Maroon 5
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I Got The Power
Step in to the fantasy You'll never want to leave Baby, that's guaranteed, why?
So its the first day of class, my second for the day and the lecturer who currently is teaching this class that I'm sitting in happens to be a very important person in the journalism department of our faculty. He's the head actually. So for him to grace us with his presence is actually a pretty awesome thing.
He's out for a meeting so I'm free to write a bit. He was yapping about reporting being a serious profession and that our ideas need to be analytical and well research. He has high expectation for us, you can see it in his eyes.
I mean we are the senior journalism student in my faculty so I'm not surprise that he's asking for the best. The subject is called "investigative reporting" so much work is coming and hopefully greatness will be achieved in the end.
Its starting to dawn on me that what i'm studying is a profession that is really important in our world. Its like we have the power to control the media and control what people think. Which is cool and scary at the same time.
Hopefully my batch will graduate with awesome CGPAs and turn out to be ethical journalist who help the world instead of destroying it. May God give us strength.
Indulging in the beats of: Express by Christina Aguilera
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For some strange reason, my sister did not piss me off last night. I actually had fun and the music set just awesome. Plus the crowd was good looking even though I did not have the mood to look.
Hats off to the cute crazy photographer from allisamazing.com. Your flashes turn me on :)
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Callousness 7: New Music VS Old Music
Short Candor Burst of Mind
So i'm halfway through the Carrie Diaries series. I have a new crush on Austin Butler. I feel like wanting to run my fingers through that gorgeous mane of his.
Anyway I realize that since the music reflects the decade of the series which is the early 80s, I have a new found appreciation for old music. Everything from Depeche Mode to Cindy Lauper to Billy Idol.
Whats really cool is that they will play the original version and towards the end, they'll play a modern cover version of that song. A lovely mixture of old and new :)
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Series Wish List
I got a question How many lies? Question How many times?
So since I'm back at Maktok's which has unlimited fast wifi, I officially have the freedom to steal movies from my cousins and more excitingly start watching series that I'm anxious to watch for a while.
I was sad that Partners was canceled after like 6 episodes. It was a new kind of funny for me especially since I have gay friends myself. I left Gossip Girl for almost a year and stopped at the 4th season. Even though I have both season 5 & 6, the whole teen orgy melodramatic predictable twisting plots are not my cup of tea nowadays.
My love for crime and mystery has erupted to a new level this year. I'm obsessed with Sherlock. I mean Benedict is a new kind of sexy. Season 3 hasn't started shooting yet but i'm deeply anticipating it.
Another surprise love is towards Suits. I'm not much into law base series but this one with its tendency to handle cases outside of court by 'closing a deal' brings a nice story line. But it does highlight that lawyers are just lying pricks. No offense.
I tried my hand on the American version of Sherlock Holmes called Elementary where he is a recovery drug addict that moves to NY to start back his career. Di I mention that his sober companion is none other that Dr Watson who is played by a woman. Yeah, Lucy Lui to be exact. Its not as fast pace & cinematically pretty compared to Benedict's Sherlock but it is kinda nice to watch.
I miss Dr Reid's alluring intelligence so I return watching season 8 of Criminal Minds. The killings and the murders are getting more twisted that usual and with a new linguistic specialist on the team, it shows that you can know a lot about a killer based on the little things.
The most exciting series that I'm dying to watch is The Carrie Diaries. I have been waiting for this for ages. I never fully watched or followed Sex & The City mainly because I was too young to understand the sex lives of NY women but who can dismiss Carrie Bradshaw? The fact that AnnaSophia Robb is playing a young Carrie is even cooler than the wardrobe itself. 80s is coming back!
Indulging in the beats of : Personal by Olly Murs
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Callousness 6: Content With Myself
Short Candor Burst of Mind
For the people that ponder on how I can survive nowadays without a boyfriend, its better to stop thinking and stop the pity party thats conjuring in your head. I can eat, go to places and have fun without the need or help of a man. I still can’t believe that there are girls out there that believe life without a boyfriend is a meaningless one.
I am not against having boyfriends but until one finally decides to knock on my door with his heart in hand, I am perfectly capable of being happy on my own.
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Callousness 5: Get Your Words Straight
Short Candor Burst of Mind Let me clarify that the word BOMBASTIC is a derivative of the word 'bombast' which means inflated or pretentious speech or writing. Which means that anything that is bombastic is considered something that sounds or looks good but is actually meaningless or irrelevant. So please do not keep saying shit like "I wanna write an exemplary essay using bombastic words" or "I don't know how to use bombastic words because i'm not good in English." Bombastic does not mean sophisticated. It means empty. The more correct term would be "sophisticated words". Get that in your head. If I use big sophisticated words wrongly or for the sake of showing off but have no logical meaning, then you can use the word bombastic, OK?
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