#Q of the Continuum
celestialholz · 2 years
The Celestialholz meta masterpost.
TM20 is gay.
TM20 is seriously gay actually...
Flapple? Even more gay than you thought.
The path to Artazon is suspiciously adorable...
There's 34 Surrendering Sunflora in Artazon. They're all gay.
The Harvest isn't any less gay, in case you were wondering...
Art class, in the art room. Because the art room's gay.
Hassius and the number two
Sun and moon men in a game not called Sun and Moon
Why is there a goddamn heart shape on the Sunflora Lawn, just why Game Freak
No hold up, Surrendering Sunflora wasn't quite gay enough
Hands up boys, we're in your walls
Motherfuckin' DIPPLIN.
Core-wyrms and fore-wyrms because why not am I right
So they have fields of apples now...
Shiny Dipplin is Hassel. I'm so done.
The saga of Hydrapple.
The bravest little Sunflora.
General Paldea
Larry's secretly a showman, the funky little businessman
Larry is a fucking gift to us all, and here's what's beneath the giftwrap
A small case of vanillacupcakes symbolism
The Treasures of Ruin are an AU Elite Four
Geeta's not evil, but if she ever heel-turns, here's why
The heart, the brain and the saviour, or why Q is the sun
The doorway to meaning
What the fucking hell is this outfit are you kidding me Paramount
Ineffable Husbands
An alternative coffee theory, featuring the official colour of the universe
We need narrative balance, so Aziraphale's going to resurrect Crowley
Baldur's Gate 3
Let's have a chat about Durgetash and weapons.
Deadpool and that one Star Trek scene
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porgthespacepenguin · 9 months
No Easy Way to the Stars (a Qcard Novel) 1/24
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Pairing: Jean-Luc Picard/Q Summary:
Five months after saving the Alpha Quadrant, Jean-Luc and his crew find themselves pulled into a new adventure that will forever change the course of their lives — and, perhaps, the fate of the galaxy itself.
Link to Ao3
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essence-stealer · 2 years
All Bids Are Final
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Read on AO3
What would happen if Q felt honour bound - and mischievous enough - to pay Quark the million bars of gold pressed latinum he bid at the auction?
Quark walks into his quarters to find the gentleman from the auction lounging against the largest stack of gold-pressed latinum he has ever seen.
“Quark, I presume,” the stranger says with a mischievous grin, gracefully getting to his feet and casually adjusting his uniform. “As bid, one million bars of gold pressed latinum.”
His smirk grows even wider as he takes in Quark’s stunned expression.
A quick, well-practised glance tells him that there must be at least a hundred thousand bars of latinum in the room.
“The rest of the funds are scattered throughout your various holdings,” the stranger continues. “Besides the fact that it wouldn’t all fit in this intolerably tiny space you inhabit, I suspected you would be less than willing to advertise your newfound wealth to your kinsmen.”
Quark nods absent-mindedly, his shock slowly fading as his well-honed business mind starts to turn. This is more latinum than half the Alpha quadrant combined, and he can’t help the flicker of suspicion that crosses his mind that this must be counterfeit, or a scam of some kind.
And if it is, Quark wants to work out how to replicate it, or turn it to his own advantage as quickly as possible.
The stranger chuckles like he can read his thoughts, and there’s a glint of something in his eyes that tells Quark he’s not the simple human he appears to be. Whoever this stranger is, he is powerful. And dangerous.
“The latinum is genuine, I assure you,” he replies with an airy wave. “All bids are final after all, and the transaction was offered and accepted. The Continuum can hardly fault me for paying my debts like a good little Q should, even if the transaction wasn’t technically finished.”
Once you have their money, you never give it back. The first rule of acquisition flashes quickly through Quark's mind, and he slips on his most charming sales persona. He might not know what a ‘Q’ is, or how this stranger obtained a hitherto unimaginable amount of latinum, but he did know he was going to avoid giving it back under any circumstances.
“As you stated yourself sir, all bids are indeed final,” Quark begins, letting a note of apology drop into his voice. “Captain Sisko is the one who is responsible for your purchase no longer being available, and you should raise any complains and request for compensation with him.”
“I have no intention of spending a second longer on this floating gulag than I absolutely have to, nor seeing your Captain again if I have any say in the matter,” the stranger grouses, and Quark suddenly remembers where he has seen this man before. He had been the one boxing with Sisko on the Promenade, and who had ended up on his ass after a well-placed right hook.
Quark wisely decides not to mention that incident.
“Fear not my avaricious little Ferengi, the latinum is yours to keep regardless of the sale not being completed.” Quark tries to hide his sigh of relief that the stranger isn’t trying to argue the point, although the businessman in him can’t help wondering why.
The answer to that question follows as the stranger continues, his voice growing contemplative as his gaze drifts off into the distance. “The Arkina is free and travelling back towards their mate and pup as we speak, which was the intended outcome when I started this little caper. I abhor creatures being kept in underserved confinement, particularly for profit or exploitation.”
The ice returns to his eyes at those last words before it flickers away, so fast Quark can’t help wondering if he imagined it there.
“And if my actions happen to save all your lives in the process, well, I can hardly be blamed for that,” he finishes with a grin and a quick glance upwards.
Without another word, the stranger flashes away in a ball of white light, leaving Quark momentarily stunned, before he shakes his head and turns his attention back to the latinum in front of him.
He has plans to make.
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mostly-natm · 4 days
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trektown · 26 days
Another post to show off my Q cosplay. Shout out to the other two Qs I met on Saturday
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orchidtreks · 4 months
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Who made this
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kyitsya · 6 months
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judge, jury, and executioner.
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mskllap · 1 month
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Why dis Jean-Luc look so mad?😭😭😭
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emerald-truth · 9 months
Q and Picard's relationship has to be one of the gayest things to have happened on Star Trek. I mean the whole interaction with the Borg happened because Q wanted Picard to tell him "I need you"? The issues you have to deal with when a godlike entity has a crush on you.
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celestialholz · 1 year
The Anatomy of an Outfit (aka 'holy fucking Continuum THE LOOK™)
Y'all know I haven't seen a single STP episode since 2.9. I would rather gargle with acid than go near this show ever again frankly, but, well...
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... Good sweet sanctuary what the fucking hell is THIS. :O (@tennant, clearly a fellow appreciator of all things ancient god, must be thanked profusely for these glorious few shots I'm about to show off. <3)
I called this lovely, lovely man returning about ten minutes after he 'died', but I don't think any of us were expecting his outfit to slay THIS HARD when he did. And not only is it the sexiest thing my fortunate eyes have ever had the pleasure to absorb, but it also happens to be very, er... well let's be real here, it's ridiculously Qcard-coded.
Let's break it down, shall we?
We'll start with the obvious: it's maroon and black. This look appears to be a mad fusion of his Encounter at Farpoint judge robes (which is fair, we end as we begin), and his husband of forty years' captain's uniform. That piped shoulder's hugely reminding me of this, in fact:
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It's the inverse! You know, the same look, flipped? Because they have perfectly distinct personalities but are also mega gay???? Costume department allies fr.
The delightfully dramatic sash Q's rocking is also interesting - it places maroon at the centre of the outfit, and is its grandest statement, which makes it an excellent example of the importance of the colour to its wearer. This is the clothing equivalent of him having mon capitaine tattooed across his essence, which... well yeah, valid. Canonical facts. It's worn across virtually his whole chest, too, because nothing says 'that's my husband' more than having him literally held against your heart.
It's a different era of captain, across two shoulders - the old teasing, and the new love.
Also, this fucking brooch.
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Now, whilst I doubt they've given even John de Lancie a piece made of actual rubies for a fifteen-second scene, the stones here are very clearly meant to evoke them. And rubies are interesting for several reasons:
They're Picard's birthstone, his birthday being July 13th;
They're symbolic of power and protection. What follows is some of the interesting info I've picked up from internet gemology on rubies:
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... Huh. Resolve disputes. 'Dispel anger,' when we've seen a darker Q in this series. And 'protective powers'... mm, how many times has Q saved Picard's life again? What did we get up to, six?
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... 'Romantic love.' 'Devotion.' Uh-huh.
This brooch is also evocative of the Navaratna, or this thing:
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The brooch itself is clearly stylised, but it features eight gems orbiting a central larger ruby (which is meant to be the sun by the way, as though this motherfucker wasn't already evocative ENOUGH of the sun here or here), and is an important cultural and religious symbol in Hinduism. What's it symbolic of, exactly?
... Oh, nothing much. Just... just this.
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... Like I said, nothing much, just the whole concept of Qcard in fucking jewellery form.
The brooch's also, as the wife @porgthespacepenguin pointed out, an eight-pointed star.
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... Have I mentioned yet that I fucking detest this show? Because I really fucking detest this show.
There's nine rubies on it, as well. Picard's in his nineties.
So, let's recap:
Nine of Picard's birthstone for his ninety years
Sun symbolism, AGAIN
Celestial relationships
Beyond space and time
So, all that, from a brooch worn over an outfit that looks suspiciously like Picard's, which has a sash across it in Picard's colour.
... And I'm supposed to believe that Qcard isn't endgame? You're really going to gaslight me to this degree right in front of my salad, you absolute bastards????
Guys, when you inevitably wipe this shitshow of a Star Trek from your collective minds like I'm about to do, just... take this with you. Take the fact that everything about this outfit and this SHOW has said all along that Qcard is endgame, until they couldn't be arsed. Until they lost their balls for the pathetic few who might have naysayed it.
Patrick, and certainly John, deserved so much better. I'm glad that at least someone on this set understands that. (I see you, costumers. I see you, and I love you.)
Just going to... just going to stare at the absolute fine-aged wine of a man that is John de Lancie for a moment, before I lose my whole shit. He calms my soul, you see.
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porgthespacepenguin · 7 months
No Easy Way to the Stars (a Qcard Novel) 24/24
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Pairing: Jean-Luc Picard/Q
Five months after saving the Alpha Quadrant, Jean-Luc and his crew find themselves pulled into a new adventure that will forever change the course of their lives — and, perhaps, the fate of the galaxy itself.
Link to Ao3 -- Final chapter is now up! (NSFW)
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essence-stealer · 2 years
I really have issues with how Star Trek portrays it when a Q loses their powers...
Okay so a mini Sunday Morning Ess Rant incoming, but it really annoys me how the shows portray a Q losing and then getting back their powers. They're meant to be non-corporal beings (I know I personally headcanon Q looking like nebulas, as do many people I know) and they simply chose to wear a human (or other) body when interacting with mortals…so if they've been made mortal and literally had everything they are changed and shoved into a shell of flesh, you'd think they'd notice the second their true form was returned to them?
Same with being able to use telepathy/powers/being connected to the Continuum again…I was showing my partner the end clip from Q2 (Juniors' episode) because he didn't know JdLs actual son was playing Junior, and the bit where Q tells him he already has his powers back…it just makes no sense to me that he wouldn't already know?! Or when Q gets his powers back in Daja Q, there's no relief or reaction really from Q, other than grinning and snapping back into a uniform…he's just been saved from death and given back powers he thought he'd lost for good, not to mention his true form, you'd think there'd be more of a reaction to that - although of course it's Q, so you could argue he's hiding it to not show weakness.
I just wish more thought had been put into little details like that, as it always throws me a bit that entities that are omnipotent and near-omniscient wouldn't react more to losing and regaining their powers…
(And that's before we even get started with how that process is portrayed on screen: he's just lost everything he's ever known, and forced into a form that isn't his own, he must be scared and traumatised and struggling to adjust, yet it's just played off casually and almost for laughs in the show!)
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dogwithapog · 1 month
intro to pure mathematics prof always talking about "p" and "q"
this is the only p and q i want to hear about
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aless-was-here-bsrb · 9 months
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This meme came to me in a vision
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technicolor-dreamss · 4 months
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The judge, the jury… and the executioner!
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il-predestinato · 1 year
MAX: Okay, that’s it. 😡🤬 Whoever just crashed in Monaco qualifying is going to be -
CHARLES: It was me.
MAX: …forgiven because everyone makes mistakes.
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