#Puppy - Motion Poster
gladiatorcunt · 5 months
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cw: canon typical mind games, baby trapping/pregnancy, manipulation, reader’s emotionally constipated, tashi’s injury, cunnilingus, cockwarming, tit fucking, established tashi & patrick (there’s no feelings between them but they stay together for reader in the beginning), lactation, not rlly smut focused despite the tags, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, ambiguous baby daddy (even though the ending can be read a certain way), one mention of patrick x art, afab reader, there’s a thought about you being injured but it’s not serious, small time skip (?) type thing and implied future pregnancies, purposefully vague/unreliable narrator vibes
patrick and art’s descriptions are heavily insp. by these posts
consider commissioning me or leaving me a tip if you enjoyed!
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They never tell you that Tashi got injured on purpose. She’s too good to fall victim to what plagues so many athletes, but you don’t know that. You, her assumed rival and yet also the poster child of sportsmanship. Rivalry can bring out affection in people, it can highlight the need for someone who can understand you better than anyone else possibly could. You’ve never been anything but soft and sweet, but you can still summon the lightning streaking across the sky in your eyes when the game begins. There’s a glow around you that Tashi craves like a moth craves the shadow behind the light they fly into.
Tashi’s fall from her pedestal was painful and the hardest decision she’s ever made, but for the first time she made it for love. The set up was the easiest part, but now she has to actually make the serve. And she can’t do it alone, she’d be stupid to be blind to how her boyfriend and his best friend’s stares linger. What she and Patrick shared fizzled out a while ago, but if she lets him go, then that signs her up for a battle she’d rather avoid. Sometimes pleasure can be derived from depriving an animal of the chance to kill rather than setting it free and giving it an opportunity to go after you first.
Who knows, maybe someday you and her can share matching injuries.
Luckily, Patrick shares the same sentiment, quickly agreeing to the arrangement and plan when he visited prior to the injury. Art’s good at downplaying his toxicity, so Tashi wasn’t concerned about if he could play the part of a “worried friend”. You’ll bust into the office while she’s getting checked out to see Art there, and the infatuation you've been harboring for him will keep you in place. The queen on the chessboard who can’t really move however they please at all. Patrick will return in a “rush to see his girlfriend”, and you’ll be too intrinscingly intertwined in their web to cut yourself loose.
You weren’t the one she was playing against, but because of your “friendship” you’re there in the audience when it all goes down. The shock of something career ending happening to someone who had the most potential of anyone you’d ever seen is staggering.
You practically run to see if Tashi’s okay, and the disappointment that you might never play with her again is palpable. But she’ll be fine, you tell yourself, she has to be.
Art has already left by the time you get to the room she’s in, doing one of his parts of the plan and allowing Tashi to put everything into motion. He’s waiting nearby, running his hands through his hair as he imagines all the ways he can comfort you. Because you will need comforting later, and your future husband knows the best remedies for your incoming sadness.
You’re standing gobsmacked in front of her bandaged knee, a confirmation that this is really it. You shrug off your bag and let it slide down your arm to the cold floor. Your mouth opens but the words don’t come out. You struggle to know what to say as Tashi’s eyes meet yours.
“What am I supposed to do now, huh? My top competitors gone up and left me hanging.” You sigh, trying to keep the kicked puppy look out of your eyes.
She’s in pain and you’re making this about you. But if you and Tashi aren’t bound by Tennis, then what are you bound by. Your friendship doesn’t go beyond the court, so what do you even share now?
There’s no big declarations, no babbling where you word vomit about glad you are that she’s okay. Neither of you are those kinds of people. The energy in the air is dead, but the situation is too serious for awkward small talk. All you two can focus on is what’s ruined, but only one of you can also acknowledge what stands to be gained.
“Take a break, then.” She says plainly, a touch too proud to beg. “For me, I mean who else am I gonna let see me like this?”
That last is an attempt to lighten the mood, to use humor to point out how you’re truly the only person she’d let see her in tatters. Your eyes widen and you freeze, but then you take a seat next to the cot and take her hand. Your smile could destroy the sun, she thinks, and even if the earth was plunged into darkness you’d make it feel like there was nothing to be worried about at all.
“Okay, just for a little bit.” You chuckle and rub her shoulder delicately.
You don’t know what on earth possesses you to say it, but you realize that the absence of a challenge would drive you insane. There’s other reasons for it, ones you’re aware and ones you’re not. But you and Tashi have a way of saying just enough without ever needing to be raw and reveal what you really mean. If there’s a coherent meaning to be found.
“A little bit” ends up being forever, your pregnancies see to that.
Tashi makes Patrick and Art hinge a match solely on who’d get first crack at it; they play so savagely that you’d think they were stray dogs fighting over moldy scraps of food. She’s there when you get morning sickness and she sends the boys out with a list of what you’re currently craving at that moment. She’ll brush your hair and do your skincare for you, rubbing your belly while everyone’s asleep and telling you’re baby that she’d better be their favorite (after you of course).
Tashi takes pride in how she pleases your pussy when you’re too swollen to put in any of the work. She licks broad stripes up your soaked cunt, nipping at your clit and getting you to cream into her mouth in no time at all. She presses sweet little kisses up and down your folds, wishing you could see her love on your pussy properly. They’ve had competitions on who can make you squirt the fastest, and Tashi will never fail to mention that she’s never lost once.
Patrick gets really into cockwarming, getting you nice and settled in his lap. He has to take deep breaths so he doesn’t immediately start thrusting, he knows he has to think about the baby. But the pregnancy has made you impossibly tight, and your hormones make you go crazy for his sweat and natural musk. You’ll whine at him to hover over your head so you suck on his heavy balls. You nag about how he needs to take better care of himself, but you’ve grown to love swallowing his tangy load while you’re suffocating in his pubes.
When that happens depends on how long either of you can hold out, Patrick will tease you about how slutty you’ve been lately and squeeze your face with one hand. His cock will twitch inside of you, snug and strangled. He'll suck Art off till both of their lips are bleeding and you’ll motorboat Tashi’s tits to pass the time. You’ll start swiveling your hips somewhere along the way and his resolve will crumble like it never existed in the first place.
That’s for later though. He fastens the ugly neon cartoonish headphones over your belly and turns on the attached mic, doing storytime with the softest grin on his face.
Art on other hand likes fucking your leaking tits, he loves when drops of milk lube up the slide of his dick in the valley between them. He’ll thumb at your sensitive nipples and flick them, cooing at you when you moan and lap at his cockhead during the split second it reaches your mouths. He’ll look after your breasts outside of the bedroom. He’ll massage them and drain them for you if they’re feeling particularly sore, two of them will be latching on either tit while the third will be sucking on your tongue. His pecs bounce with every languid roll of his hips through the pocket his hands create, and he brings your hands up to them so you’ll grab on and leave scratches.
Art gives you more cum, his literal breeder balls are too big and full, and he’ll bet that he’ll give you more children. His thrusts have a certain punchy rhyme and rhythm to them while Patrick’s are sloppily enthusiastic and feral.
Art picks out supplies for the nursery with you, supporting your vision wholeheartedly and agreeing with every color and stuffed animal you choose. He and Patrick continue with their careers, and Tashi finds a way to coach them both, they need to support you and the new member of their slightly dysfunctional family. Tashi writes up the speech you give when you announce your early and extremely unexpected retirement, and she massages your feet when you collapse on the couch from the sheer emotional exhaustion. Art pecks each of your toes as she does so. Patrick plays tic tac toe against himself in the hollow of your throat.
And when the baby’s born and they can finally see who actually got you knocked up, Tashi says that maybe Patrick will get to be happy that he’s finally won something.
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- faetreides 2024. do not repost, translate, or give my works to ai
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chrissv4mp · 3 months
chap 3 , come visit me in jail — | — ...back — | — next...
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summary: the morning after you and chris bond, he just seems to fall deeper in love with you and your amazing personality. he falls so deep that when he sees a negative comment on your recent instagram post, he feels he has no choice but to do something about it.
pairing: stalker!chris × singer!reader
warnings + topics: cursing, stalking, weapons, murder, blood, obsessive behavior, breaking & entering, crying, chris is crazy, choking, drowning, etc. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THESE TOPICS.
author's note: here's where it starts to get intense.....👀
author's note 2: series title mention in this one has me floating🗣🗣
word count: 6.6k
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"bet i could change your life."
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liked by nicolassturniolo, oliviarodrigo and others
y/nwhosthat you're never gonna believe it
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mysteriousman no tag in the first photo i see....
-> y/nwhosthat didn't even know there were tags on this app??
-> y/nsonlylove says the girl who uses them in every single one of her posts🙁 u got them searching for answers now
hearts4chrissy i know my man's hands when i see them chris honey come home💔
latinosfory/n they are reaching omg😭
matthew.sturniolo all these rumors and im still focused on the frank ocean lyrics🤷‍♂️
-> y/nwhosthat everyone should be focused on his inspiring lyrics
-> wishingherwell MATT???
theyenvy.michael ugly ass girl tf get off this app👎
chris feels a sudden anger wash over him as he reads the most recent comment on y/n's post, and his hand wraps even tighter around his phone before he clicks on the guy's profile.
he's 20, and he's also in boston. chris scrolls down, cringing at his weird objectifying comment in his bio, "ho's are only useful in the kitchen, i stand by my statement🤷‍♂️"
fucking douchebag, chris thinks as he scrolls down on his page. he clicks on michael's recent post and is met with a mirror picture of the boy in his messy bedroom. there's posters of half-naked girls and polaroids of him and his friends on the white walls behind him.
he scrolls left, and there's a video. chris doesn't even need to watch it because when he sees the first frame, he already knows he might lose it. the first frame shows off michaels blurry foot only inches away from a small puppy on the side of the road. the brunette feels sick already. how many red flags did this guy have?
another scroll and chris finds himself looking at a blurred picture of michael and his friend hugging. only one normal photo in this entire dump. chris doesn't even want to scroll down further on his page.
as he turns off his phone and throws it to the side, his free hand clenches into a fist. chris has never felt this angry before, and just the thought of michaels comment makes him even angrier.
before getting up, he grabs his phone. he runs up the stairs, heading straight for nicks room as he barges in. he stands at the doorway and watches as his brother jumps in shock.
his hair is still messy, not having time to do it before chris came in, "chris, what the fuck!"
"oh my god, you almost gave me a heart attack. fuck you," the older boy grumbles before walking over to his bed and sitting at the edge, "what'd you need?"
nick's tone is softer now, and he pats the side of his bed in a motion for chris to come over and sit. chris does just that, taking a few deep breaths before he throws himself back against his brothers bed.
"i don't know. i wanted to ask if you've ever felt so angry that you just wanna destroy everything around you." chris sighs, propping himself up on his elbows to look at the dark-haired boy beside him.
he just laughs softly, nodding, "yeah, almost always. why, what's going on?" there's a subtle look of concern on his face, and chris frowns.
chris shrugs, eyes trailing off to look at the wall across from him, "i was... reading comments, and i saw one that infuriated me like nothing did before. and, nick, i know you've told me not to let 'em get to me, but..." he takes his lower lip between his teeth, "this time it was on a loved-ones post, and i can't control it anymore."
nick frowns, his concern rising as his eyes meet his brothers, "okay. just talk to me, i don't want you doing anything... bad this time. remember what matt and i have told you to do when you feel that way. take deep breaths, yeah?"
chris' eyes widen at his brother's first words, his chest feeling tighter as he suddenly finds it harder to breathe. his mind wanders back to that night.
"hey!" a man's voice is heard from behind chris and his brothers, and the younger boy is the first to turn. he recognizes that voice, and it only ticks him off further.
chris waves his hand, a small gesture that even makes him cringe. why was he wasting his energy on this dick? the guy doesn't wave back, only scoffing as he stomps in chris' direction.
"what's up?" there's a faux look of happiness on the brunettes face as he steps forward, now right in front of the much taller guy, "c'mon, talk that shit you were spitting all over madi's posts, you weren't scared when you posted it."
the brown-eyed man laughs, tilting his head as he squints his eyes at chris, "i'm not scared now, either. the fuck? i said she was a dumb bitch who can't even—"
chris doesn't even let him finish, his head filling with so many thoughts he couldn't even comprehend. his entire body felt hot, like he was on fire. the one thought that was screaming out to him finally pushed it's way in front, kill him.
he lands the first hit on the guys cheek, and it's not soft. he doesn't stop either, his free hand coming up to punch the man in the stomach. his motions are quick, and he doesn't give the man time to think before punching him right in the nose.
the blond stumbles back, coughing as his nose leaks red down to his lip. his head turns back up, looking right as chris before he stomps up to him and swings right at his face.
nick gasps as he watches chris fall to the ground, his lip and nose already bleeding red. matt comes up to the guy, standing between his brother and the infuriated man in front of him, "hey, hey, let's calm down, yeah? this was a misunderstanding."
"misunderstanding? no, i don't think it is. i know what i said, and i'm not gonna take it back. who even are you, you look like a fuckin' mamas boy."
matt inhales sharply, looking back up at the man before he begins to speak again, "listen, we don't want this to get any more violent than it's already become. let's just talk about it?"
the taller man laughs, wiping his bloodied nose with the back of his hand as he looks down at matt, "nah, you're little boyfriend over there can speak for himself. wait, he can't, can he? pussy ass bitch."
chris groans as he stands to his feet, nick hurrying to grab him before he does anything worse and possibly get sent to the hospital.
matt only sighs, his skin starting to crawl slightly at the man's words, "we're not doing this, sir. my brother didn't mean anything, and we're sorry, okay? let's just leave it at that."
he feels himself get pushed back, and only then does he look up at the brown-eyed boy.
"matt, let's go." nick calls from behind him, eyes moving to the beaten-up guy in front of his two brothers, "we're leaving, it's over now!" he yells to the guy, dragging chris by his shoulders in the opposite direction.
chris struggles against his older brothers grip, and when he digs his nails into nicks skin, he finally lets go. matt is pushed out of the way as chris lunges toward the man.
his hands go for his neck, squeezing tightly as they both stumble to the ground. chris' fall is shielded by the body under him, but the older man's fall isn't. chris doesn't hear the crack as they fall to the floor, his head pounding so loudly he can barely even hear his brothers screaming at him to stop.
but he doesn't, tears brimming in his eyes as he remembers the look on his best friends face as she showed him. chris never wanted madi to feel that way ever again, and he was gonna make sure she never did.
"chris, get the fuck off of him!" matt almost screams, his voice low as to not alert anybody around the area.
nick stands there in shock, the empty parking lot now feeling much bigger than it was. he felt like if he ran he would never be able to escape.
chris sobs as matt drags his weak body off the unconscious guy, holding his brother in his arms as they fall to the floor softly. matts grip is tight on his younger brothers waist as he holds him close, his eyes wide in fear as he watches blood pool around the blonds head.
"fuck. i'm sorry, matt," chris doesn't know what else to say, he doesn't even know why he's apologizing to his brother, "'m sorry, i—i didn't mean to.."
matt drowns out the sound of nick gagging behind him as he tries to reassure the brunette in his arms, shushing his softly as he looks around for any passerby who maybe saw what happened.
nick is hunched over, his back facing both of his brothers as he throws up. this wasn't the type of night he was expecting, and it sure as hell was the one he's experienced, "oh my god, chris."
"did you fucking kill him..?" nick gags again at the thought, not even being able to turn around to look at the body.
"chris." the brunette jumps at the sudden voice, his eyes snapping towards his brother as he finally comes back to reality, "were you listening? i said that—"
"yeah, yeah. i was... listening." chris smiles sweetly before jumping off the bed and going to leave, "thanks, nick. seriously."
the taller boy smiles, and chris gives him an awkward wave before closing the door and making his way down the stairs.
his fingers run across the handrail as he descends down the stairs, the smooth texture soothing him in the slightest but then being taken away as he turns the corner to the kitchen.
eating would get his mind off things. plus, he hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday, going straight to bed after he got home from y/ns house. he felt like he had the world in his hands and he didn't want anybody to ruin that, so he just slept.
sleeping always made him feel better, more energized, and somehow even happier. but when he woke up and had to face the real world, he just felt weaker, smaller. he felt like all eyes were on him and everybody around him was judging him.
as chris reaches for a cabinet, his phone buzzes in his back pocket. great, just what he needed. grabbing it, he unlocks it with his face and then swipes down for his notifications. his face lights up, and his lips curve into a smile as he sees y/ns username at the top.
he quickly taps on the text, holding the device with both hands as he leans against the corner of the counter, now too focused on his phone to even remember what he came in here to do.
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chris' demeanor changes quickly at the new information that michael is y/ns ex-boyfriend. he hasn't let her go, and that was gonna be a huge obstacle in his plan.
he'd need to get rid of him, and he'd need to do it quickly. they always sooner than later, right? it's better to get the job done first than to set it aside and maybe even forget about the task.
chris also wasn't interested in seeing michaels comments on y/ns posts any longer. sure, this was the first time he's seen them, but the boy definitely wasn't gonna stop and chris never wanted to see that fucking profile picture again.
so, that's how he found himself running down the second flight of stairs and down the hallway to his room. he knew what he needed, he thought about this entire thing before he'd even met michael. he was planning on using this for jamie, but then he wouldn't be able to hear your beautiful voice for way longer.
michael was the perfect victim as well. he wasn't well known, and he sure as hell wasn't a likable person, so who would miss him or even notice his sudden disappearance? fuck, even chris wouldn't and he was gonna be the one doing the job.
the door to his room swung open, and chris immediately headed for his walk-in closet, shutting the door as to make sure no one would see him. he couldn't have his brothers knowing, they'd probably put him in a mental institution this time.
chris turned around, back facing the door as he moved his shirts, spreading them apart to reveal the small shelf behind the clothing articles. there was another black box, but this time it was wooden and a little bigger than the one he kept for y/n.
he wasn't careful when opening the box, throwing the lid behind him and hearing the small thud as it landed on the carpet. he reached into the box, pulling out a safety pin to unlock the doors. the last thing he pulled out was a lengthy knife, the handle fitting perfectly in his grip.
chris didn't know anything about actual murderers, but he definitely got a good knife to do the job. maybe he wouldn't even have to use it, he didn't really want to, either. he wanted his hands around that boys neck while he begged for chris to take mercy on him.
he wanted to see tears brimming in his eyes as the life was being squeezed out of him, slowly. chris knew that he wanted michael to have a slow death, a painful one, and suffocating was definitely up on his list.
before rearranging his closet again, chris placed the lid back on and grabbed his items. he took his backpack as well, storing the 2 small items in there along with some binders to cover them up. he was sure someone would recognize him out here, and he wasn't gonna risk anything.
he slipped on a dark grey hoodie along with a black jacket, finishing off the outfit with some black jeans and a pair of black air forces. it was a sketchy outfit, but who cared? chris was breaking into someone's house. he didn't need to be stylish right now.
all that was on his mind was michael and the many options of how he could do this. chris paced back and forth in the empty space of his room, rubbing his temples in an effort to soothe the growing headache that he was facing. his mind was screaming with every possible thought imaginable, some of them telling him to back out and others telling him to man up and stop being a pussy.
chris would hold off a little longer, though. it was still bright out and he wasn't gonna do this in the daylight, he wasn't that uneducated in things like this. he'd watched some serial killer documentaries, so he'd say he knew... stuff.
it was 2:55 when he stopped thinking about the entire thing, his head going elsewhere as hunger overcame him. now he remembered what he was in the kitchen for earlier, a snack.
as chris walks up the stairs, he sees matt leaning against the kitchen counter on his phone. there's a smirk on his face as he chuckles softly at whatever he was watching.
the microwave is on, the buzz being the only sound other than matts quiet breathing and chris' footsteps entering the kitchen. he's still dressed in his black outfit, and matt puts his phone to the side just to look his brother up and down.
"are you on your way to a funeral or..?" matt questioned with a smile on his face, cocking an eyebrow at chris as he finally stepped foot into the kitchen. the first thing he did was grab a pepsi, setting it on the dining table before leaning down to open the freezer.
"no, just decided to wear whatever i first saw. i'm going out with sam tonight, so i probably won't be back until late." chris hums as he pulls out a mini pizza before walking over to where matt is standing.
matt moves over slightly, looking up to check the timer on the microwave only to see it's been just a few seconds. he groans as his head turns back to chris, watching as he takes the frozen pizza out of the box and sets it on a metal pan.
he preheats the oven and then lets the pizza sit on the stove as he goes over to sit at the table. matt joins him soon after, deciding to chat with his brother to pass the time.
"where are you goin'?" the older brunette asks, picking at the hang nails that stood out on his fingers. he winced as he pulled one off, shaking his hand by his side in an effort to stop the pain.
chris looks over at his brother, emotion unreadable as he stares at his brother with nothing behind his eyes, "oh. we're gonna.. meet up with this guy. he says he's got somethin' to show us."
matt nods, confusion washing over him as he sees chris' dilated pupils. it couldn't be the lighting, they just replaced the bulbs and it wasn't even dark yet. what was he thinking about?
"cool...? just be safe, i don't want anything bad happening to you." matt huffs, patting his brothers shoulder before getting up to check on his food.
chris turns in his seat, watching as matt stops the microwave and takes out his bowl of ramen, "i'm always safe, don't worry about me, matt. we're the same age, and you treat me like a baby."
matt raises both of his eyebrows in an exasperated manner, grabbing a fork out of a cabinet as he blows on the steaming bowl, "yeah, i wonder why."
chris laughs, "fuck off, matt." his brother chuckles as he walks past chris and back up the stairs to his room, leaving chris alone with his thoughts. again.
the brunette made a quiet beat on the table, tapping it and nodding his head as he recreated the beat to one of his favorite songs. once the oven beeped, chris got up and placed the metal tray into the oven and set a timer.
chris went to sit back down, stopping when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket again. this time, it wasn't a text from y/n, but a dm from her ex. michael.
theyenvy.michael — the fuck is you trying to steal my girl for?
you — im not? y/n is just my friend, kid. also aren't u her ex? ong ur trying too hard
theyenvy.michael — nah, she's my bitch fr. stay tf away from her, aight?
you — right. bcuz she's totally okay with u calling her a bitch. get tf off my dick....
you — she fr dodged a bullet when breaking up w you. ur profile is not it.
theyenvy.michael — ur not bouta dodge my bullet👎 watch out bro
chris scoffed, cracking open the lid of his pepsi as he took a sip. who did this kid think he was? chris wasn't scared of him. if anything, michael should be afraid. he should be terrified of what's about to happen tonight.
but he's not gonna be because he's not gonna know. chris loved taking people by surprise, jumping out at the perfect moment, and having a good laugh about it. only tonight, chris would be the only one laughing. chris would be the only one still alive to laugh.
the brunette glanced at the time again, 3:20. he didn't want to wait but he had to, nobody could see him. if anybody did, he would be the main suspect in the murder. chris couldn't even have a single thing that would point at him. chris couldn't even have y/—
"chris!" nick's voice breaks chris out of his trance, his head snapping towards the staircase that nick basically flies down, "oh my gosh, you're never gonna believe me!"
the brunettes eyes widen in terror, his mind racing with endless ideas as he looks to his brother for answers, the same expression on his face, "what? nick, what happened?!"
nick squealed, gripping onto chris' shoulders as he shook him violently, "there's a track on y/ns new album featuring melanie!"
chris' face drops, and he almost shoves his brother to the floor as he stands to his feet, "you are by far the worst person to announce news ever." he scowls, turning around to check on his mini pizza.
"come on, it's huge news! i seriously didn't know that y/n and melanie knew each other and oh my gosh! the song title just makes me even more excited—" nick trails off as he stares at chris, who is taking the metal tray out of the oven and placing it on the stove.
"and you're not listening." nick frowns, and chris parts his lips to speak.
"oh, no, i am. i just don't find this topic interesting, seeing as you're the only person in this house who cares about melanie martinez." chris shrugs, and nick raises an eyebrow at the boy as he leans against the dining table.
"what's up your your ass? you were just all happy-go-lucky, and now you're acting like a dick. did someone say something or...?" nick asks, head tilting in confusion as he watches chris transfer his pizza to a paper plate.
the younger brunette sighs, letting his shoulders relax as he shuts his eyes softly, "sorry. i'm just stressed, there's a bunch of things on my mind right now."
"like what?" nick pushes quietly, taking chris' previous seat the table.
chris stays silent, eyes opening again as he holds his breath. once his face begins to turn red, he speaks, "uh, work. social media, stuff like that."
nick sighs, nodding, "we can always take a break, you know?"
a break, seriously? chris thinks to himself. how could chris ever catch a break and let himself relax while all this was happening around him? he had to keep y/n safe, he had to get rid of anything and anyone who bothered her, and he had to film videos with his brothers. he just couldn't find time to let himself rest.
"i can't." he finally mutters, staring down at the marble counter as his fingers tap against it. he hears nick get up behind him.
then, he feels a hand on his shoulder, "you can, chris. just take things slow, focus on yourself for a little while. i promise you'll feel better." his voice is soft, calming, reassuring.
but chris doesn't know if he can trust that little change of tone. it wasn't that easy to just let everything go, not for him at least.
he couldn't even let a simple comment go past him. chris just always needed to do something about it and he hated it. he hated that he was like this. why was he like this?
chris didn't even know he crying until nick started to pat his back, muttering, "it's okay, i got you. let it out."
what was happening to him?
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liked by ysbtril, matthew.sturniolo and others
christophersturniolo impulse
view all 238 comments
matthew.sturniolo kids off his meds
-> christophersturniolo kid is alive
y/nwhosthat u said u were going to sleep, ur really breaking my heart christopher💔
*liked by creator*
-> trevssturn these secret relationship rumors are starting to become a lil believable...
-> matthewslovee babe the rumors are based off one post😭 let's settle down
nicolassturniolo oh brother what's he on about now
-> christophersturniolo shhh im plotting👀
xx4mygf notice how the only comment he hasn't replied to is y/ns
theyenvy.michael im ong coming for you lil boy
-> christophersturniolo stop meat riding bru
8:45, chris stood on the sidewalk across from michaels house. he turned his head down, looking at the picture he had screenshotted of a car, michaels car in his driveway.
he found it when scrolling deeper, almost throwing up at all the horrific things he found on the page. he was surprised nobody had reported him yet, he was sick. michael had also been stupid enough to take a picture of himself right in front of the 4 numbers on his house.
as for the street, well chris didn't need to search much for that either. again, michael led him right to it, posting a video of himself walking down the sidewalk with his friends as they laughed about something stupid.
chris was waiting here for a few minutes, pacing up and down the sidewalk so as not to seem suspicious and get caught by michaels neighbors. he didn't want to get asked any questions today, especially not when he was right in front of his first victims house.
as he started to get impatient, chris looked around before running across the street and quickly jumping the fence. he landed on his feet perfectly and quietly snuck to the back door of the house, looking around the house through the sliding glass door.
sliding his backpack off his shoulders, he kneeled in front of the lock, grabbing the safety pin before sticking it into the key-hole and twisting it around. he took his bottom lip between his teeth in concentration as he continued to try and pick at the lock, smiling when he heard the click.
as he stood up, throwing the safety pin somewhere behind him in the grass and throwing his backpack on his shoulders again, he slid the door open carefully. he listened to the soft sounds of the neighborhood, trying to pick up any sound of talking or footsteps coming closer.
when he didn't, he threw the door open and stepped in before shutting the door again. his fingertips slid across the dusty frame of the door carelessly before he shut it again and traveled deeper into the house.
his eyes landed on the freezer first before roaming all around the kitchen. it was trashed, like nobody had lived here in ages and rats had taken over, but there were none, only open chip bags and splatters of unknown sauce. crumbs adorned the floor, crunching under chris' feet as he took steps toward the fridge.
what's the harm in getting a little snack? he was hungry due to walking here all the way from his house, and michael wouldn't mind. he would he gone, so who would care?
chris grabbed an orange popsicle from the freezer before closing it and making his way to the living room. he took a seat at the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table as he licked at the frozen treat.
when the brunette had finished it, he threw the damp stick into the garbage by the entertainment center before walking to the window at the front of the house. he kneeled in front of his, elbows resting on the windowsill as he waited for michael.
as he waited, his backpack suddenly felt heavier on his shoulders, the feeling of guilt and regret starting to wear on him. was he seriously gonna do this? it wasn't like he didn't want to. it was just that... he didn't even know, honestly.
he knew he was doing it for him and y/ns relationship, so they could live happily with no distractions or obstacles. but, then again, they would still have to face arguments, the publics opinion, and the many rumors that would start to spread. that's why, when chris finally gets you, you'll both flee the city and live somewhere together. alone where nobody could find you guys.
sure, chris would have to explain why, but it didn't matter. if you really loved him, you wouldn't care the things he's done to get there. or maybe you will. maybe you'll hate him and turn him into the cops. if that's the case, then chris might just have to get rid of—
"hey!" chris jumped at the muffled sound of a mans voice, and he turned his head to look in the direction of it, "come on, oscar."
it was michael, tugging roughly on the leash of his dog so as to get him to follow michael. the dog did follow him, his head hung low as his paws patted the concrete below them with quiet thuds.
chris just wanted to rush him right now, but he couldn't. he had to wait until he was inside, catch him off guard in the safety of his own home where he thought everything was normal. he would take care of the dog later in a... better way than what he'd do with his owner.
he jumped back as he heard the brown-eyed boys' footsteps, leaving the windowsill as he made his way further into the house. he hid in a closet down the hallway, shutting the door with a quiet thud as he stayed as still as he possibly could.
the door opened, and chris heard the click of the leash being undone, followed by the footsteps of both michael and oscar. chris watched through the blinds of the closet as michael put his dog into the metal kennel before shrugging his own backpack off and placing it on top of the kennel.
he walked down the hallway, and chris swore he felt michaels eyes staring right into his. he shuddered at the feeling, tensing up when michael neared and round the corner to his room.
chris heard a door open, and then rummaging. the brunette quickly jumped out of the closet and turned the corner, walking into michaels room and seeing his back turned as he faced his own closet. chris' eyes flickered between his bathroom and michael before he stepped closer.
when michael began to turn, chris threw his backpack off and grabbed the black-haired boy by the hood of his jacket, tugging him backward and hearing him gag.
"what the f—" chris quickly shut him up by throwing him against his wall harshly, hearing michael gasp as the wind was knocked out of him.
his eyes widened as chris stomped toward him, his hands going straight for the neck as he began to squeeze. the brunette felt another cold pair of hands on his as he stared michael in the eyes, his brown ones wide and filled with terror as he recognized chris.
chris' just stared, a smile creeping onto his face as he pressed michael harder against the wall. the shorter boy strained against him, choked noises falling from his lips with the little air he had.
"help—" a strangled cry left him, eyes brimming with tears as his vision became blurry. chris noticed, and he almost felt guilty. almost, "plea—sorry! i.."
this wasn't enough for chris. sure, michael would die in his hands, slowly and painfully, but chris wanted him to really feel it. when michaels eyes started to flutter shut, chris let go of him, letting the boy stumble to the ground.
the brown-eyed boy gasped for air, grasping his neck softly and rubbing the area where chris had squeezed. there was anger slowly creeping into him, the fear now long gone as his eyes darted around the messy room.
michael began to crawl, and chris let him. the brunette didn't let the boy go far, grabbing him by the hair and dragging him toward the hallway. michael kicked his feet, grunting but not even trying to yell. he was still confident he could win the fight, and chris gave him credit for that.
"let me go you fuckin' freak!" he struggled, and chris just ignored him as he continued to drag him down the hallway and to the bathroom, "bark, you useless piece of shit!" michael yelled at his dog, and oscar only looked at him sadly.
chris kicked the boy in the back, making him cry out before throwing him further into the small bathroom. the brunette shut the door, locking it before turning around to grab michael again.
he grabbed him by his hair again before throwing him against the wall just for the fun of it, smiling as he saw the hurt look on the shorter boys face. chris stepped further into the bathroom, leaning over the tub as he went to turn the water on. he reached his hand in, plugging the drain and watching as the water began to fill up.
michaels eyes widened in terror, his hopes going down as he watched chris turn back to him. more tears fell from his eyes as his body began to tremble. he felt pain everywhere, and he couldn't even move an inch without feeling a sharp sting. chris squatted in front of the boy, tilting his head as his hoodie fell off his head.
"where did that tough boy on the internet go, huh? or are you seriously just a poser." chris scoffed, taunting the boy with a sadistic smile on his face. when michael didn't answer, chris began to yell, "answer me!"
michael winced, sniffling as he listened to the water in the tub, "i don't have to answer to you, asshole. you're not gonna fuckin' do anything. you're scared."
chris raised an eyebrow, chuckling softly as he moved closer. he watched as michael flinched, and only then did a pang of guilt hit him. his smile dropped, and he just stared michael in the eyes. his gaze was dark, full of anger, guilt, sadness, and so many more emotions he couldn't even comprehend.
"i'm not scared, michael. you're shaking, look at you. you should be absolutely terrified of what's to come. nobody will notice you're gone because you're a fucking maniac that nobody loves. not even y/n still loves you, kid, you're trying too hard." chris masks his feelings with a smile, patting michaels cheek in a teasing manner before standing up to check on the tub again.
he turns the handle, stopping the water from flowing out before his turns back to the brown-eyed boy on the floor, "never said i was a nice guy, did i?" chris laughs at the scared expression on his face, walking over to him and watching as he tries to crawl away.
chris only grabs him by the hair again, dragging him harshly toward the tub as he hears michael scream and cry for mercy, begging chris to let him go. chris ignores him, resting his free hand on the edge of the tub as he drags michael toward him.
his knees are on the tiled floors, and chris gives him a soft wave before dunking his head into the cold water and watching as bubbles erupt from the boys nose and up to the surface. chris only watches with a blank expression, his stomach twisting as he feels the shorter boys hands trying to push him away but slipping and falling to his sides.
chris holds his ground, his grip on michaels hair tight as he pushes him deeper. his entire upper half is almost over the edge now, and chris doesn't realize until he feels water splash onto his cheek. his eyes move to michaels arms, flailing in the water and making a mess of the bathroom. his head turns to look at the bathroom door, taking deep breaths as he feels tears prick in his eyes.
he chokes on his spit, eyes closing as he tries to drown out the noises of splashing water and endless gurgling. chris' knuckles turn white as he grips tighter on both the tub and michaels black hair, finally starting to sniffle as tears begin to run down his face. he didn't know what he was doing, but there was no going back now. chris couldn't let michael go because if he did, the boy would only go to the cops and snitch on him. chris was past the point of no return, so he just let the whole thing happen.
the brunette begins to sob as the sounds of splashing die down, his grip on michaels hair finally loosening as he lets his entire body fall into the tub full of water. chris holds his face in his hands as he stays in a squat, his left hand soaking half of his face.
"shit, shit, shit. god, you're such an idiot, chris!" he scolds himself quietly, wiping his tears before he gets to his feet and takes even deeper breaths.
he's still not put together fully, but he pushes through it, looking back to michaels lifeless body before he leans over and grabs his hand. his fingers are still adorned with rings, and chris just takes the first one he sees and stuffs it into the back pocket of his jeans. chris quickly unlocks the door before walking back to the bedroom, taking careful steps as he looks around for his backpack.
when he spots it, he throws it over his shoulder, slipping into the straps hurriedly before leaving the room and walking down the hallway towards the kitchen. he takes the leash off the top of oscars kennel before he unlocks the metal crate, letting the dog out.
"hey, buddy," chris coos, petting his head softly as he sniffles once again, "i'm gonna find a better home for you, i promise. i'm so sorry."
oscar only whines, and chris just latches the leash onto his collar before guiding him through the living room. he takes another long look around, a millions feelings eating him up inside all at once. he doesn't feel regret... he doesn't even know what he feels.
chris freezes when he finally hears it. sirens. sirens coming closer and closer to the house that he stood in, "fuck. fuck, fuck, what—"
the brunette looks around, turning back quickly before sprinting through the kitchen and darting towards the backdoor. chris throws the door open, not even caring about the loud banging sound as he runs out of the house, the leash tightly wrapped around his hand.
"come on, boy!" chris yells as quietly as he can, and oscar continues to gallop behind him. he continues to make his way through the backyard, trying not to focus on the sirens that grow increasingly louder. how hasn't he realized the silent alarm? he was too caught up in his plan to see the red alarm above the backdoor.
chris opens the metal gate, running down the back alleyway and deeper into the neighborhood, not stopping even when he crosses the road. he loosens his grip on the leash as he makes it far enough from the house, hunching over as he tries to catch his breath.
he turns to check on oscar, giving him a few gentle pets before he reaches into the back pocket of his jeans. his hands find the small ring, and he pulls it out with a smile.
this ring would be on your finger someday, and chris wouldn't feel even a small amount of guilt for what he had done. he hoped you wouldn't resent him for it, either. that would just mess the entire thing up, and he didn't want to hurt you.
but for now, he'd just have to live with the memory.
"you could be my wife."
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wildrangers · 2 months
I’m Sinking, Our Fingers Entwined // Matt Smith
Synopsis: Fem Journalist x Matt Smith, part three {part one, part two}
Tropes & Topics: work angst, super brief miscommunication, fluff
Word Count: 1.5K
A ding! followed by a soft curse rouses Matt from his slumber. It takes him a moment to orient himself in the purple room he finds himself in, only having seen it in the dead of night previously. He sits up, scrubbing a hand over his face as he observes the details of your room. It is absolutely covered in books. One wall’s entirely mismatched bookshelves filled to the brim, there are small piles on each nightstand, and another precariously balanced stack stands in a corner. The open walls are covered in either film posters or dark, gothic prints. 
He rises, seeing the oversized sweats you’d laid on the foot of his bed for him and smirks, noting you had not laid out a shirt for him. He quickly gets dressed, stretching as he exits your room and follows the sound of your fingers on keys. He finds you with his back to him, laptop open before you, and freezes at the sight.
Your hair’s in a messy bun atop your head, a baggy tee and underwear your only clothing as you sit cross-legged on your desk chair. You have glasses on and your face is free of make up. Despite all you’d done together last night, Matt thinks this is the most beautiful version of you he’s seen so far. He can’t stop himself from snapping a quick photo; the morning light hits you in the most beautiful way and your head is tilted as if you’re lost in your thoughts. 
“Good morning, beautiful” he greets and you turn towards him beaming. 
“Morning Matty” you reply, standing up to wrap him in a tight embrace. Normally, he doesn't love being called Matty (how does it make sense for a nickname to have more syllables than your preferred name?), but he adores how it sounds coming from your mouth. “Sleep okay?”
“Like a rock, you?” 
“Wonderfully, thanks” you reply, eyes nervously glancing up to look at him. He smiles softly and the tension eases from your shoulders as he places a gentle kiss to your mouth. As your hands curl around his neck, fingers massaging his scalp, he fears no one else’s touch will affect him the way yours does. You pull back and he places a quick kiss to your nose, drawing a giggle from you. “Coffee?”
“Please, black would be great” he answers, reluctantly letting you walk away to grab him a mug. The ding! that had woken up pulls his eyes to your screen and he feels his stomach drop as he accidentally skims the email preview: Video Call ASAP (re: fraternization policy).
“Want some food too?” he hears you call from the kitchen. “I went out and grabbed some bagels.”
“Sure, thanks” he replies tensely, worry lodging in his stomach as he makes his way to you. That email couldn’t be about him, could it? How could they know already? “What does your day look like?” 
“Ugh” you groan dramatically and he smiles despite his fears. “I should be preparing for an interview we have this week but I finally figured out this plotline I’ve been stuck on, so I think I’ll work on my book instead. I should feel guilty about putting off that prep another day but it is Sunday after all” you shrug, running a hand across his shoulders before brushing past him to return to your laptop. 
“Your creative work is more important” he argues, getting his breakfast together. You don’t answer him so he cautiously pokes his head around the corner. “Everything okay?”
“I have to get on a Zoom call with my boss” you reply quietly, your face drawn. “Can you do me a favor?”
“Can you google my name?” you request and his heart patters nervously as he does so. 
A buzzy new romance! 
Puppy love on Buzzfeed set?
“How bad is it?” you ask quietly just as the first link opens. He sighs, motioning for you to join him. You tentatively stand beside him, resting your head on his shoulder as he scrolls through the photos and video someone sent to DeuxMoi of you two at the bar last night that several tabloids had subsequently picked up. 
“I am so, so sorry” he says earnestly, closing his phone screen and turning so he can pull you into his chest. He feels some relief as you wrap your arms around his middle, burying your face in his chest. 
“You don’t need to apologize, I knew this could happen. I just didn’t care” you admit and he places a kiss to the top of your head. “Can you be honest with me?”
“Of course.” 
“What did last night mean to you?” 
He takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts, “I don’t want it to be a one night thing, if that’s what you’re asking. The sex was obviously incredible but it’s more than that for me, personally, anyway,” he fumbles at the end, worried suddenly he could have misread your interest in him.
“I feel the same way, I’m just trying to imagine what a relationship with you would even look like.”
“Meaning?” he replies, flinching away from your comment. You must note the upset you accidentally caused as you quickly thread your fingers through his in silent apology. 
“Meaning I’ve never dated a well-known actor before and I have to decide if it’s worth figuring that out and losing my job before I meet with my boss in…” you check your phone. “3 minutes.” 
He nods, “I understand if it’s too much and I’m happy to talk it through but I don’t think that can happen in the next few minutes alone, darling.” 
“I know” you reply quietly, nervously chewing on your bottom lip in a way that he finds unfathomably adorable. “Fuck it.” 
“Fuck it?” he repeats, uncertain. 
“Can you wait in the kitchen while I have this conversation?” you request and he nods despite his confusion. 
“Good morning, Y/N. I’m assuming you know why we requested this call?” 
“Yes and to simplify things, I’m submitting my resignation effective immediately” 
A long pause follows, making Matt’s heart pound faster. “Are you sure of that decision?”
“Yes, thank you for the experience. I wish you all the best.” you reply and he hears the call end. He’s frozen in the kitchen unsure if you want to be alone or if he should comfort you. Within a few moments, the keyboard’s clacking again and he follows the sound. 
Your face is impassive as you type rapidly on the Word document you have open. “Y/N?” he questions softly. 
“...you just quit your job.” 
A pregnant pause, “How are you feeling about that?” A long sigh escapes your mouth and that’s when he sees your hands are shaking slightly. “Oh, darling.” 
“It’s fine, really, I just can’t believe I finally did it. I’ve been debating quitting for months to focus on my writing.” 
Matt settles on the couch and you quickly scurry from the desk chair and into his lap, head nestled in the crook of his neck. “Why hadn’t you?” 
“Because I was scared” you admit, lazily playing with his fingers. “But I want to see what we could be. And I wasn’t happy there anyway, so it just seemed like the right time to do it.” 
“I’m sorry your hand was forced, if I had known this would happen…I just feel terrible.” 
“No, please, dont” you say earnestly, pulling back to gaze into his eyes. “I think this was just meant to happen. That’s what I’m choosing to believe anyway. I have an almost finished manuscript, a few leads on agents, and now we can see what this turns into, if anything” you finish shyly and he grins, placing a kiss to your palm. 
“I have to go to London for a few days, for the final Dragons premiere.” 
“I’ve never been to London” you mumble and his heart thumps wildly. Is this a terrible idea? Well, if you can do it…
“Fuck it, want to join me? I can show you around, you can be my guest.” 
“Yeah?” you ask cheerfully, your face splitting into a grin that he feels deep in his chest. 
“Yeah, if you’d like? I know it’s sudden and we’ve just met but...the reality is I’m often flying around place to place. And you wanted to see what dating me would be like, right?” 
“Is this you asking me on a vacation date to your hometown, Matthew?” you ask, faux-shocked.
“I suppose it is, yeah” he replies, chuckling. 
“Okay, let’s do it then. Plus, I can hang out with Liv more now.” 
“Your real intentions have been revealed” he jokes and you nod enthusiastically as your front door slams open, Trudy charging in and jumping into your lap. 
“What the hell have I missed?!” the woman he presumes is Sage asks with wide eyes. “Also, a neighbor left a note taped to our door, I’m going to presume it’s for you two.” 
taglist: @littlehorrorlover @slayraxes-blogs @decaffeinatedparadisepost
I have no idea where we go from here so stay tuned I suppose lol but also please be patient! Any feedback or thoughts are appreciated 🫶🏻
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alexfromjersey · 1 year
𝓝𝓨𝓒 & 𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂𝔀𝓸𝓸𝓭
jenna ortega x g!poc
summary: nine months ago, your best friend Davis took you to an afterparty for a movie premiere. nine months ago, you hooked up with Hollywood's newest "IT" girl...
warnings: semi-famous!reader, smut, mature language
a/n: honestly I just started writing whatever came to mind. so enjoy 👍🏾. Never in my whole fanfiction writing time have I written 5.1K words...NEVER! Also, the stuff Jenna does here does not reflect her actual character, this is just fiction and is for fanfic entertainment purposes.
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MARCH 2023
"Back the fuck up, move the fuck back, back the fuck up, move the fuck back” Your best friend, Davis shouted the lyrics at the top of his lungs. You were sitting next to him recording him for your YouTube channel trying to contain your laughter.
The two of you were on your way to the red carpet premiere of a new movie Davis was in, Scream 6. Usually, you tend to stay away from red-carpet premieres because it ain’t your thing but you wanted to support Davis. The two of you have been friends since the 1st grade. Through thick and thin, you’ve been through it all with each other.
He begged you to come with him to the red carpet, at first you declined but then he used puppy dog eyes and told you a vlog of the event will get you views. You caved in. He offered to get you a stylist and everything but you declined. You wanted to do it yourself and you don’t think you did that bad.
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( ^ your outfit )
“Don’t come to Bronx with that shit ‘cause we ain’t fuckin’ with that shit” Davis shouted into the camera just as the video stopped recording. You looked up and saw the driver kept glancing at y’all in the rearview mirror with a scowl on his face.
I guess you were to ghetto for him…ANYWAY.
Soon y’all pulled up to the place and immediately was hit with bright camera flashes and semi-screaming fans. Security got out first then Davis, then you, and then his manager Jerry. They led y'all to the carpet where fans were behind a barrier. You stayed next to Jerry while Davis went to take pictures with the fans.
“Damn these lights bright as fuck” You mumbled under your breath. You took out a pair of sunglasses you stole from Davis’ closet and put them on to shade your eyes from the light.
A few minutes later, Davis had to take pictures down the red carpet and do some interviews. But he motioned you over to come take pictures with him. Y’all did different poses, some serious and some funny. He also dragged you to an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
“Davis, congratulations on your first-ever major movie role. I have to ask, how did it feel being in a movie and with a cast like that?” The interviewer asked.
“It was such a blessing. I’m so blessed to have been around talented people like them. I learned so much from them and being in the movie was such a privilege and amazing learning experience” Davis flawlessly answered.
That media training coming in handy.
“Now I can’t help but notice the guest you brought. They look fly, who is that?” The interviewer asked.
Davis placed his arm around you and pulled you in next to him. “This is my best friend since 1st grade, Jahaziel. I’ve brought her here today so she can get out of the house and step into my world for a little. She even dressed herself.”
You took a step back and did a little pose but when you took a step back, you bumped into someone. You quickly turned around to see a slightly familiar face. You only see her on the poster for the movie. You think her name started with a G or J?
“My fault” You apologized.
“Jenna!” Davis shouted and hugged his co-star who returned his hug but she kept glancing at you.
“Jenna, this is my best friend Jahaziel. Jah this is Jenna” Davis introduced the two of you.
“How you doing” You greeted her and shook her hand.
“Hi, nice to meet you” Jenna replied politely.
Suddenly, Davis and Jenna had to take group pictures with the rest of the cast. Which meant you were stuck next to Jerry again at the other end waiting for Davis.
While you were waiting though, you took pictures and videos yourself of the cast for Davis on his phone and for the vlog on your camera. But as you were doing it, you kept catching Jenna glancing at you. At first, you thought she was looking for someone or something behind you so you moved out of the way out of respect. But that theory went out the window when her eyes followed you to your new spot.
It was time for everyone to head inside for the premiere. Jerry guided you to where you’ll be sitting and handed you a menu.
“Oh, you get five stars meals too? I might have to come to more premieres with him” You said to the camera with a wink. You picked something simple and waited for Davis.
While waiting, you decided to go over the footage you gathered already to give yourself an idea of how you gonna edit it.
“Let me guess, you’re a YouTuber?” A voice in front of you said. You looked up from your camera and saw Jenna standing there.
"I guess you could call me that. I’ve just recently started doing videos. I stream on Twitch a lot though" You answered.
"Twitch? Oh that live stream platform. My younger brother likes to watch that stuff. He watches that Kay Seenat or something, do you do the same things he does?" Jenna asked intrigued.
“Kay Seenat is crazy" You laughed.
“Oh my god, did I say it wrong? I’m so sorry” Jenna gasped.
You chuckled, “Nah you good but it’s Kai Cenat for future references and I sort of do the same thing. I mostly play games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, and horror games.”
Jenna hummed in response before sitting down next to you.
“Where are you from? I detect an accent" Jenna asked.
"Bronx-born and raised baby" You smirked at her. Jenna also smiled at you but before she could reply, her manager came up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. They spoke in a whisper and Jenna turned towards you with a slight frown on her.
"I have to go but I'll see you at the Afterparty right?" Jenna asked, hopeful.
"Nah yeah fo'sho, I'll see you there Hollywood" You nodded. A blush formed on Jenna's cheeks at the nickname as she got up from her seat and followed her manager. You may or may not stare at her backside while she walked away...respectfully though.
"Not you acting thirsty for my co-star" Davis plopped down in the seat Jenna was in.
"What? I ain't acting thirsty, you buggin'" You sucked your teeth and leaned back in the chair.
"Lying is sinful. I saw those eyes. That's not a path you want to go down B, I'm telling you" Davis said.
"What you mean? She got a stalker boyfriend or some shit?" You questioned. Your food was then placed down in front of you.
"Nah, Jenna is the good girl in Hollywood, despite the movies she's been in. Plus, her fans are mad crazy, her team is mad strict, and you don't exactly fit their expectations of someone she would mess with" Davis shrugged and stole some food off your plate. You hummed in response before looking at your food.
"Yo, why they give me prison portions?"
It was now time for the Afterparty. The food was shit at the premiere, it had no flavor, looked pale as hell, and the portion was small as hell. Mad was an understatement of how you felt.
"I still had to pay for that shit like are you fucking kidding me? I wanted to smack the shit out of the waiter but he ain’t do nothing wrong” You grumbled while spraying some cologne on your neck and wrists.
“No one ever orders the food at the premieres because 9/10 shit sucks” Davis chuckled.
“Yo fat ass could’ve told me that BEFORE I ordered it” You rolled your eyes.
“At least someone ate it, technically your money didn’t go to waste” Davis shrugged and grabbed his phone and wallet.
“Yeah, you right…I want my $72.65 back WITH interest” You said and held out your hand towards him.
“How about I pay you back in coochie? The number of women that’s gon be at this after party…man somebody is leaving that party pregnant” Davis smirked.
“Pregnant? Lord help us all if either one of us becomes parents” You joked. Davis laughed and the two of you exited the hotel.
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( ^ your after-party outfit )
The two of you quickly arrived at the lounge because it was a 10-minute walk from the hotel. It was a decent amount of people there and the music…was horrid but what you expect from a Manhattan lounge party.
You and Davis ordered some drinks and smoked some hookah before Davis went off to mingle with some girls. You, however, stayed in the booth and continued smoking hookah and scrolling through Instagram.
“Excuse me, mind if we sit here?” A voice said. You looked up from your phone and saw Davis’ other co-star Mason and a beautiful girl next to him.
“Go for it” You replied and scooted over a bit to make room for them.
“You look familiar…do you stream on Twitch?” Mason asked.
“Yeah, I do. I just started making mini vlogs of the Bronx” You answered.
“I knew it! I saw a few clips of you on TikTok. You’re hilarious. You did something for another YouTube channel…TalkNYC or something like that” Mason questioned.
“SideTalkNYC. No lie you watch that shit?” You asked with a smile.
“Honestly, I saw your clip and I just fell down a rabbit hole” Mason laughed.
You laughed with him.
Mason then looked to his girl who was paying no mind respectfully, “I’m sorry, how rude of me. This is my girlfriend Amenah” he introduced.
“Nice to meet you Amenah, I’m Jahaziel” You politely responded and waved at her.
“Jahaziel. That’s a strong name” Mason complimented.
“It’s Dominican. My dad is from Punta Cana and my mom is from Jamaica. Got Caribbean blood all through me” You smiled.
“Me too. But my great-grandfather was from Barbados” Mason responded.
“Nice. I got a brother living there” You replied.
“Sweet. Maybe your brother can hook us up with a trip there” Mason said.
“Oh, he’ll love that. He love showing people around the island” You nodded and took another hit of the hookah.
The two started to converse more and his girl even joined in a conversation. The three exchanged socials and the couple left to go dance. Davis didn’t return to the table because he was too busy rizzing up a nice-looking woman in the corner.
You were hungry. You needed food. Now.
You shot a quick text to Davis about heading out to get some food. He replied with a thumbs up. You head out of the lounge and start to make your way down the street. But a soft voice stopped you in your tracks.
“Where are you going?” Jenna asked.
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You smiled when you saw her, “Gon’ get some food. I’m starving. That food at the premiere was trash. Y’all gotta step y’all game up.”
“Do we? I’ll be sure to let the event planners know next time” Jenna smirked.
“Bet” You smiled.
You contemplated asking her to join you in your adventure. But you quickly gather up the courage to ask.
“Do you wanna join me?”
“Mind if I tag along?”
You both asked at the same time. The both of you laughed at the interaction.
“Come on, I know a good spot around here,” You said. She starts to walk but stops when she sees that you weren’t walking either.
“What happened?” She asked.
“You should tell your people where you going. I don’t feel like going to jail on kidnapping charges” You replied.
She chuckled but you were dead serious. She told her friends and manager where she was going. They insist on her bringing her security guard which you understood and had no problem with.
“How you doing? I’m Jahaziel, you can call me Jah if you want” You introduced yourself to the security guard. He shook your hand and told you his name, Big L.
The three of you started the adventure to the restaurant which was about a couple blocks away. You took Jenna to a little Mexican restaurant that sold some banging ass food.
You got a table and Big L decided to sit at a table beside the two of you to give you some privacy.
“I recommend getting their grilled veggie enchiladas. The enchiladas here are fire” You said while looking at the menu.
“You know I’m vegan?” Jenna questioned, impressed.
“Yeah…I may have looked you up while I was at the lounge. All I know is that you’re vegan and you’re from Cali. Which makes a lot of sense” You laughed.
Jenna laughed, “Yeah it does.”
You go back to looking at the menu while Jenna just stared at you. She was taking in your features. The way your hair was into a short curly afro, the way your glasses sat on your face enhanced your beauty. The way you occasionally licked your lips while zeroed in on something. She even noticed the tattoos under your hoodie. Her thoughts quickly turned into sinful thoughts and she had to tear her eyes away from you before she did something she regret.
Thankfully, the waiter came and took our orders for everything.
“So, Ms. Hollywood, tell me something I can’t find on Google,” You asked.
“Pretty hard question. My entire life is on Google truly.” Jenna said with a hint of sadness.
“Hmm…ion believe that. I believe that you want the world to think that they know everything about you but there are some things you keep to yourself” You replied.
Jenna smirked, “You think I’ll just willingly tell you right now? We barely know each other.”
“Duh, that’s why we’re having a conversation to get to know each other” You stated.
“Touchè” Jenna nodded.
You still can sense her hesitation so you decided to go first.
“I used to be in the military” You blurted out.
“Wait what? Seriously?” Jenna questioned.
“Yeah, I enlisted in the Marines right out of high school. I didn’t know what to do with myself. The options I had was garbage. I didn’t want to go college, I didn’t want to get a regular 9-5, and I just came from the streets I ain’t wanna end up back there. So the military was a decent option. Good benefits, the pay was good, and I was occupied” You explained.
"What made you get into Twitch?" Jenna asked.
"Well I started off with music but it quickly went nowhere so I turned to doing little comedy skits on Instagram. That gradually got me some followers then I was scrolling through Twitch one day and I stumbled upon this Twitch streamer who was making mad money off of gaming. I was like I can make bands off of just playing games say less. I got myself a PC and PS5 and I started grinding out streams but they weren't hitting like I thought they would. So I got discouraged and I went back into the military for another year, said fuck this shit, got honorable discharged, and went back to streaming." You explained.
The whole time you were talking, Jenna was engaged the entire time. She realized how much she loved how you explained things and told a story. It was entertaining as hell but also interesting.
“Wow” Was all Jenna could say. It wasn’t a bad wow either and you picked up on that. But you wanted to tease her a bit.
“Bad or good wow?” You teased.
“Good wow. Your story is inspiring. I have to watch your content now” Jenna smiled.
“Thank you I appreciate it” You replied.
The waiter brought your drinks and appetizers which you both devoured.
“Oh my god, that was so good. Best food I’ve had in a long time. I don’t think I even have room for my entrée” Jenna commented.
You chuckled, “We can always take it with us.”
Out of the blue, both of you hear a loud gasp. “Oh my god, it’s Jenna Ortega. Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you but can I get a picture real fast?” The fan asked excitedly.
You see her guard instantly go up around the fan. She glanced at you with apologetic eyes before standing up and taking a quick picture with the fan. The fan bid her goodbyes and ran off smiling hard.
“You okay?” You asked.
“Huh?” Jenna absentmindedly said.
“You okay? I saw how tense you got when she came up to you” You pointed out.
“Oh…yeah I’m fine just caught me off guard” Jenna lightly chuckled.
You saw it was a sensitive topic so you didn’t push further out of respect. The food came next and you saw how Jenna was a completely different person now. She was a lot more quiet and not flirtatious like before. The rest of the meal was only one-sided small talk. You got to go containers and paid for the meal even though Jenna insisted on paying.
You wanted to take her mind off whatever it was so you decided to bring her to the roof of a building that looked onto the Manhattan Bridge.
You both sat on the ledge, taking in the view.
“Um…are you sure you’re okay? You don’t have to tell me what’s bothering you but I just want to let you know that I’m a good listener if you wanted to like vent” You comforted her.
“Thanks…” She muttered quietly.
You nodded in response and looked back at the view.
“I felt…normal again. I felt like a normal human being again with you back at the restaurant. I haven’t felt like that lately especially, since the success of Wednesday, my new show, and Scream. Then a fan came up and reality snuck back in. I’m not even upset at the fan because she doesn’t know what I’m going through and it’s not her fault but I just wanted to cherish that feeling a little more” Jenna explained.
“I get it. I seen how hard the fame life can be. I saw it through Davis at one point. That shit can break you in ways that you didn’t know it could. I don’t wish it on my worse enemy” You empathized.
Jenna scooted closer to you and laid her head on your shoulder. You made the bold decision to interlock your fingers with hers.
“Even though we literally just met earlier this evening. I feel comfortable with you like we’ve known each other for years” Jenna said.
“Well, you can keep getting to know me more. You a cool girl Hollywood” You smirked.
Jenna rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. Before she looked up at you, her brown eyes piercing into your hazel ones. Neither acknowledges how your getting closer until the gap between you disappears and lips interlock. At first, the kiss started slow before Jenna placed her left hand on your neck and pulled you closer to deepen the kiss.
The kiss started to heat up rapidly, tongues were now involved and Jenna gripped your neck hairs tightly. Her body heated up at the intense make-out session.
Jenna pulled away, “My hotel is not that far from here.”
You nodded and the two of you rushed off the roof in a hurry to get to her hotel. You got a cab and the ride was only 10 minutes but it felt like forever. Neither of you wanted to touch each other inappropriately out of respect for everyone else. But the cab stopped in front of the hotel and the two of you quickly got out and ran inside. Big L was stuck with our food, unfortunately.
The two of you got in the elevator and once the doors closed. Jenna pounced on you, her lips locked onto yours feverishly. You pushed her up against the elevator wall. Your hands were on her waist, gripping her hips while her hands were on the back of your neck gripping the hair.
Your lips then made their way down to her neck. Nipping and sucking on the flesh until you found the sweet spot under her jaw. A low moan escaped her lips and it egged you to continue but the elevator doors dinged. The two of you pulled away quickly in case there were people but luckily there wasn’t. So you exited onto her floor and sped walk to her room. Your lips were together again before the door fully closed.
Jenna dropped her phone and the hotel key onto the floor. You pulled off your flannel shirt and hoodie and threw it somewhere. Jenna kicked off her shoes and so did you. You then hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs around your hips.
You blindly led the two of you to the bed and laid Jenna on it. You sat up quickly and peeled off your white T-shirt showcasing the many tattoos on your body. You trailed kisses down her body, from her lips to her jaw, to her neck, and to the top of her breasts. A quiet whine escaped her lips while she worked to her top off.
Suddenly, she flipped the two of you over. She was now straddling your waist. The pressure of her body was now your crotch which was painfully restricted due to your jeans.
“Shit” You mumbled as she finally got her top off to reveal her perfect breasts. Instantly, you sat up and took one in your mouth. You started to suck softly as your tongue ran across her nipple. She twitched from the pleasure and you internally patted yourself on the back.
You flipped the two of you over again. You gave attention to the other breast while also unbuttoning her pants. The noises she was letting out were making your jeans tighter than ever. You kiss down her stomach while pushing her pants down her legs. You threw her pants behind you and kissed her bikini line.
“Take it off” She whined impatiently. You chuckled before she pulled off her underwear leaving completely nude to you.
You admired her body for a hot second before you settled in between her thighs. You were on your knees and you pulled her to the edge of the bed. You kissed both her inner thighs, teasing her a little more before you dove right in for the prize.
A loud gasp left her mouth and she slightly arched her back. Her hands quickly found their place tangled in your hair and the sheets. You licked up her slit slowly before wrapping your lips around her clit. You swiped your tongue over it a couple of times before sucking.
Damn, she tastes good.
“Oh, my god…” Jenna moaned, her grip on your head tightening. Her thighs also tightened around your head keeping you in place. You moved down and inserted your tongue into her hole. Your tongue was long and it brushed against certain spots pleasurable inside her.
Her breathing was starting to pick up and her moans increasing in volume. Knowing that hotel room walls are paper thin, you reached up and placed your hand over her mouth. Her right hand gripped your forearm, her nails were making indents in your skin.
You felt her tighten around your tongue before she arched her back high. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head while she orgasmed hard. Her screams of intense pleasure are muffled by your hand. Her body shook as she let go and wave off juices that splashed against your mouth and dripped down your chin. You lapped up as much as you could.
Even though she orgasmed, you continued your assault on her golden area. She hissed and pushed your head from her area, feeling overstimulated. You sat on your knees in front of her with a drenched mouth and chin. You kissed up her body once more before you collided your lips together.
She moaned into your mouth as she can taste herself on your tongue. She grabbed your chain around your neck and pulled you even closer. You used one hand to reach down and unbuckle your belt, throwing it somewhere. You undid the button and pushed your pants off.
Jenna pulled away from your lips and pushed your black boxer briefs off your hips. You watched as she gathered some saliva in her hand before wrapping her fingers around your length. All while never losing eye contact with you.
She’s a super freak, super freak, she’s super freaky…
You groaned as she started rubbing your length sensually. Her thumb brushed over your tip and precum leaked out, giving her extra lubricant. She started pumping you faster. You didn’t want to finish just yet so you grabbed her arms and placed them above her head. You took off the rest of your underwear and positioned yourself. You were leaning on your knuckles that were by her hips and you lined yourself up at her entrance.
Slowly, you pushed in. Her legs automatically wrapped around your waist.
“Mierda nena (Shit baby girl)” You moaned as you watched yourself disappeared inside her. At the sound of you speaking Spanish, you felt her slightly clench around you.
More Spanish speaking it is then.
Once you were fully inside, you paused for a second to let her get used to your size. After a moment, you started with some slow strokes.
“Faster…” She moaned out.
Obeying her request, you started to speed up. You found a suitable rhythm for both of you. It felt so good, you’ve been with your fair share of women but nothing compares to right now. You leaned down on your elbows close to her ear. Her fingernails scratched down your back and the heels of her feet digged into your cheeks.
Her moans and heavy panting were going straight through your ears and sending chills down your spine.
“Te sientes tan bien apretado a mi alrededor (You feel so good clenched around me)” You whispered into her ear. The low tone you spoke in brought out your accent more and it sent vibrations throughout her body straight to her core.
Even though she didn’t know what you said, it still turned her on massively.
You buried your face into her neck as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten. But suddenly, you were pushed away and flipped onto your back. Jenna was on top of you again but this time she had a new game plan in mind.
You slipped out of her while in the process of being flipped on your back. You watched as she undid her ponytail and let her hair flow, which was the sexiest thing ever. She then reached down and positioned herself over you before slowly sinking down.
“Oh my god…fuck” She moaned. She placed her hand on your lower stomach and began to ride you expertly.
You cursed out in pleasure and threw your head back against the pillows. Jenna grabbed your hands and interlocked your fingers for a minute before she placed them on her breasts. You massaged them rolling her hardened nipples in between your fingers.
“Te ves bien encima de mí (You look so good on top of me)” You licked your lips before pulling her down to you. You connected your lips with hers while bending her legs to get stable and wrapping an arm around her waist. You then started plowing into her.
The sound of slapping skin echoed through the room along with Jenna’s heavy breathing. The knot in your stomach got tighter and she clenched around you, letting you know that you were both close.
More profanities spilled out of Jenna’s mouth and her nails dug into your shoulders. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she stilled in your arms. You heard her suck in a breath and her nails dug deeper into your skin. She was cumming hard. Her body started convulsing. You felt the hot liquid around your stick and that sent you over the edge.
The knot in your stomach finally exploded. A deep groan left your body as you felt your member twitch inside of Jenna as you emptied out into her. Your hands gripped her hips aggressively until you felt you had nothing else left.
Jenna fell against you, completely exhausted but highly satisfied. The sweat made her baby hairs stick to her glistening forehead.
“God damn girl, I ain’t know you were like that” You complimented while trying to catch your breath.
Jenna laughed and slowly lifted herself off you and plopped next to you. She was exhausted, the recent activity draining her completely. The two of you were still catching your breaths before a phone ringing interrupted your blissful silence.
Neither of you acknowledged the phone, too tired to move. But whoever was calling, called again and the ringing was starting to get on your nerves. You got up and found whose phone it was. It was Jenna’s, you tossed it to her before you went into the bathroom and emptied out your bladder.
You cleaned yourself properly and headed out back into the room.
“Yeah, I’m back in my room…I know…okay bye” Jenna finished the conversation on the phone. She groaned and rubbed her hands down her face.
“You good?” You asked.
“Yeah…my friends are heading back here right now. I wanted you to stay and cuddle” She pouted.
You chuckled and started putting your clothes on, “You can always fly me out Hollywood. I never had a woman fly me out before.”
Jenna smiled and rolled her eyes playfully, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You grabbed her open phone and she watched as you as you entered your number in her contacts.
“Text me whenever you’re back in The City” You smirked at her.
“I definitely will” She blushed. You went to put your flannel shirt on but she stopped you.
“Wait…I hope this isn’t weird but can I have that?” She shyly asked while pointing to your flannel shirt.
You shrugged and handed it to her. She stood up, with shaking legs which you noticed.
“Shut up” She mumbled. Jenna placed the flannel shirt over her naked body. It was hella big on her. You stood at 6’1 so the flannel was down to her knees. She looked sexy.
“I don’t want you to leave” She whined and wrapped her arms around your waist.
“Oh no I got you dickmitized. I gotta make my escape ASAP” You joked. You heard her suck her teeth and slap your arm. You bend down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. This kiss was slow and full of unacknowledged passion. You hate to admit it but you felt butterflies in your stomach and so did Jenna but neither of you addressed it.
“If you don’t leave now, I don’t think I can fully restrain myself to throw you on this bed again” Jenna whispered against your lips.
You laughed, “Ight Imma go.” You stole another kiss before leaving the hotel room.
“Best work trip ever” Jenna smirked.
Meanwhile, you make it to the elevator doors. They opened and three girls stepped out. But they were staring at you as they knew you. Now usually, you would’ve said something about the staring but you were too tired so you just ignored them and stepped onto the elevator.
“White people…” You mumbled and shook your head. 
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kaneaken · 8 months
Furina's Guide to Valentine's Day
From: Furina, To: Neuvillette
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author's note; pumped out a quick Valentine's day drabble for you guys 🫶 Here's some flowers for you 💐
content notes; furina and neuvillette have familial relationship, dad!neuvillette (use of papa by furina), teacher!neuvillette, teacher!reader, gn!reader, school/modern!au, short drabble
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0. Before anything, check target's interest
Furina picked at her lunch as she watched Neuvillette and you talk. With the way you were rambling on and on while Neuvillette nodded his head with a soft smile, Furina knew.
She chuckled under her breath. You two were too obvious! But, a little check wouldn't hurt.
Furina stood up from her seat and made her way over to the two of you. She planted herself next to Neuvillette and sent you a beaming smile.
You sent her one back before asking her about her day. She gave a simple response of fine before adding:
"But Papa isn't." Furina faked a sniffle before laying the back of her hand on her forehead. "Papa's been so lonely! I want him to be happy, especially with Valentine's Day coming up."
Furina settled her forehead against Neuvillette's arm with a sigh. She subtly glanced at your expression. Your brows had furrowed as you looked at Neuvillette to confirm what Furina had said.
"Ah, Furina is exaggerating-"
"Nu-uh! He always ends up watching these weird crime documentaries on Valentine's Day! It screams loneliness-" Neuvillette covered Furina's mouth with a strained smile.
"Please excuse Furina."
You waved off his concern with a smile.
"Well, Furina shows a lot of concern for you. You're lucky to have such a considerate daughter."
Now he had to marry you. No way Furina was gonna let you get away.
1. Make sure your target is free the day of
When Furina approached you one fateful morning, you weren't exactly sure what to expect. You definitely didn't expect her to ask about your availability on Valentine's Day.
However, you couldn't deny her an answer because of the puppy dog eyes she pulled on you. It's not like you had any reason to hide your plans for Valentine's Day, not that you had any plans to begin with.
Furina's bright, mischievous smile made you slightly regret your decision to spill about your plans to just stay home and do nothing for Valentine's Day.
Her slightly evil giggle made you worry more.
2. Plan and consult about your confession with your amazing advisor!
When Furina stormed into Neuvillette's room with a large roll of paper and colorful supplies, Neuvillette already had an idea of what she was planning.
"Furina.." Neuvillette watched as Furina placed the large paper on his desk. The pens and markers in her fist rolled onto the table as well.
"Please, please, lemme help?" Furina asked with her best pout.
"C'mon, I think you two would be a great couple! And I know I can help! Not to brag or anything, but I happen to have an unbroken streak of getting people together!" Furina lets out a proud huff, hands settled on her hips.
Neuvillette sighed, subjecting to his fate. He moved aside his lesson plans and motioned for Furina to come around the desk.
With a beaming smile, Furina skipped around the desk and picked up one of the markers.
"So, first-"
3. Go for it! Make sure it's bombastic with a capital B!
Furina tugged on your sleeve, rambling about how much you were going to love her surprise. Her last surprise had been filling your classroom with balloons and streamers for your birthday. You appreciated the thought, but you did not appreciate how much cleaning you did. You could only guess the surprise this time. The megaphone and poster in her hand only concerned you more.
She dragged you to the field near the back of the school where you spotted a big group of students surrounding someone else. From the white hair you spotted, you assumed it was Neuvillette.
"Alright, formation!" Furina shouted into her megaphone. The group did some sort of messy dance routine before moving aside to show Neuvillette. You watched with confusion (as well as concern when you saw some of them bump into each other).
Furina turned to you and moved you closer to Neuvillette, whose face was just as confused as yours. Once you were face to face with him, she began speaking.
"Alrighty, now, you must be wondering why I've brought the two of you here today."
"I'm here to convince you guys that you are perfect for one another and why you should get marri- I mean, go on a date!"
Furina cleared her throat, holding out her hand to one of the students nearby. The student handed her a large bouquet of flowers, which she handed to Neuvillette.
"First, he got you flowers! I mean, who doesn't appreciate flowers? If you guys date, you get flowers every day. I mean, that's pretty great, right?"
"Second," Furina motioned for a different student to hand her what seemed to be a photo album, "He takes the best photos! If you date, then, you never have to worry about a bad photo ever again."
"Third," This time Furina did not ask for anything. She simply moved to Neuvillette to hold up his arm, "He's very strong! He can carry you anywhere, whenever. He's got muscles."
"Fourth." A small tissue box was given to Furina. "He has feelings! He can be emotional, so you never have to worry about expressing yourself!"
"And fifth, and last reason." There was no object. Furina simply put herself next to Neuvillette with a smile.
"You get to have the bestest, smartest, most amazing daughter ever, me!" Furina let out a proud huff. "I think I'm the best reason, so please-"
Furina motioned for the other students to surround the three of you and throw some confetti at you. Furina unfolded the poster she had been holding and showed it to you. It read:
'Please, please, please, take my dad as your boyfriend! Also, please get married soon!'
Neuvillette sighed as he picked out some confetti out of his hair. He carefully moved Furina, so he could step towards you.
He extended the bouquet of flowers to you and said,
"I apologize for all of this, but if you would allow me, I would love to take you out this evening."
You chuckled and with a smile, took the flowers from him. You nodded to which he smiled and Furina cheered.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 7 months
Based on that post about Charlie is magically turned into a kid. The staff are arguing and Alastor makes his usual snide comments about Vaggie, and Little Charlie kicks his shin and says "Don't be mean to the pwetty lady!"
Oh! That is absolutely precious!!! Yes! Yes! and Triple Yes!
Vaggie: Lucifer, I'm serious! We need to figure out why Charlie is a toddler. The Princess of Hell can't go from looking like she's in her twenties to being two!
Kid Charlie: (pausing in her headbutt game with Razzle to shout) I'm fwee! (gets headbutted by Razzle and sprawls out on the floor)
Vaggie: Oh, I'm sorry, Charlie. (to Lucifer) A Three Year Old! (swipes her arms in a cutting motion) And I am NOT being labelled as a pedophile because my girlfriend turned into a literal child!
Lucifer: (recording Charlie playing with Razzle with an almost manic amount of giggles) Awwwww, do we have to??? Look how ADORABLE she is!!!
Kid Charlie: (tired of playing headbutts, climbs onto Razzle's back and rides him across the floor) Onward, Razzle!!! To da castle!!!
Razzle: Bap-Baa-Baa-BAAAAAAAP!!! (charges and sprints around the lobby, occasionally jumping and using his wings to stay airborne a little longer)
Vaggie: (heart melts and ovaries pulse before she shakes off the rose colored glasses and growls at Lucifer) Yes, Lucifer. We have to.
Lucifer: (pouting) Awwww.... Alright....
Alastor: (shadows in from nowhere) I heard Lucifer sigh in dismay. What did I miss? (sees Charlie riding Razzle's back and quriks an eyebrow) Well, this is an interesting turn of events.
Vaggie: (groans) Charlie randomly turned into a three year old. We're trying to figure out how to turn her back.
Alastor: (grin widens and turns more menacing) And who will be watching her in that time?
Lucifer: Uh, I literally raised her once already. I think I can manage watching her for a few days while we figure out what's going on.
Vaggie: No offense, Sir, but I think you should put your efforts into figuring out how to turn Charlie back. You have the most magic experience out of all of us.
Lucifer: (Morningstar Puppy Eyes and whimpers like a kicked puppy)
Vaggie: (after building an immunity due to living with Charlie for three years) No. You're working on finding a cure.
Lucifer: (huffs) Fine. (adjusts his hat sassily) You've just fallen from Awesome Future Daughter-In-Law to Moderate Future Daughter-In-Law.
Vaggie: (rolls her eyes) I'll go with you to that rubber duck expo next week if you can figure out how to turn Charlie back.
Lucifer: With the fluffy duckie jam-jams?!
Vaggie: Ugh! Yes! With the duckie pajamas! But you have to get Charlie turned back before then.
Lucifer: Deal! Ho! (does the CA-CHING arm move) I'll have this figured out by the end of the day! Best! Future! Daughter-In-Law! EVER!!! (poofs away in red and gold glitter)
Alastor: Well, now that we have that settled. I'll take young Charlie until then.
Vaggie: The fuck you are!!!
Alastor: Oh? And were you going to watch her? I happen to be wonderful with children!
Vaggie: I've managed to do just fine so far?
Kid Charlie & Razzle: (accidentally ram into the couch) Ow..../ Baaaa...
Alastor: Ah, yes. The epitome of maternal instinct... Or should I say, the poster child for contraception? Leave the nurturing to the professionals, darling, unless you're aiming for 'World's Worst Babysitter' award.
Vaggie: (growls as her eyes glow and her bow turns into horns)
Kid Charlie: (hears the jab, sees Vaggie being super pissed and the self-conscious of her capabilities swirling underneath her bravado, and growls as she runs on all fours towards Allastor; dutifully headbutting him in the shin with her horns) BAAAAAAAP!!!!
Alastor: Ouch! My shin!
Kid Charlie: (stomps Alastor's ankle for good measure)
Alastor: Gah! My fucking ankle!
Kid Charlie: (stomps her foot and points at Alastor with a surprising air of authority) Don't be mean to the pwetty lady!!! (turns to Vaggie as her horns disappear and makes grabby motions) Uppies, Ms. Pwetty Lady, pweeeease?
Vaggie: Pfft! (stops the bout of laughter bubbling in her chest and picks up Charlie, cradling her on her hip) Yeah, Alastor. Be nice to the pwetty lady. And you shouldn't be swearing in front of children. (turns to Charlie) Thank you, sweetie. (kisses Charlie's cheek in a maternal way)
Kid Charlie: Tehehehehehehe! (continues to giggle and blush while acting bashful and hiding her face)
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yawn-junn · 10 months
⋆Tall Enough - Beomgyu⋆
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⋆Special Thanks Too: Beomgyu, TxT
⋆Note: not sure if this was requested or not, I can't seem to find who it came from so...HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Only 5 more days not even a week left!! I had emo Gyu in my head while I wrote this so....
⋆Prompt: Tree Topper
⋆Taglist: @mxlly143 - @jisvngc0re1 - @soul-is-a-strange-kid
⋆TW: teasing : low-key ass hole beomgyu : mentions of cookies and popcorn : cocky beomgyu : joke mention of gaslighting :
Beomgyu watched with an amused smirk on his face, as you struggled to reach the top of the tree. You and Beomgyu decided to decorate the tree together, by together I mean he's leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face while he watched you struggle to reach the high points, eventually giving up to help you. But this time he didn't help you, he didn't even comment, pulling out his phone he quickly snapped a picture setting it as his lock screen.
"Gyu!" You turned around the semi heavy star in your hand, "your tall enough to reach come help" you said holding out the star, Beomgyus smile grew "why? I'm sure eventually you'll get it up there" he said amused, your pout grew "please! Ill bake those cookies you really like" you said putting on your best puppy eyes. Beomgyu shrugged "you still owe me those for helping you reach the popcorn last night" he said flipping his head to get his bangs out his eyes.
"are you serious..." You said dropping the cute act, beomgyu nodded "100% I would never lie to you" he said in a defensive tone holding his hands up in a surrender motion, "are you trying to gaslight me?" You asked narrowing your eyes at him, Beomgyu laughed "of course I am" he joked walking up to you, turning you by your shoulders making you face the tree, before you could question Beomgyu grabbed your hips and hoisted you up.
Squealing you quickly tried to regain your poster, taking a moment before reaching up and putting the tree topper on, once getting it settled Beomgyu sat you down, your feet gently touching the ground as you held yourself up. "Thank you" you sighed looking at the tree seeing if anything needed to be fixed "your welcome I guess" Beomgyu shrugged waving his hand dismissively.
While you fixed the tree Beomgyu went to grab blankets scattered about your shared apartment, making a small nest like thing on the couch he put the movie you didn't get to finish last night on. Sitting on the couch waiting for you to join him.
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bonesxbows · 3 months
Act Naturally - Chapter 2 (Cooper Howard x Reader)
While exploring an old section of Hollywood, the two of you stumble upon an old advertisement for a cowboy movie. But the man on the poster looks suspiciously a lot like Cooper, even down to the same smile. But it couldn't possibly be him...right?
(WARNINGS) - slight gore/blood
a part 2 was requested for this by @its-deputy-hunting-season , they wanted Cooper trying to explain horses to the reader, but my brain read that and went "Yes but make it sad" so now y'all get to suffer with me. I don't write angst that much lol so hopefully I still did this idea justice. Sorry for the sad ending :)
It had been a few weeks since the two of you had left old Hollywood on the horizon and you had learned a little more about Cooper’s past. Since then it had been the usual line of business for the two of you; claiming bounties, scavenging, and making camp in husks of pre-war buildings every night. But everything took a turn for the worst when a radstorm began to follow the two of you like a lost puppy. 
It brought no rain with it, just dust clouds and sickly green lightning that made the earth and sky shudder every few minutes. The wind whipped sand around your ankles and in front of your eyes and your entire surroundings were smothered in a thick green haze that blotched out everything except a few feet in front of you. You were traveling blind. 
The storm stayed on your heels for a couple of days and still showed no signs of weakening or dissipating. Cooper was constantly disgruntled at the state of the weather, which you learned to put up with after the second day. However, your body grew more and more weary the farther you traveled through the green mist. First, it started with body aches that kept you up at night and then you started to notice strands of your hair sticking to whatever you had decided to use as a pillow. Now you could barely make it through a day without wanting to just collapse and take a nap right in the sand dunes. Cooper didn't seem to notice, most of his attention was set on finding a way out of the storm. However, he did slow down when you started to significantly lag behind him. 
“C’mon darlin’, we got places to be. Lollygaggin’ in this muck ain’t gonna do you any favors,” he told you, hoping to put a fire back into your step. The last thing he wanted was for you to end up looking like him. Anyone but you. 
“I know Cooper, I’m trying. I just…feel exhausted.” you were barely able to drag your feet through the sand and keeping your head up was becoming too much. 
“Hm. we’ll take a load off somewhere for now, alright? Soon as I find somewhere out of this fuckin’ wind,” he said more to himself than to you, but you heard him nonetheless. Time seemed to go in slow motion but you remembered Cooper grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you. He wasn’t trying to be rough but you still knew your whole arm would be aching tomorrow with the way he was pulling you. You couldn’t hold any of your own weight except only to stay upright and move your feet enough to keep up with him, Cooper was doing most of the work in hauling you across the sand. 
Eventually, he placed you on a couch. Who’s couch and where this couch was you didn’t know, but you were grateful to finally be resting somewhere and off of your feet. You wanted to close your eyes immediately as soon as your head hit the oddly hard couch cushion but Cooper kept you awake. 
“I need ya to stay ‘wake for a little while sweetheart. Talk to me, how do you feel?” he asked you as he moved your legs to sit down on the couch with you, placing your feet on top of his lap once he was settled. He mindlessly grabbed your hand and ran his calloused finger over your soft skin. He loved touching your skin at any chance he could get more than he realized. A worrying itch nagged at the back of his mind that this could be the last chance he would get to feel the softness of your unirradiated skin. He should have done something, anything, sooner. Should have paid attention the the symptoms more. Should have protected you better. Should have, should have, should have. But he forced himself to brush the anxiety off. He could mentally kick himself later when you didn’t need his full attention.
“I feel like not answering a bunch of questions, if it’s all the same to you.” you turned your face towards the back of the couch, covering your face with your other arm that Cooper didn’t have a hold of. His concerns eased up a little at knowing that you still had enough spunk left in you to be a pain in his ass. 
“Joke all you want but I’m serious. I need to know how bad it is.” he relented, dropping his usual accent just a little to convey that this wasn’t the best time for jokes and sarcasm. 
You sighed and explained to him how you had been feeling recently, including every detail you could remember. His last glimmer of hope that you were just fatigued from travel was snuffed out when you mentioned the clumps of hair you were losing in your sleep. He went silent for a while after that and you almost fell asleep but a rage of coughs climbing up your throat stopped you. You bolted up and choked out hacks and coughs that racked through your whole body. Cooper tried to hand you a can of water to ease your suffering but you waved his assistance off. A particularly rough cough rattled the inside of your throat and by the end of it, you could feel a wetness dripping from your nose and running down your upper lip. You instinctively stuck your tongue out to halt the stream but immediately regretted that decision when the taste of iron coated your taste buds, causing you to gag and spit out the blood. You wiped the back of your hand under your nose and your skin was covered in the dark red liquid when you pulled it away. You looked at Cooper and he was already prepared, gently placing a rag on your face to soak up the blood. His brow was furrowed but his eyes were glazed with worry as he stared at you while he held the material under your nose. Half of it was already becoming stained. 
“It’s just a nosebleed Coop. I’m okay,” you told him, hoping to ease his concern. You'd never seen him so worried about something before. 
“You are the farthest thing from okay right now darlin’.” he grabbed your hand with his other one and laced your fingers through his, squeezing hard. You looked down at the red rag under your face and took a deep breath through your mouth. If he was this concerned about your current situation maybe it was worse than you originally thought. 
“Am I…am I dying?” you asked in a small voice. 
“You’re not dyin’, alright? Unfortunately for you you’re stuck ‘ere with me for the long haul whether you like it or not.” he was trying to convince himself just as much as he was trying to convince you. You nodded and let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. It was the only response you could manage. 
Cooper pulled the rag away from your face for a moment to check if your nose had clotted yet or not and your body decided to answer his question in the worst way possible. You dry heaved once, twice, and on the third time, you instinctively turned your head away from the couch and away from Cooper as you retched out warm, half-congealed blood. The expulsion caused your nose to start bleeding again with a renowned vigor, thoroughly covering the entire lower half of your face in warm sticky crimson. 
He was quick to start cleaning up your face, caring more about your comfort than the mess on the floor. He had used the untouched can of water to wet the rag, mopping up the unusually thin liquid from your skin. Whatever color the towel had been before today was lost beneath the layers of blood. 
The two of you were silent while he worked. You didn’t know what the appropriate response was to having someone clean your face for you after you had just vomited up blood. 
“Sorry.” was the only thing you mumbled out, still not sure what to say but hating the silence hanging in the air. It was suffocating. 
“You ain’t got anything to be apologizin’ for so quit it while you’re ahead.” his accent was back and he was laying it on thick, whether it was for your sake or just a habit of his to increase its intensity in stressful situations you couldn’t tell. He was more or less satisfied with his clean-up job so he chucked the rag across the room, discarding it. 
“Can I please take a nap now?” you asked. The effort from throwing up had only made your exhaustion worse, you could practically feel the discoloration underneath your eyes. 
“No. I need you to stay awake for a good while longer sweetheart. No sleepin’ yet.”
You whined but didn’t protest. Instead of laying back down you twisted your body so that you were sitting next to Cooper and you leaned your head against his shoulder. Once you were comfortable and stopped shifting around he looped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. You sighed and inhaled the scent of duster as you buried your head into the side of his chest. The comforting swirl of gunpowder, old leather, and sweat wafted through your nose and brought you a sense of peace. Though there was an unusual undertone of copper mixed in, likely from the blood still caked inside your nostrils. 
“Talk to me then so I don’t fall asleep.” you looked up at him, keeping your eyes open so as to not tempt your body with the idea of slumber. Your body ached for the relieving calmness of sleep but if he thought you shouldn’t then you didn’t want to find out why. 
“‘Bout what?”
“Anything. Tell me about life before the bombs.” you picked at your fingernails to keep your hands occupied. 
“Why of all things is that what you want to talk about?” his voice sounded gruff, as if just mentioning the subject had bristled his feathers. 
“I still can’t get that old theater out of my mind. It’s been making me think about how life used to be. I can’t imagine a world without so much violence. Was it really so peaceful back then that people had enough free time to watch pictures on a screen for hours?” you let your curiosity spill out, the more you let your mind run with questions the less likely you were to fall into the jaws of exhaustion. 
He hated talking about it, you knew that. His outburst of anger last time was all the proof you needed to know that, but maybe, just maybe, you could get him to talk about it to you if you asked the right questions and kept his mind off of the bad memories. 
“It wasn’t all canned peaches and ice cream sundaes, that world was just as violent as this one is now, just a different kind. You either had to have money or power to fuck with people, but that didn’ slow down nobody. The folks watchin’ the pictures, as you like to call them, were usually the ones gettin’ fucked, they just liked to pretend they didn’ know half the time. Or that a fake hero in that movin’ picture could save them from their real problems.” if anyone else but you had asked about his past life he would have politely told them where they could shove their questions, but not you. You were his weakness, whether he liked it or not. He’d do anything for you. If satisfying your curiosity made you happy then he’d gladly tell you about anything. 
“So was any of it true? I mean, what about yours? The ones you were in? Were they all just made-up stories to placate people's minds?” you furrowed your brow, hating the idea of all of it being just some made-up bullshit fed to people to make them happy. It sounded like the stories you would hear being played on the old radios in town, about fantasy heroes playing dress up and solving problems like all it took to fix everything was the right costume. Were these moving pictures just the same thing? 
“Depends what you mean by true. I will tell you what though, cowboys were definitely real. Now were they the same as the ones in the films? That depends on the man. But they were out there, as real as the wind howlin’ outside.”
“What’s a cowboy? Sounds like a bad case of a mutated brahmin.” the mental image made you blanch, causing bile to rise in the back of your throat that almost made you throw up again. 
He laughed. You could feel the rumble through his chest and the sound made you smile subconsciously. He didn’t laugh enough in your opinion, you fell in love with the sound soon after you first met him. But you let him continue on explaining, your curiosity winning out over your swooning. 
“It’s not what it sounds like, darlin’. It's more like a…a bounty hunter. Sort of. Like a keeper-of-the-peace gunslinger. Someone who protected the weak and innocent.” he explained. 
“And they made movies about them?” 
“Sure did. I would know, most of the films I were in was about cowboys and some such. Even had a go at the lifestyle before the world was set alight.” his voice trailed off towards the end of his sentence. You looked up at him and could see his eyes glaze over with that far-away look he would get when he was living in a memory. But he had reinvigorated your curiosity. 
“Wait, you were a real cowboy? What was that like?” you asked. He shifted his eyes down to you and he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the edges of his mouth when he saw the way your eyes gleamed like a child’s; filled with wonder and captivation. He stirred the back of his mind to find his storytelling antics, the ones that had amused Janey all those decades ago. 
“Well you see it was like this; I had myself a small ranch up near Bakersfield. Just me, my dog, and my little girl. Had ourselves some chickens, she liked to chase ‘em around the yard, and our horse. Sugarfoot. Name was Janey’s idea but I could never say no to her so Sugarfoot she was from then henceforth. Sweet and gentle as anything. Never minded the California heat neither. Taught Janey rope tricks on that land and rode Sugarfoot ‘round til the sun would set. Maybe I was runnin’ from the end of the world, or maybe I was tryin’ to outlive it, or maybe I had just stopped carin’ by that point. The why doesn’t matter much now, the place may be long destroyed but I’ll hold on to those last memories I have of my little girl til the day I eat dirt.”
“It sounded lovely, Coop. I wish I could have seen it.” his hold on you became a little tighter, but the reason for it was only known to him and him alone. You could guess though that thinking about everything he had lost was taking its toll on his psyche. 
“Tell me more about Sugarfoot. She was a horse, you said?” you tried to get his mind off of his daughter. You knew bits and pieces about her and what had happened, but you knew for certain that Cooper was still looking for her, driven by a sense of hope that she would still be out there somewhere waiting for him. 
“Yeah. Though I guess you don’t know what that is, do you?” he asked, and you shook your head. Multiple times now you had heard mention of the animal, but you only had a name and no mental image to go with it. “Hm. Well, it’s kinda like a radstag, ‘cept bigger. Studier. You could ride ‘em and have them haul stuff for you. They were muscular ‘nough that they could do just about anything. Had a tail made of hair and a trail of it down its neck. Janey liked to braid it and decorate it with flowers. Anyways it snorted like a brahmin but screeched like a…well I’ve never heard another animal make the noises horses were known for but closest I can think of is a feral, just not so human sounding.” he tried to explain, attempting simplify his imagery even more when he could see you getting more and more confused with each added detail. 
“...so you rode around on a hairy muscular radstag with flowers in its hair that sounded like a snorting feral?” the mental image he was trying to paint for you was not helping your confusion. He couldn't help the laugh that echoed through his chest. 
“When you put it like that you make it sound like a goddamn abomination. It’s not like that but it’s hard to explain. I’ll see if I can scrounge up an old photo for you one day, that’ll explain this all easier. But they were more majestic than you're thinkin’.”
“I’d like that,” you said, smiling. You curled into his chest more, your exhaustion forcing you to put all of your weight on him. The peaceful image of Cooper’s farm was making your eyelids heavy again but you soldiered on and kept them open. “I hope I can see one, one day. Do you think any of them survived?” you asked, trying to keep the conversation going to keep yourself awake. Cooper took notice of the way you leaned against him and a frown crept onto his face, but he didn’t let his voice waver. 
“Maybe, who knows sweetheart. Maybe we’ll run into ol’ Sugarfoot next time we travel through the California hills. Make our own little plot of land out there.” it was a pipe dream, never bound to happen, but he would keep the dream alive for you for now. Anything to keep your mind focused on happy thoughts. 
There was a smile on your face as the fight became too difficult and your eyes finally fluttered shut. Sleep overtook your brain so much so that you didn’t even flinch when blood started to pour from your nose again. Your lips parted as you breathed out and crimson started to drip from your open mouth. Slowly at first, but then your lips started to blister and the blood began to flow vigorously, mixing with the blood from your nose. The collar of your shirt was starting to stain a dark red, but still, you didn’t even twitch. Red, raw, and oozing blisters began to eat at your skin, your beautiful, smooth-like-satin skin that Cooper had loved so much. All he could do was sigh as he listened to your breathing become more ragged as the minutes ticked by. His body was holding on to yours and his mind was holding on to the idealistic images he had been telling you about mere seconds before. He refused to take his arms off of you. 
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citadelsanchez · 2 years
Hi there! I’m not too sure if you take requests but I was wondering if it’s alright with you if I could request a Rick x reader where he gets jealous because the reader is a bit interested in memory Rick? Obviously you take it in what ever direction you like because your an amazing writer! hope your well :)
Hope you enjoy! Even threw child Rick in there :)
"Come on Rick, it would be so cool! I bet the younger you is adorable."
Rick rolls his eyes and walks out of the garage that you two were conversing in, ignoring your propositions and the slight burn in his cheeks.
"I don't think s-so dipshit. I'm not that m-much of a maSOOChist that I want to watch you make conversation with a cringier, crybaby version of me" Rick retorts, heading into the kitchen and grabbing some Wafers from the cabinet.
You sigh quietly and cross your arms, standing in front of him.
"Okay, well, if you let me meet him, I'll uh- tell you the embarrassing peanut butter story from when I was 14," you prod.
Rick shoves a wafer into his mouth and raises an eyebrow. "Oh yeah, really? Been trying to pry that o-out of you forever and this will finally crack the secret o-open?"
You look away, already slightly heated with humiliation at the thought, but knowing Rick wouldn't be able to pass it up. "Yeah," you murmur.
He smirks now, throwing the wafers back into the cabinet and grabbing your arm to drag you back into the garage. "L-let's fuckin go, then."
You finally peaked your eyes open after Rick shoved you through his glowing portal without warning once again. You were in a room with a small bed in the shape of a race car and various toys scattered amongst the floor. Posters of dinosaurs and science inventions lined the walls. Rick was beside you, kind of emotionlessly staring ahead. When you finally followed his gaze, you gasped.
In the center of the room, was a tiny child Rick, sitting on the floor and playing with some levers on what looked to be a metal box. He was humming a tune in concentration and kicking his small feet. You covered your mouth to hide your smile, not wanting Rick to see how sentimental you found it to be. He's so fucking cute.
"Baby Rick," you whispered.
Just as you went to ask Rick why he had put you both this far back in the timeline, someone called from upstairs in the house.
"Rick, sweetheart, dinner's ready!"
Child Rick's eyes lit up and he carefully placed the box down, running out of the room to go downstairs.
"He's so-"
"Shh," Rick cuts you off, motioning for you to follow him as he darts over to the closet.
He flings open the door, and there perched in the corner was Memory Rick, who was startled and screamed in shock.
"Oh, you, hey. What are you doing back here again?" He asks Rick, looking between the two of you.
"It's not by c-choice, I've got a begging puppy here and y-you're just my show and tell piece" he jabs, taking a drink from his flask.
You push him gently out of the doorway and smile at Memory Rick. "Don't listen to him, you probably already know how big of a sourpuss he is. I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you." You hold your hand out.
He smiles warmly at you and shakes your hand. "Of course. He is me. Or, what I'll become if I ever cross over. Are you his um, partner?"
"Hmm, something of that nature," you respond, ignoring Rick's scowl at the intrusive question.
"Well, he picked a lovely one then. Very easy on the eyes too. Technically I guess you could say I picked a lovely one," he winks and clasps your hand to gently kiss it.
Your face flushes and you giggle a little at the sweet notion that takes you by surprise. You couldn't ever picture Rick doing this with you, and it made your stomach feel home to a butterfly garden.
"Next time r-remind me to dress for a fucking wedding," Rick says, visibly annoyed.
"So, do you live here? What do you do?" You asked Memory Rick.
He shakes his head. "Just visiting. Sometimes I'm here, chilling out with the little bud- our younger self. I have a job at a local game store and spend my days writing songs for my band. We're called The Flesh Curtains."
"Oh yes, I've heard a little bit about you guys. Not much because it's hard to get any info outta this guy," you say nodding to Rick.
This earns a laugh from Memory Rick. "Just me, Birdperson, and Squanchy. We've been performing for a couple of years, a few major arenas and even one stadium. There's really nothing like being on the road and touring."
"I could imagine. I've always thought that would be an amazing experience" you smile.
"It is. Isn't it, Rick?" Memory Rick asks the older man, who couldn't have a more sullen face if he tried.
"Yep" he replies shortly, taking a big swig from his flask.
Memory Rick carefully takes your hand in his again. "Well you know what? I'd love to take you on the road with us one day. Let you live the rock star life, even come on stag-"
"O-okay, party time's over." Before you could blink, Rick pulls out his portal gun and you're being pushed through a swirling green light.
"What the fuck, Rick?" You ask, looking up at the man, furious that he not only cut your time with Memory Rick short but also gave no heads up for the shove back into reality.
"S-sorry, I thought I was gonna vomit i-i-if I couldn't find a way to cut my ears off soon enough," he grumbles, sitting down in his chair by his work bench.
"Why are you such an asshole? We were having a nice time. What is there to be mad about?" You cross your arms, unwilling to back off from this.
"Just wasn't w-worth the time. I've got other dimensions to see about."
You narrow your eyes at him. "I don't see you in them right now. So what's the real reason?"
He shifts in his seat uncomfortably and runs a hand through his hair. "You're like a bug th-"
You suddenly snapped out of it and realized what was actually going on. He's jealous. He's very jealous. And you've only seen this once or twice before.
"You're jealous."
"O-of myself? Sure s-sweetie, I'll be sure to tell my therapist a-about it."
You smirk. "You absolutely are. Can't believe it took me so long to realize."
"I-I'm not fucking jealous, get off your emotion detecting high h-horse. You're wrong."
You relax your face and soften your voice now, intending to break the truth out of him another way if he didn't care to confess.
"Okay, I'm sorry. You're right," you say and he looks relieved for the moment.
"But I would love to go on tour with him soon. I can still feel my hand tingling from his kiss," you swoon and rub over your hand.
Rick's face turns down again and his eyes drop as rage fills his face once more. You can see his clenched fists in his lap. He gets up from his chair and walks over to tower in your face. "Not fucking happening, babe. B-By the way, now seems like a good time to throw it out there that I already know the peanut butter story. Infiltrated y-your memory after the second time you wouldn't tell me. That's why I did this. Last time I do you a nice favor." He stalks out and you smile, knowing you got what you wanted.
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noturlondonboy · 4 months
No More Excuses//Katelena
Chapter 5: Prison Sentence for Two(2)
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Chapter Summary: Kate visits her mother in prison.
A/N: Eleanor really stresses me out man
Chapter warnings: medication, Eleanor, prison, missing person's poster, depression
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Kate spends the rest of the day in a confused daze, forcing her body to go through the motions of cleaning her apartment while she lets her mind wander. She sweeps, vacuums, and then mops the floors, all while going over the conversation with Yelena to pick out every detail she can.
The honey blonde curl of Yelena's hair falling over her shoulder, getting caught in the buttons of her jacket. The flash of her silver rings as she made mac n cheese and pancakes and cleaned as she went. The soft lilt of her accent when she was calm, the way it got thicker when she became aggravated.
Goddamnit Kate Bishop.
Kate picked up her room, made her bed, and cleaned the windows while humming the Taylor Swift song Yelena had been playing earlier. She found herself wondering what the woman's favorite song was, what it sounded like coming from her lips, if the lyrics meant anything special to her.
Lucky follows her around half of the time, his tail wagging at the smallest bit of attention and whenever he's able to steal a sock from her without getting caught. For the rest of it, he perches himself on the couch and either stares at her or sleeps, his chest rumbling with little doggy snores.
By the time that the dinner hour rolls around, Kate's body is aching and her brain feels swollen, and Lucky looks rather refreshed. She lets herself indulge in some floor time, and her puppy joins her where she lays on the carpet. He snuggles under her arm and gives a happy little sigh.
Kate buries her face in his scruff and scratches at his ears slowly, feeling rather tempted to take another nap. But who's to say Yelena wouldn't show back up to drag her outside for fresh air or just kill her? Kate wouldn't put it past her.
She eventually gets up off the floor with a grumpy mumble at the thought.
Kate somehow convinces herself to go to the grocery store and look for actual food instead of giving in to living on pizza and mac-n-cheese and whatever God-given concoction Yelena came up with. (If she even came back. Kate didn't know. She secretly hoped that she would.) Lucky watches her sullenly before the door is shut on his face, and Kate mutters a little sorry to him before striding to the elevator, shrugging her coat on.
The air is bitter and cold once she steps outside, and Kate glances longingly at the warm interior of the pizza shop below her apartment before tucking further into her warm layers. She misses the Christmas lights and general coziness that Christmas was capable of bringing to New York. It was almost easy to ignore the dark parts of it all.
A missing person's poster stapled to a bench brings her mind to her mother. Eleanor Bishop had been sentenced to 30 years in prison, but Kate doubted it would really last that long seeing as she had a lot of fucking money. Either way, Kate felt a needle sink through her chest at the thought of her mother behind bars on Christmas Day. And New Years. And every day since then. And every day into her late 70's.
Eleanor deserved it. Kate knew that. She had killed Armand, conspired with the mafia, and tried to get Clint killed.
But it was her mom. And Kate missed her.
Her shopping went in a haze, and Kate barely registered what she purchased or how much she spent. But at least she had actual fruits and vegetables in her fridge, and maybe Yelena would see that and be less of a pain in her ass.
Not that she really minded Yelena's behavior, odd as the situation was.
Kate furrowed her brow, absently making her way back to her apartment. This situation was very odd. Odd not only in the sense that Yelena had appeared with a terrible explanation and vanished almost as quickly, but also odd in the fact that Kate was barely questioning it. She had batted an eye at first, of course, but something about the former Black Widow made her relax almost instinctively.
The fact that Yelena could kill her with just a snap of the wrist should've scared Kate away, she supposed, but if she was being honest? That was extremely attractive. Especially with the woman on her side, now. She thinks.
Kate almost expected Yelena to be waiting for her back at her apartment, rings and smile gleaming, armed with ridiculously good food and a quip to make Kate laugh. But, alas, that was some gay ass wishful thinking, and it was just Lucky, who had chewed on a pillow until it was dark with slobber.
"You literally have toys made to be chewed on," Kate scolded him, dumping her bags of groceries onto her kitchen counter. He continued to eat away at the foam, and Kate let him, shaking her head tiredly while she unloaded the various goods into their respective locations. Aka, haphazardly shoved into the fridge, freezer, and random cabinets.
"I don't know how to handle feeling like a U-Haul Lesbian, Lucky," Kate muttered, tossing the empty plastic bags into a drawer and shuffling over to the couch with a box of Poptarts. "Yelena is suddenly here, and she's like, super cool, right? But she also tried to kill Clint. And kind of me, even though she said she didn't." Lucky watched her ramble on amicably, eventually following to sit on the couch with her, abandoning his new chew toy in the process.
"But she's Natasha's sister. Natasha Fucking Romanoff. And she's- fuck, Lucky, she's really pretty." Kate continues on, stuffing sugar into her mouth and going off about anything she can think of, as long as it's related to Yelena.
Kate ends up on the floor again, curled around Lucky with his warm body pressed into her stomach. He's patient with her, letting her squeeze and jostle and pet him however she needs to. Kate feels immensely grateful for him for the millionth time that day. What a dog.
"What'll I do, bud? Huh? What happens if she's too good and then she's gone? Like Clint?" Lucky's eye blinks slowly, and he licks at her cheek before snuggling back in. Logically, Kate knows that Clint did not leave her. He lives in a completely different state, for Pete's sake. He has a family and a home and retirement to look forward to.
But he was what she had idolized for so long, and even after getting to know the dad behind the bow and arrow, she had him on a pedestal. His approval meant everything. His attention and care meant everything. He was a father and Kate could use one of those. Jack was sweet, but she had no clue where he was. Or if he even wanted to see her.
"Maybe I could call him," Kate mumbled aloud, pressing kisses to her dog's soft head. "Bug him about how I'm having a gay crisis over the sister of his dead best friend who tried to kill him and whom I barely know and probably shouldn't trust."
Kate lets that sentence settle in the air for a moment before letting out a sharp laugh. It sounded so fucking ridiculous.
"Maybe I should just try to get through drinks with her first. Whenever that will be."
Kate stares heavily through the thick pane of glass in front of her the next morning, her hand sweaty and shaking on the plastic phone she holds to her ear. Her mother looks back, the phone on her side completely untouched. Her eyes are sad and cold and she looks haunted by age, and Kate wants to scream and cry and pull her away from this horrible place so she can take care of her mom.
But Eleanor was a murderer. She lied. She cheated and stole and kicked and clawed and now here she was.
Because Kate put her there.
(Yelena was a murderer, too. What was her excuse?)
"Mom," Kate chokes out, tapping a finger to the phone in the hope that Eleanor would get the hint and grab the other one. She can feel the tears building behind her eyes, hot and uncomfortable and pushing into her skull to create a headache.
Eleanor Bishop does not move. She just looks at Kate. Her eyes shift, but barely. She doesn't even look like she's breathing.
Kate stares desperately, trying to keep her own breathing in check. She can't start hyperventilating, not in a prison, not in front of her mother, not when she forgot her meds that morning and she didn't bring any emergency ones with her in her jacket. "Mom," she tries again, her mouth wobbling. "Mom, please pick up the phone." She knows her mother can read her lips. The glass is not completely soundproof. But she does nothing.
Kate is about to leave when Eleanor's hand appears, and her too-thin fingers grab the phone and bring it to her ear. Kate can barely keep the wail of relief down.
"Mom," Kate whispers, blinking harshly to keep her eyes dry. "Mama."
Eleanor looks a little less haggard at that, but her mouth stays shut.
"Are you eating?"
Her voice almost sends Kate into sobs.
"I miss you," the archer mutters, shame building in her gut. Why was she here?
Eleanor barely reacts, her mouth tightening. Kate can feel anger flaring, but she pushes it down.
"Is it gonna be like this every time I visit?" she asks weakly, her legs starting to bounce. "Are you gonna refuse to talk to me completely one day?"
"Are you going to put anyone else into jail for Christmas someday?"
Kate's jaw drops, and she feels like her mother punched her in the face. Shots fired.
"Are you taking your meds?" Eleanor says, completely changing the direction of this almost one-sided conversation.
Kate stumbles over her words for a moment, headache forming at the verbal and mental whiplash. "I- yes. Yes, I'm taking my meds." Mostly.
Her mother nods and inhales deeply. "I love you, Katie."
Kate lets the tears fall this time, her throat constricting. "I love you too, mom. I'm sorry."
Eleanor puts her phone down, and a guard escorts her away. She doesn't look back at her daughter. Kate barely makes it back home before she collapses into bed and resolves to stay there forever, the tears choking her.
Translations: none
Kate Bishop counter: 1
This chapter's meme:
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Comments/reblogs/notes make my day :)
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aemiron-main · 5 months
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Patty Posts Made After Seeing The First Shadow
(click here for the main Patty section of the google doc)
(click here to go to a tumblr post with the Patty posts I made BEFORE seeing the first shadow)
“Gay Henry Truthers Are Erasing An Interracial Relationship During The 50s”: No We Aren’t, The Struggles Of An Interracial Relationship Are Still Very Much Present Even With Gay Henry & You’re Actually The Ones That Are Erasing Key Aspects Of Both Henry and Patty (x)
This is Your Dream: Was TFS Patty’s Dream? At Least Partially? Did Patty Go Missing At Age 12? Are Her And Henry Hooked Up To NINA Together? (x) 
But It Wouldn’t Be Make Believe If You Believe In Me: It’s Only A Paper Moon, TFS, and Things Not Being Real (x)
Dream A Little Dream Of Me: Is Patty Real? (x)
The Stolen Girl: Was Patty Stolen By HNL? (x)
It’s Not About Him, It’s About Dad: How Patty’s Puppy Love For Henry Ties To Her Issues With Mr Newby (x)
Henward, TFS, Rabies, and Patty’s Bat Wings (x)
I Love You: Gay Henry, Puppy Love Creelby, and Virginia-Patty Parallels (x)
Hentty, Mileven, Kisses and The Fleshflayer (x)
Patty vs El Asking About Her Mother (x) 
You Don’t Know Him: Hentty and Edward (x)
TFS, Twins, and a Henward Concept (x)
The Man Behind The Curtain: The Wizard Of Oz and TFS and Patty Being Dressed Like Dorothy (x)
Patty and Henry Being Compared To Romeo and Juliet (x)
That Lab Extra That Looks Like Patty (x)
Anything Is Possible: TFS Creelarke Crumbs and a Patty-Scott Parallel (x) 
Say It: Even More Hentty Familial Parallels (x)
Well, Now Where Do We Go? Nowhere! vs The Girl From Nowhere (x)
Stolen Babies: Patty Being A Stolen Baby Vs Mr Newby’s The Stolen Baby Jesus vs Victor Calling Alice “My Baby” (x)
His Great Shame Was On The Other Side (x)  
Patty Holding Her Coat The Way El Holds Her Lab Gown (x)
Mystery Meat, Patty, Heather and The Fleshflayer (x)
Who My Real Mom Is (x)
That Wasn’t Me, That Was Patricia: Split, ST, TFS, and Miss Patricia vs Patricia Newby (x)
Music Boxes, Changelings, and The First Shadow (x)
Maxine, Patricia and Brecna (x) 
I'm The Only Friend You'll Ever Have: Did Patty Get Agent Smith’d During TFS? Why Is Brenner Everybody? (x)
Not A Child, But Instead, A Small Woman: Patty Vs Suzie, Orphan (2009), Daughters Becoming Wives, Growing Up Too Fast vs Not Growing Up At All, and NINA Being A Small Woman (x)
Patty and The Balrog (x) 
The Girl From Nowhere? What About The Old Drug Dealer Man From Nowhere? (x)
TFS, The UD vs Oz and Will's S2 Poster (x)
Patty’s Slow Motion Fall: Did Henry Slow Time? (x) 
The Resemblance Is Uncanny: Patty Newby and The Uncanny Valley (x)
Patty’s OTS Shot In The TFS Trailer (x)
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The Little Lamb and the Silver Fox 🐑
Summary: Pepper Potts knows who you are and she made herself known in a most unconventional way. In her defense, she just had to have you.
Pairing: Pepper Potts x Reader
(No use of descriptive words for Reader's appearance. If you do stumble across one, please let me know and I'll immediately find a more inclusive alternative)
Warnings: 18+, allusions to kidnapping and abuse, non-con touching and restraints, forced captivity, obsessive behaviour, condescending talk
Word count: 480
Author's note: Entry number three, here we go! This one is a little shorter than the other two, but I was feeling needy for some silver fox!Pepper, because she's swoonworthy with all her competence and confidence *dreamy sigh*
Anyhow, @the-slumberparty this time I only used a single square, which was "Age-gap". I kind of wanted to make it soft, but it turned out a little sinister, whoops. Enjoy this little snippet and feel free to imagine whatelse happened between Pepper and Reader ;D
Her hand strokes your arm, fingertips gently caressing the skin, goosebumps rising in the wake of her soothing motion.
“It's all gonna be okay,” the woman cooed lovingly, “I've got you, little girl.”
You shudder, the cool air of the room and soft touch of the woman eliciting a bone deep quiver.
“You were doing so good, it was just a matter of time until you slipped up. I've been expecting it for a while now,” she hums lowly, bending her head to press a kiss to your sweaty forehead.
She shifts her arm lower so it curls around your side and pulls you closer until you're tucked firmly under her arm, her thigh pressed against yours as you sit on the plush couch.
The velvety fabric of the couch is soft against your bare skin, but it's little consolation at the moment.
You raise your watery gaze to stare up at the woman keeping you carefully tucked in her firm hold.
Her sky blue eyes look down her long, aristocratic nose at you, scrutinising you while her painted lips curve into a small smile. Little wrinkles form along her mouth and eyes at the motion and when she reaches up to brush an errand strand of hair out of her face, your focus is drawn to the silvery strands glinting between the soft strawberry blonde of the rest of her hair.
Pepper Potts, Tony Starks associate and business partner. You'd seen her on posters and in the newspaper, a few photos online here and there and knew about her career she's built for herself.
What you didn't know, was that she knew you too.
At least not until one day you woke up “In her care”, as she likes to put it.
Pepper Potts, yes... That's not what she wants you to call her though.
“So beautiful when you cry,” the woman sighs, cupping your face and rubbing her thumb through your tears streaking down your stinging cheek.
The digit catches on the strap of the ball gag strapped to your face and she gently slips it underneath the strap, pushing against it with a satisfied smile.
She chuckles lowly when you let out a pathetic murmur, your chest trembling as you beg her to let you go, to release you from the gag and the tight binds immobilising your limbs, decorating your body like pretty ribbons do a present.
“Hush, little lamb. You've brought this upon yourself. But don't worry, I'll still take care of you,” she says in a deceivingly loving tone.
More tears blur your vision, muddling up her face that still looks down on you with that unnerving and unwavering smile.
“You just need some time to turn into my perfect little girl,” Pepper promises and pats your head like one would an unruly puppy. “You'll soon find I'm really patient.”
Honestly, I kind of want to make a whole ass series out of this because dark!silverfox!Pepper who kidnaps and wants to take care of me is actually pretty fucking hot ahahaha (I know I'm deranged, hush).
Alas, I won't because I have absolutely zero capacity for a series rn, but a girl can dream!
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finalshaper · 1 year
went to watch the Mario movie. I like it. Luigi’s mansion motif in one of the songs made me cry happy tears and also got thinking. And here’s what I want out of a Luigi’s mansion movie.
The Mario movie had songs like mr blue sky on it. keep with that in the LM movie. But make it goth music. Open with There Is A Light That Never Goes Out. I wanna hear Bela Lugosi’s Dead. King Volcano. Maybe some Skinny Puppy songs.
Keep the darker (at least in comparison to other Mario games) tone. Don’t try and baby-ify it because that’s essentially ripping the very soul out of Luigi’s mansion.
Reference old movies like Frankenstein or Dracula or Nosferatu.
Tim Burton art style. Bonus points for being stop motion. Gimme a vibe like Coraline or corpse bride or nightmare before Christmas.
Horror soundtrack tricks. Like how horror OSTs use certain tones to keep people on edge.
Reference the hanging luigi shadow attic thing from the first game. Maybe a vision he has or something walking through the halls.
let the goths take luigi. his room either in the beginning, the end or both has posters all over the walls. there’s clothes hanging in his closet. he has records and cassettes all lined up neatly on a shelf.
the target audience is much older so you can probably get away with what I’ve listed. Would be cool to touch up on Luigi having an anxiety disorder.
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bangtailshortfilm · 3 months
The Meat of the Story
“Bang Tail”
Center for Arts and Technology Senior Short Film
Hailey Hustins
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Age 20
Nicknames: Anna, Deputy, Cherry bomb
Star sign: Aries
Height 5’4”
Loves comedy (has a snorty “hyuk” type of laugh)
Stubborn but compassionate
Wants to make others proud of her with her hard work 
Believes she’s very smart and clever
Town folk see her as a joke
very clumsy
Makes snap decisions
Loves praise and struggles with criticism
She sees herself as strong reliable and heroic
Father is the sheriff (not important to the story)
Loved to tie knots and help reign cattle as a child 
No love interest (yet?)
Fights with her fists more than her tongue 
Her own worst enemy (too clumsy to really win a fight, often stumbles upon a solution after feeling some compassion towards the conflict)
Oblivious to bullying 
Dedicates herself to her work as a deputy (though enjoys listening in on the drama at the saloon - she doesn't drink though)
Her hat is her most prized possession 
Morning person
Spend her weekends at the local rodeo
Would dress up as the years top bandit for Halloween
Doesn’t like asking for help
“Annabelle is a young fiery deputy who strives for success, often achieving her goals after her whacky plans comically fail.”
“Lila is a persistent and clever puppy. She’s hungry and cute and ALWAYS gets her way!”
Annabelle is finishing up hanging up a poster for a wanted puppy, she lathers glue onto the side of the saloon and slaps the paper haphazardly onto the wall. She smiles at her work and goes to walk away, stepping into her glue can, and stumbling into a nearby rocking chair. She struggles to get the can off her boot for a moment, before it pops off, and she can lounge back. Annabelle reaches for her lunch and pulls out a sandwich, she's about to happily take a bite when she hears a sad whining next to her. Annabelle looks down and sees the puppy looking at her food with wide eyes and a pout, she shakes her head at the dog, not wanting to share. The puppy huffs angrily, and jumps for the sandwich, Annabelle quickly pulls it away, the dog barks and she shakes her head again. Angrily the puppy leaps again and steals Annabelle’s hat and runs off. In a panic, Annabelle grabs a rope and lassos the puppy, but is dragged away. She smacks into a barrel, then a cactus, and finally a wooden pole, causing her to lose her hold on the puppy. Annabelle slowly stands up with the comical stars circling her head, she shakes herself down and initiates a showdown with the puppy - Annabelle with her lasso, and the puppy, hat in mouth. A tumbleweed blows by and the tension lingers for a moment. Then we hear a gurgle. Annabelle looks at the puppy confused, and its tummy rumbles again, stirring another whine from the puppy. Cut to Annabelle looking worried, then pondering, suddenly she connects the dots! The puppy is sitting looking sad, still holding Annabelle's hat, then the sandwich drops in front of the puppy. We cut to see Annabelle crouched in front of the puppy, she motions to the food. The puppy sniffs the sandwich for a moment, then happily abandons the hat for the sandwich, running off screen before Annabelle can scoop her up.
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soir-rouges-esprit · 4 months
xxviii.d: The Viper, she just had to come back with something … something I feared even before coming here, the fear that … “The Jester … he is in The City yes? I was told he came to see you in the Hospital and that he is living within The City once more” I lowered my head in disappointment and said … fuck. I can't V … he's finally doing semi-good and making the right decisions here, no way … I won't ask him, so find me someone else, or as you said … I can't do it. She tightened her face, and gave me this glare, let my shoulder go, and said “Go … tell Cadeo what you know … and expect my call sooner than later.” She waved me off, sat back down at the booth, drank her herbal tea, and looked out at the shining window. I walked away, made my way up the stairs, and into what used to be me and The Jester's old room, now Cadeos room, made with a single bed, posters on the wall, a bookcase, dresser, and little TV on a dusty nightstand at the end of the room. Next to the bed was a desk and an office chair, sat in by Cadeo. His desk had a bunch of paperwork and what clearly were order numbers for product as well a whole host of things pinned to a poster board above the desk. I walk in, sit on his bed facing the desk and explain everything … … … after about three hours, I give the general summary of my involvement with Alzon, as well as how I ended up on his, wanted fucking dead list … after that, I said my goodbyes and left, walking out of the house and back down the street … now … for preparations … I go to the store and pick up a few ingredients … a bag of unbleached all-purpose flour, a bag of granulated sugar, a little thing of active dry yeast, some kosher salt with extra virgin olive oil, semolina with all-purpose flour, pureed canned San Marzano tomatoes, a few things of fresh garlic, a little wedge from the Italian market of parmigiano-reggiano accompanied with a little thing of fresh mozzarella and finally … some fresh basil leaves. I leave and make my way to one last stop … Oma’s … this however was an all-business trip … no time to chit chat or hear her yell at the meatloaf-shaped mini hund for not eating his puppy food garnished in seizure medication. (He has seizures) I walk to the front door, ring her electric camera doorbell and … the door opens, she rushes out and gives me a big hug, then slips me what I came for … a box … a box full of Belgian Dark Chocolate. “Das für M?” Ja ja. She looked at me, smiled, and with eyes wide and big, did a peace sign with her hand and motioned back and forth between my eyes and hers saying. “I know what this means Ja … you know I know ah?” Huh? What? She slowly disappeared back into the front door, closing it slightly “Bow Chicka Wow Wow!” Shut Up! It's just a gift damn it. She laughed and said she loved me and shut the door. That woman is … still the same old Oma for sure. I laugh and walk off, back to the apartment, to surprise M with … a little fun joint task. Aka … making a margarita pizza. (Her favorite) with of course the added dark chocolate for dessert … and another secret awaiting that ties the pizza and evening all together. I go up the elevator and down the hall, knock on the door, and await my personal hot blonde door woman. M opens the door and sees my small grocery bag filled up and immediately looks wide-eyed and tries to reach for it, saying. “OOH Whatcha get!? … let me see” I smack her hand away. Ugh ugh ugh … I gotta prep what's in here first, which you can't see, not yet. So get your happy little ass in the bedroom and wait till I say to come out, ok? “*Gasp* Oh my God!? … a real surprise huh? Wow, it's almost like I took care of you for four in a half months and this is my reward.” Yeah yeah yeah …
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ajoytobeheld · 11 months
Top Thirteen Films of 2011 (in no particular order)
January 7th, 2012
Oh Kristen Wiig where have you been all my cinematic life?  Your representation of female friendships was bitterweet and your impersonation of a penis was accurate.
Any other director then Nicolas Winding Refn and any other actor then Ryan Gosling and this film could have been directed by Tony Scott and staring Nicholas Cage or Liam Neeson. What a hideous thought. That lift/elevator scene is one of the best things I have seen all year, and I saw a man fit through a tennis racquet.
If this list was in any notable order this would definetely be top.
My first of two Tom Hiddleston films. Pure coincidence. I swear. I really enjoyed the sentiment of this Woody Allen film. A love letter to the literary and cultural greats he admires so feverishly and (you suspect) continually tries to emulate. And Adrian Brody makes a great Dali. It is a nice little dedication to his inspirations and I loved loved watching his interpretations of the personal lives of the great writers from the days of yore. Like Grazia for the readers digest crowd.
Terence Malick can be called many things (mostly by Sean Penn) but unambitious is certainly not one of them. This beautifully flawed film (perfection is sooo overated) manages to cover some pretty big themes (God, morality, the loss of innocence and creation of the universal to name but a few) in a relatively normal running time and introduces us to the talent and luminance that is Jessica Chastain. (Look at her being all the embodiment of Grace and that)
I thought it was at its best when the camera quietly and beautifully observed the relationship between the brothers and parents, like a wonderful hazy memory played in the minds eye of Sean Penn’s troubled architect, and at its worst when the overly earnest voiceovers kicked in. I could have done without those dinosaurs too…. Ultimately it is a far more interesting film thematically and visually then many others that came out last year, even if Sean Penn had no idea what as going on.
Not the best plot, nor the best film but the best chemistry I have seen between too actors (Emily Blunt and Matt Damon) all year. Genuinely elevated the film for me to something particularly special.
Watch it and have fun with it you. Have most fun with the bit where they can travel through magical doors that don’t bend to the laws of physics, but only if they are wearing Trilby’s.
An Australian film about a dysfunctional crime family that both terrifies and disturbs with acting and camera work that is never hysterical or overplayed, just considered and very well done. Jacki Weaver gives a masterclass in acting as a truly terrifying matriarch who makes Joe Pesci look like a de clawed puppy dog with no testicles. Her Oscar nom was very well deserved.
80,0000 people submitted videos to youtube showing the mundane and interesting events that occurred to them on July 24 2010 and Ridley Scott, Kevin Macdonald and Joe Walker edited it together into a documentary. It produces a smorgasboard of emotions and you can watch it here FOR FREE (what else are you going to be doing? Making some kind of sandwich?)
Weird and dark and mental and made by the guy with the squeaky voice in Police Academy. Robin Williams stars as the father of a throughly unpleasant boy who makes his sons terminal asphyxia wank look like a suicide making him an unlikely poster boy for a mis understood generation.
A very British affair with Rachel Weiz as a post war lady who surrenders herself to the tragedy of romantic love but with a steely determination and a stiff upper lip. It felt like a play, but a really good one.
The first time I saw this film I got motion sickness and had to leave the cinema, the second time I sat further back and closed my eyes for the first ten minutes. Its ending left me in a state of complete and utter despair, confusion and flux. I thank Lars Von Tier for this reaction. The opposite of apathy. The opposite of comfort. The opposite of “meh.”
This British film about two hit mens “last job” made me feel sick and unnerved for a good long while. Part Coronation Street and Part Wicker man, it’s a very hard piece not to wake up sweating about in the middle of the night.
A low budget sci fi film that isn’t really about sci fi but the chance we all have at redemption. Or something like that. Written by and starring Brit Marling, it uses some fairly dodgy science to explore the idea of parallel universes but in a very personal way. The last two minutes are totally killer too.
Senna is composed solely from archive footage thus The Academy have ruled it out as a best documentary contender. FOOLS. It is a excellent film about brazilian Formula 1 racing car driver Ayrton Senna, and his triple world championship winning ways and hopefully the much more sensible BAFTA team will give it the recognition it deserves.
Other Notable Contenders
Thor (This film was a monkey barral load of fun, thanks Kenneth and thanks Tom Hiddlestone and OMG AVENGERS! AM I RIGHT?) We Need to Talk about Kevin The Skin I Live In Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Hugo Super 8 Beginners Rise of the Planet of the Apes
and the less said about X Men the better.
Ellen x
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