#Puella's Kaiten theory
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So, there's the visual elements out of the way.
Furthermore, puellamagi wiki states "In modern film and literature, snow globes often symbolize childhood, innocence or so-called "happy days." (Adding onto the idea that that girl is Elly because shes younger)
She also is the only girl in the trailer (aside from Madoka and Homura) to actually be interacting with anyone else, being Nagisa, which matches up with her familiar's idea of being paired up: one winged angels.
I've had the idea that Elly / Kristen would have been a young girl for a long time, since puellamagi wiki says H.N stands for handle name, and Elly also has references to Idols (on her TV screen, and allegedly her name being a reference to Eri from Idolm@ster), I thought she might have run a fanblog/forum etc.
Thats everything for Cinnamon Buns.
Finally, we move onto our final girl, only left with Elsa Maria:
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To be honest, this is where my theory fails because I don't really know enough to connect the two! We can't see her face or infer anything, and all we see is her shooting an arrow from homura's bow and then jumping off. So for now, she's just taking the final spot. (PART TWO OF TWO)
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daisukoth · 1 year
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ohhh my god do i hope this theory ends up being true. It just makes so much sense for the Clara Dolls to be able to disguise as Homura in some way, they're all her after all
We also know familiars are able to grow into witches themselves after consuming enough souls
Another point id like to make:
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2. Nekura: The second one to come was Gloominess. Walking out with a tapping sound, she sneered at Good-for-Nothing. “This is Good-for-Nothing! How very unbecoming.” These dolls are only disciples of Freedom, and are devoted to their lust for it.
10. Mie: The tenth to come running is Vanity. She exaggeratedly avoids Good-for-Nothing's head and says a few words. “I wouldn't be able to bear dirtying my cape with that sticky blood!” These dolls make fun of the witch's self-mu tilation.
I feel like this fits the other Homuras in the trailer quite well
Nekura's name would also explain why that Homura is hiding under the umbrella's shade:
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himehomu · 11 months
While we all are pretty much aware that this is Madoka's concept art outfit finally being used for her new Magical Girl design, there seems to be a lock and some chains around her ribcage. The first thing I thought about was the metaphor “hearts are wild creatures, that's why our ribs are cages” which is meant to illustrate that the heart cannot be governed, that it will go anyway it wants, that it is uncontainable, hence the “wild creature” title, and the heart being a “wild creature”, needs to be encased, limited, caged, hence the “rib cage”. This could symbolize a lot in terms of Madoka's character, but one of my theories is that Madoka's memories of every loop where Homura fought for her and never gave up, the realization that someone like Madoka, whom has never seen herself as worthy of anything, let alone love, unless she was helping or being of use to someome else, actually had someone all this time who's loved her for who she is, not what she can do for others, the clarity of “oh. this is the love letter I've always wanted,” the reciprocation of Homura's love that transcends time and space, all of that is locked away with the final memory wipe at the end of Rebellion. Maybe the metaphorical key to unlocking it is her finally regaining all of those memories, all of that love. Of course, she'd have to regain her godhood to do so. My second theory is that maybe this is meant to symbolize Madoka's ultimate sacrifice being locked away both as a means to keep her alive as a human and as a means to spare Homura anymore grief; maybe eventually Homura's acceptance of her death and acknowledgement of her grief will be the symbolical key to unlocking Madokami... which unfortunately will kickstart the inevitable battle between God and the Devil.
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cocoa-bird · 1 year
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OK last small theorizing off of the trailer on poster but there’s like multiple homura in both the shots with this tower and on the key visual there are multiple homuras??
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sillyhampterkohane · 10 months
Walpurgis no Kaiten theories + predictions:>
I have not watched/read/played Magica Record and have not read the mangas, these are just silly fan theories so don't throw a fit if these are inaccurate. ( I'm talking to the super hard core fans who don't touch grass )
Your still welcome to tell me if I missed something, just don't be harsh about it.
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• So you know the scene where some unknown magical girl is shooting a bow and arrow? And then afterwards she seems to go through some transformation sequence? There's a theory I saw on Tik Tok, and it's kind of interesting, where the unknown magical girl could potentially be Walpurgisnacht. Now, I know Walpurgisnacht is supposed to be a build up of magical girls ( I think that's cannon, correct me if I'm wrong ), but there has to be a starting point. An original girl that died and was turned into a witch, forming the structure for Walpurgisnacht. So what if this unknown girl is her?
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• Possible Homura Tamura? The scene that shows multiple Homura's on a building could be referring to the spin off manga, ' Homura Tamura ', where there's basically a whole bunch of Homuras. So what if, all of the universes/timelines Homura has created clash together? That could be what this scene could be referring too and their all either enemies or they come together to try to save Madoka. Because in every timeline that is Homura's goal, meet Madoka again and save her.
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• WHAT HAPPENED TO SAYAKA???!!!!??? So we learned that wishes can be altered, kind of? Like how are first Homura wishes to fight with Madoka but then goes back further in time to get to Madoka before her contract with Kyubey. So what if something similar happened to Sayaka and ugly violin boy? I'm thinking maybe in an alternate universe she makes a different wish, which causes her to not get the healing ability. But then that contradicts the thing that magical girls can heal fast. So, what if something happened to the soul gem? Cause that's been proven to cause extreme pain if mishandled. The series proves that Sayaka isn't responsible with the soul gem Kyubey gave her. But I'm not completely sure.
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• Last but not least, will devil Homura make a reappearance? Because at the end of Rebellion it's implied she finally gets her 'happy ending'. But what happened to devil Homura ( apologies if this has already been explained somewhere else ). Will Homura have to make another huge sacrifice to try and get back that sense of a normal life for Madoka? I feel like that would be really cool depending on how it's done.
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madokakanamereal · 1 year
My theory about the new movie
I think that there are two homuras, as we see in the subtle difference in eye and hair color-
One is the real Homura, tasked with managing her new world, and the other is the last Clair doll - Ai, the personification of 'Love'.
I think that Homura tasked her familiars with helping her manage her new labyrinth, and Ai was assigned the duty of keeping an eye on Madoka and protecting her and ensuring she doesnt return to the heavens.
However, I think Ai is rebelling against Homura because of the fact that Homura is denying herself her deepest wishes of being with- truly being with- Madoka, and so Ai will act on her own accoord and start to interact with Madoka more, gaining more of her love by posing as Homura and taking her place.
I think we will see a lot more religious trauma themes and themes of internalized lesbiphobia as Homura is forced to unpack and relearn why she thinks she is evil for loving Madoka and why she thinks she isn't allowed to for fear of dirtying her-
And I think somehow, the plot twist of the movie is going to be that this all somehow culminates in either Homura, a mix of Homura and Madoka, or the main girls being what eventually becomes Walpurgisnacht in a cycle that leads to the worlds creation once more.
That being said, I don't see any of this as being like 'THIS WILL HAPPEN, BECAUSE IM RIGHT-', this is just my little theory poking at straws from the few details we have been given :3
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Could this be the mystery girl from the first trailer?
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The sleeves are kinda similar
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mooniety · 1 year
so the 2nd trailer for the fourth madoka magica movie JUST came out & i wanna talk about a few theories i have after seeing it:
here's a link to the trailer if you accidentally missed it (there's english subtitles)
The Walpurgisnacht is a culmination of the Holy Quintet's stripped away powers (I'll get to this theory later) & the 15th Clara Doll, Ai (Love), which is why the Clara Doll is stated to "have yet to arrive." This would somewhat make sense as Walpurgisnacht is officially known as the Stage Witch with an unidentified name, who is a culmination of multiple witches & why Homura in the beginning of the trailer dresses in an attire similar to Walpurgisnacht. Let's not forget how familiars are able to become witches themselves.
The Homura lookalike we see in the most recent trailer poster & in certain parts of the trailer could be the Clara Dolls, who have taken the shape of a possibly idealized version of Homura that Homura thinks Madoka would enjoy/be deserving of Madoka's love. Because the Clara Dolls' purpose is to torment Homura, this idealized version of Homura could be the main source of the actual Homura's torment in this world. Not to mention that the Homura lookalike's headband shares a lot of resemblance to the Clara Dolls' typical clothing. Furthermore, as we pan down a large obscure tower of chains, chairs, & etc., there are three different Homuras among the Clara Dolls. In the trailer, the Homura at the bottom is identified to be the real Homura & when you count them all together, it equals 15. Assuming that Ai isn't one of the Clara Dolls we see standing on the tower, Ai is still nowhere to be seen.
Ai may be the magical girl who we see fall down the roof/turn into a witch (possibly the Walpurgisnacht) in the trailer & where Homura may be keeping the Holy Quintet's stripped away powers. This is because we see that this anonymous magical girl not only wields Mami's powers (ribbons) but also Madoka's (a bow). Interestingly, the magical girl's motif is purple & the bow she wields looks exactly like Homura's at the end of the TV anime, basically confirming her connection to Homura. The Clara Doll may be the new "Madoka" Homura has instated in replacement of the actual Madoka, so Madoka no longer has to become a magical girl to save the world. After all, the person Homura loves the most is Madoka.
The Holy Quintet have been stripped of their original powers aka their somewhat different outfits, which could be due to Homura attempting to keep them from fighting back against her rule as they most likely (& definitely for Sayaka) want to reinstate the original Law of Cycles, or possibly worse, Kyubey's control over the magical girl system. Thus Homura has decided to hide their original powers into the anonymous magical girl we see throughout the trailer. This can be seen in Sayaka's redesign, whose power was to heal quickly, now, she's draped in bandages - bandages that noticeably cover her mouth, which could be related to the ending of Rebellion where she confronts Homura's changes to the world & destruction of the Law of Cycles. Mami's outfit seems to have a lot less ribbons & flowers as well, which was a large motif of hers. As for why Homura's own magical girl design is different as well, if you look closely, her outfit is cut very similarly to her devil outfit in Rebellion, which is slightly reinforced by the frame of her soul gem being black instead of gold.
Although it could be very much an animation mistake, Mami's eyes are different, which could hint that she's much more younger or less jaded than she was in all of the original timelines Homura time looped in before the events of Rebellion. This could mean that all of the girls (& hopefully Sayaka as well lol) are living much more happier lives/the lives they wanted, despite being vaguely aware that something seems off.
The Holy Quintet gathering in an abandoned building (other than Homura & Madoka, who Homura obviously refuses to let become a magical girl, let alone be aware of such a thing) may be related to the Walpurgisnacht arriving (aka the title Walpurgisnacht: Rising), whose destruction may have been undone after Homura destroyed the Law of Cycles, thus they're meeting in order to make a plan on how to destroy it in this current world or put a stop to Homura. & assuming if they want to stop her, they will all have to band together to put a stop to her. This could add onto the theory that the Holy Quintet led to the creation of the Walpurgisnacht, as the real life event, Walpurgisnacht/Walpurgis Night is the gathering of multiple witches at once, & what do magical girls become when their soul gems become corrupted? Witches. This means witches are back, WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, if you missed Nagisa, I wouldn't fret, as in the official website, Nagisa is confirmed to make a return, YAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm still a little disappointed how they didn't include her in the trailer though.)
so here's a crack theory that has seemingly revived & now seems far more sensical because of this trailer:
Because a figure very similar to Homura or just Homura herself is wearing attire that strongly resembles the Walpurgisnacht, she could very much be Walpurgisnacht herself, especially now that she has the power of a devil. & when you put it into perspective how the Walpurgisnacht has no official name & how Homulilly in Rebellion was stated to only evolve into a useless witch because it was missing the 15th Clara Doll, Ai, Homulilly may very much be its actual name. Not to mention how our Homura lookalike is under a parasol that looks vaguely similar to the ruffles of the Walpurgisnacht's dress skirt & stands in an area akin to a stage when Madoka meets her. It doesn't help either that the line the trailer ends on is "And so, let the curtain rise on tonight's dream." This could theoretically mean that in every timeline, Homura has been fighting herself. Madoka Magica has become a psychological anime if it wasn't already - it really is all just an inner struggle.
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mahoutoons · 1 year
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miraclepatty · 1 year
Spoilers for Pmmm and Rebellion ahead!
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Okay holy shizzle the art style is different! They lost the brown line art but that’s okay! The new outfits are definitely something! I love sayakas and it makes me wonder why they changed.
My theory for this movie is that Walpurgis is going to be the one that rises up against Homura whether it be in a human or witch form. In Rebellion all the witches came back to fight except Walpurgis and the trailer puts a lot of attention on her. Personally, I think Walpurgis represents how Madoka is supposed to act in Homura’s eyes:
“It’s nature is helpless, a symbol of a fool that spins round and round.”
In the very first timeline Madoka is confident even when she knows she’s in a life or death situation. But as Homura keeps turning the clock Madoka becomes less confident until the very end when she’s a goddess and has memory of everything. Now Madoka and Homura are back right where they started with Homura being all knowing while Madoka is kept in the dark (although probably not for long)
And I wanna mention Sayaka too. I think the bandages over her face are going to be symbolic. If we’re assuming that the outfit changes are Homura’s doing then it could portray her dislike for Sayaka, having her cover up or having the bandages cover her mouth.
I’m so dang excited and I hope this comes into theaters in the U.S! This series was my childhood and got me through tough moments in my life and I’m excited to see how the girls changed just like I have.
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atamascolily · 1 year
Notes on Walpurgisnacht's mandala
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I realized something interesting last night - Walpurgisnacht's mandala is drawn in the same style as her countdown signs. It's just difficult to see because normally her body is in the way, but you can clearly make it out in this shot from the "Prologue in Heaven" sequence in episode 1:
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For comparison, here is what her countdown signs look like. As you can see, the little circles on the outside with the pattern that reminds me of a peacock's tail are present in both imagines.
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The next ring in on the mandala appears to be spirals that could be a stylized 6 or a 9, or a stylized hurricane.
The third ring has something that could be stylized runes--my guess is 'Walpurgisnacht', which the Puella Magi Wiki says is written in the countdown signs--but I have not been able to confirm that yet. And at the center is a stylized flower, from which a dark triangular shadow appears to issue.
(I have so many questions about what is going on in the "Prologue in Heaven" sequence and why it was included in the first place, but we'll leave it at that for now.)
By the way, the technical term for these signs is "film leaders"--they were inserted into the film to give the projectionist time to thread the projector. Once the countdown reaches the end, the film would often switch to a test image known as a "China girl" for color calibration. Is that what we're seeing in the Prologue, and that's why the colors seems to fluctuate for a moment? I don't know, but it's interesting to think about!
You know who else gets countdown signs? Homura! Here's one that the animators added to one of the recap movies immediately after a new scene where she walks through a skeletal forest:
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These have the same basic form as Walpurgisnacht's but are not as elaborate, and take the shape of Homura's shield. Note that they also have the similar spiral pattern as the second layer of Walpurgisnacht's mandala, too.
Both Walpurgisnacht and Homura's countdowns also have stuff going on the background--very stylized, ornate drawings that resemble nineteenth-century European engravings. Homura's also has cogs and gears, which are a recurring visual motif, while Walpurgisnacht's includes a star-shaped sigil that looks an awful lot like that of the Law of Cycles (minus the wings at the base):
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Here's a version of Homura's countdown from Rebellion, with a better look at the surrounding marks. Unlike Walpurgisnacht's, these are much less elaborate, but the ones at the compass-points take a diamond-shape, just like Homura's soul gem.
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Note also that these move in time with the ticking of a clock--this is a time-keeping device, after all.
Just for fun, here's the Law of Cycles version, which combines elements from Walpurgisnacht's mandala with the circus pennants that Walpurgisnacht's familiars use to drag her along in the original series:
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The obvious question for me is why Madokami has so many symbolic motifs from Walpurgisnacht--yes, we saw her absorb the witch at the end of the original series, but why use so many of those attributes, especially when Walpurgisnacht herself does not appear in this movie? What exactly is their relationship?
So what does this mean? I mean, I have my own theories, but for now, it's certainly interesting how much Walpurgisnacht and Homura (and Walpurgisnacht and Madokami) have in common, and these are details I hadn't noticed before. It will be interesting to see what, if any of this, is expanded upon in Walpurgis no Kaiten...
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blepzebul · 1 year
my one and only theory is that Walpurgis no Kaiten is gonna evolve into the Puella Magi Homura Tamura movie of my dreams
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garr9988 · 3 years
So, while looking through other people’s posts about Walpurgis no Kaiten, I came across one that pointed out that in the “0″ of “Scene 0″, there’s a visible “358″ on its lower left side:
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It may or may not mean anything, really, but that number is what you get when you subtract 7 from 365. So, maybe “Scene 0″ and/or Walpurgis no Kaiten will deal with... a lost week? A week erased from the approximately month-long span of each of Homura’s timeline? Or at least a specific, very eventful week?
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Another theory: the white pupils.
The same friend who debated with me on the other idea had their own idea, which here I am just developing on.
We thought, since Nagisa or Sayaka don't have white pupils, it wouldn't be related to them being witches immediately, but if we lead on from my other theories about them being witches + the homuras being Clara dolls, we came up with the idea that they could be like Madoka's secretaries but on Homura's side instead.
It matches up, since there's two for each, being sayaka&nagisa and green/cinnamon.
I was thinking they could be Homura's retaliation to Madoka or a sort of revenge / "look what I can do now" type thing.
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My theory regarding our 3 new girls:
We all know that Nagisa and Sayaka are Madoka's "secretaries", brought back from becoming witches, so I immediately thought of these 3 in the same way.
With that background information in place, I went through the list of witches in the original 2011 TV anime:
Charlotte, Gertrude, Elsa Maria, Oktavia, H.N.Elly, Gisela, Roberta, and Walpurgisnacht. (I didn't include the ones we only saw familiars for)
We can immediately rule out Charlotte & Oktavia since we all know they are Nagisa & Sayaka. Furthermore, I doubt either of them are going to be Walpurgisnacht because we already know she's an amalgamation of girls, and who I have a separate theory for.
That leaves: Gertrude, Elsa Maria, Gisela, Roberta and H.N Elly.
After that I decided to rule out the witches we only saw in flashbacks, which were Roberta & Gisela.
So, we have a perfect 3 witches left: Gertrude, Elsa Maria, & H.N Elly.
I think the most on-the-nose obvious one would be the green girl as gertrude:
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She obviously has the green hair which is commonly associated with plants, i personally was reminded of leaves or trees when i saw her, which are present in the background. She also has a purse with flowers on it, but other than visually there isnt much else to go off of.
A friend of mine brought up that the tattoo on her nail isn't the same as the symbol on Gertrude's grief seed:
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Initially I'd said it could've been a placeholder or that it disproved the theory but I later realised that Mami's fingernail is also different to her soul gem & grief seed, so it's still possible.
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What I think takes away the credibility of the theory is the lack of rose imagery, considering gertrud's obsession.
Secondly, H.N Elly as Cinnamon Buns:
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The reason I think she's H.N Elly and specifically not Elsa Maria, is because of this section of the puellamagi wiki:
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And we can see this girl is still a mitakihara student, probably a first year at that since she seems young, as a similar age to Nagisa.
Its also evident that Elly has pigtails, which I thought held some relevance since Mami's hair looks like ribbons, parallel to Candeloro's arms being ribbons, and Nagisa's pigtails being present in Charlotte: (PART 1: REBLOG, CHECK TAG "PUELLA'S KAITEN THEORY" )
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mahoutoons · 1 year
so walpurgis no kaiten trailer is out but i still wanna know... what the HELL happened to this??
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