#Public Prosecution
simply-ivanka · 6 months
Tony Bobulinski:
Joe Biden Was ‘the Brand’
Excerpts from the written testimony of Hunter Biden’s business partner.
These are excerpts from the written testimony of Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, submitted to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee Tuesday. Mr. Bobulinski is scheduled to testify before the committee Wednesday. Joe, Hunter and Jim Biden have disputed some of Mr. Bobulinski’s allegations.
I want to be crystal clear: From my direct personal experience and what I have subsequently come to learn, it is clear to me that Joe Biden was “the Brand” being sold by the Biden family. His family’s foreign influence peddling operation—from China to Ukraine and elsewhere—sold out to foreign actors who were seeking to gain influence and access to Joe Biden and the United States government.
Joe Biden was more than a participant in and beneficiary of his family’s business; he was an active, aware enabler who met with business associates such as myself to further the business, despite being buffered by a complex scheme to maintain plausible deniability.
If there is no evidence of corruption—if Joe’s conduct and the conduct of his family were fully legal and proper—then why are they so dishonest about it? Not just slight misrepresentations of fact but deep untruths about the entire corrupt enterprise.
Hunter Biden gave his transcribed interview to the House Oversight Committee on February 28 and lied throughout his testimony. Here are just three key examples of his perjury:
1. In Hunter’s transcript (Page 42), he states, “I officially began to do work for CEFC when the—when I received a retainer from CEFC in early—or spring of 2017.”
Why, then, did Hunter yell at CEFC Executive Director Zang in front of his entourage as I sat right next to him in New York City on Sunday May 7th, 2017? Hunter was adamant that he was owed the rest of the $20 Million CEFC had committed to paying for the work he had claimed he had done in prior years.
2. On Page 48 of his transcript, Hunter is asked, “He’s never interacted with any of your business associates. Is that correct?” The “He’s” is a reference to Joe Biden.
Hunter responds, “Yes.”
Hunter arranged the meeting between his father and me at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles on May 2, 2017. The sole reason Hunter wanted me to meet his father was because I was the CEO of Sinohawk, the Bidens’ partnership with CEFC. I was a business associate. In his transcript, Hunter confirms that that meeting with Joe took place and incriminates his Uncle Jim for perjury by confirming it.
3. Hunter also lied to the Committee about important details concerning his money demands and threats to CEFC on July 30 and July 31, 2017. He leveraged his father’s presence next to him in that infamous text in order to strong-arm CEFC into paying Hunter immediately, and in the process defrauded the partners of Sinohawk Holdings LLC and Oneida Holdings LLC. The threat worked, as a few days later the Chinese wired $5 million dollars into a company of which Hunter owned 50%. It’s important to remember that the CEFC considered this money an interest-free loan to the “Biden family,” and planned to send more. I have the email from CEFC to prove it.
Jim Biden also lied extensively throughout his transcribed interview before the Oversight Committee on February 21, and ironically, Hunter Biden—in his own testimony as outlined above—confirmed that Jim Biden perjured himself:
1. Jim has been selling “plausible deniability” for so many years he can’t tell truth from the lies. On Page 100 of his transcript, he is asked: “Do you recall having a meeting with Hunter Biden, and Tony Bobulinski and Joe Biden?”
Jim’s response: “Absolutely not.”
The Committee was so shocked by his perjury they tried to ask the question again in a slightly different way:
“It’s your testimony here today that meeting never took place?”
Jim responds, “Yes sir,” “that I was present for.”
The Committee tried again: “Do you recall whether you were at the bar with Hunter Biden, Tony Bobulinski and Joe Biden?”
Jim responds: “That I know did not happen.”
Jim adds further, “But my brother was never there.”
On Page 134, delusional Jim Biden reiterates his untruthful answer again after the Committee showed him messages confirming I met with Joe Biden.
Jim Biden states, “Joe Biden never met with Tony Bobulinski.”
That is just a flat-out lie.
2. On Page 124 of his transcript, Jim Biden states, “It was Hunter Biden, myself, Gilliar. I don’t know. It was the five. Okay? And everybody was 20 percent. Okay? You know what was never executed. It was never signed.”
Jim was then presented with a fully executed copy of the Oneida Holdings operating agreement that he and I had both signed along with Hunter Biden, Mr. James Gilliar and Mr. Robert Walker. On Page 132, Jim tries to claim he was not a member of Oneida Holdings.
Jim is so dedicated to his lies that he describes the Oneida document, a large legal document signed by the Biden business partners, as something that I might have come up with after drinking a “quart of gin” (Page 124). It’s absurd.
3. Jim Biden further lies by claiming “Bobulinski was trying to usurp and replace Hunter Biden.” (Page 123)
Hunter Biden, Robert Walker, James Gilliar and Jim Biden asked me to step in as CEO of the business. I did not ask them. I tried to walk away from Sinohawk multiple times only to be convinced to stay on, including on one occasion by Jim Biden himself. The company was controlled by a Board of which the 4 of them could out-vote me on anything. They had control of the company. . . .
Why is Joe Biden blatantly lying to the American people? . . . If he were doing nothing wrong, why go through this insane exercise of obstructing and denying obvious facts? . . .
The reason is because the Biden family’s profiting of tens of millions of dollars from our strategic opponents and corrupt individuals and entities around the world—without delivering any goods or services and while putting in minimal effort and work—causes Americans to rightly question any policies from this administration that apparently benefit those same strategic opponents and corrupt individuals and entities. Just read the latest motion by the Department of Justice related to Hunter Biden’s criminal indictments in California; the DOJ states that he made large sums of money for very little work.
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trans-axolotl · 23 hours
just got a fucking wild email from my lawyer what the fuck
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coochiequeens · 10 months
“Is it safe for one violent perpetrator, who is biologically male, to disrupt the lives of hundreds of incarcerated women for up to 14 years?"
By Genevieve Gluck December 4, 2023
A trans-identified male in the Netherlands charged with committing a brutal murder has been placed in a women’s prison ahead of his final hearings. Known only as “Daniela D.,” the 32-year-old Chilean national is accused of having stabbed a man 214 times, targeting his eyes, ears, and genitals.
The incident is said to have occurred on December 23 of 2022 during an altercation that took place at the home of Danny Roth. Daniela was reportedly working as a prostitute at the time in the Rotterdam region, with Roth being an occasional client.
Details of the moments leading up to the killing are unclear, though Daniela’s lawyer has attempted to forward “a case of self-defense excess.” with Daniela testifying that Roth had taken drugs which caused him to hallucinate.
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“Danny took a hallucinogenic pill, a coffee-colored capsule. He dragged me by the hair to the kitchen. He threw a knife at me and I deflected it with my hand. He shouted ‘fucking whore’ and proceeded to punch me in the face and it really hurt. I have silicone all over my body and it was causing injuries,” Daniela said. He stated that he repelled the attack with his hand, sustaining an injury, and during the struggle Roth dropped the knife. Grabbing it from the floor, Daniela then began stabbing the man.
However, a forensic expert argued that Daniela’s claims do not align with the blood patterns spattered across the wall. According to an analysis of the crime scene, the victim’s blood was dusted high up across the walls. In Daniela’s version of events, the expert said, the blood would have mainly been on the ground and not “in an upward direction all around.”
An autopsy also showed that while there was alcohol and cocaine in Roth’s body, there were no traces of other substances, such as the purported “hallucinogenic pill” his system.
Additionally, Daniela made a disturbing admission in a recorded phone call shortly after the assault.
“I stabbed both eyes, so that he cannot recognize me when the police show him a photo. I stabbed his ears, so that he cannot hear questions from the police,” Daniela told a friend. “And I broke the bottle on his head. I didn’t want to stop hitting him.”
The Public Prosecution Service presented a different scenario from the story told by Daniela and pointed to the significant amount of cuts all over Roth’s body as an important indication of anger.
“The stabbing was deliberate and targeted. That is not fear, but anger and revenge. It is not self-defense but an attack.” A coroner determined that Roth’s penis was slashed with a knife after he was already dead.
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Roth’s body was found on December 26, three days after the fatal attack, by a friend and a neighbor who stopped by wondering where he was. Roth had not shown up for appointments, and his family had become concerned when they could not contact him over the holidays. Roth’s body was discovered lying on the floor, surrounded by a pool of blood.
The victim’s sister testified in court and strongly condemned Daniela while requesting the maximum possible sentence.
“I hope your hand still hurts every day. When you go to sleep, I hope you see his face. You had an overwhelming anger, from the top of your head to your toes. So bad that the most gruesome horror film is nothing like it,” Roth’s sister told the accused.
Daniela D. has been residing illegally in the Netherlands since February 2022, where he has been involved in the sex industry. The court heard that he came from a broken home and that he had been “bullied” as a youth by peers who did not accept his gender identity.
The Public Prosecution Service is seeking a sentence of fourteen years in prison. The court in Dordrecht will announce its final verdict on December 5.
Despite being fully intact, Daniela is being detained in Ter Peel women’s prison, and it is anticipated that should he be convicted, he will serve his sentence in a women’s institution.
Journalist Sybilla Claus, writing for Brabants Dagblad, called the situation “unacceptable” for female inmates.
“Is it safe for one violent perpetrator, who is biologically male, to disrupt the lives of hundreds of incarcerated women for up to 14 years? The director of the largest women’s prison, Ter Peel, between Venlo and Helmond, thinks it’s fine. He had the extremely violent Chilean suspect, with male genitalia, placed there among the 226 women,” Claus wrote.
“They have the right to their own protection, privacy and dignity… Research shows that a large proportion of imprisoned women have been victims of physical and/or sexual violence as children and afterwards, and end up in an abusive relationship.”
Claus emphasized that “there are few female criminals in the Netherlands. There are three women’s prisons … which house around 3,000 women annually. Most are released within three months, because they commit lighter crimes,” she wrote. “Behavioral scientist Katharina Joosen interviewed about four hundred former women inmates. She described in 2015 that half have a criminal or addicted partner and have been treated for serious psychological problems due to trauma.”
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veikkoalen · 7 months
i don't get how you can be friends with people on the opposite end of the political spectrum. if you're both hard leaning towards centrism then it's understandable, but in my case that's a matter of being a normal human being and being a cannibalistic nazi because politics here is not about being left or right for a long time.
apolitical people who are strictly against any political discussions are just gross
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The Nova Scotia government has approved the creation of 27 new positions in the Public Prosecution Service.
That's the arms-length agency that prosecutes criminal matters in the province. The new hires will include both Crown prosecutors and support staff and four of the new Crown positions will be designated for lawyers from diverse communities.
Justice Minister Brad Johns said following Thursday's cabinet meeting that the positions address a long-standing need and will be hired soon.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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always wonder how her partners feel about the completely one-sided Apollo feud lol
I know at least a couple would want her to stop. Especially if they had children. Because is that a good example for them? Someone embarrasses you one time and you terrorize them forever????
(Maria vc yes)
(Fun fact: It is hard to truly humiliate Maria, so the few people who manage to do it will be on her shit list for eternity)
I wonder if any would be indifferent or even encourage it tho omg
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antiqua-lugar · 1 year
there should be more garashir attorneys au like those bitches were born for fighting in court over the true meaning of justice and mercy and law at the slightest provocation
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remembertheplunge · 6 months
A miraculous day
Now 9:13pm or so---Cool--sun--beautiful--breath in the cool air day--the drive to work--fog--like gentle grey soft fingers rested 15 feet above as we flew to work---the sun rested high in etherial grey and light blue grace--trees down the way rested in grey mist peace--almost as if they had been wished up from some desperate need to relive the past. The past emerging from the mist, so to speak.
The day itself. The DA accused me in front of a jury of suborning purgery of a witness. I was outraged. My closing argument could be heard all the way to the next court room. A lawyer in trial in that court room told me later that his jurors were leaning to listen to me-- Three hours later. The jurors in my trial send out a question from the deliberation room. They want testimony re read. The DA and my client say it will be a guilty verdict. I say "you are right", and more time passes. I'm in agony. Did I improperly fail to object to the DA's misconduct re: attack on my integrity? Oh, I could barely live with myself. Then, a call from the court room bailiff. The jury is hung. Me "good". Agonizing minutes pass and finally, the judge declares a mistrial. Vindication!
End of this part of the entry
Both the Da and myself were outrageously loud in our closing arguments as I recall. The lawyer that I mentioned in the above entry who was in trial in the next court room told me that they assumed it was some kind of a divorce court proceeding because. it was so loud and angry!
The DA in my case was Jim Brazelton. We were friends before and after this trial. He went on to become the head Da for Stanislaus county. He died in 2007 after running the Stanislaus County DA's office for 9 years.
Trial is a very passionate affair. The lawyers know this and, at least in my experience, don't let what happens in trial effect our relationship outside of the court room.
This is one of my favorite stories from court, the shouting part of it. I have told it many times.
I probably started the 11/3/1987 entry with the poetry of the day to get me to a place where I could flow out onto the page the intense experience of the day.
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cicerobussytransplant · 11 months
a rlly good thesis topic would be to comb through all felonies pertaining to the family sphere & sort of analyse how much the core concept of the family (ie. patriarch has absolute authority, and any abuse of such authority becomes relevant only insofar as it destabilising the State) has stayed the same despite it having shifted from a familia to the nuclear family
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uhode · 6 months
the second i stop being pissed off about everything someone has to shoot me in the back of the head it’s over
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lifewithaview · 1 year
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Marta Dusseldorp in Janet King (2014) The Third Man
Andy questions Danny Novak after he is seen on surveillance with Blakely on the day he went missing. Richard takes it upon himself to look out for Danny's daughter, Tatum. Lina attends compulsory psychological counseling as part of working for the Department of Public Prosecutions.
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coochiequeens · 10 months
Just men using their authority and the legal system to silence people who tell the truth about their crimes.
By Genevieve Gluck December 2, 2023
A prominent LGBT activist and former member of Dutch Parliament has filed multiple defamation claims against his critics despite resigning amid accusations he sexually abused multiple young boys. Sidney Smeets, formerly an elected representative for the States General for the Democrats 66 (D66) party, had also come under fire for defending men involved in a pro-pedophile organization whose leaders have since been jailed for sex crimes.
On November 29, medical professional Jan B. Hommel stated that he had been notified of a legal complaint lodged against him by Smeets for a prior comment he made on social media calling the former MP a “pedophile.”
Hommel defended his use of the term, citing “testimonials from various boys, as have been frequently reported in various media,” referring to allegations of child sexual abuse made against Smeets in early 2021 which ultimately led to his decision to step down from his role in parliament.
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In addition to Hommel, social commentator Sander van Dam stated that he had received a phone call from the police in regards to calling Smeets a “groomer.”
“Just received a call from the police who told me that I can soon expect a summons from the Public Prosecution Service regarding a report that Sidney Smeets has filed against me. They have time for that. What a country,” van Dam wrote.
Former Rotterdam district councilor Rick Timmer was also made to defend himself in court in December of last year for calling Smeets a ‘kleuterneuker,’ which roughly translates in English to ‘toddler-fucker.’ In March 2023, Timmer was ordered to pay a fine of €750 ($816).
Smeets first resigned from his position representing D66 in April of 2021 following allegations that he had been sexually inappropriate with “dozens” of boys.
A social media post which kicked off the controversy was made by a 17-year-old claiming to be speaking up on behalf of the victims. He stated that Smeets would “often reach out to underage boys” on X (formerly Twitter), and said that he had known “dozens of boys” who had been approached by him in a sexual capacity. The teen further lamented the fact that Smeets, who he called a “pedo,” was representing “LGBTI rights” in a position of authority.
One of the victims told Hart van Nederland that he was 16 years old when he connected with Smeets on gay hook-up app Grindr. The boy had told Smeets that he was a minor, and the lawyer invited him to to his home. “He was quite direct and soon started kissing me and leading my head to his dick,” he told the newspaper. “I sucked him and I was outside again soon.”
The unnamed victim said that Smeets also shared photos of underage boys with him, and told the teen that it was his “worst fantasy” to have sex with someone under the age of 16. According to the victim, Smeets inquired as to whether he knew anyone “under 16” that the teen “trusts.”
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Another victim who spoke to the press described a similar pattern: he met Smeets through Grindr, and accepted the invitation to his home on multiple occasions, where Smeets would show him pornography to “get [him] in the mood.” On one occasion the boy, then 16, says he was pressured into performing sexual acts.
“Several people state that they have experienced contact with me as undesirable… I was very shocked about that, because it was never my intention,” Smeets said in a statement publicly announcing his resignation in April 2021. He did not deny the allegations, but said he was stepping down “to prevent the prestige of the House and the interest of the party from being harmed.”
In addition to being accused of grooming and child sexual abuse, Smeets has a history of defending a notorious pro-pedophile activist group. In 2014, Smeets was one of several signatories to a public appeal requesting that Vereniging MARTIJN be permitted to continue their pro-pedophilia advocacy. However, in April that year the Supreme Court banned the organization.
Smeets also spoke in defense of the group’s leader, Marthijn Uittenbogaard, in 2021. Uittenbogaard was charged with a criminal offense after he was found to be disregarding court orders by continuing Vereniging MARTIJN despite its official annulment. Smeets argued that Uittenbogaard was distributing pro-pedophilia materials on his own behalf as an individual rather than as a representative of the organization.
In 2022, Uittenbogaard and associate Norbert de Jonge were handed brief prison sentences for continuing the “activities of the banned association Martijn” by placing publications on various websites and making statements in favor of “pedosexuality” via a mailing list and on X (formerly Twitter). While released on appeal of his six-month prison sentence, Uittenbogaard fled the Netherlands.
Both Uittenbogaard and and his husband Lesley Luijs were detained in Ecuador, where they had been luring children to their hotel in order to sexually abuse them. The men were sentenced to ten years in prison by Ecuadorian authorities earlier this year.
The disgraced former MP additionally acted as a legal representative for a prominent member of Vereniging MARTIJN in 2020. Nelson Maatman was arrested in February that year on charges related to the possession of child pornography. According to the Public Prosecution Service, more than 10,000 images depicting minors in a sexual context were found on Maatman’s devices.
“You can make moral judgements about that, but you have to wonder whether it is child pornography. The Public Prosecution Service says so, but it is clear that this man was not looking for child pornography,” said Smeets in defense of Maatman.
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At the time, critics on social media noted that Smeets had been interacting with Maatman on Facebook, where he had been “liking” his posts.
Maatman would later be detained in Mexico after allegedly attempting to arrange for the purchase of a child. Maatman was arrested in Mexico City on June 5, after an anonymous tip was handed to the Mexican prosecutor’s office indicating that he intended to purchase an adolescent and sell child sexual exploitation material.
Upon arrest, police found Maatman in possession of 4 terabytes (4000GB) of child sexual abuse material across a number of external storage devices. Maatman also had photos of children in his clothing pocket, a weapon, and drugs.
The party for which Smeets was previously a representative, D66, actively promotes the concept of “gender identity” and was involved in drafting a proposed sex self-identification legislation in May 2021.
The proposal would allow teenagers, beginning from 16 years old, to change the sex marker on their birth certificate. On social media, Smeets has repeatedly stated his support for gender identity ideology, by posting photos of the transgender pride flag, for instance, or sharing videos of clownfish.
At the time, critics on social media noted that Smeets had been interacting with Maatman on Facebook, where he had been “liking” his posts.
Maatman would later be detained in Mexico after allegedly attempting to arrange for the purchase of a child. Maatman was arrested in Mexico City on June 5, after an anonymous tip was handed to the Mexican prosecutor’s office indicating that he intended to purchase an adolescent and sell child sexual exploitation material.
Upon arrest, police found Maatman in possession of 4 terabytes (4000GB) of child sexual abuse material across a number of external storage devices. Maatman also had photos of children in his clothing pocket, a weapon, and drugs.
The party for which Smeets was previously a representative, D66, actively promotes the concept of “gender identity” and was involved in drafting a proposed sex self-identification legislation in May 2021.
The proposal would allow teenagers, beginning from 16 years old, to change the sex marker on their birth certificate. On social media, Smeets has repeatedly stated his support for gender identity ideology, by posting photos of the transgender pride flag, for instance, or sharing videos of clownfish.
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Smeets has also expressed derision at women who oppose gender identity ideology, branding them “evil” and “sickening” TERFs, an acronym meaning “Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists,” used in an attempt to discredit opponents or to advocate for violence against them.
In June, Smeets showed his support for a controversial animated video released by Oxfam designed to celebrate Pride month. The promotional video appeared to depict a version of renowned author JK Rowling, with red eyes and a snarl, wearing a badge that read “TERF.”
He also hurled the term at outspoken Dutch women’s rights advocate Lydia Daniel, who has become a target for trans activists and is awaiting confirmation of whether she will face charges in response to a hate speech report filed against her by a trans-identified male for stating “a woman is an adult human female.” Daniel attracted Smeet’s ire after she protested during a public meeting of the Dutch Democratic Party (D66) in May and challenged the party’s leader, Sigrid Kaag, on whether she was aware that “women’s rights are being destroyed.”
Earlier this year, D66 came under fire after it was discovered that the official website for the Young Democrats, the “independent” youth wing of the political group, had published statements sympathetic to pedophilia which endorsed the production of “virtual child pornography,” and even the teaching of pedophilia as a sexuality in schools.
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mariocki · 6 days
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New Scotland Yard: Shock Tactics (1.6, LWT, 1972)
"Nobody's hurt. I went down to get the truth and I got it."
"The truth? Or a conviction?"
"Both. Well, alright, we already knew the truth, but this way we get our conviction too."
"Not 'our' conviction. And the Crown only gets it if this stands up."
"Well, why shouldn't it, it was voluntary. No duress, no threats, no promises."
"That's what you say."
#new scotland yard#shock tactics#lwt#classic tv#patrick alexander#john reardon#john woodvine#john carlisle#john normington#ray smith#john quentin#sheila gish#artro morris#frank middlemass#hugh morton#joyce cummings#pauline stroud#gareth forbes#derrick gilbert#mischa de la motte#a man kills his wife by scaring her; this leads into a fairly interesting thought experiment‚ as the onus of the police becomes#proving malicious intent rather than proving the act (which he freely admits). this leads to our first sight of our characters in court#indeed the third act is entirely courtroom drama‚ the prosecution case complicated by Carlisle's heavy handed attempts at#shocking the killer into admitting guilt naturally enough this drives another shouty wedge between him and Woodvine.. i am enjoying#this series but im struggling to think of another crime drama featuring main characters who so clearly do not enjoy nor#appreciate working together like this pair. it's an odd choice. Normington is our killer and cuts a rather pathetic figure‚ despite the#audience knowing up front that he did indeed plot his wife's death. the question of whether or not it is murder becomes a point#of purely legal technicality‚ out of our leads' hands‚ with just jolly old Ray Smith (on loan from Public Eye) to fight the good fight as#the prosecuting counsel. Middlemass has a rather scene stealing turn as a heavy drinking police surgeon (and gets the best moment in the#episode‚ serving Carlisle a drink in a dirty piece of medical apparatus but assuring him not to worry 'the whisky will sterilise it')
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vaspider · 3 months
I cannot stress enough how important it is that whatever you think of anything else, Trump Cannot Be President Again.
The "rip apart democracy and install an autocrat" group was not Ready for him in 2016. They didn't think he'd win.
They're ready now. They're teeing up for a second Trump president. Whatever your favorite current Thing, it would be worse under Trump, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they're going to try to make sure that they stay in power forever, by any means necessary.
SCOTUS basically just said, "If Trump sends the Army in to murder protestors, that's okay. If Trump assassinates a political rival with the armed forces of which he is the Commander In Chief, that's an official act, and there's no recourse."
Anything he can even vaguely justify as "an official act" - including installing people in the Justice Department to support his coup, including pressuring his VP to support his coup - is no longer a crime.
This isn't just me saying this, btw. Here's Robert Reich, lifelong public servant (and yes, dad of @samreich, since I know what's important to y'all):
Finally, the Republican-appointed justices have given a dangerous amount of discretion to presidents — broad enough, as Justice Sonia Sotomayor noted in her dissent, to protect presidents from prosecution for bribes and assassinations. A president already has the authority under the Insurrection Act to order troops into American streets. After today’s ruling, those troops would be under the command of a person who would almost certainly enjoy absolute immunity for the orders he gives them.
This is unbelievably terrifying.
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jonathanstims · 3 months
thinking again about how “female presenting” chests are considered inappropriate. brother that is fat. like. unless you’re breastfeeding/late pregnant that’s literally all fat. brother it’s the same thing as “male presenting” chests with fat. you ever seen a fat cis guy with his tits out? same thing. brother it’s FAT. brother please
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boreal-sea · 2 months
Who is Kamala Harris?
These are all from her Wikipedia page. I have picked the top 5 for each of these sections. Maybe you think other things are more important, these are just the things that stood out to me:
Highlights as District Attorney of San Francisco:
was tough on gun crime: created a gun crime unit, set 90-day minimum sentences, raised bail for gun-related crimes, and prosecuted all assault weapon possession cases as felonies.
created a hate crimes unit specifically focused on LGBTQ hate crimes against children and teens in school.
was (and is) against the death penalty; during her time as DA did not cave to pressure in several cases to seek the death penalty.
helped create the San Francisco Reentry Division, aimed at helping prisoners reintegrate after their sentences are through; the program became a national model.
refused to enforce prop 8, which was at the time California's ban on gay marriage.
Highlights as Attorney General of California
introduced the Homeowner Bill of Rights and fought against banks, mortgage companies, and credit card companies.
fought for financial reimbursement for public employee and teacher pensions.
fought for environmental protections and secured settlements and indictments against several oil companies for oil spills.
conducted a review of implicit bias in policing and the use of deadly force and introduced implicit bias training.
declared a law that California law enforcement had to collect and report police violence.
Highlights as a California Senator:
condemned Trump's Muslim ban.
opposed Trump's appointments of Betsy DeVos and Jeff Sessions, his nomination of Neil Gorsuch, and voted against confirming Kavanaugh.
tried to make lynching a federal hate crime.
urged the Trump administration to investigate the persecution of Uyghur Muslims in China.
voted to convict Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
Highlights as Vice president:
as President of the Senate, cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate that ensured the passing of the American Rescue Act.
has cast more tie-breaking votes than any other Vice president in US history - she is responsible for many of the achievements of the Biden administration actually passing the Senate.
created task forces on corruption and human trafficking.
created a women's empowerment program.
has criticized Israel's actions during the current conflict in Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire.
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