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Il n'y a plus de mystères, il n'y a que des inconnues
There are no more mysteries, there are only unknowns
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ninadove · 8 months
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[…] C’était son premier “Je t’aime”, en tant que récepteur et en tant qu’émetteur.
[…] It was his first “I love you”: the first he heard, the first he spoke.
— Psychopompe, by Amélie Nothomb
Guess what? I made more! 💜🦚
Amelie ⬆️
Gabriel & Emilie
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trueallyps · 6 months
Qui est le Psychopompe ?
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Le Psychopompe est le primordieu du Jugement. El est l’un des sept primordieux créés par EL, via son corps l’Adam Kadmon, à l’aube de la Création pour la façonner.
Le Psychopompe avait pour mission de juger les créations générées par l’Ordre-des-Astres pour ne garder que les meilleures.
Après la Première Shekkinah, la brisure dimensionnelle qui fit entrer les démons dans la Création, Adam Kadmon fut détruit. 
Le Psychopompe créa alors les chérubins pour aider à la reconstruction en étudiant la Création et en lançant de nombreuses industries.
El apprit aussi aux anges à juger les âmes des morts pour savoir si elles sont prêtes à continuer sur le chemin vers EL ou s’il faut les réincarner.
Le Psychopompe utilisait son épée Laevatein pour annihiler les créations.
Retrouvez l’héritage du Psychopompe dans le Cycle des Cieux disponible sur World Anvil.
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kerlhau · 2 years
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• Jour 10 •
Lune / oiseau psychopompe / plante grimpante
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editionskelach · 7 months
Heurtebise d'un soir
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Un jour, un livre aux Éditions Kelach.
Heurtebise d'un soir
Original - Ange - Psychopompe
Tic tac… Tic tac… Tic…
Le temps suspend son vol pour Auguste
lorsque, au détour d’une gare, il est choisi pour être un ange Heurtebise. Pour une nuit, il troque son costume d’expert-comptable contre celui de passeur d’âme ; le voilà gardien d’un suicidé inconnu qu’il doit accompagner jusqu’au bout de la route.
Ensemble, ils sautent dans ce train du dernier chemin pour un voyage étrange et angoissant à la destination définie et pourtant si incertaine…
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hymnoeides · 25 days
AHWKSJS I’m really happy my Hermes design is so well received, tysm everyone🥹,, Here’s a doodle that maybe depicts a little of my thought process with him!
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thesunoficarus1 · 1 month
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dpxdc Au: As Danny gets more comfortable as a “long term roomie” in Wayne Manor, he starts to have freinds over. Aka psychopomp AU
Danny decided to take Batman’s deal upon the JL shut down of the GIW and Fenton Labs. He’d been working with the various heroes for a minute while they pursued the illegal government branch and his mad scientist parents- when it was clear he wasn’t going to have a home to return to, the Bat said he had a civilian contact that could help him and Jazz.
Jazz was honestly so relieved that they wouldn’t have to start from zero in her college town- how could Danny possibly say no when it took so much stress off of his sisters plate? Begrudgingly, he gets back to the Big Bad Bat and gets the contact info for one Bruce Wayne. Adoption is refused but, Jazz and Danny are invited to stay for how ever long they need to get their feet under them.
Danny keeps a lot of distance between himself and the other kids in the house, only coming to the meals that Jazz also attends. She’s pretty busy with classes during the day but it’s becoming clear that she’s also spending “quality time” with one of the older guys that stops by for dinner. Jazz advocates that he start to integrate himself or find a local community and after months of being a shit about it- Danny agrees to make new friends. He never said they would be alive tho.
Thus, Danny becomes Gothams local psychopomp. He just starts inviting the Shades of the unavenged for tea time in the west wing gardens. Alfred is always happy to supply tea and snacks, Danny doesn’t understand how the man doesn’t have more questions but is going to push his luck by asking. Wayne Manor is high key becoming the most haunted spot in the city and it’s starting to show.
Tim is the first to notice the changes in the Manor- he’s always been the smartest detective- and joins Danny at one of his tea times. What he hears Danny and the vague shape of a man talk about… is an old cold case. Holy shit, he’s got a break through.
Jason is the next to show up, but not because of the flickering lights or cold air, because he’s just maybe the teensiest bit interested in Jazz. Danny initially ignores him but seeing as the shades are all quivering in fear, Danny sighs and ultimately tries to figure out this dudes “whole undead deal”. Jason just wants to know what her favorite meal is but Danny will only exchange information for information. Jason gives him an abridged version of his death and rebirth- He walks away knowing Jazz’s preferred take out orders, favorite brand of tea and the cafe she likes to study at.
It’s going well honestly- Danny is having quality time with the ghosts in the city, the city is repaying him in good karma and Jazz is too occupied with the zombie to get on his case about not making human friends.
Then one of the batkids gets overshadowed and it results in… reveals? Drama? Friendship? Actual brotherly bonding?
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fadingclub · 8 months
Our new game, PSYCHOPOMP, is now available!
FREE on Steam and Itch.io!
Check it out, links below!
[ Steam ][ Itch ]
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daredevil-vagabond · 2 months
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Mantis Dick Grayson.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny is there for every Hero Death
Ever heard of SCP-4999, a man who appears at the deathbed of anybody who dies alone to offer them some final comfort? That's Danny for all Hero Deaths.
He's there for Superman when he is killed by Doomsday, leading him to the Afterlife with a kind smile
He's there for Barry Allen when he dies, letting him know that he can finally stop running.
He's there for Stephanie Brown when she dies of her Wounds in Dr Leslie's office, holding her hand as she passes
And he's there with Jason Todd when he is betrayed by his mother and killed by the Joker, offering a shoulder to cry on as the building explodes
He is the comforting presence there to sooth all Heroes in their final moments, because he never had one in his own.
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ninadove · 7 months
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Je n’ai pas dit mon dernier mot.
You haven't heard the last of me.
— Psychopompe, by Amélie Nothomb
Guess what? I made more! 💜🦚
Gabriel & Emilie
Kagami ⬆️
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tofusquisha · 14 days
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head empty (definitely no worms)
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chmonya33 · 6 months
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" -*anime talks*
-wow really omg"
"shit i fell down of the stairs"
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fawnforevergone · 1 year
"I remember the view, streetlights in the dark blue, the moment I knew I'd no choice but to love you."
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rizzzcat · 1 month
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