farlyy · 15 days
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Week Three Saturday I woke up at 10 AM and started getting ready since I had plans to meet up with a friend to go over our long list of school tasks, just to make sure we didn’t miss anything important. We also wanted to hang out, especially since only one class this week wasn’t canceled. We decided to check out a thrift store—it’s been ages since I last went thrifting because the one near my place burned down. It felt great to go again! Honestly, thrifting feels like a form of self-care for me. There’s something so satisfying about finding cute clothes, and it gets me excited to plan outfits around them for the future. As we talked, the conversation drifted into something deeper—at what point in our lives will we become like those adults who just seem so sure of themselves? They always know how to respond to life’s challenges with ease, as if they’ve figured everything out. I’ve noticed I’ve come a long way in that regard. I’m definitely more confident than I was a few years ago, and I’m not afraid to speak up for myself appropriately. It’s been a journey, one that I’m still on. Self-discovery is an ongoing process, and I feel like every little experience—helps me learn more about who I. The photos I took today are just random snaps, and the rest of the day is dedicated to reviewing handouts. It’s a bit of a balance—caring for myself while staying on top of my responsibilities.
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farlyy · 17 days
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Week Three Thursday My journal always starts with, "We had our first in-person class after a long break due to suspensions." It’s fun not having to wake up early for school, but it’s a nightmare once we’re back. We’re really behind on lessons, and the workload just keeps piling up, including everything we missed during the suspensions. Overall, it’s a love-hate relationship, haha! Yesterday, we canceled our karaoke plans, deciding to save it as a reward after the quiz. Not only is karaoke delayed indefinitely, but what was supposed to be a simple quiz turned into a long one. I’m feeling really overwhelmed with the amount of schoolwork and the handouts we need to review, especially with prelims coming up soon. The weather is making me feel gloomy, too. I used to love the rain—still do, but not as much. Now that I’m older, I notice the negative things it brings: the mess outside, people’s homes being affected, and so on. Today, we had online classes, which didn’t go well for me since I wasn’t prepared, and the internet connection was bad. It’s been a pretty rough day. :( I put photos from yesterday to add something fun in this sad journal, the one photo is from my online lessons.
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farlyy · 19 days
Week Three Tuesday Yesterday, I stayed up until 4 AM because I discovered a new show I wanted to binge. Today, I woke up at 12:57 PM—self-care at its finest, right? But I only do this maybe 2-3 times a year. I don’t have much to share since I was awake for only half the day and spent most of it continuing the show I started last night. It was a Chinese drama called "The Double." This year, I’ve binge-watched at least five Chinese dramas, and if you know, they typically have 70+ episodes. I only watch Chinese historical dramas though, and I’m amazed by their culture, clothing, and the dynasties. After being away from school for over a week, I’ve started procrastinating again. Hopefully, writing it down will help me reflect on that. I need continuous school days to function well as a student.
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farlyy · 22 days
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Week Two Saturday
I had a chill day—I finished some tasks, and I even got to watch a movie. Around 7 PM, I headed out to buy some groceries that I had run out of at home. I love doing outdoor activities when it’s dark outside. I hate the sun—it really hurts my eyes and can make me feel overheated easily, haha! I’ve been the one handling all the grocery shopping for a few years now. I love the process, but it’s hard to bring everything home since I do it alone. Everything is heavy, and it’s exhausting to make multiple trips just so the bags don’t strain my arms to the point of breaking.
I’m also the type of person who always tries to fix myself up before going out, even if it’s just for a small errand. But today, I was really relaxed, so I went out with my “no one will see me anyway” look—and, of course, I ran into one of my classmates from high school. :)
For the rest of the day, I plan to finish as much schoolwork as possible. Also, something funny happened while I was at the supermarket. I tried to take a video of myself, attempting to document parts of my life, and I accidentally captured myself making a face whenever someone stared at me. I’m often told that my feelings or thoughts are easily shown on my face, so yeah, HAHAHAHA!
By the way, I’m a bit self-conscious about how I laugh in chat. Is it annoying when people type "haha" in lowercase? I do, and I’ve been told it is. In my defense, a lowercase laugh feels appropriate if something’s funny, while an uppercase laugh is for when I’m laughing hysterically, okay? Now, I’m not sure if I should laugh in uppercase when I chat with new people.
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farlyy · 23 days
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Week Two Thursday Today, I had plans to meet up with a friend to work on a group project. We decided to try something new and study at a café, but also to see what it's like to be  the people that study at a cafe. This new experience was an experiment in both productivity and ambiance. However, we quickly discovered that the café wasn’t ideal for doing work—there was no WiFi, and even our mobile data struggled with the poor signal. Eventually, we changed locations and managed to finish some tasks. Despite the initial setbacks, I realized that this experience could be seen as a form of self-care. It allowed me to engage in an activity I had always wanted to try, even if it didn’t turn out perfectly. It also provided a moment for reflection. I’ve come to appreciate that doing things outside of my usual routine helps me learn more about myself—my preferences. This month, I’ve set a goal to be mindful of my spending. I’ve told myself that if I can’t control my expenses, I’m only fooling myself about being financially mature. In a way, it’s like I’m holding myself accountable—using a bit of tough love to ensure I stick to my goals.
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farlyy · 26 days
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Week two
August 27, 2024
Our first classes after the long weekend! Today was fun—I aced the quiz in Physical Education. So far, my studying method has been mostly about memorizing keywords and concepts, but I really want to discover other methods that might work better for me. While my current approach is effective, it does take quite a lot of time, so I’m on a journey to find alternatives. :3
Lately, we’ve been really good at taking care of our wallets. Actually it’s the end of the month and we have very little left :l. I should really reflect on my bad habit of eating, I thought of it just now and from now on I won’t make junk foods or really sweet biscuits for breakfast or lunch. First thing I ate today was two sweet biscuits and then my last meal of the day was two junk foods, specifically potato chips and alibaba chips. I'm aware it’s really bad so this will be the last time and I would be updating my journal about it too so I can stay consistent with this new resolution. Lastly, I still haven’t been able to buy the rest of my uniforms, like the PE set, because there’s always a long line that I can’t wait in due to classes. So today, I wore my washday shirt.
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farlyy · 28 days
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Week One Day Three August 24, 2024 This is the first week of my journaling, and so far, I’m really enjoying it. The process of editing cute photos of my day and journaling about it– I love it! I used to keep a journal before, but I did it physically. I stopped because it was too much effort, like cutting out pictures and even searching through magazines or books for something cute to use in my entries. Now, I can say this method is much easier and I even have a lot of resources for my designs. Today, I overslept, and I felt a mild fever when I woke up. Fortunately, it didn’t last; I just have a dry throat and cough. Yesterday, I had a severe allergy attack. My allergy only flares up when I haven’t been around my cat for days due to being busy, and then I’m suddenly exposed again to his fur or whatever triggers it. Anyways, I watched some movies today with snacks from a convenience store near my place. I added another quote to my favorites; it was from the movie ‘Longlegs’, and it was “Mommy! Unmake me!” Then, I ended my day writing notes from one of my subjects and playing Roblox with my friends.
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farlyy · 30 days
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Week One Day Two, August 22, 2024 Today, we finally had classes, and unfortunately, our schedules were super early. I've known since junior high that I'm not a morning person. I almost arrived late because I forgot I had taken my wallet out of my bag, but I made it on time, and the instructor wasn’t even in the room yet, so all was well. Reflecting on that, I’ve decided to always put my wallet in my bag and check before leaving the house.
In our "Understanding the Self" class, we first discussed our names—their meanings and the stories behind them. We wrote our answers on a ¼ yellow pad. Initially, I thought we were going to have a recitation, and those papers would be used to call on us, so I wrote my name as small as possible. Then I changed my mind, thinking it might stand out, so I wrote my name properly on the back of the paper. Ironically, my paper was still picked, even though it was turned backward, because my name was on both sides. That was a funny moment from today. After class, we headed straight home because it was definitely time to do wallet care—haha! Though I still went to SM just because I have to, to get to where I need to ride a jeep home. I saw one of my favorite novel’s physical book, and finally tried the matcha in Lawson convenience store.
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farlyy · 1 month
Week One Day One, August 20, 2024 One recent thing I discovered about myself is how much I love salads. I've always been a picky eater to the point where no vegetables even made it into my system. I used to pick out the onions and garlic from my fried rice and corned beef dish. However, I've since learned to get along with most vegetables—though I still prefer to prepare them myself. This shift in my diet feels like more than just a change in taste; it feels like a sign of growth. My form of self-care involves doing things that are good for my health and pampering myself in ways that suit my student financial capacity. Additionally, hanging out with my friends is a great source of serotonin for me and really helps improve my overall mood. I've realized how essential these social connections are to my sense of self.
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