#Psalm 62:8
wiirocku · 27 days
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Psalm 62:8 (NLT) - O my people, trust in Him at all times. Pour out your heart to Him, for God is our refuge.
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Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Selah (Psalm 62:8, ESV)
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God is Our Refuge
Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is our refuge. Selah — Psalm 62:8 | Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) Holman Christian Standard Bible ® Copyright © 2003, 2002, 2000, 1999 by Holman Bible Publishers. All rights reserved. Cross References: 1 Samuel 1:15; 1 Samuel 7:6; Psalm 4:5; Psalm 37:3; Psalm 37:5; Psalm 42:4; Psalm 46:1
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northwoodsfan · 1 year
Grace Nugget for 1.9.23
Grace Nugget for 1.9.23
Grace Nuggets: Simple reminders of God’s great love for you.
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martyschoenleber · 5 months
Broken Hearts Do Not Repulse Him
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bojackson54 · 2 years
Trouble In This World is Inevitable. Refuge is Optional
Trouble In This World is Inevitable. Refuge is Optional
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah.” (Psalm 46:1-3, NKJV) The people of God were no strangers to trouble. From slavery in Egypt to captivity in Babylon…
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“Yet you are the holy God, ruling from your throne and praised by Israel. Our ancestors trusted you, and you rescued them. When they cried out for help, you saved them, and you did not let them down when they depended on you.” —Psalm 22:3‭-‬5 (CEV)
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.” —Isaiah 26:3‭-‬4 (NLT)
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.” —John 14:1 (NLT)
“All Is Calm: Receiving Jesus' Rest This Christmas” Devotional By Moody Publishers - Day Five: “Trust His Faithfulness:”
“Do you trust Me?” That question confronts us daily, from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Because to trust means to rest, and to rest means to trust.
Think about it: You wouldn’t anchor your Christmas tree in a stand that’s missing a leg, and you wouldn’t ask someone who’s always late to bring the hors d’oeuvres for the Christmas party.
Whether we realize it or not, we’re constantly evaluating the trustworthiness of the things and people around us. We do the same thing in our relationship with God, subtly negotiating just how much we’ll entrust to Him.
Whether it’s our finances, broken relationships, hidden hurts, or future dreams, we evaluate God’s faithfulness in the past to determine whether or not we can trust Him in our present.
But it’s in the midst of this holiday busyness that our trust or mistrust becomes most evident.
…We’ll stuff ourselves with cookies, pies, and holiday hams if we don’t trust Jesus to be the Bread of Life who satisfies our deepest desires.
…We’ll worry about our prodigal child if we don’t trust Jesus to be the Good Shepherd who brings lost sheep home.
…We’ll wallow in loneliness, feeling forgotten, if we don’t trust Jesus to be Immanuel, the God who dwells with us even when we’re alone.
…We’ll hustle to create the perfect Christmas if we don’t trust Jesus to be the Holy One of God who makes us perfect.
Each moment is a new opportunity to trust God’s faithfulness in a million little ways, and it all starts with learning to rest.
What if instead of rushing headlong into our busy days, we started each morning with the simple practice of resting? Let us, as the psalmist does, instruct our souls to find rest in Him alone: to remember His works and His goodness, to express our desperate need for Him, to still our minds and hearts in His presence, and to declare our confidence in His trustworthiness.
Because the One who spoke the world into existence yet came as a helpless babe that holy, blissful, silent night, can speak calm and peace into our own lives today.
Reflection Questions: Which of Jesus’ names speak to you and the specific challenges you’re facing in your own life? What does it look like to trust and rest in God this Christmas season? What would you do differently?”
More Bible readings:
“Only God gives inward peace, and I depend on him. God alone is the mighty rock that keeps me safe, and he is the fortress where I feel secure. God saves me and honors me. He is that mighty rock where I find safety. Trust God, my friends, and always tell him each of your concerns. God is our place of safety.” —Psalm 62:5‭-‬8 (CEV)
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” —John 14:27 (ESV)
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kmac4him1st · 1 year
God Adventure
My God Adventure where God once again proved to me that nothing is impossible with Him
I had a God Adventure yesterday and learned first hand how amazing of a Navigator God is. I had flown all day from 10am for 9 hours, two different flights. Both my flights, I had to find my way and I followed the signs and asked for help and was able to easily find my departure gates. My second flight touched down in France. It was 11pm my time and 6am their time and I was tired, which means I…
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yadahyah · 2 years
Trust In Yah Playlist 🎧
Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: Elohiym is a refuge for us. Celah.-Tehilliym 62:8 את CEPHER
#WatchNow on YouTube
#ListenNow on Spotify
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the-harvest-field · 11 months
Who is God?
“My salvation and my honor depend on God ; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Selah.” Psalms 62:7-8 When we make choices we face a crossroad. One direction leads to a new life, another might lead to your old life. What does God want us to choose? What do we want to choose? We don’t always know what is the…
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girlbloggercher · 4 months
how to read the Bible
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this is in order!
1. John
2. Mark
3. Matthew
4. Luke
5. Genesis
6. Exodus
7. Leviticus
8. Numbers
9. Dueteronomy
10. Romans
11. Galatians
12. Colossians
13. Proverbs
14. Ecclesiastes
15. Job
16. 1 Peter
17. 1 Corinthians
18. 2 Corinthians
19. Ephesians
20. Philippians
21. 1 Thessalonians
22. 2 Thessalonians
23. 1 Timothy
24. 2 Timothy
25. James
26. 2 Peter
27. 1 John
28. 2 John
29. 3 John
30. Jude
31. Psalms
32. Joshua
33. Judges
34. 1 Samuel
35. 2 Samuel
36. 1 Kings
37. 2 Kings
38. 1 Chronicles
39. 2 Chronicles
40. Ezra
41. Nehemiah
42. Jeremiah
43. Lamentations
44. Ezekiel
45. Joel
46. Amos
47. Obadiah
48. Nahum
49. Habakkuk
50. Zephaniah
51. Haggai
52. Zechariah
53. Malachi
54. Micah
55. Hosea
56. Luke
57. Esther
58. Jonah
59. Song of Solomon
60. Acts
61. Titus
62. Philemon
63. Hebrew
64. Isaiah
65. Daniel
66. Revelation
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The Persistent Widow
1 He told them also a parable that they should pray at all times and they should not grow weary: 2 “There was in one city a certain judge who did not worship God and did not honor the children of men.” 3 “There was a certain widow in that city, and she was coming to him and saying, 'Vindicate me of my legal adversary.' “ 4 “And he would not for long time, but after this, he said to himself, 'Although I do not worship God neither honor people' 5 'Nevertheless, because this widow wearies me, I shall avenge her, lest she be constantly coming and annoying me.' “ 6 And our Lord said, “Hear what the evil judge said.” 7 “Shall not God all the more perform vindication for his Elect, who cry to him by day and by night, and he delays his Spirit concerning them?” 8 “I say to you that he shall perform their vindication quickly. However, The Son of Man shall come, and will he then find faith on the earth?” — Luke 18:1-8 | Peshitta Holy Bible (PESH) The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated by Glenn David Bauscher Copyright © 2018 Lulu Publishing; 3rd edition Copyright © 2019 Cross References: Exodus 22:23; Psalm 88:1; Proverbs 20:6; Isaiah 40:27; Isaiah 40:31; Isaiah 62:7; Matthew 5:25; Matthew 5:45; Luke 7:13; Luke 7:19; Luke 11:8; Luke 17:26; Luke 20:13; 1 Corinthians 9:27; Hebrews 12:9; James 2:4
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takeheartdaughter · 7 months
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He is . . . 
Elohim (God, Judge, Creator) Genesis 1:1
Yahweh (Lord, Jehovah) Genesis 2:4
El Elyon (The Most High God) Genesis 14:18
Adonai (Lord, Master) Genesis 15:2
El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty) Genesis 17:1
El Olam (The Everlasting God, The God of Eternity, The God of the Universe, The God of Ancient Days) Genesis 21:33
He is . . . 
Jehovah Jireh (The Lord Will Provide) Genesis 22:14
The Shiloh (The Peace-Maker) Genesis 49:10
)Jehovah Rapha (The Lord That Heals) Exodus 15:26
Jehovah Nissi (The Lord My Banner, The Lord My Miracle) Exodus 17:15
He is . . .
Qanna (Jealous) Exodus 20:5
Jehovah Mekoddishkem (The Lord Who Sanctifies You, The Lord Who Makes Holy) Exodus 31:13
He is . . .
A Star (Numbers 24:17)
A Sceptre out of Israel (Numbers 24:17)
The Accursed of God (Deuteronomy 21:23)
The Captain of the Host of the Lord (Joshua 5:14)
Jehovah Shalom (The Lord Is Peace) Judges 6:24J
ehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts, The Lord of Powers) 1 Samuel 1:3
The Rock of my Salvation (2 Samuel 22:47)
He is . . . 
The Light of the Morning when the sun rises, a morning without clouds (2 Samuel 23:4)
The Daysman (Job 9:33)
The Interpreter (Job 33:23)
The Anointed (Psalm 2:2; Acts 4:27)
My Rock and my Redeemer (Psalm 19:14)
Crowned with a Crown of Pure Gold (Psalm 21:3)
The Most Blessed for ever (Psalm 21:6)
He is . . .
The Forsaken (Psalm 22:1)
A Worm, and no Man (Psalm 22:6)
Jehovah-Raah (The Lord My Shepherd) Psalm 23:1
My Restorer (Psalm 23:3)
The King of Glory (Psalm 24:10)
He who sitteth King for ever (Psalm 29:10)
He is . . .
 A Stranger and an Alien (Psalm 69:8)
My Strong Rock (Psalm 31:2)
My Rock and my Fortress (Psalm 31:3)
Fairer than the Children of Men (Psalm 45:2)
The Rock that is higher than I (Psalm 61:2)
The Rock of my Strength (Psalm 62:7)
A Rock of Habitation (Psalm 71:3)
He is . . . 
As Rain upon the mown grass. As Showers that water the earth (Psalm 72:6)
The Rock of my Heart (Psalm 73:26)
The Shield (Psalm 84:9)
The Rock of my Refuge (Psalm 94:22)
A King and Priest after the Order of Melchizadek (Psalm 110:4)
A Brother born for adversity (Proverbs 17:17)
A Friend that loveth at all times (Proverbs 17:17)
A Stone of Grace (Proverbs 17:8)
A Friend that sticketh closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24)
He is . . .
 As Ointment poured forth (Song of Solomon 1:3)
My Well-beloved (Song of Solomon 1:13)
A Bundle of Myrrh (Song of Solomon 1:13)
A Cluster of Henna Blooms (Song of Solomon 1:14)
The Rose of Sharon (Song of Solomon 2:1)
The Lily of the Valley (Song of Solomon 2:1)
The Chiefest among Ten Thousand (Song of Solomon 5:10)
His Countenance is as Lebanon (Song of Solomon 5:15)
Yea. He is altogether lovely. He is my beloved and my Friend (Song of Solomon 5:16)
He is . . . 
Holy, Holy, Holy (Isaiah 6:3)
A Sanctuary (Isaiah 8:14)
A Great Light (Isaiah 9:2)
A Son given (Isaiah 9:6)
The Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)
The Father of Eternity (Isaiah 9:6)
He is . . . 
A Child Born (Isaiah 9:6)
The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)
An Ensign of the People (Isaiah 11:10)
A Nail fastened in a sure place (Isaiah 22:23)
A Strength to the Poor (Isaiah 25:4)
A Strength to the needy in distress (Isaiah 25:4)
A Shadow from the Heat (Isaiah 25:4)
A Refuge from the Storm (Isaiah 25:4)
He is . . . 
The Rock of Ages (Isaiah 26:4)
A Crown of Glory and Beauty (Isaiah 28:5)
A Sure Foundation (Isaiah 28:16
)A Stone (Isaiah 28:16)
A Tried Stone (Isaiah 28:16)
A Covert from the Tempest (Isaiah 32:2)
He is . . . 
As Rivers of Water in a dry place. As the Shadow of a great Rock in a weary land. As a Hiding-place from the wind (Isaiah 32:2)
The King in his beauty (Isaiah 33:17)
My Leader (Isaiah 40:11)
The Everlasting God (Isaiah 40:28)
Mine Elect, in whom my soul delighteth (Isaiah 42:1)
He is . . . 
A Light of the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:6)
A Covenant of the people (Isaiah 42:6)
A Polished Shaft (Isaiah 49:2)
Glorious (Isaiah 49:5)
The Holy One of Israel (Isaiah 49:7)
He is . . . 
A Man of Sorrows (Isaiah 53:3)
Despised (Isaiah 53:3)
Rejected (Isaiah 53:3)
Stricken (Isaiah 53:4)
Smitten (Isaiah 53:4)
Wounded (Isaiah 53:5)
Bruised (Isaiah 53:5)
Oppressed (Isaiah 53:7)
He is . . .
My Portion, My Maker, My Husband (Isaiah 54:5)
The God of the whole earth (Isaiah 54:5)
A Witness to the People (Isaiah 55:4)
A Leader (Isaiah 55:4)
A Commander (Isaiah 55:4)
The Redeemer (Isaiah 59:20)
Mighty (Isaiah 63:1)
He is . . . 
My Physician (Jeremiah 8:22)
Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord Our Righteousness) Jeremiah 23:6
David their King (Jeremiah 30:9)
My Resting-place (Jeremiah 50:6)
My Feeder (Ezekiel 34:23)
A Plant of Renown (Ezekiel 34:29)
Jehovah Shammah (The Lord Is There) Ezekiel 48:35
He is . . . 
The Prince of Princes (Daniel 8:25)
The Messiah, the Prince (Daniel 9:25)
The Strength of the children of Israel (Joel 3:12-16)
The Hope of Thy people (Joel 3:12-16)
A Ruler (Micah 5:2)
King over all the Earth (Zechariah 14:4, 5, 9)
He is . . . 
A Refiner’s Fire (Malachi 3:2)
Fuller’s Soap (Malachi 3:2)
My Refiner (Malachi 3:3)
My Purifier (Malachi 3:3)
The Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2)
He is . . . 
Jesus (Matthew 1:21)
Emanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:23)
Born as The King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2; 15:2)
A Governor (Matthew 2:6)
The Nazarene (Matthew 2:23)
The Bridegroom (Matthew 9:15)
Meek, Lowly (Matthew 11:29)
He is . . .
The One of whom the Father says, “My Beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased” (Matthew 12:18)
The Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16)
Jesus the Christ (Matthew 16:20)
The Rock (Matthew 16:18)
The Builder (Hebrews 3:3; Matthew 16:18)
The Prophet of Nazareth (Matthew 21:11)
He is . . .
Betrayed (Matthew 27:3)
Mocked (Matthew 27:29)
Crucified (Matthew 27:35)
The Holy One of God (Mark 1:24)
My Brother (Mark 3:35)
The Carpenter (Mark 6:3)
And His Life is A Ransom (Mark 10:49)
He is . . .
The Son of the Blessed (Mark 14:61)
He is . . . The Son of the Highest (Luke 1:32)
God my Savior (Luke 1:47)
A Horn of Salvation (Luke 1:69)
The Day-spring from on High (Luke 1:78)
A Savior, which is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11)
The Salvation of God (Luke 2:30)
He is . . .
The Glory of thy people Israel (Luke 2:32)
Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6:5)
My Healer (Luke 9:11)
The Christ of God (Luke 9:20)
My Servant (Luke 12:37)
The Chosen of God (Luke 23:35)
Risen (Luke 24:6)
A Prophet mighty in deed and word (Luke 24:19)
He is . . . 
The Word (John 1:1)
The Word that was with God (John 1:1)
The Word that was God (John 1:1)
The Light of men (John 1:4)
The True Light (John 1:9)
The Word that was made flesh (John 1:14)
He is . . .
The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father (John 1:18)
The Lamb of God (John 1:29)
My Teacher (John 3:2)
The Gift of God (John 3:16, 4:10)
The Messiah (John 4:25)
The Bread of God (John 6:33)
The Bread of Life (John 6:35)
He is . . .
My Meat(John 6:55)
My Drink (John 6:55)
The Light of the world (John 8:12)
The Door of the Sheep (John 10:7)
The Good Shepherd – that laid down his life (John 10:11)
The Sent of the Father (John 10:36)
He is . . . 
The Resurrection (John 11:25)
King of the daughter of Zion (John 12:15)
The Corn of Wheat (John 12:24)
The Light (John 12:35)
My Lord, Master (John 13:13)
My Example (John 13:15)
He is . . . 
The Way (John 14:6)
The Truth (John 14:6)
The Life (John 14:6)
The Vine (John 15:5)
My Keeper (John 17:12)
Scourged (John 19:1)
Crowned with a Crown of Thorns (John 19:2)
Crucified as The King of the Jews (John 19:19)
He is . . . 
Exalted (Acts 2:33)
Glorified (Acts 3:13)
The Holy One and the Just (Acts 3:14)
The Prince of Life (Acts 3:15)
Anointed (Psalm 2:2; Acts 4:27)
A Prince and a Savior (Acts 5:31)
He is . . .
Lord Jesus (Acts 7:59)
Lord of all (Acts 10:36)
The Judge (Acts 17:31)
Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 22:8)
The Mercy-seat (Romans 3:25)
Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 5:21)
He is . . .
The First-Born among many Brethren (Romans 8:29)
Over all, God blessed for ever (Romans 9:5)
Lord over all (Romans 10:12)
The Deliverer (Romans 11:26)
Lord both of the dead and living (Romans 14:9)
The Minister of the Circumcision (Romans 15:8)
He is . . . 
My Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30)
My Righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30)
My Sanctification (1 Corinthians 1:30)
My Redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30)
He is . . . 
The Foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11)
My Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7)
That Spiritual Rock (1 Corinthians 10:4)
The Head of every Man (1 Corinthians 11:3)
The First-Fruits of them that slept (1 Corinthians 15:20) 
He is . . . 
The Last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45)
A Quickening Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45)
The Image of God (2 Corinthians 4:4)
His Unspeakable Gift (2 Corinthians 9:15)
My Peace (Ephesians 2:14)
He is . . .
The Offering (Ephesians 5:2)
The Sacrifice (Ephesians 5:2)
The Head over all things to the Church (Ephesians 1:22)
He that filleth all in all (Ephesians 1:23)
A Servant (Philippians 2:7) who humbled Himself unto death (Philippians 2:8) even death upon a cross
He is . . .
The Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:2)
The Image of the Invisible God (Colossians 1:15)
The first-born of every creature (Colossians 1:15)
The Creator of all things (Colossians 1:16)
The First-Born from the dead (Colossians 1:18)
The Head of the Body, the Church (Colossians 1:18)
The Head of all Principality and Power (Colossians 2:10)
He is . . . 
My All in All (Colossians 3:11)
Our Lord Jesus Christ himself (2 Thessalonians 2:16)
Lord of Peace (2 Thessalonians 3:16)
My Hope (1 Timothy 1:1)
God manifest in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16)
He is . . . 
The Justified (1 Timothy 3:16)
The Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5)
The Righteous Judge (2 Timothy 4:8)
The great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13)
Obedient (Philemon 2:8)
And His throne is for ever and ever (Hebrews 1:8)
He is . . . 
The Upholder of all things (Hebrews 1:3)
The Express Image of his Person (Hebrews 1:3)
The Brightness of his Glory (Hebrew 1:3)
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day and for ever (Hebrews 13:8)
The Shepherd of the Sheep (Hebrews 13:20)
The Great Shepherd – that was brought again from the dead (Hebrews 13:20)
He is . . .
The Minister of the Sanctuary and of the True Tabernacle (Hebrews 8:2) and His flesh is The Veil (Hebrews 10:20) which was rent in two
The Altar (Hebrews 13:10)
The Offerer (Hebrews 7:27)
The Forerunner – for us entered, even Jesus (Hebrews 6:20)
He is . . . 
the Priest (Hebrews 5:6)
The High Priest (Hebrews 3:1)
The Great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14)
The Intercessor (Hebrews 7:25)
The Surety (Hebrews 7:22)
The Covenanter (Hebrews 9:16, 17)
He is . . . 
The Captain of Salvation (Hebrews 2:10)
The Author and Finisher of Faith (Hebrews 12:2)
The King of Righteousness (Hebrews 7:2)
The King of Peace (Hebrews 7:2)
Crowned with Glory and Honor (Hebrews 2:9)
He is . . . 
The Tempted (Hebrews 4:15)
The Merciful (Hebrews 2:17)
The Faithful (Hebrews 2:17)
Holy, Harmless (Hebrews 7:26)
Undefiled (Hebrews 7:26)
The Separate (Hebrews 7:26)
The Perfect (Hebrews 5:9)
He is . . . 
My Helper (Hebrews 13:6)
A Lamb without blemish and without spot (1 Peter 1:19)
A Living Stone (1 Peter 2:4)A Chief Corner-stone (1 Peter 2:6)
A Precious Stone (1 Peter 2:6)
He is . . . 
Guileless (1 Peter 2:22)
Reviled (1 Peter 2:23)
The Chief Shepherd  – that shall again appear (1 Peter 5:4)
The Day Star (2 Peter 1:19)
My Savior (2 Peter 3:18)
The Word of Life (1 John 1:1)
The Life (1 John 1:2)
That Eternal Life which was with the Father (1 John 1:2)
He is . . . 
Jesus Christ the Righteous (1 John 2:1)
The Savior of the World (1 John 4:14)
The True God (1 John 5:20)
The Advocate (1 John 2:1)
He is . . . 
Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:5)
The First-Begotten of the dead (Revelation 1:5)
The Prince of the Kings of the earth (Revelation 1:5)
The Almighty, which is, and which was, and which is to come (Revelation 1:8)
The Beginning and the Ending (Revelation 1:8)
The Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 1:8)
He is . . . 
The First and the Last (Revelation 1:17)
He that liveth (Revelation 1:18)
The Tree of Life (Revelation 2:7)
The Hidden Manna (Revelation 2:17)
The Faithful and True Witness (Revelation 3:14)
The Amen (Revelation 3:14)
He is . . . 
The Beginning of the Creation of God (Revelation 3:14)
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5)
The Lamb that was slain (Revelation 5:12)
The Lamb in the midst of the throne (Revelation 7:17)
The The Lamb Slain (Revelation 13:8)
He is . . . 
The King of Saints, King of Nations (Revelation 15:3)
Lord of Lords (Revelation 17:14)
Faithful and True (Revelation 19:11)
Crowned with many Crowns (Revelation 19:12)
The Word of God (Revelation 19:13)
He is . . . 
The King of Kings (Revelation 19:16)
The Temple (Revelation 21:22)
The Bright and Morning Star (Revelation 22:16)
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theprayerfulword · 8 days
June 26
Matthew 28:20 Jesus said, “Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Psalm 62:8 Trust in [God] at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.
Judges 5:21 March on, my soul; be strong!
Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Isaiah 41:10,13 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand… 13 For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the One who helps you.
Psalm 73:23-24 Nevertheless I am continually with Thee; Thou hast taken hold of my right hand. 24 With Thy counsel Thou wilt guide me, and afterward receive me to glory.
May you know that the Word of God is sure, for He watches over the words spoken by His prophets to bring His will to pass, and though it takes years as men measure it, His purpose will be accomplished through willing vessels whom He raises up. 2 Kings 9, Isaiah 55
May you understand that when you see an arrogant heart in the midst of humbling circumstances, that God's judgment is near, for in His mercy He will bring a person to repentance or to ruin. 2 Kings 9
May your love for God and trust in Him be great enough that you are willing to turn from the “little” sins as well as the gross sins, from false worship as well as false gods, from “gainful” sins as well as wasteful sins, lest the Lord begin to deal with you to purify your heart and cleanse your thoughts, deepening your desire for His truth. 2 Kings 9
May you always rejoice when the Word of God is preached to all, and be willing to receive all who accept Him in repentance and conversion, not in jealous exclusion of others as some of the Jews did. Acts 17
May your hunger for God's truth and your thirst for God's ways daily lead you to God's Word, receiving it gladly and searching it diligently. Acts 17
May you stand before those who hold many beliefs and present to them the one truth that is needful for them, giving no attention to the naysayers but reaching out to those whose hearts have been prepared to receive the good seed of the gospel. Acts 17
My child, what promises are you building on? My promises of salvation and deliverance give you a foundation that is both strong and straight. My assurances of direction and guidance give you the building blocks which align your work to My will as you recognize Me as the cornerstone, true and unwavering. My pledge to send the Holy Spirit as Comforter and Teacher gives you the living mortar that binds the unchanging building blocks together, breathing life and vision into a loose pile of stone and bricks to form a strong and beautiful structure which illustrates My grace and reflects My glory. But you must always check your materials, My eager one, and seek Me to evaluate your work. It is ever the tendency of man to use what is in reach and try to incorporate wood for bricks, adding stubble to the mortar, but this will weaken the structure I am guiding you to build. It must be able to withstand the storms of wind that the world will experience, and survive the floods beating against it that I will unleash soon, and endure the fiery trials that will come upon the whole world. If you rely on your own promises, My precious co-laborer, all that you hang on it will fall to the ground. Do you proclaim, as Peter did, “Though all men be offended because of thee, yet I will never be offended”? My loving one, only in the promises given by Us can you place any confidence. Do not supplement My word, but rely on it totally.
May the Lord be the focus of your conversation and your lifestyle, your words and your deeds, your intentions and your actions, for no one is more worthy, though none will be more despised, but He will watch over the Word that you talk and walk to perform it, accomplishing what He wills, so that it will not return to Him void. Acts 17, Isaiah 55
May you take refuge in the Lord, your Rock, Who loves you and guards you, training your hands for war in the heavens and your fingers for spiritual battle, for He Whom you praise is your eternal stronghold and strong deliverer, your ever-present shield, Who subdues the unseen powers around you, placing them under you. Psalm 144
May the Lord reach down His hand from on high to deliver you from the mighty waters and rescue you from the hands of foreigners whose mouths are full of lies and whose right hands are deceitful, for though you are a mere mortal whose days are like a fleeting shadow, God parts His heavens to come down, sending forth His lightning to scatter the enemy and shooting His arrows to rout them. Psalm 144
May you sing a new song to God, making music to the One Who gives victory to His people and delivers His servants, redeeming you from the deadly sword and rescuing you from the hands of foreigners, for then your children will prosper and your barns will be filled with every kind of provision, while your livestock will increase by thousands; your defenses will not be penetrated, there will be no cry of distress in the streets, and no one will be taken captive, for you will be blessed when you make God your Lord. Psalm 144
May the knowledge God has given you be demonstrated when you set bounds on your words, and your understanding illustrated by an even temper and excellent spirit. Proverbs 17:27
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joseph4inspiration · 8 months
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(Psalm 62: 8)
We are to trust in God at all times, regardless of how things look. We must always remember that whatever God is going to do for us, is already done - the way is already made, He just has to guide your footsteps to the destination.
But sometimes our hearts can get so overwhelmed with worry and doubt that we forget who God is; we forget that we didn't choose God, He chose us and set us apart for a time such as this. So instead of worrying about what lies ahead, come to the understanding that it's your worrying that's keeping you from having peace in God's plan.
The next time you're tempted to worry, tell your problems: I'm leaving you in the hands of Him who lives forever!
And when you pray make sure to tell God everything, regardless of what it is. Doing so will make you more dependent on Him and help you to focus on what He's able to do rather than what you cannot.
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walkswithmyfather · 5 months
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‭‭Psalm 62:1-2 (NLT‬‬). “I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.”
‭‭Psalm 62:1 (WEB). “My soul rests in God alone. My salvation is from him.”
“Finding True Rest” by In Touch Ministries:
“God is faithful to deliver those who trust Him for help”
“Have you ever carried a heavy object for so long that your arms start to burn from its weight? You count the steps until you can finally set it down, and when you do, relief floods your body as the pain subsides. We can feel something similar in our spirit when we surrender our burdens to the Lord.
David understood this kind of relief well. With his enemies in relentless pursuit, he was forced to hide to save his life. The weight he carried was evident as he cried out in distress, “How long, Lord? Will You forget me forever?” (Psalm 13:1). Yet, through his extended season of challenges, David experienced God’s faithfulness as well as His consolation in the anguish.
Remembering that God is faithful will bring release from the weight of our worries. So let’s hold to the perspective that God is at work and keep our eyes fixed on the solution rather than the problems. Then, like David, we will be able to say, “I will not be greatly shaken” (62:2).
While you are learning to release your burdens, be sure to talk to God in prayer (Psalm 62:8) and wait in hope for Him (Psalm 62:5). And never forget that He is your rock and salvation (Psalm 62:2). That is true relief.”
(Photo by Dan Burton at Unsplash)
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