#Proxmox VE
cyber-techs · 1 month
How to Move Your VMware VMs to Proxmox VE with Minimal Downtime
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Migrating your virtual machines (VMs) from VMware ESXi to Proxmox VE can seem like a daunting task, especially when minimizing downtime is critical for your business operations. However, with careful planning and execution, you can ensure a smooth transition with minimal impact. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you move your VMware VMs to Proxmox VE efficiently.
1. Prepare Your Environment
Check Compatibility: Ensure that your hardware is compatible with Proxmox VE. Verify that the VMs you intend to migrate are supported by Proxmox.
Backup VMs: Before starting the migration, create a complete backup software of your VMware VMs to avoid any data loss during the process.
2. Set Up Proxmox VE
Install Proxmox VE: Set up your Proxmox VE server on the target hardware. Follow the official installation guide to ensure everything is configured correctly.
Network Configuration: Ensure that your Proxmox VE environment has a similar network configuration to your VMware ESXi setup. This will help minimize any networking issues during migration.
3. Export VMs from VMware
Shutdown VMs: Properly shut down the VMs on your VMware ESXi host before exporting them.
Export as OVF/OVA: Use VMware's export feature to create an OVF (Open Virtualization Format) or OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) file of your VM. This format is widely supported and facilitates easy import into Proxmox VE.
4. Import VMs into Proxmox VE
Upload OVF/OVA: Transfer the exported OVF/OVA files to your Proxmox VE server.
Import Using Proxmox Interface: Use Proxmox VE's interface to import the OVF/OVA files. During this process, you may need to adjust some settings, such as disk format or network adapters, to ensure compatibility with Proxmox.
5. Configure and Test
Adjust VM Settings: After importing, check the VM settings in Proxmox VE. Adjust CPU, memory, storage, and network settings as necessary to match the original VMware configuration.
Test VM Functionality: Before making the VM live, run thorough tests to ensure that it functions correctly in the Proxmox VE environment.
6. Go Live with Minimal Downtime
Plan the Cutover: Choose a time for the final switchover that has the least impact on your operations. Inform relevant stakeholders about the scheduled downtime.
Monitor the Transition: Keep a close watch on the VM's performance after going live on Proxmox VE. Address any issues immediately to minimize downtime.
7. Post-Migration Cleanup
Decommission VMware Setup: Once you’re confident that the VMs are stable on Proxmox VE, you can begin the process of decommissioning the old VMware environment.
Review and Optimize: Regularly review the performance of your VMs on Proxmox VE and make optimizations as needed to ensure ongoing stability and efficiency.
Migrating your VMware VMs to Proxmox VE doesn’t have to be a disruptive process. With careful preparation, the right tools, and a well-executed plan, you can achieve a smooth transition with minimal downtime. This guide provides a straightforward approach to help you navigate the migration process, ensuring that your virtual machines continue to operate seamlessly in their new environment.
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virtualizationhowto · 3 months
BDRSuite 7.1 New Features with Proxmox Agentless Backup
BDRSuite 7.1 New Features with Proxmox Agentless Backup - Vembu has added agentless backups for Proxmox for VM backups @vembutech #proxmox #proxmoxve #bdrsuite #proxmoxbackups #proxmoxvebackups #vmwarealternatives
We are starting to see most of the enterprise backup vendors giving attention to Proxmox VE Server since the shakeup with pricing and other details following the Broadcom buyout of VMware. BDRSuite is a backup solution I have been testing and using for years now and is a great solution that offers one of the most fully featured solutions out there and can back up just about anything you want it…
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veuhoffblog · 10 months
Proxmox Backup Server (PBS) Upgrade: Eine Aktualisierung von 2.4 auf 3.0 durchführen
Vor wenigen Tagen, am 28. Juni 2023, ist die Version 3.0 vom Proxmox Backup Server (PBS) veröffentlicht worden. In dieser Anleitung zeige ich euch, wie sich der Server auf die neue Version upgraden lässt. Ein Tutorial darüber, wie ihr in wenigen Schritten einen Server mit Proxmox-VE...[Weiterlesen]
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pulipuli · 1 year
看看網頁版全文 ⇨ 如何讓Proxmox VE排程關機 / How to Make Proxmox VE Schedule Shutdown https://blog.pulipuli.info/2023/06/blog-post_176.html 做了很多次了,赫然發現我還沒有好好記錄at的用法。 ---- # 環境 / Environment 我是用的是Proxmox VE 7.2-3,並不是最新版本。 但舊版的Proxmox VE操作起來也差不多。 假設我們即將要在8月6日(星期日)的早上8點到下午5點之間停電的話,那我們要記得在之前先讓Proxmox VE關機才行。 那要怎麼設定呢? # 關機排程指令 / Command to scheduled shutdown。 要在特定時候進行關機,我們會用到關機指令「shutdown -h now」跟排程指令「at」。 以8月6日早上8點停電來說,我們需要提早一段時間執行關機指令,讓Proxmox VE在關機的時候也逐台關閉虛擬機器。 如果我們打算要在8月6日早上6點執行關機指令,那麼at指令的寫法如下:。 [Code...] 當然,你可以更換上述紅字的時間,調整成你合適的時間即可。 # 為每個節點排程 / Set crontab on each node。 再來我們要為Proxmox VE每一個節點輸入上述指令。 必須要注意的是,是每一個節點都要進行下面的設定喔。 請在左邊Server View的地方選擇節點(node)。 這個節點的意思是實體的機器。 上圖的例子中,我只有一臺實體機器,不過裡面還運作很多虛擬機器就是了。 千萬不要把兩者搞錯了喔。 再來是點選右上角的「Shell」,開啟指令介面。 如果你已經是root身份了,請執行以下指令來安裝at。 [Code...] 將剛剛設定好的at排程指令貼上,並且執行。 看到「warning: commands will be executed」這樣的訊息,表示at排程完成。 # 管理at排程的工作 / Manage scheduled jobs。 接著我們可以用「atq」指令查看已經排程的工作。 上圖可以看到目前已經有一個排程的工作,編號是1。 如果要取消已排程的工作,可以使用atrm指令。 以下指令將取消編號1的已排程工作:。 [Code...] 再用atq查詢的時候,已經看不到剛剛排程的工作囉。 # 確認是否有關機 / Shutdown monitoring。 https://uptimerobot.com/。 如果你想確認伺服器有正常關機的話,可以搭配UptimeRobot一起使用。 ---- 繼續閱讀 ⇨ 如何讓Proxmox VE排程關機 / How to Make Proxmox VE Schedule Shutdown https://blog.pulipuli.info/2023/06/blog-post_176.html
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nksistemas · 5 months
Proxmox VE 8.2: Lanzamiento con Herramientas de Migración Mejoradas
Proxmox Virtual Environment 8.2 se lanza con QEMU 8.1.5, LXC 6.0.0, ZFS 2.2.3, actualizaciones de Ceph y más. Después de cinco meses desde su anterior lanzamiento 8.1, Proxmox, una plataforma completa de virtualización de servidores diseñada para manejar tanto tecnología basada en contenedores como en máquinas virtuales utilizando herramientas como QEMU para la virtualización y LXC para los…
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techdirectarchive · 8 months
Install Proxmox VE on a Bare-metal [Beelink EQ12]
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techav · 6 months
If It's a Hack and It Works, Is It Really a Hack?
I have a couple servers at home — one running Proxmox VE and one running Proxmox Backup. I use the VM server when I need to spin up a development environment, for running the odd game server, serving files locally, running Home Assistant, etc. I also like to donate spare cycles to Folding@Home. The backup server of course is in case I do something stupid on the VM server.
There's just one problem with that. My second-hand 8-year-old dual-Xeon server runs hot.
It was too much to keep running in my home office. Between the two servers, my desktop, and my work laptop, I was regularly seeing ambient temperatures around 26°C. It was just too warm for comfort.
Last summer I moved my network gear and the two servers into the front coat closet. This was great for me working in my home office, but not so great for my servers. Despite adding a passthrough vent to the closet door and a vent fan to the ceiling, the closet was still consistently in the 26°-30°C range.
The ideal solution would probably be to use an enclosed server rack and run an exhaust vent up from the top. Unfortunately, rack-mount server cases are expensive, enclosed racks are very expensive, and my closet is too small for that anyway.
So I hacked together a solution.
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I built a frame out of some cheap 1x2 lumber and wrapped a piece of thin sheet steel around the sides to make a crude plenum. On top, I added a 10x6 register box with a semirigid vent hose coming out of it. This gives me a guide for drawing air out of the servers and guiding it up to the vent fan in the ceiling.
To help things along, I added a 120mm fan inside the register box. But not some whisper-quiet Noctua. This is (if the Amazon listing is to be believed) a 5000 RPM, 210 CFM monster of a fan. It's loud, but moves a lot of air.
Too loud in fact. Its droning could not be silenced by any mere closet door. I had to add a PWM fan speed controller to calm it down. It's a cheap unit from Amazon, but it came with a temperature probe and it has a configurable operating range.
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The result? Where previously the entire closet was consistently above 26°C, now it's staying around 23°. There is a difference of 5°C between ambient in the closet and the air inside the exhaust duct, so it is doing its job of redirecting the hot air from the servers.
I call that a successful hack.
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network4you · 3 months
Die wichtigsten Hypervisor im Vergleich
Grundsätzlich unterscheidet man zwischen zwei Arten von Hypervisoren:
Bare-Metal-Hypervisor: Dieser Typ installiert sich direkt auf der Hardware des Host-Systems. Er hat vollen Zugriff auf die Systemressourcen und bietet dadurch die höchste Leistung. Bekannte Vertreter sind VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V und Proxmox VE.
Hosted Hypervisor: Im Gegensatz dazu läuft ein Hosted Hypervisor auf einem bestehenden Betriebssystem als Anwendung. Dies bietet zwar weniger Leistung, dafür aber eine einfachere Einrichtung und eignet sich besonders für den Einsatz auf Desktop-PCs und Workstations. Beispiele hierfür sind Oracle VirtualBox und VMware Workstation Player.
Nachdem wir nun die grundlegenden Konzepte geklärt haben, steigen wir tiefer in den Vergleich der populärsten Hypervisor-Lösungen ein.
1. VMware ESXi: Der Platzhirsch im Enterprise-Bereich
VMware ESXi ist der unangefochtene Marktführer im Bereich der Enterprise-Virtualisierung. Er bietet eine breite Palette an Funktionen für die Verwaltung und Skalierung virtueller Maschinen, hohes Sicherheitsniveau und nahtlose Integration in die VMware vSphere-Suite.
Umfangreiche Funktionen für Hochverfügbarkeit und Disaster Recovery
Ausgereifte Skalierbarkeit für große Umgebungen
Hervorragende Performance
Stabile Plattform mit langer Historie
Kommerzielle Lizenzierung mit hohen Kosten
Komplexere Einrichtung und Verwaltung
Fokus auf die VMware-Produktpalette
2. Microsoft Hyper-V: Der Herausforderer aus Redmond
Microsofts Hyper-V ist ein starker Konkurrent zu VMware ESXi. Er ist kostenlos in den Server-Editionen von Windows Server enthalten und bietet eine gute Performance sowie einfache Integration mit anderen Microsoft-Produkten.
Kostenlose Lizenzierung für Windows Server Umgebungen
Einfache Integration mit Active Directory und anderen Microsoft-Diensten
Gute Performance und Skalierbarkeit
Deutlich günstiger als VMware ESXi
Weniger Funktionsumfang im Vergleich zu VMware ESXi
Fokus auf Windows-Betriebssysteme
Geringere Akzeptanz im reinen Linux-Umfeld
vmware vs hyperv
3. Proxmox VE: Die kostenlose Open-Source-Alternative
Proxmox VE ist ein Open-Source-Hypervisor auf Basis von Debian Linux. Er bietet eine einfach zu bedienende Oberfläche und eignet sich hervorragend für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen sowie Heimanwender.
Kostenlose Open-Source-Lizenz
Einfache Installation und Verwaltung
Integrierte Unterstützung für Containerisierung (LXC)
Gute Performance für virtualisierte Workloads
Beschränkter Funktionsumfang im Vergleich zu kommerziellen Lösungen
Geringere Community-Größe im Vergleich zu VMware und Microsoft
Fokus auf Linux-Umgebungen
4. Oracle VirtualBox: Der kostenlose Desktop-Hypervisor
Oracle VirtualBox ist ein kostenloser Hosted Hypervisor, der sich perfekt für den Einsatz auf Desktop-PCs und Workstations eignet. Er ermöglicht es Ihnen, einfach und schnell virtuelle Maschinen mit verschiedenen Betriebssystemen zu erstellen und zu nutzen.
Kostenlose Lizenzierung
Einfache Installation und Bedienung
Unterstützung für eine Vielzahl von Gastbetriebssystemen
Gute Performance für Desktop-Virtualisierung
Stellen Sie sich vor, Ihr Unternehmen könnte mit der gleichen Effizienz und Performance arbeiten wie ein Weltkonzern. Klingt unrealistisch? Nicht unbedingt! Mit den richtigen Technologiepartnern an Ihrer Seite können Sie die Leistungsfähigkeit Ihres Unternehmens in München spürbar steigern. Hier kommt Network4you (Systemhaus München), ein zertifizierter Microsoft Gold Partner, ins Spiel.
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kotonoha-diary · 4 months
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cyber-techs · 24 days
How to Ensure Reliable Backups for Your Proxmox VMs
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Ensuring reliable backups for your Proxmox virtual machines (VMs) is critical to protecting your data and maintaining business continuity. Here’s a guide to help you set up and maintain dependable backups for your Proxmox environment.
1. Plan Your Backup Strategy
Determine Backup Frequency: Assess how often you need to back up your VMs based on the importance of the data and the acceptable recovery point objective (RPO).
Choose a Backup Destination: Decide where your backups will be stored—this could be a local storage server, NAS, or cloud storage. Ensure your storage solution is reliable and secure.
2. Use Proxmox’s Built-in Backup Features
Snapshot Backups: Proxmox VE allows you to take snapshots of VMs. Snapshots are quick and can be scheduled, but remember they are stored on the same storage as the VM, so they’re not a full backup solution.
Full Backups: Use Proxmox’s backup tool to create full backups of your VMs. This method is more comprehensive than snapshots and ensures you have a complete copy of your VM data.
3. Automate Your Backups
Set Up Backup Schedules: Automate backups using Proxmox’s built-in scheduling feature. Regular automated backups minimize the risk of human error and ensure that your data is consistently backed up.
Use Backup Tools: Consider using third-party tools like NAKIVO Backup & Replication, which can offer advanced features like incremental backups, compression, and encryption.
4. Test Your Backups Regularly
Perform Regular Restore Tests: Regularly test your backups by restoring them to ensure that they’re functional and that you can recover your data when needed. A backup is only as good as its ability to restore.
Validate Data Integrity: After restoring, verify the integrity of the data to ensure it matches the original and is free from corruption.
5. Implement Redundancy
Use Multiple Backup Locations: Store backups in multiple locations to protect against site-specific disasters. For example, maintain copies on both local storage and cloud storage.
Geographic Redundancy: Consider geographic redundancy, where backups are stored in different physical locations to protect against regional disasters.
6. Ensure Security
Encrypt Your Backups: Protect your backups with encryption, especially if storing them off-site or in the cloud, to prevent unauthorized access.
Access Controls: Implement strict access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel can access or restore backups.
7. Monitor Backup Processes
Set Up Alerts and Notifications: Configure alerts for backup failures or missed schedules. Monitoring tools can help you quickly identify and address issues.
Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of your backup processes to ensure compliance with your backup strategy and to identify any areas for improvement.
Reliable backups are the cornerstone of data protection in any virtual environment. By planning a solid backup strategy, automating the process, regularly testing your backups, and ensuring security, you can safeguard your Proxmox VMs against data loss and minimize downtime. Investing time and resources into your backup process will give you peace of mind, knowing that your virtual machines are well-protected.
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virtualizationhowto · 4 months
Install Proxmox in VMware Workstation Pro
Install Proxmox in VMware Workstation Pro - Learn the steps to get Proxmox installed in VMware Workstation Pro now that it is free #proxmox #proxmoxve #vmwareworkstationpro #nestedvirtualization #homelab #homeserver #virtualization
With the recent news about VMware Workstation Pro being free for personal use, it opens up a lot of doors for using the software as a home lab platform and to play around with various hypervisors, etc. Installing Proxmox in VMware Workstation Pro will allow those who are new to the platform to have a way to get more familiar with the hypervisor and play around with its features and capabilities.…
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veuhoffblog · 10 months
Proxmox VE 8 Upgrade: Eine Aktualisierung von v7.4 auf v8.0 durchführen
Vor wenigen Tagen wurde Proxmox VE 8.0 veröffentlicht. Die neue Version basiert jetzt auf Debian 12 (Bookworm) und bringt eine ganze Menge neuer Features und Funktionen mit. In dieser Anleitung möchte ich euch dabei unterstützen, euren bestehenden Proxmox-VE-Server von Version 7.4 auf die aktuellste Versionsnummer 8.0 zu aktualisieren (Upgrade)...[Weiterlesen]
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pulipuli · 16 days
看看網頁版全文 ⇨ 雜談:最近發現了臺灣Linux遊戲玩家Ivon / Talk: Ivon, a Linux Gamer from Taiwan https://blog.pulipuli.info/2024/09/talkivon-a-linux-gamer-from-taiwan.html Ivon想要在Linux上玩遊戲的熱情真是讓我佩服得五體投地。 ---- https://ivonblog.com/posts/ubuntu-gpu-passthrough/。 我之前研究如何在Proxmox VE裡面將顯示卡的設備直通給底下的虛擬機器時,找到了Ivon的部落格。 當時只覺得他講述了很多Linux相關的技術知識,感覺很有意思,於是就把部落格加入到Feedly裡面訂閱了起來。 Ivon更新文章的頻率可說是令人驚訝的高。 而且內容也不是內容農場那種AI產生的結果,裡面有很多實際操作時需要知道的know-how,相當有料。 https://ivonblog.com/categories/linux%E7%8E%A9%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2/。 而且仔細一看,這個內容好像不只只有Linux... 竟然許多文章都是為了玩遊戲而做的研究。 https://ivonblog.com/posts/linux-gaming-steam-proton-vs-vfio-gaming-vm/。 真正讓我讚歎不已的大概是這篇「Linux系統玩Windows遊戲:Steam Proton V.S. VFIO虛擬機,孰勝孰負?」。 內容為Ivon近年來在Linux環境底下玩遊戲的心得總結,簡單來說他認為在Linux架設虛擬機器、用對應的客體作業系統(Guest OS)搭配顯示卡直通(passthrough)設定較能夠確保遊戲的正確運行,但還需要克服如何操作客體作業系統桌面的問題。 回頭看看我自己。 半年前我在Linux裝了模擬器玩些古早的遊戲就已經感動不已,還真的從沒想過要在Linux玩上那些現代遊戲。 當然,除了遊戲之外,Ivon也有非常多文章很值得一讀喔。 請大家多多訂閱起來吧!。 ---- 有任何想法都歡迎在下面留言喔! ---- 看看網頁版全文 ⇨ 雜談:最近發現了臺灣Linux遊戲玩家Ivon / Talk: Ivon, a Linux Gamer from Taiwan https://blog.pulipuli.info/2024/09/talkivon-a-linux-gamer-from-taiwan.html
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nksistemas · 10 months
Proxmox VE 8.1 Introduce Compatibilidad con Secure Boot
Proxmox VE 8.1 Introduce Compatibilidad con Secure Boot
Proxmox VE 8.1 debuta con base Debian 12.2, kernel Linux 6.5, QEMU 8.1.2 y LXC 5.0.2, mejorando entornos virtuales. Proxmox VE (Entorno Virtual) es una plataforma de virtualización de código abierto para gestionar máquinas virtuales y contenedores. Ofrece una solución integral tanto para centros de datos virtualizados como para infraestructuras en la nube. Construido sobre Debian, integra…
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techdirectarchive · 2 months
How to install Windows Server unto ACEMAGICIAN Mini PC
ACEMAGICIAN, a well-known brand, manufactures powerful mini PCs. They offer a range of high-performance products in a small form factor, ideal for both personal and professional use. In this article, we shall discuss how to ‘Install Windows Server unto ACEMAGICIAN Mini PC [AM06 Pro]’. Please see how Install Proxmox VE on a Beelink EQ12 Mini PC, how to install ESXi on a Beelink EQ12 Mini PC, and…
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footballfan141 · 5 months
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