#Proud Harry Larrie
sukiandmuzzy · 2 years
Ok here is my fandom rant (brought on by a ridiculous anon I saw earlier) This will be long so get comfy.  The Larrie fandom is pretty much ran anymore by Louis stan bullies. I said what I said. They lump all Harry fans (especially if they are het) as nasty people, and that couldn’t be further from the truth. So in 2018 I so badly wanted to go see Harry in Detroit. But I had a few things going against me. I am an older fan, would have had to attend in a wheelchair - and have bad anxiety, especially in crowds. I was so afraid to go for the longest time. I had heard (on here of course) how nasty most of Harrys fans are, and I was afraid of being made fun of, bullied and laughed at. I almost chickened out - but my love for Harry won out and I am so glad I went. Every fan I was in contact with was super nice. Every single fan I had contact with was cheerful and respectful and actually looked out for me. It was one of the best nights of my life and I got to spend it with my husband, daughter and her husband. Fast forward to 2022 and I went to Chicago to see him. This time I wasn’t as afraid of his fans. As a matter of fact I was so grateful to them, because for some reason the United Center in Chicago decided it was smart to put people in wheelchairs behind a row of standing fans. Well the group of fans in front of us were so nice and made sure they moved down so they wouldn’t stand in front of me - and would even make sure if someone tried to move into that spot - they would speak to them and move them out of the way. I was so grateful to them. Again - every Harry fan I was in contact that night were very thoughtful and kind. I even got a few compliments of some of the Harry stuff I was wearing, and everyone was chatty and cheerful.
So for the love of all things holy can we stop throwing all Harry’s fans under the bus and making them all out to be disrespectful and crude? As for the ridiculous anon I mentioned above - they had said they had went to Harrys show and his fans were disrespectful - whereas Louis fans were all respectful. Seriously - I mean I have seen fans ripping Louis clothes off and sticking their fingers in his mouth. (yes he is ok with it otherwise he’d not go gown there) but that finger could have put his eye out) and I see nothing respectful about ripping his shirt off him. Then they say well Louis fans don’t thirst for him like Harrys do. Ok, guess they are just tearing his shirt off him for what reason then? And as far as this anons comment that Harrys fans were all young - well from every singe video I have seen of their shows - Louis fans look far younger than do the bulk of Harrys fans. At my show there were loads of men and I saw several people my husbands and I’s age - so maybe this anon is basing her comments on the pit alone, because I promise you - Harry has a wide range of fans and it keeps expanding. More and more men are seen in the crowds, and lots more of us older fans as well.  And yet non stop on here they almost shame you if you are a Harry Larrie - oh they do it in subtle ways - but they do it. That is bullshit and the Louis Larries that do this are no better than the het rads. When anons like that say those things - they are basically saying all those lovely people who set up that amazing light show the other night (and all the other people doing fan projects at every show) are a bunch of disrespectful horny girls. Lets be honest - ya’ll are just mad for some reason - that so many people love Harry and his shows are so big and popular. I say ‘for some reason’ because as Larries I would think we would ALL enjoy the success of both the boys. Yet all you want to do is make everything a competition between them and they would hate that. What you all are pissed off about - is not Harry’s fault. Are you a Larrie or not? If you are then start acting like it, and for the love of God stop demonizing Harrys fandom. I am a very proud Harry stan!
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mydaylight · 9 months
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Go forward and claim your victory.
or Bertha Russell's "NEW BOSS IN TOWN" moment
THE GILDED AGE (2022- ) | "2.08 In Terms of Winning and Losing"
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hl-obsessed · 11 months
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louisplumpyass · 1 year
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on this day, i was untamed... lost my fucking mind
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braverainbows · 4 months
Holy fuck this is literally so amazing, I miss my concert so badly rn😭
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textiletattoos · 2 years
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my newest design 🌅 daylight 🌅 is now available on my website
I wanted to make an illustration as warm and gooey as the lyrics of this lovesong - I hope you like it! as always, everything is vegan, biodegradable, Fairshare and organic 🌱
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louuthesunflower · 2 years
What can I say…
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why do you feel the need to label harry's sexuality when he himself said he doesn't want labels
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larrylimericks · 2 years
Grammy noms — Harry got a sextet! (With three from the main Big Four set!) We hope that the mantle In his House can handle One or two or six more statuettes.
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aquarri · 2 years
Larrie Inktober
a collection because i’m lazy and have no time !
day 4: kiwi . day 5: faith
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day 8: phone . day 11: proud
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day 12: dorothy . day 14: house
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day 17: window . day 24: cinema
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eatsleepmemerepeat · 2 years
I just overheard my great aunt (aka my grandma’s sister) on the phone telling another family member that I got Louis tickets. The person on the other side of the call said, “Louis who? What’s his last name” and my aunt says: I don’t know his last name but it’s Harry Styles’ boyfriend. I taught her so well😂
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fundax · 1 year
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almost feels like this era was never real ✋🏻
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gypsylarry28 · 10 months
Outlander inspired Larry fic! (ongoing)
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1948: Louis Tomlinson unenthusiastically follows through with his wife's desire, Eleanor, to visit the standing stones of Craigh na Dun. He thinks not to much of it, until one afternoon, Louis is catapulted through the circle of stones and vanishes 200 years into the past. He is met with a band of outlawed smugglers, whom takes him on a fascinating, unforeseen journey. Amid the chaos and danger, Louis finds himself being drawn to the smugglers' leader, the infamous Harry Styles. Louis finds himself torn between two lives, which one will he choose?
or the au where Louis Tomlinson travels 200 years back and slowly but helplessly falls in love with an outlawed smuggling criminal, Harry Styles.
Soul from the Stars - Chapter 1 - gypsylarry28 - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
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rainbowsuffice1 · 2 years
husbands at screenings. that's it. that's the post.
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boots-and-dagger · 2 years
Louis currently slathering himself in glitter and queuing up candy shop 7000x
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lunarheslwt · 2 years
There's nothing more pleasing to me than to see Louis and Harry absolutely thriving, glowing, being successful in their own careers and just seeing how in their element they are right now. They deserve it.
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