olympiansmemes · 8 years
Persephone: A relationship involves love.
Cerberus: Haha nice try, but I’m not 6.
Persephone: What?
Cerberus: Next, you’ll tell me that Santa Claus is going to come visit.
Persephone: What are you talking about?
Cerberus: Like you really expect to trick me into believing in love? Psh, gotta try harder than that.
Persephone: Do you think... Love isn’t real?
Cerberus: Uh, it’s just a plot device created by Walt Disney to sell movies, everyone knows that.
Persephone: Oh my god, this is the saddest conversation I’ve ever had with anyone ever.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
Immigrants - we get the job done.
- Jinho and Seung-Bo, hi-fiving for homicide
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
I like that boom boom pow.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
Hera: Hades, how long have you been coming here?
Hades: Two years, seven months, three days, and... Two hours.
Hera: And how long have you been in love with Persephone?
Hades: Two years, seven months, three days and... I suppose an hour and thirty minutes.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
Deimos: No, we promised Zeus we'd prep for the meeting.
Hermes: No, Deimos, you promised Zeus. You see, I never promise Zeus anything. That way, I never disappoint him. I try to be considerate.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
Pandora: Hello good sir! I'd like your finest bottle of wine, please!
Dionysus: That will be 16,000 dollars
Pandora: Great. I'd like your 8 dollarest bottle of wine.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
Ares: Why did we break up?
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
I had a privileged life, AND I got lucky, AND I’m unhappy.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
Ares: Well, you made a lot of people in this gang very nervous.
Enyo: Yeah? That’s because they’re a bunch of bitch-ass white girls.
Ares: I hate to break this to you, but you’re also a bitch-ass white girl.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
Hera: Are you really qualified to give romantic advice? You’re not exactly the king of mature relationships.
Eros: Fair enough, though I would argue that I am like a beautiful angel of love who has trouble finding love for himself. Admit that you would see that movie!
Hera: …I would.
Eros: Thank you for your honesty.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
Hades: Hermes, I want you to do nothing. Just stand next to me and say, “Yes, Hades.”
Hermes: Okay, Hades.
Hades: Come on, man.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
the flames represent my fiery personality, the sparks represent my natural sparkle. so in a way crashing your car into the lightpost was art.
-Hermes to Zeus
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
have to stop saying “how am i going to kill my way out of this one” everytime there is trouble going on, or at least not out loud.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
I’d really like to be taken out. In a date way or a sniper way, I have no preference.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
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Hypnos: I’m so close to finding Thanatos’ killer… I can taste it…
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
Hypnos: I can explode the dock if you need me to, Hades.
Hades: I don’t need that.
Hypnos: I’m just saying, I had explosives rigged to one of Zeus’ boats.
Hades: Thanks, I guess.
Hypnos: Just say the word!
Hades: I literally don’t need it.
Hypnos: Okay, I just blew up a cocaine shipment.
Hades: Hypnos, no!
Hypnos: I’m gonna go watch my soap opera.
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olympiansmemes · 8 years
Persephone: Maybe because you’re skinny and maybe ‘cause you’re pretty, you’re used to getting away with things, but I want you to know that your actions have an effect on others, and I hate you, and you are a horrible person, and you not understanding that you’re a horrible person doesn’t make you less of a horrible person.
Narcissus: You think I’m pretty?
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