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chaosmenu · 1 year ago
i actually cant breathe help me
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sohailjawaid · 4 months ago
 Oh My God, what is happening to the women of Karachi.
Oh my God, what is happening to the women of Karachi? 😞💔 Increasing incidents of harassment, robberies, and street crimes have left women feeling unsafe and vulnerable. 🚨💔 It's time for urgent action to make the city safer for everyone. Let’s raise our voices and demand protection and justice for Karachi's women. ✊💜
For  Details Watch CCTV Footage: https://rb.gy/vsfw2y
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helputrust · 5 months ago
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लखनऊ, 31.08.2024 | "अंतर्राष्ट्रीय घरेलू कामगार दिवस 2024" के अंतर्गत हेल्प यू एजुकेशनल एंड चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट द्वारा "कार्यस्थल पर महिलाओं की सुरक्षा" जागरूकता अभियान के तहत जनता क्वार्टर, इंदिरा नगर, लखनऊ में जागरूकता कार्यक्रम" सुरक्षित महिला, संपन्न भारत" का आयोजन किया गया |
कार्यक्रम के अंतर्गत हेल्प यू एजुकेशनल एंड चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट के स्वयंसेवकों ने जनता क्वार्टर की 40 बालिकाओं एवं महिलाओं को कार्यस्थल पर उनकी सुरक्षा के महत्व के बारे में बताते हुए कहा कि, “आज के दौर में महिलाएं किसी भी मामले में पुरुषों से कम नहीं हैं । घर हो या कार्यस्थल महिलाएं आज पुरुषों के साथ कंधे से कंधा मिलाएं खड़ी हैं । ऐसा कोई क्षेत्र नहीं जहां महिलाएं अपना योगदान न दे रही हों । आप सभी भी अपने-अपने स्तर से अपने घर परिवार को चलाने के लिए अन्य घरों में अनेक कार्य कर रही है जैसे साफ सफाई करना, बर्तन धोना, कपड़े धोना, सिलाई करना आदि | आप में से कई लोग शिक्षित भी हैं लेकिन कई लोग ऐसे भी हैं जिनमें शिक्षा का अभाव हैं | हमारा ऐसा मानना है कि शिक्षा न केवल ज्ञान का स्रोत हैं, बल्कि यह आत्मविश्वास, स्वाभिमान और अधिकारों के प्रति जागरूकता भी प्रदान करती  हैं । एक शिक्षित महिला अपने अधिकारों को बेहतर ढंग से समझती हैं, अपनी सुरक्षा के लिए उचित कदम उठाने में सक्षम होती हैं, और किसी भी तरह के शोषण या असमानता के खिलाफ खड़ी हो सकती  हैं । वर्तमान परिप्रेक्ष्य को देखते हुए यह अत्यंत आवश्यक हैं कि महिलाएं अपने हित के कानूनी अधिकारों के बारे में जानकारी रखें, ताकि किसी भी तरह की प्रताड़ना को न सहना पड़े और उसके खिलाफ अपनी आवाज उठा सकें ।
अगर किसी महिला के साथ उसके ऑफिस में या किसी भी कार्यस्थल पर शारीरिक या मानसिक उत्पीड़न किया जाता हैं, तो उत्पीड़न करने वाले आरोपी के खिलाफ महिला शिकायत दर्ज कर सकती हैं ।
यौन उत्पीड़न अधिनियम के तहत महिलाओं को कार्यस्थल पर होने वाली शारीरिक उत्पीड़न या यौन उत्पीड़न से सुरक्षा मिलती हैं ।
जागरूकता कार्यक्रम "कार्यस्थल पर महिलाओं की सुरक्षा" में हेल्प यू एजुकेशनल एंड चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट के स्वयंसेवकों सुश्री निकिता सिंह, सुश्री अनन्या सिंह, सुश्री अंशिका दुबे, सुश्री अंशिका कटियार, सुश्री दीपा पाल (एमिटी इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ बायोटेक्नोलॉजी) ने सहभागित��� की तथा जागरूकता कार्यक्रम को सफल बनाया |
#InternationalDomesticWorkersDay #Workplacesafety #Safeatwork #Workplaceculture #Safewomen #Protectourwomen #Worklifebalance #Womensrightsarehumanrights #Workplacesecurity #Safespace
#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#YogiAdityanath #UPCM
#AmityUniversity #AmityInstituteofBiotechnology
#NikitaSingh #AnanyaSingh #AnshikaDubey
#AnshikaKatiyar #DeepaPal
#HelpUTrust #HelpUEducationalandCharitableTrust
#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
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@HelpUTrustDrRupalAgarwal @RupalAgarwal.HELPU @drrupalagarwal
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mochinomnoms · 11 months ago
i couldn’t think of a hozier song off the top of my head that screamed floyd to me but i do think this video really captures his spirit ❤️
You show him a genuine version of the video and ask him to make something too. Just for fun, and who knows! It might be helpful!
He takes it one step further and really ensures that your Uber driver won't be tempted to do anyhting with you lmao
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I think Nendou would make this
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tnsfrbc · 3 months ago
வீட்டில் பணிபுரிந்த 16 வயது சிறுமி கொடூரமாக தாக்கி கொலை செய்த குடும்பத்தினர் …
#JusticeForVictims #WomensSafety #ProtectOurWomen #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #Support#OBCRights #FightForJustice #StopViolence #StandWithVictims #VoiceForTheVoiceless #SafetyAndJustice #SpeakUpForWomen #EmpowerWomen #TogetherAgainstCrime #DemandJustice #WomenDeserveSafety
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mr-arcturus · 4 years ago
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IJS y'all Ding Ding Dingin
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t-cedes · 3 years ago
I remember last year, I went to a gas station to get gas. As I stood in line the clerk had a coworker he was talking to, so I let him finish. I guess me waiting frustrated him! He began to yell “ what are you waiting” for!? Me shocked and hurt by the harshness in his voice, tried to reply, but I tripped on my words! So at this point my voice is cracking from my nerves, as I’m explaining myself he says... “ what? You thought what?” Tears formed in my eyes and in that moment a young man stood up for me, saying “ you think you’re tough speaking to a woman like that?” Surprised, the clerk became nervous and now he was tripping on his words! That day I felt so hurt but so protected! Needless to say I’m a black woman and the clerk was a white man, my hero that day was a BLACK KING! Please kings, continue to protect our black queens! We need you! We need your protection! 💪🏽🤴🏾
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nothingtoseeherejajaja · 4 years ago
“Boy will be Boys”
TW: Mention of sexual, verbal and physical assault, rape, domestic abuse, child abuse, violence against women and children, femicide. 
“If a boy is mean to you, it's because he likes you”. I think of this phrase every single time a man has sexually harassed or assaulted me, flabbergasted at the normalization of violence against women. I think of the white man three years ago who caressed my thigh on the bus ride home and told me he wanted to “rape me and show me the night of my life”. Did he like me? I think of the boyfriend I had who constantly belittled me, physically and verbally assaulted me and made me want to die.  I think of all the countless stories women have told, and the ones never told because they never had the space or support to share. I think of the women and children sex trafficked everyday and the countless videos of non-consensual violent pornography displayed to the public, both crimes and profitable for those uploading it. I think about how one of those videos could have been me when I found out my childhood babysitter was a pedophile who abused me and other kids. Or when I found out one of my high school teachers was arrested for child pornography and making minors do sexual things for his pleasure. I think of the never- ending stories of violence our women endure, profitable within our society. Like the murder of Marisela Escobedo Ortiz and her daughter Rubi Marisol Fraire Escobedo. Her daughter was killed for wanting to leave her murderer, after finding out he wasn’t who she fell in love with. And just like her daughter, after protesting and raising awareness relentlessly of the murder and the Mexican government’s compliance in it, Marisela was silenced and killed.
 Women are constantly having to fight for their right to live and be treated as equals. And when we do, we are either criticized, assaulted, raped, silenced or killed. It’s difficult to live within a world that thrives off of breaking you and normalizing your pain, Your oppression becomes part of their daily routine. There's a poet called Olivia Gatwood and her poem “If A Girl Screams In The Middle Of The Night'' (2019), describing the violent endings many women encounter. She begins her poem by stating in caps the truth that society will hide from many women in order to control and oppress them;
and no one is there to hear it
here’s what happens. i’ll tell you.” (Gatwood, 5, 2019)
Gatwood illustrates the violent murders of women and the suffering endured.  
“if she is in the woods, it shoots
from the cannon of her throat
& smacks itself against a branch,
whips around it like a tetherball.”  (Gatwood, 5, 2019)
The disappearance of women.
“if she is facedown in the moss,
it seeps into the forest floor’s pores,
& every time a hiker passes through,
the days beyond her unravel..”  (Gatwood, 5, 2019)
Mistreatment of women experiencing trauma and violence.
“if the girl is in the city,
the scream get lodged
in the cubby of a neighbor’s ear
prevents him from sleeping at night
& so naturally, he sells it to a second hand store
he takes it to the buying counter
in a jewelry box & says,
i don't know who this belonged to
but i don't want it anymore.
& though the pierced & dyed employee
is reluctant to take it, she sees the purple
bags rotting figs under the neighbor’s eyes
so she offers store credit.”  (Gatwood, 5, 2019)
Pleasure derived from perpetrating violence on women.
“& so not to startle customers,
a small label will be placed on the box
that says A SCREAM & each time a person cracks
it open the the girl’s rattling tongue will shake loose
into the store. this happens for months but no one
wants to buy it, to take care of it. everyone wants to hear it once to feel something & then go back
to their quiet homes, so the store throws it
in a dumpster out back, where the garbage
truck picks it up & smashes it beneath
its hydraulic fists. the scream will get buried
in a landfill somewhere in new jersey
& later the landfill will be coated in a grass,
where a wandering child will see a hill,
will throw her body against it
& shriek the whole way down” (Gatwood, 5-6, 2019)
Femicides occurring in Juárez Mexico are proof of institutionalized violence against women. Since the mid-1990s, “international media began to fixate on hundreds of gruesome killings of women: mostly young women of modest means. News stories reported on bodies found en masse in the Chihuahuan desert, at times describing evidence of trauma and torture in lurid and objectifying detail. No one knows exactly how many women have been killed or kidnapped in Juárez, but gender-based killings continue”. It wasn't until 2019 when the Mexican government “registered 1,006 victims of gender-based homicide across the country, with 31 of those in Chihuahua state, where Juárez is located”. According to Mexico's attorney general, that is a “137% increase over five years”, including only women who have been found”. Countless amounts of “crimes go undiscovered, unsolved and unpunished, enough that homicide on the basis of gender has generated its own official classification in Mexico and in much of Latin America: femicide”. Femicide encapsulates not only the “killing of victims who happen to be female” but also “the systematic violation of human rights. Whether through domestic violence or sexual assault, the victims of femicide are women who were killed because they are women” and it should be recognized as such (Chin & Schultz, 2020).
Women’s stories are constantly disposed of, silenced and erased from the world because it exposes the structural violence we experience and how embedded it is within our society. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, “1 in 5 women” are “victims of rape or attempted rape during their lifetime”,”1 in 5 women” have “experienced contact sexual violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime”, “19.1 million women” have been stalked, and “1 in 2 female murder victims” are “ killed by intimate partners” (NCADV, 2, 2020). The list goes on and on. And that again, only counts for REPORTED acts of violence. For an institutional and global issue, we must create an institutional and globally effective solution to end the normalization of gendered and sexual violence against women.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence:
If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.
For anonymous, confidential help, 24/7, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or  1-800-787-3224 (TTY).
National Child Abuse Coalition:
If you know someone who is in trouble or needs assistance, call the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-Child (1-800-422-4453).
Works Cited:
Chin, Corinne, and Erika Schultz. “Disappearing Daughters.” The Seattle Times, 8 March 2020, https://projects.seattletimes.com/2020/femicide-juarez-mexico-border/.
Gatwood, Olivia. “If You Hear A Girl Scream In the Woods.” The Life of the Party, 1 ed., Dial Press Trade, 2019, pp. 5-6.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (2020). Domestic violence. Retrieved from https://assets.speakcdn.com/assets/2497/domestic_violence-2020080709350855.pdf?1596811079991
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chelseypbell · 4 years ago
I think the recent kidnap and murder of Sarah Everard has shocked and saddened the nation of UK but this isn’t the first case of something like this happening to our women. As women, we are told not to walk down dark streets, to keep one headphone out so we can hear our surroundings, to not wear that short skirt or that revealing top as it could appeal to a man’s ‘urges’. In Sarah’s case, people have asked the question of why did she walk home at that time, why was she out at that time. Not, why was there a police officer who had already been flagged for indecent exposure waiting around for her to be attacked.
I have spoken out about my own experience with sexual assault, and most women have dealt with these events. From being beeped at by a car of men, to being touched in a club without consent to rape. We view rape as the most significant and worst of these crimes but the small crimes allow these types of men to build up to these more severe crimes. It’s the same idea of stealing something small, getting away with it and then moving up to stealing bigger items. Now I am not here to make the argument that it is all men who should be looked as the problem, that would be untrue. It’s those who commit these actions, things that are seen as no big deal, those who watch as their friends touch girls up in clubs, listen as their friends make derogatory comments about girls they see walking down the street, those people need to be held accountable as well as it reinforces that these behaviours and these comments are okay to make. The lockdown has seen the rise of more domestic violence and assault crimes, as women feel trapped more than ever and unable to leave home due to the money crunch this pandemic has left on people’s lives.
This begs the question, what more can we do for our most vulnerable women. Our most scared and at risk women. First, we need to look out for the signs. There are different kinds of abuse. Let’s start with psychological; this can include name calling, threatening behaviour and words, manipulation tactics, gas-lighting (making you question your own memory of events):
“I don’t understand why YOU keep doing this” = Placing the blame on you for their actions, blaming their abusive ways on you.
“Are you sure that’s what happened” = Making you question your own memory of something that happened or what was said in a conversation.
Then there is economic abuse, controlling your money, stop you working or using your name to apply for loans or overdrafts etc.
Sexual abuse, making you feel like you need to have sex with them, this doesn’t have to be physical threats, it can be with words, manipulating you into doing sexual favours for them.
Physical abuse, it doesn’t have to just be hitting, they might throw objects, not necessarily at you but at the wall or near you. This is still classed as physical abuse.
Technological abuse, threatening texts, wanting passwords to social media or your phone, track your location or post personal photos or videos.
Secondly, you need to let go of the idea that this person will change over time and that you could be the one to help them change. These are the ones who will exhibit this behaviour but then tell you they are sorry and that it won’t happen again. It’s true that there are support systems out there for abusers to recognise their behaviours and help get treatment for it but you cannot wait for this to happen. Your safety is main priority and you cannot put yourself in danger waiting for someone to change their actions.
Some facts that not many know is that 1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime, every 30 seconds the police will receive a call for help relating to domestic abuse.
Some excuses that will be used to excuse abuse are that alcohol and drugs make people more violent, most abusers will also be violent when sober, many who drink never use violence so why is this used as an excuse? Some say that abusers grow up in violent households and this is the reason that they become abusers, this can be true but violence is still the choice an abuser makes, they alone are responsible for their actions, no one else.
The ‘they just lost their temper’ excuse is also used but they are very much in control, they use multiple methods to abuse, it’s not a case of ‘seeing red’.
A good documentary about domestic violence was created by the BBC called ‘Murdered by my Boyfriend’ which is a drama based on a real life case from right here in Nottingham. This BAFTA award winning film follows ‘Ashley’ through her 4 year relationship with a man called ‘Reece’ who ultimately ended up beating her to death with physical violence and an ironing board as a weapon while their daughter watched on. The attack started after she confessed to sleeping with another man while they were split up, and she lay on her bedroom floor bleeding out for two hours before an ambulance was called, she later died from these injuries.
This is why we must be more vigilant, looking for signs with not only our own partners but with family and friends as well. If we find the signs and recognise them before its too late, we can help victims be safe and prevent murders from happening.
 Stay safe and vigilant, make your voices heard and don’t let us be silenced.
-       Chelsey Bell
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ibogard · 4 years ago
#Yaaaoooo to look back, is not to be weak. It takes strength, it takes courage. It takes a person who is more in control of who they are to cast a discerning, non-judgmental eye over who they once were... @_JessicaVeronica_ BOGARDin; lookin @LuxorAndFinch @WOCworldwide lookin gym chic in her @BOGARDbyMikeB Ultra Black 3M Reflector Cycling shorts set.. #BOGARD Building Organizations Geared Around Real Deals • #LookBackAtIt #BlackGirlsRock #Queen #Empress #ProtectOurWomen #BeRealToOurWomen #PutInWork #BuildYourBrand #BlackBusiness #BlackWallStreet #LuxorAnfF #HealthIsYourWealth #Fitness #RegalFam #RoyalFlyness #Swsganomics #Hustlersinstyle #Catchusifucan Cc @culturespun @mittensnyc #princeoffashionmikeb (at Durham, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQeAAUYDByL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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scarletlegionnaire · 4 years ago
We live in a dangerous world. Here is the face and plate of a man who nearly hit my cousin head-on while her daughter (under one year of age) and her pregnant sister were in the car. His response was to park behind them after this near collision, and get out of his vehicle with a weapon!
Again, to use against a pregnant woman, an infant and her mother. 🤬
Police refuse to do anything because they claim it wasn't a threat. I'm sorry. Since when does brandishing a weapon, even of the blunt force kind, not indicate a threat? This man's first response to an accident he nearly caused was to grab a weapon!
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monstabeatzz · 5 years ago
This song was inspired my #blackqueen We gotta start protecting the black woman so they can protect us. “Black Queen” feat @crimson_monroe213 “When It’s All Said ‘N’ Done ! Available on all digital retail platforms now. #download #stream #buy #support . . #itunes #applemusic #spotify #tidal #googleplay #amazonmusic #deezer . . #protectblackwomen #blackwomen #protectourwomen #blackwoman #blackwomenmatter #nubianqueen #blacklivesmatter . . #realrap #likelike #share #comment #worldwide #wakeup #standup #unify . . @theshaderoom @hollywoodunlocked @balleralert @pettywednesday @worldstar @blackownednews @get_reposter @get_1000_followers_free.x @_instant_likes_forever (at Black Queen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCUpRP7D-ZC/?igshid=5ew67o2bkxoa
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thespitefulartist · 5 years ago
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With all the chaos going on in America right now I had to fall back and reevaluate what I'm really doing with my art. The foundation of my work has always been built on the unapologetic beauty of Melantated skin and all its hues. My future work however will dig deeper into my outlook of our shared experiences and the struggles behind them. Stay safe. Be there for one another, and never stop fighting against a system that wants us to fail. #nevergiveup #blacklivesmatter #blackartistsoninstagram #blackart #wip #sketchbookart #digitalart #unapologeticallyblack #blackillustrators #illustrationwork #procreatedrawing #sketchtodigital #protectourwomen #drawingprocess #nolivesmatteruntilblacklivesmatter #theblackexperience #fuck12 #afroart (at Cleveland, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB4XklyhGy2/?igshid=ol7nv68fbm4k
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always-hope-laurel-blog · 2 years ago
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Ohioans the time to vote for our School Board is CRITICAL!
Sarah McGervey
What do you want allowed in your child’s classroom? Do you want 1.6 million confused people making choices to dominate distinctiveness in our schools?
Title IX will change the identity of what God has created!
The Bible teaches God Created Male and Female! End of Story! I will vote according to My Bible! Male and Female!
Our female girls will no longer be safe when completing against in sports!
Parents wake up!
Sarah McGervey’s social media shows she is against critical race theory and against so-called “woke” ideas.
“I don’t like cancel culture,” she said. “I know that parents should be involved with their child’s life, that it’s the parent’s decision of what their children are exposed to or not exposed to.”
When it comes to the school board resolution, McGervey told OCJ that the origins of Title IX were to help women, so that is what she supports.
On her Facebook page, she shared a post on Sept. 11 saying, “We need to protect scientific factual information regarding biology, as well as women’s rights in school and sports.”
“If this change to Title IX goes through, then facts no longer matter and women’s rights will not either,” she continued
Vote for Sarah McGervey to protect Women’s rights!
We must continue to #StandFastAndPrayForTheUSA
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goku20193 · 2 years ago
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Repost: @hvac562 #JusticeForMona #MonaRodriguez #EddieGonzalez #PoliceBrutality #ProtectOurWomenAndChildren #ProtectOurWomen #ProtectOurChildren #KillerCops #KKKops #KKKPolice #JusticeForMonaRodriguez https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci3C4w2vPt6P6JY6gA33jcIHpaba_rxNz1tf5Y0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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