#Property Tax Errors
oconnor2023 · 2 years
Separating Intangible Value Software is also considered intangible in most states, including Texas. The difficulty of separating software from the value of personal property is more difficult than the issue of separating the value of a warranty or a service contract. For more information on Intangible personal property and property tax Errors visit:- https://www.poconnor.com/separating-intangible-value/
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Jestiny Rook (@adelaidedrubman, art by @derelictheretic) vs. Itch (@zipmode)
*This poll has had to be reposted due to a scheduling error. I encourage you to re-cast your votes if you voted on the previous version of the poll. My sincerest apologies for the inconvenience.
Jestiny Rook info:
Description: jestiny is an overgrown gifted child burn out and self-described “normal human person” slash future “america’s sweetheart” who is in actuality widely locally hated in her canon material (far cry 5). a girl with no moral compass but a deep fondness for dying on every hill she’s ever come across, she initially attempts to abandon her position as a deputy (cop, strike one) after the county she’s sworn to protect is seized by a violent doomsday cult, but has a quick change of heart after seeing how much her friends and neighbors need her help — just kidding, she has no friends and only got invested for the sake of playing 5D chess with a middle management cult leader slash torturer to feed her own desire for an unearned sense of intellectual superiority. and once she IS invested, she is ramping up war crimes and endangering the civilians she swears she’s doing this to protect while subjecting them to her childish tantrums, violence, manipulation, and generally awful personality! described by the characters who know her best as “vicious, ruthless, heinous, condemnable, merciless, insufferable, deplorable, irredeemably violent nightmare of a woman” “harbinger of destruction, force of ruin” “not fucking special, fucking pathetic” and “a very difficult test to be faced with,” she has an undeniable devilish charm!
Crimes: impromptu torturing a man seeking her help to flee a cult, callously prying into the trauma of her crush’s past victims to sate her own morbid curiosity, countless murder of civilians (including for singing a song she didn’t want to hear), grave desecration, attempting to make the deceased’s surviving family member feel unreasonable for criticizing the grave desecration, theft by false pretense, ordering pointless raids resulting in foreseeable unnecessary deaths to impress her crush, deceiving and manipulating allies, revealing sensitive information resulting in a deadly siege of a stronghold, destruction of sentimental property, and throwing self-victimizing tantrums any time she is called out on any of the above.
Other notes from the submitter: she’s just a funny little guy.
Itch info:
Description: Tall as fuck undead wizard whose life goal is to help a god of flesh rise to the surface of the world. Loves to cause agony to pretty much anyone as long as its funny. She's like if bugs bunny wanted to see the world bleed.
Crimes: hoooooh boy ok lets see: mass murder, unethical experimentation, creation and distrubution of dangerous substances (it's called mystery meat in her world LOL), Cyberbullying, rolling joints poorly at parties on purpose, making and then subsequently mistreating homunculi, aiding a giant evil worm god in its plans to destroy an entire city, voter fraud, tax fraud, is constantly unclean due to the nature of being what is basically a zombie that can think for itself. OH and milf hunting. She'll fuck ur mom no problem sorry.
Other notes from the submitter: -
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ladytemeraire · 2 years
One of my least favorite things about having ADHD is how stuff will just... straight up disappear.
I have a sweet little pocket knife I’ve used for years. It fits neatly into even tiny women’s pockets with its clip, and it’s the perfect size for my small hands. I used it just last night to cut the ties on a skein of yarn so I could wind it! But I cannot currently find it, and I am losing my mind trying to figure out where it could be. It has to be somewhere on my property - I realized it was missing as I was going to run errands, and I'd only been in the house and the fenced in backyard between then and when I last used it - but I haven’t found it yet, I’m running out of obvious places to look, and I’m so frustrated I could cry.
I’m mentally retracing my steps trying to think of where it could be. I know what I normally do during my nightly routine (stuff in pockets goes in a little candy dish before bed), but it’s not there, and it’s not in my pockets from yesterday, and if I try to remember exactly what I did with it? Big old 404 error in the brain.
And yes I could, in theory, replace it if it’s well and truly vanished... but that’s the ADHD tax for you. Now I’m out more money replacing something. Not to mention that little voice in the back of my head going “maybe you don’t deserve to have nice things, if you’re just going to lose them.”
Anyway, happy ADHD Awareness Month, I hate this.
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jayblanc · 8 months
More Worldcon News! Censure, Resignations, and Delinquency!
Dave McCarty has resigned as a Director of W.I.P. and Kevin Standlee has resigned as Chair of the W.I.P. Board of Directors, but remains a Director. Dave McCarty – censured for his public comments that have led to harm of the goodwill and value of our marks and for actions of the Hugo Administration Committee of the Chengdu Worldcon that he presided over. Chen Shi – censured for actions of the Hugo Administration Committee of the Chengdu Worldcon that he presided over. Kevin Standlee – reprimanded for public comments that mistakenly led people to believe that we are not servicing our marks. Ben Yalow – censured for actions of the Hugo Administration Committee of the Chengdu Worldcon that he presided over.
But this is not the end of the troubles at Worldcon Intellectual Property. I discovered through a cursory records search, that WIP is in Deliquency with the State of California. WIP’s Registration number is CT0169323
They were notified of this last August, over an apparent failure to file correctly for a period between 2019-2021. They were then re-notified after the apparent attempt to just resubmit their 2023 filing in September, and given thirty days to rectify the issue. Since they are still on record as delinquent it does not look like they did. This may be the State's error, but it is the duty of WIP to maintain their tax status. As there are multiple concerns over how WIP relates to the WSFS Surplus fund that as transfers between the Conventions it licenses, I strongly recommend they talk to a Tax Attorney.
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eaglesnick · 1 year
This is a wonderful planet, and it is being completely destroyed by people who have too much money and power and no empathy. -Alice Walker
Spot the difference.
“Tory MP apologises for failing to report extra earnings on time.” Guardian: 19/10/15)
Tory MP failed to notice receiving £400,00 in outside earnings. (Financial Times: 04/02/16)
Boris Johnson apologises to Commons for failing to declare £52,000 earnings on time." sky news: 06/12/18)
“A Conservative MP has not been formally disciplined despite breaching rules on declaring interests after being lent £150,000 by a businessman for a rental property and then writing to a financial watchdog to praise the same person."  (Guardian: 21/11/22)
“Nadhim Zahawi is under scrutiny over a multi-million pound tax dispute. The Conservative chairman says he made a “careless and not deliberate” error according to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), but he is now facing calls to resign."  (4 news: 25/01/23)
“Rishi Sunak "inadvertently" broke the code of conduct for MPs by not correctly declaring his wife's financial interest in a childminding company set to benefit from government support” sky news: 24/08/23).
Did you spot the difference. No? Of course not, there isn’t any. All of the above failures to declare financial interests or income were all slips of memory and totally unintentional.
It must be really nice to have so much money that you cannot remember how much you have or where you last stashed it. 
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bigmouthlass · 6 days
Title:  Of Constant Sorrow
Author:  BJ
Fandom:  The Boys
Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Rating:  Mature
Synopsis: The after-the-fact deposition of the nurse brought in to care for a certain explosively hot patient.
Tags:  Solider Boy, Ben O'Connell, Original Female Character, Billy Butcher, Grace Mallory, Starlight, Annie January, Hughie Campbell, MM, Marvin Milk, Frenchie, Serge Cassell, Kimiko Miyashiro, Original Male Character, Unethical Experimentation, Unethical Medicine, Canon Divergence, AU, No Good Answers
AN:  Content warning -- unironic use of racial slurs.
This was actually my mother's idea-- my mom spent twenty years as a home health aide who specialized in elder care. She and I got to speculating on how someone might connect with Soldier Boy even in his vulnerable state at the end of S3, and this is how I ran with her idea. Factual errors are mine; I'm not a medial professional. Songs are, "Ship of Fools," by Bob Seger, "Man/Maid of Constant Sorrow," by Dick Burnett, "My Favorite Dream," by Bill Walsh and Ray Noble (the magic harp's lullaby from 'Mickey and the Beanstalk'), and "Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral (An Irish Lullaby)," by James Royce Shannon. All recognizable intellectual properties are owned by their respective creators and holders of any trademarks or copyrights. This is a not-for-profit work of fan art and is protected by Fair Use.
Data classified Top Secret/eyes only under authority of case officer Mallory
Interrogation session 8 re case Solider Boy. Subject: DePoister, Charlotte, captain, USA.
WB: We recording? Right, this can go all sorts of ways, love-- CD: You can knock off the intimidation schtick. I can see how sick you are. You should be in a hospital.
HC: He's been doing a lot better lately-- how can you tell? CD: Because it's my damn job, jackass.
WB: Don't you worry 'bout me. I'm sound as a pound. MM: Okay, let's not get sidetracked. Tell us about how you got hired to be Solider Boy's nurse. CD: I'm a Supe-- super-ability immunity to poisons and radiation. However, I’m not indestructible. I didn't even get super healing. I cut, I bruise, I bleed, I break. I age. At least my sister went gray first. Take that, ya brat. I turned down Vought and enlisted, got trained as a combat medic and went to college for my nursing degree after I was wounded in the line of duty. Immunity to poisons is a great thing to have for a first responder.
HC: Wait-- I thought the Army banned Supes. AJ: Supes that are the property of Vought are barred from serving. People with super-abilities aren’t. CD: Right. Given a choice, most Supes pick Vought because the money is a lot better. My dad never did forgive me for turning them down. I could be rich'n'famous right now. Decontamination Charlotte, complete with sequined “HazMat” suit with florescent Fuck Me boots. Instead I picked Uncle Sam, like an idiot. I came out of the Army with a captain’s commission, an RN license, and an average of about four nightmares a month. Anyway. Colonel Mallory came to me herself after the incident at Vought Tower. She explained the situation and pointed out my sister's six-figure tax debt thanks to her idiot husband's house-flipping business and how she could make it go away. That’s pretty much how I ended up taking what was basically an orderly’s job in that spick-and-span underground Purgatory. Nasogastric feeding tube in one end, Foley catheter in the other, and between the two a living body that still needed things like bathing and haircuts and whatnot. The Russians were clever to keep him in an upright position. No pressure sores. Not that he’d be prone to them. --- You think you’re gonna get used to it, but you never really do, Charlotte remembered her practical instructor saying as she completed her unit in the chronic care building at Walter Reed. Ward 4, where long-term coma patients and people in persistent vegetative states lived out their lives until a merciful God called them home. Especially when the patients were healthy otherwise-- young, strong, people who should’ve been out in the sunlight.
With that Me Doctor You Nurse sneer some of them just seemed to have, Dr. Sanjeer briefed her on the acceptable baselines for the patient’s vital signs. “Any independent motion, no matter how minor, must be reported at once. When he was originally roused from captivity in Russia, he blasted through a reinforced concrete wall before he was fully conscious and oriented to time and place.”
“So we’re worried he might haul off and punch a hole in the world.”
“In brief, yes.”
“Great.” Not that the good doctor was worried, from the other side of a camera feed in a laboratory in a completely different part of the facility. Leave the cleanup to Charlotte. Decontamination Charlotte, the filth doesn’t touch her in a bad place.
The containment capsule opened with a sigh of equalizing air pressure. Up close the wrong feeling was worse. White adult male, bearded, mass 85 kilos, height 185 centimeters, beautifully cut muscles, broad shoulders, and long legs. Electrodes stuck to his temples and on his chest fed data to the containment capsule's monitors, with telemetry readings well within Dr. Sanjeer's provided baselines. The only concession to modesty was a drape over his groin, the line of a catheter running to a onboard reservoir. Urinalysis made for a crude substitute for a proper blood test but the needle hadn’t been invented yet that could pierce his skin. A breathing mask clamped over his face fed him air laced with the nerve agent keeping him . . . keeping him in some Supe-enabled state that wasn't quite comatose and wasn't quite dead.
"Hi. Ben, right?” she said.
Over the monitor Dr. Sanjeer's condescending frown deepened.
Charlotte wasn't fazed. Dr. Sanjeer's specialties were in genetics and biochemistry, not direct care. She'd lay money he'd never gone near a patient in his life-- not a human one anyway, he had the look of a monkey man. “His brain still works, right? He’s not an inanimate object. I refuse to treat him like one.
“Ben, my name is Charlotte DePoister. I’ll be your primary care nurse. You have a tube in your nose feeding you fluids and a catheter’s been inserted into your penis. I apologize if either feel uncomfortable. I’ll be in for four hour shifts every day at 0600 and 1800 to see to your physical needs, which will include moving your limbs to keep your muscles from atrophy, keeping you clean, reflex checks, and tactile stimulation tests. I’m going to put something in your hand to demonstrate." From her scrub top pocket, Charlotte pulled out a tennis ball. She took the unconscious Supe’s hand and shaped it into a cup, fitting the tennis ball down into it.
No response. His fingers were warm and totally lax.
“All right. I’m going to give you a quick bath with some dry shower cloths. Clever things, keep you almost as clean as a full sponge bath and a lot less labor intensive. Full baths are still on the agenda, every fifth day. I’ll wash your hair then too. Beard trims as needed, haircuts once a month, but I don’t manscape.”
Charlotte hummed as she worked on the heavy pile of inert tissue that might've had a man inside somewhere. Dr. Sanjeer watched with a look of greed on his face that made her uncomfortable. Reminding her that he saw her patient as a specimen.
At the end of her shift, she covered Ben with a light blanket and sealed the containment capsule. The air inside went misty as it pressurized and filled with the Novachik nerve agent. Carefully, with the thick plastic gloves built into the capsule, she removed the breathing mask. The pad beneath him activated to hold him in place and the capsule went into lateral rotation mode, rocking him side-to-side. A child in a cradle made of lead and poison. "See you this evening, Ben." --- MM: What were you told about the actual research going on? CD: Just broad strokes. The laboratories were all dedicated to studying him, trying to figure out how that radiation of his neutralizes super-abilities. I sat through a lot of meetings with lab coats pissing and moaning about not being able to access their specimen directly.
WB: And you never thought to ask where you fit into the master plan? Spending all day wiping Soldier Boy's arse you'd think you'd be a bit more inquisitive. CD: What do you want from me, you prick? I'm a soldier. My job's to execute orders and hope like hell the officers over me know what the fuck they're doing. You're military too, you should know that. In the day-to-day it was pure routine, like caring for any long-term coma patient. I’d clean him up at the start of my shift, do basic physiotherapy, provide sensory and tactile stimulation with things like soft toys. I read somewhere that he's a baseball fan, so I started playing the radio play-by-plays over the speaker in the containment capsule.
SC: Why even bother? What care does a monster like that warrant in light of the crimes he's committed? CD: Because he’s a person, no matter how horrible a person he is. Nobody deserves to be tortured with the effects of long-term immobility. “We must be what we are, else we become our enemies.” Historical fantasy. A Song For Arbonne. --- "I saw that one on the TV," Charlotte said as she scrubbed her patient’s hair. Soft and fine like her own and sweet with the mild smell of Johnson and Johnson No-Tears. "The home plate ump totally blew that call. Even I could see that wasn’t in the strike zone." Over the capsule’s speaker Dickerson called it-- White Sox over Tigers, 13-6. "Buncha dipshits this year. The Tigers haven’t been able to get shit done with Cabrerra out. I hope we haven’t lost him for the season."
No response from her patient.
Charlotte turned the game off and rinsed out the shampoo. Careful of the clamps holding the breathing mask, she used a little travel dryer on her patient’s hair, lifting the strands to get the cool air at the roots. She sang as she worked. "'Tell me quick,' said Old MacPhee, 'what's this all got to do with me? I spent all my time at sea, alone' . . ." --- MM: Let's get back on track. So you were taking care of Soldier Boy while he was . . . out. The nerve agent should've had him totally insensate. What happened to change that? CD: Either his body started adapting to the Novachik or someone was deliberately dialing back the concentration. Possibly both. --- "This is a ball of hemp cord, it should feel rough and abrasive against your skin." Charlotte lightly ran the stim object down his forearm and checked No Response. "What's on the agenda for today . . . oh it's everybody's favorite, Leg Day."
Talking through each flexation and extension, Charlotte moved each of her patient's legs through their full range of motion. "Everything's still moving the way it should be, big guy. You're not even losing muscle tone. Reflex test-- I'm going to run the tip of an ink pen along the sole of your foot."
Accustomed to days and days of the same thing, Charlotte didn't register at first what she was seeing. His foot flexed, curling into the touch of the ballpoint pen as she ran it up the arch. "Woah." She did it again. Another flex. This time, the muscle groups in his calf twitched, like he was trying to point his toes. Charlotte finally registered what it was that had put her on edge-- his pulse and breathing had sped up, just enough to be noticeable.
Dr. Sanjeer had been very clear on this point. Any indication that he might be coming out of his next-door-to-dead state rated a five-alarm panic. Instead, Charlotte squeezed his ankle. "It's okay. You're safe. It's just Charlotte, Ben. Flex your toes again if you can hear me."
Nothing. Involuntary reaction, nothing more. Just a sign that physiotherapy was in fact indicated. --- MM: The doctor told you to sound the alarm if he showed any signs of coming out of it. How come you didn't? CD: I didn't think it'd be in anybody's best interest to punch the panic button, least of all my patient's. I know you don't take the idea seriously, but part of my duty as his nurse is to be an advocate for his well-being.
AJ: He roasted Crimson Countess alive, he bashed Mindstorm's face in-- CD: Have you read his quote-unquote "service record"? His brilliant solution to the Korean conflict damn near started World War III. Under international law he's an unindicted war criminal. And I'm sure all of you have been hurt by him. Directly. At his hands. Making him suffer when he's helpless doesn't do a damn thing to balance those scales or prevent anyone else from getting hurt. Justice is a higher duty than our fucking feelings.
MM: Look, I used to be a corpman. Okay? I agree with you. Just tell us what happened next. CD: According to the EEG, he started cycling between normal periods of dreaming and non-dreaming sleep. They weren’t happy dreams either. His vital signs would start spiking right the fuck off the scale and the Geiger counter would start sounding like a electric woodpecker. Scared the shit out of me the first time it happened. I’m immune to the neurotoxin and the radiation, not to getting vaped or having a mountain dropped on me. --- Charlotte had gotten into the habit of keeping the containment capsule open while she was in the room with her patient. With the room itself isolated and her the only person allowed direct access, it just made her job easier not having to constantly pressurize and depressurize the damned thing. She'd also gotten into the habit of holding his hand for part of her shift. Sometimes there'd be a faint twitch. Nothing that could be misconstrued as deliberate, purposeful action. Once his hand had full-on clamped, just shy of enough force to crush the bones. Hurt like hell. Charlotte blessed the foresight that had made her use her left hand.
The day everything changed was another day exactly the same as all the rest. Charlotte had been catching up on the charting when an alarm on the telemetry monitor went off. The Geiger counter started ticketing away, as the needle rocked right into the red zone. The pump on the gas canisters under the containment capsule kicked on, upping the concentration of the nerve agent in his breathing mix. It wasn't working fast enough, Charlotte could see. His pulse had risen to 50 and the EEG showed highly active REM sleep. Dreaming sleep.
"Holy Mary mother of God you're having a nightmare," Charlotte said. She grabbed Ben's hand and put it over her heart. "Ben. Ben, it's okay! Whatever you're seeing's not real! It'll pass in a second! Calm down! It's not real!" Nothing. His eyes rolled under his closed eyelids and his heart rate continued to climb like the price on a gas pump-- 70, 80, 90 . . .
Charlotte put her lips next to Ben's ear and sang. "I . . . am a maid . . . of constant sorrow . . . I've seen trials for all my days. I'll say goodbye to California . . . the land where I was partly raised."
The motion behind his eyelids paused. Charlotte took a breath and went on, softer and tuneful. "Your friends may say that I’m a stranger, my face they'll never see no more. There is but one promise given, that I'll sail on God's golden shore." As she watched, Ben's vital signs held their plateau . . . and started to sink.
"Oh thank God," Charlotte sighed. "All through this world, I'm bound to ramble," she brushed a lock of Ben's hair back from his forehead. Odd that his ageless face should look careworn, that the eternally sleeping should look so damned exhausted. "Through sun and wind and driving rain. I'm bound to ride the western railway . . . perhaps I'll take the very next train." The image struck her then, Ben out in the world, dressed in clothes for the outdoors, sitting in the open door of a boxcar as it rolled from somewhere to somewhere. God, even jail would be better than this . . . living death.
"I am a maid of constant sorrow, I've seen trials all of my days," she reprised. There. His heart rate had reached it's normal resting pace, as the nerve agent did its work and put him more thoroughly under. "I'm going back to California," on impulse she kissed the back of his hand, "the land where I was partly raised." She laid Ben's arm back by his side.
"Sweet Jesus you scared me," she said into the silence. --- WB: So you just sung the cunt a lullaby, gave him a kiss like he was fucking Sleeping Beauty, and what, defused him? CD: It worked didn't it? The next time it happened, I took his hand and did the whole lullaby thing and he settled. Sanjeer speculated he was having flashback-powered nightmares, but he had already associated my voice with harmlessness so he was able to reality-check his way out of it without waking up. He said to continue as before. I was just glad to end each shift in one piece to be honest. What I didn't know was-- well you guys probably know more about that than I do. There were parties very interested in obtaining my patient who'd finally succeeded in fixing his location. They were trying to access him directly and remove him intact, without waking him up.
K, via interpreter: . . . she's asking why they didn't just come to you. CD: Lack of opportunity, probably. Like everybody else who knew about our payload, I lived onsite, my movements were restricted, and my activities were monitored. That I’m talking to you guys and not to yet another interrogation specialist says Colonel Mallory's already cleared me of any conspiracy. I’m gonna spend the rest of my life in 'protective custody' anyway, so pardon me if I forget my fucking manners.
AJ: Well maybe we can do something about that. CD: Hah. Don't write checks you can't cash. The thanks of a grateful nation amount to not putting me on trial for treason or espionage because that would involve admitting Soldier Boy's alive in an open courtroom, and who knows what Vought or God save us Homelander might do with that information.
MM: We can talk to the Colonel. Move you someplace a little lower security, someplace that allows visitors. I mean, your family's gotta be missing you. CD: That carrot's already been dangled. My sister's been made aware of my status, and has chosen not to communicate. Christ alone knows where my ex is-- probably shacked up with one of his undergrads and a case of Jack Daniels. --- "It's raining outside." Charlotte said as she fiddled with the nail file. She couldn't clip her patient’s nails, exactly, none of the clippers she'd tried had even scratched the nail surface. But they'd file if she ground at them enough. "You know something? There are times I think I'd sell my soul just to take a fucking walk by myself. This place is so double-top-secret they interrogate fresh air before they let it in."
She laughed to herself. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be whining to somebody who can't tell me to shut up. I just realized this morning it's my nephew’s birthday but because I'm incommunicado I can't call him and say Happy Birthday. My sister's a brat and her boys are bratlings, but they're my brats.
"They're probably going to the beach, since it's the weekend. Grand Haven State Park-- these long fine sand beaches and nothing in the water that might eat you. We went there two-three times a summer when we were kids. The wind blows right off Lake Michigan hard enough to make the air feel nice, even when it's like a million degrees outside. Lucky me I got the suntan gene but my sister'd burn'n'peel every damn year. That fair Irish skin-- you could probably relate. My ex-husband was like that too. Our honeymoon, we spent three days in the Keys. Chris got sunburned so bad we had to spend most of it inside. Kind of a bad omen in retrospect.”
Realizing she was rambling, Charlotte stopped. She glanced at the telemetry monitor; he was in REM sleep but his vitals were still well under the panic threshold. She hoped it was a nice dream. She cleared her throat and sang, "In my favorite dream, everyone is so delightful, no one's mean or spiteful . . ."
She put Ben's hand down. "Good night. See you in the morning," she said, and sealed the capsule. As she took off the mask, she swallowed when she saw a tiny trail of moisture running from the corner of one eye. Charlotte hoped with all her heart it was just a bit of extra water and, careful to keep the touch light, she used her gloved thumb to wipe it away. --- MM: Take us through what happened. Did you notice anything out of routine when your morning shift started? CD: No. The pump that fed the breathing mask was still going so as far as I knew everything was normal. I filled the canister with the Novachik in the lab and changed it out like usual. My guess is the nerve agent was a dud.
SC: That would not be difficult. Novachik is not so easy to synthesize. If the pH is even a little out of balance-- seawater. CD: Right. I was going through his stimulation drills and I noticed his brain activity acting up, so I took his hand and started singing and it seemed like he’d calmed down. So I turned away to get the things for his bath when an alarm started going off on the capsule telemetry display. I looked at his face, and his eyes were open. --- "You've been doing this more lately," Charlotte said as she flexed his hand around the rubber handball. "It can't be because the Phillies are doing more than taking up space in the cellar this year. I didn't mean to get your hopes up there. I gotta suffer through Tigers mediocrity, you get to suffer with me. So there-- oh shit." Ben's heartrate was climbing again, though thank God not as fast as that first time. Charlotte pressed his hand over her heart again. "Okay. Orient on my heartbeat. A-one-and-a-two-and-a-here-we-go-- Too-rah-loo-rah-loo-ral, too-rah-loo-rah-lee . . ."
By the time she finished the Irish lullaby, Ben's vitals were dropping. "There. And according to my handy-dandy calendar, it's bath day. Let me take a look at that manly mane of yours. Might be time for a trim." As she turned to her cart, an alert on the containment capsule started going off. "Wait, what the fuck?"
A look at the EEG waves and her heart turned to ice. Nice and spiky and active and awake. Charlotte barely had time to complete that thought when a hand snapped around her neck. A tiny trickle of urine ran into her underwear as her patient-- as Ben-- as Solider Boy slowly sat up, eyes open and full of enough rage to start a war. Black fog washed over her vision and she went ragdoll. In an almost abstract sort of way she said goodbye to her sister and nephews, remembered the last time she'd watched a really pretty sunrise, regretted running out of her room without making her bed this morning.
"Where. Am. I?" he growled, muffled by the mask. The grip on her neck loosened just enough for Charlotte to breathe.
"West Virginia. Hazardous Waste Containment Facility," Charlotte croaked. --- MM: What happened next? CD: You saw the video. He grabbed me by the neck, demanded to know where he was, told me to take out the tubes, then he told me to show him the way out or he’d rip my fucking head off. Direct quote. --- “I’m sorry, this is probably going to hurt.”
“Just get it out of me motherFUCKER!!!” Soldier Boy screamed as Charlotte pulled the Foley. He cupped his hands over his genitals, curling over them protectively. “Oh that hurt like shit!”
Thankful that her hands weren’t shaking, Charlotte tossed the catheter tube. Picking up a towel she said, “Feeding tube next. Take a few deep breaths, suck in, and hold it,” carefully, she tugged the thin plastic tube out of his nose.
“Jesus Christ snorting fiberglass didn’t hurt this much,” he groaned, taking the towel from Charlotte and using it to apply pressure to his nose. “My God, am I hungry. Tell me you’ve got some food stuffed down your bra."
Deep in that clinical space she’d paid the iron price to learn, Charlotte said, “This is a hot zone. No food or drink.”
“No clothes either, I suppose. Figures.”
“You were comatose and incontinent. Clothes would have been impractical.”
Soldier Boy did a double-take. Was he blushing? Hard to tell with the beard. "Incontinent? You've been wiping my ass the whole time I've been here?!?"
"Calm down. I'm a nurse."
Soldier Boy made another one of those scoffing noises. Charlotte had heard him called an analog Homelander. Nobody who'd seen either up close would make that mistake. Around Homelander there was . . . like hearing a song playing on an out-of-tune piano. There was a feral edge to his mannerisms that led one to question whether or not a whole human being looked through those lake-blue eyes. Soldier Boy, whatever else he might be, was human. Mesmerizingly so. Charlotte could see how he could command men’s souls with a snap of his fingers. Worth wondering if his intense personal charisma was part of his super-ability package or something uniquely his own. Either way, it was overwhelming.
Soldier Boy rolled to get to his feet. On reflex Charlotte grabbed his arm to help him balance. He jerked away. “Get your damn hands offa me!”
“Sorry! Sorry,” Charlotte backed away, hands held up and empty.
Say this much, he was good at assessing situations quickly. He looked around, noting the cameras, the smallness of the room, the cool stillness of the air, the particular quality of the silence. “How far underground are we?”
“I don’t exactly know,” Charlotte admitted as Soldier Boy snatched a blanket off the storage cabinet and wrapped himself up. “Construction on the main facility was abandoned twenty-thirty years ago when nuclear power development started to slow down. The main spaces were retrofitted into laboratories, a tunnel was punched down, and this,” Charlotte circled a finger, “was hollowed out. There’s this room, the observation bay, a decontamination chamber, a locker room, and an elevator.”
Soldier Boy’s twitchy eyes fixed on Charlotte. “That shit they use to knock me out-- why aren’t you dead?”
“Supe,” Charlotte said shortly. “Immune to poisons, including radiation. Also drugs don’t work on me. Made getting shot a bucket of fun.”
Soldier Boy looked her up and down. "I take it instant healing isn’t part of the package? Good. Get me out of here, or I’ll rip your fucking head off. Clear?"
Charlotte commended her soul to God. “Crystal.” --- AJ: It's okay. You don't have to be scared of him. CD: Of course I need to be scared of him, kiddo. You think something as trivial as a detention center crawling with Special Forces trained guards in the middle of a CIA black hole is gonna stop him from getting to me if he really sets his mind to it? So far the only person that’s put a dent in his paint job was Queen Maeve, and she had the help of a sixty-odd story drop. --- “Is there an evacuation plan around here somewhere?”
“What for?” Charlotte asked, pitching her voice to carry over the hiss of the shower in the decon chamber. “The only people down here are the indestructible and the expendable.” Using a pair of scissors she slit the hems and opened a few inches of leg seam on a set of scrub pants. No hope on the tops fitting over his shoulders but one of the cotton T-shirts should stretch enough.
The water shut off. “Fuck that shit is cold,” Soldier Boy grouched. “You have to do this, what, twice a day?”
“You get used to it.” Or learned to accept that God just liked a laugh sometimes. Charlotte remembered praying for cold the long months in the Iraqi and Afghani desert. Underground was nothing but cold. She opened her locker. Her accessories didn't amount to much-- just her watch, her ID badge on a lanyard, and her dog tags with her dad's crucifix on the same chain.
“Towel.” Charlotte tossed him one and turned her back as he emerged from the decon chamber. What was acceptable when he was comatose was an invasion when awake. “Okay. Now, if I had me in a secret underground cell, I’d have the rooms all rigged with that goddamned gas. I’d also have the elevator shaft rigged with explosives. So why am I still awake and we’re not buried under half a damn mountain?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know how you’re awake now. There should’ve been enough Novachik in those canisters to keep you under until Jesus gets back.”
“Yeah about that,” Soldier Boy said. “What date is this?” Charlotte told him. “Clothes.”
“On the bench.”
Fabric rustled. “No drawers?”
“I don’t think mine would fit you,” Charlotte said dryly.
Soldier Boy dragged on the T-shirt and toweled his hair. Moving normally, Charlotte noted. Better than normally. He might’ve just woken up from a quick nap. Catching her stare, Solider Boy's lip quirked in a leer. He stretched to his toes, preening like a peacock. "Quit eyeballing the goodies, babydoll. Let's get out of here."
The next indication the situation was FUBAR came when the elevator doors opened. Charlotte put her back to the elevator's side wall. "I don't recognize the guy at the guard station."
Solider Boy nodded and stepped out of the elevator. Charlotte heard a gunshot, glass shattering, and a choking gasp. "You can come out. I got him. Now," Charlotte came out of the elevator and saw the 'guard' on his knees, neck in Soldier Boy's grip, "who the hell are you, and who do you work for? Talk fast or--" the strange man gurgled.
Charlotte saw he was wearing Carmichael’s name badge and rushed past. Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw the big guard shoved in the corner, shot through the back. She checked for a pulse, nodded, and noted the time on her watch. Her mouth tightened when she looked at the Rogue's Gallery on the filing cabinet and saw the picture of Carmichael's three daughters gathered around the family mutt, all four grinning big and bright.
The mook who'd taken Carmichael's spot grunted as Soldier Boy broke his neck. Soldier Boy took Carmichael's sidearm from the mook's holster and let the body flop to the floor. "Come on doll, you can have the vapors later--"
"Fuck you," Charlotte said on reflex, taking the dead man's wrist. The dead man's pants darkened as he spasmed and voided. Under Charlotte's fingers his pulse gave a last feeble twitch and stopped. "I might be your hostage but I've also why you haven't spent the last several months floating in your own shit."
“Am I supposed to be grateful for that?” Soldier Boy examined Carmichael’s weapon, nodding when he found it loaded. “You bastards buried me alive and expect me to kiss your ass for it?”
“Never mind,” Charlotte shoved the reflex to put him in his place aside. Mom had always told her that her pride would get her killed one day.
“I wasn’t out the whole time, you know,” he went on, pushing past Charlotte and opening the filing cabinet with a screech of breaking locks. File folders and papers started fluttering to the floor. “Did you know that?”
“Dr. Sanjeer said it was theoretically possible,” Charlotte said.
“Theoretically,” he mocked, “I kept feeling what you were doing to me.”
“I’m sorry if I hurt you,” Charlotte said and Soldier Boy paused in his rooting. “I promise, I wasn’t trying to.”
For just a second, Charlotte saw someone else standing up in the old Supe’s skin, a man trying hard to hang on to himself through terrible stress. The blink of vulnerability vanished as soon as it happened. “Maybe just having things done to you is bad enough.”
Charlotte remembered his state of utter helplessness, and it took a moment to step down on a feeling of terrible pity. She looked over at the red switch on the wall, the one next to the fire alarm. The one that would switch the fire suppression system from halon gas to water vapor laced with--
A hard hand landed on her shoulder. Soldier Boy squatted to her level and leaned in close, so close Charlotte could smell the fresh soap in his hair. “Get it straight angel. I will hurt you if I have to, to keep from going back in the box. Do you understand?”
“Yes. Yes I understand,” Charlotte said. A tide of hysteria rose within her; she fought it back. Falling apart could come later.
“Good girl.” With a gentle shake, Soldier Boy let Charlotte go. --- MM: So you got him out of the containment area. And then? CD: The main facility was full of bodies. According to Colonel Mallory--
WB: Everyone in the underground levels was already dead. CD: Right, the Novachik traps in Sublevels 1 and 2 had all been popped off and killed the laboratory personnel and most of the guards. The ones not caught by the nerve agent were just straight up shot. We were not exactly dealing with subtle people. --- The long hallway between the access point to the containment area and the rest of the facility was empty. The next body lay just outside the security checkpoint at the other end, shot through the head. In the sublevel's main area, more people lay slumped in the corridors. From the condition of the bodies it was obvious what had happened. “Somebody deployed the nerve agent,” Charlotte said.
“Obviously,” Soldier Boy said, taking a sniff. “You never forget that smell.”
Charlotte looked up in surprise. “You’ve got a sharp nose. Novachik’s odorless.”
"Super senses were part of the package," Solider Boy said. He cocked his head, like he was listening for something. "Hmm. You wanna move it along already? These men are dead."
"Yeah." Charlotte laid the man's hand down on his chest. She knew him-- Dr. Lamar Reginald from Spring Valley, Pennsylvania. Would talk by the hour about fishing, even if fishing wasn't what he was really doing.
"Oh for God's sake--" Soldier Boy grabbed Charlotte by the bicep.
She squeaked as he pulled her to her feet and down the corridor. "Ow-- let go! You're hurting me!"
"Tough titty kitty, I don't have time to baby you through this. Hustle!" At least he let go. Charlotte rubbed her arm as she quick-stepped in his wake. "How many floors between us and the way out?"
"Depends on which way you want to go," Charlotte replied. "We're on Sublevel 2. The main entrance is on Level 1 and the helipad is on Level 2--"
"Nertz on the helipad," Soldier Boy said. "Anything airborne has a transponder. They'd shoot me down before I get ten yards. Tell me about the main entrance."
"The gates are programmed to maglock if someone pulls the alarms. Steel doors about four inches thick." Soldier Boy ignored the elevators and continued past the laboratories. Charlotte glanced through the wired observation windows and her jaw clenched when she saw more bodies. “There’ll be a trap there, most likely."
"I'm not an idiot sugarbritches. They'll knock me out and take me, and either shoot you dead on the spot or disable you and drag you along thinking it'll make me behave." Solider Boy paused, looking down his nose at Charlotte. "It won't. I don’t make deals for hostages.”
"A No Hostage clause was part of my deal with Colonel Mallory. I know--"
"Mallory?" Solider Boy cut her off. "Grace Mallory? CIA?" He laughed. "Well I'll be damned. She must be a million years old by now."
"Such a gentleman," Charlotte muttered.
"Now now," Soldier Boy said, and Charlotte cussed to herself-- right, sensitive ears. "I know how to treat a lady. Only it seems to be an endangered species these days. Even in the seventies, seemed every time I turned around I had a set of tits in my face. In my day, a girl went around dressed like that," he rounded the corner, "it's because she wanted a log for the beaver if you know what I mean."
"Vividly,” Charlotte said in her driest of dry voices.
"These days? Jesus Mary and Joseph, you got grown men acting like they want to be pregnant, women with pants so damn tight you can read their razorburn-- what is it with that anyway? What do men even want these days? Little girls who act like sluts?"
Twenty years in the service had pretty well inoculated Charlotte against offense when it came to male nasty talk. "Couldn't tell ya."
"And the niggers? They're fucking everywhere. God save us,” he crossed himself, “we even elected one President! The President of the United God damned States!" Yet another bigoted idiot who assumed anyone white secretly sympathized with their crap. "I'm not a racist," he went on when Charlotte didn't say anything, "I just don’t think it’s good when people try and do things their temperaments aren’t suited for. Niggers don’t belong in leadership positions, as anybody with any sense knows. Am I right?”
"Explaining why not would take more energy than I got," Charlotte said.
Soldier Boy scowled but let it drop.
Charlotte cussed when Soldier Boy opened the door. There was another body slumped at the bottom of the stairwell, a body with a big splotch of birthmark mostly obliterated by an exit wound.
"Knock it off," Solider Boy snapped as Charlotte bent. Jerry Rivers. Dedicated Slipknot fan, amateur guitar player. "This is-- what are you doing?" Charlotte took the pistol out of Rivers's hand. She looked up and saw the enemy’s body, blood puddled on the stairs where he’d fallen. "Look honey, why don't you stand back and let me handle the men with the guns, okay? I stormed Normandy, I survived Inchon, I think I can handle a bunch of--"
The snap! of Charlotte's patience failing was so distinct it made her teeth rattle. "If you think I'm relying on you to get me out of this alive, you are fucking deluded. I don't feel like being a sidebar in the New York Times piece describing the collateral damage you inflicted during your big escape."
Looking legitimately taken aback, Soldier Boy asked, "Do you even know how to use the damn thing? In an actual firefight? Where men are shooting back at you?"
"Three years in country as a combat medic in Iraq, another six as an RN in Afghanistan," Charlotte told him. "Besides, why the hell do you care if I'm armed? It's not like I can kill you with friendly fire."
"All right," Soldier Boy said. "Keep it if it makes you feel better."
A hissing gas grenade clunked to the bottom of the stairwell. In seconds the place filled with stinking clouds. Soldier Boy sniffed, and scoffed. "Tear gas. Good God." He raised his pistol and shot twice. A body clumped down a flight of stairs and came to rest next to their fallen mate.
Charlotte fanned the air in front of her face, coughing.
"I thought you were immune to poisons," Soldier Boy noted. His eyes were turning red and his nose had started running. Somebody standing downwind of a trash fire, not in a chimney full of toxic smoke.
"I am," Charlotte choked. "Doesn't mean this crap don’t smell bad."
Chuckling, Solider Boy cocked his head. "Shall we?"
"Captain DePoister!" a voice bellowed over the base PA. Solider Boy flinched; Charlotte frowned. It was a woman’s voice, heavily accented. "We do not wish to harm you! Lay down on the ground with your hands on your head!" Music stated to play, something synth-heavy with lyrics in a different language.
Soldier Boy froze. Threat response froze.
"OhmyGod." Charlotte grabbed his hand as he doubled over and fell to his knees. She pressed his palm over her heart. "Benjamin Arthur Michael O'Connell look at me. Look at me!" His eyes snapped to hers, wide and blank of sense. "Focus on my eyes and on my voice, okay? The sound of my voice--" she pulled from the belly and let it rip, carrying right over the pop crap, "I . . . am a maid . . . of constant sorrow . . ." he blinked the emptiness out of his runny eyes. Charlotte felt his hand move between her breasts. She didn’t pull back. If copping a feel helped ground him, let him feel.
To Charlotte's shock he joined her on the last chorus, singing in a sure and resonant voice that blended well with Charlotte’s soprano. They ran through the whole thing together, holding hands and shouting for Jesus, their mingled voices drowning out the other noise. By the time they were done with their second run-through, it had stopped. Silence.
Solider Boy took his hand back and stood, visibly shaking off the willies and shoving the whole episode into the memory hole. Charlotte squashed the urge to get some talk going; this wasn't the time or the place. Or the man. --- WB: So your magic lullaby kept him from popping one off on the way out the door-- right? CD: I did something right. He didn't blow a crater in the side of West Virginia. I know the results weren't optimum but gimme a break. The friendly casualties were not inflicted by Solider Boy. To his dubious credit the murders he committed since you geniuses broke him out of containment in Russia were of people who'd condemned him to forty years of physical and psychological torture-- --- Pale as cheese but composed, Soldier Boy hung back as Charlotte waved her ID at the door sensor. Nothing. "Shit. They must've reset the locks."
"Not to me they didn't," he said, taking two steps forward and using his bare foot to kick the door clean out of the frame. Hard enough to crash it into the opposite corridor wall.
Charlotte directed him to the right and followed him down the hall. She was watching the rear when she bumped into him, hard. Grumbling a curse, she looked past Soldier Boy and saw the long windows looking out over the Allegheny Plateau. The sun was hitting the maple leaves just right, turning the forest an intense, almost firey green. She kept quiet as Soldier Boy approached the window. She could see his reflection, a faint ghost in the wired glass. The sunlight turned his eyes jade green and touched off the red in his hair. It brought him to life.
Hesitatingly, he raised his hand and laid it on the window. He leaned forward to rest his forehead on the glass, closing his eyes against the sunlight and breathing hard like he was trying to reach the fresh air beyond. Like a prisoner just getting out after a long stretch in the stockade, or a patient allowed to go outside for the first time after a while bedbound. Both at once, come to think of it.
Charlotte kept her mouth shut, let her patient have his moment. It didn’t take long, and Soldier Boy straightened up. “What else is on this level?”
"Storage, armory, infirmary, receiving. Residential on Level 2.”
"Does this place have a kitchen?" At Charlotte's incredulous look, Soldier Boy shrugged. "I wasn't joking about being hungry. Give me a good red and a side salad I think I might eat you."
"'No! Don't eat me! I'm too chewy!'" Charlotte mock-screamed, and he laughed. "There’s a locker room for offsite personnel on this floor. You could probably scrounge a lunch."
"And different clothes," he said sourly, picking at the scrub slacks. "Don't suppose my uniform's around here someplace."
"I'm pretty sure they gave it to Homelander so he could burn it," Charlotte said.
"He can't do that!" The humor had flown right out of him. He seemed . . . offended. "I'm still a goddamned hero and all!"
"Oh boy." Charlotte did some mental backdating and-- "Fuck."
"Oh," Solider Boy said. "The smear campaign's started hasn't it?"
Fully aware these might be her last words, Charlotte said, "The Deep. He's one of the Seven--"
"I know who he is."
"He leaked your Vought file. The unadulterated file.” Soldier Boy's eyes widened and his already pasty complexion paled further. "The one that they buried after you," Charlotte finger-quoted, "'died' in '84. Made a bigger sensation than the fucking Watergate tapes. The official story is that you were kidnapped and brainwashed by former KGB black ops." Might as well pull the splinter now. "The Russians kept records. Of what they did to you. I've seen them." Charlotte didn't elaborate. The grainy video footage held special guest star status in her nightmares.
That flash of vulnerability was back, and deeper. For a second Charlotte saw the soul, trapped in a loveless, featureless, white-cold hell of pain. She didn't move. She tried her best to not even breathe. Through the stretched fabric of the heather gray T-shirt, she could see a sullen glow starting in the center of his chest. The end of her life written in a blast of poisoned fire.
Soldier Boy punched the wall and it caved in almost a foot. The whole hallway shook, cracks spidering everywhere. "Come on. Which way to the locker room?" --- AJ: You're defending him?!? If Vought Tower had gone down-- CD: Have you been listening? That doesn't make the collateral damage he's caused okay, and since you geniuses aided and abetted him while he was a fugitive I'm guessing you have a fair amount of moral flexibility on the subject.
HC: Soldier Boy sneezed on a busy street and killed almost 30 people. He's a weapon of mass destruction with PTSD and a two-second fuse. MM: And a racist motherfucker. HC: That too. CD: What's your point? The best idea anyone’s proposed for confining him’s failed. Twice. Look, it's true-- no one person should have that kind of power. It's why you need a roomful of people to agree when you start talking about nukes. You guys just don’t see an issue with using people who do. How is that anything but a lateral move in this idiotic arms race? Your solutions amount to continual escalation and/or fucking ethnic cleansing. Excuse me all to hell if that confuses my priorities somewhat. --- In the locker room Soldier Boy snapped the locks off each locker and rifled through the contents. Clothes and wallets piled up on the changing bench. "No," he said, as he held the bottom of each shoe to the sole of his bare foot, "no . . . no . . . oh for Christ's sake, quit it. You look like a frightened chipmunk, Captain."
Charlotte’s spine went straight and she snapped, "Don't you fucking dare. I earned that commission, you fucking pogue.”
“Right. You’re the real hero,” Soldier Boy drawled.
"I've seen your actual service record,” Charlotte retorted. “The only action you've seen in a combat zone was hanging out in Pusan long enough to call Truman a, quote, ‘spineless faggot sucking on Stalin’s balls,’ unquote. Soldier Boy. What a fucking joke. You are the fucking opposite of a soldier. You are a thug and a coward.”
The smile went out of Soldier Boy’s eyes, though it stayed on his face. It made him look insane. It made him look like Homelander. “May I ask how you arrived at that conclusion, Captain Butch?”
“Not gay. Brave men don’t corner teenagers in the shower for mutual masturbation sessions. Brave men don’t call their girlfriends dumb cunts . . . period.” Charlotte paused. “Brave men don’t take aim at kindergarteners.”
“It’s called acceptable losses, woman--"
"I don't see an insignia. What's your rank, mister?" Charlotte demanded. “Where are you in the line of command? What is your authority?!?"
"My authority,” he snarled, “is that I am motherfucking Solider Boy, and if I have to hear another word out of you--"
Today is a good day to die. "Oh for Christ's sake just fucking kill me if all you got's threats," Charlotte cut him off.
"Maybe I don't want to do that." Soldier Boy stalked close, his body language changing from athletic grace to something animal. He crowded up to her, towered over her. Charlotte clenched her fists to stop her hands from shaking. "Hmm? Maybe, it's been a while." He traced his fingertips down her neck, a featherlight caress that made Charlotte prickle. He put his hand at the juncture of her neck and shoulder, her clavicle under his palm and his thumb a spot of pressure against her throat. All he had to do was shake, and bones would snap like little branches. Charlotte shuddered; she couldn’t stop herself. "Maybe, I could feel you touching me the whole time I was under," his free hand pressed to her back and yanked her close, his body big and hot against hers, "and now, I want to touch you back."
“Look,” Charlotte said as she sucked air to catch her breath, slow her pounding heart, “in the last ninety minutes, you have threatened to rip my head off, promised to hurt me -- underlined -- if I didn’t assist your escape, and told me you’d write me off if I was taken hostage. You are also my patient and I don't fuck patients. These things make you someone I do not want touching me and my libido doesn’t get a vote. Now back off.”
"Is that what you really want, Captain?” Solider Boy purred. His body, his smile, all of him was pure seduction. Except his eyes. His eyes were empty as a skull's. "I can feel your heartbeat. Your mouth's saying no but your--"
"Sometimes you’d get an erection when I was disimpacting your bowels. You're the expert-- should I have fucked you right then?" Charlotte went up on tiptoe to speak in his ear. "Is that why you think you might like dick?"
The hands on her body turned to iron, hard and hurtful. "You watch your filthy mouth."
"Or what? You'll kill me? Assuming I live though this, I'm either getting shot for treason or put in jail for the rest of my life. I'm aiding and abetting an enemy agent. The UCMJ's pretty clear on what happens to traitors. The only reason you're still sucking air is putting you in front of a firing squad'd be a little pointless."
"Then why bother taking care of me? Hmm? You could’ve left me in the box to rot and just sat there picking your nose or playing with yourself or whatever people do to goldbrick these days. Why didn’t you?”
“Yes,” Soldier Boy shoved Charlotte behind him as two people walked into the room, “do tell why you did not simply leave this poor boy all alone in the dark.” Charlotte swore in Arabic; one of the newcomers was Dr. Sanjeer. The other was a lanky young man wearing a dirty baseball cap and orange All-Stars. In one hand he carried a large tablet displaying a woman’s face. Both men wore oxygen tanks on their backs, masks hooked to the shoulder straps. “My sources tell me you are not soft-hearted Captain. Despite the clichés, good nurses rarely are."
"Who are you?" Solider Boy asked.
"You may call me Nina, my Soldier Boy."
"I'm not your anything. Tell me why I'm not stomping your messenger boys' guts out."
"Because you haven't. You are not mindless, and you are not crazy." The woman on the tablet took a huff off a cigarette. "I would have preferred to discuss this in person. Unfortunately, my inside man could not access your cell directly.”
Inside man. "You bastard,” Charlotte spat at Sanjeer. “What’s she giving you? Money?”
“Quite a lot of it,” at the same moment Sanjeer said, “It isn’t about--"
Solider Boy pointed at Sanjeer. "You. Shut up." His finger jerked to point at the woman. "You. Talk."
"I have a proposition. It must be very clear to you by now you exist in a world that neither needs nor wants you. Vought has their poster boy, more popular than ever thanks to his reinvention as family man." Solider Boy snorted. "Grace Mallory has recently been diagnosed with heart failure and has been given a prognosis in months, William Butcher is dying by inches of brain lesions, and your former comrades are all dead."
"There's still Homelander, and Vought," Solider Boy said. "Those cocksuckers need to go down. Hard."
"A feat you cannot accomplish on your own and is even less likely now that he has taken your measure. What does it profit you, to kill him?"
"I have a commie lecturing me about profit."
"Your outdated thinking is showing, my Soldier Boy. If there is a lesson of our times it is this-- ideals are perishable. Like eggs, no? The only truths are the things that can be held in the hand," she cupped her palm like she was holding a pile of coins. "Like gold. A child's hand. A lover's cock. Your enemy's heart."
Soldier Boy's glower deepened. "There's a ribeye steak and a bottle of MacAllen 18 somewhere with my name on it. Get to the point."
"Directness, I like it. I've made a niche for myself as a facilitator for many things around the world--"
"You want me to do hits for you," Soldier Boy cut her off.
"In a word. You are both uniquely talented and very skilled, and despite recent evidence to the contrary I know for a fact you can be discreet. Vought left you to the enemy and replaced you with a very pretty maniac. You owe them nothing. Your country's best use for you was to shove you into a coffin and bury you alive. You owe them even less. You have no friends, no real kin. You have no one, except possibly Captain DePoister, who cares for you at all, and some time in your waking company has probably cured her of that."
All through this the lanky man stood still. Charlotte saw his eyes flick over to one side. A tic worked under one eyelid. Sanjeer's eyes kept moving in the same direction. His hands kept pinching and worrying the side seems of his trousers-- a nervous stim she'd noticed in him before when he was under stress.
Soldier Boy glanced back over his shoulder. "Well doll? You sick of my company yet?"
Charlotte squared her shoulders. She looked Soldier Boy in the eye, and deliberately cut her eyes to the right. "I know for a fact you were raised properly. You will address me as Captain.”
Soldier Boy did that scoffing thing. "You never answered my question. Why did you bother taking care of me, if I'm so fucking terrible a person?"
In her peripheral vision, she saw the lanky man's sleeve twitch. "HOLD YOUR BREATH!" she screamed and fired from the hip. The lanky young man flinched as the shot nipped a piece of fabric from his coat. The red switch next to the fire alarm exploded into pieces.
Sanjeer screamed and tripped running for the door, belly-crawling into a corner. Still holding the tablet displaying the Russian woman's smoke-haloed face, the lanky young man made a flicking motion with his free hand as Charlotte fired again. Agony burst up her arm as the whatever-it-was the lanky man could throw hit it. Charlotte fell to her knees; the kid fell on his back with a hole in his throat.
Charlotte curled over her wounded arm, panting out screams. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she peeled the pistol out of her right hand. She was an okay shot left-handed, not great, but--
A commotion broke out. Three more men had burst into the room wearing oxygen masks and shooting MAC-10s. As she watched, Soldier Boy turned them into piles of broken meat. The last man, he twisted the head off. Like opening a jelly jar. Blood sprayed everywhere. The head rolled on the floor like a soccer ball.
Charlotte grayed out for a moment. When the world came back online, Soldier Boy was talking into the tablet. The conversation must not have gone well-- he hurled the tablet into the bank of lockers so hard it punched through, leaving a dash in the metal shaped like a giant cockeyed coin slot.
Cowering in a corner, oxygen mask clutched in his shaking hands, Sanjeer moaned. Soldier Boy, covered in blood and looking like some sort of Celtic war god, paused in gathering up cash and clothes long enough to lift Charlotte to her feet. He picked Sanjeer up and twisted the portly doctor’s arm up behind his back. "Talk."
“Charlotte please,” Sanjeer said. “We need more. We need data. We need . . . we can end it, all of it!" He started to snivel. “He's the key to everything. Just . . . let us figure out how he can do it. Once we have that we have the upper hand over-- over--” he stuttered to a stop.
Over you, Charlotte heard the part he didn’t say. Spangled costume or GI issue, Vought or USA, Decontamination Charlotte or Captain DePoister. All the same. An error in the system. Even begging for his life, she could see the sneer he always had when he spoke to her.
“Please, please-- I,” Charlotte raised Rivers’s pistol, “I have a family--”
“And I don’t?” Charlotte asked. “Rivers? Carmichael? Dr. Reginald? Your lab techs? We were all here to help you.”
“Not fast enough. We need that weapon in our hands now but to do that we need examples of compound-neutralization effect in action. The subjects from the Vermont incident aren't enough. Too many variables. Analysis of data could take decades and we need answers now."
“Experimental data,” Charlotte said. “Test subject-- me. That’s why she tried to trigger him but she told me to get out of the way first. You need a specimen." Her guts turned cold as she ran down the chain of logic. "God have mercy-- I was never here to work was I? This whole time! You've been trying to get him to pop off while you had us both under observation. Did Mallory know about this? What am I talking about?-- of course she fucking did, that woman never misses a trick. God damn you!"
Solider Boy shoved Sanjeer to his knees. “He’s all yours,” he said to Charlotte as he went back to scrounging.
Sanjeer wrung his hands and begged, “Charlotte please, we’re close, I swear we’re close, just let me do my work. You owe it--”
Charlotte shot. One in the head, the rest of the magazine in the back.
“Good girl,” Soldier Boy praised.
"Piss off," Charlotte retorted. She tried to move her bad arm and the pain took the feet out from under her. Soldier Boy caught her as her legs gave out. “You can find the way out from here,” Charlotte told him. “Just follow the Exit signs.”
Instead, Soldier Boy bent and swept an arm behind her knees, lifting her into his arms. He picked up a duffel bag and a pair of hiking boots. "Where's the infirmary?" --- CD: Sanjeer was the inside man. The woman -- Nina she said her name was -- waved seven figures and a chance at a Nobel under his nose. I don't know if she was working with or for anybody; that'd all be guesswork on my part. The last of her strike team was waiting in the locker room on the main floor. The Novachik trap inside was still intact. While Nina had Solider Boy distracted, she had a Supe try and spring it. I shot him, and he broke my arm. Soldier Boy saved my life when the shithead's backup came in shooting. He could’ve left me there. He had a clear line to the door. Instead he took me to the infirmary and helped me administer first aid.
HC: Why would he do that? CD: Probably because he didn't want to walk out of there thinking he owed me one. Why he'd care about that, I don’t know. Solider Boy's not really capable of respect. You have to understand people have a value beyond what they can gain you to do that. He and Colonel Mallory are birds of a feather in that regard. --- Gently, Solider Boy set Charlotte down on the infirmary's exam table. Charlotte cussed in pain as she examined the injury.
"How bad is it?"
"Both the bones're fractured," Charlotte reported. "Swell."
Moving quick and efficient, Solider Boy ransacked the room. Looked like her Dad trying to figure out the kitchen, opening every cupboard trying to find the paper plates. A brace and some rolls of compression bandage piled on the table at Charlotte's hip. "Shit. Morphine, morphine, wherefore art thou morphine--"
"Bad time to get fucked up," Charlotte said.
"Not for me."
"Don't bother. Drugs don't work on me, remember?"
Soldier Boy paused. "Oh. Right. Sorry." He watched Charlotte hiss and whimper as she tried to reduce the fractures. "That must hurt like a sonofabitch. Here." Charlotte jerked away as Soldier Boy reached for her arm. "Stop that. Let me see."
"Why do you even care?" Charlotte snapped.
"What are you talking about? Of course I care. You probably just saved my life." A bitter smirk twisted his lips. "Such as it is."
"Knock it off. Self-pity's unattractive."
Giving her another one of those unreadable looks, Soldier Boy repeated, "Let me see-- this needs to be set."
“I can do this--”
“So can I. Learned how when I was a kid out camping with my cousins. Mother insisted I learn first aid.” Scoffing to himself, he added, “One of the few things she and my father agreed on.”
Taking deep breaths, Charlotte said, “Can you, just really carefully, pull between my elbow and my wrist?”
Soldier Boy grabbed some gauze and wound a roll over his first two fingers. “Bite down on this.”
Wrapping one hand around her elbow and the other around her wrist, Soldier Boy pulled. Like a thick piece of rubber tubing, the muscles stretched. The pain was amazing. Panting hard into the gauze between her teeth, Charlotte manipulated the bones with her left hand. Simple fracture of the ulna, incomplete simple fracture of the radius-- painful but not serious.
The broken ulna moved into position. Charlotte managed to get the brace on her arm and strap it into place. She spat the gauze out and said, “Slowly. Release.”
Soldier Boy slowly eased the pull and let go. He found a sling and helped her settle her arm into it. “How’s that feel?”
“It’ll hold until I can get somewhere with an MRI machine.” At his blank look, Charlotte explained, “Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Like X-rays but better.”
Chuckling a little, Soldier Boy patted her shoulder. His brow furrowed a little. Charlotte held still as he ran a finger under her neck chain and pulled her dog tags out from under her scrub top.
“What’s the O-E stand for?”
“Octavia Elizabeth. My mom’s favorite book as a kid was Charlotte’s Web. Octavia is the nurse who delivered me and my sister-- we're twins and we were high-risk. Elizabeth’s my Confirmation name.”
“That why you became a nurse?”
“That’s complicated.”
Soldier Boy frowned thoughtfully at the metal on his fingers. “If you’re an atheist how come you wear a cross?”
“I’m not an atheist.” Charlotte took the tags back and put them back under her scrub top. “Recovering Catholic isn’t available as an option.”
Soldier Boy took her left hand, thumbing at her watch. “You’re right-handed? That stinks.”
Charlotte’s eyes flicked up and there he was. Head bent close like a friend sharing secrets. He stank like blood and hot skin, and despite knowing better she felt herself melting at the quick. Vivid full Technicolor fantasies she hadn’t allowed herself in all the time she’d been his caretaker filled her imagination--
Son of a bitch. Charlotte snatched her hand back. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?” he asked, all low and sensuous.
“I mean it. Stop it.”
One of his blood-gritty hands cupped her face. His nose touched hers. “You're blushing for me, angel,” he said.
“Of course I'm blushing. I’m a heterosexual female with eyesight that works. Now, take your hands off of me and take one step back, now."
Instead, he kissed her. Gentle, insistent, and reminding her in painful detail exactly how long it had been since her last kiss. Soldier Boy smiled against Charlotte’s mouth as she put her hand on his chest. The look of total confusion when she shoved him back as hard as she could was almost funny.
"Read my lips," Charlotte said, pointing to her mouth. "Back. Off.”
Finally, finally, that seemed to get through. Soldier Boy stood there like an unplugged toy as Charlotte got down off the exam table, awkward with her slung arm. She gave him the room and pulled the privacy curtain as she passed, veiling his face. Blank, bloody, lost. “Get cleaned up and get changed."
No answer from the other side of the curtain, though Charlotte supposed the squeak of a faucet handle could be taken as one. She listened as he slurped a drink. Mild splashing as he washed his face. The soft sound of fabric shuffling as he changed his clothes.
Soldier Boy whisked the privacy curtain aside and found Charlotte gathering bottled water and boxes of meal bars. “Hey woah doll,” he said, "you don’t--"
“Captain. For the last fucking time,” Charlotte said. “My name’s not doll, or angel, or any of the other little pet names you use in lieu of a woman’s actual name.”
“Okay, Captain. I’m sorry.” Soldier Boy laid his duffel bag on the counter and packed it full, quick and efficient. In regular clothes and shoes, he was . . . he wasn't her patient any more. But he wasn't Solider Boy either, all dash and attitude and winking at the camera as he fondled the leading ladies. He was just a guy with a solid build and restless eyes. "Captain? Charlotte?"
Charlotte blinked, realized she was staring. "Sorry. Zoned out a moment." She took a deliberate step back. "Come on, the main entrance is--"
“I’m not a bad guy,” Soldier Boy blurted.
“I never said that you were,” Charlotte blurted back, surprised into bluntness. "Look, net effect of today’s adventures on my end is a broken arm and the rest of my life in jail-- if I’m lucky."
"Come with me." Charlotte's eyebrows shot straight up her forehead. "I'm serious," Solider Boy added.
"Don’t be ridiculous." Charlotte lifted her bound arm, grimacing in pain as she did. "I'm wounded. I'd only slow you down. Besides, not thinking you’re a bad guy’s not the same thing as trusting you."
Solider Boy put his hands on his hips. "So you're too good for me? Is that it?"
"For Christ’s sake--” Charlotte cried, “what do you want from me? Absolution? I'm a nurse, not a priest!” Soldier Boy’s arms went across his chest, like a man bracing for further blows. “You're not bad. You're indifferent. And for someone who can do what you can do, indifference is worse. Come on." She was half out the infirmary door when she realized she was walking alone. Solider Boy just stood there, again with that unplugged look. Like he was -- Charlotte wanted to smack herself when she finally put it together -- dissociating, an overstressed mind and wounded spirit fleeing from the Here and Now. She'd seen in before, in patients coping with post-traumatic stress. "Come on, you're wasting daylight and you're gonna wanna get gone before shift change."
"I didn't mean to kill anyone besides the twins. At that house," Solider Boy said, talking like he hadn't heard her. "And that building. I just," he waved a hand in front of his eyes, "I blacked out, and I guess this," he taps his sternum, "popped off by itself. In that stairway. I think I felt it starting to happen again. My head started hurting and . . ." he trailed off. Charlotte didn't move. This was Ben talking, not Solider Boy, and Ben deserved to be heard. "It almost happened again. But you stopped it." His eyes refocused, saw her. "How did you know singing to me would stop it?"
"I didn't. Not for sure," Charlotte admitted. "I've had patients who have," she picked her words carefully, "attacks like that. The usual protocol is to talk them around until they come back on their own. I had to be a little more direct in your case."
"Hell of a gamble. I could've killed you. I almost did." Charlotte shrugged. "Why risk it? You could've just gotten out of the way."
"And anyone else who might've been in the line of fire? They might've been the enemy. They might've been one of the guards here. Shit, they might be some random jackass hiking the mountains looking for standing stones."
Ben still looked blank, like a kid trying to parse meaning out of an algebra problem. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally who can kill me in her sleep. "You never answered my question. Why bother taking care of me at all?" --- HC: What did you tell him? CD: 'Because it's my job.' We made it to the main security station. I told him where the nearest airport was. The last thing I remember was him apologizing for having to knock me out. --- "Watch your face Captain." Charlotte turned aside as Ben put his fist through the glass of the security station's observation window. He reached through and unlocked the door. A map of the immediate area hung on the wall; Ben examined it thoughtfully, then pulled it down and folded it up. “So what are you going to tell them when they find you?”
“The truth,” Charlotte shrugged. “You forced me to take you out of the complex, stole some clothes, and asked if I knew where the nearest airport is.”
Ben nodded, stuffing the map in his pocket. “That should give me enough of a head start. One of those freight trains should take me halfway to the--"
"Wait!" Charlotte snapped up her hand. "Better I don’t know."
"You're right. I'm sorry. How's the arm?"
"Hurts. Thank you for helping splint it."
Ben nodded. "Guess you know what comes next. You know where your knockout button is?"
"Yeah," Charlotte pointed, "just don't break my teeth. Dental work's a bitch when Novocain doesn't work."
"Affirmative.” He touched her face. “Thank you. For . . . just . . . thank you. I’m sorry to have to do this.” He pulled his hand back and curled his fist. “On three-- one--"
Stars exploded across Charlotte's awareness and the last thing she felt were Ben's arms as he caught her falling body and lowered her carefully to the ground. --- CD: I half-expected him to just kill me. But the next thing I know I’m coming to in legirons with Colonel Mallory explaining that I’m in protective custody, and I’m at least eighty percent sure I’m never leaving.
MM: Do you have any idea where he is now? CD: No. He didn’t share his plans with me. He was able to smuggle himself back to the US all the way from Moscow; I don't think he'd have as much of a problem staying under the radar as you guys seem to think he would.
WB: Oi Florence Nightingale-- if you knew, would you even tell us? CD: Yes I would tell you if I knew. I didn't forget my duties as either an officer or a nurse, and so far my reward is an indefinite term of imprisonment as bait, on the off-chance Soldier Boy grows a sense of duty or obligation and shows up to break me out. Which he won’t. So fuck you very much. Take me back to my cell. --- One early spring evening, Charlotte was in the yard with The Lions Of al-Rassan open in her lap. The alarm klaxon bellowed and she jumped a foot.
“What’s going on?” she asked Private Lett, the MP on duty in the yard. Seemed a bit overkill for one . . . whatever the hell Charlotte was on paper these days.
“Power interruption. Again. I think you’ll be okay back in your suite.”
“Cell,” she corrected. “Let’s call things by their right names, shall we PFC?”
She had the grace to look embarrassed. “Yes ma’am. Return to your cell. We’ll have this figured out in a snake flick.”
Compared to the stockade, Charlotte supposed, her confinement could've been considered comfortable. A little collection of buildings cut out of the nowhere between the UP and the Wisconsin state line, surrounded on all sides by a perimeter wall and a shitload of trees. In the winter, the snow piled up in yardsticks and the silence got so profound it hurt. Now that it was warmer Charlotte spent every moment she could get away with outdoors, soaking up sun like some half-assed weed. Just her, a handful of guards, and nowhere to go. Welcome to life in the discard pile.
Charlotte was halfway up the sidewalk back to Hut 3 when she heard something. A low, tuneful baritone floating from the thick box hedges lining the path, “I . . . am a man . . . of constant sorrow . . .” Charlotte dropped her book and knelt to pick it up. “Meet me by the birdbath," the voice softly instructed.
“No killing anyone,” Charlotte said.
"Haven’t yet. Go."
She'd just finished scribbling on the title page of her book when a dark shape cut itself out of the gathering shadows by Hut 2. "You about done lollygaggin, Captain?"
“Yeah,” she said, putting her book on the side of the birdbath. She took off her dog tags and her cross, kissing the cross as she laid it beside the book. “Let’s make like donkeys and haul ass.”
Ben laughed. “Come here. Faster if I carry you piggyback.”
“This isn’t,” Charlotte grunted as she clambered onto Ben’s broad back, “terribly dignified.”
“Woman, you have had your hands on my dick and your fingers up my ass. Your dignity can take a few jabs.”
“Yeah yeah.” Charlotte wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.
Ben stood like Charlotte weighed nothing. “Hang on tight.”
Charlotte hung on tight and Ben took off, running free and easy. Vague memories of riding like this on her mom's back as Dad took Kay made her want to cry. She put her head on Ben’s shoulder and shut her eyes. Weird to feel safe in the company of a borderline lunatic and mass murderer, but she did feel safe with him now. Maybe Nina had a point about ideals. Charlotte’s had certainly died, bleeding out as she lived out her life in captivity and flatlining for good as Colonel Mallory’s Boys grilled her for answers she didn’t have.
“Here,” Ben said some time later, squatting to let Charlotte down. They’d come to a motorcycle loaded with supplies, parked next to a gravel road running roughly east-west. "How's your arm?"
"It's good," Charlotte said. "Aches a little bit when it's cold, which is all the goddamned time." Ben chuckled as stretched to his toes, shook out to limber up. Looked to be in perfect health, she noted, hair and beard neatly trimmed. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what the last months have been for him. "Do you have a knife?"
"Course." Ben opened a pocketknife as Charlotte shrugged out of her coat and pointed out the little scar in the fleshy underside of her arm. Working by moonlight, he slit the skin and pinched out the tiny black cylinder of a tracking device. At Charlotte's nod, he crushed it between his thumb and forefinger and flicked it away like a spent cigarette.
“Do you have--”
“Here, I got it,” Ben said as he bandaged the cut. “Can I ask you something?" he asked as he worked. At Charlotte's grunted yeah, he asked, "What were you writing in that book?"
"A note to my sister. Said I loved her and the boys, and to pray for me the next time she goes to Mass.” Ben nodded as he mounted up. “My turn,” Charlotte said. “Why come break me out?”
“Heard a rumor. Homelander.” Charlotte felt herself go pale. “Nobody deserves what that stupid motherfucker would do to you.” He hesitated. Honest feelings didn't seem to come naturally to him. Like learning to play an instrument-- all that came out was noise at first. "Besides, I owed you one."
Ben paused in getting himself settled, cocking an eyebrow back at Charlotte. "'Okay?' So you trust me now?"
"Let’s just say prison life's not agreeing with me." Ben patted the saddle behind him and Charlotte got on. "So what now?"
“You know something?” Ben said as he heeled up the kickstand. “For the first time in my entire goddamned life . . . I have no idea."
"It’ll wait for morning,” Charlotte said. “Let’s just make some miles. Head west."
"Hang on tight." Ben kick-started, and they sped off into the dark. ---
AN2: UCMJ-- Uniform Code of Military Justice, body of laws applying to United States armed forces personnel.
Crime-a-nilly it's so much easier when it's just porn.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 1 year
Masterlist of Written Work
Hi. The following is a list of all the fanfics and original stories that I have done so far. I will also post updates here too. Happy reading!
My Everything: (A Supercorp fanfic series)
Lately: A slice of life story. Lena is trying to balance her life at L-Corp with home life with Kara and her twins. However, things don't always go so smoothly.
Fairy Tales: Lena finally has the work and home life balance that she wants and is excited to get to spend the next two weeks that she has off with the girls while Kara is away. She believes that it will be smooth sailing, but things are not as they seem.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Sweet Love: Lena is stressed about about family and work decisions that need to be made. Kara believes that a family vacation is in order to get away from everything. However, things don't go according to plan.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Kara and Lena's Adventures at Nevermore
World Collectors Trilogy
Unwitting Rescue: Kara Danvers finds a box of kittens on her way to work. Things don't go according to plan.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9/Epilogue
Preparing for the Future: Kara, Lena, and the Zen girls start preparing for the upcoming battle. The training is hard, but they meet interesting new people along the way that will help them on their journey.
Chapter 1
Difference of Taste: This is for the Rewrite Challenge hosted by @choicesprompts This is a rewrite of a scene in the Wednesday tv series using Supergirl characters. Lena and Kara have a difference of opinion of their room and what it means to be roommates.
Something Wicked This Way Comes: The Superkids are participating in a decathlon, but unusual series of events start to happen. This is a part of the 1k word challenge. I got the word smoke. This is in the same world as my series My Everything. Alexa, Liza, Billy, and Zatanna are a couple of years older. You can read this independently of the series. Not sure if I will keep this as a one shot or continue. If you want to see more, let me know!
An Unexpected Journey: Lena is going on a forced vacation with her best friend Sam and her daughter Ruby. However, things don't go exactly as planned when they reached their destination. This story I did is for the AO3 Tag Roulette: July 2023 from Prompt Roulette. The tags that I used from this were the following: Opera singers; sudoku; magnolias; wicked eyes and wicked hearts; fox. I am not sure if I will continue it our not. Let me know in the comments if you want to see more.
Through Susie's Eyes: A doll is given to a teenage girl. Will she treasure it or think it is something trivial?
An Unfortunate Error of Judgement: Amy's whole world changes in an instant.
Lost In Time: Tinker Bell comes across the ultimate lost thing, an alien spaceship crash landed on Neverland.
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes: What if superheroes had to pay a property damage tax every time they had a fight in the city?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29
About Last Night: Lillian Luthor is eagerly wanting to get to her daughter's destination wedding. However, a couple of detours with the docile Kara Danvers changes her life in a big way.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Getting To Know You: Kara and Lena run into a familiar face while on a trip to Chicago. Whether it is a good or bad thing remains to be seen.
Two Truths and a Lie: Will a game of two truths and a lie strengthen Kara and Lena's relationship or make it worse?
Midnight Run: Lena is overworked. Luckily, she has Kara in her life to force her into a much-needed break.
Finding Peace-Lex is actively trying to kidnap Lena while she is seven months pregnant. Lillian offers her protection but can Lena and Kara really trust her?
Unknown Glimpse Into The Future- Kara is finally moving in with Lena. However, an unknown box on their doorstep leads to an unexpected surprise.
Everything All At Once- Lena and Kara agree to bring their children over to Lillian's house for Halloween. However, they don't realize that Lillian has a few surprises up her sleeve.
Blackout- Lena arrives home after being kidnapped and tortured by Lex. Right as she tries to calm down, a blackout hits the entire block. Still traumatized from her recent abduction, how will Lena get through this?
A Christmas Miracle-After her last two breakups, Lena doesn't think there is love out there for her. However, will Ruby's wish to Santa make Lena a believer in miracles?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
A Change of Plans: Kara has the perfect wedding proposal planned. However, outside forces altered what she had in mind.
We're All In This Together: Kara, Clark, and Barry are taken off guard by a request by the imp Mxyzptlk: watch over and protect the children of their alternate selves from a different Earth. Will our heroes rise to the occasion?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
A Pleasant Ruse: Lena runs into her ex-Andrea who wants her back. Lena panics and tells her that Kara is her girlfriend. Will Kara be willing to help Lena keep up the ruse?
Finding Each Other: Clark Kent always knew he wanted a family. He just always thought it would be traditional like his parents. Little did he know that destiny had something different in store for him.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
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madamlaydebug · 10 months
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“If cannabis were discovered in the Amazon rainforest today, people would be clambering to make as much use as they could of all of the potential benefits of the plant. Unfortunately, it carries with it a long history of being a persecuted plant.” ~ Dr. Donald Abrams, Chief of Hematology Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital
Approximately 106,000 Americans die yearly from prescribed medications, according to the American Medical Association. Even more frightening, preventable medical errors account for a staggering 400,000 deaths in the U.S. each year — and is considered the 3rd leading cause of death. “It’s equivalent to 2,000 commercial jets taking off each year knowing that they don’t have enough fuel to complete their journeys,” notes Peter Edelstein M.D. “Would you allow your spouse to board one of those planes? Your friend? A stranger?”
Good question. Increasingly, people in the West are seeking out treatments that work harmoniously with the body, instead of against it — in other words, they’re walking away from the medical establishment and all its mishaps, mistakes and pharmaceutical drugs. A case in point is cannabis, especially in its raw form.
A Rich History
Marijuana is one of those plants that, to many, conjures visions of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) raids and hippies in a drugged-out daze. But it wasn’t always this way.
“The ancient Chinese knew of marijuana’s pain-relieving and mind-altering effects, yet it was not widely employed for its psychoactive properties; instead it was cultivated as hemp for the manufacture of rope and fabric. Likewise, the ancient Greeks and Romans used hemp to make rope and sails. In some other places, however, marijuana’s intoxicating properties became important. In India, for example, the plant was incorporated into religious rituals. During the Middle Ages, its use was common in Arab lands; in 15th-century Iraq it was used to treat epilepsy; in Egypt it was primarily consumed as an inebriant. After Napoleon’s occupation of Egypt, Europeans began using the drug as an intoxicant. During the slave trade, it was transported from Africa to Mexico, the Caribbean and South America. Marijuana gained a following in the U.S. only relatively recently. During the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, cannabis was freely available without a prescription for a wide range of ailments, including migraine and ulcers,” Roger A. Nicoll and Bradley N. Alger remind us in Scientific American.
Even American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson declared: “Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.”
So what happened?
In 1937, the United States Congress decided — against the recommendation of the American Medical Association — to pass the Marijuana Tax Act. The legislation essentially banned the use of marijuana by making it excessively expensive and difficult to secure. It has been downhill ever since. That is, until the last few years where legalization of marijuana has exploded in the U.S., for both recreational and medicinal uses. For our purposes here, we’re going to look at the health benefits of the plant — which are quite impressive.
An Essential Vegetable
“It [cannabis] has captured these molecules that help our bodies regulatory system be more effective. The bottom line is it’s a dietary essential that helps all 210 cell types function more effectively. I don’t even refer to it as medicine anymore, strictly as a dietary essential.”
~ Dr. William L. Courtney
It may be a stretch for some to recognize rawcannabis as the next in-demand superfood, but Dr. Courtney, a physician with extensive medical training who specializes in the dietary uses of cannabis, presents a provocative case.
When you heat or age cannabis, Dr. Courtney believes that you lose 99% of the benefit cannabis provides. In contrast, if you consume it raw, you’ll reap the full value of the plant. Plus, raw cannabis is non-psychoactive, so you won’t experience a high — an important point for those who would like to utilize the healing aspects of cannabis without feeling drugged or off-center. This means you can also consume a much higher amount of health-promoting compounds with raw cannabis juice compared to if it was smoked or extracted as an oil, according to Dr. Courtney.
Terpenes, essential oils found in cannabis which give the plant its unique aroma, are particularly compelling.A study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology states that terpenoids are “pharmacologically versatile: they are lipophilic, interact with cell membranes, neuronal and muscle ion channels, neurotransmitter receptors, G-protein coupled (odorant) receptors, second messenger systems and enzymes.”
The researchers explored the powerful effect terpenes exert in animal tests. Limonene was found to increase serotonin in the prefrontal cortex and dopamine in the hippocampus region of the brain — both of which help fend-offdepression and feelings of stress. Moreover, limonene induces apoptosis (cell death) of breast cancer cells and demonstrated exceptional radical scavenging properties. It’s also remarkably bioavailable, rapidly metabolized and is highly non-toxic and non-sensitizing.
Myrcene is anti-inflammatory and an effective sleep aid, while pinene acts as a bronchodilator and broad spectrum antibiotic — including the destruction of lethal MRSA bacteria. Pinene also curbs inflammation. Linalool is a sedative and anticonvulsant. Caryophyllene is antimalarial, anti-inflammatory and useful in treating duodenal ulcers. Nerolidol inhibits fungal growth and protozoal parasites. Phytol increases GABA expression, resulting in a calming effect. These are just a handful of the 200 varieties of terpenes found in cannabis.
How to Enjoy More Raw Cannabis in Your Life
For a daily dose, Dr. Courtney advises juicing fifteen cannabis leaves and two buds, which is then added to a small amount of fruit or vegetable juice that is consumed throughout the day. If you would like to learn more about juicing cannabis, this article offers tips and suggestions. Keep in mind that juicing improperly may create heat, which will cause THC to form. Jeffrey C. Raber, Ph.D. also recommends having the strain of marijuana you’re using tested at a reliable and accurate lab so you know exactly what you are getting.
Article sources:
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josiebelladonna · 6 months
this whole thing with the bank, it’s totally illegal.
this is a bank that my mom’s been with since 2011, when she and i were going to school, and subsequently, it’s primarily used by college students. i moved banks a long time ago, but we’re just looking at the utter flood of reviews and complaints from people in the last two days alone, since they implemented this bullshit update: “i’m in school and i can’t get money to buy food”, “i’m in school and i can’t get money to pay my rent”, “i’m in school and i can’t get money to buy books”, the list is truly endless.
these reviews are coming in so hot on the heels of their sweeping change to their app which they did in hopes to look trendy. think: what tumblr does with us all the time but much more horrific and infuriating and frankly, cruel; i found the boop meme really stupid and braindead (seriously, wtf is wrong with all of you) and what the hell were they thinking with live and tumblrmart, but even as cloyingly stupid as those were, those don’t hold your money hostage.
i have a feeling that mr. taxman is going to see this and find out what’s happening with bankmobile vibe, especially since tax collection is a government thing. i was thinking about this on the way home, too, like this could be one of those things. one of those things where someone on the inside sees something is up, like a bounced check, and does something, like call up the bank, to get to the root of it and it sparks a chain reaction (keyword there is “could”; for all i know, nothing could happen and i’m packing this fucking house by myself because my mom can’t lift more than 10 pounds).
i say this because i really hope the feds fuck them so far up the ass they turn inside out because overnight, they have betrayed their entire customer base—and i was a college student once, too, money is dead center on your mind, and that was back in the early 2010s when we were still reeling from the recession. can’t imagine what it must be like now following quarantine; nevertheless, you need something happening to your money like you need a hole in your head.
it’s also actually a breach of contract with the f.d.i.c. we, as american citizens, are quite literally obligated by u.s. law to have our money within arm’s reach: no bank can bar you from it, and no amount of “oops error~!! yo, try again later~!!! ^_^” will change that. so, it’s totally illegal. they can’t withhold people’s money like the way they’re doing: they especially can’t withhold money that’s going to property taxes, either.
so… moral of the story? be yourself, kids. trying to be k00l and hip is not only cringey and a dickhead move but can possibly get you popped with the mother of all class-action lawsuits.
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beholdimhisbeloved · 9 months
· Partnership
· Corporation
· Cooperatives
· E-Commerce Act
· Ease of Doing Business Act
· Intellectual Property Law
· Data Privacy Act
2) MAS
· Basic Considerations
· Cost Behavior and CVP
· Variable & Absorption
· FS Analysis
· Budgeting
· Standard Costing
· Performance Evaluation
· Pricing
· Relevant Costing
· Partnership
· Corporate Liquidation
· Revenue Recognition – PFRS 15
· Long Term Construction Contract
· Franchise & Consignment Sales
· Home Office and Branch
· Business Combination
· Separate Financial Statements
4) TAX
· Introduction to Taxation
· Income Tax Fundamentals
· Final Tax & Capital Gains Tax
· Gross Income – Exclusions and Inclusions
· Special Gross Income Rules
· Deductions Principles
· Deductions from Gross Income
· Individual Income Tax
5) AT
· Practice and Regulations of the Profession
· Code of Ethics
· Fundamentals of Assurance Services
· Introduction to Auditing
· Overview of Audit Process and Pre-engagement
· Audit Planning
· Study and Evaluation of Internal Control
· Auditing in an IT Environment
· Business Processes Part 1
· Review of Accounting Process, Single Entry and Correction of Errors
· Cash and Cash Equivalents, Bank Reconciliation, Proof of Cash and Audit of Cash
· Trade and Other Receivables, Notes Receivable and Audit of Receivables
· Loans Receivable, Impairment and Receivable Financing
· Inventories, Biological Assets and Audit of Inventories
· PPE - Initial and Subsequent Measurement, Borrowing Costs and Government Grants
· Wasting Assets, Intangible Assets, Impairment and Audit of PPE and Intangible Assets
· Investment in Equity Securities, Associates and Debt Securities
· Investment Properties, Other Investments and Audit of Investments
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oconnor2023 · 1 year
Appraisal district personal property valuation tables resemble physical-life schedules more than economic value or market value. Visit us @ https://www.poconnor.com/separating-intangible-value/
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olivish · 2 years
Okay so now I can't stop thinking about Snowpiecer Monopoly. Here's how I would do it, from the properties to the pieces to the "money". Suggestions/ comments welcome :) PROPERTIES: Mediterranean Ave: Breslaur Research Station Baltic Ave: Korean Nuclear Power Plant Oriental Ave: The Swamp Vermont Ave: The Tail Connecticut Ave: Sanitation St Charles Place: Ruth's Subtrain War Room States Ave: The Observation Bubble Virginia Ave: Noodle Bar St James Place: Alex's Workshop Tennessee Ave: The Headwoods' Lab New York Ave: Big Alice Supply Cars Kentucky Ave: Miss Gillies' Classroom Indiana Ave: Katia's Cache of Old World Antiques and Wilford Memorabilia Illinois Ave: The Tea Room Atlantic Ave: AgSec Greenhouses Ventnor Ave: The Aquarium Marvin Gardens: The Nightcar Pacific Ave: The Library North Carolina Ave: First Class Dining Pennsylvania Ave: Hospitality Office & Broadcast Room Park Place: Big Alice's Engine Boardwalk: Snowpiercer's Engine CORNER SQUARES: Go: Mile Zero Jail: The Drawers Free Parking: All Day Autopilot & a Nice Long Siesta Go To Jail: Go to the Drawers ("I'm sorry, Layton") RAILROADS: Main Line, Burthurd Curve, Marseilles Juncture, Old Trestle Bridge UTILITIES: Electric Company: Battery Bank Water Works: The Subtrain TAXES: Income tax: Janitor Mafia Shakedown, pay 10% or 200 chips Luxury tax: Revolutionary Looting, pay 75 chips MONEY: Blue Access Chips HOUSES: Breakmen HOTELS: Jackboots The 10 PIECES: Mouse, Cow, Stiletto Pump, Breechman's Boot, Train, Volt Sled, Hexnut, "W" Pin, Strawberry, Barrel of Lube THE BANK: "Head of Hospitality" CHANCE CARDS: 1. Advance to The Engine 2. Advance to Mile Zero 3. Advance to The Tea Room. If you pass Mile Zero collect 200 chips. 4. Advance to Ruth's Subtrain War Room. If you pass Mile Zero collect 200 chips. 5. Advance to nearest Railroad. If unowned you may buy it from the Head of Hospitality. If owned, pay owner twice the chips to which they are otherwise entitled. 6. Advance to nearest Utility. If unowned you may buy it from the Head of Hospitality. If owned, pay owner twice the chips to which they are otherwise entitled. 7. Head of Hospitality pays you bribe of 50 chips. 8. Get out of the Drawers free. 9. Go back 3 spaces. 10. Go to to the Drawers. To directly to the Drawers, do not pass Mile Zero, do not collect 200 chips. 11. Payoff your loyalits. For each breakman pay 25 chips, for each jackboot pay 100 chips. 12. Hospitality courtesy fine - 15 chips 13. Take a trip to the Main Line. If you pass Mile Zero, collect 200 chips. 14. You have been elected Head Engineer. Pay each player 50 chips. 15. Your blackmail was effective - collect 150 chips. 16. You won the baby lottery - collect 100 chips. COMMUNITY CHEST: 1. Advance to Mile Zero 2. Notary error in your favor - collect 200 chips. 3. Pay doctors fee for mechanical prosthetics - 50 chips. 4. From sale of trained mice you get 50 chips. 5. Get out of the Drawers free. 6. Go to to the Drawers. To directly to the Drawers, do not pass Mile Zero, do not collect 200 chips. 7. Showtrial decides in your favor - receive 100 chips. 8. Find hidden stash of kronol - collect 20 chips. 9. You win fight night bet. Collect 10 chips from every player. 10. Your skills in high demand for barter - collect 100 chips. 11. Avalanche destroys your property - pay 100 chips. 12. Black market swindle - pay 50 chips 13. Receive your cut from organized crime - 25 chips 14. Loyalists holiday bonuses - $40 per breakman, $115 per jackboot 15. You have won second prize in a singing contest. Collect 10 chips. 16. You win big on casino night - collect 100 chips
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When Should You Hire a CPA?
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There are critical times when your small business requires the services of a CPA (Certified Public Accountant), from selecting a company structure that allows you to save the most money on taxes to offering advice on a significant business move.
As a small business owner, you may find it challenging to determine when to outsource tasks and when to manage them yourself. This is especially true if you’re looking for a certified public accountant (CPA), if you’ve recently established your business or if it’s grown beyond expectations.
While you can easily handle day-to-day accounting on your own, especially if you have decent accounting software or a bookkeeper, there are times when the knowledge of a CPA may help you make wise business decisions, avoid costly mistakes, and save you time.
When to Hire a CPA
#1 When Your Business is Starting Off
Accountantscan assist a small business at different stages of growth. To get your business off to a good financial start you need to consult a CPA. Your accounting and tax reporting responsibilities will be determined by how you register and run your business for the rest of your career.
A CPA may evaluate your business plan, ensure its financial viability, and assist you in preparing a budget to carry it out. If you intend to manage your day-to-day bookkeeping at first, a CPA will also point you in the direction of the best software choices for your specific business plan.
#2 When Filing Taxes or Being Audited
Whether you run a sole proprietorship or a corporation it is a given fact that tax season is a business burden. It is full of risky and expensive mistakes when done incorrectly. Long before the deadline for filing, business owners need to have a second pair of eyes to review their tax forms.
You can assign your tax-related tasks to an accountant, tax preparer, or a CPA who can perform both of these functions in order to spare yourself the hassle. CPAs handle both personal and business taxes, and they are skilled at navigating tax season, reducing your responsibilities, and protecting your company in the event of an error or tax audit. Also, it is best to hire an accountant before an audit happens, especially if you can find one who would provide audit insurance.
It is essential to be reminded that not allaccountantsprepare taxes so before outsourcing a professional be sure to find out whether tax services and protections are provided.
#3 When You Apply for a Loan, Grant, or Other Funding
Even for business owners with a track record of profitable operations, applying for a business loan and other forms of funding can be difficult. Establishing credibility is the first challenge, which is particularly challenging for new firms and startups. However, aCPAcan help you in staying on top of things and navigate the rough waters.
They will assist you in evaluating various strategies for establishing business credit and directing you to low-risk options. Even better, a CPA can help you in narrowing the field of loan options to those that are best suited to your budget such as choosing between a microloan or a standard term loan.
#4 When You Require Assistance with Financial Planning and Analysis
Planning and analysis are two areas where accountants thrive. One of the main advantages of employing an accountant is having access to their depth of financial knowledge.
This is especially true if you work with a CPA who has experience in your field or industry. You can involve them in any financial decision or goal, such as buying property, merging with a rival business, or cutting operating expenses.
#5 When You Need to Save Time
Managing your time can be challenging, especially when you’re facing many deadlines, clients, and complex client tasks.
If daily duties like tracking expenses, verifying transactions, data entry or processing receipts are taking up your time, a bookkeeper could be the right fit for the job. However, if you require a front-line professional to analyze your company’s operations, trends, costs, and revenue on a regular basis, it may be time tohire a CPA.
Time is an important resource, and hiring an accountant may simply come down to how much time your business can save.
The Bottom Line
As you can see, accountants can assist you at every level of your company’s growth. The right accountant should make your life easier so you can focus on what you love.
There is no exact science to knowing when to hire an accountant. However, there are some clear cases where it makes sense to use their skill set. When starting or growing your business, creating a financial plan, evaluating business reports, or applying for funding, consult with an accountant.
Understand your financial situation and make your money work for you and your business. Outsource experts from The Bookkeepers R Us and get those stress off your shoulders! Call us!
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erpinformation · 9 hours
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elaphh · 2 days
Breaking language barriers and bridging cultures with professional legal translation services.
In our increasingly interconnected world, legal translation serves as a crucial linchpin for facilitating international commerce and fostering cross-cultural collaborations. Whether you're an expatriate navigating the legal landscape of a new country, a law firm handling a diverse clientele, or a business aiming to expand into new markets, the clarity and accuracy of legal documents are paramount. This is especially true in multilingual hubs like Abu Dhabi and Dubai, where legal translation services are pivotal in bridging language barriers and enriching intercultural understanding.
The Importance of Legal Translation
Legal documents are often complex, filled with jargon and nuances that can vary significantly from one language to another. The stakes are high—misinterpretations can lead to severe legal consequences and financial losses. For expatriates in Abu Dhabi or Dubai, understanding lease agreements, employment contracts, or even tax documents in their native language is essential. Similarly, businesses looking to expand must navigate the intricacies of local law and regulations, making it imperative to work with a reliable legal translation Abu Dhabi or a knowledgeable legal translation company in Dubai.
Quality and Accuracy Are Non-Negotiable
When dealing with legal matters, the importance of accuracy cannot be overstated. Errors or omissions in translation can lead to misunderstandings, disputes, or even litigation. This is why businesses and individuals alike must seek professional legal translation services that employ certified translators specializing in legal terminology. A top-notch legal translation company in Dubai ensures that every term is not just translated but is interpreted within the correct contextual and cultural framework.
In Abu Dhabi, where a melting pot of cultures coexists, the need for precise legal translation is amplified. Companies offering legal translation services in Dubai must possess an in-depth understanding of both UAE legislation and the legal framework of the originating country. They should also maintain a rigorous quality assurance process to uphold the integrity of the translated material.
The Role of Cultural Competence
Language is more than just a tool for communication; it is a reflection of culture. Legal translators must be culturally competent in order to deliver contextually relevant translations. When translating legal writings, it is important to comprehend the underlying principles, conventions, and cultural norms that define diverse legal systems, rather than just copying words from one language to another.
For example, the concept of 'contractual obligation' may carry different connotations in different cultures. A proficient legal translation service in Abu Dhabi will navigate these subtleties, ensuring that the translated document resonates with the intended audience. This cultural bridge fosters greater understanding and trust, which are essential elements in any legal transaction or negotiation.
Establishing Trust Through Professionalism
Trust is the cornerstone of successful legal dealings. When you engage with a professional legal translation company in Dubai, you are not just hiring a service; you are establishing a relationship grounded in reliability and competence. These companies understand the significance of confidentiality and discretion, crucial factors in the legal industry.
Moreover, having access to specialized translators with expertise in various fields—be it corporate law, immigration law, or intellectual property—adds another layer of assurance. It means your documents are handled by professionals who understand the specific legal context, leading to higher quality translations.
In a world that increasingly transcends borders, the importance of breaking language barriers and bridging cultures cannot be underestimated. Investing in professional legal translation services in Abu Dhabi or Dubai is not merely a matter of translating text; it is about facilitating understanding, fostering trust, and promoting collaboration across cultures. By choosing a reputable legal translation company, you empower yourself or your business to navigate the intricate landscape of international law with confidence, ultimately paving the way for new opportunities and growth.
Embrace the power of words and the potential for connection they can create. When language is no longer a barrier, the possibilities are limitless.
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The Key Role of Real Estate Lawyers in Delhi: Why You Need Legal Expertise
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Real estate transactions can be complex and filled with legal intricacies, especially in a fast-growing market like Delhi. From purchasing residential properties to handling commercial deals, real estate involves multiple layers of legal documentation, negotiation, and regulatory compliance. This is where hiring real estate lawyers in Delhi becomes essential. These professionals provide expert legal guidance to ensure smooth transactions, minimize risks, and protect your investments. Let’s explore why partnering with a top real estate lawyer in Delhi is a smart decision.
1. Navigating Legal Documentation
One of the primary roles of a real estate lawyer in Delhi is to handle the vast amount of paperwork involved in real estate transactions. These documents include sale agreements, lease contracts, property deeds, title verification papers, and more. Even a minor error in these documents can lead to serious legal issues or financial losses. A qualified lawyer will:
Create, examine, and guarantee that all legal papers are accurate.
Confirm that agreements comply with local and national property laws.
Protect your interests during negotiations.
This attention to detail is crucial, particularly in high-value transactions where even the smallest mistake can have significant repercussions.
2. Property title verification and due diligence
Make sure the title is clean and devoid of any legal difficulties before buying any real estate. Real Estate Lawyers in Delhi are experts in conducting thorough due diligence, which involves:
examining the property's past to make sure there are no outstanding issues or liens 
Verifying the legal ownership and ensuring there are no outstanding debts, such as unpaid taxes or loans, tied to the property
Reviewing zoning regulations and land-use permissions to ensure the property can be used for its intended purpose
By performing comprehensive due diligence, these lawyers help prevent legal disputes and ensure that your investment is secure.
3. Handling Complex Regulations and Approvals
India's real estate rules and regulations can be complicated and differ depending on the area. In Delhi, there are specific legal guidelines that govern land transactions, including:
The Delhi Land Reform Act: Governs agricultural land in the capital
The Transfer of Property Act: Ensures property transfers follow legal procedures
Building bylaws and local zoning regulations: Determine what can be built on a particular piece of land.
A knowledgeable real estate lawyer in Delhi understands these regulations and ensures that all legal requirements are met. They can also handle obtaining clearances and permits from government authorities, ensuring that your property deal is fully compliant with the law.
4. Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Disputes over property ownership, boundary issues, and inheritance claims are common in Delhi’s real estate market. Delhi real estate lawyers are adept at settling these disputes by discussion, compromise, or, if required, court action. Their expertise ensures that disputes are handled efficiently, saving you time, stress, and financial resources.
Whether you’re facing legal challenges from previous owners, tenants, or co-owners, an experienced lawyer will defend your rights and work towards a favorable resolution.
5. Preventing Real Estate Fraud
Unfortunately, real estate fraud remains a concern in Delhi. Scams involving fake ownership documents, illegal property claims, and misleading property listings can lead to severe financial losses. Real Estate Lawyers in Delhi play a critical role in preventing fraud by conducting background checks on properties, sellers, and transactions. Their legal expertise helps detect and eliminate any risks before they escalate.
Engaging the services of real estate lawyers in Delhi is essential for safeguarding your property investments. From ensuring legal compliance and verifying titles to resolving disputes and preventing fraud, these lawyers provide invaluable support. If you're involved in any real estate transaction, having a skilled lawyer on your side is the best way to protect your interests and make informed decisions in Delhi’s competitive real estate market.
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