#Property Tax Attorney Texas
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litigationattorneydallas · 2 years ago
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Your Business Needs a Business Litigation Attorney
A business litigation attorney is important to your business because we provide expertise in handling legal disputes, protecting your company's interests, and mitigating potential financial risks. Their knowledge and experience in navigating complex legal matters can protect your business and ensure a fair resolution in court or through negotiations.
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justinspoliticalcorner · 2 months ago
Anthony Sanders at The UnPopulist:
With another four years of a Trump Administration before us—and therefore perhaps another one, two, or more, new Trump justices on the Supreme Court—liberals, especially those of a progressive bent, may be understandably trepidatious about the future of constitutional law. But whatever the future holds, there’s hope from somewhere else: the states.
The recently galvanized conservative court majority has been mixed from a liberal perspective, and liberals can disagree when it comes to individual cases. There are certainly upsides—strong protections for freedom of speech seem to continue (for now) and property rights seem more secure. When the court said in 2023 that Hennepin County, Minnesota, unconstitutionally kept a massive profit after selling an elderly woman’s condo in a tax sale, it demonstrated that homeowners truly have a better shot at fighting government overreach. The court’s ruling was unanimous. A decade or two ago that case easily could have gone the other way. Further, last term the court—also unanimously—shut down an attempt by Texas’s attorney general Ken Paxton to deprive property owners of a cause of action against government negligence. Richard DeVillier and other landowners (represented by my colleagues at the Institute for Justice) now can pursue takings claims against the state for massive flooding caused by a highway barrier.
But there’s more to liberal constitutionalism than property rights and the First Amendment. And in many other areas liberals—justifiably—have a great deal of concern. The Imperial Presidency looks as imperial as ever. Unenumerated rights of all kinds were given a cold shoulder in the Dobbs opinion. Further, the court has gone oddly silent when it comes to the Fourth Amendment’s search and seizure protections. The last few terms have seen no Fourth Amendment cases. And when it comes to remedies for government wrongs, things look bleak. The court has all but annihilated damages claims against federal officials for constitutional violations, such as retaliation for protected speech; and despite occasional statements by some justices to reform or abolish the pernicious doctrine of qualified immunity, it rolls on across the federal court system just about as strong as ever, protecting officials on all levels from liability for constitutional violations that although obvious aren’t “clearly established” in prior case law. Further, any attempt to enforce the Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishments looks theoretical at best. And challenges to gerrymandering in federal court are explicitly not allowed. All of these areas could get worse for challengers depending on who the next justice or two is.
Separation of Powers
Arguments vary on what limits Congress can place on a president as well as the flip-side—what limits the Constitution places on Congress handing its lawmaking power off to the executive branch. But whatever the right answer, the Supreme Court has increasingly allowed federal power to flow into presidential hands, such as loosening restrictions on whom the president can fire. At the state level, though, things are quite different. The executive is hardly ever “unitary.” Executive officers, such as attorneys general or secretaries of states, are generally elected and independent of the governor. This flows into state courts placing more limits on those governors. For example, the “nondelegation doctrine”—a theoretical limit on Congress giving lawmaking power to the president that hasn’t been enforced at the federal level since 1935—is a going concern in the states, especially when private parties wield the power of the law. [...]
Remedies for Government Wrongs
If the government injures you, it stands to reason it should compensate you, just like a private citizen would. This seems like a fundamental tenet of any liberal society—that the state is not immune from its own wrongs. And that should be especially true if your injury is of a constitutional nature, such as unreasonable seizures (as when a Drug Enforcement Administration SWAT team goes to the wrong address and shoots the dog). Yet in the bizarro world of governmental immunity, this can be almost impossible. Relying on variations of the fiction of “sovereign immunity,” the Supreme Court has said both the federal and state governments can only be sued for damages if Congress or the state legislature says so. This is true even if the Constitution guarantees the right at issue. Thus, there is a right but—at least for damages that already happened—there is often no remedy. (And this is on top of qualified immunity, an immunity Congress never adopted but the Supreme Court simply made up.) [...] State constitutional law isn’t as glamorous or headline grabbing as its federal counterpart. Partly for that reason—and partly because there’s 50 times more work—constitutional scholars devote far more attention to what’s going on at the Supreme Court and to the machinations of whoever fills its nine seats. But it’s only one part of how constitutional law is made in our pluralistic legal society. Those who are dedicated to steering the federal constitution in a more genuinely liberal-democratic direction—securing more rights, limiting government abuses by giving individuals legal recourse, strengthening the guardrails around executive powers, and ensuring representation for all citizens—ought to pay more attention to the state constitutional scene. They might fight valuable fodder—and lessons—to advance their cause.
This UnPopulist article on why state constitutions are much better than the federal counterpart at protecting rights and constraining runaway executive power.
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half-as-big-as-life · 6 months ago
Okay, I have to ask about "The law & daniel molloy"
YIPPEE!!! Law & daniel molloy is my baby
There's 2 universes of it right now. Both are the same premise, but the minor characters are different. All human AU.
The Law & Daniel Molloy is a crossover with one of my favorite tv shows, The Law & Harry McGraw, which itself is a spinoff of Murder, She Wrote. Harry was in 6 episodes of MSW iirc, and the spinoff had 16 episodes before it was canceled.
The show revolves around Harry, who is a private investigator in boston. His closest friend works across the hall from him in the same building, a defense attorney named Eleanor Maginnis. Harry is kind of uncouth, but nice. Ellie is fancy. You wouldn't expect them to be as close as they are from appearances/personality alone.
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Ellie's husband, Matt, died two years before the last episode, and the timeline is in spinoff hell because why wouldn't it be. Harry was an alcoholic and Matt, before he died, was the one who got Harry to attend AA.
Next is Harry's niece, EJ. She works for him as his assistant. Ellie's nephew Steve works for Ellie, and he's a tax lawyer.
There's other characters, like Cookie. He is the bartender at the bar/restaurant Harry loves. Everyone else thinks the food is bad except Harry.
As well as that, there is Tyler Chase, a district attorney, who hates Harry and is in love with Eleanor. He is... something. AND he was played by Peter Haskell, the guy from the Chucky movies, I guess.
I swear, all these characters are relevant.
Daniel takes the role of Harry, and Armand of Ellie, and Marius of Matt. I've changed my mind about EJ and Steve, I think Sybelle may be EJ and Antoine be Steve.
Thorne is Cookie. That's not truly important but it is a silly little thing and why I mentioned Cookie at all. Yippee! Thorne!
And David as Tyler Chase.
Section 1
Like I said, there are 2 AUs. One is of an episode of the show, the other is the ACTUAL AU.
The one that is just an actual episode of the show is the last episode, Maginnis for the People, in which Ellie is upset when her friend is accused of murdering her (the friend's) husband, and hires some famous fuck from texas instead of her (Ellie).
In this AU, which I've called De Romanus for the People, the plot is the same.
Armand's work has been slow lately
He goes to a dinner party held by Louis and Lestat, David is there, as well as Madeleine. There's others who do not matter, perhaps
David asks (read: begs) Armand to work for him, and he denies
After the dinner party, the last person leaves (Madeleine), and Louis closes the gate and sets the alarm (the housekeeper is off for the night)
The next morning, the housekeeper comes in and finds Lestat dead, an apparent suicide. Louis is upset and confused, and people are acting very strange about him
They think Louis killed his husband! But he didn't :(
Daniel and Armand go to Louis, so Armand can talk to him. Armand comforts him a bit, until Louis gets a call. Its revealed that he'd already hired Raglan James as his attorney, and didn't need Armand for it
Daniel asks housekeeper about it all (im thinking the housekeeper may be Babette, either way doesn't matter) and learns that the marriage wasn't doing too good. Separate bedrooms, Louis having a possible affair. But the weird thing is? The alarm was off when Babette got there that morning...
David has Daniel thrown off the property, and Armand is here now and FREAKING OUT! Angrily agrees to lunch w David, that he may go to work there
Of all people, Louis hired that bitch Raglan James! Instead of Armand! His friend of many YEARS!
Speedrun of the next bits:
James asks Daniel to work for him, and eventually Daniel agrees, but James tries to get him to pay off a witness. He thinks Louis is guilty. Daniel and Armand fight over his working for James. Armand has lunch w David; Claudia and Madeleine meet for the first time. He really does go to work for David but HATES it. Quits. Daniel quits working for James, too. Louis shows up, hears that Armand thinks he's innocent, and him and Armand make up.
Eventually some things happen and the killer is revealed. I won't spoil it all. But the bad guy gets arrested and everything is OK.
Section 2
This AU is not based on an episode, just the premise of the show itself. It involves Louis and Lestat, with the murder of their daughter and trying to figure out who did it. There's less thought put into this one so far, but it's more important, as it's the actual canon for tL&DM
De Romanus for the People is NOT canon to the real lore, just kinda fun
If you made it to the end WOW cause I have typed far too many words here and I apologize. Passionate soul and all that
If you have lore questions feel free to ask because I am actually insane about the show + this AU
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fairhopeman · 3 months ago
𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧
“It all began so beautifully,” Lady Bird remembered. “After a drizzle in the morning, the sun came out bright and beautiful. We were going into Dallas.”
It was November 22, 1963, and President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy were visiting Texas. They were there, in the home state of Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird, to try to heal a rift in the Democratic Party. The white supremacists who made up the base of the party’s southern wing loathed the Kennedy administration’s support for Black rights.
That base had turned on Kennedy when he and his brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, had backed the decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in fall 1962 saying that army veteran James Meredith had the right to enroll at the University of Mississippi, more commonly known as Ole Miss.
When the Department of Justice ordered officials at Ole Miss to register Meredith, Mississippi governor Ross Barnett physically barred Meredith from entering the building and vowed to defend segregation and states’ rights.
So the Department of Justice detailed dozens of U.S. marshals to escort Meredith to the registrar and put more than 500 law enforcement officers on the campus. White supremacists rushed to meet them there and became increasingly violent. That night, Barnett told a radio audience: “We will never surrender!” The rioters destroyed property and, under cover of the darkness, fired at reporters and the federal marshals. They killed two men and wounded many others.
The riot ended when the president sent 20,000 troops to the campus. On October 1, Meredith became the first Black American to enroll at the University of Mississippi.
The Kennedys had made it clear that the federal government would stand behind civil rights, and white supremacists joined right-wing Republicans in insisting that their stance proved that the Kennedys were communists. Using a strong federal government to regulate business would prevent a man from making all the money he might otherwise; protecting civil rights would take tax dollars from white Americans for the benefit of Black and Brown people. A bumper sticker produced during the Mississippi crisis warned that “the Castro Brothers”—equating the Kennedys with communist revolutionaries in Cuba—had gone to Ole Miss.
That conflation of Black rights and communism stoked such anger in the southern right wing that Kennedy felt obliged to travel to Dallas to try to mend some fences in the state Democratic Party.
On the morning of November 22, 1963, the Dallas Morning News contained a flyer saying the president was wanted for “treason” for “betraying the Constitution” and giving “support and encouragement to the Communist inspired racial riots.” Kennedy warned his wife that they were “heading into nut country today.”
But the motorcade through Dallas started out in a party atmosphere. At the head of the procession, the president and first lady waved from their car at the streets “lined with people—lots and lots of people—the children all smiling, placards, confetti, people waving from windows,” Lady Bird remembered. “There had been such a gala air,” she said, that when she heard three shots, “I thought it must be firecrackers or some sort of celebration.”
The Secret Service agents had no such moment of confusion. The cars sped forward, “terrifically fast—faster and faster,” according to Lady Bird, until they arrived at a hospital, which made Mrs. Johnson realize what had happened. “As we ground to a halt” and Secret Service agents began to pull them out of the cars, Lady Bird wrote, “I cast one last look over my shoulder and saw in the President’s car a bundle of pink, just like a drift of blossoms, lying on the back seat…Mrs. Kennedy lying over the President’s body.”
As they waited for news of the president, LBJ asked Lady Bird to go find Mrs. Kennedy. Lady Bird recalled that Secret Service agents “began to lead me up one corridor, back stairs, and down another. Suddenly, I found myself face to face with Jackie in a small hall…outside the operating room. You always think of her—or someone like her—as being insulated, protected; she was quite alone. I don’t think I ever saw anyone so much alone in my life.”
After trying to comfort Mrs. Kennedy, Lady Bird went back to the room where her husband was. It was there that Kennedy’s special assistant told them, “The President is dead,” just before journalist Malcolm Kilduff entered and addressed LBJ as “Mr. President.”
Officials wanted LBJ out of Dallas as quickly as possible and rushed the party to the airport. Looking out the car window, Lady Bird saw a flag already at half mast and later recalled, “[T]hat is when the enormity of what had happened first struck me.”
In the confusion—in addition to the murder of the president, no one knew how extensive the plot against the government was—the attorney general wanted LBJ sworn into office as quickly as possible. Already on the plane to return to Washington, D.C., the party waited for Judge Sarah Hughes, a Dallas federal judge. By the time Hughes arrived, so had Mrs. Kennedy and the coffin bearing her husband’s body. “[A]nd there in the very narrow confines of the plane—with Jackie on his left with her hair falling in her face, but very composed, and me on his right, Judge Hughes, with the Bible, in front of him and a cluster of Secret Service people and Congressmen we had known for a long time around him—Lyndon took the oath of office,” Lady Bird recalled.
As the plane traveled to Washington, D.C., Lady Bird went into the private presidential cabin to see Mrs. Kennedy, passing President Kennedy’s casket in the hallway.
Lady Bird later recalled: “I looked at her. Mrs. Kennedy’s dress was stained with blood. One leg was almost entirely covered with it and her right glove was caked…with blood—her husband’s blood. She always wore gloves like she was used to them. I never could. Somehow that was one of the most poignant sights—exquisitely dressed and caked in blood. I asked her if I couldn’t get someone in to help her change and she said, ‘Oh, no. Perhaps later…but not right now.’”
“And then,” Lady Bird remembered, “with something—if, with a person that gentle, that dignified, you can say had an element of fierceness, she said, ‘I want them to see what they have done to Jack.’”
— 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐱 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐧
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ivirginus · 2 years ago
Who Can Buy Land in USA?
Who Can Buy Land in USA? A Foreigner’s Guide to Buying Land in the USA
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Discount Lots SEARCH LAND FOR SALE If you’re interested in purchasing land in the United States, you may wonder who can buy land in USA. The answer is that both American citizens and foreign nationals can purchase property in the United States. However, foreign purchasers have some restrictions when it comes to owning a parcel of land. In this article, we’ll explore who can buy land in USA and whether or not you can own a parcel of land as a foreigner. Read on to learn about who can purchase land in the United States.
Who Can Buy Land in USA?
Generally, about anyone with the financial means and who meets certain eligibility criteria can purchase land in the USA. US Citizens and Permanent Residents US citizens who are 18 years or older and have a credit score of at least 650 can buy land in the United States. Additionally, permanent residents who have lived and worked in the US for at least two years may be eligible to purchase a plot of land. Companies and Corporations Companies and corporations authorized to conduct business in the US may be eligible to buy land. Additionally, they must meet certain requirements set by lenders who will review their financial situation and credit score. International Investors Non-US citizens looking to purchase a parcel of land in the United States must have a valid visa and meet certain requirements set by lenders. This includes having a certain credit score, proof of residency in the US for at least two years, and providing any other documents that may be necessary depending on who you are buying from. Additionally, you might have to pay additional taxes or fees, so it’s best to research all of the relevant laws and regulations before signing any contracts.
Are There Additional Rules and Regulations for Non-Residents?
Foreigners interested in investing in the land may also be subject to additional rules and regulations depending on the state they wish to purchase the property. For example, Florida has specific laws that must be followed regarding foreign real estate purchases. Additionally, certain types of land may require approval from certain government agencies before a sale can happen. It is also important to understand that various other taxes and fees you might incur when buying land in the United States. These may include transfer taxes, title insurance costs, property taxes, and other closing costs. Before entering into a contract to buy land in the United States, it’s important to consult an attorney familiar with international transactions, as well as the laws and regulations in the state where you wish to purchase the property.
Does Buying Land in the US Automatically Grant Me Citizenship?
Purchasing land in the US can be a great opportunity for investors who have the means to do so. However, it’s important to know that purchasing land in the US does not automatically grant you citizenship. In order to become a citizen of the United States, you must go through a rigorous application process and meet other criteria set by the US government.
Where Are Foreign Buyers of US Land From?
Foreign purchasers who are interested in buying land in the United States typically come from the region of Asia, which makes up 22% of the total number of foreign land buyers. People from this region tend to invest in properties because the US real estate market is more stable than in other countries. The sales price of land is also more affordable.
Where Do Foreigners Buy Property in the USA?
There are many desirable states for foreigners to buy property. Some of the most popular destinations for international real estate transactions include Texas, California, and Florida. Each state offers unique opportunities to buy land with stunning scenery, a warm climate, and thriving real estate markets. - Texas is an attractive choice for non-resident buyers looking to invest in land due to its low taxes and business-friendly regulations. - California offers stunning scenery, climate, and culture and access to some of the US’s most desirable real estate markets. - Florida is another popular choice due to its year-round warm climate and relatively affordable real estate prices. Ultimately, who can buy land in the USA will depend on the individual’s financial situation and ability to meet the various requirements set by lenders and government agencies. It’s important to research all of the applicable laws, regulations, taxes, and fees before entering into a contract to purchase land in any state. With proper planning and guidance, foreign investors who meet the requirements can own a piece of the American dream. SEARCH LAND FOR SALE
Top Things to Consider Before Buying Land in the USA
When considering who can buy land in USA, there are a few important things to remember. Why Do You Want to Buy an American Property? Your primary objective should be to determine the purpose of your purchase. Are you looking for a vacation home, an investment property, or something else? Examine the regions and property kinds that have historically performed well and provided solid returns. Look for upcoming events that might increase demand for real estate, such as major festivals, sporting events, or even specific construction projects, such as a new harbor or shopping center. Can You Stay in the USA? Despite the fact that the USA has long been a favorite destination for foreign property searchers, most people can only enter the country for up to 90 days per year for either business or pleasure. Therefore, you must possess a B-2 visa if you want to spend more time maximizing your property. The holder of this visa may stay for up to six months. Additionally, those applying for a B-2 visa must demonstrate that they have enough money to maintain themselves abroad. Have You Thought About Where Your Land Will Be Located in the US? It’s good to visit any property or development in person. That way, you can see for yourself what the neighborhood is really like, get a sense of the surroundings and the actual property, see how close it is to local amenities, any extras like beaches or outdoor adventures, and check out public transportation options. Do You Have a Set Budget? While you can easily find cheap land for sale across the country, it’s crucial to estimate how much your property will ultimately cost you and how you plan to pay for it. You may use any finances more effectively to identify the ideal property if you clearly understand your budget, enabling you to set particular goals. You might need to convert your local currency into US dollars if you purchase real estate in the US. Early on in your research, get in touch with a currency expert so you can stay on top of exchange rates and prepare for how changes in the currency will influence your guests. This way, you may incorporate your overseas payments into your total spending plan and maintain control of any less obvious costs. Prepare for Extra Charges and Hidden Fees You could be pleasantly surprised to learn that there aren’t too many additional costs while purchasing in the US, despite the possibility that there will be. Since US property taxes and levies are among the lowest in the world, you should normally allow them in the purchase price. However, if you own a property in a resort, you may be responsible for additional expenses. It is also important to remember that you can encounter unforeseen expenses here if and when the time comes to sell your US property. The seller frequently covers the cost, for instance. The American tax system is famous for being complicated; for help, contact a financial or legal professional. SEARCH LAND FOR SALE
How to Buy Property in the USA as a Non-Citizen?
Foreigners can easily buy land in the USA without a green card, a specific kind of visa, or even USA citizenship. As we mentioned earlier, they are ought to have a valid visa and proof of residency in the US for at least two years. Here are some important things to know for a smooth buying process. Understand the Tax Implications It’s important to understand the tax implications of buying property in the US while living abroad. The Real Property Tax Act  The Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) dictates who is eligible to buy real estate in the US, who pays taxes on it, and other related matters. The Act requires foreign buyers who sell their property to pay a 10-15% capital gains tax. Every foreign land investor is given a taxpayer identification number. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses this individual taxpayer identification number to track rental income and other taxes associated with owning property in the United States. Failure to obtain this number can result in fines, penalties, or even having your property seized by the government. Non-resident owners planning to spend more than 180 days in the country over a 12-month period need to register for a tax identification number. Tax Treaties There are numerous international tax treaties that the US has signed. These agreements are made to limit the possibility of double taxation. The tax treaty may lower the taxes you would ordinarily pay on income from a US property if you are a resident of a nation having a US tax treaty. Tax Rates In general, the government taxes any income from real estate in the US that a non-resident owns that is not actually tied to a US trade or enterprise at a 30% rate. This rate might be lower if your resident country and the US have a tax treaty. How Your Property Income Is Treated A non-resident immigrant may treat all income from property that generates income in the US as being inextricably linked to a US trade or enterprise if they own it or have an interest in it. This is known as the Section 871(d) election. If you choose this option, you can deduct expenses related to real estate income, making the net income taxable. This will apply to all income derived from US-based real estate. SEARCH LAND FOR SALE Financing Options as a Foreigner Cash payment is the simplest method for foreign investors. Typically, you can request an international wire transfer via your local bank. That way, you wouldn’t have to be concerned about currency conversion. Can Foreigners Qualify for a US Mortgage? You will face a much more difficult process if you’re looking to get a conventional loan from an American bank. For foreign national mortgages, you can expect to come up with a 50% down payment for the property. If you’re living in the US, you’ll face many issues, and the bank’s decisions could be based on whether or not you are a citizen or a green card holder. This is not going to be an easy route.
What’s the Easiest Way for Foreigners to Buy Land in the USA?
The easiest way for foreign people to buy land in the US is to pay for it in cash. Paying for the property in full means that the title transfers to you immediately, and it’s a done deal. If cash isn’t an option, then the next best thing would be to attempt owner financing. Owner financing is a great option for foreigners purchasing property without the hassle of securing a traditional mortgage. Here’s where DiscountLots can help immensely!  It allows buyers to make payments directly to the property seller rather than through a third-party lender who approves mortgages. By taking advantage of Discount Lots’ owner financing options, you can save money by taking advantage of discounted rates. This can help to reduce the overall cost of buying land in the United States, making it more accessible and attainable for any non-US citizen who wishes to purchase real property here. With Discount Lots, you can easily find owner financing options that are right for your budget and needs. We don’t require credit history checks, there are no prepayment penalties and you can learn more about our owner financing process here.
Do Foreign Buyers Have to Pay Extra Stamp Duties?
Foreigners purchasing real estate in the US are not subject to any additional stamp duty, as opposed to Hong Kong, Singapore, London, Vancouver, Toronto, Sydney, and Melbourne, which all increased the tax paid by foreign buyers from 7% to 30%. There are no restrictions when foreigners purchase real estate in the United States. In reality, many affluent overseas investors buy investment properties, including single-family homes, multi-unit apartments or condos, and even commercial properties like shopping centers. They also buy residential lands and vacation homes in the United States. Foreigners and Americans each pay the same amount in stamp duty. Additionally, you might add the stamp duty (property transfer tax) to the cost basis of the property when you sell it, lowering your future tax liability.
How Long Does the Land Buying Process Take in the US?
The purchase process for real estate in the US can take anywhere from four to eight weeks. This largely depends on the complexity of the transaction and who is involved—i.e., individuals, lenders, corporate entities, or trusts. It’s important to remember that if you’re a foreigner purchasing land in the US, you’ll need to set up a U.S.-based bank account prior to closing the transaction. This will ensure that you can wire the funds for your purchase in a timely manner and that everything remains secure.
Who Can Buy Land in USA: Final Thoughts
Foreigners who want to buy land in the United States of America can easily do so. The easiest way for a foreign buyer to purchase land is by paying for it in cash. Though, the most convenient option available is through owner financing. Additionally, foreign buyers who purchase real estate in the US pay the same stamp duty as domestic buyers and can expect their transaction to take four to eight weeks to complete. Discount Lots has access to a wide range of land and owner financing options that make buying property in the US easier for foreign buyers. We sell land directly to you, so there’s no need for a real estate agent or any third-party involvement. Contact us today for more information about purchasing land in the USA! Looking for Vacant Land? Discount Lots has affordable land for sale across the country. SEARCH LAND FOR SALE Read the full article
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lawofficeofbryanfagan · 11 hours ago
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Picture this: You and your soon-to-be-ex are sitting across the table, dividing up assets. You know there was more money in that joint account a few months ago, but suddenly—poof!—it’s vanished. Or maybe you spent years paying off your spouse’s student loans, only to realize you might be entitled to some of that money back. Divorce isn’t just about who gets the house or the car; it’s also about hidden assets and reimbursement claims in a Texas divorce—two legal landmines that can make or break your financial future. Short answer: If your spouse is hiding money or you’ve financially contributed more to the marriage, you may have legal options to claim what’s rightfully yours. But proving it? That’s where things get tricky. So, how do people hide assets? How can you uncover the truth? And if you’ve made significant contributions to marital property, how do you ensure you’re not left empty-handed? In this guide, we’ll uncover the sneaky tactics some spouses use, the legal strategies for tracking down hidden assets, and the steps you can take to make a reimbursement claim stick. Grab a cup of coffee (or something stronger)—this is one financial mystery you’ll want to solve. Key Takeaways - Spouses in high asset divorces may use deceitful tactics to hide assets, including transferring them to others or claiming reduced profitability, complicating property division. - To uncover hidden assets, legal methods such as forensic accounting, subpoenas, and thorough documentation are essential, especially in high asset divorce cases. - Understanding the intersection of hidden assets and reimbursement claims is crucial, as community funds used for separate property can lead to entitlement claims that affect asset division. Common Tactics to Hide Assets in a Texas Divorce When it comes to high asset divorces, some spouses may resort to deceitful tactics to hide assets and manipulate property division. One common method is transferring assets to another individual, such as a family member or someone with whom they are having an affair. This makes it challenging to trace the assets back to the marital estate. Another frequently used tactic is moving assets overseas. This tactic can make it nearly impossible for Texas courts to access and divide the assets during divorce proceedings. Additionally, some individuals may claim their business is no longer profitable while secretly pocketing cash. Cash, jewelry, and precious metals are among the easiest assets to hide due to their untraceable nature. Spouses might also create hidden bank accounts or change the names on accounts or deeds to avoid detection. These actions can lead to severe consequences, including being ordered to pay the other spouse’s attorney fees or losing part of the hidden assets during court proceedings. The implications of hiding assets are significant, as the spouse who successfully conceals assets may retain the entire value without splitting it during the divorce. Recognizing these tactics is the first step toward ensuring a fair division of marital property. Legal Methods to Uncover Hidden Assets Uncovering hidden assets requires a combination of legal strategies and professional expertise. Forensic accountants specialize in revealing hidden or commingled assets during divorce proceedings. These experts identify discrepancies and trace the origins of assets by analyzing financial records and transactions. Subpoenas are another powerful tool in the legal arsenal. They compel financial institutions to provide records that disclose hidden assets, ensuring that all financial information is brought to light. In Texas, formal discovery is required if hidden assets are suspected, so following the proper legal framework is crucial to uncover these assets. Financial transparency requires collecting all financial documents, including bank statements and tax returns. This comprehensive documentation helps create a clear picture of the marital assets and any potential hidden assets. Texas discovery laws require spouses to disclose real estate holdings, insurance policies, and other financial information, further ensuring transparency. The combination of forensic accounting, subpoenas, and thorough documentation creates a robust approach to uncovering hidden assets in divorce cases. These methods are particularly important in high asset divorces where the stakes are high, and financial misconduct can significantly impact the outcome. Intersection of Hidden Assets and Reimbursement Claims Hidden assets and reimbursement claims often intersect in Texas divorces, particularly when one spouse uses community funds to benefit separate property. For instance, if community funds are used to pay off a mortgage on one spouse’s separate property, the other spouse may be entitled to a reimbursement claim. To successfully claim reimbursement, the spouse must show that community property funds were used for separate property enhancements and provide clear and convincing evidence to support the claim regarding the spouse’s separate property. The presence of hidden assets can further complicate these claims, as courts may impose equitable liens on benefited properties and evaluate the financial impacts of the hidden assets on both parties. Reimbursement claims can lead to unequal divisions of the marital estate, significantly affecting the outcome of divorce proceedings. Understanding how hidden assets and reimbursement claims intersect is crucial for achieving a fair settlement and protecting your financial interests. Proving Financial Misconduct and Reimbursement Claims Proving financial misconduct in a divorce requires thorough evidence gathering and proper documentation. Without sufficient evidence, the success of a reimbursement claim can be hindered. To seek reimbursement in a Texas divorce, clear and convincing evidence of community funds benefiting separate property is essential. Forensic accountants can help examine financial patterns and identify potential asset concealment during divorce proceedings. These professionals play a crucial role in proving fraudulent activity by demonstrating its extent and value. Recent changes to the reimbursement statute have simplified criteria and procedures for seeking reimbursements, facilitating the claims process. Supporting a reimbursement claim requires proper documentation such as bank statements, receipts, and detailed financial records. This documentation ensures that contributions are valued and compensated fairly, preventing the unjust enrichment of one spouse. Building a strong case and maximizing the amount awarded also requires legal representation. Real-Life Examples and Case Studies Real-life examples and case studies illustrate the practical application of reimbursement claims in Texas divorces. For instance, clear and convincing evidence of contributions significantly influences judges’ decisions on reimbursement claims. In one case, improvements made with community funds positively impacted the claim for fair asset division and reimbursement. In these cases, forensic accountants trace and document the origins of separate property and enhancements. Divorce attorneys use financial tools such as Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDRO). This helps ensure a fair distribution of retirement benefits, which enhances the practical value of the case. Actionable Advice for Navigating a Divorce Navigating a divorce requires vigilance and strategic planning. For financial safety during a divorce, monitoring joint accounts for unusual activity is crucial. Reviewing social media can also provide clues about undisclosed assets or financial activities. Establishing individual bank accounts helps maintain control over finances during a divorce. It’s also important to maintain a calm demeanor and have productive conversations when suspecting financial infidelity. An emergency plan for financial and personal safety is vital if facing a potential divorce. Having a savvy attorney is essential for gathering financial records effectively during a divorce. Regular financial discussions can help couples align on their financial goals and prevent misunderstandings. These strategies can help ensure a fair division of marital property and protect your financial future. The Role of an Experienced Texas Divorce Attorney Consulting a divorce attorney is advisable to understand your legal rights and ensure fair asset division. Navigating the complexities of reimbursement claims and property division requires skilled legal representation. Attorneys can help structure legal arguments to increase the chances of a favorable outcome in reimbursement cases. Texas judges’ discretion in evaluating reimbursement claims highlights the importance of strong legal advocacy. In cases involving hidden assets, a divorce attorney provides experience and support to protect your interests. Protection of financial interests and strong legal advocacy in family law is necessary for securing a fair settlement in Texas divorce, as outlined in the Texas family code and texas law. Conclusion: I won’t sugarcoat it—hidden assets and reimbursement claims in a Texas divorce can turn even the most “amicable” split into a high-stakes financial chess match. One minute, you’re dividing up property, and the next, you’re questioning whether your spouse secretly stashed cash in a mystery bank account or if you’re owed thousands for that mortgage you paid off. But here’s the deal: Knowledge is power. Whether you suspect financial foul play or need to reclaim what’s rightfully yours, understanding your legal options can mean the difference between walking away with your fair share or getting shortchanged. So, don’t let your ex play financial hide-and-seek. Gather your receipts, talk to a forensic accountant if needed, and get a sharp attorney in your corner. Because in the game of divorce finances, the person who plays smart—not sneaky—usually wins. FAQ - Hidden Assets and Reimbursement Claims in a Texas Divorce Frequently Asked Questions What is a reimbursement claim in Texas divorce? A reimbursement claim in a Texas divorce allows one spouse to seek compensation for financial contributions they made to the marital estate using separate property. This could include using personal funds to pay off marital debt, improve community property, or support the other spouse’s education or career. How do you uncover hidden assets in a divorce? Uncovering hidden assets in a divorce requires financial discovery, which includes subpoenas for bank records, forensic accounting, reviewing tax returns, and examining business records. Spouses can also request financial disclosures and analyze unusual transactions to identify concealed wealth. Can a spouse hide bank accounts in a divorce in Texas? Legally, a spouse cannot hide bank accounts during a divorce in Texas. If discovered, hiding assets can lead to penalties, including an unequal division of property, contempt of court, and potential criminal charges for fraud. What are the consequences of hiding assets in a divorce? Hiding assets in a divorce can result in severe consequences, including court-imposed sanctions, financial penalties, an unfavorable property division, and even criminal fraud charges. Courts take asset concealment seriously and may award a larger share of the marital estate to the innocent spouse. What is the reimbursement law in Texas? The reimbursement law in Texas allows a spouse to claim financial compensation when they have contributed separate property to benefit the marital estate. This includes payments toward mortgage debt, improvements to community property, or paying off the other spouse’s debt. Courts consider reimbursement claims when dividing assets during a divorce. What is a wife entitled to in a divorce settlement in Texas? In a Texas divorce, a wife is entitled to an equitable share of the community property, which includes assets and debts acquired during the marriage. Depending on factors like income disparity, length of marriage, and child custody, she may also receive spousal support, child support, and a fair division of marital assets. How to find out if a spouse has hidden assets? To find hidden assets, review tax returns, bank statements, business records, and financial disclosures. Hiring a forensic accountant can also help trace unusual transactions, undisclosed income, and offshore accounts. Legal tools like subpoenas and depositions can further expose concealed assets. Can you hide a bank account during divorce? No, hiding a bank account during a divorce is illegal and can lead to serious consequences. If discovered, the court may penalize the dishonest spouse by awarding a larger share of assets to the other spouse or imposing fines and legal sanctions. How to find out if a spouse has a secret bank account? To find out if a spouse has a secret bank account, check financial statements, credit reports, tax returns, and unusual withdrawals. Subpoenaing financial records and working with a forensic accountant can also help uncover hidden accounts and undisclosed funds. Read the full article
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realestatewithtili · 19 hours ago
How to Sell an Inherited Property in Texas Without Stress
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Inheriting a property can be both a blessing and a challenge. While it’s often a valuable asset, managing and selling an inherited home in Texas comes with its own set of legal, financial, and emotional considerations. Many heirs find the process overwhelming, especially if the property is located far from where they live or if multiple family members are involved. However, with careful planning and the right approach, you can sell your inherited property without unnecessary stress.
One of the first steps in selling an inherited property is determining its legal status. If the deceased left a will, the property must go through probate unless it was placed in a trust. In Texas, the probate process is generally straightforward, especially if the estate is uncontested. However, if no will exists, the property will be distributed according to Texas intestacy laws, which could require additional legal proceedings. It’s important to consult with a probate attorney to understand your rights and responsibilities before proceeding with the sale.
Once the legal process is clear, the next step is evaluating the property’s condition. Many inherited homes may require repairs, updates, or even deep cleaning before they are market-ready. Some heirs choose to sell the property as-is to investors or cash buyers, avoiding the hassle of renovations. Others opt to make improvements to increase the home’s market value. A professional home inspection can help you identify necessary repairs and decide on the best course of action. If multiple heirs are involved, having open discussions about how to handle the sale can prevent conflicts and ensure a smooth process.
Understanding the financial implications of selling an inherited property is also crucial. In Texas, heirs are not required to pay inheritance tax, but capital gains tax may apply if the property has appreciated in value. Fortunately, Texas law provides a “step-up” in basis, which means that the property’s value is adjusted to its market value at the time of inheritance. This can significantly reduce capital gains tax when the home is sold. Consulting with a tax professional can help you navigate these financial considerations and avoid unexpected liabilities.
Once you’re ready to sell, deciding on the best sales strategy is key. If you want a quick and hassle-free sale, selling to a real estate investor or cash buyer can be an attractive option. These buyers typically purchase homes in any condition and close quickly, eliminating the need for repairs and lengthy negotiations. However, if maximizing profit is your priority, listing the home with a real estate agent can help you attract competitive offers. An experienced agent can guide you through pricing, marketing, and negotiations, ensuring you get the best deal possible.
Selling an inherited home can be an emotional experience, particularly if the property holds sentimental value. It’s important to allow yourself time to process these emotions and seek support from family or professionals if needed. Decluttering and depersonalizing the home before listing can help create a neutral space that appeals to buyers while making it easier to part with the property. If disagreements arise among heirs, mediation or legal guidance can help resolve conflicts and keep the process moving forward.
With the right planning and professional guidance, selling an inherited property in Texas can be a smooth and stress-free experience. Whether you choose to sell quickly to an investor or take the time to prepare the home for the market, understanding the legal, financial, and emotional aspects of the process will help you make informed decisions. If you’re navigating the sale of an inherited property, consider consulting with a real estate expert who can provide valuable insights and support every step of the way.
Are you looking to sell an inherited property in Texas? Reach out to a trusted real estate professional today to explore your options and ensure a seamless selling experience.
Thinking about buying or selling? Let’s make it happen!
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guyneighborsthe · 4 days ago
Best Lawsuit Packages
Protest your property tax before you file an appeal with my stop property tax lawsuit package on my website at winincourtnow.com. Get the legal documents you need to challenge property taxes without an attorney in Dallas, Texas, or any other state. Check out the instructional video on my youtube channel and get free tips to stop the property tax hearing in Austin.
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litigationattorneydallas · 2 years ago
Essential Factors to Evaluate When Selecting a Business Attorney in Dallas
When hiring a business attorney in Dallas, consider their expertise, track record, communication skills, availability, and fees. Prioritize compatibility and trust. Evaluate these factors to make an informed decision and find the right legal representation for your business. Schedule consultations with potential attorneys to discuss your needs and find the best.
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lawassociate45 · 13 days ago
Navigating Probate and Estate Planning in Texas
Why You Need a Probate Lawyer in Plano TX
Handling estate matters after a loved one’s passing can be complex and emotional. A probate lawyer Plano TX helps families navigate the legal process of validating a will, settling debts, and distributing assets. These legal professionals provide guidance on probate court proceedings, ensuring compliance with Texas laws while minimizing stress for beneficiaries.
Understanding a Revocable Living Trust
A revocable living trust is a flexible estate planning tool that allows you to manage your assets during your lifetime and seamlessly transfer them to beneficiaries upon death. Unlike a will, a revocable trust avoids probate, maintaining privacy and speeding up asset distribution. It can be amended or revoked at any time, making it an ideal choice for those seeking control over their estate planning.
What is Trust Administration?
After creating a trust, the next step is trust administration. This involves managing and distributing the trust’s assets according to the grantor’s instructions. A trustee, appointed by the trust creator, is responsible for inventorying assets, paying debts, filing taxes, and distributing property to beneficiaries. Consulting with an experienced attorney helps ensure legal compliance and efficient administration.
How to Handle the Transfer of Property
The transfer of property is a crucial part of estate planning. In Texas, property can be transferred through wills, trusts, joint ownership, or beneficiary designations. Choosing the right method depends on the type of property and the owner’s preferences. A legal expert can help determine the most efficient way to transfer assets while minimizing taxes and legal complications.
Navigating the Texas Probate Process
Understanding the Texas probate process is essential for effective estate administration. Probate involves validating a will, appointing an executor, inventorying assets, paying debts, and distributing property to beneficiaries. In Texas, probate can be complex, but hiring a knowledgeable attorney streamlines the process, ensuring compliance with state laws and protecting beneficiaries' rights.
Proper estate planning not only protects your assets but also ensures a smooth transition for your loved ones. Consulting with experienced legal professionals helps simplify probate, trust administration, and property transfers.
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debtloanpayoff · 16 days ago
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dankusner · 29 days ago
Greg Abbott State of the State address: key takeaways
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Gov. Greg Abbott said Sunday he wants state lawmakers to slash property taxes by $10 billion, launch a massive water project to keep the state from going dry and restrict bail for a slew of crimes.
Those were among a series of items deemed emergencies by the governor in his State of the State speech, meaning the GOP-led Legislature can work to advance them more quickly than other bills.
Also on the list was a program to allow public dollars to be spent on private education, new career training programs, pay raises for teachers and a cyber security command center in San Antonio.
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The Texas Republican used the address to tout the state’s business-friendly bona fides, bragging that Texas has lured competing rocket companies SpaceX and Blue Origin, created a court system exclusively for businesses and launched its own stock exchange.
“Texas is the blueprint for America’s future,” said Abbott, who is now in his third term leading the country’s biggest red state.
The governor also spent time offering some nods to his base and touting his efforts to secure the border, which he said are now serving as a blueprint for President Donald Trump.
Abbott called for banning diversity, equity and inclusion in K-12 schools.
And he said the state only recognizes two genders and that any educator who “tells students that boys can be girls should be fired on the spot.”
The governor also called for cities and counties to be required to assist Trump’s mass deportation operation.
He backed legislation that would allow Attorney General Ken Paxton to prosecute elections violations.
And he said “hostile foreign nations and their agents” should not be able to buy Texas land.
It all came after Abbott issued a slew of executive orders in recent days directing state agencies to work with Trump on his deportation effort and purge diversity initiatives.
Abbott largely spoke in broad strokes with few specifics about what he is looking for in proposed legislation.
Notably absent from Abbott’s address was any mention of consumable THC products that Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has made it his mission this session to ban in the state.
He also made no mention of the state’s abortion ban, which Patrick has said should be clarified to ensure doctors know when they can act in an emergency.
For the second time, Abbott bucked the longstanding tradition of addressing lawmakers in a joint session at the Capitol, instead delivering his address to a packed crowd at an automotive supply company in Austin.
His address was followed by a Democratic response aired in the room and on TV.
The response slammed Abbott for being too cozy with Trump and billionaire Elon Musk.
It featured an OBGYN who said the state’s abortion ban has made her job more difficult.
A teacher said Abbott and his “billionaire buddies” are pushing a voucher program that could ruin public schools.
“The fact is people are struggling after 30 years of Republican rule,” Gilberto Hinojosa, the former Democratic Party chair, said in the response.
Here’s what you need to know about Abbott's speech and priorities:
Emphasizing infrastructure
The governor called for a “generational” investment in water infrastructure, backing a multi-billion-dollar plan to find new sources of water and pipe it across the state.
“We will make the largest investment in water in the history of Texas,” Abbott said.
“We will tap into new water supplies and repair pipes to save billions of gallons of water each year.”
The governor backed a plan by Sen. Charles Perry, the Amarillo Republican who chairs the committee overseeing water, to dedicate money annually to water projects, similar to the way the state funds roads.
Perry’s plan would invest in a network of pipelines to distribute water across the state. It would also seek new sources of water promoting desalination plants or purchasing it directly from other states.
The governor also called for boosting the state’s energy grid by investing in nuclear energy, describing it as a way to “fortify” the state’s power grid.
The Public Utilities Commission last year released a report, ordered by Abbott, that said Texas was “well-poised” to be a national leader in advanced global energy.
The governor said the state would lead a “nuclear power renaissance in the United States.”
Renewing the school voucher push
The governor spent the last year campaigning against members of his own party who opposed his push to give families public dollars to spend on private education.
He made clear he expects lawmakers to get the job done this session.
“We must pass school choice this session,” Abbott said to perhaps the biggest applause of the night.
“Government-mandated schools simply cannot meet the unique needs of every student,” the governor said.
“But Texas can provide families with the choices to better meet those needs. The majority of Texans support school choice. More than 30 states already have a form of school choice.”
Abbott is pushing for a $1 billion program, which House and Senate leaders have already agreed to spend.
That’s double the $500 million lawmakers considered last year.
But the chambers still need to hash out the details.
A Senate proposal debated in committee last week would drop $10,000 into 100,000 “education savings accounts” that students could spend on private school tuition, tutoring and other education costs.
House members have not yet unveiled their proposal.
In the past, a coalition of rural Republican and Democratic representatives have blocked voucher proposals out of fear they would drain funds away from public schools, among other things.
The governor also deemed teacher pay raises an emergency item, calling for boosting the average salary to an “all-time high.”
And he urged lawmakers to expand a merit pay program to put more teachers on a path to six-figure salaries.
In the past, Abbott has linked public school funding bumps to the approval of a voucher program. In 2023, he said he wouldn’t add teacher pay raises to his special session agenda until a voucher bill made it to his desk.
Taking shots at Harris County
The governor specifically targeted the state's biggest blue county as he called for lawmakers to slash property taxes by at least $10 billion and prevent cities and counties from raising them.
Abbott said the tax cuts can only work if local authorities cannot “use loopholes to jack up your property taxes,” saying Harris County raised taxes more than 10% last year.
Voters narrowly approved a county tax rate increase in the November election to help cover the cost of maintaining the county's extensive flood control infrastructure.
Abbott said no taxing entity should be able to raise property taxes without two-thirds approval by voters.
The governor also took a shot at Harris County judges as he renewed his push for legislation he has long sought that would allow judges to deny bail to defendants charged with certain offenses.
“Activist judges have too much discretion to let repeat offenders out on bail, only to see them harm more Texans,” Abbott said, specifically pointing to the slaying of Harris County Deputy Constable Omar Ursin, who he said was “murdered by criminals let out on bail from a prior murder charge.”
Ursin’s widow was in the audience, he said.
State law currently prevents judges from denying bail to first-time offenders other than those accused of capital murder and for whom the state is seeking the death penalty.
The legislation would let judges deny bail outright for people accused of serious sex crimes, human trafficking and violent offenses like murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
But the effort faces an uphill battle, as it requires a constitutional amendment and approval by two-thirds of the House and Senate.
The Senate has passed the bill multiple times, but Democrats have repeatedly blocked it in the House.
A new cybersecurity hub
Abbott said he wants to build a cybersecurity command hub in San Antonio, which already boasts a large concentration of professionals in the industry because of its large military and national security footprint.
The governor said the state should partner with the University of Texas at San Antonio on the effort, which he said would protect the state from hackers and hostile foreign actors.
“San Antonio is home to one of the world’s largest concentrations of cybersecurity experts,” Abbott said.
“We must harness those assets to protect against threats from China, Iran, Russia and other foreign enemies. They could cripple our power, our water and our communications with cyber attacks.”
The governor did not offer more details on how much he thought the state should invest in the venture or how it should be structured or operate, beyond that the state should employ “cutting-edge capabilities.”
Abbott unveils priority issues
He wants lawmakers to tackle school choice, cybersecurity and more
AUSTIN — Revealing his top priorities for the Texas Legislature, Gov. Greg Abbott said Sunday he wants lawmakers to focus on subsidizing private school tuition, finding new sources of water, limiting bail for violent offenses, strengthening career training and beefing up the state’s cybersecurity systems.
Abbott also recommended that lawmakers devote some of the state budget — which includes a $24 billion surplus — to property tax relief, merit raises for teachers, border security, the power grid and school safety.
“Texas is the blueprint for the future of America,” Abbott said in his biennial State of the State address.
“Clearly, God has blessed Texas, and the state of our state has never been better.”
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Abbott used his half-hour televised speech, delivered before a crowd of about 800 at Arnold Oil Supply, a family-owned Austin company, to lay out a host of recommended policy initiatives, including seven emergency items he wants the Republican-dominated Legislature to pass as soon as possible.
Abbott focused much of his speech on education issues, and he made raising teacher pay an emergency item.
“We must fund and train the best teachers,” Abbott said.
“Additionally, we must reward the best teachers by putting them on a path to earn a six-figure salary.”
He stopped short of recommending across-the-board pay raises for teachers or increasing funding to public schools — a sticking point for opponents of the governor’s voucher-style school choice initiative who worry education savings accounts, one of Abbott’s key agenda items, would drain money from education.
The State of the State speech traditionally allows the governor to set the tone for the session, and on Sunday Abbott urged legislators to focus on long-term investments and policies that would preserve Texas as one of the nation’s top economic engines.
“No state offers the opportunity that Texas offers,” Abbott said.
Texas Democrats delivered a recorded response that aired after the speech.
“The governor doesn’t have a clue what the state of your state is,” Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa said.
“He’s too desperate cozying up to Donald Trump and billionaires like Elon Musk to give a damn about anybody who works for a paycheck to make ends meet.”
“The fact is, people are struggling after 30 years of Republican rule,” he said.
Dr. Austin Dennard, a Dallas-based obstetrician and gynecologist, shared how she had to leave the state to get a medically necessary abortion in 2022 after her fetus was given a fatal diagnosis.
“I’ve supported countless women with complicated pregnancies, but Gov. Abbott and Texas Republicans have made it nearly impossible for me to do my job,” Dennard said.
Social issues
Abbott touched on a few of the more divisive social issues awaiting lawmakers, saying “any educator who tells students that boys can be girls should be fired on the spot” and emphasizing that Texas recognizes only two genders.
He also said diversity, equity and inclusion policies should be banned from kindergarten through 12th grade, and he called for an expanded prohibition on DEI in public universities.
“We must purge it from every corner of our schools and return the focus to merit,” he said.
“We need a law that bans DEI from any entity that receives taxpayer dollars.”
Abbott also pushed lawmakers to invest more money into the state’s power grid, praising them for creating the $5 billion Texas Energy Fund last session.
The state needs to keep building power plants as the Texas population continues to add 1,500 people a day, Abbott said.
“We must add more power this session to better fortify our grid,” Abbott said.
“And it is time for Texas to lead a nuclear power renaissance in the United States.”
Abbott also called on lawmakers to invest in more mental health resources for rural Texas and expand pay for caregivers of seniors and Texans with disabilities.
To address housing shortages contributing to skyrocketing rents and home prices, Abbott recommended a one-year tax exemption on home improvements such as air conditioning, as well as slashing regulations and speeding up permitting to make it easier and cheaper to build homes.
He also asked lawmakers to pass stronger property laws protecting against squatters, prohibit “foreign agents” from buying land in Texas, invest more in firefighters and their training and equipment, and spend at least $500 million on strengthening school security.
Priorities aligned
House Speaker Dustin Burrows, R-Lubbock, said Abbott’s emergency items aligned with his priorities, adding he is particularly enthusiastic about supporting small business owners by reducing fees and regulations.
“This session, the Texas House is committed to delivering conservative, common-sense solutions to the state’s most pressing issues — issues on which Governor Abbott, the House and Senate are clearly largely aligned,” Burrows said on X.
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Speaking for Texas House Democrats, Rep. Mihaela Plesa of Dallas said many Texans aren’t wealthier, healthier or freer after 30 years of GOP control in Texas.
“Nothing we’ve heard from the governor this evening changes that,” she said.
“Today’s problems are plain and simple: Grocery bills are soaring, home ownership is just a dream for many.”
The emergency items Abbott revealed Sunday were:
Property tax relief and reform:
Priorities include $10 billion in property tax relief, lowering school district taxes and requiring at least two-thirds of voters to approve tax increases.
“No approval, no new taxes,” Abbott said.
School choice:
Abbott endorsed lawmaker plans to devote $1 billion for education savings accounts to help families pay for private school expenses and tuition.
Abbott is pushing for universal vouchers — available to every student in Texas — and said Sunday he wants to “fully fund our schools and raise teacher pay, while also giving parents the choice they deserve.”
Water supplies:
Abbott called for a “generational investment” in water supply and infrastructure projects.
Securing the state’s water supply is critical to supporting the state’s population growth and the development of power-hungry semiconductor facilities and new data centers powering artificial intelligence applications, Abbott said.
He wants to see the largest investment the state has made — which would include a $1 billion-per-year commitment for the next decade.
He wants lawmakers to create long-term funding for projects that would seek new water supplies, rebuild pipes and ensure water supplies for rural Texas.
Teacher pay:
The governor supported retaining and hiring quality teachers through funding for teacher pay raises, led by a $750 million investment in expanding incentive and merit raise programs.
After efforts to institute an across-the-board teacher pay raise died last session, Abbott revisited the issue in his emergency items this time — but with a slightly limited focus.
He called for widening access to merit raises, waiving certification fees for some special needs educators, mitigating expenses for districts that hire retired teachers and investing in teacher development programs.
Career training:
Abbott said he wants lawmakers to invest in the state’s skilled workforce through stronger high school career programs.
Abbott called for adding money to the Jobs and Education for Texans grant program and other career education programs for high school students.
Over the past two years, Abbott said, his office has approved $7 billion for career and technical education for students in middle and high schools, including industries in which jobs are in high demand, such as electricity, plumbing and welding.
Abbott wants to create a Texas Cyber Command to oversee cybersecurity measures in the state.
Abbott said Texas must fortify its infrastructure against cyber attacks from hostile foreign countries like China, Iran and Russia, and he directed lawmakers to harden the state’s online systems and its water and grid infrastructure.
Bail reform:
Abbott called for laws requiring judges to deny bail for violent offenses and to those accused of capital murder or sexual offenses involving children.
Abbott digs in on vouchers
Backed by House majority, he says no to public school funds
AUSTIN — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott insisted Monday that he would accept nothing less than a robust, universal school choice voucher program, and he resisted calls to join the plan with blanket increases in public school funding.
As he did in Sunday’s State of the State speech, Abbott committed to raising public teacher pay, but on his terms and largely in the form of merit increases.
A plan to allow families to use public dollars on private schools is the centerpiece of his legislative agenda for the session that ends in June.
Abbott said his success last year in using the primaries to oust House Republicans who voted against school choice dictates that any plan approved by lawmakers be universal and substantive.
“An overwhelming majority of Texans want school choice,” Abbott said during an interview in the Governor’s Mansion with The Dallas Morning News .
“I won all of those races because the voters want school choice, so now there’s no reason for us to ratchet back on what we’re going to do, especially knowing full well that what we’re seeking to achieve here right now is exactly what the voters of Texas want. Most important is what the parents across the state of Texas want.”
Abbott will make a campaignlike stop Tuesday in support of school choice at a private Christian school in Athens.
In Monday’s interview with The News , Abbott also stressed his commitment to helping President Donald Trump with his immigration policies, discussed the mechanics of lowering property taxes and said his relationships with Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and House Speaker Dustin Burrows were better than ever.
The governor said he was hopeful his agenda, which includes seven emergency items, would be approved by Texas lawmakers.
School choice tops his wish list.
Hardened policies
Abbott is backing Senate and House plans that would devote $1 billion for education savings accounts to help families pay for private school expenses and tuition.
He wants voucher-type assistance available to any Texas student who wants it.
Public school advocates say they are concerned about the impact universal school choice would have on public education.
In the past, a coalition of rural Republicans and urban Democrats in the Texas House has been able to block voucher-style plans, but Abbott says he has 79 votes in the 150-member chamber to approve school choice.
His stronger political position has resulted in a hardening of his education policies, which do not include a significant increase in money to public education outside of teacher pay raises.
“We bent over backwards to try to provide a compromise position last session,” Abbott said.
“They weren’t going to negotiate at all. They said they don’t want anything other than ‘not school choice.’ ”
‘Apples and oranges’
Abbott said public education is being funded at historic levels, adding that private schools in Texas were not on “equal footing” with public schools that use taxpayer dollars to build facilities.
“We’re talking apples and oranges here,” Abbott said.
“There’s so much money and so much expansion. Spending on the education side has been on the administrative side. We’ve got to ratchet back the spending on administration and devote that money to where it belongs and where it’s most useful, and that is paying our teachers.”
Teacher pay raises would be partly across the board because they would come in the basic allotment. The bulk, however, should be devoted to merit increases, Abbott said.
“We want to ensure that we’re putting teachers on a pathway to be able to earn a six-figure salary,” he said.
“Some will be across the board. A lot will be a merit.”
A Senate proposal would add $4.9 billion to the Foundation School Program for teacher pay and changes to the Teacher Incentive Allotment.
Pay would increase by $4,000 for all teachers, plus an additional $6,000 for rural teachers.
Democratic response
State Rep. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas, disagrees with Abbott, saying public schools are not adequately funded because of inflation and unfunded mandates, including paying for increased school security.
“The unfunded mandates that both he and the Legislature put on local school districts, we need to make them whole, because it’s the right thing to do,” Anchia said.
“We asked them to increase security, and we said we would pay for it.”
Anchia said $5 billion devoted to public education is sitting unspent.
“We should fully fund public schools based on the historic reform bill that we passed in 2019 and release the funds that he withheld during the last biennium for public education,” Anchia said.
“He held these funds hostage to get his subsidy of private schools, also known as the voucher scheme, done.”
Abbott says schools could have had that money, but they rejected his education savings account plan.
Anchia said he hoped pay raises would become a reality.
“I’m all about driving money through the formulas down to the local districts, where they know how to make investments better than any politician in Austin,” he said.
Property tax cuts
Another major agenda item for Abbott is taxes.
Texas has a $24 billion budget surplus to work with, and the governor wants property taxes reduced on top of the historic $18 billion property tax cut he signed in 2023.
Abbott said local tax increases often mitigated the 2023 property tax cut, and he said he hopes to sign legislation that would require local tax increases to be approved by two-thirds of voters.
“Reducing property taxes going forward is only going to work if we tie the hands of the taxing authorities to make sure they’re not going to be able to increase property taxes,” Abbott said.
Abbott said he was encouraged about the prospects of his agenda passing the Legislature, saying his first breakfast meeting went well with Patrick, who presides over the Senate, and Burrows, the Lubbock Republican who oversees the House.
“We got right into talking about substance, about what’s going to be done and how it’s going to be done,” Abbott said.
“The meeting that we had this last Wednesday was the most productive breakfast meeting of any of those that I can recall having with any other triumvirate. We got right down to business.”
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eclecticwhisperspuppy · 2 months ago
“Estate Planning for New Parents: What Documents Do You Need?”
Becoming a parent is one of life’s most fulfilling experiences, filled with joy, love, and responsibility. However, alongside the excitement https://www.twidloo.com/united-states/texas/austin/78703/legal-services/gottfried-alexander-law-firm-austin-tx of welcoming a new baby comes the crucial task of preparing for their future. One essential aspect that often gets overlooked amidst diaper changes and sleepless nights is estate planning. Estate planning for new parents: what documents do you need? This article aims to guide you through the necessary documents and considerations that will ensure your child’s future is secure, regardless of unforeseen circumstances.
What Is Estate Planning?
Estate planning involves making arrangements for how your assets will be managed, preserved, and distributed upon your death or incapacitation. It encompasses a variety of legal documents, including wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and health care directives.
Why Is Estate Planning Important? Asset Protection: Estate planning safeguards your assets from taxes and creditors. Guardianship Designation: You can appoint guardians for your children should something happen to you. Healthcare Decisions: It allows you to dictate medical decisions if you're unable to communicate them yourself. Peace of Mind: Knowing that everything is planned alleviates stress during difficult times. Do You Need an Estate Planning Lawyer?
Navigating the intricacies of estate planning can be overwhelming. While some people wonder if they can manage on their own or ask themselves, "Do I need a lawyer for estate planning?" it's generally advisable to consult an expert.
What Does an Estate Planning Lawyer Do?
An estate planning lawyer specializes in creating legal documents that define how your assets will be divided after your death and make decisions on behalf of your family if necessary. They provide guidance on tax implications and help navigate state laws.
How Much Does an Estate Planning Lawyer Cost?
The cost of hiring an estate planning lawyer varies widely based on location and complexity but can range from $300 to $1,500 or Gottfried Alexander Law Firm more depending on the services provided.
Estate Planning Essentials for New Parents
When it comes to new parents, certain documents take precedence in estate planning:
1. Last Will and Testament
Your will outlines how you wish to distribute your assets after death. It also allows you to name guardians for your children.
What Happens If You Don't Have a Will?
If you pass away without a will (intestate), state laws determine how your assets are distributed—often not according to your wishes.
2. Health Care Proxy or Medical Power of Attorney
This document designates someone to make medical decisions on your behalf if you're unable to do so.
3. Financial Power of Attorney
A financial power of attorney gives someone authority over your financial matters when you're incapacitated.
4. Living Trust
A living trust allows you to transfer property into a trust that provides benefits while you're alive but dictates what happens after your de
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lawofficeofbryanfagan · 14 hours ago
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Imagine sitting down to negotiate your divorce settlement, only to realize the numbers don’t add up. The savings account looks suspiciously low, a rental property is “suddenly” missing, and your spouse swears they’re broke—despite their brand-new car sitting outside. This isn’t just bad accounting; it’s deception, and it happens all the time. One of the most frustrating challenges in high-conflict divorces is uncovering the common ways spouses hide assets in Texas divorces. Short answer? Yes, spouses can and do hide assets. The good news? Texas law doesn’t tolerate financial sneakiness. If your soon-to-be ex is stashing money in secret accounts, undervaluing a business, or transferring property to friends, there are ways to uncover it—and courts won’t hesitate to penalize deception. In this guide, we’ll explore the most common tactics spouses use to conceal wealth, how forensic accountants and digital forensics can help track down missing money, and the legal consequences of getting caught. Buckle up—this is one divorce mystery you don’t want to miss. Key Takeaways - Suspecting hidden assets in a divorce requires vigilance; signs include unexplained withdrawals, secret bank accounts, and undisclosed investments. - Common methods spouses use to conceal assets include transferring ownership to family members, creating fake debts, and delaying income. - Legal tools like forensic accountants, financial discovery processes, and court orders are essential for uncovering hidden assets and ensuring a fair division in divorce. Recognizing Hidden Assets in Texas Divorces Recognizing hidden assets is crucial for a fair divorce settlement. Spouses may conceal assets to retain more of the marital estate. Signs of a hidden asset include living beyond their means, unexplained spending, or inconsistencies in tax returns. Often, a lifestyle analysis comparing behaviors to financial status reveals these discrepancies. If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets, consulting a qualified attorney can help uncover hidden bank accounts, undisclosed investments, and other concealed assets. Next, we will explore specific signs and methods spouses use to hide assets. Unexplained Withdrawals Large, unexplained withdrawals from shared bank accounts can signal asset hiding. Frequent or significant withdrawals without clear justification may indicate hidden bank accounts or other financial maneuvers to reduce the visible marital estate. Secret Bank Accounts One common method spouses use to conceal funds from marital property is through undisclosed bank accounts. These secret accounts allow individuals to hide significant amounts of money, often in different banks or under different names. This tactic can lead to serious legal consequences if discovered, including penalties for asset concealment. Careful examination of financial records and statements can reveal hidden bank accounts and a bank account. Forensic accountants often uncover these assets by analyzing transactions and identifying discrepancies. Suspecting your spouse of using secret bank accounts? Consulting a forensic accountant can be vital in discovering these hidden funds. Undisclosed Investments Spouses often hide assets through undisclosed investments like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, often under different names or indirect ownership. Manipulating financial records or lying about income conceals these assets, impacting the distribution of marital property. Hiding investments can lead to severe legal consequences. If caught, penalties may apply, and the hidden assets could be awarded to the innocent spouse. Scrutinizing financial documents and seeking professional help ensures all investments are disclosed and fairly divided. Common Methods for Hiding Assets Spouses use various strategies to obscure their financial situation during divorce. Understanding these common methods helps uncover hidden assets and ensures a fair division of marital property. We will explore common tactics such as transferring assets to family members, creating fake debts, and delaying income. Transferring Assets to Family Members Transferring ownership to family members is a common method for concealing wealth during a divorce. By moving assets to relatives, a spouse can hide valuable assets from the marital estate, often transferring money, property, or other financial assets until the divorce is finalized. Creating Fake Debts Creating fake debts is another method spouses use to reduce the visible value of their marital estate. By fabricating debts and claiming they owe money to friends or family, individuals can appear financially obligated, thereby diminishing the perceived value of marital assets. Delaying Income Delaying receipt of bonuses or commissions manipulates perceived income during divorce negotiations. By withholding or deferring income until after the divorce, a spouse can present a lower income status, impacting the financial assets available for division. Scrutinizing financial statements and reported income closely is essential. Advanced Tactics to Conceal Wealth Beyond common methods, some spouses resort to more sophisticated tactics to hide substantial assets. These advanced tactics include offshore accounts, trusts and shell companies, and digital currencies. Understanding these methods is crucial for uncovering hidden wealth and ensuring a fair and equitable division in the divorce settlement. Offshore Accounts Offshore bank accounts allow financial assets to remain hidden from divorce proceedings. Countries with strong banking secrecy laws attract individuals seeking to conceal their wealth, enabling significant funds to be transferred and kept out of domestic financial scrutiny. Uncovering offshore accounts usually requires meticulous financial investigation and the expertise of forensic accountants. Trusts and Shell Companies Establishing trusts or shell companies is another sophisticated method for hiding assets, obscuring the true ownership of valuable assets and making it difficult for a spouse to claim them during divorce proceedings. Trusts and shell companies are used to transfer assets and conceal ownership, complicating the asset division process. Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency is increasingly adopted to obscure financial assets during divorce. Digital currencies like Bitcoin can be held anonymously and transferred without traditional banking scrutiny, making them an attractive option for hiding wealth. Tracing cryptocurrency transactions requires specialized knowledge and forensic accountants to analyze blockchain transactions. Legal Tools to Uncover Hidden Assets Uncovering hidden assets involves using various legal tools, including the financial discovery process, forensic accountants, and court orders and sanctions. These methods ensure all assets are disclosed and fairly divided during divorce proceedings. Financial Discovery Process The financial discovery process in Texas divorces uses depositions, interrogatories, and subpoenas to uncover hidden assets. Depositions and interrogatories under oath compel a spouse to disclose financial information. Subpoenas issued to financial institutions ensure access to essential financial documents revealing hidden assets. This structured method compels the disclosure of financial information through legal means. Forensic Accountants Forensic accountants specialize in analyzing complex financial matters to reveal hidden assets and verify the origins of funds. They use techniques such as analyzing financial documents for discrepancies and tracing hidden cryptocurrency holdings by analyzing blockchain transactions. These professionals are skilled at identifying complex financial structures that conceal wealth during divorce proceedings. Court Orders and Sanctions Court orders can mandate compliance with financial disclosure requirements, revealing hidden assets during divorce. Leveraging court orders ensures transparency in financial disclosures and mandates compliance in asset reporting. Non-compliance can lead to severe legal penalties, including fines or adjustments in property division. In extreme cases, hiding assets can result in criminal charges for perjury or fraud if false statements are made under oath. Consequences of Hiding Assets in Texas Divorces Concealing assets during a divorce can lead to significant legal consequences. Texas law classifies hiding assets as fraud on the community, requiring courts to award the hidden assets to the affected spouse. The innocent spouse may receive a larger share of the community property if the other spouse is found guilty of asset concealment. Additionally, a spouse who hides assets may be ordered to pay the attorney fees of the deceived spouse. In severe cases, hiding assets can result in fines or imprisonment due to contempt of court. Protecting Your Financial Future Protecting your financial future involves being proactive and vigilant. Contacting a skilled Texas divorce lawyer is crucial when you suspect asset concealment. Understanding your family’s financial situation and monitoring unusual financial behaviors can reveal attempts to hide assets. Texas law provides individuals with legal methods to trace hidden financial assets during divorce proceedings. Proactively identifying and documenting financial assets can mitigate the impact of asset concealment. Navigating Divorce with a Dishonest Spouse Navigating a divorce with a dishonest spouse is challenging. Engaging an experienced family law attorney is essential for effectively addressing these challenges. Gathering concrete evidence, such as financial records and witness statements, can significantly bolster your position in court. Providing your attorney with detailed comments on divorce documents can highlight inaccuracies in your spouse’s claims. Minimizing direct communication and maintaining a record of interactions can help reduce conflict and counter false claims during the divorce process. Conclusion: Divorces can feel like a high-stakes game of poker—except your spouse might be playing with a secret stash of chips you don’t even know about. One minute, you’re dividing everything fairly, and the next, they’re swearing that mysterious investment account never existed. Poof! Gone. Just like that. But here’s the thing—hidden assets aren’t as invisible as your spouse thinks. Whether they’re stuffing cash into a secret bank account, parking money in a “loan” to a buddy, or trying to disappear funds into crypto, the truth has a way of coming out. And when it does, Texas courts don’t just shake their heads—they take action. If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets, don’t just sit back and hope for the best. Arm yourself with knowledge, gather your financial records, and bring in the pros (forensic accountants, attorneys, even private investigators if needed). The law is on your side—and so is the reality that financial deception almost always leaves a paper trail. Bottom line? If your spouse thinks they’re the next Houdini, remind them that every magic trick has a reveal. And in Texas divorces, hidden assets don’t stay hidden for long. Common Questions About Hidden Assets in Texas Divorces Common Questions About Hidden Assets in Texas Divorces Can a spouse hide bank accounts in a divorce in Texas? Yes, a spouse may attempt to hide bank accounts in a Texas divorce by opening undisclosed accounts, transferring money to friends or relatives, or using cash withdrawals to reduce traceable assets. However, Texas law requires full financial disclosure, and failure to report assets can lead to legal penalties. How do I prove my spouse is hiding assets? To prove your spouse is hiding assets, you can examine bank statements, tax returns, and business records for discrepancies. Hiring a forensic accountant or using discovery tools such as subpoenas, depositions, and interrogatories can also help uncover hidden assets. What is a red flag that a spouse is hiding assets? Common red flags include sudden financial secrecy, large unexplained withdrawals, discrepancies in reported income, undisclosed business dealings, and claims of financial hardship despite visible signs of wealth. How do I protect my assets in a divorce in Texas? To protect your assets, maintain accurate financial records, establish clear ownership of separate property, and consider legal tools such as prenuptial agreements. Consulting an experienced divorce attorney can help ensure your financial rights are protected. Are separate bank accounts considered marital property in Texas? Separate bank accounts are not automatically considered marital property in Texas. However, if funds in the account were earned during the marriage or commingled with community assets, they may be subject to division in a divorce. How do I find a hidden bank account during divorce? You can find hidden bank accounts by reviewing tax returns, tracing deposits and withdrawals, requesting financial records through the discovery process, and hiring a forensic accountant to conduct an asset search. How to find out if your spouse has secret accounts? Check for bank statements, monitor unusual transactions, review tax returns for unreported interest income, and consider running a background check or asset search with the help of a professional investigator. What is financial infidelity in a marriage? Financial infidelity occurs when one spouse hides financial information, secret bank accounts, debts, or significant purchases from the other. It can erode trust and lead to serious legal and financial consequences in a divorce. How to locate hidden assets? To locate hidden assets, conduct a thorough review of tax returns, property records, and business financials. Legal tools such as subpoenas, depositions, and forensic audits can also help uncover concealed financial holdings. Read the full article
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crelaw-commercialrealestate · 2 months ago
High-Net-Worth Individuals & Family Offices
Shams is the preferred counsel to high-net-worth individuals and family offices in Texas and nationwide with respect to their commercial real estate, private equity and corporate matters. He represents our high-net-worth and family office clients in all aspects of investing in commercial real estate, asset protection and corporate structuring. 
Unlike other attorneys, his clients benefit from receiving sophisticated and industry-leading representation on a fixed-fee per project. Shams also does not bill clients for phone calls or emails, and he is readily available when his clients need him. 
Shams also represents limited partners, high-net-worth individuals, and family offices in their syndication and fund formation and joint-venture matters.
More About Commercial Real Estate Attorney Shams Merchant
With experience working on more award-winning ULI real estate projects than any other real estate attorney under the age of 35 and over $3.2 billion in transactions, Shams is a leader in Texas commercial real estate and private equity law, representing clients nationwide on the purchase, sale, development, leasing and financing of commercial real estate projects between $1 to $200 million, including retail, mixed-use, office, industrial, hospitality, restaurant & bars, and multi-family. Shams also represents clients in joint-ventures, business structuring, entity formation, and fund formations (including 506(c) and 506(b) offerings). Shams is also one of the few attorneys in Texas with in-depth experience in real estate disputes and litigation, including breach of real estate contracts, breach of leases, CAM calculations and other complex leasing disputes, brokerage commission disputes, property tax litigation, disputes between partners and shareholders, deed restriction disputes, real estate fraud and title and boundary disputes. Shams believes access to sophisticated and responsive counsel should not cost a premium. With that in mind, Shams provides a cost-effective and value-added service to his clients, whether they are new to the real estate or private equity business or a seasoned player. In furtherance of that principle, Shams proactively provides his clients with new ways to track and quantify value, from using technology to improve service delivery to offering bespoke alternative fee arrangements. By working with his clients to reduce their legal spend, Shams has helped his clients increase their ROI on real estate projects and the overall profitability of their businesses. As the leading authority in Texas commercial real estate law, Shams was recently featured in the Houston Business Journal, Dallas Business Journal, and The Real Deal for his work. His clients’ real estate projects have also been featured on numerous regional and national industry publications.
For more information on Shams Merchant’s Dallas-Fort Worth real estate investment and development law practice, please contact Shams Merchant via email at [email protected] or by phone at (832) 451-2594.
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guyneighborsthe · 4 days ago
Foreclosure Videos
Foreclosure defense lawsuit center Georgia- Check out my lawsuit center if you face a legal dispute. We have the lawsuit packages to help you take control of illegal foreclosure, property tax attacks, and more. If you face an eviction court hearing in Texas, California, Florida, learn how to stop the foreclosure process auction without an attorney.
Foreclosure Videos
View video :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaGFa9qhB4o
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