#the law & daniel molloy
fanfictionroxs · 3 months
Daniel Molloy, the Antichrist of the vampire world ft. his maker Armand Molloy, and how Daniel's existence breaks ALL the Great Laws of the vampire world:
The gift must not be given to children/maimed/cripples - Daniel had Parkinson's which severely damaged his body, gave him shaking hands etc.
Never should an ancient vampire make a fledgling - Armand De 514 years old 'sun is an insignificant star to my great ass' IS an ancient vampire and Daniel is his fledgling.
No vampire must reveal his identity to a mortal and let that mortal live. No vampire must ever write any words that reveal these secrets - Daniel knew about vampires for 50 years before he was turned. Now Mr. Nepofledgling has published a fucking book about it lmfao AND he goes around doing interviews with mortals telling them vampires are real.
Each coven should have its leader and only he can order the turning of a mortal. Any vagabond vampires must be destroyed by coven leaders - Newly divorced Armand De Covenless turns Daniel and then like a classic deadbeat dad, runs away leaving Daniel a 'vagabond'. USELESS!
No vampire may destroy another vampire save for a coven leader - Armand De Lawbreaker going around left right and center murdering vampires who may go near Daniel.
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theinfinitedivides · 3 months
listening to Pulitzer Prize-winning poet extraordinaire one Kendrick Lamar while scrolling through the IWTV tag is an Experience bc you will be minding your own business and then it's like. 'psst. i see dead people' while Louis is lying to Daniel about not being schizophrenic. 'the family matter and the truth of the matter it was God's Plan to show y'all the liar' and Daniel's bringing out the original annotated copy of Armand's 'imagine Louis without the burden of Claudia' script. 'sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas' Louis literally pops out of the manhole behind Santiago. 'wop wop wop wop wop Dot fuck em up' here we have a nicely Armand sized hole in the wall. Armand is on the floor. Armand is on the floor bc Louis has thrown him into the wall. 'you think the Bay gon' let you disrespect Pac nigga? i think that Oakland show gon' be your last stop nigga' there is Louis' boot on Santiago's (severed) head and let him try and talk about Claudia again with that mouth that bitch ass hoe. 'the audience not dumb shape the stories how you want hey Drake they're not slow / rabbit hole is still deep i can go further i promise' through the telepathic vampire link this is playing from a certain vampire's iPad in NOLA while Armand attempts boba tea eyes at maximum damage to fix the marriage that is crumbling before his eyes. Daniel is the bitchiest smugest little reporter you've ever seen watching his divorce attorney work unfold hey hey hey hey run for your life
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half-as-big-as-life · 2 months
my speedpaunt (imagine i put fire emojis here im on computer)
this stupid AU has captured my heart so. well...
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Anyone else just get sad when they realise that thier current hyperfixation is slowly starting to dissappear into the background? But then you remember theres at LEAST 12 others that are currently swimming around in your brain so you get excited again?
Just me?
Ok. Ill see myself out
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spockvarietyhour · 6 months
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Eric Bogosian in Law & Order's "Night and Fog" (original airdate Feb. 3, 1993)
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something about becoming a vampire and acquiring cunty sunglasses. its a right of passage. louis s1 little sunglasses. armand post dubai hunt big runway sunglasses. daniel newly turned finale sunglasses. im sure in s3 we will get lestat douchy rockstar sunglasses
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claudiaeparvier · 26 days
yeah, armand would make a fledgling that brings nothing to the table but the audacity.
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johnconn · 3 months
Daniel you must commit to writing the history of the vampires now break the law please it will be so funny
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firegiftlouis · 2 years
Does Armand actually know how NDAs work and what they’re supposed to look like? Or does his understanding of NDAs goes as far as knowing that they can get humans to shut up about what goes on here without the messiness of threatening them with bodily harm? Louis and him probably have lawyers if they have an on call doctor, but in my head I like to think the NDA he made Daniel sign was written on a napkin and only said “you can’t tell anyone about us or else I’m legally allowed to kill you :)”
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the-limp-linguine · 2 years
I’m in a 4 hour car ride so uhh Here are how the VC characters would drive
Lestat: traffic laws? Girly pops never heard of them he’s the fucker to cut YOU off and still flip you off, the type of bitch to BLAST his music at 2 am going 55 over
Louis: obeys ALL the traffic laws and makes it his personality, if your the one driving he’d be the SOB to correct you- ‘mmm that wasn’t a good idea’ type mother fucker
Armand: he’s scary to drive with and probably has flipped MULTIPLE cars, speed limits are a suggestion to him- pulls into oncoming traffic and causes a 3 car pile up and keeps cruising along like he didn’t just kill 4 people and a dog
Gabby: she can be reckless at times- but only when it’s safe, otherwise is a Decent driver
Daniel: the ONLY One who’s actually taken a drivers Ed class and has a valid driver’s license, he’s chill, you’d enjoy driving with him-
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overthegardenwirtt · 2 months
funniest things in interview with the vampire:
the fact that we got reverse-queerbaited and there was levitating gay vampire sex in episode 1 and then never again :(
"he ain't white he french!"
lestat showing up to louis' family dinner in the gayest outfit he could wear in 1910, pretending to eat, and hypnotizing paul when he really was trying to make a good impression
florence du lac clocking louis as gay because of his acrylic nails and tinted glasses
"what's wrong with that man?" @ lestat
louis with the "no whites allowed" sign despite lestat being inside the building
"i'm not sure how i feel about that pleated skirt" "it's chiffon it has movement"
grace calling lestat louis' white daddy
louis, lestat, and claudia treating nosferatu like a comedy
louis telling the police they should be ashamed of how they treated "law-abiding, taxpaying citizens" and forgetting that it's illegal to be gay
"we sell...incinerators. to various american cities." "we bring our clients here to demonstrate the product"
louis throwing lestat's coffin out the window
tom anderson not seeing louis and lestat for 17 years but for some reason he has a picture with them in his desk drawer
the fact that rashid was not just a character armand made up but a real employee of theres who was mysteriously absent for a week while seemingly consensually being played by his boss
armand and louis walking up to daniel holding hands like two people who have never held hands before in their life
armand had a threesome with a father and son while watching now, voyager, something louis didn't even know about
armand telling daniel his own armandstat fanfiction, stopping at the scene where they fucked in the theatre box, and daniel wanting more
"are you schizophrenic louis?" "...no"
the insinuation that the real irish playwright samuel barclay beckett was a vampire. not only that, but that his most well-known work, "waiting for godot," was originally written for the theatre des vampires. not only that, but that he is now an unspecified DJ
french man yelling at louis and armand that they should blow each other when they're kissing in the public park
daniel molloy being so unbelievably gay in the 1970s and being immediately into fucking louis in the coffin
daniel molloy having his body comandeered by armand and still offering to suck his dick
daniel molloy trying to escape from armand and immediately running into the wall
armand walking back into the dubai penthouse being the silliest he's ever been, nourished, happy only to find out that his husband and weird gay boy situationship have unionized
armand gaslighting his way out of the situation he gaslit himself into by telling louis he asked him to erase his memories
armand animating the raccoon into the projections during the trial
santiago small dick reveal
lestat still wearing a 150 year old leyendecker robe and playing a wooden piano, but somehow having the money for an ipad, speakers, and wifi
"siri pause"
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half-as-big-as-life · 23 days
Okay, I have to ask about "The law & daniel molloy"
YIPPEE!!! Law & daniel molloy is my baby
There's 2 universes of it right now. Both are the same premise, but the minor characters are different. All human AU.
The Law & Daniel Molloy is a crossover with one of my favorite tv shows, The Law & Harry McGraw, which itself is a spinoff of Murder, She Wrote. Harry was in 6 episodes of MSW iirc, and the spinoff had 16 episodes before it was canceled.
The show revolves around Harry, who is a private investigator in boston. His closest friend works across the hall from him in the same building, a defense attorney named Eleanor Maginnis. Harry is kind of uncouth, but nice. Ellie is fancy. You wouldn't expect them to be as close as they are from appearances/personality alone.
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Ellie's husband, Matt, died two years before the last episode, and the timeline is in spinoff hell because why wouldn't it be. Harry was an alcoholic and Matt, before he died, was the one who got Harry to attend AA.
Next is Harry's niece, EJ. She works for him as his assistant. Ellie's nephew Steve works for Ellie, and he's a tax lawyer.
There's other characters, like Cookie. He is the bartender at the bar/restaurant Harry loves. Everyone else thinks the food is bad except Harry.
As well as that, there is Tyler Chase, a district attorney, who hates Harry and is in love with Eleanor. He is... something. AND he was played by Peter Haskell, the guy from the Chucky movies, I guess.
I swear, all these characters are relevant.
Daniel takes the role of Harry, and Armand of Ellie, and Marius of Matt. I've changed my mind about EJ and Steve, I think Sybelle may be EJ and Antoine be Steve.
Thorne is Cookie. That's not truly important but it is a silly little thing and why I mentioned Cookie at all. Yippee! Thorne!
And David as Tyler Chase.
Section 1
Like I said, there are 2 AUs. One is of an episode of the show, the other is the ACTUAL AU.
The one that is just an actual episode of the show is the last episode, Maginnis for the People, in which Ellie is upset when her friend is accused of murdering her (the friend's) husband, and hires some famous fuck from texas instead of her (Ellie).
In this AU, which I've called De Romanus for the People, the plot is the same.
Armand's work has been slow lately
He goes to a dinner party held by Louis and Lestat, David is there, as well as Madeleine. There's others who do not matter, perhaps
David asks (read: begs) Armand to work for him, and he denies
After the dinner party, the last person leaves (Madeleine), and Louis closes the gate and sets the alarm (the housekeeper is off for the night)
The next morning, the housekeeper comes in and finds Lestat dead, an apparent suicide. Louis is upset and confused, and people are acting very strange about him
They think Louis killed his husband! But he didn't :(
Daniel and Armand go to Louis, so Armand can talk to him. Armand comforts him a bit, until Louis gets a call. Its revealed that he'd already hired Raglan James as his attorney, and didn't need Armand for it
Daniel asks housekeeper about it all (im thinking the housekeeper may be Babette, either way doesn't matter) and learns that the marriage wasn't doing too good. Separate bedrooms, Louis having a possible affair. But the weird thing is? The alarm was off when Babette got there that morning...
David has Daniel thrown off the property, and Armand is here now and FREAKING OUT! Angrily agrees to lunch w David, that he may go to work there
Of all people, Louis hired that bitch Raglan James! Instead of Armand! His friend of many YEARS!
Speedrun of the next bits:
James asks Daniel to work for him, and eventually Daniel agrees, but James tries to get him to pay off a witness. He thinks Louis is guilty. Daniel and Armand fight over his working for James. Armand has lunch w David; Claudia and Madeleine meet for the first time. He really does go to work for David but HATES it. Quits. Daniel quits working for James, too. Louis shows up, hears that Armand thinks he's innocent, and him and Armand make up.
Eventually some things happen and the killer is revealed. I won't spoil it all. But the bad guy gets arrested and everything is OK.
Section 2
This AU is not based on an episode, just the premise of the show itself. It involves Louis and Lestat, with the murder of their daughter and trying to figure out who did it. There's less thought put into this one so far, but it's more important, as it's the actual canon for tL&DM
De Romanus for the People is NOT canon to the real lore, just kinda fun
If you made it to the end WOW cause I have typed far too many words here and I apologize. Passionate soul and all that
If you have lore questions feel free to ask because I am actually insane about the show + this AU
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 3 months
My favourite underrated thing about Louis de Point du Lac is that he truly is the least curious vampire to ever be made and he does not give fuck about vampires despite being one.
Its Claudia who goes to libraries, reads the folklore, tries to learn as much as she can and pushes Lestat for answers about who made him and where the others are. Claudia says Vampire Pride and Louis says hmmm Vampire Tolerance.
And Louis...truly does not care about vampire history,law, culture. He's never even thought to ask. There are vampire laws?...ok...Lestat never cared about them and he's not going to either, lol. He's broken a few and he will continue to do so. Oh you have a coven? he's not gonna join it, he's gonna do his own thing. but good for you good for you.
the 500+ year old Coven Leader, he's gonna call Louis, Maitre, actually.
He has fire powers? thats kinda cool. he'll learn that but only cause it lets him vent his feelings about Lestat.
Lestat and Armand say the name of the vampire queen in front of him and Lestat straight up says, "Louis has no idea who that is" and do you think Louis cares, outside of the fact that for some reason it means he can't kill Lestat? No! Do you think in the 77 years he's been with Armand he ever took 5 minutes to ask a follow up question? No!
Do you think he will care about Akasha in season 3? Doubt it! Outside of her obsession with Lestat, who is the only person left on the planet he seems to be able to filter Caring About This Shit through
He blatantly breaks the 3rd law and publishes a book about being a vampire and when the other vampires get pissed not only does he not apologise he literally sends them his location and says 'you wanna fight? lmao don't miss'
I love him. Daniel Molloy is gonna need to bring his A game because Louis will not be solving a single mystery next season, nor would it even occur to him to try.
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aruinedthing · 3 months
so not only did armand finally make a fledgling. he made a public figure into a fledgling. a public figure who was already poised to dive headfirst into even greater mortal notoriety before armand turned him by virtue of planning to publish. a book about vampires. which also flagrantly breaks one of the great laws. and armand, armand, who has spent hundreds of years culling other people's problem fledglings... apparently isn't going to do anything about his own! in fact he kind of can't do anything without worsening the problem, because the problem fledgling he made is a 2-time pulitzer winner who was going to get interviewed about said book no matter what! and the good news is nobody really seems to believe him about vampires being real, so at least there's that, but. when your brand-new problem fledgling who's still going forward with shattering a great law after being turned has now gone viral about it, you can't just set him on fire! people are going to notice if daniel molloy, previously respected journalist who just went off the deep end and published a book about vampires that he is insisting is non-fiction, suddenly disappears off the face of the earth! nobody’s taking him seriously now, but that would get conspiracy theorists’ ears to perk up, and it’s all downhill from there. as far as the scale of the Problem here, armand turning daniel is like magnus turning popular commedia performer lestat but times a million because there's the internet now. how do vampires hide from the cloud, armand? no wonder he's not picking up anyone's calls.
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casualcontingency · 2 months
My theory on the “special dinner” that Louis and Armand had planned for Daniel before he exploded their marriage:
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In S2E6 Raglan James said the last “four” people who attempted something like this were dead or undead. I think once a decade around the anniversary of the interview, Louis would get to the point where he was breaking down and/or breaking through the memory loss so he and Armand would essentially recreate the interview from 1973, but these interviews only ever reinforced the lies Louis was telling himself and that Armand had crafted for him. Likely because these were reporters similar in age, temperament, and experience to young Daniel.
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To not break the 3rd and 4th laws they would then offer to turn the person or kill them. In the case of turning, said reporter likely wouldn’t care to publish anything because as a young reporter, no one would believe them, and it could now out them as a vampire as well. And in case of death, well said reporter wouldn’t be publishing anyways. And the Talamasca likely didn’t intervene in these cases as there would be no benefit to them like there would be with someone that has the reputation and standing of Daniel Molloy.
So, after learning that Daniel, the man Armand and Louis had staked their entire relationship on 50 years ago, had Parkinson’s, they decided to invite him back again possibly as the last attempt at putting this all behind them. After all if there were no breakthroughs in an interview with the "boy" who started it all, then they could let it rest either with Daniel's death or by allowing him eternal life to always be a shoulder for Louis.
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So, they were going to offer to turn Daniel and possibly even had victims on tap if he chose that route. Because adding to all the above, Louis said later that he was sorry Daniel was “burdened" out of "spite” not that he was turned at all. Because as with Madeleine, Louis wants turning to be a beautiful transformation, not a violent or traumatic or sudden one.
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And with the plan being to turn Daniel anyways, Armand probably saw that as an out to Louis’ threat because what difference did it make.
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