#Projectile Point
contremineur · 28 days
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Native American projectile point (flint, c. 8000-6000 BC)
from here
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ancientorigins · 1 year
A 13,900-year-old bone projectile point found stuck in a mastodon rib in Washington, USA, is the oldest known bone projectile point in the Americas and it provides a glimpse into ancient hunting.
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uwlmvac · 11 months
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Past peoples in the Upper Mississippi Valley crafted lithic tools from many different types of stone, each with its own qualities. A wide range of raw materials were used, including varieties of chert, silicified sandstone (orthoquartzite), rhyolite, and sometimes quartz, like this projectile point from north-central Wisconsin. Multiple factors played into why people used certain types of stone, including availability, how easy they were to work, and the quality and kinds of tools that could be produced. This point has a notch in one edge but not the other. It might have been left unfinished due to issues with the quartz, which tends to break along fracture planes that can complicate knapping and final touches. The small size and general form of the point might indicate a later precontact time frame.
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treecakes · 1 year
professor hands us an artifact: be careful ! that’s eleven thousand years old
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blinkpen · 1 year
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it was inevitable as the tides, but it has come to my attention now that if i talk about how sexy Thrax was without specifying "thrax from cinematic masterpiece Osmosis Jones released in 2001" a lot of people get really confused bc they don't know who that is bc they're officially a generation removed from me at this point
rather than go "ugh kids these days" (like cmon don't be That Guy) or "ugh no i feel old" (I don't! guess I'm built different) i will ever so happily inform so a whole new batch of people can enjoy a something very unique and special to my heart that kicks fucking ass and hope they enjoy it too
and that a something is Osmosis Jones. especially the villain of Osmosis Jones. his name his Thrax. he is an lethal virus that is never fully identified (it's implied he is the Red Death, from the Edgar Allen Poe story, but real); other viruses don't recognize him, and he's so reliably stealthy and lethal he possibly hasn't even been properly discovered by science yet. he also only gets more lethal and dangerous as he infects new people, treating how fast he can kill his current host with fever as a PR he has to beat every time until he can cook your brain to death SO quickly after infection that he will go down in history as the single most dangerous illness known to humans.
so yeah take a look and appreciate what set the bar for my villainfucker sleeper code. they don't make em quite like this anymore. content warning for bright orange body horror. legit plays out like a scene in a horror movie.
stupid sexy virus
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liquidstar · 9 months
honestly does anyone else think that the what:if routes are perhaps telling us that some sort of collision between subaru and reinhard is just inevitable in nearly every route
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thestonedknifeman · 9 months
Got a good knap in this morning
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penofwildfire · 4 months
Zane's self-sacrificing ass really jumped in front of Wu at the sight of Garmadon like he was blocking a bullet. I need to study his brain why is he like that.
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golemgardener · 4 months
There is a very specific sort of antisemitism that is seemingly common in mental health facilities and its fucking terrifying
#the last 2 times ive been in a mental hospital it was always the most visibly jewish person who got targeted by nurses#and i happened to be the most visibly jewish person in a psychward the last time#its like. the 1st time there were more jewish people in there and the one of us who got it the worst was an older woman with bipolar disord#and like. many of us who noticed how terrible she was getting treated had to tell staff off multiple times#like wtf stop u r literally just poking her with a stick at this point trying to get her to have a meltdown so u have an excuse#to lock her away#it was so fucked#and the rest of us jews in there were like... slightly more stable enough to ignore the taunting from staff#like they'd find the smallest shit to get on our asses about or tell us we're being delusional abt things out of nowhere#like they tried to get a rise out of us specifically so they could frame us as crazy and neurotic when we get frustrated#and the last time i had the mosfortune of being the 1 of 2 jews who was visible and very unstable#i was made sick by nurses on purpose and then gaslit when i was up all night vomiting#i had to be given an injection and sedated the next day just so i would stop projectile vomiting all over my room#i had multiple seizures and they told.me i was throwing myself on the floor#they did things to make me break on purpose#and they did it to others to but#it was different w how they did it to me?#and when they didn't let me go to the main eating area bc i kept fainting/seizing they ordered me shit with pork when i have kosher diet#it was fucked and i know this is a problem#its a problem in outpatient too#i ended up homeless for like a year bc an antisemitic counselor fucked me over#vent
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luvsavos · 3 months
cat behavior
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snkts · 1 month
Going through comics and shows and notes to get a hang on Logan's powers REALLY makes the scenes where he spars with the younger students kind of sweet
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tchtra · 3 months
psst, if you're struggling with getting the new alt shotgun, you can turn on cheats to noclip and press the slabs and it'll still count
have fun :D
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uwlmvac · 9 months
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This Durst point base came from a lithic scatter in Rusk County, Wisconsin. It is made of quartz, as were many of the other stone artifacts from the site. Even though the tip and a good portion of the blade are missing, the length of the stem and how it expands or widens slightly toward the base help to classify it as a Late Archaic Durst point, about 3,000 years old. The remaining portion is 22.94 mm (9/10 inch) long, 13.20 mm (just over 1/2 inch) wide at its maximum width, and 7.65 mm (3/10 inch) thick, and weighs 3.1 grams (about 1/10 of an ounce. The stem, where it would have been hafted to a shaft, is 12.50 mm (just under 1/2 inch) long.
Link to more information about Durst Stemmed points: https://www.uwlax.edu/mvac/past-cultures/artifacts/?letter=d&term=125730
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purble-gaymer · 7 months
doomblade has had some very cool, very fun bosses so far, but wow if cyber sentinel isn’t literally one of the most unbearable boss fights i’ve ever played
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petrichorvoices · 1 year
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[image ID: two photos of a small obsidian projectile point laying on a desk. end ID]
hello archaeology community on Tumblr, look what i made in class today during my archaeology lab
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swan2swan · 9 months
I really do love that Harribel was given a decent arsenal of attacks.
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