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adsproject · 18 days ago
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Progress Update #2: Workback Plan Pau!
Welcome back to my Tumblr blog! Per our CM 491 class schedule, I will post progress updates biweekly or every two weeks. Expect to see posts on Mondays or Tuesdays!
What has been happening over the past 2 weeks?
To get you all caught up, I finally completed my workback plan (pau means “finished” or “done” in Hawaiian)! If you are curious about how it looks, here’s the link: Galacgac_R_WorkbackPlan. I tried my best to make it look organized and visually appealing, using colors and formatting for contrast. I like color coding, so I made each phase different: pre-production = purple, productive = blue, and post-production = pink. I also “started” on my timeline but am still working on it. So, that’s what I’ve been working on these past two weeks.
What is coming up for the next 2 weeks?
Here is what the next two weeks will look like. Once my workback plan is approved, I will begin working on my user personas and a design doc for branding. After that, my wireframe sketches will be next!
Hiccups/Hurdles/AHA moments
Although demotivation and procrastination have been my top two hurdles, I am pretty proud of the workback plan I created. I locked in and did what I set out to do.
Any deliverable drafts to share?
Unfortunately, other than the workback plan, I come empty-handed with deliverable drafts. Please forgive me! Hopefully, in the next two weeks, I have more to show.
Where are you on your timeline?
I am pretty behind on my timeline; I won’t lie. I should be starting on my pre-production phase. However, I will take this time to celebrate accomplishing a milestone, which was my workback plan. I am pretty proud of it, and I probably spent an unnecessarily long time on the stylization and making it look nice and presentable. I picked up a few spreadsheet skills from my previous office job, so I wanted to show them off here, haha. Aside from filling out the template with actual information and deadlines, I focused most of my time on data validation, formatting, and coloring.
That’s all for this update! Thanks for stopping by :)
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zeatheninteractive · 4 months ago
Noughts and Crosses Progress Update
It's been a few days since we kicked off the closed testing phase for our little noughts and crosses game, and honestly, we're feeling pretty good about it. Nothing too fancy—just a basic game, but we're proud of what we've made so far, especially the vibe we've managed to create. Soon, we'll be ready to apply for production, which feels like a big step for us.
It might not be the most groundbreaking project, but there's something incredibly satisfying about bringing even a simple game to life. We wanted to share this small update—it's a basic start, but it's ours, and we're excited for what's next.
We'd Love Your Feedback
We would love to hear your thoughts! What features or ideas would you like to see in our version of a noughts and crosses game? Your input means a lot to us as we continue to develop and improve.
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thebuskie · 4 months ago
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Yeah, I decided I'll leave the progress updates until I have something to update that is of significance. I'll leave a link to my twitch channel in the comments. 4.10-1.11
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thebuskie · 5 months ago
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Yeah, I forgot to post this week, but to be fair I was very tired on Friday. 27.9-6.10
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thebuskie · 5 months ago
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Another week of minimal but some work. May next week be at least the same if not better. 20.9-27.9
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thebuskie · 6 months ago
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Hopefully I'll have some time next week once life calms down a little. 6.9-13.9
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thebuskie · 6 months ago
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I'm trying to be more positive about not being as productive for very legitimate reasons. 23.8-30.8
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thebuskie · 6 months ago
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I'm glad to be back to writing and drawing properly. 16.8-23.8
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thebuskie · 7 months ago
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I might start only doing these if I did at least something related to my writing, but let's see if I need to. 9.8-16.8
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thebuskie · 7 months ago
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Not as productive in terms of writing, but at least I'm still doing things. 26.7-02.08
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thebuskie · 7 months ago
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I simply was making no progress on Escape To Thithlonde, so back to TSITL I go. And soon I might start posting some worldbuilding snippets and character glimpses.
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thebuskie · 7 months ago
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It's not technically late still, I never set a time to post after all.
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thebuskie · 8 months ago
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Not only do I have things to update on this week, I also have evidence of my work!
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adsproject · 3 days ago
Progress Update #3: Website Pre-Production Pau!
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Welcome back to my Tumblr blog! How are you guys? I am… feeling a bit uncertain about this project. I have more details coming up (or down?); read them below!
What has been happening over the past 2 weeks?
These past two weeks have been rough. I have been struggling with motivation, but at the very least, I completed the pre-production phase for my website! I also finished working on my brand style guide, color palette, and user persona profiles, which are attached at the top of this post! I also shared the wireframe sketches I began to work on. I will warn you: they are rough drafts, and I am not the best at drawing. I followed this article titled “How do you draw a website wireframe?”
What is coming up for the next 2 weeks?
In the next two weeks, I plan on working on all my production phase deliverables, including creating a sitemap, finalizing my wireframes, writing the website content and prompts for each microsite, and developing the code for my WordPress website. 
I am not going to lie… I forgot about my Instagram account. I will need to work on the content calendar I plan to follow to post the polls on stories.
Hiccups/Hurdles/AHA moments
I definitely procrastinated on my wireframe sketches, as I thought ten microsites were too many. I emailed my professor about reducing this project's scope, decreasing it from ten to five microsites. In the worst-case scenario, I will at least try to develop a website prototype, which I have experience producing in my CM 316 (User Experience) class.
Aside from that, customizing the Canva and Figma templates gave me an AHA moment. I learned how to detach instances and could easily reattach them with Figma plugins. I enjoyed personalizing the Canva brand files, especially since I could turn off my brain and go on auto-pilot mode, replacing the text and images as I progressed. It was fun, to say the least.
Any deliverable drafts to share?
I have attached images of my brand color palette, style guide, and user persona profiles. Additionally, there are wireframe sketches of my website.
Where are you on your timeline?
I would say I am very behind on my timeline. I need to catch up on the time I wasted and make up for it. This is truly a sprint, and I am not even close to the finish line. Hopefully, I can recover the lost time and keep the momentum going during the production phase. 
That’s all, folks! Thanks for dropping by ^^
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adsproject · 1 month ago
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Progress Update #1: Social Media
What has been happening since the start of the semester?
Since the start of the semester, I’ve been busy setting up this Tumblr blog and customizing it to my preference. As you can obviously tell, my favorite color is blue, more specifically, sky blue and other shades of light blue, like pastel and baby blue. Other than that, I also started creating the social media needed for this project. I made a new YouTube channel dedicated to this project called Artificial Design Showdown, which you can also find in my links tab on this blog by clicking the three lines next to the search bar. Additionally, I made an Instagram account (@ads_project_491), which currently holds no content, but I plan to post stories for the polls and the results as actual posts.
What is coming up for the next 2 weeks?
In the next two weeks, I will continue to work on my workback/production plan and focus on sketching wireframes for my website. I will also research front-end coding, which platform to host my website, and inspiration or reference website designs. I have some web design books lying around that I can also read for additional research and knowledge.
Hiccups/Hurdles/AHA moments
A hurdle I encountered was procrastination. This past Friday (1/24), I worked diligently, completing two quizzes and assignments while also working my last day at the Academic Affairs Office. I accomplished a lot, and whenever I have super productive days like that, I reward myself with reading manga and decompressing. However, I over-rewarded myself by spending the entire weekend just reading and not working on much. I had an AHA moment while creating the profile picture that I would use all across my social media. I was looking for inspiration and wanted to have a robot head and a human head facing each other like a face-off. In the end, I went with the heads facing away from each other arranged diagonally with the versus (VS) in the middle. If they faced each other in a straight horizontal line, there would be negative space since profile pictures are usually round circles.
Any deliverable drafts to share?
For the social media branding, I created profile pictures, banners, and descriptions/bios. I have attached screenshots of each social media account I have so far: YouTube, Tumblr, and Instagram, as well as the Canva projects I made for the branding. I wanted to personalize the social media accounts to tailor them to my personality so they were not just blank and empty.
Where are you on your timeline?
I would say I am still at the beginning of my timeline, but at least I have prepared the social media aspect of this project. I still need to work on my workback plan, but I will try to finish it in less than a week or before the deadline (2/4).
Well, that’s a wrap! I hope you are all as excited as I am! Thanks for checking in on my project, and I look forward to further developments and updates!
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thebuskie · 5 months ago
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At least I did something this week. I will be busy over the next few weeks so the progress will look something like this for a while, but hopefully, I'll be able to do more sooner rather than later.
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