#Programming Basics
robomad · 25 days
Getting Started with Flutter: A Beginner's Guide
Getting Started with Flutter: A Beginner's Guide
Introduction Flutter, developed by Google, is an open-source UI software development kit that enables the creation of natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Known for its fast development cycles, expressive and flexible UI, and native performance, Flutter has gained immense popularity among developers. This guide will help you get started with…
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attitudetallyacademy · 6 months
Coding Confidence: A Beginner's Guide to C++ Mastery
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In the realm of digital innovation, programming languages serve as the architects of our technological landscape, offering boundless opportunities for those who dare to explore them. Amidst the myriad of coding languages, C++ emerges as a dynamic and versatile force widely employed across diverse industries. Whether you're a fledgling enthusiast eager to unravel the mysteries of programming or a seasoned coder seeking to amplify your skills, this blog charts your course towards learn C++ scratch with unwavering confidence.
Embarking on the Essentials: A Prelude to Programming Prowess
Before we plunge into the depths of C++ mastery, let's take a moment to decode the fundamental principles that underpin all programming languages. Whether you're a neophyte venturing into coding for the first time or someone who has dipped their toes in the coding waters, a firm grasp of the basics is your compass.
Cracking the Code: Deciphering Programming Fundamentals
At its core, programming is an art—a craft that instructs computers to execute specific tasks. Variables, data types, and control structures form the bedrock of coding. If these concepts sound like a foreign language to you, fear not—we're here to demystify these building blocks in the simplest terms.
Embarking on a Journey of Discovery: A Guided Tour of C++ from the Ground Up
Now equipped with a solid understanding of programming basics, let's dive headfirst into the world of C++. Learning a programming language from scratch may seem like a daunting task, but fear not. With the right guidance, this endeavours transforms into an exhilarating adventure.
Crafting Your Coding Sanctuary: Setting Up the C++ Environment
Before your fingers start dancing on the keyboard, it's imperative to establish your coding haven. We'll walk you through the seamless installation process of a C++ compiler and an integrated development environment (IDE), ensuring you're primed and ready to craft your code.
Decoding C++: Navigating the Syntax and Structure
Every programming language boasts its own unique syntax and structure, and C++ is no exception. Join us as we navigate through the essential components of C++ code, from variables and data types to loops and functions. Mastery of these elements is the key to articulating your logic effectively in this language.
Hands-On Mastery: Immersing Yourself in Coding Exercises
As the adage goes, practice makes perfect. We'll furnish you with a series of hands-on coding exercises meticulously designed to fortify your grasp of C++ concepts. By tackling real-world problems, you'll cultivate the confidence needed to confront more intricate coding challenges.
Strategies for Code Conquest: Building Confidence in C++ Mastery
Confidence is the linchpin of mastering any programming language. Here are some strategies to cultivate comfort and assurance in your C++ coding journey:
Routine Practice for Proficiency: Dedicate consistent time each day to write code and solve problems. The more you practice, the more at ease you'll become with C++.
Community Cohesion: Join the expansive and inclusive programming community. Engage in online forums, contribute to discussions, and seek assistance when needed. The exchange of experiences fosters a collaborative and supportive learning environment.
Savoring Small Triumphs: Each successfully executed code and solved problem is a victory. Revel in your achievements, regardless of their scale, and leverage them as motivation to tackle more formidable tasks.
Conclusion: Navigating the Coding Cosmos with Confidence
Embarking on the odyssey to C++ mastery may appear formidable initially, but with unwavering dedication, consistent practice, and the right resources, you'll find yourself confidently navigating the coding cosmos. This guide serves as your companion, steering you through programming basics and facilitating your initiation into C++ from square one. So, fasten your seatbelt, commence coding, and relish the exhilarating journey to programming prowess!
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thestudy24x7 · 1 year
Beginner's Guide to the Fundamentals of Coding
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Coding, also known as programming, is the process of creating computer software, websites, mobile apps, and other digital products by writing instructions in a programming language that a computer can understand. With the rise of technology, learning how to code has become an essential skill for many people. In this article, we will discuss the basics of coding for beginners.
Choose a Programming Language
There are many programming languages to choose from, and each has its unique features and purposes. Some popular programming languages include Python, Java, C++, Ruby, and JavaScript. To start coding, you need to select a programming language that matches your goals and interests. For example, if you want to develop websites, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the primary languages to learn.
Learn the Fundamentals
Before you start coding, it is essential to understand the fundamentals of programming. This includes learning programming concepts such as variables, functions, loops, and conditional statements. These concepts are the building blocks of programming and are used in almost every programming language.
Get a Code Editor
A code editor is a software application that is used to write, test, and debug code. There are many free and paid code editors available, such as Visual Studio Code, Atom, and Sublime Text. Code editors come with features such as code highlighting, auto-completion, and error highlighting, which make coding easier and more efficient.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Like acquiring any other skill, learning to code involves practice. Write simple programmes at first, then progress to more complicated ones. Several online sources, like Codecademy, Udemy, and Study24x7, provide tutorials and courses to assist beginners in learning to code.
The process of debugging involves locating and repairing flaws in your code. Every programmer needs this ability, but it takes practise to master. Debugging entails looking over your code to identify the error's cause. Once you have located the issue, you may update your code to resolve it.
Collaboration and Learning from Others
Collaboration and learning from others are important aspects of coding. Joining online coding communities, attending coding events, and participating in coding challenges are great ways to learn from others and improve your coding skills. You can also work on coding projects with others, which can help you learn new coding techniques and approaches.
Basic programming concepts are fundamental ideas and principles that underpin all software development. Here are some of the most essential concepts:
Variables: A variable is a named storage location in a program's memory where data can be stored and retrieved later. Variables can hold different types of data, including numbers, text, and Boolean values.
Control structures: Control structures are constructs in programming languages that enable developers to control the flow of program execution. The most common control structures are loops (for, while, do-while), conditional statements (if-else, switch-case), and functions.
Data types: A data type defines the kind of data that a variable can hold, such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and strings.
Operators: Operators are symbols that represent specific operations to be performed on data. Examples of operators include arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /), comparison operators (==, !=, >, <), and logical operators (&&, ||, !).
Functions: A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. Functions can be called multiple times from different parts of a program, making code more modular and reusable.
Input/output: Input/output (I/O) refers to the process of exchanging data between a program and the user or the system. Common I/O operations include reading from and writing to files, displaying output on the screen, and accepting input from the user.
Debugging: Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors in a program's code. Debugging tools and techniques include print statements, breakpoints, and step-through debugging.
These basic programming concepts are essential building blocks that are used in almost all programming languages and applications. Understanding the basics of coding for beginners is critical for anyone who wants to learn programming and build software.
In conclusion, coding is a valuable skill that can open up many opportunities in today's digital world. To get started with coding, choose a programming language, learn the fundamentals, get a code editor, practice, practice, practice, debug your code, and collaborate and learn from others. With patience and dedication, anyone can learn to code and become a successful programmer.
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juicedaloe · 1 month
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me and my gf :3 (she is made of water)
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daeyumi · 7 months
i tried out procreate dreams
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Wangxian goes to horse jail for their crimes against equines.
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veone · 1 year
GSHADE 3.5.0 Cracked Tutorial Feb.2023
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‼️Update:3/2023‼️ Due to gshade somehow being online again! You can still install the program with this tutorial but to avoid the update to version 4.2 notification keeping you from proceeding-Download the program from mediafire and then turn your pc to airplane mode and continue the process below! Note that when you turn your internet back on that your going to get the notification still ignore it. That what I’m doing.
Alright with the recent events regarding the development team of GShade figuratively going under and the current version of this program available being far from perfect. It would be lovely to back to a version of GShade that doesn't have malware, the changes that disabled the depth of field effects, and the removal of some older shaders. So here's a tutorial on how to install 3.5.0 of GShade. It's the version that we as a collective switched to all those months back, when GShade popped off in the community. Also the version I used to take this picture and got from @toskasimz who sent me the files. She's the reason why I have my pretty pictures back. It took a long time to get my preset to look like this and the modern versions of Gshade and Reshade don't have the shaders for this anymore. The suggested skill level for this is basic knowledge of how to install Reshade/Gshade and knowledge of where to find the game Bin file and Program Files on your pc.
Note: This version is before the code that shut down your PC, if you manipulated the code of the program, was introduced. Use at your own risk. I personally have no issue with using it. I'm using my laptop I do school work on and I have no money to buy a new one so that's my assessment on how safe it is.
To start download this media fire file. It's a Rar file. Unzip it.
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In the unzipped version of this file, you should have a folder that's highlighted below called GShade.
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Inside that file are two folders. Program Files-G-Shade and TS4 Bin Folder. These folder names correspond with where the contents of these will go on your pc.
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Alright inside the folders you should have the following content in the Program Files-G-Shade
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Inside the TS4 Bin Folder, you should have the following contents inside it.
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Place the GShade folder from the Program Files-G-Shade into your computer's Program(x86) file. This may have a different name based on your computer.
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Next Place the contents of the TS4 Bin Folder which should be the G-Shade configuration file and the folder of GShade-Shaders into your Bin folder. (note I have gshade installed already so you won't have the extra files before installation.)
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Now go back to the Program(x86) file on your PC and go into the G-shade folder.
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Double Click to run the program.
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This is where you gonna need to pull your Reshade/Gshade knowledge. You just install the program as normal to the game. I will say I don't know if this will work with other games.
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Alright, this is what you should be left with after installing G-Shade. Everything transferred to the Program Files with the exception of this folder. Leave it be and go to the Program Files file on your pc.
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Once in the Program Files folder double click the GShade Control Panel.
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You should get the following screen Go to the Installations tab. Delete this file path. This is a very important step. It's not gonna work if you don't reinstall the program. Delete it and click Add New.
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Install the program as viewed above. Click Next and set up your screenshot folder.
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Click No on viewing the guild. You should have a control panel on your desktop. You can go in a convert you reshade presets if needed.
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Alright if everything was done correctly open your game. It'll take a moment to load and when it does you greeted with the following screen on start-up.
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Ignore the yellow text on the top. It says that your effects are disabled because it's not online. It works I could be misinterpreting what "effect" means but my shader work so I'm not complaining.
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And there you go. Installed, and works perfectly. Don't update it. I don't know what it'll do. I have not tried. I will upload an edited version of my preset later this week or tonight. I have to tweak the color of the fog and make a decent post. Enjoy! I am open to helping under this post and in dms!
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I'm learning Blender, and its the nicest program I've encountered since Procreate. I'm not even a 3D artist. But I think we all deserve to make use of this little tart of a program!
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robomad · 25 days
Getting Started with Node.js: A Beginner's Guide
Getting Started with Node.js: A Beginner's Guide
Introduction Node.js has revolutionized server-side programming with its non-blocking, event-driven architecture. As a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, Node.js allows developers to use JavaScript for both client-side and server-side programming, streamlining the development process and enabling a seamless experience across the stack. This guide will walk you through the…
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attitudetallyacademy · 6 months
Coding Confidence: A Beginner's Guide to C++ Mastery
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Programming languages are the building blocks of the digital world, and learning one can be a gateway to a plethora of opportunities. Among the myriad of languages available, C++ stands out as a powerful and versatile language that is widely used in various industries. If you're a beginner eager to delve into the world of programming basics or someone looking to enhance their coding skills, this blog is your roadmap to mastering C++ with confidence.
Unraveling the Basics: A Programming Primer
Before we embark on our journey to C++ mastery, let's take a moment to understand the fundamental concepts of programming. Whether you're a complete novice or have dabbled in coding before, having a solid grasp of the basics is crucial.
Programming Basics Demystified
Programming is essentially the art of giving instructions to a computer to perform specific tasks. Understanding variables, data types, and control structures are the ABCs of coding. If you're new to this, fear not—we'll break down these concepts in simple terms.
Learn C++ from Scratch: A Step-by-Step Guide
Now that we have a solid foundation in programming basics, it's time to dive headfirst into C++. Learning a programming language from scratch can be intimidating, but with the right guidance, it becomes an exciting adventure.
Setting Up Your Coding Environment
Before you start writing C++ code, it's essential to set up your coding environment. We'll guide you through the installation process of a C++ compiler and an integrated development environment (IDE), ensuring you're ready to start writing and running your code.
The Anatomy of C++: Syntax and Structure
Every programming language has its unique syntax and structure, and C++ is no exception. We'll walk you through the essential components of C++ code, from variables and data types to loops and functions. Understanding these elements is key to expressing your logic effectively in the language.
Hands-On Practice: Coding Exercises for Mastery
They say practice makes perfect, and the same holds true for programming. We'll provide you with a series of hands-on coding exercises designed to reinforce your understanding of C++ concepts. By solving real-world problems, you'll gain the confidence to tackle more complex coding challenges.
Coding Confidence: Strategies for Success
Building coding confidence is an integral part of mastering any programming language. Here are some strategies to help you feel more at ease with C++:
1. Consistent Practice
Regular practice is the secret sauce to coding proficiency. Set aside dedicated time each day to write code and solve problems. The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become with C++.
2. Join Coding Communities
The programming community is vast and welcoming. Join online forums, participate in discussions, and seek help when needed. Learning from others' experiences and sharing your challenges fosters a collaborative learning environment.
3. Celebrate Small Wins
Every successfully executed code and problem solved is a victory. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and use them as motivation to tackle more challenging tasks.
Embarking on the journey to C++ mastery might seem daunting at first, but with dedication, practice, and the right resources, you'll find yourself navigating the coding landscape with confidence. This beginner's guide is your compass, guiding you through programming basics and helping you learn C++ from scratch. So, buckle up, start coding, and enjoy the exhilarating ride to programming proficiency!
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ffcrazy15 · 10 months
"Oh so when James Kirk refuses to believe in no-win scenarios it's 'changing the conditions of the test' and 'commendable original thinking,' but when I, Bradward Boimler, can't accept the possibility of failure and retake the Kobiyashi Maru sixteen times–"
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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flamedoesart · 1 year
I feel like people tend to forget that the reason children are on websites they really shouldn't be on, like Twitter for example, is because there are no spaces on the internet anymore specifically designed for children, unless it's for babies or toddlers.
The death of Flash also meant the death of thousands of games and websites specifically designed for the 9-13 demographic. Now granted, several games died long before Flash did (like the Holy Disney MMO trio - Pixie Hollow, ToonTown and Club Penguin) but there were other websites designed around what kids would enjoy. Sites like Kongregate, Sploder, GirlsGoGames and others were designed with kids in mind.
These sites were special in the sense that it gave fun games for children to play without even really needing to interact with other people directly. They could play the games and have fun. If they wanted to make friends they could, and oftentimes these sites had moderation to prevent kids from having full control over what they could say so as to prevent bullying and potential cyberstalking.
But now Flash is dead, and there's barely any hangout spots for that demographic anymore. I think the last remaining game you can play that doesn't require Flash that was a major part of the 2010s game nostalgia was Wizard101, but that game comes with the flaw of membership programs, similar to all the other MMOs that existed at the time.
Needless to say, the next time we ask in annoyance why there's so many 12 year olds on Twitter and Tik Tok, remember that it's because there's literally no online spaces anymore solely for them and only them, that majority of adults wouldn't step foot into anymore.
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wynandcore · 1 month
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Thinking bout that end of season 1 storyboard
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mrehkka · 4 months
Read from the top-down, not side to side:
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Left strip: the pak is rewarding Dib for taking care of its host 😌
Middle: pak is touched to learn that much love is stored in the Dib 🥺 (Dib views the pak as zim-adjacent and he's not wrong)
Right: that scene from the comics where Dib is begging Zim for poop cola. With blank thought bubbles neither want to actually say, for you to fill in your own blank. I just thought it would be funny if Zim was being a lover boy and the pak is like "NO! Keep it SMALL!" But Dib is ALSO being a little lover boy 😌
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getvalentined · 3 months
Strifentine Is Real screenshot dump!
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Did I acquire these screenshots through literal hours of running around in Gold Saucer figuring out how Vincent is programmed to move and react to Cloud's actions and using that behavior to my advantage? Obviously.
Do they still count? Of course they do.
(While nothing in here is truly a spoiler in any major capacity, I am nonetheless tagging it as such for those people who don't even want to see screenshots with no context until they've finished the game.)
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