#Professional Appraisal Services
bluechipasset · 2 years
The 3-Types Of Depreciation Impacting The Price Of Second-Hand Construction Equipment
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Heavy construction equipment (CE) is often expensive and requires a substantial initial investment. As a result, finances need to be planned appropriately. The same holds for used heavy machinery. The irony is that corporations don't fetch a high price when they want to resell them. Imagine listing your used equipment on an internet auction platform, but the buyers need to pay it the proper attention. Therefore, you must ensure that you set the correct starting price for your heavy CE to avoid this problem. But how one determines the fair price? In this case, Professional Appraisal Services come into the picture.
Adopting a cost-based strategy: The cost approach involves calculating the replacement cost of the apparatus and then deducting any value lost due to-
economic obsolescence, 
functional obsolescence, 
or physical deterioration. 
It is, in a nutshell, the current cost (as if new) minus all types of depreciation. The principle of substitution, which states that a discerning buyer won't spend more for an item than it would cost to buy a substitute item with similar utility, is the basic logic underlying this strategy. The three types of depreciation that have an impact on the price of secondhand equipment are as follows:
Economic obsolescence: External causes, including rising raw material costs, rising labour costs or competition, industry changes, and several other things, may cause the equipment's value to decline. Therefore, you must consider all of these criteria to establish the appropriate pricing for your equipment.
Functional obsolescence: Heavy equipment's value could decrease due to technical improvements. Functional obsolescence is what this is known as, and it should be carefully considered when determining the price of your used equipment.
Physical deterioration: refers to the loss of value from normal wear and tear to equipment. As the equipment is used frequently, it frequently endures physical strain and is heavily exposed to the outside environment. The machinery may deteriorate more quickly if routine maintenance is not carried out. This physical deterioration has a significant impact on equipment costs. Therefore, to accurately determine the cost of your equipment, you must consider physical damage for Machinery And Equipment Appraisal.
Blue Chip Asset Management firm is a one-stop solution for all Appraising services. You can contact them to understand the different strategies for setting the right price for your CE.
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bnjewellers · 5 months
BN Jewellers | Ensure Your Jewelry Valuation Services Properly
BN Jewellers offers jewelry valuation services, using certified appraisers to assess the worth of your precious pieces providing comprehensive documentation
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jomiddlemarch · 7 months
I loved and guessed at you, you construed me
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It was not that he was waiting for her as much as that he was most often in the faculty sitting room at this hour and so was she and the staff knew to leave out a full tea service and also a magically chilled bottle of very dry amontillado, the color of her eyes. And then to tell anyone else that the room was occupied and that they were not to be disturbed.
It wasn’t that he was waiting for her, but he did look up when she came into the room, letting the ancient, rare and precious book he held slip out of his hand, an instinctive, wandless spell keeping it from clattering onto the floor.
“You cut your hair,” Draco said. 
Any pretense to eloquence, savoir-faire, or intellectual rigor associated with achieving his Potions Mastery and Mwandamizi kemia had been decimated by the four words, uttered in a tone of complete shock, which given his Pureblood upbringing meant flat, with a hint of scorn. He had spent the past twelve years working to convince Hermione he wasn’t that man anymore, the one who would have meant the scorn, the fault-finding appraisal, cold and superior and not terribly clever underneath it all.
(The one he’d felt doomed to become before the chandelier fell in his family’s ballroom. Before she’d testified to keep him out of Azkaban. Before she’d returned his formal letter of apology with a brief addendum You were a child, Draco an absolution he didn’t deserve.)
Blaise always said he was his own worst enemy. Theo always nodded and offered a glass of single malt Scotch. Neville always shrugged and tried to reassure Draco, meandering through some nonsense about how they’d all had to grow up too soon, let down by the adults, forced to experience trauma that they’d been lucky to survive and a plate of buttered toast would soon set him to rights.
Luna changed the subject and talked about some possibly fictional chimerical creature to take his mind off his shortcomings. It never worked but he appreciated her effort and consistency.
“I suppose that’s better than ‘Bloody hell.’ And “Holy fucking Christ.’ Harry reverts to Muggle obscenity when he’s really surprised,” Hermione replied. “You only told me what I already know, as I didn’t accidentally fall into a Mongolian silver scissor-bush.”
“Is that a thing?” Draco asked. 
He had to keep talking but there was a lot to take in, the startlingly gorgeous line of her bare neck, the angle of her jaw, how her eyes looked enormous, luminous. How her chestnut hair was swept across her brow and came to a delicate little point on the nape of her neck, all these hidden aspects suddenly marvels revealed. Suddenly, astonishingly breath-taking and erotic and also heart-breaking, because he’d wanted so to run his fingers through her loose hair, to stand behind her and draw a brush through her curls. Watching her eyes get drowsy in the dressing-table’s looking-glass, resting a hand on her bare shoulder and feeling the tickling silk of her hair. He’d wanted to cast the spell that ended the charm securing her chignon, to pull out the jeweled pins she used to keep her braids in the coronet around her head. 
“No. It sounds like something Luna would mention though,” Hermione shrugged. It was as if he’d never seen the gesture before.
“It’s a lot to take in,” he said.
“It’s actually not. It’s both literally and figuratively not,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Snape being a double-agent in love with Harry’s mum was a lot to take in. Any Sunday lunch at Molly Weasley’s table is a lot to take in. War and Peace in the original Russian without a translation charm is a lot to take in. I took off a few inches—”
“A few inches?”
“Fine, I got the first professional, Muggle, haircut of my adult life because I was fed up with my hair and charms and Sleekeezy and glamours, so many glamours, and you would think I have announced I am Grindelwald’s secret lovechild,” she said in a tone of complete exasperation, pursing her lips in a matching moué he felt an impossible urge to kiss very thoroughly and until she was gasping his name. 
He was fairly certain that action would not be requited, not now, and potentially not ever.
But definitely not now.
She was now almost glaring at him, waiting for a response.
If this was ever to become something beyond hopeless pining, if he were ever to be allowed to call her sweetheart and coax her back to bed, he couldn’t get the next part wrong.
“Are you happy with it?” he said. It was a gamble, saying anything would have been a gamble, but there was a chance he’d gotten it right.
He’d surprised her, that he could tell instantly, though her face changed very subtly. It meant no one else who’d seen her had asked and considered she might be. No one else had thought about why she’d done it, only what they thought of it. Evidently, both Weasley and Potter had indicated a negative response, Weasley likely driven by his own unrealized Pureblood upbringing, where all witches wanted the long hair associated with power and Potter never wanted her to be anything other than she’d been in their youth, when her unruly hair was her most obvious signifier.
“Yes, I think I am,” she said. 
“That’s good. That’s what matters,” he said. He was supposed to reference the book he’d been reading or follow-up on their most recent conversation about geopolitics or whether Chopin was a Squib or at the very least offer her something to drink, the tea first and then, when she demurred, the sherry. But all of those would require him to look away from her and he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Not quite yet.
“I ought to have done it a long time ago,” she said. She spoke without her usual forthright confidence, but also without any of the regret the statement might have implied. She sounded hesitant, as if she wanted something from him she felt she shouldn’t. Or shouldn’t ask for.
It was tempting to make some sort of declaration, offer reassurance or an argument. But he’d gotten this far by asking her a question.
“Why do you say that?”
“I don’t know. It would have been a way to move on. Grow up. Make my life easier, decide it for myself,” she said. She was watching him very closely as she spoke. She liked that he’d asked, though she wasn’t smiling. “It wouldn’t have been grief or some kind of, I don’t know, unhinged trauma response.”
It would very much have been a response to the colossal trauma she’d experienced if she’d hacked it all off after being tortured, and it wouldn’t have been unhinged when one considered the myriad extremely risky alternatives she might have chosen, but Draco wasn’t about to ruin everything. Even as his own worst enemy, he could keep from doing that.
“It could have been just something you do when you’re in your twenties, trying something out. Like, going to the Maldives or studying Norn. Learning earth magic from tribal elders in Namib.”
“Only you would saying learning earth magic in Namib is something you do in your twenties,” Draco said wryly. “Most people just go to the pub and fret a lot.”
“You didn’t,” she said.
“I think it’s well established I’m not most people,” he said.
“No. You’re not. You’re the only person who didn’t tell me cutting my hair was a terrible mistake,” she said. “As if it could even remotely compare to the other terrible mistakes I’ve made.”
“It’s not a terrible mistake,” he said. “And you’re the person I know best whose made the fewest terrible mistakes in her life and we can sit here drinking sherry talking about it because of it.”
“My parents wouldn’t agree,” she said.
“Neither would mine. I wonder how people grow up when they don’t have to discover their parents were deeply, entirely wrong about something absolutely crucial to survival,” Draco said.
“We could ask Blaise Zabini,” Hermione said after very clearly Thinking About It, a little crease appearing between her eyebrows.
“Too risky,” Draco replied. “It’s only the husbands people talk about but people have a way of disappearing when they ask questions about his mother.”
“No one would comment on her haircut,” Hermione said wistfully. “What a bloody icon.”
Draco laughed, startled.
“You’re enchanting,” he blurted out. Stupid, gauche, impulsive—he could go on (and on) about how ill-considered it had been.
“Well, I am a witch,” she said. She did not seem put off. In fact, she smiled at him, a little shyly.  “Goes with the territory—”
“You enchant me. Bewitch me,” he said, throwing caution to the winds. “You don’t want anyone to comment on how you look, so I shouldn’t but you’re exquisite—”
He broke off, fearing he’d broken it all. She was still in the room and he still had all his bits and bobs, when he knew she was a dab hand at wandless curses. It was rather late to decide discretion was the better part of valor, but better late than never.
“I didn’t do it for you,” she said.
“No,” he replied.
“I didn’t do it only for you,” she clarified. “But I was curious to see how you’d react.”
“Did you have a hypothesis? You usually do,” he said.
“Yes. You’ve exceeded it slightly,” she said. There was a gleam in those sherry-brown eyes and when she tilted her head to the side, he understood the vampire’s insatiable lust. 
“I can do better than slightly,” he said, half-dazed with the realization that she was requiting far more than he’d ever imagined. And that she’d imagined his response to seeing her bare neck, had wanted his admiration. He got up from his chair and crossed the room to her, standing close enough to take her in his arms. “I can do a wide margin. Prodigious. Overwhelmingly—”
“I like prodigious,” she said and he leaned in and kissed her parted lips softly, then deeply, one hand at her waist, the other cupping her cheek. The urge to possess her was tremendous, held in check only by an immense and constant tenderness, the moon that could pull the devouring tide back from the shore.
“Can I see overwhelmingly?” she whispered. “For comparison—”
“Of course,” he answered and moved to kiss her neck. He tasted the pulse of her carotid, sucking gently where he wanted to nip her. He moved back up to the hollow behind her ear, grazing her lobe with his tongue, then murmured,
“You cut your hair. I love it.”
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sugaurora · 9 months
éffleurer | 03
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There were always whispers in your office about what secrets Seokjin hid behind his clean image. Now, you knew at least one of them. 
Pairing: Seokjin x Female Reader
Genre: CFO!Jin AU; Smut
Word Count:  4,900+
Tags: Sexually explicit content, profanity, Dom/sub relationship, light pain kink, references to stripping, heavy petting
🎶Music: Alina Baraz - Fantasy
If you enjoy my writing, please consider buying me a ko-fi
Crossposted on AO3
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— Y/N—
Seokjin greeted you at his door with a signature one-sided smile. He stepped aside just enough to let you pass, but left so little room that your body brushed against his chest, the heady scent of his cologne caressing your senses. It was subtle, but you had spent years learning the non-verbal cues of others, deciphering when someone’s body gave a message, even when their mouth couldn’t. Though it wouldn’t do to get your hopes up this early, so you tucked the interaction away for now.
“I didn't know if you’d come,” he said in a quiet voice after closing the door. You turned to face him in the entryway.
“I'm a professional, you requested me, and I can’t say I mind performing this service for you. So here I am,” you said, lifting your shoulders in a shrug you hoped looked nonchalant. Seokjin dragged a hand through his dark hair and nodded, seemingly amused, if not surprised. Did he really think you wouldn’t come?
You gave him a quick once-over. He was dressed more casually than you’d ever seen him: a cream-colored sweater, sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and dark, fitted jeans that you immediately decided you preferred to his usual tailored slacks.
He seemed to notice your appraisal, his smile spreading across the rest of his plump lips. He held out a hand, offering to take your coat just as he had the last time. You smiled back and tugged the belt open, pulling apart the buttons and sliding the coat from your shoulders.
You had stacked your confidence in the end, planning to wear your lingerie as armor. If Seokjin only called you over in an attempt to talk you out of your moonlighting, you hoped the sight of you in this outfit would have him changing his tune quickly. How could he think about convincing you to quit when all the blood was rushing to his pants? And if he instead wanted to play the dangerous game of doing anything more, you had decided it was a game two could play.
His nostrils flared, the muscles in his long neck tensing, both barely noticeable. But it was enough to calm your nerves, knowing you’d had the desired effect. You turned on your heel and sauntered into his main room with your head held high, setting your alarm again at his fireplace mantle while he hung your coat.
One hour. This would be easy.
“The place is pretty clean already, but I couldn’t tell you the last time I dusted a damn thing in here.” He stood at the mouth of the entryway hall, eyes on you as he spoke. “Do all the surfaces, the tv, decor. Pretty much everything dust can cling to.”
He looked away after a moment, nodding towards a small duster and a few microfiber cloths sitting on an end table.
“Yes, sir,” you said, glancing around the room to decide on your plan of action before picking up your tools. You performed your task dutifully as he looked on from his seat on the couch, drinkless this time. He seemed content to just watch you again. Quiet music was already drifting from the speakers, but no conversation followed from him after he’d given you his request.
As you lifted another small figurine to wipe down, you decided you’d rather get him talking. There was at least one thing you’d been dying to know.
“You never answered my question, sir,” you said, not bothering to turn to him in the hopes of coming off casually.
When you received no answer, you glanced back at him curiously. Seokjin was still sat on the couch, leaning back into the cushions with one foot crossed over his knee, hands draped over his thighs. His eyes had gone dark and were clearly focused on you, or rather, your body. And that pesky erection had very apparently made its way back to his lap. There was a long moment where your eyes met his before you watched them refocus and acknowledge your face.
“Did you say something?” he asked. You laughed to yourself and set his figurine back down.
“I said, you never answered my question,” you repeated, coyly folding your hands behind your back.
Seokjin took a deep breath and uncrossed his legs, leaning forward slightly. “What question was that?”
You walked towards him slowly and his eyes never left you, tracking your every move until you stood at the edge of the couch. It felt good to have his attention like this and it stoked a fire in you, knowing the effect you had on him by just being in the room.
“Whether I have permission touch you,” you asked.
His eyes drifted away from you, tongue pressing between his teeth, clearly contemplating his options. You looked on expectantly, wondering if it was a question he’d hoped to forget. Maybe he truly only wanted to watch you, to have you dangled in front of him like so much forbidden fruit. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for that to be enough for someone. After all, that was what this whole job was about. Though you wanted to prod further, you decided it would be better to leave the ball in his court. If the extent of Seokjin’s desires ended with looking, you wanted to respect that, no matter how much you wished he wanted to explore more.
“Only while you dance,” he responded at last, his decision sounding final enough, though there was a hesitation in his words that gave you doubt. It wasn’t the response you were expecting, you thought to yourself. But it did open up a few possibilities.
You shifted forward, pressing your fingers into the arm of the couch, noting what was the softest leather you’d ever felt. “So...are you asking me to dance?”
He nodded, leaning back into his seat again. There was a tenseness in his broad shoulders that left you still unsure of what he really wanted, but with nothing to go on except his requests, you set your resolve to just do your best with what he asked. And, you hoped, you could loosen him up in time.
Pulling a stool from the minibar, you made a show of swaying your body around it to the music. Again, he hadn’t asked you to remove any clothing and though the urge was strong, you only tugged teasingly at the straps of your clothing, holding his eyes as much as you could, but giving him a fair view of your behind as well.
Once you pushed your prop aside and made it to the floor, spreading your legs as you moved, you remembered he was getting a full view of your very, very sheer undergarments. It set you wondering if you were saving yourself any modesty after all by not just stripping anyway. But Seokjin said nothing and whenever your eyes met his, you found a man only focused on your movements.
You crawled closer and again rested your hands on him as you rolled your body forward towards him. This time he made no comment as you touched his thighs. But you had to admit, something specific was drawing your attention now that you were this close.
“Y/N, your eyes seem a bit preoccupied.” His voice shook you from your concentration and you looked up at him instead, then smiled with no shame when you realized where your attention had been. He returned your smile and it encouraged you to voice your thoughts.
“You just seem like you have a big problem. Isn’t that frustrating for you?”
“I’m pretty sure I read the fine print of our contract correctly and solving certain problems for me is strictly prohibited,” Seokjin responded, the tease in his voice clear. Was it a tease? A challenge maybe? But his expression remained playful. You sat back onto your knees, sliding forward and positioning yourself between his legs.
“It's not a heavily enforced contract,” you said, all promises of behaving yourself out the window. If Seokjin wasn’t going to draw the line between you clearly, you would have to make him draw it. Because right now your line was long forgotten and nothing sounded better in the moment than separating him from his pants. And he didn’t exactly make any complaints as he stared down at you on your knees before him.
“And you're saying you would offer that to me?” He hesitated a moment. “Do you always..?”
You shook your head. “I never have before. I'm saying I wouldn't be opposed to helping you ,” you emphasized. “You're kind of a special client, after all.”
“Oh, special?” he considered, stroking a hand across his chin in mock contemplation. “And what makes you think you know what I need?”
“I don’t, but I could learn,” you purred, scratching your nails lightly along the fabric of his jeans. “You could teach me.”
You watched his jaw tense, dark eyebrows raising slightly. Calculating.
“I-,” he said, the word fading at the end. You gave another stroke of your nails while he thought. “I’m not sure you want to learn that.”
“Are you saying you aren’t interested?” you asked flatly.
Seokjin swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing.
The dance around your desire was taking its toll on you both, your patience wearing a little thin. Not that you minded a bit of coy banter, but what was the point if he truly wasn’t interested?
You could see the wheels in his mind turning as he considered your words, likely trying to account for the consequences of taking you up on them. But in your mind, you were both adults who wanted something similar. You had made your decision by walking through his door tonight. Though you hadn’t yet worked out how it would affect your position at work if you slept with the boss, but that was an issue for tomorrow.
“What are you willing to do for me, Y/N?” he asked. You pulled yourself up from the floor, slipping your legs on either side of him and sinking into the leather of the couch until you were straddling his thighs. It was a bold move, but at this point you needed him to clearly understand what you wanted.
“Whatever you need, sir. I came here to serve you after all. You called and I came and I did what you asked.”
Seokjin remained quiet, hands resting at his sides, and you continued speaking, hoping to urge him forward.
“And I think you’d very much like if I did something to satisfy the rise in your pants you've pretty much had since I walked through that door.” You were starting to feel a little desperate, like he was making you push him the whole way, and a spark of fear crossed your mind. Would he be cruel enough to reduce you to almost begging before rejecting you in the end? It was a struggle to figure out his angle.
“If you would be open to it,” he breathed, voice almost inaudible, dispelling your sudden worries.
You slid yourself forward, sitting back onto his thighs, leaning your face close to his own.
“I would be, sir.” Your lips curved around the last word, hoping to make sure he felt the full effect of his desired title, something the shudder in his body told you he enjoyed very much.
But there it was again, the same hesitation dangling in his eyes. He was holding back and it made you unsure. You wanted this, caution be damned. Wanted to finally close in on what your dreams had promised all those months ago. You realized then that you had wanted it all along, suppressed lust for him now bubbling to the surface. But you really didn’t want to push him if he wasn’t interested. And his strained silence seemed to give you that message.
“But if that’s not what you want-” you started, pressing your hands against the couch to push yourself off his lap, accepting the rejection.
Seokjin exhaled a heavy breath from his nose and immediately his hands were on your waist, pulling your body to his. As he took up your lips, you released the moan of satisfaction that had been building in your chest.
“Did you have to make me work so fucking hard for it?” you whined into his mouth and he laughed and pulled your body closer, nipping your lip before showering you in more hungry, wet kisses. His lips set off a chain reaction and you felt the pull, felt his fervor as he pressed your bodies ever closer. Your hands draped across his shoulders, fingers sliding into his hair just at the base of his neck.
As his lips trailed kisses down your jaw, each one leaving you shuddering against him, you could feel his hardness pressing into your thighs and your longing to feel more of him flew straight to your center.
“Y/N, I have to warn you first,” he started to speak, his warm breath sending tingles across your neck as he spoke.
And then you felt his teeth, pressing into your earlobe, the rush of pain and pleasure wrapping around each other and you wanted it, more of it, right now. A moan escaped your lips and you scratched your fingers along his scalp. His lips pressed a soft kiss against the bite.
“I'm interested in something specific.” His voice was quiet, rolling in your ear and pulling your attention. “If we’re going to do this, you have to want what I want.”
His sincerity gave you pause. There was so much of the Seokjin you had come to know in his tone. Considerate and kind, he was more of the same man you had known for months, the leader you had come to respect. You pushed aside your hormones, ready to hear his request, but knowing you would say yes to almost anything he asked.
“What do you want, sir?”
“I want a submissive partner. I want full submission from you when you’re inside my home. I want to control you and punish you when you disobey me.” His teeth grazed along the tender skin of your neck. “And reward you when you're a good girl for me.”
You smiled to yourself. You knew it, knew that all along he had been holding back his desire to control you, most likely only putting up with your attempts at steering the situation out of respect for your office positions and his own reservations on what going down this path could mean. But this was his real desire and every part of you wanted to submit, wanted to please Seokjin exactly how he wanted.
“I'll do whatever you say, sir,” you said, closing your eyes, lost to the feeling of his teeth as they pressed into your skin again. “I'll let you control me. Teach me.”
His lips stopped with your words and you opened your eyes to find them meeting his own. Focused and serious, he held your gaze for a moment, making sure he had your attention.
“I don’t have any experience in this,” he admitted, voice a little meek. You found the honesty refreshing, the way his eyes softened endearing. His gaze trailed away from yours and you could tell he was a little embarrassed at the confession. “I’ve never been in control of someone else.” A pause. “I've never had the right partner for it.”
And then his eyes were back on yours. “But you, Y/N...”
“I'm not experienced, but I want to try,” you said sincerely. “We can learn together.”
You thought as you spoke the words. What did it even mean to be a submissive? With your mostly vanilla sex life lending no personal experience in the realm of power play, the obvious answer seemed like being controlled and used by someone else. But Jieun had always talked about the delicacies of relationships like this. A more than experienced female dominant, she liked to educate you over a drink about her escapades, and in this field she had always emphasized the trust and care involved in making a connection like this successful.
You cared about Seokjin from the moment you met him, from the moment he had been friendly and kind to you. He treated you with respect and dignity and never was at a loss for words of encouragement or guidance. And the longer you'd known him, the more your care had deepened.
And as for trust...
“I trust you,” you said, hoping it would reassure him.
Seokjin pressed his lips to yours, this time not hungry, but tender and gentle and you felt something new and unknown blooming in your chest. There was a promise in his kiss, a statement letting you know he understood what he was asking of you and what he was offering.
“I trust you,” he broke away for a moment to murmur, before his lips were on yours again, fervor renewed.
The conversation hadn’t been the type of dirty, pillow talk you expected in the moment, but the intimacy of the words was more sensual, more personal. You had formed a bond here with Seokjin, an agreement to trust each other on a deep, sexual level. An unmistakable excitement followed the idea of stepping into new roles and exploring new sides of each other together. The taboo of your office positions might have lent a little to the excitement as well, but you weren’t interested in thinking about that at the moment.
Seokjin’s hands slid past your hips and down to your backside, fingers dipping beneath the soft material of your undergarments and pressing into the flesh. He was tugging you forward, urging a meeting between the hardness in his lap and the soft barrier of your panties.
As you pressed your heat against the stiffness in his jeans, he groaned into your mouth, fingers digging harder into the plump of your ass.
“Fuck,” he breathed out and a surge of heat flew up your spine, mingling with the warmth of his body so close to yours. And then you felt yourself moving. In one smooth movement, Seokjin had lifted you up and turned your body away from his. His thumbs hooked into the straps of your bodice, slipping it down until your chest was exposed.
“Your body is so beautiful, Y/N. I could stare at you all fucking day,” he panted into your ear as his hands went to your breasts, cupping them in his hands. He caressed the soft flesh there, rough squeezes followed by rolling and tugging your nipples between his fingertips. The sudden, intense stimulation caused you to cry out, half-moaning from the pleasure, half-whining from the pain.
Alright, so maybe you were wrong about him being an ass man.
Changing to the opposite side of your neck, his teeth followed, leaving imprints sure to be future sore spots as he toyed with the flesh there.
One hand left to caress your breast, Seokjin’s other hand slowly crept down between your legs, rubbing circles into the skin of your thighs hesitantly, asking silent permission to move forward. As if it wasn’t alright with you. As if you weren’t already dying to feel his hands on you everywhere.
It wasn’t until his fingers made contact with your thin panties that you realized how badly you had already soaked through them, the evidence of your wet arousal immediately audible.
“Already this wet for me? My dirty girl.” His voice was a low hum in the background of your consciousness, drowned out only by his movements. His thumb made gentle strokes at first, which turned into full finger caresses against your wet mound. You whimpered against him, rolling your hips at his attention, still feeling the hardness in his pants now pressing against your backside.
“Moan nice and loud for me, angel, so I can learn what your body craves.”
You nodded, unable to press any words past your lips, lust pooling as he built up the fire between your legs, fingers rolling against the wet mess of the thin material of your panties. You spread your legs a little more to give him access and permission and he took it immediately, giving your clit a soft pinch. You let out another pained moan, letting your hands land on his thighs, gripping them in desperate need of something to hold onto.
“Good girl,” he murmured and the praise was almost as good as his touch.
His teeth were back on your neck and you felt yourself swimming through the agony of his denial as his fingers rubbed your clit in slow, methodic circles, keeping you dripping for him, but providing far too little stimulation for you to get anywhere. Was this the torture Jieun talked about? If he decided to spend all night teasing you like this, your muddled brain wasn’t sure you would be able to make it.
His fingers dipped lightly against your entrance, threading shapes against the fabric there, firing the sensitive nerves already dripping with your juices.
“Seokjin!” The name escaped you, curled in a tight whine as his teeth left yet another sore spot on your overstimulated neck. He paused for a moment and your breathing escalated, nervous and excited at this new level of the unknown. A long-fingered hand slipped across your bare breasts, down to the exposed skin of your inner thigh, then raised up and landed a sharp smack on the sensitive flesh. The pain shocked you and you cried out again.
“Don't start with me again,” he said, his voice colored dark with authority.
“S-sir…” you corrected yourself, the stinging pain only sending more heat to your core.
“Don't forget it, angel. You said you would be good for me.”
“I will, sir,” you cooed desperately. “I promise.”
His mouth went back to your neck, back to the sore skin as his hand floated back between your legs, squeezing the meat of your thighs, dancing across your heat, but still agonizingly never passing your clothing. After an age, he refocused on your aching clit and your moans joined his movements, desperate noises you hoped were letting him know you wanted more.
“That's right, angel, let me hear you. Tell me what you want.” His lips were pressed against your ear now, his voice alone enough to have you shaking.
“I want to feel your fingers inside of me, please,” you begged. Surely he had teased you long enough. Instead, his fingers stopped and you held your breath.
“Oh?” he said and you could hear the smile on his lips. “Is this frustrating you? Do you want me to stop petting you?”
“No!” you protested, placing a pleading hand over his. “Please don't stop. I just want your fingers inside me so bad, sir, please.”
He flicked your hand aside roughly and returned to his agonizingly slow strokes still blocked by cloth. “I’ll decide when you've earned my fingers rubbing your pussy, raw and bare. Right now I prefer this, making you drip through these panties for me.”
You were at a loss, desperate for his touch, but losing your mind at the slow build in satisfaction. Exactly what kind of treatment had you signed up for?
“Open your mouth,” he whispered, bringing his wet fingers to your lips, before jamming them into your mouth. The taste your own slick coated your tongue, unsurprising since you had fully soaked through your lingerie. How had he gotten you so close to the edge without even touching you bare? At this point, you were ready to sign over everything you owned, everything you were if he would just rip the stupid things off.
Instead, you suckled his fingers while his other hand continued its work and returned you to a whimpering mess, soaking through the flimsy barrier and leaving dark stains on the fabric of his jeans.
He tugged your panties away from your wetness, the sound sloppy and lewd and you heard him chuckle into your ear.
“You're making such a mess, angel,” he purred into your ear, tongue tracing along the shell and making your body shudder against his. Finally, you exhaled internally, more than eager to feel the warm flesh of his hand against you and within.
A familiar chime sounded from the fireplace mantle, signaling the end of his session. But you couldn’t move. Your legs felt like jello and your heart was racing a million miles a minute.
At no point had you imagined that you would both be clothed by now. Before tonight, you knew that if he was truly interested in you, you’d sleep with him and deal with the consequences later.
Yet here you lay, mystified against his broad chest, legs still spread wide, the wetness Seokjin had coaxed from you soaking into the denim beneath you. His toying had brought you to the brink, and yet neither of you wore less clothing than when you'd walked through the door. Well, besides your now exposed breasts.
“You’d better get that,” he said quietly and you shook yourself from your stupor, pulling yourself up from his lap and hurrying to your phone on shaky legs to shut the damn thing off.
Seokjin stood with you, and when you turned back to face him he was smiling down at his pants, brushing his fingers along the stains you had left him.
“I'm sorry about that,” you said because it seemed like the right thing to say.
“I'm not,” he laughed and began walking towards you. You stared at him, frozen like a deer in headlights, still yet unsure what you expected from him, but he only took your hand in his and continued walking. Unfortunately, it was in the wrong direction. Instead of towards where you assumed there were bedrooms, he was leading you back towards the entrance of the apartment.
His hand fell from yours when he reached the hall closet, quickly turning away from you and tugging down your coat. He reached out to hand it over and only spoke when you didn’t move to take it.
“We’re done tonight, angel. It’s time for you to go,” he said, the words taking a moment to soak through your haze. You gaped up at him.
“B-but-” What was he saying? You hadn't even done anything. He had just started, riling you up, toying with your body and twisting the coil inside of you. And if the clear rise still pressing against his jeans meant anything, you still had much more to do tonight. It was nowhere near time for you to go yet.
“Y/N,” he said in a sigh at your inaction, pressing your coat into your arms, pressing further still until you felt the wall behind you against your back. The same wall where he had you pinned before.
“Don’t be impatient,” Seokjin’s voice cooed. The words did little to soothe you, your head still hazy, thoughts still spinning from everything that had happened in the last hour. The shock of being so unceremoniously told to leave was too much to handle.
“Please don’t leave me hanging like this,” you breathed, begging him with your eyes. You were ready to be whatever he wanted, to be at the mercy of those hands all night. You had told him as much. But being brought so far to the edge only to be left dangling like was too much. Much more than a newly christened submissive could take.
He cursed under his breath, eyes taking in your disappointed face while his hands traced the soft lines of your lingerie before settling on your hips.
“You make this so difficult when you look at me like that,” he said softly before his lips were on yours again.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer as he kissed you, begging for entrance with your tongue. He parted his lips slightly, teasing your tongue with the tip of his own, only to pull back, his hands sliding up, tugging up your bodice and covering your breasts.
His forehead was pressed against yours, cheeks flushed, pupils giving up his truth. He wanted you in this moment as much as you wanted him, those wide, darkened lenses unable to lie as well as his mouth.
“Go,” he said, taking a steadying breath before leaning back. He seemed to rein in his feelings, swallowing them down. “Think about this, Y/N, if you really want to do this with me. And if you want to continue, come when you're scheduled again.” A gentle smile, the smile you had gotten to know so well these past six months. “If you don’t, we’ll just pretend like it never happened.”
“That’s a little unfair to say to me after what we’ve done tonight,” you complained.
“I’m a humble man. I may be infinitely handsome, but you may not really want what I have to offer once you have a clear head. Or rather, what I want to explore.” He gave your hips another squeeze before leaning away from you. “Go. Give it some thought.”
You nodded reluctantly, slipping your coat over your shoulders.
“And none of this affects work, ok? At work, I'm still just Seokjin and you're just Y/N, ok? I'm trusting you.”
“I know. We agreed to trust each other,” you said.
One last wet kiss and he had you out the door, all but stumbling to your car in a blue-ovaried daze.
The ache between your thighs was unbearable, but it was minuscule next to the fire tearing through your body at that moment, burning a path for the new feelings that were growing in its wake: A new, carnal longing for your boss, Kim Seokjin.
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anoether-life · 2 months
Göttingen’s curator Justus Theodor Valentiner sends appraisals for Emmy from 14 professional colleagues (organised by Helmut Hasse) to the ministry. He adds a negative statement of his own, in which he states, that Emmy had "stood on Marxist ground" from 1918 until today and that "an unreserved defence of the national state is not to be expected from her”, suggesting a possible dismissal under § 4 (political unreliability) of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, which had not yet been discussed.
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there now, steady love (so few come and don't go) 42k, fantasy AU
It becomes just another fact of life. The sky is blue. The grass is green. Louis sees when people are about to die.
now you're in my life (I can't get you off my mind) 34k, ace ABO
Harry loves romance.
In theory, anyway.
He loves the romantic movies, the careful brush of fingers against the back of a neck, the hand holding and the endless gazes. He loves the possibilities, the tension and the wonder. He loves the idea of falling in love, finding someone to come home to.
In reality, it’s a little different. Because as much as Harry loves the concept of dating, the reality sucks.
I know I've got this (because I've had it all along) 16k, girl!direction, boudoir shoot
Louis’ grip is delicate when she pinches the edge of the paper, brows furrowing as she reads the words that are written in an elegant loopy script. She glances at Liam once the words sink in, and he looks so happy and proud, so expectant. He’s on the edge of his seat, only Zayn’s hand on his shoulder holding him back, and Louis can feel something murky swirling in her stomach at the thought of having to feign appreciation.
Harry Styles Body Positivity & Boudoir Photography
The card is purple, the letters printed on it in black, with an almost lace looking overlay over the words. There’s what might be a bow belonging to a cute pair of panties separating Harry’s name from the service they offer. It’s a cute card.
It’s what’s on the other side that has Louis’ stomach in a knot.
Good for one (1) photography session and up to thirty (30) photos of your choice.
Serve me up a little hope on the rocks 10k, bartender AU
He’s just finished making a drink for another customer when a literal angel walks towards him. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the crowd almost seems to part for him, and for a moment Louis wonders if there’s a literal halo around him or if it’s just the lights in the bar, and then he notices the way the man trips over nothing, and the illusion wanes somewhat.
He’s still fucking gorgeous though, even on bambi legs, and Louis resists the urge to paste on his tried-and-ever-undefeated flirty smile. Instead he just grins, appraising this newest customer and trying to remain professional. He might be demiromantic, or whatever the fuck Zayn had called it, but that doesn’t mean he can’t appreciate this man’s good looks. After all, his romantic identity had nothing to do with his sexual identity, much as people assumed it did. For a brief moment Louis laments his decision to stop sleeping with people, especially when the boy pops a dimple when he smiles back at him.
Or: Louis is a bartender who doesn't take drink orders, but just makes drinks based on what he thinks his customers will like. Harry is just another customer. Or is he?
All I know is I'm in trouble ('cause the atmosphere's so cold) 8.4k, Christmas holiday trip AU
While on a holiday with his best mate Zayn, Louis meets Harry, who seems to dislike him from the start. It's just his luck he ends up getting stuck on a ski lift with Harry. Except maybe the universe knows better and he really is lucky.
you and I love like it's a secret 4.7k, childhood friends, 7 minutes in heaven
Louis swallows, looking at Harry, who grins at him as though nothing’s wrong. He’s leaning against the door of a wardrobe, his long hair having lost some of its curls due to the amount of times he’s run his fingers through it. Louis is still where he was the moment the door got closed behind them, all but pressed up against the wood, trying to keep as much distance between him and Harry as possible.
His heart stutters in his chest as he looks up at his best friend. He’s known Harry since he was barely out of diapers, and Harry gets him in a way that few people ever have – or have tried to. He knows him, to the point where sometimes Louis worries that he’s able to read his mind.
Or: It's Seven minutes in Heaven, but Louis sort of feels like he's ended up in Hell instead when he's forced into a small bedroom with his childhood best friend slash long time crush.
There's a piece of you in how I dress 3.8k, past Zouis, LiLo, Nouis, podcaster Louis
Taking a sip from his water, Louis shifts the mic a little closer to his face, presses the hotkey on his keyboard to continue the recording. “I recently heard someone say there’s a piece of you in how I dress, and it got me thinking. We all subconsciously pick up habits from our loved ones. Whether it’s a particular turn of phrase, or something that we got into because someone we care about loved it. I’ve asked this question on my Instagram – shutupandlistenpodcast – and we’ve had a few wonderful replies to that, so I’ll be reading some of those out shortly, but first I wanted to talk about the people that have become part of me, simply by being part of my life.”
the ghost of love keeps haunting me 666 words, reluctant ghost whisperer
Reluctant Ghost Whisperer Louis Tomlinson meets Harry Styles.
leave my life outside (or let me in) 52k, fantasy/demon AU
“You want to what-” he asks, even though he’s heard Louis correctly.
Louis shrugs a shoulder, unbothered. “I want to go to a Halloween party.”
Zayn pinches the bridge of his nose. “In the human dimension.” He adds, because that’s the part that stresses him out about this. Having a Halloween party in itself sounds like fun, he’s not going to lie. Even if he’s never been particularly fond of parties, hasn’t made many friends beyond Louis. But it’s one thing to attend a party with their classmates, where he can go home the moment he feels like his social battery’s drained. It’s quite another to sneak down to the human world.
It makes sense, in a way. Halloween is the one night a year where people won’t look at them and immediately recognize them for who they are. It’s the one night a year where their horns or talons are considered to be part of a costume.
Zayn is a 111 year old demon who is trying to decide his future. Liam is a 17 year old human struggling with his own life. Two people from completely different worlds, yet they find a little piece of home in one another. But nothing’s ever quite that simple, is it?
there's always room for common ground 10k, divorced parents AU
Zayn never thought his life would be this way. When he’d first met Liam, he’d known that this was it. This was the man he was meant to marry, to be with for the rest of his life. And for a while things had been perfect. They had their dream wedding, their dream home, and after a few years, their perfect little girl. Things had been – well, perfect.
It’s why it’s so hard to swallow that these days Liam will barely look at him. That they’ve gone from being cuddled up on the couch together to barely being able to exchange pleasantries when they’re dropping off their daughter with one another.
the hidden love burns 6.8k, masturbation, d/s fic
Zayn loves Liam.
He’s also pretty sure he’s in love with Liam, which is unfortunate, because Liam doesn’t love him back. Because Liam has a girlfriend, a wonderful, brilliant girl who Zayn can’t hate no matter how much part of him wants to, because she makes Liam do that nose scrunch thing that he only does when he’s really happy, and Zayn can’t find it in himself to hate someone that makes his best friend look like that.
It’s partially why this whole thing is so complicated. And it's why every time Liam asks him to go out clubbing there’s always a part of him that wants to say no.
It’s never quite as loud as the part of him that wants to say yes, though. Because apparently Zayn is a fucking masochist.
See, the problem isn’t going out with Liam. The problem isn’t the loud music - although Zayn isn’t the biggest fan of it - or the people that try and flirt with them. The problem is the dancing.
I see the midnight on your lips 3.4k, rehab/addiction fix it fic
It’s not like his descent into addiction has been anything less than extremely public. It’s not like people won’t have expected it. His fans certainly have, he knows that much. He knows that they might even be happy that he’s here. Liam wishes that he could say he did it because of them. Because of the people that have followed his career, made his career. In a way, maybe he is. Because he wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them, if he’d simply been Liam Payne of Wolverhampton, as opposed to Liam Payne, 1/5th of One Direction.
But he’s not here for them.
we're still the kings of the Friday nights 22k, highschool AU
He’s been his best friend for as long as Louis can remember. It’s like he’s always been there, those hazel eyes present even in his earliest memories. Louis has trouble remembering a time before he grew accustomed to his smile, tentative when they first met, but then wide, a grin that had the ability to take over his entire face, exuding a joy that was so infectious that Louis just wanted to be close to him.
He’d felt drawn to him from the start, two boys that were so different but that had found themselves meeting in the middle time and time again, accepting each other for who they were even when the world seemed unwilling to. Even when Louis was too flamboyant and Zayn was too exotic, when Louis was loud and Zayn would be so quiet that people labeled him shy.
Zayn’s been everything, for so long now. His moral compass, his partner in crime, his ride or die.
And as of tonight, the first boy Louis has ever kissed.
I don't mind being lost at sea 2.8k, Zouis friendship, bad pick up lines
“Would you like your eggs cooked, scrambled or fertilised tomorrow morning?”
Zayn looks at the stranger thoughtfully. “You know,” he says, “I don't think that pick up line works when we're both male.”
Or: the fic where Louis tries to cheer up a stranger in a bar.
I hope you never look back but you never forget 2k, friendship, reconciliation
Dear Zayn,
People say time heals. I remember saying that myself in an interview a couple of years ago now. I think I said I wasn’t mature enough to have that chat with you. And I wasn’t, at that point. 
It's 2022. Louis thinks he's finally mature enough to have that chat with Zayn.
just see those hometown lights 12k, post break up
It was always their plan to move to New York together. Or so Louis thought. Alone, in a small apartment, having lost the love of his life, he takes advice from his sister Lottie and starts writing letters to the fire.
We were lucky once (I could be lucky again) 4.5k, Buffy the Vampire Slayer AU
It all started with a big battle. One of those big end of the world battles where Louis feels so incredibly powerless, where he knows he won’t be able to do anything but stand on the sidelines and wait for Liam to come back. Not to downplay his own abilities, which in some circles are considered formidable, but when it comes to true danger – well, there is only one Slayer.
The Slayer.
Into every generation and all that, Louis knows it, but that doesn’t mean that he has to like it when Liam puts himself in danger every night. It’s bad enough when it’s just your run of the mill vampire, it’s different when words like apocalypse and end of the world get thrown around. Liam takes it in stride, as he always does, jokes about how they need to come up with a plural form of apocalypse because they’ve lived through more than one in their time on the Hellmouth, but there’s always this tightness in Louis’ chest when he watches Liam head out to another battle, unsure whether or not he’s going to come back.
Unsure if this will be the last time he’ll see him and he’ll have to live with his regrets for years to come. With the thoughts of what could have happened.
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onlineauto385 · 2 months
Online Auto Appraisal
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In today's digital age, the world of automotive appraisal has seen a significant shift towards online platforms. Gone are the days of relying solely on physical inspections or local expertise; now, prospective car buyers and sellers can access a wealth of information and appraisal services with just a few clicks. Online auto appraisal services have emerged as a convenient and efficient way to determine the value of a vehicle, whether you're buying, selling, or simply curious about your car's worth. This article explores the benefits, processes, and considerations involved in online auto appraisals, shedding light on why this modern approach has gained traction in the automotive industry.
The Evolution of Auto Appraisal
Traditional methods of auto appraisal often involved visiting multiple dealerships, consulting with local experts, or relying on printed guides like the Kelley Blue Book. While these methods provided valuable insights, they were often time-consuming and limited in scope. Enter online auto appraisals, which leverage technology to streamline the valuation process. These services utilize algorithms, databases, and market trends to provide quick and accurate estimates, transforming how consumers and professionals alike approach vehicle valuation.
How Online Auto Appraisals Work
Online auto appraisals typically begin with the user inputting specific details about the vehicle in question. This information may include the make, model, year, mileage, condition, and any additional features or upgrades. Advanced platforms may also consider geographic location and market demand to tailor their valuation. Once the data is submitted, sophisticated algorithms analyze comparable vehicles, recent sales data, and market trends to generate a valuation range. This process combines statistical analysis with real-time market insights, providing users with a comprehensive understanding of their vehicle's current market value.
Benefits of Using Online Auto Appraisals
Convenience: Perhaps the most significant advantage of online auto appraisals is their convenience. Users can access valuation tools from the comfort of their homes or offices, eliminating the need for in-person inspections or appointments.
Speed: Unlike traditional methods that may take days or weeks, online appraisals deliver results almost instantaneously. This speed is particularly valuable for individuals navigating time-sensitive transactions or contemplating multiple vehicle options.
Accuracy: Leveraging vast databases and analytical tools, online appraisals offer highly accurate valuation estimates. Factors such as regional market variations and vehicle condition are meticulously factored into the appraisal, ensuring reliability and transparency.
Comparative Analysis: Online platforms often provide comparative analysis, allowing users to compare their vehicle's value against similar models in their area or across the nation. This feature empowers informed decision-making and enhances negotiation leverage.
Cost-Effective: Many online appraisal services are either free or offered at a nominal fee, making them a cost-effective alternative to traditional appraisal methods that may involve consultation fees or travel expenses.
Considerations Before Using Online Auto Appraisals
While online auto appraisals offer numerous benefits, it's essential to consider a few factors before relying solely on their valuation:
Condition Assessment: Online appraisals rely on user-provided data. Ensuring an accurate description of the vehicle's condition and any relevant details is crucial to receiving an accurate valuation.
Market Variability: Market conditions can fluctuate, impacting vehicle valuations. While online platforms strive for accuracy, understanding regional trends and demand shifts can provide additional context.
Supplementary Inspections: For high-value transactions or unique vehicles, supplementary inspections by certified professionals may be advisable to validate online appraisal findings.
In conclusion, online auto appraisals represent a transformative tool in the realm of vehicle valuation, offering convenience, speed, and accuracy unparalleled by traditional methods. Whether you're buying, selling, or simply curious about your vehicle's worth, these platforms provide invaluable insights into the dynamic automotive market. By harnessing the power of technology and data analytics, online auto appraisals empower consumers and industry professionals alike to make informed decisions with confidence. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the role of online appraisals in shaping the automotive industry's future is poised to expand, further enhancing transparency and efficiency in vehicle transactions.
#carsales #cars #carsforsale #usedcars #cardealership #carsofinstagram #car #cardealer #dealership #autosales #nashville #tennessee #countrymusic #nashvilletn #musiccity #music #country #singer #love #songwriter #tn #franklintn
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A long life sees many evils. From his earliest days as a headstrong padawan, he has been relentless in the fight, interceding in countless conflicts on behalf of the innocent and powerless. He is old now, and this war is unlike anything he has ever faced. Sometimes, he wonders if he will survive it.
He does not fear death, but the thought burdens him. In service to the Republic he is no longer a wandering guardian but a general of thousands. These clone troopers of Kamino, unexpected allies in the galaxy’s darkest hour, have proven themselves exceptional in every way. More than that, as their austere professionalism eases, their true selves have emerged: vibrant, distinct, wonderful individuals with whom he is privileged to serve. If anything good has come from the war, it is them.
He has been privy to the myriad debates and dilemmas of the Council, and he shares their concerns—everything about the clones’ existence is problematic. Nevertheless, the way forward is clear to him. His men are not at fault, and they depend on him to play his role. With all the powers and resources at his disposal, he can effectuate more than that. He looks after them, for no one else does.
As a peacekeeper out of his depth, he knew from the start that his command would not be straightforward. Indeed, it is anything but.
The breadth and urgency of the war dictates that he cannot go everywhere his men are needed. Instead, he must deploy the majority of them elsewhere while he devotes himself to special operations with a select few. This business of delegation is complicated by his uncompromising commitment to their safety. Each life, each soul, is a precious thing—not a currency to spend on tactical gain. He learned painfully from the Abregado massacre, a situation they entered so ill-prepared, that a critical appraisal of orders must precede any action. Each strategy is now carefully adjusted by him and the involved officers to emphasize survival. If this criterion cannot be met, he puts in a request for Jedi involvement, his own if possible, to reduce the likelihood of casualties. As for his personal assignments with the navy or the 104th Battalion, he makes certain the most dangerous tasks are his.
His approach to warfare, while congruous with Jedi values, has caused some feather-ruffling in his military circles, including among the clones themselves. Aside from eschewing their conventions, it flies in the face of their worldview. How many times have they told him, respectfully but insistently, “Don’t worry about us, General” or “This is what we were bred for”?
They are so different, he and the clones. He cannot treat them like fellow Jedi, who know their worth in the Force, who have mastered their strongest emotions and fears, who can interact meaningfully without words or touch. The distance and formality he thought appropriate to maintain early in his generalcy incurred a curious response over time. He sensed anxiety, disappointment, wistfulness in his men, although they never acknowledged it, as if he were falling short of an unknown standard or neglecting unspecified duties. Eventually, he understood: more than a sense of humor, more than respect, more than mindful stewardship or anything else he can provide, they desire connection. They are human beings after all, and young ones at that, with so few positive authority figures. Adapting has challenged him, but he has made their wellbeing a priority, so he strives to give more of himself each day.
The troopers who speak up in his presence, who relish conversation, he is intentional to engage. They always spring on the opportunity to be listened to, to be taken seriously, something apparently deprived of them on Kamino. The troopers who never fail to find his quiet places on the cruiser, he invites to meditate with him, and some of them do. A few seem genuinely interested in spirituality, whether for answers or comfort or guidance, and it warms his heart to share his faith with them and watch theirs grow. The off-duty pilots who loiter in the hangar while he tinkers with his fighter, he makes a habit of involving, which pleases them to no end. They will lie on the cold floor for hours, putting off sleep, to lend their expertise and chew the fat with him. And the quiet careworn commander with whom he works most closely, who stays beside him through everything yet holds him at arm’s length, he endeavors to uplift in any way he can.
So much is beyond his control. He cannot spare his men from all suffering, and already too many of them have perished on his watch. All he can do is trust the Force, with his life and theirs, and press onward. It is not just about living to fight another day. If the Force wills, he intends to see his men through the war, into a future of peace and freedom, into a life they have never known. It is a distant hope, but it lives close to his heart, and in it he finds strength.
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Bassoon Insurance for Students and Young Musicians
As a young and aspiring bassoonist, you have invested countless hours practicing, honing your craft, and developing a deep connection with your beloved instrument. Right? However, the road to becoming a seasoned bassoonist can be fraught with challenges, one of which is safeguarding your valuable asset.
In this blog, you will learn about the importance of bassoon insurance for students and young musicians, exploring the key reasons to protect your instrument, what to look for in a policy, and how to make the most of your insurance coverage.
The Value of Your Bassoon
First and foremost, it is vital to recognize the worth of your bassoon. Whether you are using a beginner model or a high-quality professional instrument, bassoons are not cheap and worth immense care. Even student models can cost several thousand dollars, while professional-grade bassoons can reach into the tens of thousands. For students and young musicians, this represents a significant financial investment, often requiring years of savings or support from parents and mentors.
Your bassoon is not merely an object. You know, it is a gateway to your musical journey and a key component of your education and career. It is important to acknowledge its value, not only in monetary terms but also in terms of the time, effort, and passion you've poured into it. Recognizing this value is the first step toward understanding the need for insurance.
What to Look for in a Bassoon Insurance Policy?
When you decide to get a dedicated bassoon insurance plan, it is crucial to choose a policy that suits your specific needs. Take a look:
Coverage amount
Determine the value of your bassoon and select a coverage amount that fully protects your investment. Keep in mind that the value of your instrument may increase as you progress in your musical journey, so consider regular appraisals to ensure accurate coverage.
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Premium costs
Insurance premiums can vary widely based on factors such as the value of your bassoon, your location, and the specific policy. Get quotes from different insurance providers and compare the cost against the coverage they offer. While it's essential to find a policy that fits your budget, remember that opting for the cheapest policy may not provide the necessary protection.
Understand the deductible, which is the amount you will need to pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in. A higher deductible often results in lower premium costs, but it also means you'll have more significant expenses if you need to make a claim.
Additional coverage
Consider whether you need additional coverage beyond standard instrument protection. Some policies offer coverage for accessories, cases, and even loss of income due to instrument damage.
Insurance provider's reputation
Choose an insurance provider with a solid reputation in the music community. Read reviews and ask fellow musicians for recommendations. A reputable provider will make the claims process smoother and provide peace of mind.
Making the Most of Your Bassoon Insurance
Once you have obtained an insurance policy, here's how you can maximize its benefits:
Document your bassoon
Take detailed photos of your bassoon, including any unique identifying marks or features. Keep copies of purchase receipts, appraisals, and any relevant paperwork. This documentation will be invaluable if you ever need to make a claim.
Regular maintenance
Proper maintenance of your bassoon is essential. Regularly servicing your instrument can prevent damage and ensure it remains in optimal playing condition. Insurance providers may require evidence of maintenance in case of a claim.
Secure storage
When your bassoon is not in use, ensure it is stored in a safe and secure location. Investing in a quality case with robust locks can provide an extra layer of protection.
Read and understand your policy
Understand the technical terms and conditions of your insurance policy. Understand what is covered and what isn't. If you have any questions or doubts in your mind, no issues. You can always get in touch with your musical instrument insurance provider to clarify.
Happy music-making!
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nyamadermont · 2 years
Setting the Stage
#FFF184 Set the Stage
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
901 words
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[Image ID: A rectangle with vertical red stripes like a stage curtain, with the text “#FFF184 Set the Stage” centered in white.]
Today’s the day.
Kya’s mind was already racing before her eyes opened. She took stock of the sunlight and shadows outside, and gave herself about six hours.
The hospital was aware that calling her in had best be for a very short list of very serious reasons, at least three of which were not physically possible (to her knowledge). She knew Opal and Jinora were serious about their boyfriends, but none of them were becoming parents any time soon. Lin was out of town, so should not be in any danger whatsoever of winding up on a surgical table. And her mother was safely at the South Pole, under Senna’s watchful eye.
She wriggled under the sheets, greedily stretching out in all directions. She contracted her stomach to sit upright and stretch with a playful groan.
The cool breeze from the window thrilled her skin, and spread a smile across her face.
Time to get busy!
With unaccustomed speed, she cleaned up, got dressed, and ate a decent breakfast.
The whole time, she was nearly dancing with excitement.
Her list was ready. Her money was ready. Her (ok, Lin’s) sato was ready. Now, for everything else.
The pickup at the dress shop? Too much fun to rush. Done.
Swinging in at the tailor’s? Can’t turn down the offer of tea. That would be rude. But soon enough, done.
A stop by the florist? Done in minutes.
A last pass through the grocery store? Took about ten minutes too long, but done.
Everything collected, Kya struck out for the park.
She pulled into the lot and parked. The cart she brought wasn’t quite big enough for everything, so suddenly, she had a bit of a problem. One hand on her hip, she glared at her car, thinking hard.
“Hey, Kya!”
The voice carried from far across the parking area. She turned to see Korra and Asami, hand in hand, walking over in her direction. She watched them, clearly happy to see her, but still quite focused on each other. She felt about four different smiles cross her face before the pair made it close enough for hugs.
Asami took a step back, and gave her predicament a professional appraisal. “Could you use a couple of hands carrying a few things?” Kya could see the narrowed eyes, the tightly restrained smirk.
I think she’s on to me.
“Hands? Who needs hands? You have the Avatar at your service!”
With that, Korra swirled her hands, and lifted the cart on a tightly spun wheel of air. Kya and Asami laughed, but pulled out the final few items. They wandered through the park until they came up to a small pavilion with a low stone table.
In just a moment, the girls had set up a small tent, hanging the two garment bags inside. Korra’s airbending came in handy as she strung lights and a few red curtains in strategic locations around the pavilion's eaves.
Asami took charge of the food and flowers, laying out a luscious display on the table and setting the cushions just as Kya would have. When she stepped back, she noticed Korra was settling back to the ground. Kya’s back was turned and Asami waved to attract Korra’s attention. With some vigorous eyebrow wiggles and wide-eyed encouragement, she finally got through Korra’s obliviousness.
Korra gasped.
Kya snapped up straight. “Korra? What’s wrong?”
Korra’s face lit up. “You’re just setting the stage, aren’t you?” She clasped her hands close to her chest. “Can we watch from over,” she whirled around and saw a far too-small bush just below the foot of the bridge. “There! That’s the same bush I hid in my first day in Republic City!”
She turned her eager face back to Kya, whose bemused grin gave Asami all the clue she needed to get the Avatar as far away as possible.
“Korra, dear, you promised Meelo.”
Korra looked confused. “Promised him what?”
Asami rolled her eyes dramatically before giving Kya a sideways glance. “Someone has to look out for them, right?”
Kya just laughed and hugged them both. “Thank you. I have a lot more time because of your help. I think we’ll see you later tonight.”
Asami was still laughing when Kya couldn’t see them anymore.
She picked up the basket of peonies and walked back to the car. Retracing her steps one more time, she laid them in an obvious path to the pavilion, leading right up to the tent. She ducked inside, and a few minutes later, emerged from the other side.
She settled onto her cushion to wait.
Lin said the two words she was asked to, then nothing again for several minutes.
Kya stood in her fitted blue suit, the setting sun lighting her from behind.
Lin emerged from the tent in the long-sleeved, deep-cut, high-slit emerald dress, her feet bare on the grass.
Kya stepped forward with a cup of tea.
Lin stared at her as Kya placed the cup in her hands and gently pushed her to drink. Lin held her gaze and drank.
She blinked and lowered the cup. She blinked rapidly several times before waving her hand above it.
A small gold ring floated up into her hand. She looked at Kya.
“You want me?”
Kya just nodded, her eyes bright.
Lin clenched the ring in her hand and leaned forward for a kiss.
“Yes,” they said in unison.
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bnjewellers · 7 months
B N Jewellers - Valuation services for all jewelry types | Vadodara
B N Jewellers offers valuation services for all jewelry like gold, diamonds, and gemstones. Top-rated in Vadodara for gold, diamond, silver, and gemstone valuations.
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clericofshadows · 1 year
big place!
Description: Kaidan, Ashley, and Regis take in the Ctiadel's sights, and Ashley ends up gaining some interesting information about her new crew.
Paring: Regis Shepard/Kaidan Alenko
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“Big place!” Kaidan exclaimed, looking out over the nebula view of the Citadel.
Regis smiled, standing behind him and Williams, watching the traffic go by.  Never change, Kaidan.
Williams turned her head to look over at Kaidan.  “That your… professional opinion, sir?”
Regis coughed to hide his snort, but given the glance Kaidan gave him, he didn’t do a very good job of it.  “I don’t see how they can keep tabs on all this.  The Presidium might as well be on another planet.”
“There is definitely a gap between their presentation and what’s here,” Kaidan observed.  “Tracking arrivals must be a nightmare.”
“This makes Jump Zero look like a porta-john, and it’s the largest deep space station the Alliance has,” Williams chimed in, looking around.
“Jump Zero was big, but this is a whole nother scale. Look at those ward arms!  How do they keep all that mass from flying apart?” Kaidan leaned in closer against the railing.
“I’d love to find out, honestly,” Regis said, crossing his arms behind his back.  “But you won’t catch me living here anytime soon.  I imagine they’re careful with newcomers.”
“I don’t think it’s for me, either, but you can’t deny the allure.  They probably just want to keep everything running,” Kaidan replied.  “It has to be hard keeping all these cultures working together.”
“Or maybe they just don’t like humans,” Williams muttered.  Ah, interesting.
He knew there was a reason he liked her, but now he had a more tangible reason.  Someone more skeptical of the council, willing to speak up against the common opinion, not immediately staying quiet.  Good.
But Regis had to play with her a bit.  “Why not?  We’ve got oceans, beautiful men, this emotion called love…” He glanced at Kaidan.  “According to the old vids, we have everything they want.”
“Wait, beautiful men?” Williams turned around so she was facing him, leaning against the barrier.  “Well damn, I didn’t expect you to be so open out in the field.”
Regis shrugged.  “Not really a secret to me.  Couldn’t resist.”
“And when you put it that way, there’s no reason why they wouldn’t like you,” Kaidan said, moving to stand closer to Regis.  Not quite touching, but not exactly far enough apart to call it friendly.  Testing the waters. 
A bold move from Kaidan, but also not unlike him. Kaidan wasn't afraid to be open about their relationship, but it still surprised Regis a bit to see him toe the fraternization line.
Williams tilted her head to the side, looking at the two of them with narrowed eyes.  “Hold on, I’m missing something here.”
Regis pressed a finger to his lips and winked.  “You’re smart, Chief.  You can figure it out.”
“Damn!  Mighty bold of you two,” she said, giving them an appraising look.  Not one of judgment, but rather one of approval.  “With a mission like this, how the hell did you keep it under wraps?  The way you two fought together on Eden Prime, I figured you had years of service history.”
No words spoken between them on Eden Prime, a quiet colony turned battlefield in a blink of an eye.  A connection gained by years of learning each other through biotics, testing new mnemonics and stretching the limits of what the gravity well can do.    Combining skills to break through the walls of geth, tech hacks breaking down shields before blasting them away with a Throw.  Singularities formed by Kaidan’s strong control were wrecked apart by Regis’s powerful Warps.  Kaidan’s Pulls making perfect targets for Regis’s sniper. Williams was a great asset to have on the field, and her marksman skills blended well with their biotics.  But this was an opportunity that the lovers hadn’t had yet in their Alliance career beyond shore leaves and rare moments training together, choosing to forge their own paths apart in the service. Knowing each other beyond just years of understanding, beyond shared experiences and many intimate moments, exploring each other’s lives and bodies.  A connection only biotics can share.  The biotic corona burns brightly on the battlefield, and with it, it tells a story.   Kaidan and Regis wrote their own story within the mnemonics they share, an understanding of how the other moves, casts, and fights.   Regis’s violet and Kaidan’s blue, creating a beautifully brutal vision.   The trust they share is unbreakable. 
Kaidan and Regis shared a look.  “Actually,” Kaidan said, rubbing the back of his neck.  “This is the first time we’ve been able to serve together.  Shepard—” he nudged Regis in the shoulder— “prefers solo missions and spending his time teaching N recruits.”
After Torfan, he had the pick of any ship, any tour, any position by Captains and Admirals alike who wanted someone who could get the job done at any cost.  Regis willingly embraced the title the Alliance gave, the whispers at his presence, the worried and shocked looks from some green cadets who saw him appear as a biotic instructor.  
But that didn’t mean he wanted to give them what they wanted out of him. 
Choosing to teach and stay solo was his own form of rebellion.  These were his terms.
The Spectre nomination was a similar situation for him.  He didn’t necessarily like the idea of being their candidate knowing damn well what power the Spectres had and what they could get away with.  
Yet another title he has to embrace for the Allinace.  Turning it down would be a career suicide.
If this recent tribunal with the Council wasn’t already one…  He will find a way to pin Saren for what he did on Eden Prime.
Regis nodded.  “Yes, it’s true.  I call it biotic intuition.”
“Mmm hmm…” Williams didn’t seem convinced, rolling her eyes, but Regis wasn’t quite ready to spill his whole history to her yet. “Either way, I could definitely learn from the both of you.  I haven’t had the chance to work with many biotics.”
“We’d be happy to train with you,” Kaidan said.  “Show you how we prefer to fight and how you can adapt. And how we can adapt to you."
“I’ll take you up on that, LT.  Say, and you can tell me off for asking, but does the Captain know about… this?” She asked, gesturing between them.
“Anderson and I have history, and he reluctantly let the both of us on board knowing what Alenko and I share.  He couldn’t exactly pass up the chance to have two well decorated biotics at his disposal, and I’m picky who I work with.  I almost didn’t accept the Normandy position, but I figured it was about damn time I worked on a ship with a team again.”  Regis explained.
Not exactly true.  Anderson more or less told him that the Alliance wanted Regis on board the Normandy due to his Torfan history and that his talents were wasted otherwise, and that any objections of his were likely going to be ignored.  Regis personally disagreed with that assessment, as he was part of the key to getting more biotics into specialized positions in the N program and that many covert operations were successful because of his skills.
It was obviously a political move, and he wasn’t exactly fond of being the one they chose for that.  Knowing now that they wanted him to be the first Human Spectre didn’t exactly make him any happier about their move.
However, he wasn’t lying about Anderson’s reluctance to keep Kaidan as the head of marine detail.  Fraternization will always be an issue in the Alliance, and even if they had tied the knot, it was unlikely they would’ve been allowed to serve together on such a vessel.  
The only reason he let them both aboard was due to their biotic skills, and he knew Regis would make it part of his terms for accepting the position.  Anderson was well aware of their history at BAaT, which also meant he didn’t have to deal with Regis getting bitchy with a green L3 who wouldn’t be able to read his unique mnemonics or freak out about when Regis inevitably explodes his barrier on command.
Speaking from experience, of course.  
“Clearly it doesn’t stop you two from working well together.  Maybe if you do end up getting the Spectre position, you can make an authorization to allow your relationship on the Normandy.” She smiled.  “I’m joking, of course.”
Regis raised an eyebrow.  “I didn’t even think of that.  You’re a goddamn genius, Williams.”
“Wait, you’re serious?” She asked, breaking out into a laugh at the end of her question.  
Kaidan sighed.  “I’m afraid he is.”
“What do you mean, Alenko?  Think about it.” Regis said, egging him on.  
“I am.” Kaidan leaned against the railing.  “But unlike you, I can be professional about it.”
“So, you agree that it is a good idea?”
“All I’m saying is I wouldn’t stop you.  I’m just imagining what the response from the brass would be.”
“How the hell did I not notice something between the two of you sooner?” Williams asked, shaking her head, stopping what would easily become a long "argument" between them.  
“Trust me, we’ll be back to being good little Alliance soldiers once onboard the ship.  You just got a taste of what we’re really like,” Regis said.  “Let’s move out.  We’ve spent long enough here.” “What’s the plan, Shepard?” Kaidan asked, standing up straight, waiting for orders.  Williams mirrored him.
“Let’s check out the lead given by Barla Von first.  Seemed to be the most interesting to me,” Regis ordered.  
He could see Williams working well with his crew, with some time to get used to his style of command and combat.  She had great skills, but for whatever reason, her career in the Alliance seemed stagnant according to her files.  Multiple opportunities for advancement were denied for no apparent reason.
Something to look into after he gets more information about the Saren situation.  
Maybe also something he could use his Spectre authorization on, if it comes to it.
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danyvcollins8 · 11 months
Antique Auction Guide: What to Know About Buying & Selling
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You’re at an antique auction. You feel the thrill of potential discovery in every item up for bid. But how do you know what’s worth your money or just old trash?
If selling is more your game, can you spot a hidden gem among Grandma’s heirlooms that others would dream of owning? This guide aims to unravel these mysteries by offering insights into buying and selling antiques effectively. Dive right in; let this be your road map through the exciting world of antique auctions!
Types of Antiques Offered at Auction in Clearwater, FL
From vintage furniture to remarkable pottery pieces, every auction offers a unique selection that’s sure to impress antique lovers. It is quite common for people to find Chinese Ming Dynasty pottery and Art Nouveau jewelry while browsing furniture pieces from the Victorian era or items from mid-century modern tables. Moreover, these scavengers often discover a plethora of aged wine bottles from Europe.
On your next trip, finding classic chandeliers with intricate detailing dating back centuries could be possible! Even sports memorabilia make their appearance in auctions sometimes. This includes autographed baseball cards and historic match tickets.
Stay eager because comic books that bring waves of nostalgia can also spring surprises, along with old-world paintings stirring profound emotions! It just showcases how diverse and versatile Clearwater’s antique offerings are, providing endless opportunities worth exploring for everyone interested!
Tips for Buying at an Antique
Diving into the world of antiques can seem daunting, but remember, knowledge is power. You must understand that in Clearwater, Florida, auctions, online platforms usually charge lower premiums compared to direct auction services, and this could save you a significant amount. The price range for items at an auction varies widely; some may be surprisingly affordable, while others might reach astronomical figures.
Keep yourself updated with prices through regular research so as not to overpay or underbid for artifacts. Are there hidden costs? Sellers pay what’s called ‘seller premiums,’ which are fees based on a percentage of the final sale cost. Buyers, too, have their share known as ‘buyer premiums.’
A key term you should know about is ‘reserves’. A reserve is a minimum acceptable bid amount set by the seller. Sellers reserve the right to withhold a sale if bids do not meet this reserve number. However, they still have to pay listing fees regardless of whether a sale occurs or not.
Remember: Bidding requires registration, so ensure your paperwork is done correctly before hitting any auction houses!
Determining Your Budget Before Shopping Antiques
While venturing into Clearwater’s antique market, take steps to set your financial limits. This precaution prevents costly mishaps, as antiques can range from moderately priced to astonishingly expensive. Before shopping for antiques, you have two tasks: understand the general price range of desired items and decide what you’re willing to spend.
Research helps in both areas. Identify reputable online platforms that offer an idea of current pricing trends for various antiques. Consider enlisting a professional appraiser who specializes in your area of interest for a more personalized budget estimation. They provide precise valuations that aid in making informed decisions about potential purchases or even sales later. Remember, though: while setting out hunting relics with deep pockets may seem appealing, respect your personal spending boundaries regardless of how enticing that vintage piece looks.
Don’t let perceived value override established monetary confines; seek enchantment within your allotted fiscal sphere.
Selling Your Own Antiques at an Auction House in Clearwater, FL
When planning to sell your own antiquities at an auction house in Clearwater, FL, there’s a clear process you can follow. First, connect with the auction house staff so they’re aware of your interest. They will inform you about upcoming auctions and provide catalogs for them.
Next, inspect properties alongside a knowledgeable professional, such as a builder or handyman. This way, all necessary repairs can be accounted for before making pricing decisions. Procuring legal packs from the auctioneer may also prove fruitful, giving comprehensive insights into each available property.
This means no hidden surprises later down the line! However, swift action remains crucial due to the short periods between catalog releases and actual auctions.
Remember that setting budgets precedes any other step. Understanding how much renovation costs might be, plus knowing payment methods, adds value, too! Lastly, but importantly, don’t overlook those terms and conditions paperwork. Stay familiarized with what needs to be paid without any nasty surprises on D-day.
Essential Expert Advice when Attending Auctions In Clearwater, FL
Auction catalogs come out a month beforehand, so use this time wisely. Investigate the item of interest by researching its history, condition, and value range. Additionally, obtain information about any associated costs, such as set fees or percentages owed to the vendor or auction house. These expenses can add up quickly if they are not taken into account, so be sure to factor them in when making bids at Clearwater auctions.
Always have sufficient funds for deposits, usually around 10%, since failure to provide that could lead you into legal trouble with sellers.
Therefore, avoiding relying solely on selling items at an auction is important. This is because vendors always set a reserve price, which is the minimum acceptable bid they must receive for them to sell the item. As such, there is no guarantee that items will always be sold through auctions.
Additionally, be cautious while referring to guide prices provided by auction houses; they’re often lower than the actual worth to boost public attention, but they might misdirect you when setting your budget limit.
Common Mistakes to Avoid During the Antique Buying & Selling Process
Your attitude during the negotiation plays a vital role. Approaching dealers with respect ensures they will be more receptive in their responses. People may believe that haggling is a must during this process. Unfortunately, this assumption can lead to misunderstandings or neglected opportunities for discovering good items at fair prices.
When you pressure an antique dealer into dropping the price drastically, it may seem unfair and disrespectful toward their expertise and business expenses. Don’t let reality TV fool you, either! Those massive discounts stay confined primarily to television sets as part of scripted deals rather than actual transactions on the ground. So, keep expectations realistic!
Credits: https://blackwellauctions.com/antique-auction-guide-what-to-know-about-buying-selling/
Lastly, remember one man’s trash might just turn out to be another’s treasure. Targeting lower-priced antiques alone won’t suffice. Instead, focus on finding pieces that resonate personally. Striking a balance between taste and affordability should remain your goal.
Navigating the exciting world of antique buying and selling shouldn’t be intimidating. Knowledge is power; knowing what items to look for, understanding the auction process, and acting promptly are key. Always remember that every art piece has a story; your goal should be discovering its worth, considering its historical value.
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orcadigitals · 1 year
Buzzfeed Worthy: Discover the Best Franklin Furnace Repair Service for Your Needs
7 Common Errors in the Quest for Furnace Repair Experts:
Mistake #1: Hasty Decision-Making.
The initial misstep many individuals commit is hastily settling for the first furnace repair service that crosses their path. This precipitous choice often results in suboptimal outcomes and avoidable financial outlays. To circumvent this blunder, it is prudent to dedicate time to diligent research and a meticulous juxtaposition of the various Franklin furnace repair specialists. Peruse customer appraisals, scrutinize their credentials, and juxtapose quotations, ensuring that your monetary expenditure secures you the paramount value.
Mistake #2: Oversight of Licensing and Insurance Verification.
One of the most colossal oversights that homeowners frequently commit is their failure to authenticate the licensure and insurance status of the furnace repair experts they enlist. The enlistment of unlicensed or uninsured technicians can precipitate a slew of predicaments, including exacerbation of the existing furnace maladies and the emergence of legal liabilities. Before procuring the services of any Franklin furnace repair entity, it is incumbent upon you to demand tangible proof of their licensing and insurance bona fides.
Mistake #3: Disregarding the Tenure and Proficiency.
Another ubiquitous blunder resides in the disregard for the professional longevity and the expertise wielded by the furnace repair specialists. The selection of professionals boasting an established track record within the industry is imperative. The search should be geared toward locating Franklin furnace repair experts that have amassed years of practical experience and have fostered a sterling repute for the dispensation of superlative services.
Mistake #4: Neglecting the Solicitation of References and Portfolios.
A multitude of individuals grievously forgo the solicitation of references or portfolios when in the throes of a quest to secure furnace repair experts. The omission of these crucial verifications exposes one to the peril of entrusting their needs to inadequately qualified individuals who may flounder in meeting their expectations. Consequently, it is imperative to demand references and allocate time for a comprehensive review of their antecedent projects to assure the requisite proficiencies are at their disposal.
Mistake #5: Underestimating Tailored Furnace Repair Solutions.
Regrettably, certain individuals fail to grasp the significance of customized furnace repair options. The home environment is inherently unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach may be ineffectual in rectifying all anomalies. One ought to seek out Franklin furnace repair specialists who proffer tailor-made solutions meticulously calibrated to address the peculiar needs of the domicile. This bespoke approach ensures the efficient and efficacious rectification of the furnace.
Mistake #6: Excessive Fixation on Cost.
While cost is an incontrovertible determinant in the decision-making process, it ought not to be the exclusive or paramount metric. Cheaper alternatives occasionally belie the maxim that states, "you get what you pay for," potentially culminating in higher expenditure in the long term. In consequence, it is judicious to gauge the overall value, factoring in competencies, renown, and customer testimonials, prior to making the definitive choice.
Mistake #7: Disregard for Emergency Repair Services.
A final, but recurrent error lies in the oversight of ascertaining the availability of emergency repair services. The unpredictable nature of furnace malfunctions demands the capability to summon prompt assistance at any hour. As such, it is incumbent upon the consumer to identify Franklin furnace repair experts who extend emergency repair services, ensuring readiness for contingencies.
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Frequently Asked Inquiries Pertaining to Franklin, WI Furnace Repair Experts:
Query 1: What is the typical expenditure associated with Franklin furnace repair services?
Response: The fiscal commitment requisite for furnace repair in Franklin is contingent upon the extensiveness of the malaise and the specificity of the required repairs. For the procurement of a personalized quotation commensurate with your unique predicament, the judicious course of action would be to reach out to Franklin furnace repair specialists directly.
Query 2: Does the provision of emergency furnace repair services entail supplementary fees?
Response: Indeed, certain Franklin furnace repair specialists may impose supplementary charges for the provision of emergency repair services. To obviate any untoward surprises, it is recommended that prospective clientele explicitly inquire about any potential ancillary costs while in the throes of discussions concerning their repair exigencies.
Query 3: What is the customary timeline for the rectification of furnace issues in Franklin?
Response: The temporal framework for furnace repairs may vary, contingent upon the complexity of the issues at hand. Routine repairs might culminate within a span of mere hours, whereas intricate maladies may necessitate a full day or possibly even a protracted duration. The furnishing of an accurate estimate hinges on a meticulous assessment of the situation by Franklin furnace repair specialists.
Query 4: Is it possible to secure a complimentary quotation for one's Franklin furnace repair requirements?
Response: The majority of Franklin furnace repair professionals extend the courtesy of free quotations for their services. As an advised modus operandi, one is encouraged to initiate communication with multiple specialists, thereby facilitating a comparative analysis of quotes and the selection of an option consonant with one's fiscal constraints and prerequisites.
Query 5: Are Franklin furnace repair experts available for solicitation during weekends and public holidays?
Response: The accessibility of Franklin furnace repair services may be contingent upon the policies of individual entities. Nevertheless, a multitude of esteemed companies extend the purview of their services to include emergency repairs during weekends and public holidays. It is expedient to solicit information regarding their availability during such times when initiating contact.
For a free quotation pertinent to your furnace repair requisites, do not hesitate to place a call to us at 262-648-7242.
For a comprehensive repository of information, please explore our website: https://franklinmilwaukeefurnacerepairs.com.
The cadre of Franklin furnace repair specialists that constitute our team is poised and prepared to deliver superlative service, tailored to your unique and exacting specifications.
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vncglobal · 1 year
CPAs and Small Businesses: Partners for Financial Success
Within the ever-changing landscape of the commercial realm, small firms frequently encounter the challenge of balancing numerous obligations, encompassing the efficient administration of daily activities as well as the pursuit of expansion and long-term viability. Within this intricate and multifaceted environment, a crucial alliance has the potential to provide significant outcomes - the cooperative relationship between Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and small enterprises. Simplify your financial workflows and boost productivity. Try VNC Global’s Accounting software for CPA firms in Singapore and witness the difference.
This blog article aims to examine the potential for collaboration between Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and small enterprises, with the objective of achieving financial success.
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The Role of CPAs in Small Businesses:
●    Financial Expertise:
Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) possess a comprehensive understanding of tax legislation, accounting principles, and financial regulations, making them highly proficient financial professionals. The knowledge and skills possessed by these individuals are of great value to small enterprises that are endeavouring to make well-informed choices regarding their finances. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) provide the necessary expertise to offer crucial advice in various areas, including the establishment of appropriate accounting systems, tax planning, and financial forecasting.
●    Tax Compliance:
Tax compliance can provide a formidable challenge for small business owners due to the constantly evolving nature of tax regulations. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) possess extensive knowledge and expertise in tax laws and regulations, enabling them to ensure firms' adherence to legal requirements while also optimising their utilisation of tax deductions and credits. This practice not only results in cost savings but also mitigates the risk of future legal complications.
●    Financial Planning:
Financial planning is crucial for small businesses in order to ensure long-term stability and success. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) have the expertise to facilitate the formulation of budgets, conduct comprehensive evaluations of financial statements, and devise effective methods to enhance organisational expansion and profitability. With the assistance of their coaching, organisations have the ability to establish attainable financial objectives and efficiently track their advancement. From tax planning to auditing services, VNC Global - one of the top Accounting CPA firms in Singapore has you covered. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your specific accounting needs.
●    Risk Mitigation:
Business activities inherently include financial risks. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) provide the expertise to assist small businesses in the identification and mitigation of these risks. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) assume a crucial position in risk management by engaging in various tasks such as cash flow management, evaluating the financial feasibility of expansion strategies, and reviewing investment prospects.
●    Business Valuation:
When the decision arises to divest the business or attract potential investors, certified public accountants (CPAs) possess the expertise to deliver precise and reliable business appraisals. This practice guarantees equitable remuneration for small business proprietors' diligent efforts and facilitates the attraction of prospective purchasers or investors.
The Benefits of the CPA-Small Business Partnership:
●    Financial Clarity:
One of the foremost benefits associated with collaborating with a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is the acquisition of enhanced comprehension pertaining to one's financial circumstances. By utilising precise financial information and receiving help from professionals, small business owners are able to make well-informed decisions that contribute to the enhancement of profitability and long-term viability. Unlock cost savings and streamline your operations with professional accounting outsourcing services offered by VNC Global - your trusted partner in Outsourcing for Accounting firm in Singapore.
●    Time Savings:
Time savings can be achieved by small business owners through the efficient management of their money, which can otherwise be a burdensome and daunting task. Entrepreneurs can enhance their productivity and alleviate stress by delegating financial responsibilities to a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), allowing them to concentrate on their primary business operations. This strategic approach enables entrepreneurs to save valuable time and streamline their workflow.
●    Legal Compliance:
Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) play a crucial role in ensuring that small firms adhere to tax rules and regulations, hence maintaining compliance. This practice mitigates the potential for financial penalties, legal repercussions, or other legal complications, so enabling organisations to function with greater efficiency and assurance.
●    Strategic Planning:
Strategic planning involves the utilisation of certified public accountants (CPAs) to assist small firms in formulating comprehensive and enduring financial strategies. This includes the establishment of attainable objectives, the optimisation of tax planning approaches, and the selection of investments that are in line with the organization's overarching vision.
●    Financial Health Assessment:
Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) offer periodic evaluations of the financial well-being of firms. The continuous assessment facilitates the early detection of possible difficulties, enabling prompt adjustments and corrections to be made.
Choosing the Best CPA for Your Business:
The selection of an appropriate Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is of utmost importance in establishing a prosperous and mutually beneficial collaboration. When choosing a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) for your small business, it is advisable to take into account the following recommendations:
Qualifications: It is imperative to ascertain that the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) possesses the necessary certification and remains well-informed about current industry knowledge and regulatory requirements.
Experience: Seek out a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who has a substantial background in collaborating with small enterprises or possesses specialised knowledge within your particular industry.
Compatibility: Compatibility is an essential factor to consider when selecting a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). It is crucial that the chosen CPA comprehends your business objectives and possesses strong communication skills, enabling seamless and efficient interaction between both parties.
Services Offered: The range of services provided includes: It is essential to identify the particular financial services that are needed and ascertain whether the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) possesses the capability to fulfil those requirements.
Fees: The discussion of costs in advance is recommended in order to prevent unexpected financial obligations. Certain certified public accountants (CPAs) employ an hourly billing structure, but others provide fixed fees or monthly retainers as their preferred pricing models.
Final Thoughts:
The collaboration between Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and small enterprises has been identified as a key factor contributing to achieving financial success. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) possess specialised knowledge and skills that allow them to provide valuable advice, counsel, and assurance to small business owners. By using their expertise, CPAs empower these entrepreneurs to effectively navigate the intricate financial terrain, instilling them with a sense of confidence and tranquillity.
Through the cultivation of such teamwork, small enterprises can effectively attain their financial objectives and establish a foundation for sustained expansion and profitability. For small business owners seeking to enhance their financial success, it is advisable to engage in collaboration with a proficient Certified Public Accountant (CPA) at the earliest opportunity. Discover the strategic benefits of outsourcing for your accounting firm. If you are looking for an excellent Bookkeeper for Accounting firm in Singapore, partner with VNC Global for a no-obligation outsourcing consultation.
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What are commercial real estate services?
Commercial real estate services refer to a range of professional services and activities related to the buying, selling, leasing, managing, and investing in commercial properties. Commercial properties include office buildings, retail spaces, industrial facilities, hotels, warehouses, and other income-producing real estate assets. These services are typically offered by real estate professionals, companies, and organizations specializing in the commercial real estate sector. Here are some of the key components of commercial real estate services:
Brokerage Services: Commercial real estate brokers help clients buy, sell, or lease commercial properties. They facilitate transactions, negotiate terms and conditions, and provide market insights to help clients make informed decisions.
Property Management: Property management companies oversee the day-to-day operations of commercial properties on behalf of owners. This includes tasks such as rent collection, maintenance, tenant relations, and financial reporting.
Leasing and Tenant Representation: Commercial real estate agents and brokers specializing in leasing help property owners find suitable tenants for their spaces. Tenant representation services assist businesses in finding suitable properties to lease.
Investment Services: Investment firms and professionals provide guidance on real estate investment strategies. They may help investors acquire, manage, or divest commercial properties to optimize returns.
Appraisal and Valuation: Appraisers determine the market value of commercial properties, which is crucial for financing, taxation, and decision-making purposes. Valuation services help property owners understand the worth of their assets.
Development and Construction: Developers and construction companies focus on creating new commercial properties or renovating existing ones. They handle the design, permitting, and construction phases of commercial real estate projects.
Financing and Mortgage Services: Lenders and financial institutions offer loans and mortgage products tailored to commercial real estate projects. These services help property buyers secure the necessary capital for their investments.
Market Research and Analysis: Real estate research firms provide market data, trends, and analysis to assist clients in making informed decisions. This includes information on vacancy rates, rental rates, and demand trends.
Consulting and Advisory Services: Real estate consultants offer strategic advice and planning services to property owners, investors, and developers. They may help clients optimize property portfolios, assess market risks, or formulate investment strategies.
Legal and Regulatory Services: Real estate attorneys specialize in handling legal aspects of commercial real estate transactions. They ensure that contracts, leases, and other legal documents comply with local laws and regulations.
Environmental Assessment: Environmental consultants assess commercial properties for environmental risks and compliance with environmental regulations. This is particularly important for properties with potential contamination issues.
Property Tax Services: Property tax consultants assist property owners in managing and minimizing property tax obligations by evaluating assessments and pursuing tax appeals when necessary.
Overall, commercial real estate services encompass a wide range of activities aimed at facilitating the acquisition, management, and optimization of commercial properties, with the goal of maximizing returns and minimizing risks for property owners, investors, and businesses.
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