#Proctor and Gamble
s3znl-gr3znl · 10 months
If you're receiving an hour lunch, that means you're spending 9 hours at work and being paid for 8.(for an average shift)
If you're understaffed, it means your company pay sucks/its cheaper to operate with fewer people and force them to work faster because "we're understaffed). Ergo, the company makes more money with fewer people working harder and faster, eventually resulting in burntout replaceableemployees.
Steal from your corporate company/chain store
As soon as it becomes cheaper to automate your job, your company will do so, usually with little to no warning.gz ,
Wage theft isn't just having wages withheld. it's also companies hoarding all the wealth YOU generate for the people at the top while paying barely enough for some people to get by.
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angelx1992 · 2 years
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cuneytyardimci · 1 year
Ampulün İcadı Kardiyovasküler Hastalıkları Nasıl Artırdı?
Edison’un ampulü icadı ile kardiyovasküler hastalıklar arasında mantıklı bir ilişki kuramadınız değil mi? Hatta başlığı okuyan birçok kişinin aklına, belki de “Ne alaka?” gibi bir soru bile gelmiştir. Evet, yanlış okumadınız; Ampulün keşfinin toplumda kardiyovasküler hastalıkların görülme oranını ciddi derecede artırdığını iddia ediyorum, Ve, Bu yazının sonuna geldiğinizde, çok büyük…
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handweavers · 1 month
some people will post completely insane stuff in their native language that they depend on their anglo friends and colleagues not understanding bc it contradicts everything they say in english. like this person i know who calls themselves a queer decolonial feminist in english but has been sharing posts online in spanish nonstop in support of us sanctions against venezuela and from accounts posting in support of fascist militias targeting communists like. fucking lol
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stone-cold-groove · 12 days
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Let’s look at letterheads - The Proctor & Gamble Company corporate stationery.
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miggsboson · 2 years
one time at a Halloween party, i was telling a stranger dressed as Marty McFly "did you know we're just down the street from the Gamble House where Back to the Future was filmed? Its also of Gamble of Proctor and--"*
Then my best friend comes over and interrupts with "Oh really cuz your mom's sex tape was filmed at my house"
then i swear to god she high fived the stranger, but i was drunk, so maybe it just felt like she did
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coochiequeens · 2 years
This is the perfect example of how transwomen have male socialization. He does something tasteless and gets criticized by women. And instead of looking inward and asking himself if there are more productive ways of breaking down gender roles (like maybe showing himself doing laundry and how to take care of clothes instead of collecting more props) he calls the women hateful.
A controversial male social media influencer is sparking backlash after an Instagram video he made scolding women began to circulate on social media. In the video, Jeffery Marsh, who identifies as non-binary, addressed a past sponsorship he had been offered to promote tampons and other feminine hygiene products.
Last month, Marsh posted a video to his Instagram page speaking to “the ladies of Twitter, especially” over “hate” he received for a tampon ad campaign he took part in. After being uploaded to other social media platforms, the video began to spark backlash, amassing hundreds of critical comments from women concerned about female erasure.
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In the video, Marsh addresses the “hate” he received for a paid campaign he took part in with feminine hygiene product brand This is L. The partnership had actually taken place in 2020, but had recently begun receiving new attention after images from the photoshoot with Marsh were shared on Twitter once again.
As new comments began to pile under his campaign photos, Marsh filmed a video addressing his reasons for taking part in a tampon promotion. 
“I made the video for 2 reasons. So that women would feel less stigmatized, so that people who menstruate would feel less stigmatized,” Marsh said, noting that menstruation is often seen as “gross, disgusting, a joke” by “cis” men. 
Calling himself a “non-binary person who does not menstruate,” Marsh claimed his intentions behind taking the paid gig were to help end the stigma associated with periods. He continued: “And then the hate came for me,” and scolded the women who took issue with his participation in the tampon promotion, claiming that they were “policing” gender by criticizing him.
“We should be working together. The more you police your gender role the more you are policing the idea that one gender role is the best. I will keep fighting for your rights even if you hate me to my core because women are not second class citizens.”
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Marsh’s claimed reasons for his participation in the ad campaign fell flat on social media, with many pointing out that Marsh frequently uses the term “TERF” when addressing women who vocally support the basic rights and safeguarding of women and children. TERF – an acronym standing for “trans exclusionary radical feminist” – is often used in a derogatory fashion and coupled with threats and abuse.
Jeffrey Marsh is well-known amongst advocates for women’s rights and child safeguarding due to his catalogue of videos denying the existence of biological sex, as well as those where he directly addresses the “kids” in his audience. Marsh has advocated people to go “no contact” with families or relatives who invalidate their gender identity, and has advised parents to provide“gender affirming care” for their children.
Marsh’s most recent video on his past collaboration also referenced popular trans-identified male influencer Dylan Mulvaney, who similarly defended his decision to become a spokesperson for Tampax last year. Both Tampax and This is L, the brand Marsh promoted, are owned by mega-conglomerate Proctor & Gamble. 
In 2020, This is L partnered with the Phluid Project in a promotional video featuring individuals of varying “gender identities” to spread the message that periods are not specific to females. Amongst the “queer” influencers who shilled their “gender neutral” menstrual products were Blair Imani and Alok Vaid-Menon. 
Phluid is a “gender free” clothing and lifestyle brandbased in New York which also often involves itself in trans activism. On its website, Phluid states that it “…support[s] the most at risk of the LGBTQIA+ community [by] supporting trans-led organizations.” Phluid has provided direct support to the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, which provides assistance to incarcerated males who wish to change their gender or be moved to a women’s institution. 
Among the inmates the SRLP has worked with are convicted child murderer Synthia Chyna Blast, who was invited to be part of their prisoner action committee, and Xena Grandichelli, who raped a toddler yet assisted with SRLP’s community outreach. 
This is L also features multiple partners on their site, most of which equally propagate that women are not the only ones who menstruate. In particular, the Period Project, which strongly advocates for “gender neutral” language around menstruation.
On its website, the Period Project writes: “Not all women menstruate, and not all menstruators are women. At The Period Project, we are dedicated to supporting all menstruators, and we want to make sure our fight for menstrual equity is gender inclusive. We use the term ‘menstruators’ to refer to all people who experience menstruation, including cisgender, transgender, nonbinary, and genderfluid individuals.”
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broadcastarchive-umd · 6 months
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The Gibson Family – before there was SMASH, before there was Cop Rock, before there was That’s Life – all attempts at creating an ongoing musical series for television – there was The Gibson Family (1934-35), a failed musical series on the NBC Radio Red Network. The program had a big sponsor, Proctor & Gamble / Ivory Soap, and songs by the classy team of Arthur Schwartz and Howard Dietz.
Originally posted March 25, 2013.
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ricoka · 6 months
people so intertwined with their job they don't realise that the abbreviations they use aren't common knowledge and you just sit there trying to figure it out what it means like
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frimleyblogger · 1 month
A Fiscal Theme Park
It is now the largest indirect taxation source for the UK Government, boosting the Treasury coffers by £169.25 billion in fiscal year 2023/24. Introduced appropriately enough on April Fool’s Day 1973 to replace Purchase Tax, Value Added Tax (VAT) was intended to be a simple tax. Essential goods such as food, fuel, and housing were exempt but a rate of 10% was levied on all other goods and…
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thus-spoke-lo · 4 months
i try not to discourse much but, why is there such an influx of people feeling entitled to tell bloggers that they shouldn't post about their personal life, shouldn't celebrate good things that happen to them or complain about bad things, should stick to writing and/or art, etc.
like where is this coming from? is everyone just so absolutely fucking piss-brained from consuming content that they just see every person who's written a fic or shared fanart as a content machine that they can't possibly see as human?
i feel like that was the whole appeal of a lot of early vloggers/bloggers/streamers was that they were relatable--that they let you into their lives and let you connect with them on a more personal level (even if it led to people developing parasocial relationships and feeling entitled to more and more of people's private lives). has the pendulum just swung violently the other way and now we have no interest in knowing the people that happen to create things and share them, and only want the product they produce? where the hell is the fun in that?
sure i follow people here for their art or their writing, but this is still a social media website, and i like the social part of it. i want to know that your cat was an asshole today, or that your tummy hurts, or see a picture from your vacation or of what you wore today--if you feel comfortable sharing those things, of course. that's part of what connects us, isn't it--glimpses beyond the veil of internet anonymity? otherwise, i might as well be following Unilever or Proctor & Gamble if i just want to be given a product--a shiny, nameless, faceless facsimile of connection--for my brand loyalty.
anyway just. be fucking kind to one another. reset your expectations if you think real human beings with lives and jobs and kids and friends outside of the internet should be churning out content like a bot making buzzfeed listicles. and if you are so deeply, irrevocably harmed by people sharing their personal lives instead of making yet another fic or piece of art for you to inhale, consider unfollowing, blocking, and then perhaps stepping outside for a second away from social media to feel the air on your skin and remind yourself that you, too, are a human.
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reality-detective · 10 months
Dark History of Industrial Seed Oils
Vegetable oil was originally a by-product of Proctor and Gamble’s soap-making process and condemned as “toxic waste."
Then they realised they could make a buck by hydrogenating cottonseed oil and passing it off as a cooking oil. It wasn’t long before other hydrogenated oils like canola, soybean and sunflower oils hit the shelves.
Paid scientists began singing their praises and advised consuming them in place of “unhealthy” animal-based saturated fats that people had eaten for hundreds of years without any issue.
Food Facts 🤔
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misterlemonzmen · 6 months
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03-29-24 | Mr. Clean was introduced by Proctor & Gamble in 1958 with TV commercials that were not intentionally erotic. It was a different time. via pothos-god-of-desire. MisterLemonzMen.tumblr.com/archive
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stackslip · 10 months
wasn't a big fan of jezebel myself but this article is really good
Brands, the marketing giants they hire, and the technology companies that enforce “brand safety” are overwhelmingly conservative about advertising against news content, in a way that has been devastating to ad-supported news sites. The “economic headwinds” for the news industry that media execs love to talk about is in reality the complete and utter collapse of the advertising market for news under the sheer cowardice of many brands and marketing firms. “What’s happened is this perfect storm of marketers becoming increasingly wary of getting caught up in the culture wars and being punished for it, even though there’s virtually no evidence that advertising against news leads to that,” Lou Paskalis, chief strategy officer of Adfontes Media, which helps advertisers measure bias among media outlets, told 404 Media. “And so, at the very time when news has become more important to keep the electorate informed, marketers have pulled back from their responsibility.” This means that many brands and the marketing agencies that work for them are scared not just of the important topics that Jezebel covered, but are also scared of having their ads next to news articles about the war in Gaza, coverage of “Free Palestine” protests, coverage of terrorism, extremism, and white nationalism, articles about sex and porn, and so on. (...) It is not an exaggeration to say that the largest companies in the world are colluding to put their thumb on the scales of what types of news is monetized, and which types of news is monetized at lower rates or not monetized at all. The World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) is listed by the World Economic Forum as one of its “projects” and includes every major marketing agency, as well as brands like Nike, Merck, Nestle, Proctor and Gamble, TikTok, Disney, Walmart, Adidas, BP, Shell, Goldman Sachs, Electronic Arts, McDonalds, and more. It represents 90 percent of all advertising dollars spent in the entire world—$900 billion in spend per year.
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xtec · 2 months
Proctor and Gamble sounds like a cool manga about a statistics teacher and a gambling prodigy trying to outscam Vegas but it's just a mega corporation 😔😔😔
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From Mattress Actress to Couch Surfing VICTIM
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Canellecitadelle @Canellelabelle
"Meghan is her own worse enemy and that in itself is her karma. Here is a women who at 43 years old, STILL cannot do her mea culpa, take accountability for her own failures, learn from it and move on. She exists in 3 modes only:
Perpetual victimhood
Race baiting
Lies on lies
The same dishwasher story that has already been debunked, she continues to tell it, like the compulsive liar she is.
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But then again, Meg was always a liar (even as a child):
A Class project directed by a teacher, demanding ALL students write a letter to submit to Proctor & Gamble. Meghan changed the story to "she decided to write the letter after witnessing injustice toward women at 11 and her letter changed the course of advertisement history" what an insufferable bore
A failed actress who couldnt even afford a house or car in her name successfully marries into the RF after catching a Dim and desperate prince. She is given status and titles
YET she manage to lose it all after bullying female staff and creating drama out of everything in her jealousy over the future Queen; meghan changed the story to "she was bullied and Everyone hated her because she was the best at royal life and she was black" Best at what? she couldn't even be arsed to learn the first 6 lines of the British anthem
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Meanwhile For the Past 6 years, in online orchestrated hate campaign, in interviews, books and netflix docuseries, Meghan has not stopped attacking and harrassing Catherine, at every turn; But she is a "Feminist."
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More to the point, Meghan is always sitting on other people's platform to babble. At least, if you are going to appropriate, other people's work, projects or platforms, use it to promote some type of work or project you have going on. NOTHING.
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Meghan goes from couch to couch, from coast to coast, moaning about her 18 months (70 days of employment) in the RF because she simply has NOTHING going on for herself.
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Mrs 'unemployed and unemployable' is Living off manufactured drama to hide the fact that she has nothing else to do.
That is why she is retelling ad nauseam the same lie she told when she was 11 years old; that is why she is holding onto her titles and the Royal family with the might of her veneers.
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Meghan has Nothing going on for herself Beside being prince Harry's wife. NOTHING And that does NOT make her a Feminist.
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No meg, It actually makes you just another shallow "Real Housewife of Orange County."
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