#Private lives lockscreens
bnhaobssesed · 21 days
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Thinking about husband!Bakugo and wife!reader
Katsuki always pictured himself as a hero, yes. But when that became a reality, his life had no other purposes than to be the number one hero. Bear with me, he still wanted to be number one. But as he grew older he saw people around him settle and have a compromise between hero life and their private life. And by that I mean building a family. Kirishima was the first one to do so with Mina, soon followed by a lot of his friends. Even Deku at some point. And even if he sometimes loved being 'uncle Kats', he sometimes wishes he could hear that small laugh looking like his, or small eyes sparkling like yours.
For the first time ever, his wishes took another turn. He wanted to be father as much as he wanted to be the number one hero. If not even more.
And even if it took a while to get it off his chest, he wouldn't regret it for one second just to live this moment.
He was coming home after a long day of work, expecting to hear little screams and be met with the vivacity of his house. No, pure silence. It seemed strange to not hear small runnning footsteps towards the entryway and a little excited 'daddy !' coming from the living room.
He got his shoes off and started his investigation on where the people in his house was hidden. He first thought of one of their endless pranks which soon got denied by the sight next to the couch.
You were there, sleeping on the carpet with a little boy in your arms. His son, his first born of now three. And your hand rested on the edge of a rocking crib where his daughter of a little less than five months was sleeping peacefully too. She was sprawled out just like him when he sleeps and beneath her closed eyelids she shared the same red irises as him and her brother.
His son had his head nuzzled in your shoulder, being always so clingy to you in such a vulnerable state. And your cheek was smudged against the top of his spiky looking hair. You were drolling a little, your hair slightly messed up but right now you looked like the most beautiful creature that he got the whance to marry somehow. And that shimmering band on your finger was the proof of it.
He crouched down, carefully putting his gauntlets away. He studied you three for a very long time, never getting sick of it. He had build this... After years of only wanting to be a hero, he had build something greater. Something to go home to, to live for, to not be reckless for, to protect with all his strength. Because when he left in the morning, it was to those smiles and those faces he was fighting to come back to. He gently took out his phone, already filled to the brim with other frozen moments like this... of his family. He took a picture, his smile extending as he heard you mumbling his name in your sleep. He obviously put it as his new lockscreen, a new vision of his motiviation.
He'll bleed and fight for this and make all those streets sure for these three persons right in front of him. He kissed each of your faces carefully before silently going to cook dinner. Not without glancing at the baby photos hanging on the wall on his way out.
They were his copy, a fact you would often complain about. Being the one who "carried them for 9 months and got no credit on the appearence" as you liked to say. But he knew part of you adored to have little versions of him running around. And he was jealous of it, he wanted to have a mini you too running around.
But that would be for another day. Closer than you might know.
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ravixen · 6 days
can you do one wherein they're on a variety show and someone asks about your relationship?? (they are publicly dating) With Seungcheol, Wonwoo, Minghao and Vernon?
svt + variety show asks about idol!s/o
➔ reaction || requested || idol!y/n
➔ warnings: none || 0.6k words ➔ notes: fluff ; this prompt feels like it'd go well with my previous posts "svt + sending a video message on a show" from 2022 and 2023! I originally wrote this for a non-idol!y/n before I realized that by "publicly dating," you probably meant an idol s/o so I redid it. I had a little trouble thinking of situations since the prompt was broad, but it was still fun to write. might do another part with the more open members. please reblog if you liked it!!
SEUNGCHEOL: if he was promoting with his members, he wouldn't even entertain the question; working as part of a team matters a lot to him, and as the group leader, he has to set an example. but today he's doing a solo interview and lets himself be more open. when the hosts ask about you, he absolutely tries his best to hide his initial reaction, but he can't help the smile that automatically appears at the mention of your name. he attempts to play it off with an arrogant hair ruffle that fools no one. literally so embarrassing. "am I happy? ...yeah, I'd say so." he laughs. "why would I say no? all of my important people are healthy and living their best life." he doesn't share too many details about you, just to protect your privacy, but he'd be proud to promote any of your recent achievements, regardless of your occupation.
WONWOO: he's a private person, so while he is technically dating in the public eye, there's not much known about your relationship; that's exactly why the show hosts are taking advantage of this opportunity to grill him about you. but he evades their questions with the practiced grace of someone who's had media training, dancing right in front of the answers they're looking for. he looks so at ease: crossed arms, leaned back, a hint of a smile on his lips. but perhaps it's due to this false sense of security that, when they bring out the big guns, it knocks him off-balance. they have pictures. nothing incriminating. it's just embarrassing to see his affection collaged like this: peeks of you as his lockscreen, him dancing in the crowd at your street performance, him staring affectionately at your back as you order from a food truck...yeah, they caught him with it all.
MINGHAO: he's an extremely private person—I'd argue even more so than wonwoo—so he warned the program beforehand that he wouldn't answer any questions about you, other than to confirm that yes, you are still happily together. they agree...and of course scheme ways to get around that. so instead of asking about you directly, they decide to reference you a few times throughout the shooting to catch his reaction. maybe your song as a random dance or screenshots of your show as memes. they have audacity, he'll give them that. if he was a lesser man or earlier into his career, he'd cave and play into their wants, but neither of those apply to him so he smiles every time, ignoring the references, until they get bored and move on. then, at the end of the shoot, they ask if he has any closing words. "thanks for promoting their work so seriously," he says with a sarcastic bow.
VERNON: he's yet another private person (do you have a type), though not through conscious choice like minghao. he's publicly dating and has nothing to hide, but he's not the type to flaunt personal matters so he just doesn't. obviously his friends and family know the important details, but beyond that, he doesn't see the point in sharing information with people that don't really know him. so when the hosts ask him about his relationship, it catches him off-guard. he fully blinks and stares at the host until someone breaks the silence with an awkward laugh. "unless you two broke up?" they offer tentatively. "no, we're still together. it's been, uh, it's been good. great." he nods. "we actually went to see a movie yesterday." and the hosts sit there waiting for him to continue, and he's staring back at them like. that's all I wanted to say...are we moving on?
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jenomov · 1 year
tape 001. (l.jn + 00z line)
wc: 1.9k
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“c’mon man, it’s my turn to choose the movie, it was your turn last week!” haechan groaned, slightly pushing jaemin.
“fine, but we’ll use renjun’s laptop this time, since a certain someone broke mine last week.” he turns back to haechan, rolling his eyes. “hey fuck you dude, i told you it was an accident alread-“
“no way! i have an essay coming up, i’m using it as soon as i finish this.” renjun yelled, from the kitchen, cleaning the dishes. “use jeno’s or something, he’s not here anyway.”
“are you crazy?” jaemin yelled back. “there’s private stuff on there!! and he only shares his laptop with his girlfriend.”
“so what?” haechan laughed. “he probably privates all his stuff anyway, you know how he is. plus, he has a bunch of movies in a file he keeps for us” — he gets up, fixes his hair before going into jeno’s room. “so i’ll go get it.”
a few minutes after looking for the device, haechan comes back to the living room, sitting between jaemin and renjun, opening the laptop. groaning, he’s met with a lockscreen, asking for a password.
“see, i told you we should’ve used renjun’s laptop, jeno’s too private man, i can’t even get in myself.” jaemin sighs, facing haechan. “where’s your laptop anyway?” he questions.
“mark has it, and he won’t be back until tomorrow.” he says typing on the keyboard, thinking of the right password.
“dude stop trying shit, you’ll lock his laptop forever.” renjun grabs his arm, already annoyed. “let’s just use the tv.”
“hold on man, there’s a hint here”
⃣[who’s my best friend?]
“oh yeah, that’s easy, it’s obviously me!” jaemin laughed.
however, the three boys were all met with a “try again” sentence. confused, they tried you, renjun, haechan, and well, most of the members, all answers being wrong, until “mark” somehow unlocked the laptop, making them stare at the homescreen picture being you and jeno on some sort of vacation.
“what the fuck?” haechan and jaemin yelled at the same time. they looked at each other for a few seconds, feeling betrayed.
“well! guess i’ll need to talk to mark when he comes back to see who his REAL best friend is!” haechan faked wiping a tear off his face, while looking for jeno’s pirated movie file. “i’m pretty sure it would’ve been too easy if he chose jaemin man.” renjun added. “dude, jeno’s not scared of getting caught having all those downloaded movies?” renjun asked, “there’s a shit load of pirated clips in there…” he continues.
minutes pass by and the silence in the living room is sometimes broken by “no not that” and “we’ve already watched this”. even added by a “we can’t watch horror movies because renjun is scared of those”—
“hey fuck you man, atleast i’m not a psycho and watch murder stories videos all night like you jaemin” he scoffs.
“whatever fuckass let’s just do something else— “hey guys?” haechan speaks up, making the bickering between the other two stop. “i think we’ve found our movie for tonight.”
“jeno’s into weird movies? there’s no title— ouu it’s probably something dark- ow!” jaemin laughs out loud while renjun hits him in the arm.
haechan clicks on the video, curiosity getting the best of him.
“woah what are you doing?” renjun stops him, panic taking over. “what? he probably just forgot to put the title on it, it’s probably just a regular movie, like spider-man or some shit.”
renjun sits back down, pushing his two toned hair back, nervous. “alright. besides, maybe it’s a movie we haven’t watched yet, i’m sick of you guys watching scary movies.”
“okay jun, just press play, we wanna see what’s that about.” jaemin retorts.
the beginning of the video shows nothing weird of any sort, just a dimly lit room and a bed— that kind of looks like jeno’s. without paying any mind to the details, they keep watching.
“shit, i’ll be back, my phone’s ringing.” renjun gets up to the bathroom, excusing himself.
the video continues normally, the dead silence of the room gets cut off by giggles and heavy sighs, which made the boys question their choice of movie.
“dude is that fucking porn? i don’t wanna watch that shit.” jaemin takes the laptop in his hands, ready to press the back arrow when he suddenly stops his movements.
“what?” confused, haechan looks closely at the screen, face changing from confusion to shock. “wait, is that-“ he adds “uh… yeah, i think so” jaemin places the computer back on the small table, paying more attention to the clip they found just a minute ago.
you’re barely noticeable, the camera shows you laying on the bed, wrists tied up and gagged, drool dripping around the plastic ball. your legs are spread at your maximum; showing your used and bruised ass to the lens, black tape covering your cunt, making your asshole the only thing on display. the only sound they could hear was your whining and moaning. jaemin and haechan stare at your trembling figure, unable to keep their eyes away.
“i’m sorry baby, but bad girls don’t deserve to be properly fucked don’t they” they could hear jeno talk behind the camera, voice low and far from his usual tone. “seeing you flirt with my friends, i cant let that happen now can’t i?” you shook your head, tears prickling in the corner of your eyes. he gets closer to you, angling the camera to get a closer look at your hole. you whine as you feel his index and middle fingers on your taped cunt, eyes begging for him to fuck you.
“hey sorry that took so long it was important — what the fuck are you guys watching??” renjun interrupts, looking at the screen.
“just—just sit down man.” haechan mutters. “i can’t let you horny fucks watch some por-“
“woah.” he stops.
renjun feels guilty for watching, but he’s fixed on the way your body is trembling in excitement, by the way your pretty face is covered in spit and dried tears, or by the way you’re whining softly, eyes fixed on jeno, being so obedient, despite the obscene scene the tape is showing him.
he’s never imagined or thought of you this way, but when he feels his pants tightening, he had to watch more.
they want to see you vulnerable.
jeno holds the back of your thighs, making you stop wriggling underneath him. “now won’t you be a good girl and take what i give you?” you nod frantically, body shaking. “good girl.” he gives you a kiss on your nose, then lines himself up to your rim.
your muffled moans and cries are the only thing heard in the room. the three boys are mesmerized by your expressions, haechan’s slowly pulling his underwear down as he strokes his own cock. “this is wrong, we—can you please put your dick away?” jaemin asks. “if he knows we’ve watched this it’s over.” he continues, facing the urge to join haechan in his pleasuring session.
you get dizzy as you feel jeno filling you up so nicely, never getting used to how big he is. you look at him with half opened eyes, tears slowly falling down your eyes, wrists hurting from the restraints.
“man, look at how well she takes his dick.” haechan confesses, his hand stroking his tip, groaning at the sight of you being ruined.
jeno grabs your ass, making him reach deeper inside you, each rough thrusts make you beg, trying to reach for his arms despite your restraints. your head falls back on the pillows, feeling yourself losing it more and more. he taps your cheek a few times before removing the ball from your mouth, strings of saliva connected from your lips to the plastic. “what a messy baby, am i making you feel good?” he grabs your jaw, forcing you to look at him. the boys groan at your fucked up state, they have never heard a better sound other than your moans and begging.
“u-uh huh… more… pleasepleaseplease.” you mumble. you feel him everywhere. his weight on you, his hands on your thighs, forcing your legs open, his stare, his cock splitting your ass open. you feel like passing out. “more?” he scoffs. “me fucking your tight little ass isn’t enough? you’re just a greedy whore, always want to be stuffed full of cock is that it?” you nod over and over again, making him chuckle. you feel out of it, eyes rolling to the back of your head. you want more, you’re desperate for a release, but you know jeno won’t give you what you want so easily, besides, you broke his rules, right?
the boys wondered how it would feel to be inside you, it’s not like they haven’t thought of it, maybe except renjun, who was always so respectful of you and your relationship. at the back of his head, he still felt bad for watching, but today, his perspective of you changed, you were nothing but a filthy slut, who’d give any of her holes, just for the sake of pleasure.
you gasp when you’re suddenly flipped onto your stomach, lightheaded from the previous actions of your boyfriend. “ass up.” is all he says as you obey, though struggling to keep your knees still, your legs shaking.
you feel jeno’s tip kiss your rim, as an indication that you’re not quite done being used yet. he positions the camera closer to your entrance as he slowly gets fully inside you, making you both sigh.
haechan is a mess, he’s getting closer to his release, while renjun tries to look away from the screen, forcing himself up to get water, he sighs uncomfortably at his tight shorts.
jaemin on the other hand, is so focused on you that he cums in his hand without realizing it.
“i have a big load for you angel, you’re gonna take all i give you right?” his thrusts get sloppier, he whines more and more feeling your tight hole milking him. “inside please.” is all that was needed before you feel his warm load inside your ass, crying into the pillow at the sensation.
the three boys groan at the sight of your abused hole, tape peeling off of your cunt, legs giving up making you almost fall before jeno picks your legs up, taking the camera to show your leaking hole. tsk.
“what an ungrateful little slut.” the name makes you look back at him, tears falling on your swollen face, “i’m sorry sir—” your fingers scoops the cum off your hole, bringing them to your mouth before releasing them with a slight ‘pop’. “is that better?” he slaps your ass making you yelp.
“good girl.”
“you’re gross haech, better hurry up before they come back and see your pervert ass on his computer.” renjun tells him, watching haechan run off to the bathroom, jeans barely on his legs.
jaemin wakes up from his daydream to his sticky hand, shaking his head before quickly pulling his pants off and head to his dorm.
renjun stares at the wall, feeling more guilty than ever, with a raging boner that he has yet to touch, when suddenly the door unlocks.
a/n: dialogue is so hard wtf…. part 2?
© jenomov do not repost/translate
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livelaughloveloak · 1 year
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𖦹 pairing : earth1610!miles morales x reader
𖦹 summary : random scenarios and headcanons of miles as your boyfriend
𖦹 author's note : y'all I'm literally running out of ideas so I would appreciate it if you guys sent me some requests 😭 btw this isn't proofread
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you and him definitely have a snapstreak but it was on accident. he randomly snapped you and you'd snap him back on a daily so now you two are just stuck with a 200+ snapstreak.
he bought you a Polaroid camera for your birthday and you ended up using up most of the film on him.
you have the pictures up on the board hanging up in your room
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HE'S A COMPLETE SWEET HEARTTTT through actions or through text he'll show his love for you either way.
you pulled back from the tight hug miles pulled you into and looked up at his face. "miles you have that smug look on your face again." you poked his cheek and laughed. miles gasped and was quick to defend himself although he was in fact smiling like an idiot. "I do not!!"
if he's not busy with spiderman business, school, family problems, or hanging out with you then he's busy texting you instead.
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he might go to an advanced private school but he refuses to write sentences properly.
you'd receive messages from him like these
luv u
he'll abuse the living hell out of emojis when texting you
"yup 😎😎😎😎😎😎💪💪💪"
"wdym no ☹️☹️😒😒🤨🤨🤨"
omw Mami 😋😋😋🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿
he'll ask you for help when it's washday for his hair. his scalp is sensitive so you make sure to be extra careful
he has your contact saved as mi alma. one time his mom saw the contact name pop up on his phone and questioned him about it. he freaked out and started blabbering nonsense
he tells you stories about his adventures when his uncle aaron was still alive.
he has a picture of you as his wallpaper and a pic of you guys together as his lockscreen
he draws you two matching pfps
will definitely give you a new drawing everytime he can
was sweating bullets when he finally revealed to you that he was spiderman.
the pressure was quickly lifted off of his shoulders once you said that you accepted him and understood.
he's still scared that you'd be his canon event and swears he'll never let you die
"even if I have to destroy this universe as long as you're alive I'll be alright." you pinched his cheek and smiled. "don't be silly miles" a groan escaped his mouth as you giggled. "mami stopppp I'm being serious right now."
he let's you win in games just to see you happy but if it's basketball he's not gonna hold back 😭🙏
has his face buried in your neck while sleeping. he says it's because "I'm cold and you just happen to be warm" but yet again it's the middle of summer.
will be jumping up and down our of joy when you bought him new Jordans for his birthday
he has a bracelet with your name engraved into it and he wears it proudly
his phone album is filled with pictures of you. you and him fight eachother whenever you catch him trying to take a candid 0.5 picture of you
he 100% calls you "my heart"
says the most old man type of comebacks when playfully arguing with you
"yeah well you can go kick rocks!!"
"boohoo buckaroo"
"too bad so sad"
"nuh uh" or in other times "yuh huh"
"whatever pal"
"listen here buddy"
you two wear matching pajamas when you have sleepovers
don't get me started on this man and saying the "rizz" jokes...
"rizzanator is what I am"
"let's have a rizz off"
"call me the rizzmaster"
he'll airdrop you the most random memes and burst out laughing when seeing your reaction
he gifted you a promise ring with both of your initials engraved into it as an anniversary gift
miles won you a teddy bear in a fair and now you both call it your "child"
don't expect to get a warning because miles will randomly FaceTime you out of nowhere.
he'd give you a spiderman suit so you could match with him
when you first met his mom she liked you without hesitation and asked to take a picture with you. she made miles take the picture 😭
overall a sweet guy and will give you the princess treatment you deserve!!
July 4, 2023 | All rights reserved to @livelaughloveloak • Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own. ✮
art in the polaroids are made by purpletunabread on twitter and koscribbls on instagram
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yjhariani · 2 years
This time, the post is dedicated to @harveywritings92 due to this post being only so long.
Apparently, the only thing that gets me to write nowadays is other people's work.
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There was something in his hair when Simon woke up. He could feel them tickling his head.
Simon ran his fingers through his hair and caught pieces of something in his hair. When he pulled them out, he found what looked to be flower petals.
“What the fuck?” Simon breathed.
With a quiet groan, Simon pulled himself into a sitting position by the edge of the bed. Right then he saw something falling from his chest. When he looked down to see what it was, he saw flowers on the floor.
Raising his eyebrows to nonverbally say Are you fucking kidding me? Simon looked around. The other side of the bed was empty, but there were more flowers on the bed.
That was when Simon started calling your name. Once he concluded that he would not be receiving a response, Simon got on his feet and started walking. As he did, flower petals and buds were still falling from him.
Simon called to you again and he did not get a response again.
Have I actually died? Simon thought to himself.
In his opinion, it was fitting. However, the only thing that made Simon doubt that he had died was the fact that he was at peace. He never thought that he would die at peace.
So, one more time, Simon called your name. He practically shouted it out this time.
You were in the living room with your private audio device attached to your ears. You finally heard Simon calling your name. So, you removed whatever it was that had been covering your ears and turned to face the direction of the source of the call.
Simon had just entered the living room. Upon seeing you, he slouched his shoulders that were initially tense for whatever reason.
The two of you were only looking at each other for some time.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“Why the hell there’s flowers on our bed?” Simon asked.
A smile popped on your face.
Last night, Simon arrived home after what seemed to be an awful deployment. He looked so exhausted and was acting accordingly. Earlier this morning, he woke up and helped you around your humble abode until he decided that the two of you should have a nap.
When you woke up, you tried waking him up, but Simon told you that he was dead and not sleeping as well as telling you to leave flowers and get out.
Well, you did.
“You told me to,” you said. “I held a funeral, too. It’s surprising that you slept through the whole thing. I took pictures. A lot of ‘em if you wanna see. One of them is my new lockscreen.”
With the scrunching of his eyebrows, Simon could only say, “What?” as he processed what you just told him.
“Here, come see,” you said as you showed your phone.
Simon walked up to you and saw you unlocking your phone. The photo on the screen made him scrunch not only his eyebrows this time but his whole face.
It was Simon, asleep, he looked peaceful even for his standard, and with flowers slipped into his folded hands as well as scattered all around him.
You showed him the latest pictures in your gallery and Simon could not believe what he was seeing. 
There were more pictures alike what he saw on your phone earlier, but that was not it. There were pictures of you in it with black veil draped over your head as you faked crying. There were also pictures of you smiling and joking around all by yourself with Simon’s ‘dead body’.
“You are so banged up, my guy,” you teased. “By the way, I sent some of these to the group chat and everybody wishes you to rest in peace and offers me their condolences.”
The mention of the group chat was the one thing that really woke Simon up.
“You what?” Simon questioned.
“Yeah,” you nodded, knowing that Simon did hear what you said. “Laswell said she’s delivering a bouquet. That’s roughly an hour ago.”
“You’re not serious,” Simon stated.
At the same second, there was a knock on your front door. The two of you skipped towards it and found a person delivering a bouquet of flowers from Kate Laswell.
Once you received the flowers and closed your door, you looked at Simon.
“Fuckin’ hell,” Simon said, rather impressed, “You should’ve asked for cash.”
You side eyed him, folding in your lips to hold back a laugh.
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belladonnadawn · 3 months
Sakuverse men phone headcanons!
Silly headcanons about men and their phones! ft. Kayson Mayer, Andrew Marston, Isaac Rhoades, Xanthus Claiborne, Elias, and Dontis
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Kayson Mayer
Will have those clear case where he puts a picture of listener or his family on the back of his phone.
Merged his calendar with listener's so he'd be able to plan dates and breaks with them.
Has an album dedicated for his family and listener, I also believe that he curated a playlist for them.
Plays those volleyball mobile games.
Kayson is the type of guy that will see two cats or any silly picture and send it to listener with a caption 'us'.
Probably did a tiktok.
Andrew Marston
I'd say that he'll have those fuckass flip cases that grandparents have but that'll be harsh 😭
He'd have those quotes from classic literature as his lockscreen and of course he'll have his darling as his wallpaper.
Deleted his social media after what happened, but I'd like to think that he had Facebook where he used to connect with his family (even uses it to search for his twin).
Has candy crush, believe me he does.
His note app are filled with poems and ongoing literary works, some of them are dedicated to his darling.
Isaac Rhoades
Plain black case.
Black lockscreen and wallpaper before the listener came into his life.
He probably has a stolen picture of pickle as his wallpaper or lockscreen. And he sometimes stare at it when he's having a bad or hard day.
Not gonna lie, I kinda believe that when he takes pictures they taken in such angle in a way that makes it look like something you'll see in a true crime documentary. He's literally a private investigator, so those angles are not a surprise.
Probably has no apps except the default ones just like Xanthus, but in a way that he's paranoid that a small info can immediately track him down because of his line of work.
Xanthus Claiborne
Okay, Xanthus probably does not care for phone cases. He probably believes that he's so fast and he'd be able to catch his phone before it falls on the floor or if it does and it breaks, he'd just buy one again.
Everything is default, he probably doesn't use it that much except for communication and information.
If he has a social media, he'd probably lurk on those forums where they discuss historical events or artifacts. He'd sometimes comment if he's so invested.
He probably tried to take a stolen picture of love, but he can't get his angles right. So he'd make a stupid excuse to take a picture of them and put it on his wallpaper.
He gets sentimental when it comes to pictures, since the people that he knew or loved never had the privilege of having one.
His phone cases are personalized, fit for his aesthetic.
Instagram feed so good people thinks that he's a model (he should be).
He's the type of person that you'll see in comment section hyping up people or cheering them on.
His phone is so lively, like you'd discover apps that you never knew before and you'd be shocked on how good it was.
He'd send you pictures of himself, what he was doing, or his location just to update his hunter.
He loveeess video calls so he could see his hunter.
He sticks to dark colors so his phone case is probably plain black or has simple design.
His wallpapers are stars, galaxy, or the nightsky (probably taken by him)
Of course, he has games on his phone!
He follows NASA on his social media, best believe he's updated on space facts.
He has a playlist for when he's gaming or stargazing.
I'm sure that he has Discord, but he only uses it for gaming.
Unironically had an emo phase where he shares lyrics from mcr, ptv, fob, and 21 pilots.
Elias probably played roblox and convinced his listener to download one so they can play with him.
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certified-boyliker · 2 years
Boyfriend Headcanons
Actors: Sae, Rin, Aiku, Barou
Notes: gn!reader, aiku bein aiku, ya know how it is
Sae Itoshi:
Awww, you have a... lovely (?) boyfriend
He's caring in his own way, but no one but you sees that
In public, he's still his cold, serious self, with just a cute partner holding his hand and dragging him into store
In private, he's sleeping against your chest and your running your fingers through his hair
He likes hugging up on you in private, but very reserved in public
Never likes reporters asking you questions, because he knows damn well you'll answer truthfully
Embarass this boy, it's the only way he'll learn
You and Shido actually get along pretty well. Both enjoy teasing and annoying Sae in various ways
You send him memes with Sae's face and he sends memes with Sae's face back
He does not like your relationship, because you both get double annoying
You hear about Rin, but you rarely, if ever see or meet him
Not terribly jealous, knows how much you like him, so it's hard for him to get jealous
Soft, but reserved boyfriend
Rin Itoshi:
Also reserved
More reserved than Sae somehow
He doesn't hold your hand in public, but he purposefully brushed your fingers
He likes seeing you window shop and talk about all the things you want or like
In the case there's something you want, you typically find in on your desk later or he gives it to you directly
Just kiss him on the cheek and watch him blush lightly. It isn't easy to make him blush, but if you do that, he will
Ain't know way in hell he's telling Sae about you. You see Sae at his house and he just drags you to his room without saying a word
You go to his games and wear his number to show your support for your boyfriend, and always looks up to you before a restart to give him that confidence
Jealous as hell. Someone else looks at you and Rin is glaring at them, please distract him
He only trusts people your friends with or... who tolerate him, he has no friends
Reserved boy, and also soft, and still hotheaded
Oliver Aiku:
It took for-fucking-ever for him to actually date you
It took many flings for him to find someone he was actually willing to date
You two don't live together, but he practically lives at your apartment. He sleeps there a lot of the time, he likes hanging around you when he can
He texts you all the time. Mundane things, remembering his games, anniversaries and birthday texts, all sorts of things
Also the type to have a photo of you two as his lockscreen. Probably you kissing his cheek while he's smiling
He's a jerk, he likes rubbing his face against your face, scratching you with his scruffy beard
PDA to the max. Reporters going over to you two? He's kissing you deeply and pulling you into close hugs and telling them how much he loves you
Adores you so much, buys you so many things, shows his love through his actions mostly
Likes lying on you and watching stupid, low-budget movies and TV shows with you
He doesn't get too jealous, very laid back, But if someone does hit on you, he pulls his defensive moves and keeps his partner to himself, pouting and glaring.
Golden Retriever boyfriend to the max
Shoei Barou:
He also adores you, but also uses his action. Quite reserved himself too.
He doesn't hold your hand or even get close to it, but if you two are sitting together, he likes leaning against you
He likes bowling with you and gets you your own bowling ball and it gets competitive really quickly
He likes your spirit of fighting, and loves it very much that he enjoys doing anything competition with you
Video games, 1v1 soccer, bowling, anything that he can think of
Likes it when you call him "King", even jokingly. He enjoys the high he gets from you particularly calling him "King"
He likes kissing you in private and expects you to wear his jersey when you're hanging out
He likes cooking for you and you clean up dishes, and he's absolutely certain he's in love with you
Loves it when he sees you clean up around his or your apartment
He also likes hugging up on you and watches action movies when he's not practicing or keeping the area clean
Jealous, so very easily jealous, so please distract him
He is a reserved, hotheaded boyfriend
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jinlias · 1 year
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tally - rosé
— songwriter!, musician! rosé, paparazzi
i say fuck it when i feel it, cuz no one’s keeping tally i do what i want with who i like
rosé was exhausted, she hates this cycle. of sneaking around and hiding under dark clothes when you’re in public, of hiding her lockscreen and the polaroid on her phone case from appearing on photos or videos, she hated being unable to talk about you to everyone, she hated all of this, loathed it.
but she always kept you around, even if you had to ride with crew most of the time, for when she was away from you too long she would start to hear her own heartbeat more than she’d like. you were peace to her. rosé was exhausted, but mostly, she was furious.
and i ain’t gon conceal it, while you talking all that shit, i’ll be getting mine
it was a thing of time, that everyone started noticing the same feminine silhouette around her even when none of her crew was. fans kept up with her management team, everyone even knew her re-ocurring friend group, they just couldn’t pinpoint where u fell, yet, you were always there.
don’t apologize for my behavior, if you’re offended i don’t care.
she never fit in the usual korean mold, the delicate, educated and always quiet women she shared the industry with because they valued their dream career more than their own freedom. controversy is what made her stand out, it’s how she blew up, it’s expected no one was too surprised when she started a soft launch of your relationship. pictures of the two bowls of food, tangled hands, two shadows on a crosswalk, small, private, intimate photos like these easily gave away it was not just one of her friends.
sometimes i like to go play dirty, just like all of the fuckboys do, that’s my choice and there’s no one i’m hurting, when that’s not girly.
but rosé has always been open about her private life, she’s never hid behind dark clothes or hats, at least not until you. she was a weekly topic on social media, everyone took out the time to discuss her possible hook ups, like that was of important matter to anyone else.
that’s why everyone else was so observant now, because all of the sudden she stopped running out of models’ apartments at three am with tousled hair. instead, she was seen hiding behind her clothes and around a becoming familiar silhouette at restaurants, movie theaters, parks, at houses and parties of families who no one’s ever seen before, which was the ideal, but people would just not stop watching her. and you.
everybody tells me to play nice, everybody judge but looking twice, but my body don’t belong to none of them though, and i’m not going to change cuz you say so.
she was tired of playing nice, of laughing it off when men asked her about her love life, when the woman interviewer asked about any special boys in her life. she was tired of everyone assuming and deciding which one of her friends she was dating today. why couldn’t they see she loved you? why couldn’t they just move on? she wasn’t theirs to play around with, she just wanted to do what she loved, surrounded by people she loved. surrounded by you.
warned me to make the rules, or play the fool, it ain't that hard to choose
“rosie, this could make or break your career” you really wish it wasn’t this hard, you wish you could just love each other and live contently. without anyone else interfering.
“i don’t give a fuck anymore. i need you to do the same” she’s cried, she’s given up. but she’s angry, she wants this over. she wants you two to be free. “will you walk the red carpet with me? please” she asks again, begs, her eyes are telling you all of the above. how she can’t take this anymore, if she has to pretend she doesn’t know you for one more night, she might just explode.
rosé can’t ever explain to you the amount of bliss she felt when you agreed, she had been given an ultimatum since the beginning, play the fool or break the rules. play the fool because it could save her career, break the rules because it could save her. she’s finally brave enough to choose for you. and she chooses to be immensely happy, publicly
i say fuck it when i feel it. cuz no one’s keeping tally i do what i want with who i like.
that night, hell broke loose. so did the internet, the photo of her kissing you at the red carpet had millions of fans publicly giving up on her, but so many more expressing their gratitude and pride for her. regardless she couldn’t care less about the numbers, the money, all she cared about was you, her, your future together, and how it was finally possible.
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scarletwinterxx · 1 year
would you mind if i say i'm into you -taeyong oneshot
hi! it's been a while🥺😊 here's a blurb for my favorite bub. hope you like it!
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"Hey, can I borrow your phone for a sec?" you say with a smile while your boyfriend looks at you with doubt on his face. He already knows what you're about to do and still he lets you be.
It's like your silly love language to him, always asking to borrow his phone to change his lock screen to something funny. Like a picture of him sleeping or something totally random and funny. He doesn't mind, if it makes you smile then it doesn't matter to him if he looks stupid and all his friends see it. His one condition though is you won't change his wallpaper which is a picture he took of you on your first date.
He hands you his phone which you happily took, skipping away with it in hand. Probably off to find another funny picture. He then continues on working on his computer, afterwards he finds you laying on the living room couch. His phone resting on the coffee table in front of you while you scroll through your own phone,
"You bored?" he calls out, looking up to see him walking towards you. You sit up to make room for him, waiting for him to check his phone and see his lock screen.
And there it was, just like he expected another randomly shot picture of him.
"When did you take this?" he asks you
"The other day when we went for a walk. You looked so surprised when the dude did a backflip, good thing I caught it on cam" you tell him, already a smile forming on your lips as you recall that day.
He chuckles, putting his phone down to hold you instead. Pulling you by the waist until you're sitting on his lap.
"What about you? What's your lockscreen?" he asks
"Your wallpaper?"
"Still you"
Taeyong can either look like the coldest, most intimidating guy or the most adorable, sweetest bub with his boba eyes. He can just imagine the look of love in his eyes whenever he looks at you.
"Which one?" he indulges you, pretending like the butterflies in his stomach weren't rioting. The two of you have been dating for some time but still every little thing you do drives him crazy.
"That picture I took of you in secret, like way way back during our first date. We weren't even a couple then. I just really liked it, I still like it so I haven't change it"
"Yea? You like me?" he teases you, earning an eye roll from you
"Not what I said but you're entirely wrong. I like all of you" you tell him, squishing his face between your hands.
You're not sure what good you did in your past life, you must've saved the world to end up this lucky.
"Penny for your thoughts, bubby?" he asks, squeezing your waist to catch your attention
"Just wondering what good I did in my life to end up with you" you smile down at him
Taeyong shakes his head, pulling you even closer to him as if there's too much space between your bodies. Whenever you're next to him, he has to have you as close to him as possible. Doesn't matter if it's in public or in private. He will either always have an arm around you or you on his lap.
"I should be the one asking that, like how is it possible that I ended up with my absolute dream girl?"
"Literally you swept me off my feet, the moment I saw you I just knew" Taeyong smirks at your answer, you know exactly just how to woo him with your words. You know you have him under your spell, and he doesn't mind it one bit.
"What do you want to do today?"
"You done with work?" you ask back, he nods "I"m all yours for the end of the day" Taeyong answers, making you smile brightly.
"Can we just stay in? Order food, I want to bake cookies too if we have what I need. Or we can go grocery shopping if you're not tired" you list
"No, not tired. Grocery store it is" he was just about to get up with you still on him but you stop him
"Just... let's just sit here for a moment. Cuddle?"
He chuckles at your cuteness before hugging you, tucking your head under his chin. "I love the idea that someday this will be our life" he tells you
"What do you mean?"
"Going on grocery runs, having lazy days together. In our own home. Someday we don't have to worry about the days being too short, we won't have to think which place to go to cause we'll have a place of our own"
You listen to the sound of his voice while your other ear listen to his heartbeat right next to you.
"You wanna marry me?" you asked, half kidding half serious
"Who else would I marry if it isn't you?"
"I don't know, I mean who knows what will happen in the future. But if you don't end up with me, I'll be very sad. For me, I'll be sad for me but I'll be happy for you"
Your answer makes him let out a chuckle, "Bub, you're it for me. You don't have to worry about that, you know you're stuck with me right?" he hugs you even tighter
"Oh thank god"
Taeyong laughs, kissing the top of your head.
"But don't think I've let that go" you pick your head up to look straight in his eyes
"Oh come on, I was a kid. I had a crush"
"Yea and? I would've loved to have that confession but no. She got it" you frown just thinking about it, meanwhile Taeyong laughs at your reaction.
He pulls you in, littering kisses all over your face.
"Tell me how you want me to confess to you, I'll do it over and over again every day for the rest of our days. Tell me how you want me to love you, I'll do it." he tells you, "I love you and only you. So don't worry your pretty little mind, okay?"
"You love me?" you ask
"Mhm, here you feel my heart?" he takes your hand and rests his on his chest where his heart is "Every beat of it only speaks of you, from the day I met you until the last day it'll beat, it will only be for you. You believe me right?"
"Of course I do" you tell him, the frown slowly disappearing. He smiles at you, kissing you on the nose once more
"It's okay, I'll just tell you every day until you get sick of me saying it"
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shiicheol · 4 months
silent converstions ~ 2
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‣ pairing: jeon wonwoo x oc 
‣ summary: Maxine found comfort in regularly sending messages to the number of her deceased ex, seeing no harm in it—until she received a response from a persistent stranger named Wonwoo. What are the chances of forming a connection with this unexpected stranger? How will their story unfold?
‣ genre: strangers to lovers. angst.
‣ chapters:
‣ disclaimer: The ideas and personalities depicted in this Alternate Universe (AU) do not reflect the actual views or characteristics of the artists. Their names are used purely as placeholders. Please remember that these stories are fictional and do not represent reality. Thank you!
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NOTE: Text messages are in italics, while non-italicized text represents thoughts and narration
Wonwoo's POV
Texting Stranger
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for being a bother. I'm sorry because you have to put up with a stranger persistent enough to message a person who is no longer here.
What life do you live that makes it feel like you should apologize for grieving?
Texting Stranger
Please, don't respond anymore. You will never hear from me again. Thank you for your time.
There's so much I want to say but in respect to you, I will hold back.
No messages from you? I said to myself, as I observed the lockscreen of my device.
I'll assume that you're in the process of moving on. I hope you're doing well wherever and whoever you may be. 
However, as if one cue, the name of the Unknown sender had flashed on my screen again.
Texting Stranger
Hi, love. I told myself that I'll stop messaging you but here I am with a bottle of alcohol and a million emotions running through my heart.
I remember you used to commend me for having exceptionally good typing skills despite being drunk. It once used to be a memory I hold dear to my heart but now the thought of it wrecks me in unimaginable ways.
I was fine. I've been fine. Or maybe I thought I was.
How can I ever be fine, right? How is it possible for me to move on? You've managed to move on but why can't I do the same?
I'm rambling again, aren't I? I remember every time I would be in talkative mode, you would interrupt me and it would lead to an argument. Believe it or not, I miss it so much.
Please, love, stop me from rambling again. I promise I won't get mad at you. Just, please.
I don't know you personally but why do I feel your pain? 
Texting Stranger
Can I call? Please?
Her message had been surprising, yet my response was beyond me. The next thing I knew, I was waiting for the call, not hesitating to click the answer button, as if the panic i had felt previously had been abandoned.
As soon as I picked up the phone, a sense of regret flashed through me as I was met with mere silence at the end of the line.
I thought that maybe she had fallen asleep.
Seconds passed. 
Minutes passed.
I released a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding upon realizing the possibility of her being in a drunken state.
"Hmmm," I heard a soft groan from my device just as I was about to click the end button.
I looked at it with wide eyes, waiting for her to speak again.
"Love... I miss you, love," the voice slurred out.
"P-please, come back," said the soft voice again.
I couldn't seem to do anything but listen.
That was until I heard a whimper.
"Shhhhh," I tried soothing her.
What could I do, right? What can I say?
For a time, it became a cycle. She would repeat words such as "Love." "I miss you." "Please, come back." Then I would try to calm her down.
Until she asked a question that caught me off guard.
"C-can you please sing me a song like before?" She said with a voice that showed zero signs of sobriety.
Me? Sing? That was something kept private between me and the confines of my own space.
But declining would be too selfish when I know the state she was already in.
I sigh.
With no second thought, I started humming a lullaby.
"I can't hear you." she slurred.
With another sigh, I made my voice louder but not too much for it to disturb next-door neighbors.
Just when I was about to finish singing the 3rd song, I heard silent snores from the other end of the line.
I released another breath of relief I realize I was holding.
I looked at the clock and it read, 4:30 am.
We've been on call for 2 hours.
I considered ending the call but it didn't feel right. I thought of staying the entire time but it didn't feel right either.
So after much contemplation, I decided to wait 20 minutes before hanging up.
That way, I'll know that she's in the middle of her deep sleep.
As I waited for time to pass by, I wondered why I was doing this in the first place.
I'm not one to do favors for others.
I'm not one to do phone calls late at night.
I'm not one to sing a song.
I'm not one to empathize.
But why?
I would say out of pity but is it really?
If it was simply out of pity, I would feel nothing but sorry for her.
So, why?
Why do I care so much?
Why do I feel the need to be there for her?
Why do I want her to feel happy?
Why does it hurt when I hear her cry even though I don't know who she is?
Why do I see myself in her?
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invaderzia1 · 5 months
alternate universe swap, panic attack mention, alternate version
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the night before Sebastian had got in a fight with the farmer, it was misplaced anger and emotions really. He knows the moment he raises his voice he’s in the wrong but he just can’t stop, not when they risk their life each day at the mines. Sebastian knows as good as anyone the danger of the mines, having lived next to them for most of his life. he has seen adventurers go in and be carried out on gurneys plenty of times. so he doesn’t understand why they continue to go down.
the fight is bad, really bad and he knows he’s the asshole, but the farmer doesn’t say anything and they just lock him out of the bedroom for the night, going to bed and leaving Sebastian to lay on the couch. it makes Sebastian wonder if he really deserves the farmer, who not once raised their voice at him, just let him yell and get his emotions out. maybe they would be better without him.
sebastian wakes up and expects to see the farm house, the one he fell asleep in, only to find himself in his long since abandoned bed room. honestly it scares him quite a bit, causing him to jump from bed. maybe it’s just a bad dream, so he looks down at his phone, but instead of his usual background of his lovely partner, it’s a random anime character. no that can’t be…
panic starts to well inside of him, what the fuck happened last night? was the fight that bad that he went back home and changed his lockscreen???? that can’t be it. no he would remember doing all that, no matter how angry he was. and why would his shit still be down here when he knows he moved it into your shared farm house. this can’t be fucking right.
he quickly gets dressed and rushes out of the house, running down the old pathway from his house to the farmers, the same one he would use to visit them on those dark nights. the same path the farmer would use to sneak out on joy rides with him. but the path looks less traveled than it should, as if only one person has been using it. his stomach sinks with dread as he rushes toward there shared house, until he hears giggling, two voices. he recognizes them instantly, Sam and the farmer. his farmer. it makes him want to throw up hearing, but he pushes farther hoping to gain more answers. however, he wishes almost instantly he didn’t.
as he finally approaches the farm, he sees the farmer in the field, laughing with Sam as they both soak each other with the hose. god they look like they are having so much fun together, it makes Sebastian want to rush in and ask what the fuck this is about. why the farmer is cheating on him with Sam?! but the sinking feeling doesn’t go away, he notices on their hands are matching wedding rings, way different from the one he had picked out for the farmer. and it all makes sense, in some fucked up way. this was his karma, showing him that the farmer could easily find love with someone else.
Sebastian recognizes the tell tale signs he’s going to have a panic attack, an occurrence that had lessen when he started dating the farmer. he rushes away from the back path, hoping they didn’t see him. he couldn’t stop his tears from falling as he rushed home, unable to breath properly. his mind was scattered and he couldn’t stop. even the breathing techniques the farmer had taught him weren’t working to calm him down.
as he ran home, he passed by Demetrius who started to give him the disappointed step dad look, before noticing Sebastian was not himself. no he ran right by Demetrius into the house, where he ran into his room. slamming the door as he throws himself on his mattress, the bed feeling a size too small than what he’s used to.
Sebastian opens his notes app, knowing he keeps most of his private thoughts stored there. and holy shit does it only depress him more. he still lives at home at almost 30 years old and still works his old crappy coding job, the one he hated so badly. he never started video game developing or collecting frogs or anything, he’s stuck in a boring cycle of working and being alone in his room.
he wishes it stops there, but even Abby rejected him, deciding she needed to leave the valley and make a name for herself. all his friends have moved on and he’s still the same, stuck in the same pattern. it’s almost like his worst nightmare.
he thinks that this must be his punishment, that Yoba himself is punishing him by showing him how bad his life could turn out without the farmer.
When Sebastian wakes up, he finds himself back on the couch in the farm house, as if he had never left. immediately he rushes from the couch and to the bed room, knocking on the door to apologize to his loving partner.
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BTS MTL- Buying you clothes as gifts.
Authors note: My first MTL! Thank you guys for the 200 notes on my BTS headcanon I posted a few days ago.
Please remember these are just my opinions.
Warnings: slightly suggestive if you squint
Most of the gifts he buys you are going to be fashion related.
Dresses, tops, shoes, he’s buying it all for you.
You want it? He got it.
Loves doing it though because you guys are the fashionista couple.
Knows what looks good on you and knows what he likes to see you in.
Has learnt your style well, so is always confident you will like his gifts.
Sends you photos from brand instagram accounts for your thoughts.
If you like it he’s bought it.
Couples outfits are going to happen.
Will buy you full outfits because he gets carried away.
Will want to take you on a date the same night so you can wear his gifts.
If he’s away on tour or on a schedule, expect a pair of Gucci heels to turn up on your doorstep with a cute note attached. 
Spoiling you is his full time job next to being an idol and this is just one way he does it.
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Gift giving is one of his main love languages and he loves buying you clothes.
He’s also a fashionista so expect this a lot.
Also knows your style well.
When he goes to fashion shows he’s making mental notes on what to buy you.
Also likes couple outfits.
His phone lockscreen is legit a photo of you two in a stylish slightly wild couples outfit.
Loves taking you on shopping trips and spoiling you... because he has highkey sugar daddy vibes ok, I don't make the fucking rules.
Will take you to every store he can and will encourage you to try on everything you want.
Will also pick out clothes for you to try on.
You know those guys that look like they hate their life while waiting for their woman in the changing room?
Not this man.
He lives for it.
Give him his own private fashion show, he loves it.
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Loves buying you clothes so much.
Also knows your style well enough to make good choices.
Dresses are his favourite to buy.
Sometimes they are girly and sometimes they are sexy.
I see Jimin being into Selkie dresses don't @ me ok.
Not as into couples outfits but likes to be matching.
Same vibe or colour pallet kind of matching and have one item that’s the same.
You guys have his and hers loafers.
Goes out to buy clothes for himself, but is just sending you photos of things he wants to buy you.
Highkey loves buying you lingerie.
Probably buys you lingerie more than clothes that you can actually wear out.
At this point he knows its a kink but he doesn’t give a fuck. It’s not his fault you look good in it all.
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Loves it but has a unique way of going out about it.
Its rare he will buy you a dress or heels but what he will buy is stuff he loves, but also knows you will love.
Why? Because then you will wear it too.
Goes to stores with the thought, I love it but will you love it too?
It’s a highkey kink seeing you in his clothes so if you both like his clothes you will wear more of them right?
Challenging Namjoon for that IQ with these moves.
We all know he's kind of possessive™ perilla leaf debate
Will also sometimes buy you the same shirt as him anyway so you can wear it together.
You better believe you guys have matching stompers.
Matching socks fr.
Hope you like Ironman
Makes him such a soft boy when you guys match.
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Not really his vibe tbh.
He will buy you pyjamas though.
Jin is the resident pyjama king so you need to be his queen. Those are the rules ok.
Matching couples pyjamas for days.
Buys you mainly ones that will keep you cosy but occasionally he goes skimpy.
You know those silky shorts and tank sets with the lace? Yep, he’s weak for those.
Will deadass buy you onsies.
Loves to cuddle you in them, you are like a giant plushie to him.
Sometimes he does like to take you on a shopping trip and buy you something pretty.
He will probably get distracted by a cute jumper for himself.
Says he needs to stay as worldwide handsome™ as possible now he's just bought you the most world wide beautiful outfit.
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^ Legit the jumper he buys
Not his vibe.
He prefers his gifts to be meaningful and thoughtful and just feels material possessions like clothes don’t show that.
You are more than capable of making better clothing choices than he can probably make for you.
He will make exceptions though.
Sometimes he will see something like a really cute scarf and he can’t resist.
He would see those tartan Burberry scarves and love them, so he gets you one with your initials on you can have them monogrammed fr.
Loves it because it still feels thoughtful and knows you will love it.
If you wanted some particular clothing as a gift he would still buy it for you, he just won’t be doing it without prompt.
You will not catch this man going to the store though.
Send him the website link with your size because this is not his area of expertise and he does not know what size you are... just that he's into it.
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Not his vibe either.
This man is not endorsing the capitalist machine.
Also on team thoughtful and meaningful gifts.
He does have an exception though.
Yoongi is a secret soft boy™ and we all know it.
So sometimes he just gets his card out and gives it to you.
Tells you to go crazy.
Yoongi has lowkey sugar daddy vibes and I can't explain it.
Looks forward to you coming back and showing him what you bought.
He would never date someone who was materialistic so these rare moments are his way of showing you that he knows you love him for him so he wants to spoil you.
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avaetin · 8 months
It’s a pity they’re gray. Would be nice if they were brown.
@haiseiscute333 @sunshines-child
I have maybe... Meet the parents part 1 and 2 that I feel like I want to type... Maybe. Likely.
Annabeth hated the color brown; hated how it would be the first thing to greet her on Percy’s phone’s lockscreen, and the first thing to greet her on his homescreen. She hated how it dominated his gallery, and hated how it filled all the dashboards of his second accounts. Above all, she hated how Percy loved it obsessively.
“You have pretty eyes.” Percy once murmured to her as he brushed aside her perfect blonde curls in order to have a proper look at her eyes. “It’s a pity they’re gray.”
“Would be nice if they were brown.”
‘Would be nice if they were brown.’
Annabeth wanted to shatter his phone as badly as he had shattered her world with that statement alone. Everywhere she went, people complimented her for her stormy gray eyes, gushed about how ethereal and mesmerizing they were, and how they wished they were born with it as well instead of brown eyes. Percy Jackson was the only exception. What was so good about brown? It was a dull color. It was a color that was never going to stand out on its own. Only in Percy’s eyes was its value amplified. Only in Percy’s eyes were they special.
No, not just Percy. There was another, a similar person who treasured that color just as much, if not more. But their opinion didn’t matter to her as strongly as Percy’s.
Brown… She hated brown. She hated Ni-... No. She wasn’t going to stoop that low. Though, in the deep recesses of her mind, there was, admittedly, an occasional urge to ruin that brown, to gouge out that color in the hopes that doing so might take away Percy’s obsession from it - from him.
“Are you even listening, Percy?” Annabeth sighed.
“I am,” Percy answered absentmindedly, his eyes never leaving his phone as he recited back her schedule to her.
“You said you have script reading for your new movie in an hours, attend a fitting with your stylists and designers for your upcoming events, a photoshoot for Salvatore Ferragamo, and an interview tonight with TDS.” He spared a disinterested backward glance at her. “Am I missing anything?”
Annabeth gritted her teeth. “No.”
“I’ve recited your schedule for the entire week. Manager’s instruction,” Percy continued, scrolling through the newest set of photos uploaded by the paparazzi of Nico di Angelo at a concert in Melbourne, Australia. With practiced ease, Percy saved all the pictures to his phone one by one as he scrolled through them. “And any events that don’t overlap with my schedule, I was told to attend yours, and vice versa. My manager should have sent my schedule to yours.”
“They did. I’ve memorised your schedule as well,” Annabeth said in a clipped tone.
Percy hummed, hinting disinterest. “I see. Did you ask me to come just to test if I remember your schedule? I told you, I-...” he trailed off all of a sudden.
Annabeth wished that her curiosity didn’t get the better of her as she looked over to check why Percy suddenly stopped talking. There, on his phone, was a photo of Nico di Angelo smiling warmly towards the camera, his usually pale cheeks tinted pink. Even when drenched in sweat, he looked every bit charming - he wasn’t the industry’s darling for nothing - his hands tugging at the hem of his shirt so that it wasn’t clinging onto his skin like second skin. For a stolen shot, even Annabeth had to admit that di Angelo lived up to his name - he looked like an angel.
And Percy was staring at his image as if it were his salvation. Percy worshipped di Angelo with his eyes.
“... I told you, I’ll hold my end of the agreement,” Percy said, his voice soft. It was the voice he would have when they were out in public, when Percy donned his ‘America’s all-time male sweetheart’ persona. The voice he would have when he was pretending to be her boyfriend in front of the world.
But never in private.
Because that voice was genuinely reserved for one person alone, and that person was that young man in the image - the image he saved on his phone and set to replace his current homescreen, which also happened to be a photo of Nico di Angelo.
“I know you will.” Annabeth had no doubts that Percy would hold his end of the agreement. Percy was excellent at playing pretend. She wasn’t.
“If that’s all…” Habitually, Percy pressed his lips to the screen of his phone, on the image of Nico di Angelo, before he locked it. Standing up, he approached Annabeth with a small smile curling his lips.
“You’ll do great today,” Percy murmured, brushing her curls back as he always did before he pressed a kiss to her forehead. The gesture used to fill her heart with warmth. Now, only coldness gripped her heart.
His thumb caressed one of her cheeks gently as he stared intently into her eyes. She knew what he was going to say before the words left his mouth.
“It’s a pity they’re gray.”
She closed her eyes. She was slowly believing that it was.
“Would be nice if they were brown.”
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
here you go bby~
AAAA thank you Koko! I appreciate you for sending in an ask 💕
I answered the butterfly one here!
📷 what's set as your phone's lockscreen?
It's this! My best friend made it for me one day at like 3am bc she was bored and I shit you not, I screamed the moment I got it. No one steal this or take it w/o my permission or I'll find you and cry in your living room before setting it on fire. 🔪
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(I am aware that the top panel might be fanart but I am not using it for reposting purposes and the moodboard is mine to use privately as a phone screen bg, no one @ me)
💌 do you talk to yourself?
Absolutely!! I tend to call myself a dumb bitch if I make a mistake or do something dumb. But I also just talk myself through things because it helps me stay organized and on task. If I don't talk to myself, I might actually go crazy.
send me asks!
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goldfades · 6 months
♡ fluff ✪ angst ✧ suggestive
last updated: 05/27/2024 [if i have not updated recently, look up the player's name and my fics should come up!]
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⇨ uconn wbb manager series ! synopsis: y/n's life being the women's basketball manager! [inbox ALWAYS open for thoughts!] -> all thoughts under uconn wbb manager thoughts 💭 or uconn wbb manager ★
↳ main timeline
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !
overall headcanons / short blurb + more headcanons | request -> headcannons of you being a media girl for the team and KK constantly annoying you and pulling you with her to make tiktoks
grandpa geno and manager headcanons
random thoughts w/ 🐹 nonnie ♡ more random thoughts w/ 🐹 nonnie ♡
cheer mom in disguise | request -> "manager doing every one’s hair b4 games or practices"
𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
going live w/ paige & kk ♡ | request -> "Can you do headcannons about UConn wbb manager being on live with the team" // a live between the girls and their beloved manager!
water dunk challenge w/ paige & kk ♡ | request -> "loving the uconn wbb manger fics bestie!! could you do one where she makes tiktoks with the girls?" water dunk questions with kk, paige and manager during offseason!
bad day ✪ -> ♡ | request -> "Hihii I absolutely love the manager series and I was wondering if you could do something where manager has a bad day and the team cheers them up?"
our girl ✪ -> ♡ | request -> "manager literally having to handle every single thing and js bein emotionally exhausted, one day she’s just completely overstimulated from everything and walks out to let herself cry" or after a shitty week, manager breaks down over a stupid test score and her teammate helps her through it.
𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 !
goat ♡ | y/n posts some cute photos of herself and the team! |
jealousy is a disease, get well soon ♡ | y/n posts herself while on vaca in europe!
↳ paige x manager!reader
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !
secret relationship headcanons ♡ | request -> "Uconn wbb manager in a secret relationship with p!"
🐹 nonnie thoughts!
𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
blessing ♡✧ | request -> "STOP IM SO HAPPY UR MAKING PAIGE X WBB MEDIA MANAGER A SERIES BC I SENT IN THE FIRST REQUEST 😽😽😽 fic with paige and reader being out and a little wasted and getting interviewed by fellow college student about their relationship and working together etc. (could end in smut if u like ;))"
to you, i can admit that i'm just too soft for all of it ♡ | summary this is taking place pre-relationship! paige apologizes for distancing herself after her injury. this can be read by itself but i would highly recommend reading my headcanons first so you have a bit of context!
new lockscreen ✧ | requested -> "Okay the fic Idea I was talking about is, Paige scrolling through your phone gallery and seeing the pics you didn’t send her. “Why didn’t you send me this?” and even sending herself some of the photos to her own phone. BUT then, Ms.reader over here didn’t private certain…. provocative and Lewd photos and forgot about them and Paige sees them (her gf just likes taking pictures of her own body🤷🏽 cuz why not)."
down bad ♡ | requested -> "Paige would totally bring manager y/n to Minnesota so that she can meet Paige’s family. Paige ofc would introduce her as a “friend” at first. Manager and Paige’s family would hit it off. Especially with Drew. They both would bully Paige and Drew would expose Paige by saying sum shit like ‘Paige’s talks about you a lot’. Paige would give the biggest side eye 😭 though deep down she loves that her brother and manager are bonding."
↳ nika x manager!reader
𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
good with the camera and good on the court ♡✪ | request -> can i request one for manager and nika? kind of building off the head cannon that nika is SUPER protective. maybe an opposing player slips in a comment in the post game handshake line and nika hears and shit just hits the fan. because everyone knows that girl is scaryyyyyy when she’s mad.
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
backwards caps & big egos ♡✪ | request -> Hi! I hope your day is going well :)). Do you think that you could do Nika with the manager? Like where she gets protective with her at a game or party? That women is so fine and I've barely even seen anyone write for her😭😭.
domestic goodness ♡ | requested -> "im gonna need more manager!reader x nika soft moments pleaseeeeeee feed my hunger 😔"
↳ kk x manager!reader
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
smooth ♡ | request -> this is my first time requesting something so hopefully i do this right, but could you you a kk arnold x manager reader where kk keeps annoying manager on live so manager bans her from touching and kissing her |
↳ cc x manager!reader
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
just really, really close friends ♡ | request -> could u write something aboutcaitlin and manager y\n flirting on live and Caitlin and the UConn girls getting asked about it in interviews
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𝐮𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥
⇨ paige bueckers⁵
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 !
one single thread of gold, tied me to you after y/n gets transferred from arizona to uconn after a devastating season, hoping for a fresh start and a supportive team ─ she finds herself wrapped up with a certain blonde.
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !
introverted best friend to girlfriend headcanons ♡
nsfw headcanons ✧
cat mom ♡ | request -> hcs abt paige x reader moving in together after college ? maybe they adopt a pet too omg |
girlfriend ♡ | sfw relationship "headcanons" |
𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
our own celebration ✧♡ | request: "SAW UR POST AND HEAR U WANTED REQUESTS!!! paige x gf!reader where reader is uconns wbb media girl and it is SMUTT, paige like reading reader ab like “did u enjoy taking pics of me out there” BUT SMUT WHERE READER ALSO GIVES BACK TO PAIGE BC WHY R ALL THE FICS ENDING AFTER READER COMES? WHERES PAIGE??? (i’m going insane)" |
rizzler p (2/2) ♡ summary | y/n is a youtuber and on the cancelled podcast, she reveals she has a crush on paige bueckers. this unfolds a series of events which ultimately ends with y/n at one of uconn's games. part one -> this unfolds a series of events which ultimately ends with y/n at one of uconn's games.part two -> y/n gets invited to her first game of the season and they have a lot of fun!
without me? ♡ | request: "can u pleaseeee write a fic with paige & a cheerleader at uconn ?? something cute like post game ritual, like going out to each or something" |
the graceful cheerleader and the humble basketball player ♡ | request -> "Could you write a Paige bueckers x Fem Reader pls! where they’re enemies but everyone is always teasing them (everything’s regular, like she plays for UConn and the reader can be a cheerleader or something idk). It can lead to smut or just a super cute story. Ofc you don’t have to follow the plot!"
honey just put your sweet lips on my lips / we should just kiss like real people do ♡ | request -> "paige with teammate!reader? it’d be soo cute i think" | | you and paige were best friends on and off the court, and after an exhilarating win you spend the time together, relishing in the win (and each other) |
all yours ♡ | request -> "helloooo! can you write something about reader suspecting paige and azzi’s friendship to be more than a friendship (r and paige are a situationship or sum like that) and just paige reassuring her and saying that she has eyes only for her etc… (paige is literally obsessed with r)? thank you so much 💖💖💖💖💖" |
and i can't let you go, your handprint's on my soul ♡✪ | summary this is part one, brother's best friend trope! bryce and paige had been best friends since they were kids, and she's never really been close to his little sister, y/n until she transfers to uconn after a tumultuous freshman year.
wnba girlfriend wife ♡✪ | request -> "hi hi hi could u plssss write paige x team mate!reader inspired by paiges proud facebook mom era at the wnba draft where reader gets drafted to her dream team and is one of the top 3 picks 🙏🙏 i just keep rewatching her vids where shes cheering for aaliyah and nika 🥹 omg if u could also include smthn abt the media coverage after like paige bragging abt reader and them at an afterparty or smthn plsplsplspls 🤍"
blessing ♡✧ [part of manager series but can be read alone] | request -> "STOP IM SO HAPPY UR MAKING PAIGE X WBB MEDIA MANAGER A SERIES BC I SENT IN THE FIRST REQUEST 😽😽😽 fic with paige and reader being out and a little wasted and getting interviewed by fellow college student about their relationship and working together etc. (could end in smut if u like ;))"
a thing for blondes ♡✧ | request -> "paige x iowa!reader (pre-relationship) on game day where maybe r is mic'd up the whole time so fans hear how they flirt, joke around, etc so they start shipping them? the other uconn/iowa girlies always tease them abt it and one night they all go out to a bar tg and someones on live and accidentally catches p and r against a wall kissing or smthn 🫣"
two seconds ✧ | request -> "thigh riding with Paige... 🤭" or paige is ignoring you while she locks in while playing fortnite with kk, but you needed her attention (and she hates it when you're needy)
the way she shows me i'm hers and she is mine; open hand or closed fist would be fine; blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine ✧♡| request -> "heyy, i saw you were wanting requests for blurbs so like i was thinking maybe paige x fem!reader where they had lost the game they were playing and she was just in such a bad mood so when they got home reader took it upon herself to help paige relax but instead of paige being top, shes a bottom because she just wants to clear her mind yk?"
not an ass, just passionate ♡✧ | request -> "oh my gosh, paige bueckers x uconn wbb athletic trainer intern with a situation at a game where paige gets a bloody nose (like the uconn vs seton hall) and paige like refusing to get cleaned up and reader like commands.. (i feel so silly typing this) but basically forces paige to let reader clean her up and the internet GOES CRAZY BC OF THE WAY UR HOLDING PAIGES FACE AND THE CLEAR TENSION BETWEEN YOU TWO (reader and paige can be like friends with clear sexual tension or secret relationship whatever u like girl pop 😛)"
better than me? ✧✪ | request -> "Omg a fic where Paige and reader have always had this sort of sarcastic bickering borderline mean type of relationship/rivalry but one day the tension suddenly just goes from competitive to sexual and thennnnm ykkkk"
mrs. bueckers ♡ | request -> "hiii could I request a fic where paige meets your family and she and your toddler nephew end up loving each other and it makes the reader love paige even more 🥺🥺"
protective ♡✪ | requested -> "i love your writing sm!!! could you maybe write a paige x reader where reader is on the team and it’s an intense game and reader gets accidentally hit in the face and her nose starts bleeding. it’s not even bad but paige is all livid at whichever player that did it and she’s helping reader clean up all the blood and stuff?"
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
workin' hard or hardly workin' ♡ | request -> "hellooo just had this idea (very under developed) but could u write paige x teammate!reader (not dating but both crushing) mic'd up during practice but they forget abt being recorded so its just them flirting w each other and tryna rizz each other up LOL ? just thought it would be funny for the fans watching after"
muscle memory ✧ | summary p's first time using a strap
tiktok couple ♡ | request -> "But imagine paige bueckers with girlfriend who applied lip plumper. Like a tik tok prank"
strawberry chapstick ♡ | request -> "paige absolutely loves the taste of the chap stick/lip balm y/n uses, so they keep stealing kisses from y/n"
pizza & wings ♡ | request -> hi my love! can i request a little something of paige comforting her gf through a hard time? i’ve had a rlly tough semester and my car just died so im rlly going through it rn 🥲🥲🩷🩷 i love u and ur writing sm <3333
munch ✧ | request -> can u write about paige being a munch but like also incorporate edging into it? i love ur writing!
period pains ♡ | request: paige comforting her gf after she’s had a bad week or smth would be cute |
target & chic fil a ♡ | requested -> "Hey! Just wanted to request a Paige Bueckers story where it’s a compilation of TikTok pranks, like calling her your wife, asking for help with the tampon being stuck, etc. thank you"
too much ✧ | requested -> "overstim with paige please!"
ate (literally) ✧ | requested -> "thinking abt paige x reader smut w a post-game win quickie in paiges car (featuring extra needy paige"
fangirling ♡ | requested -> "r is nicknamed the archer bc her shooting accuracy goes crazy and whenever she makes a big three she does like a quick celebration making a bow and arrow motion and when she goes up against uconn she points and winks to paige after bc she was assigned to guard her. post-game, an interviewer asks paige how she feels abt r and she basically rants abt how cool she is - her energy, skills, etc like a fangirl moment. later the same interviewer asks r the same question and r does the literal exact same thing paige did. interviewer tells r what paige said and r lowk flirts w her thru an interview ykwim?"
you and me, we'd be a big conversation (1/3) | requested -> "paige x famous!reader (singer, actress, up to u) inspired by endgame by ts where p reveals that r is her celeb crush in an interview and a few days later theres a vid of r responding to it saying shes been obsessed w paige lately / its such a big deal bc r has been involved in a lot of romantic drama lately so everyone is kinda iffy abt her rn, causing her to put up a tough guard. but p sees thru the facade when they start talking and allows her to be herself, making r fall even harder 🥹 -> part one
𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 !
hard/soft launch ♡ | request: "HARD OR SOFT LAUNCH WITH PAIGE PLEASE 🙏" |
⇨ kk arnold²
⇨ ice brady²⁵
⇨ azzi rudd³⁵
no matter what you or what you do / when i'm alone i'd rather be with you / fuck all these -- / i'll be right by your side, til 3005 ♡ requested -> "wait i love ur fics!! can i request a one shot of azzi (aka sweet angel whose never done anything wrong in her life) and loud & chaotic!reader who were childhood friends and now have the cutest relationship ever?? like a huge opposites attract thingy where reader is a cheerleader and that popular kid, and brings azzi out of her shell? and maybe the team is a bit suspicious at first but just falls in love with their relationship really quickly"
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𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬
⇨ kate martin²⁰
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
best medicine there is ♡ | request: "Okay there's a criminally low amount of Kate martin fics like that's literally my wife 😞 buttt my idea is Kate x reader where reader plays another sport at Iowa and gets injured at a game and Kate is js there with reader and takes care of her after the diagnosis. I js reinjured my knee for the 4th time and would love sum like that 😭🙏" |
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𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫
⇨ caitlin clark²² [no longer writing for CC]
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !
sfw relationship headcanons ♡
nsfw headcanons ✧
𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
always an angel, never a god (1/2) | requested -> "Can you write something about cc and reader being enemies and hating eachother. but they are on two different teams so they play against eachother and something happens during one of their games and they take their hate out on eachother with smut?" part two
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
thigh riding ✧ | requested -> thigh riding Caitlin though....
break the bed ✧ | requested -> "please I need something about riding caitlins abs its taken over my brain"
break the bed (literally) ✧ | requested -> "Can I pleaseeee get a fic where cc actually breaks the bed?? I just know her strap game in rough after a loss"
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𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦
⇨ nika mühl¹⁰
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !
sfw relationship headcanons (part 1)
nika dating paige's little sister headcanons
nika dating a volleyball player headcanons
nika's love languages ♡
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
you've got all of me, now and forever ♡ | request: "MOREEE NIKAAA PLSSSS UR SO GOOD" nika calls her girlfriend while they're at an away game, only to be teased by her team (and nika, of course).
let me take care of you ♡ | requested -> "maybe like nika taking care of injured!reader"
to be loved is to be known ♡ | requested -> "ON MY KNEES for clingy nika hcs/fic"
down bad ♡ | request -> nika is so hates everyone but soft only for my gf like cmon |
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748 notes · View notes
shit-talk-turner · 2 years
Eagerly waiting for Emma’s next pic of Louise and the all lives matter hashtag lol. Finally Louise got a decent pic with Alex but she will eventually be cropped out like many of him with fans. I wonder if she will change her lockscreen with it now. Or maybe they are too far apart from each other. Didn’t she have a really weird pic of them on her mobile, like a random fan pic instead of a true pic the two of them took in private?
Haha yes 😂
0 notes