#Printed Matter Inc.
marcogiovenale · 4 months
the 'printed matter' publisher work grant, a new annual cycle of unrestricted grants available to artists’ book publishers
– read the full text here: https://www.printedmatter.org/workgrant – the grant is open to both US-based and international publishers – no application fee _
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rbolick · 6 months
Books On Books Collection - Michelle Stuart
The Fall (1976) The Fall (1976) Michelle Stuart Saddlestitched with staples in landscape format, glossy paper. H x W mm. 28 pages. Acquired from Specific Object, 15 March 2024. Photos of the work: Books On Books Collection. The Fall is one of the earliest publications of Printed Matter, founded in 1976 by a group of individuals working in the arts (among them artist Sol LeWitt and critic Lucy…
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Bernar Venet, Exploited Subjects, (artist's book, offset printed, from a portfolio of nineteen printed objects), Multiples, Inc., New York, NY, 1970 [© Bernar Venet / ARS, New York / ADAGP, Paris]
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Sources: Artists' Books and Multiples, Sackville, New Brunswick; Printed Matter, Inc., New York, NY; MoMA, New York, NY; Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, NY and Paris
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deityofhearts · 7 months
I hate people who think they have a say in what other people do with their own belongings, people can customize their collectors dolls and figurines, people can write in, fold and tear pages out of their books, people can alter their clothes to their own liking and so that they actually fit. people can do whatever the fuck they want with their own shit, why are y’all so mad over something that isn’t and never will be yours?
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keystonepublishing · 11 months
Wildflower by sailingthenightsea
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I think this is the first time by experiments have gotten the better of me in very big ways.
But I digress.
This bind - Wildflower by sailingthenightsea - is one that I had wanted to do for a long while. Back during the pandemic days, this fic helped me to uncover the diversity that is the Sleepy Bois Inc. fandom. So when it was finally time for me to begin work, I wanted to honor the fic's themes by going on a different bookbinding path.
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First off, I had long wanted to make a cover window, and I feel this fic is a good opportunity to try this technique - a green cover to convey the green woods, and red to represent Tommy and the fae. I printed a marbled paper design, sealed it with varnish, cut-out two pieces of board, and pasted the paper on one board surface before layering it with the cut window-board.
That process was surprisingly easy. What wasn't was how I realize I had to paste and 'tuck-in' the green cover so that it doesn't cover the marbled design underneath. it took a lot of time, patience, and energy to finesse it all into a result that looks satisfactory.
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Secondly, I wanted to see if I make the beginning (and final) pages of the textblock as endpapers into themselves. Conceptually, it would save time, materials, and energy. Unfortunately, I also tried another experiment of using misprinted pages to line the spine of the book. The result: see-through words and comments through the thin paper! Whoops!
I also wanted to use the concept of "dividing" sections of the book via endpapers such as my Solidaritek bind. But in this book, the endpapers would be printed onto the pages and divide sections of the book. The results look nice and is visually striking, but I hazard to be careful with this method and use it sparingly, as this can use up a lot more printer ink than one might expect.
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I made some ground rules for typesetting: every major event in the story is punctuated by a number, along with a flourishing drop cap in Harrington font in dark red as the opening alphabet. And as is my style, I also incorporated a comments section where selected comments that clarify some story parts or explore the deeper themes of the fic are archived.
But my favorite part is the final paragraphs. Shout-out to @therealwaffleking for making a gorgeous rendition of the final parts of the fic, and one that I had to include! It was a simple matter of putting one (or two) paragraph per art, and the result feels like a storybook!
Initially, I wasn't happy with the result of this - there are places where the green cover isn't 'tucked-in' enough, I used too much ink to print those endpaper-pages, my use of misprints as a spine connector backfired on me, the black spine piece wasn't cut straight and thus had dinks, and there's even a tear on the top of the front spine!
But after a day of rest and introspection, I found myself warming to the bind, warts and all. Sure, it's far from perfect, but it's a bind that has character and quirkyness. It has more history in it's production than a normal ficbind, and I have learned a couple of new things about knowing what not to do in the future!. It's certainly a head-turner!
My heartfelt thanks to @sailingthenightsea for this fic, along with @100-reasons-sbi and @therealwaffleking for contributing their art! Thank you all so much!
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autisticrosewilson · 4 months
I read your wilson headcanons and I would like to hear more if you don't mind. Or anything about Tanya and the rest of deathstroke Inc. (That's what theyre called aren't they?)
I haven't a clue but boy oh boy do I want to talk about them. Uh go in with caution, there's discussion of experimentation and eating disorders and childhood homelessness in Tara and Poppy's parts. I know you specifically asked for Tanya but I talked the most about Tara because I realized I haven't really made a post yet about my version of her story, and I figured now would be a good time to get into that.
Be warned I haven't read Tanya's Titans era yet so these are pretty solely based on her time with Defiance.
She definitely went to a private school, and it's not an experience she would wish on her worst enemy. Had really long braids as a kid but too many people pulled on them so she decided on the iconic pom poms.
I don't remember if her dad was ever mentioned so she primarily grew up in a single parent household, which didn't really bother her as a kid but she did have to be more responsible at a young age.
She just seems like a volleyball girly to me, I don't know. Probably did a lot of sports and had a million clubs. Never took a class that wasn't AP. My girl was a PRODIGY.
Band kid 💔💔💔 (yes she went to band camp, no she doesn't want to talk about it. Clarinet player.)
Begged her mom to let her come to the lab, she always knew she wanted to follow in her mom's footsteps.
Going from having a sous chef to living with Slade "joined the military at sixteen so he can only make MREs" was not a change she appreciated.
I feel like she was scouted for modeling as a teen and she thought about it but ultimately decided that she wanted to be known for her brain and not her face so she turned it down. She still brags about it though.
She forced Slade to take etiquette classes so he'd stop eating like a barbarian and embarrassing her in front of her coworkers. He already knew most of it but he pretends to be clueless so she'll keep going with him. This is like peak bonding to him
Poppy they could never make me forget about you<33 literally my daughter if anyone cares.
Everyday the fact that she didn't get a last name makes me froth at the mouth, I have to do everything myself around here. I've decided it's Hayes, but she doesn't really use it so it doesn't really matter.
Firstly there is something so real to me about trans fem Poppy (She/They) and I just need everyone to stick with me.
So I don't think Poppy is her original name anyway, I think she came up with Poprocket first and then spawned Poppy from there. I don't think she remembers anything about her time before the Dark Side Club, and I don't think she wants to. I think she checked, y'know just to see if there was a police report or missing posters. Nothing. So I don't think she ever went out of her way to find her previous family.
Banned from multiple public places for dying her hair in their bathrooms and staining their sinks pink.
She is a biter she will bite you it doesn't even matter if she likes you or what the situation is if you get close enough to her teeth she will fucking bite. Tara has many imprints of her teeth and is immune to them at this point.
She's definitely a little chubby and a little short for her age, I think her time on the streets + in the Dark Side Club made her malnourished and she kind of hoards food/over eats to make up for it
She was the kid in the galaxy print leggings that hissed at you in the hallways I fear, drew the Dan & Phil cat whiskers on her face everyday. Original Tumblr user, mostly reblogs cat videos. Warrior Cats kid, used to roleplay her catsona with her friends on the playground
Had to be physically removed from the room when they started dissecting frogs in bio, Slade had to pick her up because she was crying so much and they couldn't get her to stop, he ended up taking her for ice cream
Tanya and Poppy for all they're polar opposites get along pretty well. I think Tanya gets really protective of her, definitely the one Slade has to answer to before he does anything with Poppy or Tara
Tanya is the one who teaches Poppy to do makeup and they have little spa days
Poppy keeps bringing stray cats home and Slade keeps trying to say no but Tanya doesn't see an issue so she buys all the stuff for them herself
Tanya tells her gross stories about shit she saw when she was interning at a hospital while Poppy's eating to make her gag
Poppy constantly steals Tanya's clothes and it always leads to a fight first thing in the morning when Poppy tries to wear Tanya's crop tops or god forbid her Christian Dior perfume to school
They're like the sisters ever and no one even cares, DC let me in the writers room
Tara my love, they didn't do you ANY justice. The SA storyline just... wasn't done well, or handled with any respect, and it kind took away all the interest I had in Slade because the most interesting part of his character is his family and their dynamics but I couldn't focus on that when he was being weird about underage girls so it really just kind of threw me off, so I guess my prognosis is that it just,,,,didn't happen in my version of events.
Like there was a weirdly codependent father-daughter bond where he projected onto her, because she was looking for a family and he was coping with Rose blaming him for Lili's death, but there was nothing sexual or romantic because that's fucking weird and I don't want to write about it
I'm including some of her New 52 origin but I'm changing it a little, so instead of growing up with Beast Boy (he keeps his original origin) her story coincides with Poppy's since The Ravagers are so similar to the Dark Side Club anyway.
Tara is raised in the castle as a maid like her mother, Nadia, but when her powers show up she's exiled by queen Illiona who sends her and her mother away to a cabin in the middle of the snow laden woods, far away from anyone else. Well, anyone except for Dr. Helga Jace, a woman claiming to be a doctor for meta humans with a grudge against the king. In the end she convinced Nadia that Tara's best bet was being fostered by a family in the U.S. to which the woman agreed. What they didn't know was that Tara's "foster" family were agents of the Dark Side Club.
I always imagined Tara with a Russian accent for reasons I can't explain, but I was vindicated by Markovia being a part of the Soviet Union
She used to have brown hair down to her hips but the scientists cut it short, and when she escaped she bleached it to hide better.
She hates doctors because they remind her too much of the experiments, so Slade only lets her get checks ups by Dr. Villain, who is only allowed to do house calls
Jokes about her and Rose being twinsies because they're both bastard kids
Her and Brion used to be close as friends and he even sent her letters once in a while when she was exiled, I like to think he's still looking for her but she doesn't trust he wouldn't tell her location if she sought him out
They grew up close, like their mothers before them, and I imagine that Brion learned combat as part of his lessons and Tara would always beg him to teach her. The one time he actually did she was such a natural at sword fighting he joked she'd make a better knight than a maid
Crazy good at strategy games, for all she's never been interested in academia I think she's crazy smart and a thorough planner. Maybe a little bit of a control freak. It's something her, Slade, and Rose all bond over
Her superhero name being Terra and her civilian last name being Markov is soooo stupid, I can buy that she as a homeless 15 year old came up with it but I refuse to believe that Slade let her out into the real world with that. Her civilian name is Terra Hayes and her alias is Bishop (chess connotation = Defiance uniform + the bird has similar colors to her independent costume)
She knew very little English before Slade, luckily she came to him after he had some practice teaching English (Rose also didn't speak much English at first)
She got very good at cooking, cleaning, sewing, gardening, and the like young so she was always relatively independent to begin with but a lot of those old hobbies remind her of her mom now, who she doesn't know the status of
She and Poppy survived together on the streets, Poppy was 11 or 12 to her 14 or 15 so she took the big sister role pretty seriously
Slade found them together and Tara initially attacked him but he managed to talk her down after getting his ass kicked
They both have food issues, understandably, but where Poppy tends to over eat to the point of getting sick Tara will stop eating for days if she feels like food is running low so that Poppy can eat more
Probably one of the most financially responsible of Slades kids, arguably too cautious about money at first. There's a difference between knowing her mentor is rich and processing it, and she's not entirely sure what to do with big displays of wealth. She worked in the castle, she was a servant no matter how well taken care of, she's not meant for the princess treatment.
She does like going with Tanya to her work parties and high society events though, she learned a lot about social etiquette and politics as part of her curriculum and she's very charismatic when she has the chance to be
Put this girl in a theater class!!! She loves undercover missions, especially ones where she's undercover as like a waiter or a chef or something, she's thriving. Sometimes she gets so caught up in the job that she forgets about the actual Job™️ though.
Her and Joey put on wigs and coordinated outfits,take their fake IDs to fancy restaurants and pretend to be a proposing couple to get free food. They don't even need to they just think it's funny.
Sunny is an enigma, I almost hesitated to include her just because we know so little but Slade does explicitly say she's family and I like that she bullies him so I decided to.
Once again no last name, and it's debatable if Sunny is even her actual first name. I think she tells everyone she meets something different so no one knows if she's lying or not. The only person who knows her actual first name is Slade, but he doesn't use it because she doesn't.
She low-key gives estranged mob daughter to me, really funny if she has a whole family that she just doesn't talk to. Probably ran away to be a mercenary after one too many attempts to marry her off.
I'm not saying she intentionally copied Laura Croft but I am saying that she spent an inordinate amount of time playing Tomb Raider as a kid
Can and will whoop ANYBODY'S ass in Just Dance, her and Joey aren't allowed to team up
Very competitive about family game nights, she has resorted to physical violence multiple times
She has a lot of tattoos but only ones that can be easily covered, claims it's just so she's harder to identify but I feel like she grew up in a strict household and she's got lingering paranoia about self expression
Acts really unbothered all the time but she has never once won the idgaf war
She's about college age but I don't think she actually goes, never all that interested in school but she's definitely been to some college parties. She tried to bring home a frat boy once and the whole family collectively bullied him so bad he ghosted her and none of them ever let her live it down
Steals Slades leather jackets and he complains about it but he's started specifically picking out ones she'd like and modifying them all with extra padding and armor that he wouldn't really need just so she'll be safer when she wears them
Sunny's not invited to Tanya's work parties anymore because she shows up high, eats all the food, and then complains halfway through about being tired till someone takes her home early
Caught Poppy doing her eyeliner with a fine liner sharpie and dragged her to the nearest store to get her actual makeup
The fights her and Tanya have over clothes are the worst because they're similar sizes. Sunny wore one of Tanya's EXPENSIVE dresses to a college party and it's a good thing the dress was dark because there are definitely blood stains. Tanya accidentally shrunk Sunny's favorite pair of jeans in the dryer and let's just say one of Tanya's pom poms was a little sparser than the other.
Poppy made glitter bombs to use in the field but one time it missed and hit Sunny on her motorcycle to this day Sunny is still finding it in her armor and sometimes her tires leave faint glitter tracks
One year for Halloween they tried to do matching Charlie's Angles costumes but it was so unrecognizable without the three of them together and they all had different things they were going to (Sunny had a costume party, Tanya was handing out candy, Poppy was going tricker treating) that no one knew who they were supposed to be
Poppy, Tanya, Sunny, Tara, and Rose all have girls nights which can range from your average sleepover to them terrorizing the town, either way Slade always has to clean up the mess
Thanks for the ask and sorry it took forever! This kind of got buried under a bunch of other notifications lmao
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The US Supreme Court issued their decision on ANDY WARHOL FOUNDATION FOR THE VISUAL ARTS, INC. v. GOLDSMITH ET AL today.  This was a case where Warhol made a commercial, screen printed art piece based upon Goldsmith’s photograph and then benefited from another company paying him for the rights rather than the original photographer directly.
Notably, the Supreme Court deemed it not substantially transformative enough to be deemed Fair Use. In other words, Warhol took money that wasn’t his to take and there will be financial ramifications to make Goldsmith whole.
There are more Fair Use cases coming and soon, although most seem to be commercial ones.
This is your reminder that Ao3′s Fair Use defense really, really needs you to not even think about commercializing anything (no Ko-Fi, Patreon, etc.) on Ao3, especially right now with a number of potential Fair Use law changes up in the air.
Help them help us all to stay safe, no matter what else might change in the weeks, months, and years to come!
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Copperplate cookbook again : a portfolio by Year 2000 undergraduate printmakers. Nicole Brabant. [Regina, SK] : University of Regina, Faculty of Fine Arts, Dept. of Visual Arts, 2000.
2008 Seoul International Book Arts Fair. Seoul International Book Arts Fair, Sŏng-jae Song. [Seoul, Korea] : Artistbookseoul, 2008.
Language of Color. Olaf Nicolai, Annelie, Pohlen, Bonner Kunstverein. [Bonn] : Bonner Kunstverein, 2000.
Printed Matter Special : 2010 NY Art Book Fair edition. Misaki Kawai, Printed Matter Inc., NY Art Book Fair. [New York, N.Y.] : Printed Matter, Inc, 2010.
Artforumx : summary. Parasitic Ventures Press. [Toronto] : Parasitic Ventures Press. 2010.
Persistent Huts. Derek Sullivan. [New York, N.Y.] : Printed Matter, Inc, 2008.
15 Lombard St. Janice Kerbel, Stefan. Kalmár, Book Works. [London] : Book Works, 2000.
Christian Marclay: The Clock. Christian Marclay, Honey Luard, Darian Leader, White Cube. [London] : White Cube, 2010.
The Day Mubarak was Tried. Nawāl Saʻdāwī, Documenta. [Ostfildern] : Hatje Cantz, 2011.
Two Novels and Two Women. Ṣunʻ Allāh Ibrāhīm, Documenta. [Ostfildern] : Hatje Cantz, 2011.
Deadstar : A Ghost Town. Janice Kerbel, Mark Godfrey, Lyall Watson, Susan Morgan. [Newcastle upon Tyne] : Locus+ Publishing, 2006.
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craftlands · 7 months
solar's rev19 ocs fun facts!
(confused about these characters? click here for an overview post!)
Lived in Los Angeles in the 1990s before the Storm specifically so I could make it feasible for it to have read House of Leaves before the book came to print in early 2000.
When it's not being a complete and total menace to every single power structure within sight, it likes to cook. It's pretty good at cooking but is still trying to figure out baking -- K's used to improvising on the fly and isn't good at following exact directions.
Its Udimo is a California condor -- a vulture.
Its distaste for chess isn't just part of the card shark theming. It really, genuinely does not care for the game, especially not the weird superiority complexes people get about being good at it.
Both its basic incantations and its Inheritance are named after solitaire variants :)
Would have a visual novel style event sidestory with multiple endings, similar to Jessica's but with no dice rolls and a heavier focus on doing multiple paths to unlock different possibilities.
Is engineered to regenerate or heal from lost body matter incredibly efficiently while also serving as a universal donor. Has hypertrophic (raised) scarring in a few places where they... "donate" from... particularly frequently.
Has silver eyes. One is missing in their Insight 2 garment. I wonder why that is…
Can't fly or glide with their wings, as they're not fully developed, but can launch themself into the air pretty high if they channel arcanum through them. This tends to cause them to shed feathers.
Does charcoal and pencil sketches to work on their fine motor skills, as their joints tend to jolt a little bit in movement sometimes. Likes doing botanical illustrations. No plant has ever harmed them.
Genuinely does like Lock despite showing this by antagonizing him constantly. Is probably more loyal to him than they are to pretty much anyone else, including K.
Knows his own soul number -- it's 451, an incredibly mundane number with no particularly interesting qualities to speak of (sarcasm). Even its digital root is simply a default 1.
Has brown-black eyes. One is silver in his Insight 2 garment. I wonder why that is...
Social chameleon that can be a totally unmemorable guy in whatever situation you put him in. When he isn't intentionally staying low-profile, he's rather blunt and deadpan.
Relatively adept with any given weapon he picks up thanks to a deal he has with Eyes.
Doesn't have an Udimo. If he's set as an assist unit, the suitcase will be empty, and if swapped in he literally just walks onto the battlefield from offscreen.
Would have a grid puzzle event sidestory very similar to Melania's but with more focus on taking out specific targets, kind of like a very simplified Invisible Inc.
Has possession of Lock's full name. Doesn't use it very often but will occasionally withhold it on request so that people straight-up forget what it is.
K and Pinion are incredibly unnerved by him -- Pinion because of his ominous politeness reminding them of the scientists that made them, and K because it has no idea how to read or predict him. For his part, Eyes thinks this is hilarious. He also quite likes K in general and thinks it's just fascinating to observe.
Actually just friends with Lock, who isn't even remotely intimidated by them. The two exchange information a lot, and Eyes is a big help to Lock when it comes to picking targets.
Can quite literally see through the eyes of the people they've made deals with. Doing this will cause the person's eyes to glow white slightly, but the person in question won't innately be aware someone is watching. Could possess people, but chooses not to -- that's boring.
Is allergic to silver and cold iron. It's not quite the mythological deterrent fairytales hype it up to be -- he'll just get a really nasty rash if it touches his bare skin.
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Me: Hi, this is Charcuterie from Old People Health Insurance Inc., I was wondering if you could send a copy of the prescription for invoice XYZ to the patient, please?
Them: We get such weird requests when people are privately insured.
Me: I appreciate that. In this case, though, it's just printing something from a patient file that should be there regardless of insurance status. So if you could please just--
Them: We already gave one when we sent out the bill, it goes automatic.
Me: Yessss... The patient lost theirs. This invoice says you have one on file. Would it be at all possible to give them a copy, please?
Them: It's right here on file. I promise you, we didn't forget to send it.
Me: I'm not suggesting that. I'm just asking if you could please print out another copy and give it to the patient, whose medical information this is.
Them: But we already gave it.
Me: And they lost it and now can't get this invoice reimbursed. Could you find it in your heart to check the file and press print, please?
Them: I'm not sure what that would help if we already sent one.
Me: It got lost. Without it, they can't get the fifteen hundred euros you billed reimbursed to continue to keep using your service with that money. I'm trying to help fix that and would appreciate your help in this matter.
Them: Yeah, I get they need it, but they can just... Send you the copy we gave them, no?
Me: They have looked everywhere and can't find it. They've been calling everywhere for days and this one is unknown to all their doctors. I'm not asking you to break data protection laws, just send a copy of a document you already sent, to the same address it was originally sent to, the next time you send them mail, if that's at all possible. Please.
Them: That's not possible, Doctor X wrote out the prescription for last month.
Me: I am not talking about last month, I'm talking about the prescription for invoice XYZ.
Them: That went out months ago.
Me: If you still have it on file, can you reprint it?
Them: I mean, we could, but what good will it do to the patient to have two copies?
Me: ... It's a private insurance thing.
Them: Oh. How weird. Sure, I'll send another copy.
The client tried to explain to me for twenty minutes that they couldn't get a copy from their service provider, but couldn't explain why. Said admin had gotten so difficult since the accident. I thought this was long-term post-anesthesia brain fog. They thought this was long-term post-anesthesia brain fog.
After that fifteen minute call to explain the concept of losing things to a trained medical care provider, I'm no longer convinced this is long-term post-anesthesia brain fog.
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harvardfineartslib · 1 year
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“Queer Sprits” is an artist’s book that documents the past few years of AA Bronson’s performance as an unofficial queer shaman in “Invocation of the Queer Spirits,” a collaboration with Peter Hobbs. AA Bronson (1946 -) is an artist, healer, curator, and educator based in Toronto and Berlin. In the sixties, he founded a free school, a commune, and an underground newspaper. In 1969, Bronson formed the artists’ group General Idea with Felix Partz and Jorge Zontal. For the next 25 years, they produced living artwork of their living and working together and exhibited their work widely.  The group was known for their magazine FILE (1972-1989), “an alternative to the Alternative Press,” which focused on punk, queer theory, and AIDS activism.
Bronson was the Director of Printed Matter, Inc. in New York City from 2004 to 2010, and founded the annual NY Art Book Fair in 2005.
In “Queer Spirits,” AA Bronson and Peter Hobbs invoke the homometaphysical in New Orleans, Winnipeg, and Governors Island and Fire Island in New York. At each location they staged a unique Invocation, secret group rituals that unearth queer and marginalized spirits at each site.
The Harvard Fine Arts Library also holds File Magazine (v. 1-29) in its Special Collections. HOLLIS number: 990062723520203941
Queer spirits A.A. Bronson & Peter Hobbs. Bronson, AA, 1946- 1st ed. New York : Creative Time ; Winnipeg, Man. : Plug In Editions ; Zurich : JRP/Ringier, c2011. 176 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. HOLLIS number: 990130723920203941
Happy Pride Month!
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garadinervi · 4 months
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Sol LeWitt: Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour, Lisson Gallery, London, 1977 [then Printed Matter Inc. / Primary Information, facsimile reprint, 2019] [Saint Martin Bookshop, Bruxelles-Brussel. © Sol LeWitt]
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suguruisms · 10 months
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Hi my name is kai, I’m 25, and this is my writing blog. I plan to primarily write for jjk but I do dabble in other medias so I might pop up with some random things from time to time. This blog is 21+, I'm 25 years old and I will be writing nsfw content. Please respect my wishes on this matter.
You write any “dark” content such as: dubcon, noncon, inc*st (including stepsiblings or adopted siblings), p*dophilia, etc.
If you’re any kind of ignorant towards people having basic human rights (racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, etc. Also this blog is in support of Palestine. If you disagree, block me.)
If you ship children with grown adults, that’s disgusting.
 If you fall under any of these categories please do not follow or interact. If you’d prefer to block that’s fine I’m not at a loss but please respect my rules!
I feel like this is obvious but I want it stated in fine print. Obviously there is strictly no nsfw prompts written for minor characters, nor will there be romantic prompts. So when my requests do open, do not ask me for any of that, your request will be deleted and you'll be blocked.
I will only write anything for Sukuna in his true form, if that's not your cup of tea, this isn't the blog for you. He's currently in possession of a minor's body, and I only feel comfortable with his true form since that is his physical true body.
I will write fem!reader and gn!reader, if requested I can write for male!reader when my requests open as well, but I'm primarily going to default to one or the other.
If you do have any questions, I'm happy to answer them! Send an ask!
Requests are open! Please keep in mind what I said above in the rules and extra sections. I may not write every request, I write what inspires me but I do love to see ideas and I can safely say I will try to write every request I get. As for what you can request, specifically.
I will write
one shots (my normal works)
They can be nsfw or sfw! If you have any questions please shoot me an ask!
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Very manipulative Bruce hats off I imagine the public uproar for having a child brides goes strong for the first few weeks until someone leaks a video of Bruce kneeling in front of Tim crying and saying he is sorry he ruined him that he didn’t mean for it to happen but he will try forevto make it up to him and the baby that he will do the right thing and do right by him and not have their baby be born a bastard or unloved.
Then Bruce’s lawyers and pr team who are paid very handsomely also leak the discussion with the Drakes (obviously only the parts that painted them the worst) of how from a certain perspective they were holding Tim and the unborn baby over Bruce’s head trying to force an abortion on their newly presented son of Bruce does not yield to their demands and without any of Tim’s input, of how they were absent even with Tim showing signs of his heat coming up, of how Tim had to set up his own appointment and of how strong and fast Tim’s heat presented and how convenient it was for the Drakes who obviously as neighbors to the Wayne’s would know that he sometimes walks by the border of their properties and since the death of his son has been seen interacting with Tim at galas with maybe some nudging from Janet while they were trying to seal a deal with the Wayne’s. The media would then be encouraged to print things in a favorable light to Bruce and the internet would pick apart the documents and it seems very fishy that the Drakes came out of the whole situation with a very lucrative deal with Wayne Inc. and a hefty amount of money for trauma inflected that went directly into their personal accounts and how they almost immediately after signing Tim over to Bruce they fucked off to continue their adventures. Videos from old galas in which Janet and Jack seem to forget Tim and how they almost seem to push Tim into socializing with their business partners no matter how uncomfortable baby Timmy looked of how poor grieving Bruce seemed to get better after some friendly company from Tim and how kind Bruce is with all children. Bruce was Gothams darling a man who had his parents tragically taken away but gave so much back to the community and had foundations that basically kept Gotham from the brink of collapse. They lawyers and his team need only whisper how Bruce might have been the victim as well as Tim taken advantage of for access to the Wayne fortune and the people would come to his defense because they want hope that they can trust him. It’s so easy to blame the Drakes who must have their share of controversy because they go excavate and explore the world while never returning the items they find back the proper authorities or communities but rather keep the items themselves or auction them off. No one want to truly believe Bruce is the bad guy but some who was manipulated and taken advantage of is so much better.
!!!!!!!!!!!!! bruce is 100% someone who went into this with a strategy and a plan!!
he knew in normal circumstances he had a choice. he could either have tim and sacrifice his public reputation or maintain his public persona but lose out on having tim as an omega. that doesn't even in clude the backlash that would occur from the rest of the hero community.
what dick would think- what clark would.
sure they want to believe the best in bruce and he offers sufficient evidence, good enough explanation they'll be in this sort of 'unsure' state. because they bruce is a strongwilled person and the idea that he could fall for this kind of thing is just so...jarring.
but then they see the articles and online sleuths going over the transcript of that legal meeting and all the notes taken. they present the evidence of a very shady situation.
the only one who know that tim presented on the street and not in his home is him and bruce and tim has already sworn to maintain the story because he doesn't want to get bruce in trouble.
wellness checks are performed on tim in the weeks following his official move to the manor. local social workers and then state ones. a justice league wellness representative shows up as well with a more shrewd eye and comprehensive questions he asks bruce and tim separately.
bruce knows his reputation is in the gutter once the news gets out. but it's more disappointing than full of vitriol because brucie does have his uses and that's having a reputation as a well-intentioned man.
brucie is a gag, a man with memes made about him. now it turns out he's married to a child. a child that he got pregnant?
so when there's the smallest shred of doubt on the actual flat truth of the events people latch onto it.
they latch onto a grainy video shot from behind a bush like the person is trying to hide as bruce's shaking shoulders and low mournful sobs are heard.
tim is plainly visible, curled over him and stroking bruce's back unsurely, brows furrowed in concern as bruce buries his face in the bunched up skirt in his lap.
"i'm sorry" they can hear. "i'm so sorry i'm so sorry-"
brucie's bubbling words about how he didn't mean it, he didn't mean it he's sorry. but he'll do right by him, it'll be okay. tim will be okay and so will their baby. everything will be okay because brucie will fix it.
and people can't help but shift uncomfortably at the video. because bruce sounds so...young. so lost and confused and hopeless. and this doesn't look or sound like a grown man but more like a young child who's desperately trying to take responsibility for something so big.
that coupled with online sleuths with far too much free time who make twitter threads and youtube videos breaking down what happened.
all of a sudden tone shifts from 'fuck bruce wayne, you can't trust anyone anymore' to 'poor bruce wayne, i wish him, his omega and their baby a life of peace and happiness after all this'.
bruce wayne is no longer a predator. he's a victim now too.
and that, people are far more willing to live with that than the alternative.
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corner-stories · 2 years
18 for the injury prompts with Bart and Jesse?
Injury Prompts
18. "You saved me...? And bandaged me up? Am I dreaming?" || "Yeah, well, I wasn't going to let you die just like that..."
Bathed in the morning light, Bart Allen lies on a couch in a house in upstate New York. On his left arm are wound dressings he didn't remember being there before. A surreal feeling beats in his heart as he unwraps the bandages around his wrist, unsure what to expect underneath.
The memories of the prior mission are still fresh in his head. It was fortunate that Bart happened to be in New York at the right time. A lot of good things had already come from his S.T.A.R. Labs internship, but the fact that he just happened to be in the area when a giant robot mecha began attacking the Bronx was exceedingly convenient.
It was just as convenient that Jesse was present at the JSA brownstone. With Karen and Jay busy elsewhere, it was unsurprising that Jesse Quick was the first Society member to arrive at the scene to aid Kid Flash.
Unfortunately, the giant Bronx-attacking mecha fired a missile towards an unoccupied car, which caused the vehicle to explode and throw jagged bits of glass in every direction.
In a flash Bart had moved every civilian out of the way, but just out of his field of vision a piece of shrapnel had pierced his left wrist with an unexpected amount of force.
When Bart looked down to his arm he was greeting to the sight of an alarming amount of blood coming out of him. Even in flash-time he could feel his stomach dropping in fear.
The last thing he did remember was a worried Jesse running up to him before he passed out in shock.
Considering that he isn't in pain anymore, it's fair to say that Bart's healing factor had done its job. However, the bandages are the cause of his concern.
As Jesse sits on the living room rug with her infant son in front of her, Bart slowly pulls the wrappings off his arm. What he finds underneath are several butterfly closures over his healed skin, albeit with a little bit of scarring.
"You saved me...?" asked Bart, looking over to Jesse on the carpet. "And bandaged me up? Am I dreaming?"
Jesse is more concerned with entertaining her young son. The eight-month old Johnny Tyler coos in utter joy as his mother holds his favorite stuffed elephant toy above his face.
"Yeah, well, I wasn't going to let you die just like that..." Jesse says in a matter of factly tone. She keeps her eyes on the cutest baby in upstate New York, clearly unconcerned with her now healed little brother figure currently on her couch.
"I may have taken you to Doctor Mid-Nite just to be safe, but it should all be good."
Bart blinks, still unsure how to feel. Perhaps the shock of getting struck with the shrapnel had yet to wear off.
"Thanks," he says as he begins to take off the butterfly closures. The dressings are unbloodied, which he's not sure is a good thing or a bad thing.
Once his wrist is bare, Bart rolls the sleeve of his torn Kid Flash costume over it. The downside of the material being ultra thin and easy to move in is that it tears too easily. In fact, quite a bit of his suit has been damaged from the encounter.
Jesse looks to Bart and motions over to a nearby armchair, where an pair of joggers and an aging sweatshirt lay folded on the cushions.
"I got you a change of clothes, if you want," she offers. "Some of Rick's old stuff."
Bart nods, then smirks. "You're too nice to me."
Jesse gives him a joking smile back. "Well, someone's gotta be."
At a normal pace, Bart heads to the nearest bathroom and changes. When he emerges he is sporting a pair of sweatpants a size too big and a sweatshirt with the words 'Infinity Inc.' printed in red, white, and blue. He can't help but notice that the words are rather faded.
Bart returns to the living room to see Jesse having placed little Johnny into his playpen. She lounges on the armchair, in one hand she is scrolling through her phone and in the other she is holding a coffee mug that says 'World's Okayest Mommy.'
Bart can still recall Jesse's reaction when Wally had gifted her that mug. It was certainly not the baby shower gift she was expected, but it was the one she truly needed to finally call herself a mother.
When Jesse sees Bart in the doorway, she asks, "How's the arm?"
"It's good, thanks," the younger speedster replies, twisting his hand to feel for any pain. Fortunately, there is none.
As if on cue, the other resident of the Tyler-Chambers household makes himself known. Through the doorway connecting the living room and kitchen, Rick Tyler walks out in all of his shirtless glory.
Judging by the smell of bacon and eggs sizzling in the kitchen, it's apparent that the Man of the Hour enjoys cooking while clad in only his trunks.
"Hey, you're awake," says Rick. In his hand he holds a pair of tongs and points them over to Bart. "You hungry, Kid? Cause Jesse said you like to eat."
Bart's not sure whether it be because of the suddenness of the situation, or the fact that Hourman's rather chiseled pecs are the first thing his eyes were drawn to, but the young speedster's first reaction is to let out a chuckle.
"Well, she's not wrong," Bart says with a smile. "Sure, I could go for some breakfast."
"Great, cause I made extra," Rick tells, punctuating his words by pointing his tongs forward. "It'll be ready in two minutes."
With everything said, Rick turns around and rushes back into the kitchen.
When Bart looks at Jesse, he can see the contented look in her eyes. He never really expected that Jesse would be the one to settle into a little corner of suburbia, let alone with any specific person. Yet here he was, standing in the home that Jesse shared with his giant himbo of a husband and her young son napping in his playpen nearby.
"Does Rick ever wear shirts?" asks Bart in a joking tone.
Jesse rolls her eyes as she takes a sip of her coffee. "Shut up."
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schaedyn · 2 years
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I’m late to this but I’m thrilled to announce that Printed Matter has restocked my zine, Morte Enchiridion! It is available at both their locations, St. Marks and Chelsea, in Manhattan (as well as online). So I may have left nyc but my legacy remains ;) link in bioooo @printedmatterinc #diy #zines #punk #goth #punkzine #printedmatter #manhattan #nyc #brooklyn #nyczine #risograph #riso #risozine (at Printed Matter, Inc.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkoNeGtv4GK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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