#Pretty sure these guys have been kicking around for over a decade
youngerfrankenstein · 2 months
hello can you introduce us to some of your ocs 👀
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For the most part all my OC’s are from a specific story or story idea but unfortunately(? Maybe just how it is) the main two who live in my head rent free have had their story become more and more nebulous over time (still have a supporting cast though lol) Perhaps someday I will iron things out so they can pay for their stay, but also I just like having them around as imaginary friends.
Juliet, but only her dad really calls her Juliet anymore. Mother was a Shakespeare scholar, passed away when she was four, hit her dad really hard. Cheery, energetic, friendly to just about anyone. And it’s only slightly forced at this point! Became a Shakespeare nerd herself and is actually a bit snippy about it. Can speak at least English, Spanish and Irish Gaelic (probably also French?) Has a tendency to not swear in English as to not get caught. Curious and enthusiastic perhaps beyond the point that’s good for her. And perhaps overly optimistic, though that’s largely a choice. A lot less blind to things than people tend to assume. Also a shorter temper. (And I have at this point made the executive decision she’s a big G1 Transformers fan because weirdly it suited her well? Helped her feel less awful about being called a robot due to being very unemotive until age like. 10 or 11. At which point she chose violence for a year or two. Followed by actively deciding the kind of person she would become.) She’s also just generally quite smart, though she also tends to miss the details. And also play up the goofier side of her personality to keep people a little less on-guard.
Very, very angry teen when he and Jules met. And he was a grouch and a half to her. Basically an angry boy with a crush he had no idea what to do with. But weird shit happened and they became friends. Tends at least early on to lash out and just insult people. He keeps insulting people he just becomes a lot more clever and witty about it. It’s basically part defense mechanism, part a want to see how people react to different things and part he just finds it funny. Voice of an angel. Pianist and kind of a music nerd, taught himself on an electronic keyboard he fished out of the trash and from what theory books he could find at the library. Actually really good at reading people and could be the most charming man you’ve ever met if he didn’t have more fun being mean. That said he’s really not a bad guy and over time becomes a little more willing to be selfless and even hopeful, though he does tend to think the worst of people (he had a really shitty mom). He also becomes way more comfortable in his own skin. Honestly happy Jules never recognized his crush as they are way closer now than they would have been if she had.
(I, kind of have this thing about him where his absolute most hated thing in the world is an untuned grand piano. Since it means the person has the cash to buy one but no love for music or even respect for their own possessions, they just want a status symbol.)
Often they just hang out in my head. Sometimes with random other fictional characters lol. This feels like a dull way to put them but… they mean a lot to me okay? Almost as much as they mean to each other.
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razorblade180 · 3 months
Random MHA chapter 427 thoughts (spoilers duh)
Midoriya is a better man than me because I’m not getting called a murderer hatefully by someone who worshiped The Hero Killer. Sir, your idol tried to kill my friend’s brother who’s just a nice person.
“You should make it a comic” is unironically a really cold response. That’s crazy.
It makes complete sense society does not give a fuck about Tomura. There’s a difference between sympathy and empathy; even if they learned everything, it’s a hard sell to make people care about someone who took their sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, etc.
I do find it a little obtuse to pin society for people like Tomura and Dabi specifically when the main reason they were such a problem is literally because the personification of evil (AFO) was plotting on these for decades. Yeah Endeavor is major key for Dabi but that boy would’ve burned to death as a child or been found by his dad/firemen if AFO wasn’t being unhinged. Honestly if we’re talking about Hero Society failing anyone specifically by its structure, it’s Toga cause not having any solution for child development regarding taboo quirks like hers is insane. Spinner’s issue essentially racism and that’s a complex problem before hero society. That’s just a societal problem in general! I personally can’t pin that blame on hero society specifically.
I see so many people hating on Deku after reading this and I just don’t get it. The 15 year old boy literally did everything he could and gave up everything but his life for a person who by no means was going to turn over a new leaf and did not feel bad about his actions.
Overhaul has been nothing but a mentally broken/unstable double amputee that’s been in confinement ever since he lost. Don’t really understand why there’s a need to kick this guy more since the villain he was has been dead forever. He’s also objectively done less atrocities and yet nobody seems to feel bad for him. Dude was also an orphan taken in by organized crime too but since he abused a child we got to learn about he deserves no sympathy? Okay. Oh we’re supposed to feel absolutely devastated by Tomura though? Pfft, I’m not. “You should feel bad about Eri forever.” Okay, but can you he do that with prosthetics and a mental institution since Y’know… he doesn’t have a quirk.
Seriously, if the message is “society should do better when it comes to how villains happen” then at least give Overhaul the ability to eat without help. I agree with the idea of Eri not seeing him but like… that dude could rebuild Japan quickly with his quirk. That MF could probably fix Dabi if he tried. Maybe I’m not hero material cause with Eri’s consent, I would’ve negotiated giving his arms back so he could fix grandpa; but before he gets to save grandpa he fixes the country and gravely injured heroes. Does it cheapen some events? Perhaps. Do I want Bakugo and Deku to not have medical problems at 22? Also yes. I’m typically not big on undoing lots of things but it’s not like the heroes didn’t earn a portion of their life back. You can spin it positively. If Endeavor isn’t in a wheel chair, then nobody has to aid him cause I’m pretty sure his wife and Todoroki are just nice enough to wheel him around but they could be doing better things.
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livwritesstuff · 9 months
how does steve and eddie deal with all three girls’ periods?? or high hormones?
(don’t have to answer if this topic makes you uncomfortable 🫶)
HA ok i'll be very honest - i've actually been hoping someone would ask me this
when you think about it, steve and eddie aren't necessarily coming at it from equal playing fields. steve had a mom and had girlfriends and had robin who, as we know, is a chronic over-sharer. he also has several psych degrees and as someone with a psych degree i can tell you that menstruation/hormones absolutely come up in the coursework.
eddie, on the other hand, never dated women, his mom died when he was in elementary school, and on the whole it’s just uncharted territory for him in a way it isn’t for steve.
when moe is around 11 or 12, steve and eddie have a very long conversation with robin and nancy getting advice on how best to breach that topic with their daughters, and then they turn that into a conversation with Moe that is much shorter by comparison (and that she is absolutely mortified by) letting her know they are there for her (but that she can also go to her Aunt Nancy and Auntie Robin too).
overall, their sentiment is yes, it's an important milestone and yes, it’s a very big deal —
but also do. not. make it a big deal.
so that’s what they do, and they manage to be normal about Moe first starting her period, and it’s even more normal with Robbie a few years later. It’s so normal by the time Hazel hits that age that they miss it entirely.
Moe, back from her first semester of college: Where the fuck did you guys move the tampons?
Robbie: Pretty sure I gave the last one to Hazel
Eddie: EXCUSE ME?!?
as for hormones, they actually do pretty okay. they both jive with the whole teenager thing and get a kick out of how the girls keep them on their toes. (the 5-year age gap between moe and hazel kind of did them dirty tho because it means they’re in hormonal hell for like a decade)
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ohbx · 2 years
Partnered Up
A JJ x Reader Slow Burn Fic
Author's notes:
This is pretty much PG (with a touch of PG-13, maybe some swearing, mentions of abuse as in the context of the show). No warnings, except it being over 4k words & unedited. I wrote in first person so I just made it a reader insert but I might give the character a name cause she definitely seems like a character. (Y/F/N= Your Friend's name) Also this is a treasure hunt free alternate universe.
Partnered Up
I had obviously noticed JJ and his friends at school. They almost always traveled in a pack. Loud, boisterous and looking like they just rolled up from the beach. Although that was more common than not because I went to public high school on the Outerbanks. Out of his crew, he and John B were especially notorious for leaving a trail of broken hearts throughout the island. Whether it be kooks, pogues, tourons or anyone in between any girl I met knew who they were, and had a crush on one of them at one point or another. While the girls reasoning differed, (Kooks were usually looking for a one night tryst with a bad boy to piss their ex boyfriend off or gain the attention of some kook guy.) the point remained, they were the sleepover talk of girls across the island - every girl secretly thought they would be the one to tie down one of the island boys who were a little rough around the edges. 
But now, John B was dating Sarah. A fact that only raised the desperation for JJ throughout the school halls. I could practically hear girls heads turning from their lockers as he made his way down the hall, clutching tattered papers, no backpack in sight. And sure, I understood the appeal. The piercing blue eyes, the charming, shameless flirtation. And of course I had read enough romance novels to understand the “i could fix him” urge for the girls who saw him show up year after year to school with no parents whoever came to end of the year barbecues, busted lips and black eyes monthly, and stoned more often than not. I understood it, I really did. But I didn’t have time to worry about boys. Especially not boys who would never give me a second look. I mean, I had been going to school with him for almost a decade and I doubted he even knew my name. It wasn’t self pity, but rather self awareness, to know a boy like him would never give me the time of day. And for that I never spent that much time worried about what the blonde boy thought of me- since I was pretty sure he didn’t think of me at all. It wasn’t self pity, just self awareness. And for that my self preservation kicked in anytime other girls at the lunch table gossiped about the blonde boy’s smile or dimples - I would have never admitted that I had given him a second glance. 
As all high school teachers do, my biology teacher had a penchant for making her class as socially draining as possible. Which meant today when we were being assigned our physiology project for the final 6 weeks of the semester - she announced that she would be assigning us partners instead of letting us pick our own. I glanced longingly at my best friend sitting next to me and slowly rolled my eyes. It would be a lot simpler and more fun if the two of us could just work together. The teacher read out all the pairs and announced my name next to the infamous bad boy himself. JJ Maybank. As the teacher wrapped up her pairings, she projected the topics that each group was assigned to on the board. I slowly and nervously bent over to grab my text book from under my desk. But when I looked up, JJ was already leaning on the desk next to me. 
“Hey Y/N - looks like we’re partners,” he said with a sheepish smile. 
“Yea!” I replied maybe a bit too enthusiastically.
I offered him my phone number as class was ending for the day and then had to rush to swim practice after school. I told him to just text me before class tomorrow so you could get a jump on planning your project. 
After swim practice, as I toweled off at your locker, I picked up my phone to several text notifications from JJ
JJ: Hey y/n it’s JJ Maybank
JJ: Sorry you’re stuck with me as a partner
JJ: Just text me whenever you’re done with swim and we can start a plan 
I  felt a pit in my stomach. JJ wasn’t known for being the smartest or most studious kid in school but I immediately felt bad that he was apologizing before the project even began. Secondly I was shocked he even knew I  was on the swim team. 
I quickly crafted a response telling him I was happy to work with him. Trying to keep it casual. Admittedly, that had never been my strong suit when it came to cute boys.
I then texted him that I would do some googling and take some notes about the  assigned topic tonight, and we both could chat about it tomorrow. 
He replied shockingly fast that he would do the same. 
After swim practice the next morning I found myself taking more care in the shower to not smell like chlorine all day and taking a little bit longer on my makeup and hair before I returned to school for first period. I wouldn’t let myself admit that it was because I would be in close proximity to JJ later that day- but deep down that definitely played a factor. 
When I  got to class that day after saying hi to my best friend, I sat farther towards the back where JJ was already slumped in his chair. He perked up a bit when I sat down next to him. The teacher had given us a free period to discuss and plan our projects , so after a quick hello I took out my notes, and so did JJ. 
I offered him my notes to look over while he handed me his but then he cleared his throat promptly. 
“I uhhh…” he began sheepishly and then paused.
“I can’t read cursive” he spit out all at once and then half laughed. 
I tried to keep my face neutral, and not laugh, as he was clearly looking nervous, but I was confused. 
“I uh, I have dyslexia” he quietly offered by way of explanation as he rubbed the back of his neck- not making eye contact.
“Oh!” I tried not to sound surprised or show it on my face. “Here pass me back my notes and we can just discuss what we both learned and then what direction we want to research and create our presentation on.” 
JJ just nodded and said “thanks” as he handed we traded notes back. 
We spent the next hour or so nerding out and actually having great, very insightful conversation about our disease we were researching, and I scribbled quick messy notes with promises to type them up when we were done so we could both see them on Google docs. 
At the end of class everyone rushed out the door at the bell, and I turned quickly with a quick see ya! to JJ on the way out the door. 
“Hey Y/n wait” JJ said quickly as he called after me. I spun around to face him. 
“Uhh thanks for being so nice and helping me out today. I know you probably wish you had a partner that wasn’t such an idiot"
"You don't need to thank me, you're my partner, we both deserve to be able to work in a way that works for us. Otherwise I wouldn't really be a partner and I'd be a bitch" I said, and I meant it.
JJ had offered some of the best insight you had heard in this class all year. I was confident that he was going to be a good partner for the project despite my initial internal reservations due to his reputation. 
JJ just shrugged back at me sheepishly. 
"Well, I mean it, thanks. You'd be surprised how few people feel that way. Usually teachers or my group hear that and just decide they'll fail me or do all the work themselves."
"Seriously, you don't have to thank me, I am happy you're my partner, I think things will go well with this project. Sorry - I really gotta go to swim practice. Coach will kill me if I'm late" 
He just nodded and offered a brief see ya as I turned and headed down the hall. 
It went on this way for a few weeks. We worked tirelessly during class, had a few brief moments of small talk, and then I would rush off to practice. I was secretly thinking about him during the evenings, but I didn't usually hear from him until class the next day. 
So imagine my surprise when I powered my phone back on after practice to another two texts from JJ. 
JJ: Hey - hope your practice went well! 
JJ: I got sidetracked after class
JJ: but I wanted to no if you wanted to come to a party tonite that my friends r having at the boneyard. I know your not a big partier but since its not yet  summer it will be pretty low key, you can bring Y/F/N or whoever if you have a bf or something 
I found myself smiling slightly to myself with my head in my locker. Y/F/N laughed and asked who was making me blush. I coyly avoided the question... for about 14 seconds until I asked her if she wanted to go to the boneyard tonight. 
"Oh so JJ" she joked. "C'mon you cannot be falling for him that is such a bad idea" 
"I am NOT falling for him" I rolled my eyes. "We are just becoming friends. Plus I feel like we could use some Friday socialization that doesn't involve chlorine or studying in my living room"
 It was late May, and Y/F/N sat on my bed as I deliberated about what I wanted to wear to the party. After a lot of back and forth, I landed on birkenstocks, jean shorts and a tank top. Boring, I know, but it felt the most me, and the most appropriate for the weather. 
We decided to walk, as it was only half a mile away, and then we could have a few beers and then walk home after. It's not like my mom was home anyway.
I had texted JJ for the details on when to arrive, but I hadn't expected us to be the first ones there beyond his direct friend group. They quickly ushered us into their circle and we joined in the drinking games they were playing around the bonfire. 
Y/F/N was flirting with Pope, and while I didn't think it would go anywhere tonight, I could definitely see them being a cute and nerdy match.
As the party picked up, I was definitely feeling a bit of a buzz from a handful of hard seltzers and beers.
Y/F/N was occupied chatting with Pope and Kiara about who knows what, something scientific that I was too drunk for, so I made my way across the party in search of someone else to chat with.
JJ intercepted me, steadying himself on my arm after we almost collided.
"Wanna walk down the beach?"
I wasn't a big partier, but I definitely knew the insinuation there, and this many drinks in, I couldn't think that far in advance, I think I was just flattered by the invitation.
We broke away from the big group of high schoolers and reached a quieter part of the beach.
"So you're a fast swimmer right?"
"Compared to girls in this county, sure"
"Dont try to be humble, Kiara told me how you're ranked like #3 in all of North Carolina or something"
"#2" I mumbled sheepishly, never good at bragging about myself.
"Damn, so like good?"
"Let's hope so, I am gonna need it to pay for my college"
JJ nodded, thinking something over. A mischevious glint flickered across his eyes.
"Ok let's see it then. Race you out to that swim buoy!?" He challenged, stripping off his shirt and kicking his shoes off already.
As he dove into the calm surf, I peeled off my jean shorts and kicked off your birks. Diving in in just my tank top and thong. I took off swimming messily, but still passed JJ fairly quickly.
I didn't beat him by much, just enough to be standing looking bored when his head popped up at the buoy.
"Damn" he laughed "You got me."
His eyes flitted down to my thick, but definitely more revealing when wet tank top. He took a step closer to me.
For the first time in our friendship, it was silent. He kept a strong eye contact with me as he reached his hands out placing them on my waist, now covered in goosebumps. He pulled himself closer to me or me closer to him, I wasn't even sure my brain was forming coherent thoughts over the sound of my heart fluttering.
And then he kissed me. He kissed me in the way that the world around me went silent and all I could think about was him, and us. I didn't think about the fact I was practically naked about 10 feet from my first party, nor the fact that we were in the ocean at night. Nothing. Just him and us. Not that I had a lot to compare it to, but I knew it was a good kiss.
We continued to make out hands roaming up and down each others upper bodies, until our teeth were chattering and we made our way out of the water.
JJ shook his hair off like a dog before sliding his tee shirt over his head. I shook off suddenly self conscius about my lack of clothes, and slid into my jean shorts. Luckily it was a nice night, so we started to dry off pretty quickly.
Jj snaked his hand through my belt loop and pulled me closer to him. Catching my jaw with his other hand and pulling me into kiss me. I got the vague sense that he had done this before, but not even in a way that I could be jealous, because of how special this moment was making me feel. Well until it wasn't.
"Look Y/n. I like you a lot."
My heart skipped a beat.
"I uh, like you too"
"Do you wanna come back home, er uh, to John B's with me?"
And the other shoe drops. He doesn't actually like me, he just wants me to come hook up with him in his friends guest bedroom. I knew if I did that I would end up feeling temporarily validated, only to be more heartbroken when he inevitably didn't like me at all.
"I cant, I uh, have to walk home with Y/F/N" I said quickly as I started walking back to the party. Tears pricking the corners of my eyes. He followed behind, murmuring his agreement or understanding or something.
I left soon the party after, giving JJ a hasty goodbye hug, before shedding drunk tears on the way home about how he didn't really like me.
The next day I woke up with a pounding headache. I was asleep on the floor of my room and Y/F/N was asleep in my bed. I climbed into it, jostling her awake but I was in need of girl talk. 
"So now what?" she asked 
" I just like, don't know what to do. He clearly just saw me as another girl, when I had thought we were getting along so well so I guess I will just wait and see if he says anything." 
"You could just ask him" 
"No way" 
My mom was still gone the rest of the weekend, so it was spent going to the beach, and hanging out at home with Y/F/N. I was dreading going back to school on Monday, and I hadn't received a single text from JJ, and knew I had blown my chance. 
I arrived in my last period on Monday and slinked my way to the back of the classroom next to JJ. He looked like he hadn't slept since I saw him on Friday. When I sat down he grunted a hello. We pretended that there was nothing we cared about more than our current science project. But we still got almost nothing done. We couldn't agree on which way to go forward, what to dive deeper on, what should be the main focus of our presentation, everything was an argument. 
I left the class for practice without saying another thing, barely even a goodbye. I had never swum so fast or hard in my life. Blowing off steam, I buried my head and swam faster splits than I usually swam at meets. I kicked my legs until I couldn't feel the pain in my chest any longer. 
I got out of the pool and grabbed my phone out of my locker. I felt my stomach bubble in anticipation of a text but I didn't actually expect one. 
The next four days JJ didn't show up to school. Our project was still due in just over a week, so I worked a lot on it in class by myself. 
On Friday I finally built up the courage to shoot him a text in the morning when I see he's not there. A few hours went by without a reply. I figure I knew Kie well enough by now, so I asked her if he was ok.
She gave a concerned looking shrug. 
"We've heard from him, but he does this sometimes, just kinda drops off the face of the earth and no one can get him to hang out or go to school. Are you worried about your project?" 
"He told you about that?" 
"Yea he won't shut up about it" Kie laughed " It was all we had heard about for like the past 4 weeks" 
TYou exchanged numbers with Kie, and she told me to just text her if I was worried about him or hadnt heard from him by the end of the day and she would try and do a wellness check. 
As soon as you sat down for 6th to begin though, JJ had texted me back. 
JJ: Sorry I'm not in class. I couldn't. 
No further explanation? I wondered to myself
me: Are you ok? 
The typing bubbles repeatedly showed up and then disappeared at least 3 times before he responded, completely ignoring your question. 
JJ: Can we meet up to talk about the project today? I feel bad I haven't pulled my weight. 
Sure I quickly replied.
Me: My place or yours? 
he shot back: Cant do mine. 
me: that's fine
Then I just texted him my address and the time I would be home from swim practice.  
I grabbed a pizza on my way home from swimming. I figured if this was going to be the most awkward friday of my life at least we could have a snack while studying. 
I got home, quickly showered, and tried to make myself look semi-presentable in a flannel and jeans, even though I knew that ship had pretty much sailed.
I put the pizza in the oven to stay warm and grabbed a few cokes out of the garage to put on the kitchen island. 
By the time I was done, I heard a soft knock on the door. 
I opened it to JJ, looking like he had been hit by a car. Probably not today, his clothes were clean, and his hair looks more purposeful than usual, but he had deep, purple bruises across his face, and a dark scab drifting from his eye down his cheek. I let out a slight involuntary gasp and stuttered a little bit. 
"what happened? are you ok?" 
"Can we please not talk about it" he looked as if he might burst into tears or run off at any moment. 
I nodded, not trusting my words. 
I just held out my arms and offered him a hug which he wordlessly accepted, melting into my embrace. He wasn't much taller than me, but he slumped down, head on my shoulder he let out a heavy sigh before letting go. 
"Thanks, I guess I needed that" he said his words attempting to convey lightness but getting stuck in the back of his throat.
"I figured" I shrugged, helplessly. Lost at what to do as I led him into the kitchen where my books were spread on the island. 
I saw him taking stock of my kitchen which had small pads on all of the corners as well as small braille labels on the cupboards. 
"Is this like babyproofing?" he asked. 
"No" I laughed "My little brother is blind, its for safety but also theoretically so he can find stuff on his own" 
"I didn't know you had a little brother" JJ looked shocked as he tried to process that information. 
"He lives off the island about 11.5 months a year. He's almost 8 and my favorite person in the whole world. He goes to a boarding school for blind kids." 
JJ just nodded. 
"That's why my mom's not here. She tries to spend a few weeks a quarter there, whenever she's not running our family business on the island. She feels really guilty about sending him away, even though the only place she can make money is on the island and the only place he can learn is off. So she has a tiny shoe box apartment out in Raleigh where his school is." 
"And your dad stays here with you?" Jj asked innocently. 
I just shrugged "He's not really in the picture these days"
"I'm sorry," JJ offered. 
"It's alright. We get by ok. I've had to grow up pretty fast these past few years since my brother started school, but it's worth it." 
"Wait. This is why you were so good at helping me and dictating everything you wrote isn't it. JJ asked. 
"I don't even think I thought about it like that, I just have spent a lot of time with my brother who also learns differently so it came easily to me" I answered genuinely. 
"That was the nicest way anyone has ever called me illiterate" JJ joked, perking back up to his normal self. 
I just rolled my eyes at that comment. We worked for a few hours only breaking for pizza and soda until about 10 pm. Until we decided we were caught up enough to call it a night. JJ promised to work more over the rest of the weekend to make up his share, even though I told him that wasn't necessary. 
Normally on Friday nights, I watched a movie after homework, studying and pizza with Y/F/N, but she left right after swim practice to go to her grandparents on the mainland. So I just offered JJ to stay. He accepted, quickly shooting a text to his friends to let them know his whereabouts. 
"Kie made it seem like they did a pretty good job of checking up on you" I noted. 
"They do, they mean well" he said. Now that I had seen him, I better understood why. They probably knew something that he wasn't ready to let me in on yet, even though I was desperately curious and felt unceasingly bad for him. 
As we watched the movie he slid closer to me on the couch. I was  keenly aware of his body’s proximity to mine , and not as much so to the plot of the movie. 
I was aware that i was a bit nervous and jumpy, after all I had never had a boy at my house alone before. But he put his hand on my thigh, and as much as I had wanted to not be nervous I moved away from him and put my back to the arm rest of the couch, hugging my knees into my chest.
“Oh fuck I’m sorry i knew i misread the vibe I’m an idiot” JJ quickly spat out 
“No it’s not…” I struggled to find my words which was rare for me 
“I just , I like you, but I felt like I gave you the wrong idea last weekend. I don’t want to have a one night stand, and then I felt like you didn’t speak to me all week or say anything after. I get that that’s what you’re looking for but it’s just not me” I word vomited
“I’m so stupid I’m sorry i should have known you’re too smart to think of me as more than a friend. Can we just pretend I didn’t do that”
“I do like you like that I just. I know you just do hook ups and I don’t know I know i sound like a prude but I don’t think i can do that.”
“Wait. You do like me like that?”
“Obviously. We have so much fun together.” I replied honestly. 
“I spent all of last weekend and all week convincing myself that I fucked up by kissing you. And convincing myself that you like every one else just wanted to brag about having some drunken escapade with JJ and never see him again.”
“And I thought you were mad I didn’t sleep with you because you didn’t text me. “  I admitted.  
“I’m sorry.” He looked heart broken. “It honestly wasn’t that. No one has ever wanted me in anyway other than for my body. So i assumed if you didn’t want to come home with me you were probably offended I even made a move at all and certainly couldn't like me back.” 
My heart hurt hearing his genuinely vulnerable comment. 
“I obviously always thought you looked good, but only have developed a crush on you now that I know you for you” you admitted. “But i assumed since you have your pick of gorgeous girls that you wouldn’t want me.”  My voice quivered. I had never once admitted to someone how insecure I was about how I looked. It always seemed like there were more important things than appearances, quite literally speaking in my life. But that didn’t make being a high school girl any easier. 
JJ scooted back closer to me and pulled me in a big hug. 
“I think you’re absolutely beautiful. I always have. Why else do you think the teacher put everyone else together with their normal partners except us and John B and Y/F/N. Because she noticed me staring at you up front all of class.”
“Is that true?”
“I’m pretty sure. Everyone else I know in that class has their normal partner.”
I let out a little laugh. 
“I must not have noticed because I was too preoccupied by your insights about our project   And your, well everything.”
I pulled away from JJ’s hug. 
“Do girls really not talk to you except to get you to hook up with them?”
He shrugged. 
“Usually people only think I’m interesting or want to talk to me at a party. That and my dad spent all weekend and Monday night reminding me how worthless and stupid he thinks i am.”
"Did he do this?"
He just nodded. His chin quivered. 
“You are actually one of the smartest people I’ve ever been paired with at our school. You are funny and interesting and genuinely a good friend to me day in and day out. “
At this point, my limbs were so entangled that i was sitting in his lap on the couch, your legs basically straddling him. His strong arms were snaked around my back, while mine rested on his shoulders. I leaned back so I could make eye contact with him. 
“Maybe we’re an ever better more messed up pair than I thought” he joked. 
This time it was my turn to make the first move. I leaned in slowly. Meeting his lips gently as his face was all bruised. He sighed happily. I deepened the kiss. His hands slowly unwrapped from my back and made their way onto my backside, slowly rocking me in his lap. 
I hated that I pulled away. 
“I thought you didn’t want me to use you for your body.”
“On second thought, please do” he joked, voice husky. 
“I wouldn’t want you to think I don’t like you for your brain.” I  said as I climbed off of his lap. 
Without even having to explain again though, he understood I was only ready to move so fast. By the time we had rehashed all of our misunderstandings and made out through the second half of the movie, I was exhausted, as I had been up since morning practice. Something told me, and it wasn’t just the bags under his eyes, that JJ also hadn’t been sleeping very well. 
“Wanna stay the night uh. I mean. Like just actually sleep here?” I asked. 
He nodded happily before getting up to follow me upstairs. I quickly changed into pajamas in the bathroom and emerged to JJ, shirtless and littered in even more bruises, a pair of my baggy swim sweatpants sitting low on his waist. 
I climbed into my bed at the same time as he did, and he pulled me in close to him.  My head rested on his shoulder. 
“Can I ask you something ?”
He asked softly.
“Would you wanna be my girlfriend?”
I nodded softly.
“I would love to”
He kissed the top of my head
-Two weeks later-
I entered John B's house, through the screen door on the porch, and came into the kitchen to meet the already gathered pogues. I was joining them in celebrating the last day of school.
Pope immediately asked me when Y/F/N was arriving, so I reassured him that she would be there for the real full party. I walked over to JJ who wrapped his hands around me from behind and placed his head on my shoulder contently.
"Want a beer?" John be asked.
I nodded, and as he pushed open the fridge, I saw magneted to it our final graded report from our Biology final, with an A+ scribbled in red ink on the top corner.
"Aww our project" you involunatarily remarked. JJ stepped over trying to remove it from the fridge out of embarrassment, but John B intercepted him with both arms pulling the other boy close in a half wrestle, half hug.
"We're very proud of him, always" John B smiled ruffling a hand through JJ's hair and laughing while JJ groaned.
You were thankful for this found family when yours was away, but even more so for the love they provided JJ each and every day.
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lurkingshan · 7 months
Tagged by @negrowhat to give away all my fandom secrets. I came up in the US, so most of these will be Western shows. Also be aware that I'm old and been around in fandoms for decades, some of you youths might not even recognize these ships.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Felicity and Noel. I was very into them (and very anti-Ben) when I was first watching this show at the tender age of 14, but then I rewatched it as an adult, realized Noel was a classic Nice Guy with some clear warning flags, and settled into Team Ben.
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Hmm maybe Elizabeth Wakefield and Todd Wilkins? I think I started reading Sweet Valley High at, like, age 8. For TV, I was a sitcom kid and I was obsessed with Dwayne Wayne and his flip-up glasses as a child. I loved him and Whitley. Damn now I want to rewatch.
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
The first I read? I am pretty sure the honor goes to Buffy and Spike.
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They were the first ship I remember having that classic fanfic brainrot combo of 1) captivating me entirely with their dynamic and 2) canon leaving me unsatisfied. I lost months of my life over at Elysian Fields.
In terms of the first fanfic I wrote, the honor goes to Ian and Mickey.
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I was big into Shameless for its first four seasons. But then the show went way off the rails, the fandom went with it, and I quit watching and scrubbed all my fandom activity off the internet.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
I honestly have no idea. Probably something Buffy, I was doing a lot of internet dwelling for that show.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Getting into discourse is my whole entire thing LOL. I have survived many, many ship wars and let me tell ya you haven't seen unhinged until you've been knee deep in the tags in a long-term fandom with multiple ships for the protagonist. One of the things I love about BL and nearly all Asian dramas is that we go into every show knowing who the main pairing is, so we don't have to fight about ships.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Hmm I was a big Buffy/Angel anti and that was before Spuffy was even a twinkle in my eye. I never liked that man in a romance until he got hooked up with Cordelia in his own show (but then they ruined it ugh). I was also very anti-Harry/Hermione back in the OG HP days (let characters have meaningful platonic relationships!).
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
I've been on a Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian kick of late.
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
OTPs are eternal! Like I said above, since I mostly watch Asian drama now, they're baked in. My fav of my current watches is Ten and Prem.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
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You show me two characters who are clearly uniquely compatible, you give me a brief taste of their extremely fun and non-traditional relationship, and then you break them up and stick her with the milquetoast Nice Guy protagonist in a total betrayal of your entire narrative premise? Fuck off forever, HIMYM, I will see you in hell.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Hmm nothing comes to mind. If I decided to hate a pair in the past I am pretty likely to still be hating.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I would like to see you try to cancel me!! I'll echo Eboni here and say Brian and Justin, though of course there were people who hated them because of the age gap back in ye olden times, too. Fandom spaces are mostly women and women in queer fandom spaces often struggle to account for the totally different culture and power dynamics between m/m pairings.
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12. What was your favorite crack ship?
I don't really do crack ships, I am a canon pairing girlie.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
I don't know who the ultimate winner is, but I think it's probably a neck and neck competition between Spuffy and Wangxian as my most read pairing.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
There's actually a lot of variety in them in terms of personalities, appearance, and tropes. I think what makes me really click into a ship is the feeling that the two people are uniquely suited to each other and well matched to go through life together.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
When I don't believe they can actually make it.
Tagging @my-rose-tinted-glasses @twig-tea @imminentinertia @shortpplfedup @stuffnonsenseandotherthings @littleragondin.
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pettyrevenge-base · 11 months
Make my life difficult for nearly a decade, I'll make you look like an idiot.
When I first left home to go to university, my parents co-signed a mortgage for me on an apartment style condominium in a small Canadian city. This was 20 years ago, so it came in at a whopping $52,000. They thought that this was a much better and economical choice than trying to find an apartment and deal with landlords. I loved the idea and moved into my new home.
The building was almost entirely populated by the 65+ crowd. It was small and only had 24 units split into 2 halves. I had a basement condo. It was a nice place, nothing fancy, but amazing for a student. I was young (19) but I was quiet, kept to myself and didn't do the whole party thing.
I got along with most of my neighbors, I'd help them out moving heavy things or carrying groceries upstairs. I was acutely aware of the age gap and the general image of a university student, so I made sure to be just an all around great guy to avoid conflict.
The one person I could never see eye to eye with was my upstairs neighbor. For a 70 year old woman that couldn't have weighed more than 100lbs, she walked like a damned elephant. She'd have gospel music on her TV at max volume at 5am on Sundays, she'd make remarks about "that damn kid" whenever something was left out of place. She even went so far as to accusing me of breaking into her car and making a police statement saying she saw me do it. Unfortunately for her, I was out of the country on an internship at the time, but still she persisted being a pain in my ass. I'd tried to approach her about the TV issue, and her response was to make sure that it was no longer just Sunday. After a couple of years of attempted diplomacy, it was clear that nothing I did would make things better.
Others in the building probably knew she had it out for me, but why would this adorable little old lady try to lie and get me thrown out of the building by the condo board? (She tried at least 11 times while I lived there).
7 years into my time living there, I was at my job with an Ambulance service just north of the city. I got called to a shooting. Guy shot his neighbor in a land dispute. The neighbor survived, but there was of course going to be a police investigation. The investigating officers called me to get a statement and offered to just come over to do it, rather than have me travel. One of them was a constable I'd worked with quite a bit, so I said sure. We set a time for about an hour after I'd get home from work.
I was just getting out of the shower when they buzzed to get into the building, I said "come in, I'll be out in a second". I hit the door buzzer and quickly grabbed some pants and a shirt. I heard them come in, and then walk upstairs. As I'm trying to throw on clothes, I hear them knock....on my upstairs neighbors door. They introduce themselves as being from RCMP Major Crimes division and that they were looking for me...balls. She says "oh, he lives downstairs, what do you want with him?". They thanked her and informed her that they couldn't say, as it was an active investigation. My heart sank....but then I had a thought.
It only took about 15 minutes to do my statement and they went on their way. And then the fun began. I knew the rumour mill would be starting. She would tell everyone that would listen that Major Crimes was looking for me and that I must be some sort of criminal. I decided to see where this went. Pretty soon I'm getting side eye in the hallway, neighbors are steering clear of me, so I know she's been talking. Turns out I've been arrested for robbery and kidnapping and must be out on bail according to her.
I found this out when one of my neighbors who was on the condo board showed up with a letter demanding an explanation and threats to have me kicked out. I asked him what this was all about, and he said "Well, Linda (not her name) sent us a letter about what had happened and we had to have an emergency board meeting because people don't feel safe with you here". I said that per the by-laws of the condo board, before any action could be taken, I could request a meeting to review and provide a defense. Linda was on the board, so I know she'd be there. They set a date for a week from then, but I was given a caution that it didn't look good for me and that I would have to do a lot of explaining.
The meeting day comes. Linda is sitting smugly looking at me, the other board members are giving me dirty looks. The board president asks what I have to say in my defence. I stand and quietly distribute a letter on RCMP letterhead, signed by the regional superintendent that says"Mr. Zenmedic is not under suspicion of any crimes, past or current and has not been arrested, detained or questioned as a suspect in any criminal matter. His duties as a Paramedic will often require him to make statements in regards to ongoing investigations, and in this instance on (date), investigators had gone to obtain a statement about an ongoing investigation for which he was professionally involved. At no time did the members discuss, disclose or in any way indicate that he had any involvement in any wrongdoings. I am deeply saddened by the necessity of this letter and we will be reopening an investigation into a previous incident regarding false statements made against him".
You could tell when people read and understood it. The dirty looks shifted from me to Linda. She exclaimed that it must be a forgery, she witnessed me being led off in handcuffs. She pleaded that they should believe her. It didn't help her. I stood and addressed the board and outlined the years of abuse and harassment, including the false accusation of break and enter to a vehicle. I informed the board that on advice of my lawyer that I do not discuss the matter further with any member of the board, as Linda being part of it and using her position for the purposes of harassment opened the board as a whole to litigation and I was still weighing my options.
The next day I had a knock on my door. The board president had informed me that Linda was removed from the board and that she was given warning about her conduct and that any further harassment could result in proceedings to have her removed from the building.
She also had a visit from police with a summons for providing a false statement and obstructing a peace officer. She had to attend court. She pled guilty to both and was given a suspended sentence and 1 year condition not to harass, threaten or intentionally inconvenience me in any way. If she abided her conditions, she would receive an absolute discharge (meaning it would be removed from her record, like it never happened).
I moved to another province before her year was up, but for a brief period of time, I actually got to sleep in on Sunday mornings.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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gozzer · 2 months
So, we don't know for sure if Valentino’s spit or whatever is 'poison' like Angel seems to be implying in his song. But I've got some headcanons on if it is.
Big platonic kisser when alive. Kisses on cheeks and foreheads, lips if he was really excited. A trait that carries on in Hell.
Definitely signs his soul away to a pimp or someone similar. (Sex club worker or stripper. Maybe a street worker, maybe not.)
Doesn't realize his saliva is actually a sort of venom. Part aphrodisiac, part head and body inducing. Very addictive either way.
Val carries on his little quirk of kisses with his co-workers and friends. Accidentally hooking a few of them on his venom without realizing it.
Doesn't know why his friends are suddenly more interested in other things with him, but hey he likes sex. Why would he say no?
Being at the bottom of the totem pole, Val gets a lot of sinners addicted to him. Some willing to pay, others more likely to take what they want by force.
It takes him a while to understand what's happening and cues a whole breakdown because he doesn't know who actually likes him as a person or simply as an addicting plaything.
Val comes out of that with the decision made to not be on the bottom anymore. He's tired of getting screwed over. Of being a drug for everyone to take and take from.
And he learns to use that venom to get sinners to give him their souls. First his regular customers then the irregulars until finally he gets his 'friends' to sign over their souls.
Soon enough, he's got the power to be an overlord and turns the tables on the guy that owns his soul. A little coercion, a lot of threats, and finally murder gets Val his soul back.
He's at the top of the game, freshest overlord with his old boss' businesses to expand upon. An opportunity Vox sees and swoops in to use.
Now, Val's made the decision to always been the one holding the cards. He has to stay vigilant and know who is around him for what. Vox presents a good way for him to make a proper name for himself. And he's always wanted to try making porn.
It is entirely a business play at first for both of them. Then Val decides, hey, let me just get another overlord under my heel using my venom.
Shocker, it doesn't work. Vox’s body doesn't function like most other sinners' and filters out the addicting properties of Val's venom. He just gets the taste and maybe a hint of the aphrodisiac element.
And Val doesn't know what to do but at some point he comes to the conclusion that Vox is the only person that he knows is around him for who he is. Not what his body can provide. (At least until Velvette comes along.)
Cue Valentino falling hard and fast for Vox. Who, in return, still only views him as a business partner with a benefit thing thrown in occasionally.
It's a very rocky relationship for the next, oh, decade at least. Val's in love but Vox doesn't love him back. So, he finds Angel Dust. He wants someone to love him back even if it means they only love the addiction and high he can give them.
This new relationship triggers Vox into realizing a few things. Maybe it's not love at first but he certainly doesn't like his business partner giving so much time to Angel.
And Val grows bored eventually. Angel isn't Vox and while he genuinely likes Angel, it's not enough. So he gets Angel's soul and keeps him hooked for a little while longer to make things easier in the porn studio. Then he cuts him off completely for his venom.
It's not pretty. Val's back to where he started but now he's got a pornstar that kicks up a fuss when he's going through withdrawal. And he's reminded, again, why he stopped kissing people other than Vox.
(Even if he still finds himself having to physically stop his own instinct to lay a kiss on someone when they please him or something happens to make him a little less conscious of his actions.)
So at this point it's been close to twenty years since Val and Vox have worked together. Val’s in love and Vox, being the stubborn repressed old man he is, won't admit that he is too. Then Velvette comes along.
She shoves those two together so hard not even miscommunication could get them out of admitting their feelings for each other. And then it's a happy day in Hell for everyone.
Then Velvette’s asking to use Val's venom in a potion. And he's not happy.
It takes months, fuck, years before Velvette wears him down enough. When he does give in to being used like that, Val drifts a bit. Because he doesn't know if Velvette’s love potion is going go work or if he's gonna have to worry about stepping outside V Tower soon. (Power of an overlord or not, he still knows what it's like to be taken advantage of.)
But Vox is there to help smooth things over. Being the one person that Val had found that wasn't affected by his venom. And in the state of mind he's in, that means Vox is the only sinner he can whole-heartedly trust.
Sure, he's friends with Velvette but after the love potion, he doesn't trust her. There's no telling if that'll ever be restored but at the moment he has Vox. And even with an empire of souls, that one that's his because of who he is and not because of his venom? Well, that's enough for him.
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saywhatjessie · 10 months
Angels on Richmond Green
Day seven of the Advent calendar! Using this list. Day 6: Making snow angels. Fandom: Ted Lasso - Pairing: RoyJamie & TedTrent 1.2k[Ao3]
“I don’t know if it’s fair for Jamie to be out here doing all the work,” Ted said, frowning.
Roy snorted. “Nah. He needs this too. Trust me.”
They were on the fifth day of the heaviest snowfall Richmond had seen in decades. Business had closed, schools were shut down, and Nelson Road had kicked out all footballers and coaches, citing canceled matches and unsafe working conditions.
At first Jamie had been excited, bouncing around Roy’s kitchen.
“I never got snow days in Manchester,” he’d told Roy. “Everybody’s too used to the cold and shit, This is mint.”
That attitude had lasted exactly one day.
“Good Lord,” Trent said, fascinated, “I’m not sure if I ever had that much energy.”
Roy grunted. “Pretty sure the kids will flag before Jamie does.”
When Roy had found himself shut inside his house with a bored and whiny Jamie and an equally bored and whiny Phoebe – staying with them while her mother dealt with all the things that could go medically wrong in a fucking blizzard – he’d turned to the Diamond Dogs group chat in desperation, hoping maybe Higgins with all his fucking kids could find him some solution.
What he’d found instead was Ted and Trent, snowed in together at Ted’s, with an equally desolate Clara and Henry.
Ted had proposed they all meet up at the Richmond Green and let the kids get their sillies out. Roy had the better idea to let Jamie get their sillies out while the three actual adults sat nearby on a bench to kvetch.
Well, Roy and Trent were kvetching. Ted was just happy to be there.
The three of them watched Jamie run around in the snow, little Clara Crimm on his shoulders as the smallest of the three children as Phoebe and Henry chased Jamie around and tried to push him into a snow drift. Roy didn’t try to hide his smile as Jamie laughed. Ted and Trent were more embarrassing about each other than he could ever be about Jamie. Probably.
Clara shrieked and threw her arms wide, saying something the three older men couldn't hear, but marking the rest of them cheer with her, Jamie lifting her from his shoulders and placing her on the ground so she could barrel toward them with the other kids.
Phoebe got their first. “Uncle Roy! Uncle Roy we’re making snow angels!”
“Great,” Roy said. “Sounds fun.”
“No, we’re making snow angels,” Henry said, gesturing at all of them. “You guys, too!”
“Oh, are we?” Trent asked.
“Yes, Daddy!” Clara said, breathless from her little legs doing the run. “And Jamie will judge!”
“Wait, why doesn’t Jamie have to do it?” Roy asked, brows furrowed.
Jamie loped up, cocky grin on his face. “Wouldn’t be fair, would it? I’d win right off.”
“How you figure that?” Asked Ted, looking more amused than insulted.
Jamie snorted, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jacket. He’d taken off his big heavy coat when he’d started running around. “S’all about muscle control, innit? You gotta be strong enough to move the snow but now flail around or you’ll ruin it. I got the best muscle control.”
Trent hummed. “There’s some truth to that.”
Roy pulled a hat out of his pocket and stuffed it on Jamie’s head. “Put your jacket back on, you muppet.”
Jamie grinned, grabbing Roy’s wrist before he could pull his hand away and kissed his palm. “Keep your hair on, grandad, I’ve got like four layers on. And you’re the one about to lay down in some snow.”
Roy growled, making the kids giggle.
“Well, no time like the present!” Ted said, brightly, and then hurled himself onto an untouched patch of snow.
“Dad, no fair!” Henry called, jumping after him. “You got the best spot!”
“Snooze you lose, mother goose!” Ted said, brushing his arms and legs back and forth. “Remember: Jamie said muscle control.”
Henry laughed, finding a smaller fresh patch near Ted’s head. Phoebe and Clara shrieked to go find their own snow spots.
Jamie grinned over at Roy and Trent. “You better find some good snow or your angels will be shit.”
Trent turned big sad eyes on both of them. “But my hair.”
Roy rolled his eyes, yanking Trent closer to him, making him stumble a bit. Roy steadied him before reaching around Trent for his hood and pulled it up over the beautiful hair Trent was so worried about. He tucked some wayward strands away, buttoning the neck to keep it closed and pulling on the strings to keep it secure. He ran his hand down the hood to check his work and gripped Trent lightly on the neck, affectionately.
“There,” He said, taking a step back in satisfaction. “Hair’s all tucked away.”
Trent was just staring at him with wide eyes before looking around him at Jamie. “He really does just do that, doesn’t he? How do you usually react?”
Roy turned and saw Jamie shrug. “Half a chub, usually. Sometimes butterflies or whatever. It’s kinda sweet in a daddy way.”
Roy growled and Trent laughed, a little disarmed.
“Excuse me for solving a fucking problem,” Roy grumbled. “I’m making my fucking snow angel over here.”
“Need help getting down, grandad?”
“Fuck you.”
Jamie did end up having to help Roy up. Not like it mattered: his shit knee didn’t give him the proper range to make a decent snow angel. He knew he’d lose.
“S’alright, babe,” Jamie said, reassuringly, his arm gripping Roy firmly around the middle. “The angel’s skirt is just asymmetrical, innit? That’s fashionable that is.”
“Fuck you,” Roy said, but he put his arm around Jamie’s back and held him closer, anyway.
All the kids had already bounced back to their feet and Ted was helping Trent to carefully step out of his own angel.
Ted was frowning at Tren’t hood. “I miss her.”
Trent patted his chest, comfortingly. “She’s there, darling, just didn’t want to pick ice out.”
Ted still pouted so Trent gave him a little peck.
Jamie made a loud buzzer sound. “That’s a point deduction. There’s no PDA in snow angels.”
“Oh? Then what’s this?” Trent asked, gesturing at Roy and Jamie’s walking snuggle.
“We’re clearly just bros, ain’t we Royo?”
Roy grunted, moving his hand to grope Jamie’s arse.
Jamie didn’t even jump, just smiled wider.
“Jamie, who wins?” Phoebe asked, giving her puppy eyes.
Jamie hummed, rubbing his hand over chin before nodding decisively.
Ted whooped, pumping his fist while the kids all groan.
“But wait!” Trent said. “Doesn't the winner buy hot chocolate for everyone?”
“That they do, Trent Crimm!” Jamie grinned, and the kids all cheered.
“Well hot dog, all right. If that’s the price of victory.”
The price of victory, or hot chocolate for seven, couldn’t have been more than £40.
The nap that Jamie and Phoebe fell into when they got home, each curled into Roy’s sides on the couch, was definitely worth way more.
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sgrumby · 2 years
“How can we breathe?”
“Force field,” Barry replies, his legs dangling over the rim of the TARDIS. “Keeps the bad guys out and the oxygen in. I, uh, wouldn’t be able to answer the phone without it.” He reaches up sheepishly and pops open the hatch on the door to reveal a rotary phone.
Lup gives him a look that he’s beginning to realise means she thinks he’s being tremendously stupid. “Why couldn’t you wire it in to the console? Or install a door so it opens from the inside, even?”
“Hey, have you seen that?” He changes the subject with his usual tact. “Look, wow, supernova.”
She grins and sits down next to him, kicking her feet in the vacuum of space. “It is pretty.”
“I should think so,” he grumbles. “Take a girl halfway across the universe and a million years back in time and all she can do is criticise my phone.”
“I’m just saying, I thought the Time Lords would’ve invented better phones! It’s rotary, Barry, it’s from the sixties!”
“It’s retro,” he insists. “It fits the police box aesthetic. Did you miss where it says PUBLIC CALL on the top?”
“Did you miss where it says PULL TO OPEN?”
“Shut up.”
“Why is it a police box, though?” She asks. “That seems… very sixties. You’d be right at home with my gran.”
“Chameleon circuit got stuck,” he says. “She’s designed to change her outside to blend in. I could fix it but, honestly, I like the blue. Plus, uh, it used to be real hard to find the door on a rock or a tree or - if there was nothing else around sometimes she’d materialise as a blade of grass, or whatever, and then I couldn’t even get out. I’m not sure if she was messing with me, or if she was designed to do that, or - it’s just easier this way.”
“It’s nice, actually,” she says. “Comforting, somehow. It feels sturdy. I can’t imagine it as a rock or a tree.”
He pats the floor next to him, and the engines go dwummmm. “She used to be different inside, too. All white and sterile. She had these big roundels - it was really weird. I don’t know who designed the UI, but it wasn’t good. As soon as I figured out how to redecorate I got on it.”
“You designed the coral?” Lup hadn’t really questioned the organic-looking arches and pillars. They’d been low on her list of priorities when she’d found herself in a time machine, and then the question had just fallen by the wayside.
“Well, I mean, I gave her a brief. I wanted it to feel more comfy, you know? This is my home, not a science lab. Well, it’s a lab, a little bit, but it’s - you know what I mean.”
“Wait, wait, gave her a brief?” Lup looks back in at the console, with its mess of wires and mismatched switches and knobs. She’d assumed that was the result of a few decades of Barry conducting haphazard repairs, but now he mentions it, they do look a little like some kind of sophisticated nervous system. “How sentient is this ship, exactly?”
Barry pulls a face, hesitates, and shrugs. “I dunno.”
“Well, like, I told you that she’s soulbound, so she’s intelligent to some extent. I have a degree of control over the interior, and - I always kind of feel like she is. Like, I can do everything right on the console, and I’ll find myself halfway across the universe from where I asked her to go.”
“That’s a broken satnav, Barry, not sentience.”
“But it’s always where I need to go,” he elaborates. “Like, there’ll be someone who needs help, or a distress call, or something neat to go and see. Like this! This supernova. I’ve never been here before, and I basically just told the TARDIS that I wanted to show you something ro - something cool.”
He blushes at his slip, but Lup’s wrapped up in her thoughts.
“So, what, you just said “make me something comfy” and she made big coral pillars?”
“It’s a little more elaborate than that, but yeah, pretty much. I don’t know either, really. She’s… eccentric.”
“And the car seats?”
Barry shrugs again. “No idea. I needed somewhere to sit, that’s what I got.”
Lup hums, unhappily. “Can she see us? Feel us? I don’t like the idea that we’re walking around inside a sentient being.”
“I don’t think she minds. She can lock you out, if she likes. One regeneration I got a haircut she didn’t like and she wouldn’t let me in til it grew out. I was trapped on Gorvon Six for months.” The engine makes another dwummm noise, and Barry scowls. “It’s not funny!”
Lup can’t help but laugh at the expression on his face. “The more I learn the more I realise who’s in charge here.”
“I’m in charge!” He protests. “I’m a Time Lord! You know they used to grow TARDISes like bonsai? In little pots?”
“Oh, you’re getting pushed around by a bonsai?”
“I’m gonna go find Taako,” Barry grumbles. “Maybe he’ll be polite and respectful.”
Lup gives him a look.
“Okay, yeah, fine,” he concedes.
She laughs again and turns back to the star, gleaming brilliantly before them. The light plays across her face, reddy-orange, making her hair seem to glow and her eyes seem to sparkle.
Barry’s seen beauty in the universe. He’s seen nebulae, the births of stars, watched the sunrise on Heloyus, which orbits in a complex path between thirty different suns and, once every ten thousand years, sees a simultaneous thirty-sun sunrise. And yet, somehow, watching Lup…
“Want to grab pizza?” He offers.
“Shit, yes,” she grins. “Alien pizza?”
“Future pizza,” he counteroffers, jumping up from the floor of the TARDIS. “November 18th, 2045. The restaurant opened that day and burned down the next, but it’s the best pizza I’ve ever had. I pretty much singlehandedly earned them their money back, cos I keep parking the TARDIS in different places and ordering takeaway. You should see the look on the delivery guy’s face every time he sees me and my enormous blue box in a different area of London, all on one night.” He holds a hand out to help her up, and she takes it gladly.
“How do you order takeaway! You don’t have an address!”
“I just tell them the street,” he says. “It’s not like there’s a lot of blue boxes lying around.”
She considers that for a second. “Okay, yeah, that’s fair, I guess. What’s your order? Hawaiian?”
He narrows his eyes, hands frozen above the console. “How did you know that?”
“Shot in the dark. You seem like you’d go nuts for pineapple on pizza, is all.”
“What does that mean?”
“Alien tastebuds,” she says with a shrug. “I’ll grab Taako.”
“So rude,” he murmurs, and flips a switch on the console, setting the rotors whirring once again as Lup skips out of the room.
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imtryingmybeskar · 2 years
Come Home Chapter Six. Joel Miller x F! Reader.
Welp, if you've made it this far thank you so much! The Joel stuff really kicks off from here (just in time for the start of the series!) and we see the first glimmers of hope for our reader.
Warnings for anxiety and a panic attack, past trauma, PTSD. And Joel being super sweet and caring despite the AWKWARD conversation.
Word count: 4946
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Come Home
Chapter Six - Against The Grain
Joel’s face is concerned, the lines on his brow deepened by his furrowing. He’s never been this close and you’re suddenly very aware of the height difference between you.
“You okay?” he says without preamble. “I was knockin’ for quite a while.”
“Uh…ummm…yeah. Yeah I’m okay,” you manage to force out.
“You sure?” he presses, and when you look up at him you know he can see the spark of anxiety behind your eyes.
You blink. Sigh a breath. Force yourself to relax. “I’m fine,” you say, more assuredly.
“Well good,” Joel says somewhat distractedly. He’s not looking at your face, instead his gaze is fixed slightly lower and you don’t realise why until he speaks again, a slight levity to his tone this time. “Worried about a home invasion? I meant what I said you know, this is a nice neighbourhood.”
Shit. You hadn’t even realised you were still holding the kitchen knife. Or remembered the gun at your hip. And –
You press your lips together in embarrassment as you switch off your torch.
“Sorry,” you offer in a small voice. “Didn’t mean to blind you. Or threaten you.” Joel gives that sweet half smile you’ve come to enjoy, but before he can comment on your peculiarities you find yourself asking if he would like to come inside and move back into the house so he can do just that.
“Thank you,” he says gratefully. “The snow’s stopped but it’s still mighty cold.”
He steps inside and glances around – a habit you know very well is born less of curiosity and more of decades of needing to be cautious in new spaces. His gaze settles on the fire, then on the sofa where your book is placed precariously on one arm, and a small smile touches his lips again.
“Looks like you’re settlin’ in,” he remarks.
You shut the door behind him and gesture to the sofa. “Well, I’m trying,” you admit. “Please have a seat.”
The social nicety strikes you as both hollow and faintly ridiculous, but Joel inclines his head in thanks before sitting down and beginning to take off his coat. You cross to the kitchen and place the knife back in its allocated drawer before filling the kettle again and putting it back to boil on the hob.
“Do you want some tea?” you offer as you come back into the living room.
Joel turns to face you, and you’re struck by (and quite envious of) how comfortable he looks in this environment. His coat is now draped over the other arm of the sofa, his elbow resting on top of it, long legs stretched out in front of him. Without his layers he somehow looks even more broad than before – the soft looking green plaid of his shirt tight over his shoulders and upper arms. He’s rolled up his sleeves too, giving you a view of his muscular forearms and christ its been a long time since you’ve been intimate with anyone but you’re pretty sure you shouldn’t be this excited to see them.
He saves you from having to wonder if you’re staring at him as hard as you think you are by answering your question.
“Well, I hate to be a cheeky sonofabitch, but you wouldn’t have any coffee would you?” he asks. His tone is jovial and light, a jokingly knowing undertone to his words because…well…who the fuck had coffee any more?
“I uh…I do actually,” you admit. Shit. Maybe you like this guy even more than you thought. Why the fuck are you offering him your prized possession? Though it’s almost worth it at the astonished, wide-eyed look he gives you. He really is super fucking handsome. “But you have to earn it,” you blurt out. Heat rises to your cheeks almost immediately as he raises a quizzical eyebrow at you. Probably could have phrased that better.
“Excuse me?” he asks, his voice wiped of its joking tone.
“I didn’t mean…I mean…sorry,” you splutter. “That came out wrong. What I mean is, I have a favour to ask.”
Joel sits forward, those thick forearms now resting on his knees and he gives you a wary look as he responds. “Go on."
As you struggle to articulate your request you feel a fresh heat suffuse your face. This was excruciating. It would be an embarrassing situation with anyone, but you’re managing to be extra awkward around him and it feels like your skull is transparent and he can see your stupid burgeoning crush emblazoned across every part of your mind. It doesn’t help that he is so calm and self-assured. Every word, every mannerism speaks to supreme self-possession and it makes you even more flustered.
“I…will you…please…” You stutter yourself into silence and take a deep breath. He already thinks you’re rude and a moron. Might as well add “coward” to that tally against you. “Please could you come upstairs with me?” you ask calmly, looking firmly at the curtains behind him.
No! Shit! Add to that sentence! Complete that thought!
“To check the rooms!” you add hastily, your eyes widening as you finally look at him in horror. Yup. Adding “pervert” to that list too. Good going. “I just…I know it sounds ridiculous, because you’d know if you were living next door to infected or someone that shouldn’t be here but I need to check. And I’m not used to living in such a big space. I looked into most of the rooms but- “
Your stream of words suddenly runs dry as you realise how pathetic you sound. Wanting back up to explore your own house. How fucking ludicrous.
“Sure.” His voice is warm again, and you sigh as you relax into its gentle confidence.
“Thanks. Sorry.”
He shook his head and his dimple flashed briefly before he spoke. “Nothin’ to be sorry for. I get it. Me and Ellie, we’ve only lived here for six months or so. She’s the one lives in my garage and while she’s enjoyin’ havin’ her own space, I like havin’ her close if I’m honest. But the first few weeks we were here we slept in the livin’ room together. She took the sofa, I slept on the cushions from the other chairs. It just felt right to y’know? The beds were a nice novelty. Comfortable. Warm. But actually gettin’ to sleep in them? That was another matter altogether. The nightmares don’t stop just ‘cause you’re behind walls now. And I needed to know she was next to me just as much as she needed to know I was next to her. So…I get it. You do what you need to. I’m happy to help.”
You bite your lip hard to stop it wobbling. Sweet and kind as well as pretty. You kind of wish he’d been a dick to you instead. Then perhaps you could nip this crush in the bud before it really took hold.
“You wanna bring the knife along?” he asked, only a tiny hint of teasing in his tone.
“I think the gun will suffice,” you say as you give a watery little smile. “Besides, I just gotta outrun you, right?”
He chuckles as he stands up. “Long as I get my coffee before I succumb to any bites I’ll die a happy man,” he jokes. “Want me to go first?”
You shake your head. “No, thank you. Just…having someone else here is enough.”
He nods. “Well okay then. Lead the way.”
The light is still on at the top of the stairs so going up them is not as big an ordeal than before, even less so with Joel bringing up the rear, and you begin to feel foolish again as you climb. You should be able to do this alone. After surviving for so long, you should be able to do anything. But you can’t deny that you find his presence behind you extremely comforting.
“Does this place look anything like yours?” you ask as you crest the top step. The question is more to make conversation than for any burning desire to know what his house is like, a way to delay the anxieties that you’re still fighting to keep down.
“Pretty similar,” he replies as he walks up the final few stairs and sweeps the area with that practiced glance again. “Though I think mine was modernised more recently. The décor isn’t so…80s.”
There’s that slight tease to his tone again and it brings a smile to your face despite yourself.
“It is a little dated,” you agree as you gently scuff a foot along what you now realise is a pretty hideous coral coloured carpet, sending small puffs of dust into the air as you do. “But I can forgive almost anything for a roof that doesn’t leak and hot water for a shower.”
Joel huffs a soft laugh. “Ain’t nothin’ like that first one after bein’ on the road awhile.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” you reply distantly. Your voice sounds faint to your ears as you’re suddenly very aware that you haven’t bathed properly in a while. Cold weather and lack of plumbing at your cabin meant that the best you and Chris were usually able to manage were quick wipedowns with a flannel out of a bucket. Add to that spending the previous night in a barn and the killing of two relatively fresh infected the day before…God you must stink.
You bite your lip again as shame joins the simmering anxieties in your belly and threatens to spill hot tears down your cheeks. In this world, there weren’t many opportunities for glitz and glamour and dolling yourself up. The absence of mushrooms sprouting from your face was about as good as it got. But it was cruel, you thought, that you couldn’t even privately indulge in the stupid, dopey, soft feelings you suspect you’ve started to harbour for this man without being faced with what a disgusting mess you really were.
“You alright?” Joel asks, that low comforting rumble of his voice breaking into your thoughts, and you realise you must have been staring at the carpet all this time. You nod, still biting your lip, still not looking at him, not trusting yourself to speak right now as your throat is still tight with the humilation you feel.
“This it?” he asks as he gestures to the door ahead and you nod again, oddly thankful that he seems to have mistaken your embarrassed silence for fearful silence. It feels better somehow that he thinks you would be afraid of something that isn’t there rather than knowing you’re twisting yourself up about what he thinks of your currently lacking personal hygiene.
“Well…guns at the ready,” he quips, and this time his gentle humour does draw you and you look up at him with a small, shy smile.
Before you can psyche yourself up, before you can debate with yourself as to who should actually open up the room he’s past you, grasping the door handle firmly and removing all possibility of further chickening out. The feeble hall light isn’t nearly enough to penetrate the gloom and you automatically steel yourself for a potential fight before forcing yourself to relax.
Joel steps through the doorway and flicks the light on.
Or tries to. Even though he takes up a good deal of space in the frame, you can see that the room beyond remains stubbornly dark and a thin snaking of vindication that you had asked him to accompany you up here creeps through you. Since he’s not backing away you have to assume that once again, no one infected or otherwise has managed to conceal themselves in your house.
“No bulb," he mutters half to himself as he looks up at the light fitting. "I think we’re all clear,” he adds, and a wave of gratitude hits you at the seriousness of his tone. He really does understand. “But if you wanna pass me your torch I can take a proper look around?”
“That’s okay,” you reply hurriedly, not wanting him to think you were totally helpless. “I can do a little sweep myself.”
Joel steps inside the darkened room to give you space to follow and you immediately regret your decision. The light from the hallway barely penetrates past the door, and the curtains are already closed here, so not even the light of the moon can be seen. The whole area is made up of hues of grey, shadowy shapes made of deeper blackness the only things that stand out.
Swallowing your fear, you step inside the room and flick your torch back on, directing it at the floor so you don’t accidentally shine it at Joel again. The carpet here is a soft grey colour and whether that was how it looked originally, or the result of years of dust having settled into it you cannot tell. You raise the beam of light slowly up and it travels across to the curved wooden bottom of a rocking chair, the peeling paint that coats it some sort of light pastel shade under the dirt. The gleam of gloss paint. The skeletal nature of the slatted wooden back makes you uncomfortable in a way you can’t quite define, and that feeling grows and sharpens to something you do recognise when you see that the angled centre of a decrepit nursing pillow is hooked over one armrest.
You turn the beam away hurriedly, wanting to finish your investigation in a way that will be thorough enough that you can sleep at night, brief enough that unpleasant memories won’t have time to crowd you, and some way that doesn’t make you look even more jittery in front of Joel. Then you can get out of here and never open this door again. The torchlight sweeps up and over the walls, and now you can see the faded but still intact wallpaper that decorates the place – animated elephants holding umbrellas in primary colours as they frolick through raindrops and puddles. Cartoon toadstools with faces smiling back at you. The remains of some educational posters can be seen too; ABC’s, 123’s, farm animals and the noises they supposedly make.
A buzzing is surfacing in your ears, as if a swarm of angry hornets is closing in on your location. You can almost feel the vibration of it rattling through you, brimming in your skull and you grip the torch tighter as you swallow again around a dry mouth and a distinctly sickly feeling. That’s enough. You know what this place once was. Get out of here.
As you turn to do just that, the beam cuts across the space to your left and lands upon a crib, projecting shadows of the bars at its side hugely against the wall behind it. The sight is so stark that it halts you momentarily. A cage on wheels. The mobile of cartoon giraffes above it twists gently in the disturbed air from where you have come in. You can’t breathe. The corridor stretches away ahead of you as it does every night, as it always will, and you can’t breathe. The gas mask obscures your vision, narrowing it to a pinprick view, spores in the torchlight floating around you like dust motes in a sunbeam-
“Whoa, whoa, easy now.” A gentle voice. Strong arms. Warmth at your shoulders. “Look at me.”
All you can see is the carpet, a halo of light around your feet and you realise you’re bent double with your hands resting on your knees as you gulp for air.
He’s speaking again. His voice is coming from so far away, hidden behind the wall of buzzing. But its insistent, firm. Not inclined to take no for an answer. “I said look at me.”
Exhaling deeply one last time you draw yourself up and stand in front of him. He has one large hand on each of your shoulders, reassuring you with bodily contact, saturating you with his warmth. A tiny, stunted part of you wishes you could take more pleasure in his touch before the shame and sorrow begins to creep in, as it always does after one of these episodes. Feelings that you should be able to cope, that you’re being ridiculous, that you wouldn’t be surprised if he never wanted to see you again and that he would keep Ellie away from your weakness too.
You look up and his face fills your world. Those dark eyes, a strong curve to his nose, a whiskery chin. “You’re okay,” he’s saying. “Just look at me. Listen to my voice. Breathe.” Those are instructions you can obey. His face is so pleasant to look at, his voice rich and soothing. You can breathe. You do it all the time. In and out. In and out. You realise he’s the one speaking after a few moments. “In and out. That’s it. You’re doin’ great.”
Fuck all of this.
“What?” Joel is watching intently, the furrow back at his brow as he regards you, and you realise you must have spoken out loud. Oh well.
“Fuck all of this,” you enunciate quietly, as the whirl of anxiety and fear suddenly abandons you, leaving you feeling exhausted. A quizzical look passes over Joel’s face before it transmutes briefly to a piercing gaze, as if he is trying to get the measure of you. Then it softens to understanding and he nods.
“You wanna get outta here.” It’s a statement not a question and you nod tersely before breaking away from his soft grip and marching back out of the room and down the stairs on wobbly legs. You hear Joel close the door to the nursery before he follows you back down to the lower level of the house.
The kettle is just starting to whistle shrilly as you enter the kitchen once more. You had almost forgotten that coffees were on the agenda, but now find yourself grateful for the distraction and begin to prepare the cups with shaking hands.
It didn’t exactly come as a surprise that one of the rooms was for a child. After all, you knew before you chose this house that these had been family homes. And it wasn’t like you hadn’t seen a thousand kid’s rooms over the years – some abandoned, some with horrendous and heartbreaking scenes within. But having it so close at hand was hard. You didn’t want a reminder like that. Not in your own house, your supposed fresh start. Not when you’d been congratulating yourself on starting to put the nightmares to bed. It seemed unfair that you had survived so long and yet could so easily be derailed by such a seemingly small thing.
“Hey.” Joel’s warm, bassy tones come from somewhere behind you and break into your thoughts. “Was uh…was that what you were expectin’ to find in there?”
“It wasn’t a bloater. So it’s a good day,” you shrug, keeping your back to him and your voice carefully neutral as you avoid the question.
You hear him huff a gentle laugh. “That’s true,” he agrees. “But uh…you okay?”
“Yep,” you answer, trying to put a note of finality into the short reply. Time to change the subject. “How do you take your coffee?” you ask as you grab the silver tin from the cupboard above you and measure some of the contents carefully into two mugs.
“Black. No sugar. Wait, do we even have any sugar in Jackson right now? It doesn’t matter. No sugar.” Though you hadn’t known him for very long, you had still never heard such excitement in Joel’s voice before. Clearly this coffee was very, very dear to him.
“Black, no sugar,” you confirm as you turn and hand him the steaming mug.
He takes the mug and inhales deeply over it. His eyes close in bliss and a tiny smile quirks the corner of his lips. “Oh man,” he sighs longingly. “Its been a while since I had any kind of coffee and this smells amazing. Thank you.”
“No, thank you,” you reply, raising your own mug toward him. Before he can ask you anything more about what had just transpired in the nursery you jump in with “Come sit down, get comfortable. And then you can tell me what your Starbucks order used to be. I reckon you’re a triple caramel shot half foam extra whipped cream sprinkles on top kinda guy.”
You make your way over to the couch and place your coffee on the table before sitting in the seat opposite where he had vacated. Not too close. But close enough. You hear him chuckle as he moves to take his spot once again.
“You got me,” he grins. “I loved those sugar monstrosities. And Sarah, she-“
He draws up short, his eyes flickering with sadness and his body language becoming immediately closed off as his words abruptly stop. With the gentlest of touches he absent-mindedly caresses the face of the watch on his wrist and its only now that you notice that its broken - cracked and chipped and with two big holes marring the plastic covering. Shit. You hadn’t meant to unleash any kind of painful memories. But that’s all that most people had these days. A few seconds of awkward silence tick by as you desperately try to think of something, anything to steer the conversation back into lighter topics, but he beats you to it when he shakes his head almost imperceptibly and speaks again.
“I’m Joel, by the way. I know we’ve seen each other a coupla times but I don’t think I ever actually introduced myself. As mentioned before my lodger, guitar student, and all round pain in my ass is Ellie.”
He holds out his hand and you take it, noting how it completely swamps your own. His palms are warm and dry, his skin softer than you’d expected, fingers long and thick and – fuck you should be saying something right now, instead of fixating on his hands. You open your mouth to introduce yourself but he’s speaking again.
“I know who you are. Maria briefed me and Tommy about your group last night. We’ve had some trouble here recently. Its why you were guarded overnight. Nothin’ personal. We just can’t afford to take risks with what’s been built here. So…Maria has said that when people arrive they need to be screened more thoroughly for the time bein’.”
“What kind of trouble?” you ask, frowning. “If you can tell me. I know its none of my business really.”
“It’s your business as much as anyone’s if you’re gonna be livin’ here with us,” Joel says gently, and “But uh…can I have my hand back first? I really wanna drink this coffee.”
“Oh shi-“ you exclaim as you hurriedly release him. “Sorry.”
“You can stop apologisin’,” he says kindly. “I know what its like after bein’ outside for a while, but take my word for it – you can relax here.” He picks up the mug before adding in a quieter voice, “That’s easier said than done, I know. But if you do wanna talk about anything you can. Do you…do you wanna talk about what happened upstairs?”
A hot lance of anger pierces you through. “You wanna talk about your watch?” The bitter, spiteful, defensive words slip out before you can stop them and you press your lips together as if you could take them back if only you could make your mouth small enough. Fuck. You hadn’t meant to be so cruel when he had been nothing but kind. His eyes immediately narrow, darken in anger and his mouth twists as his jaw sets angrily. You drop your eyes to your lap in shame.
“I’m sorry,” you say again. “And this time I do need to say it. That was rude. And unnecessary.” You sigh, trying to find the words that might fix this. “I-I can’t talk about it. Its not even about wanting to I…I just can’t. But thank you. For not judging me. I’ll sleep better thanks to you.” You hope the lie will help him feel better.
Silence reigns for a few moments, then when he speaks again Joel’s voice is soft once more and you risk raising your eyes to his face. It’s closed, pinched with sorrow, but no longer angry and that's probably more than you deserve.
“Well I’m sorry too. I shouldn't have pushed you on it. And it was a dumb thing to ask anyway. After tellin’ you you’re safe now and to relax…no one needs to relive…” He trails off, then begins again. “Guess I’m just used to tryin’ to pry out how Ellie’s feelin’ about...well anything. The world’s all but ended but teenagers are still the same.” He chuckles hollowly before taking a swig of coffee.
“So…what happened? Here I mean,” you enquire, trying to move on from your indiscretions.
“Had a group of twelve come in a coupla months back. In a bad way. All clean of infection but malnourished and…well you know what its like. Some of ‘em wouldn’t talk, wandering around like…well like zombies. The Romero kind, y’know.” It’s a feeble joke but you smile nonetheless. Perhaps he could forgive you for the awful thing you had said.
“Maria put ‘em up, gave ‘em food, welcomed them. A lot like you, except they were put in houses straight away, allowed to keep their weapons, not monitored. I guess they thought we were soft, livin’ here behind our walls with our electricity and supplies. The third night they were here they tried to take the place by force. Twelve against a whole town. Doesn’t seem like good odds. But they had the advantages of surprise and desperation. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you, that can be mighty effective."
You nod your understanding and agreement and he continues. “They killed five of our people before we got ‘em under control. Three of theirs were killed in the fighting, the other nine…well me ‘n Tommy drove ‘em a hundred miles or so out and dropped em in a town out there.”
“You let them go?” you ask, a little incredulously.
“Maria and Tommy did. I was all for disposin’ of them there and then, but they insisted.” He took another swig of coffee, and you followed suit. “Don’t think they’ll be botherin’ us again though. We made a helluva noise as we left. And its hard to run when you’re hogtied and blindfolded. Still…” He trailed off again and you found yourself agreeing with his unspoken sentiment. It was always better to be sure. “But that’s why I near broke down your door earlier. Needed to know you weren’t uhhh…up to anything.”
“Oh, I won’t be causing trouble,” you confirm. “I know a good thing when I see it. And I barely know the others. I just met them on the road here.”
“Well, I can’t lie. The coffee has gone a long way to get you into the good books,” he twinkled. “And Ellie seems to like you.”
“She seems sweet,” you reply.
“Don’t let those innocent eyes fool ya,” Joel chuckles. “When I said she’s a pain in my ass I meant it.” His eyes soften further as he speaks about her, his love and affection for the girl plain to see upon his grizzled face. “Speaking of…” He drains the last of his coffee, stands and stretches. “I’d better get back. If I don’t cook, she doesn’t eat. Too used to living out of tins.” You stand too, suddenly struck shy at how close and imposing he is in front of you.
“It was nice to have you here,” you say, and find yourself meaning it as more than a mere pleasantry. “Come by again if you want. Though I can’t promise coffee every time!”
He quirks a thoughtful eyebrow and raises his eyes to the ceiling, tapping his finger on his chin as if deep in contemplation. “Without the coffee…I’ll have to think about it,” he replies, but you can hear the joking in his tone. He puts on his coat and you walk him to the door. The icy blast of frigid winter air that invades as you open it makes you shiver and feel extremely grateful for the strength of the four walls around you and the fire you have built.
As he steps over the threshold Joel turns back to you, his face serious once more. “Are you sure you’ll be alright?” he asks, and the grave concern in his voice sends a flood of warmth through your chest. You don’t know. You just don’t know if you’ll be alright. But he has Ellie to think of, and himself. He doesn’t need to worry about you too.
“I’ll be fine,” you say, hopeful that you’re being truthful. “You’ve helped me out a lot. Thank you.”
The house feels much emptier without him, but the warmth his care and empathy have inspired linger, and you find yourself with a small smile upon your face as you settle back into the cosiness of your sofa and open your book again.
“Well, that’s what neighbours are for,” he replies more cheerily. “I’ll see you around.” And with a final nod he departs from your porch and heads back to his own house. You watch him go, raise an arm in acknowledgement when you see him open the front door, his silhouette stark against the lights inside his own home.
Next chapter
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Soulmates and Cheese Fries (Shieldshock)
Steve was spending a lot of time at the gym, partly because he was bored in his retirement, and partly because of her. He’d nearly fallen off the treadmill the first time the curvy brunette hopped up on the machine two down from him. He’d not been so bowled over by a woman in decades and it freaked him out. She’d winked at him, and he’d nodded dumbly back, forcing himself to return to his running with intense concentration.
She’d appeared regularly after that and though they’d shared several nods, smiles, and stares (the ogling was mutual, he’d found out, when he’d caught her staring at him lifting weights) neither had said a word yet and he was deeply invested in this interesting game.
Darcy had been in a bit of a slump since Jane’s death and had made a New Year’s Resolution to get active again, hoping that a regular routine plus endorphins would help. It had to be just her luck that she happened to pick the same gym frequented by the All American hunk, Steve Rogers.
She’d frozen for a second when she’d recognized him on the treadmill, but sternly put her inner fangirl in check and got to jogging, unable to help but admire the way his muscles moved when he ran. When they moved to the weight machines, she was too busy trying to not die of exertion (being this out of shape was no fun) to really notice anything around her, but as she was wiping down the leg press bench, she looked up and accidentally met his gaze as he was lifting an ungodly amount of weight. He smiled at her and she felt warm all over.
She spent a long time thinking (and dreaming) about said smile, but never struck up a conversation with her silent gym buddy. Darcy was pretty sure Natasha would have been deeply disappointed in her, but she was reluctant to risk her little private fantasy being destroyed.
Their silent interactions continued over the next several weeks and Darcy started winking back at Steve’s little smiles. She may or may not have googled his relationship status. Then one day, he didn’t show up and didn’t return all that week. Darcy felt strangely bereft and kicked herself over the missed opportunity. She spent Valentine’s Day working, then took the next day off to revel in National Single’s Awareness day, capped off by a trip to her favorite pub for a celebratory drink.
She was sipping and chatting to Gary the awesome bartender, when she heard someone slide onto a nearby stool.
“Hey, Steve. The usual?” Gary greeted and Darcy almost did a spit take at the sight of her gym crush, looking unfairly good in semi casual attire,
Her mouth opened and closed like a fish a few times and then she blurted: “Hey, gym buddy, here to celebrate National Single’s Awareness day? You have to try the cheese fries.”
Steve turned to her, looking so shocked she was wishing she’d kept her mouth shut, but then he grinned at her.
“I was hoping it would be you. I was kinda bummed you didn’t show today.”
They stared at each other and Gary looked back and forth between them.”
“You guys okay?” he asked.
Darcy turned her hand palm up to show them her words.
Gary’s eyebrows raised and he beamed proudly at them.
“Well, congrats! Should I put in an order of cheese fries?” he asked, winking at Steve, who nodded without taking his eyes off of his soulmate. Her eyes were so blue, he could drown in them.
She hopped off her stool and took the one next to him, looking him up and down with great excitement.
“I took today off for some self care, but the universe found a way. I’m Darcy Lewis, by the way: astrophysicist and friend of Thor.”
“And I’m Steve Rogers, cheese fries devotee and gym rat.” He shook her hand and she felt downright giddy. “You wouldn’t believe how many different places I’ve gone for cheese fries on February 15.”
Darcy laughed. “While I definitely wished mine were more specific, they were comforting. I knew I Wasn't going to be rejected by my Soulmate. Believe it or not, it does happen.”
“I’ve heard the stories,” Steve sighed. “But seeing my soulmark stay steady the last few years gave me hope when I didn’t have much. I kept expecting it to fade, but it didn’t.”
“I’m too stubborn to die,” Darcy shrugged. “Just like you.”
There was much flirting over the cheese fries and sharing of stories involving their mutual friends. Talking to Steve turned out to be much easier than Darcy had imagined. He was funny, sarcastic, and showed genuine interest when she was talking, which was incredibly refreshing.
“I was kind of afraid you weren’t coming back to the gym,” Darcy admitted. “I didn’t know it was possible to miss someone I hadn’t spoken to before.”
“Me neither,” Steve agreed, rooting for the cheesiest fry he could find. “But I did. I was visiting Sam and Bucky last week and kept thinking about you. I took the red eye back to get back here for the 15th, just so I could finally say something and find out where it went.”
“Awww,” Darcy crooned, giving him her best heart eye look as she grabbed a fry. “That’s so fluffy!!” She finished off the last of her drink then turned back to Steve.
“A couple more questions, Mr. America.”
“Fire away.”
“First one, where are your Words? Second, would it be way too forward of me to kiss you?”
She spun around on her stool and he caught her hands as she stopped, laughing dizzily.
“I can’t believe Captain Cutie is my soulmate!”
“You’re adorable,” Steve chuckled, beaming down at her. He hadn’t smiled this much in years and it was a glorious feeling.
“But to answer your questions, my Words are right here,” he pulled up his shirt briefly to show the loopy scrawl trailing down his left side.
“Also,” Steve tugged her closer, so their knees were touching, “I’m up for a kiss if you are, Dr. Lewis.”
She was, indeed, very up for it.
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alritestoodeos · 1 year
Summarizing the OG timeline characters (badly) Pt. 1: Kenshi
So Kenshi is this really snotty guy who’s like “come here, let me kick your ass plzz” so he can prove he’s the toughest guy in town. Then Kenshi found this guy named Shang Ts- I mean… Song… This Song guy is like “Kenshi, me boy. You need yourself a killer sword, because you are super cool”, and Kenshi’s like “damn straight”. So Song and Kenshi went to this really big well, and Kenshi took the lid off of it and got blasted in the face by a bunch of souls, permanently blinding him. Song then revealed he was none other than the sorcerer Shang Tsung! DUN DUN DUNNNN!! And then Shang Tsung pushed Kenshi into the well after absorbing all the souls inside of it, making him strong and youthful again. Kenshi thought he’d be left to die in there, when the sword (that actually existed wtf??) that Shang Tsung had told Kenshi about went into Kenshi’s hand, giving him an artificial sight of sorts. The reason this sword (whose name is 戦闘 which I find adorable that it just has a name) is able to do this is that it belonged to a long line of warriors who all just so happened to be ancestors of Kenshi. Those ancestors were all also tricked by Shang Tsung’s trap, dying in the well, which is why there were so many souls.
Then Kenshi was like “ok boys we’re getting our revenge” and spent the next decade relearning how to see and fight, greatly humbling himself along the way. Word got around of this badass blind Earthrealmer swordsman who can use this magic sword and even move things with his mind a little bit, which catches the attention of Sonya and Jax, and they’re like “hey. Come join the OWIA (Outworld Investigation Agency, super lame) so you can look around in Outworld”, and Kenshi is like “hell yea”. He was then given the order to find Cyrax, whose tracker had been taken off the map. While he never found Cyrax, he did find Ermac, this amalgamation of 100s of souls, all having a mid-life crisis. Kenshi thought they were super cool and was like “hey what’s wrong bud?”, and Ermac’s like “Our one order in this life doesn’t exist anymore, so we aren’t really vibing rn”, and Kenshi’s like “well what if it wasn’t?”, and Ermac’s like “oh shit tru. Thanks. Here, let us teach you how to piledrive people into the ground with your  m i n d .” And so they did, and Kenshi now knew how to telekinetically slam people. Then Kenshi was like “yoooo OWIA I didn’t find Cyrax but I did find this person with green hair and pronouns”, but they didn’t respond, because they got fucking bombed by the Red Dragon. On the topic of the Red Dragon, the Deadly Alliance (one of which in this alliance is Kenshi’s sworn enemy), sent Mavado to go kill Kenshi, and nearly did so, but was like “yOu ArEn’T eVeN wOrTh ThE kIlL”, and walked away thinking he was cool.
As Kenshi lay, dying, a figure formed in the distance. It was Kuai Liang, the current Sub-Zero. Kuai carried Kenshi back to his Outworld cabin and nursed him back to health. Kenshi appreciated his generosity, and the two became actual besties. Suddenly, Kenshi felt his sword grow 10x in power. He’s like “dude dafuq-”, and Sub-Zero’s like “Oh yeah so there’s this dude named Onaga and- whatever there isn’t time for that. Anyways I’m pretty sure Onaga just killed Shang Tsung and all your ancestors just went back into your sword”. And Kenshi was happy, because his ancestors were back to being free, and his quest was over. He was happy. At least he felt like he should’ve been. But, he wasn’t. Kenshi felt… empty. Like this was what he devoted all of his life to, and now it’s just gone. He began to understand how Ermac felt, how awful it must’ve been for them when they realized everything they were meant to do, was just destroyed. Kenshi needed time to understand what he wanted in his life and disbanded from OWIA, and unaligned with the Lin Kuei, but promised both he’d still be an ally. He then left them both, becoming a lone warrior, in search of something to fill the hole that had been created within him. (angst rant go brr) Anywayyys Kenshi became Batman pretty much, hunting down the corrupted in the night, taking out criminal organizations. He also intercepts a transmission from the Red Dragon to Mavado, the man who nearly killed him, to kill the demigod Taven. Before Kenshi can do anything about Mavado’s mission, he gets a little tap on the shoulder from Johnny Cage, who’s like “dude XD 💀 so-so get this- 💀 there are these evil dudes like Onaga, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and Shao Kahn who are all, like 🤣 going to try to kill Blaze or some shit, and like, I was wondering if you- hold on a sec 💀… I was wondering if you wanted to join this team I’m making that has Sub-Zero, Ermac, and a whole bunch of other wacky characters to take them out”, and Kenshi’s like “were you audibly saying skull emoji- wait- SHANG TSUNG!?!” so Kenshi joined Johnny Cage in the Forces of Light. When Kenshi arrives at the pyramid, he takes out Sheeva and Quan Chi, and sees Ermac, and is like “dude this is a massacre out here what the hell is–” and before he could finish, he is telekinetically slammed into the ground by Ermac, who’s foot is planted into Kenshi’s chest, revealing his identity to really be Shang Tsung in the form of Ermac, before Shang Tsung casts his arm out to Kenshi, muttering “your soul is mine”, driving out the life force of Kenshi, now ultimately failing the quest he’s tried his whole life to complete.
If there's any other character's you want explained like this (from the og timeline only sorry), reply which you'd want!
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
Hello! First time asking on tumblr!
I just wanted to ask about your thoughts between Edward and the last remaining furness engines that made it into BR days? Do you think he would be chummy with them cuz of the fact that they’re the last furness engines kicking around in the area, or would their be a divide due to them being “Sharpies”, if the whole feud between the seagulls (Well Seagull, singular) and the sharpies is even still a thing?
At the risk of a spoiler in the Nobby-verse... the Sharpie/Seagull feud becomes a dead letter (or more of a tired old joke) almost immediately after Grouping. Furness territory gets swarmed in short order by "foreign" engines who start taking over some of their assignments, the situation with management is uncertain, and the idiots by and large get their shit together real quick. They still bicker plenty ofc but they also show up for each other against outside threats instead of trying to undermine each other. By the '30s they probably refer to each other as "cousins" instead of "those dirty bastards."
So by nationalisation? Yeah, I think the 7 or so ex-Furness 0-6-0s and Edward would have felt positively about each other—it's nice to know it's not only your little spot of earth that still remembers all that lost culture. Chumminess, though, would have been pretty well precluded by distance. Edward only poked his funnel into Barrow occasionally and irregularly at this point, and the remaining 0-6-0s weren't even at Barrow—they were shedded up at Moor Row. So it's kind of a coin flip as to whether they ever ran into each other at all. If they had, though, I am sure the vibes would be  good. Perhaps bittersweet, but, look, by the early '50s these guys are all survivors. They've been through a lot. I think on the whole they'd appreciate it as a happy coincidence and would go home chuffed to tell their shedmates that they saw old so-and-so that day.
I have thought a good bit about these postwar years up in Moor Row and I like to imagine it was cosy. I mean it was a small, unimportant depot in the middle of nowhere but it was homey. Trainspotters often wrote into journals at the time about seeing some of the last pre-Grouping engines at Moor Row. It not only had the final ex-Furness engines but it also had a contingent of old ex.-Lancaster and Yorkshire 0-6-0s. Ha! I'd bet those two groups were also fierce rivals early in Grouping but by that point, hell. Again, they have all survived a Grouping, a Depression, a World War, and Nationalisation. They're all old and they just like to live a mellow life. All of them were scrapped by the end of the '50s but they'd gotten a pretty full working life. Judging by the notes people wrote into rail magazines at the time, Moor Row took great care of its engines. It was not a bad way to spend your last years and I like to think they were all friends.
And if someone brought in "Old Iron" to read to them? The incredulous laughter and the swapping of stories from four decades ago and the gossip about what an absolute looneybin Sodor was—it would have gone on for hours. ("Why do they have two major crises a year? It's only, what, 150 miles of network all told?... More like 200... aye, what a bleedin' circus... They dress it up for the stories, I reckon... nah, I was right across the bridge from them for 20 years. If anything they sound more sane in these books of theirs...")
So that's my personal headcanon.
That said, for fic writing purposes I have definitely experimented with the drama of, like, FC1 or FC2 trialling one of the last FR 0-6-0s on Sodor. And Edward being delighted to find another survivor! Only to be absolutely blown away when the pleasure is not reciprocated and, like, 52509 or whoever (who, mind you, would have been built after Edward had left the mainland anyway) just being like piss off, Seagull and Edward being gobsmacked. ... this is the year of our Lord nineteen fifty-two?? Surely you cannot be serious.
Obviously, James is the hero everyone needs here. No, I'm serious. That's a separate ask, I'll finish describing that fic idea one day.
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monochrome-dreamer · 1 year
Am I posting a stupid amount today ? Yes ! And I will not stop ! I like getting my thoughts out ! This is gonna be a long one, and might not be 100% accurate, but buckle up and strap in because this has been in my head.
Anyways, I thought about this pretty hard, but for some reason when I think “Matsukaze Tenma”, I think of the Winnie the Pooh quote; “You’re Stronger than you Seem, You’re Braver than you Believe, and You’re Smart than you Think”, and I’d like to give my thoughts on why I think this is, by going over each statement. Also ! I will be focusing on the ANIME ! I have not played the game !
“You’re Stronger thank you Seem”
From what I vaguely remember , as it’s been a while since I watched it , Go Chrono Stone and near the End of Go S1 is when Tenma became Captain, and then questioned his abilities AS Captain. I’d like to point out that in Go Chrono Stone, there was (technically) 3 captains on that team, excluding Tenma. These being Shindou, former Raimon Captain, Taiyou, Arakumo’s Captain, and (technically), Tsurugi, who was the captain of that Fifth Sector team at the very beginning (he doesn’t quite count tho, which is why I said technically.). We can also include Fei in this lineup, but he hadn’t been a “captain” at this time, so I am not going to. Anyways,
Shindou, A tactics man who controls his team like a conductor does his orchestra. He’s organised, he knows what he’s doing, and his coordination is nothing short of S tier. Taiyou, the Genius who comes once in a Decade. He’s strong willed, he’s passionate, all despite being ill enough to be hospital bound since a young age.
Tenma wasn’t particularly any of these qualities when he was first made captain. He wasn’t quite as exceptional at soccer; the most he could do really well was dribble. He wasn’t an expert tactician, he was in no way “organised”, and he struggled a lot to become a good captain, doubting himself a LOT. This is seen when he goes to Shindou in the hospital about how he can’t be captain, or when he seems to doubt himself when they travel to King Arthur’s Era in CS, when their Time Machine has its little hiccup, and Taiyou and Shindou are the ones to make sure everyone is calm. Not Tenma.
It’s also stated in Galaxy that Tenma being captain was something of an Unspoken Agreement, despite it meaning to be only temporary, and that he had been holding himself back for the sake of his teammates. He was holding himself back. He could have been so much more, but he held himself back and limited himself until someone told him off for it. The guy that’s been telling people to give it their all, has not technically been giving it his all. But that didn’t matter to his two longest teammate, and his closest friends; Tsurugi and Shindou, who merely agreed that they’d have to work harder to catch up.
“You’re Braver than you Believe”
Tenma kicked off the revolution, in a way. Albeit by accident, his passion , love, and sheer enjoyment of free soccer, HIS soccer, drove him to go against Fifth sector, an organisation that seems to have been around for a few years at that point that most people FEARED and wouldn’t dream of going against. But Tenma did. Despite everything, his teammates initial dislike of him and distaste towards the revolution, the fact that Fifth Sector was SO much stronger than him, Matsukaze Tenma went against them for the sake of his Soccer. For Free soccer.
Even when things were difficult; when there was little to no cooperation, when schools were getting DESTROYED by fifth sector in an attempt to guilt trip the rebels, he pushed forward. Albeit with a push from his teammates, (namely Shindou; who checked on him after the news of the school destructions was brought to their attention, and when he found out Ishido Shuuji, the Holy Emperor at the time, was his saviour from 10 Years ago and that Fifth Sector destroying schools was indirectly his fault,) he persisted, and ultimately won.
In CS, the whole fate of soccer, of his friends lives, those were on HIS shoulders. His own future was even at the mercy of Protocol Omega and El Dorado. When they tried to change his reality, the accident of Tsurugi and Yuuichi, the making of Raimon’s soccer team as a whole, those were on Tenma’s shoulders most of the time. And all of it happened while he was in Okinawa. All of it happened when he wasn’t even there. He came home to his friends not knowing who he was, save for Aoi, who he’d known since childhood.
And even still despite the fate of soccer and their reality being in their hands, he fought. He travelled through time, made friends with people from almost a dozen time periods, and reclaimed his future, despite every hardship. If that isn’t some form of bravery, then I’m not sure I know what is. (Mild exaggeration maybe)
ALSO, HE WENT UP AGAINST LITERAL ALIENS AND A BLACK HOLE THAT WOULD HAVE WIPED OUT A LOT OF PEOPLE !! He fought in the Grand Celesta Galaxy practically against his will, had his “super best friend” (as stated by Sakura), taken from him for a seemingly large amount of time without his knowledge ??? Only to then PLAY AGAINST SAID FRIEND IN WHAT THEY THOUGHT TO BE THE FINALS (I think ?? I haven’t watched Galaxy in a minute so take that last part with a grain of salt !!)
“You’re Smarter than you Think”
Tenma strikes me as a character who doesn’t often Look before he Leaps. He’s an “everything will work out” kind of guy similar to Endou, but in a very different way. He puts his trust into Soccer. He trusts that Soccer will help him and give him strength. He puts his trusts in his team, who he’s sure will reciprocate and respond to his trust. He trusts in others, and that’s an amazing quality. That he can trust people so wholeheartedly. He trusted Tsurugi, he believed Tsurugi had good in him, that he could be redeemed, and trusted him in their game against Teikoku. He trusted Fei, even despite him turning on them. He trusted his teammates of the Earth Eleven, because he was their captain.
I can’t think much of this line right now , but I do think about it much more than I thought I would, but I genuinely love both this quote, and Tenma. I feel like it just fits him perfectly. He’s so much more than just a guy who REALLY likes soccer, and I think it’s amazing. I love Tenma as a character, I relate to him heavily so there’s a chance I’m being incredibly biased, but I cannot fathom enough how dear he is to me, and how much I see myself in him in so, so many ways. That, however, is for a different post entirely.
I’m not sure what else to say at this point other than I’m a really big nerd, and a very big enjoyer of Matsukaze Tenma, so this will be Maki, Signing off ! 🌻💜
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featherfur · 2 years
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I posted 5,355 times in 2022
That's 1,823 more posts than 2021!
41 posts created (1%)
5,314 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 286 of my posts in 2022
#genshin impact - 26 posts
#mdzs - 24 posts
#jiang cheng - 23 posts
#the untamed - 20 posts
#danny answers - 16 posts
#diluven - 15 posts
#wei wuxian - 12 posts
#art - 9 posts
#tgcf - 8 posts
#right on queue - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#you don’t follow a 17yr old through war and then another 13/16 years to think he’s just ‘okay’ he gave ppl with nothing a home and safety
My Top Posts in 2022:
Jin Ling has a habit of climbing into trees to shoot his bow, I wonder how many times he got his hair tangled in the branches after a kill and Jiang Cheng is like “?? Are you not going to go make sure it’s dead? Get down here already, are you scared of a dead body??”
And Jin Ling has to embarrassingly call out “Jiujiu… I’m stuck… please help. I’m going to go bald!” and JC almost falls over trying not to burst into laughter watching JL whine and fight a tree and the tree is winning.
184 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Also like, c’mon guys the angst of JC going to the past and the realizing that if he stops the war he effectively kills everyone born in YMJ in the last 13/16 years? JC realizing that if his entire home doesn’t die then he never has the loyalty of the family that he built and protected for almost two decades?? Can he kill them? They won’t know, but he will. Could he do it or would it drive him mad? Could he ever see a child of YMJ and not think about the ones who used to be underfoot? Could he train disciples without thinking about the ones he carried through war? Could he hear “Sect Leader” and not choke thinking of everyone he swore to protect after the war?
Do you realize how fully you could break him?? You could pin him between WWX and his sect again and make him cry!! Save WWX or kill his family? AGAIN!! Parallels!
Let one family burn or be the executioner of the other! Save the family you were born into or the one you carried through war and swore yourself too! Save your sister or the YMJ child you know was born to your second disciple! Save your mother or your right hand man! Save your father or the children you raised in your home! Save your brother or every person who looks to you for protection and supported you through war!
215 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
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What is a throne but a warm spot for your water puppy to wait for you? Apparently I latched onto Jiang Cheng gets a spiritual alligator too hard. Her name is Puppy. Wei Wuxian named her when he gave it to Jiang Cheng (Jiang Cheng wanted to give her a proper name like Peach or Sweetheart) and unfortunately Puppy liked her new name and nothing JC has done has been able to change her mind.
235 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Wei Wuxian feeling bad around Jiang Cheng’s birthday, because Jin Ling mentioned how he’s been visiting more often to see the Jin puppies because it’s against Jiang rules to have dogs, and decides he’ll get Jiang Cheng a friend!
Which is how Sect Leader Jiang ends up with an alligator for a pet that Wei Wuxian found while kicking around the edges of the Gusu Lan territory. No one knows how to explain that Alligators shouldn’t be pets, because Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are already attatched and the alligator seems to be returning the feelings and insists on getting scratchies
381 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
yknow how Jin Ling is supposed to look just like Jiang Cheng, like to the point of being brothers? And Jiang Cheng is supposed to look just like his mother?
Jin Ling hearing from Wei Wuxian about Jiang Cheng's old wispy hair and deciding he wants to know what the fuss is about and (after much deliberation between the juniors) finally gets it just right. Jiang Cheng gives him a raised eyebrow when he gets onto the training field with him, but ignores it because teens are just weird and tells him to pull out his sword.
Then Wei Wuxian comes trotting up the pier in time to see Jiang Cheng in the pale blue his mother always favored and beside him is Jin Ling with his one whisp.
And for a moment it's not Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling.
For a moment it's Madam Yu standing protectively behind her son, a sword in one hand and the whip in the other. Fifteen year old Jiang Cheng is frowning, but when he hears Wei Wuxian's shout he lights up with a smile and turns to his mother. Madam Yu doens't look happy and her eyes narrow on Wei Wuxian even as she gives a stiff nod. If Wei Wuxian turned around then Yanli should be-
"Wei Wuxian, are you just going to stand there all day! Oi, you, stop that noise." Jiang Cheng's voice rings out and the image is gone. There's no grinning Jiang Cheng and instead Jin Ling's head is rolling back as he makes the loudest sigh in the world. Madam Yu isn't standing behind them like she's waiting to fight the world, instead Jiang Cheng's tugging on Jin Ling's pony tail and watching him flail with an angry shout.
"You taught him to be like this, before you came back he had manners." Jiang Cheng snaps and Wei Wuxian's still blinking at the afterimage of his first life. "Well? Get your ass up here and help me fix that. God, it's like you're only in my house for food, earn your keep."
“Who says I’m not?” Wei Wuxian grins and springs up, arm already up to sling around Jiang Cheng’s shoulders.
388 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: this is my gift to you guys for my birthday, thank you for being here for me and reading my works! hope you'll like it!
SUMMARY: A glimpse of three of your birthdays in the past 2 decades, all of them somehow connected to Harry.
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(gif by @stylesrecord)
It’s a warm, sunny day, a blessing in April for people living in the UK. Trees are blooming, the sky is the most brilliant blue color and birds are chirping relentlessly, singing about the arrival of spring.
Today is your sixth birthday. Your mom says you’re a big girl now, but she’s been also calling you her baby all day, so you’re not sure if she truly means it.
Your grandparents are over at your house and some of your friends too. The birthday party has kicked off after lunch and you’re having a blast, especially because you got a new bicycle, it’s got rainbow colored wheels and a basket on the front, exactly what you wanted!
“Y/N! It’s cake time!” your mom steps out, carrying your cake that has six pink candles lit on top.
You and your friends run up to the table as your parents start singing Happy Birthday to you, everyone joining while you take your seat at the table, eyeing the cake happily.
“Make a wish, Sweetie,” your dad tells you when the song is over. You take a deep breath, close your eyes and think of what you want the most.
There’s a girl down the street, Maria, she is older than you, already in middle school. Your moms are friends so sometimes you hang out with her. She just got a boyfriend and she told you all about how amazing Jake is.
“He holds my hand in school and kisses me on the cheek every morning,” Maria told you as she was drawing in her diary. “I love him, we’re going to get married.”
Opening your eyes you look at the candles and make a wish as you blow them out.
I wish I had a boyfriend.
Everyone cheers as you blow the candles out and your mom helps you cut the cake, handing the slices out to every guest.
The party stretches late, the Sun is already setting when the backyard empties out. You’re riding your new bike in front of your house as your parents clean up. The sky is painted orange and red and you know you have to head in anytime now, so you’re trying to make the best out of your time outside.
A football rolls in your way and you get off your bike to stop the ball from disappearing in the bushes. You spot a curly haired boy running towards you as you grab the ball and wait for him to reach you.
“Thank you!” he sighs as he finally slows down in front of you. He is cute, he’s got green eyes and a wide smile that brings a weird feeling into your tummy.
You hand him the ball and step back to your bike, but he doesn’t move, instead eyes your new gift.
“I like your bike,” he smiles, cocking his head to the side. For a second you think he is just making fun of you, but you heard no mocking in his voice.
“Thanks, I got it for my birthday today,” you tell him shyly.
“Your birthday is today?”
“Well, happy birthday then,” he smiles just when a woman calls his name down the street. “It’s my mum, I have to go. Bye,” he waves at you before running off with the ball under his arm.
Sitting on your new bike on the evening of your sixth birthday, you watch your future boyfriend run down the street after meeting you for the first time.
You shouldn’t have worn heels, it was a mistake. But you wanted to look fancy, you couldn’t go out wearing something ridiculous or cheap, not when your boyfriend is a superstar who is in a boyband known in all of Europe and maybe all around the world.
The dress you bought with your mum just for today is kind of itchy and pretty tight, but seemingly Harry likes it, judging from the way he ogled you when he picked you up to take you out for dinner for your birthday. You’ve been waiting for tonight all month, Harry has been away a lot lately which sucks, but you’re happy he gets to live his dream and essentially that’s what matters.
You’ve been dating a little over a year now. His X-Factor audition was on your one month anniversary, so you’ve been by his side on this crazy journey all along. In the beginning you were afraid he’d forget about you and go after all the girls he could get with just a wink, but he has proven it several times that he only wants you.
Now you’re standing in a fancy restaurant wearing your fancy dress and shoes as your boyfriend is arguing with the hostess, because she says he doesn’t have a reservation.
“But I did! I even called in a few days ago!” Harry groans as a line is starting to form behind you.
“Sir, I am very sorry, but we don’t have your name on the list,” the woman explains again, not budging.
“Okay, then is there any chance we can get a table? I mean… I can tweet about the restaurant and get some fame for it,” he offers and the hostess furrows her eyebrows at him. It’s the first time you hear him trying to play his famous card, but apparently it’s not working yet, or the hostess is not familiar with the work of One Direction.
“Um, I can’t make an exception. I’m sorry.”
Harry opens his mouth to argue again, but you place a hand to his bicep.
“H, it’s alright. Let’s just go somewhere else,” you tell him, your hand sliding down to take his and pull him towards the door. He hesitates, paying another glance to the hostess, but when he sees your pleading face he gives in and the two of you walk out with empty stomachs.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. I wanted tonight to be special, I swear I made a reservation!”
“It’s alright,” you tell him and truly mean it. Spending time with him is enough, it doesn’t matter where it’s happening.
“But you deserve a fancy sixteenth birthday and now I can finally pay for it! I even bought you that necklace you wanted so badly,” he sighs as he pulls out the long jewelry box from his coat’s pocket. You gasp as he opens the lid and shows you the gift.
“Harry, it’s amazing, but you know you don’t have to spend your money on me,” you tell him, cupping his face in your hands as you kiss him chastely.
“But I want to, you deserve to be spoiled,” he pouts like a little boy and now he looks just like the Harry you know from before the fame and fans, your old Harry.
“Spoil me with your time and attention,” you smile at him.
He takes the necklace out of the box and puts it on you, even takes a picture of you in excitement as you’re still standing on the pavement out on the street. Looking around your stomach growls right when you see a hotdog stand not far away.
“Hey, let’s get that dinner,” you tell him, pulling him towards the stand. Not even ten minutes later the two of you are sitting in his car in a parking lot, eating hotdogs in your fancy clothes, listening to your favorite songs while talking and laughing.
Even though the evening didn’t turn out to be the way Harry planned it, it was still a memorable one and if you had the chance to do it over, you’d still choose the hotdogs in his car over the fancy restaurant.
The size of the crowd is mind-blowing. It’s one massive sea of people for as far as you can see and all of them are focusing on one person at this very moment.
Your husband.
Harry is in his element, you watch him dance around the stage in his discoball outfit, that’s how you’ve been calling it since you first saw it at his fitting, but you love it so much and he knows it too. The band is playing so well, you know the fans are going absolutely crazy about the new songs and the old ones as well.
Today has been a special day and Harry made sure about that. Because today is your twenty-sixth birthday and as always, your husband likes to make a big deal out of it. At this point it’s more for him than you. Alright, that’s a far stretch, because seeing him so excited makes you happy too so it’s a win-win for the both of you.
He surprised you with breakfast in bed, he delayed everything he needed to do for as long as possible so the two of you could have some alone time in the middle of the desert and you surely used it wisely.
Then he got you a full glam team, hair, makeup, outfits, everything was taken care of so you could look your best on your day. While you were being treated like a princess he cooked for you and the team with the help of Sarah and Mitch, so when you were all glammed up you had an early dinner with the whole group, having a blast before heading to the festival.
He got you a variety of presents, but all of them were so special. Limited edition books, the Chanel coat you’ve been secretly eyeing for a long time and your absolute favorite, a handmade mug he made in his pottery class, his latest hobby and obsession. It’s a little wobbly and uneven, but you’ll be using it till the end of time for sure.
Arriving to the festival you let him take the spotlight, because it’s his day too, though you had a feeling he wasn’t done with the birthday celebration just yet.
Shania Twain is now walking off the stage after surprising the crowd and killing it with Harry, who is clearly starstruck even though he knew it was happening. He is so happy and seeing him like this warms your chest too.
“How are you feeling tonight?” he asks a little out of breath as the band gets ready for the next song. The crowd screams and he grins at the reaction. “Okay, we have some more songs to play, don’t worry, but before we move on there’s something I want to do.”
Just from the look on his face you see on the big screen you already know what it’s gonna be about.
“Oh shit,” you mumble, chuckling under your breath.
“Today is a special day and not just because I’m playing on this stage, but also because it’s the birthday of a very special person. Y/N? Y/N, where are you?”
He is looking around and two crew members come up to you in an instant, leading you onto the stage, you don’t even have time to protest.
“There she is! Give it up to my wife everyone!” he chuckles as he walks towards you, meeting you halfway before taking your hand and pulling you to the middle.
“Harry…” you sigh with a grin on your face as you hold onto his hand tightly.
“Don’t be shy, babe, today is your day!” he smiles and kisses your forehead, making the crowd swoon. “So today is Y/N’s birthday so I want all of you to sing happy birthday to her, can we do that?” The crowd screams in unison and you’re turning into a giggling mess at all the attention you’re getting.
With Harry’s lead the whole festival starts to sing happy birthday to you and it’s surely the most massive version of the song you’ve ever heard, a memory you’ll remember forever.
“… Happy birthday to youuu!” the song finishes and Harry pulls you into a hug as the crowd screams and cheers for you.
“Happy birthday, baby,” he mumbles into your ear so only you can hear it.
“Thank you,” you squeeze him before letting him go.
“Just so you guys know how special it is that she is celebrating her birthday by my side, we were together on her sixteenth birthday as well, that was kind of a disaster, we ended up eating hotdogs in my car because my dinner reservation got messed up. I wanted to impress her with a fancy dinner, but that went completely wrong.”
“But I loved it so much,” you tell him, though the mic doesn’t pick up much of it.
“And what’s crazier, I met her on her sixth birthday two decades ago!” he announces and another round of screaming erupts from the crowd. “There was this little girl on her new bicycle, she caught my football and I told her I liked her bike. I didn’t know her name and we didn’t meet for a few more years again, but that was the moment I met my future wife. So Happy birthday, baby. Thank you for lighting up my world every day. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you tell him, stealing another kiss before running off the stage so his set can carry on. You watch him in awe for the rest of his show and wish to spend many more birthdays with him.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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