blackpointgame · 1 month
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http://aabon35.blogspot.com ⚫️
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Prasat Baksei Chamkrong, a small Hindu temple in the Angkor complex, Cambodia
French vintage postcard
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opplevkambodsja · 2 years
Et utkast til en gigantisk verdensarv
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Dette er en av mine absolutt favoritter i Angkor-parken. Prasat Pre Rup, ប្រាសាទប្រែរូប, er et kompakt, femtårns tempel av baketopptypen. Det ligger 6 kilometer unna det som seinere er kjent som Angkor Thom, storbyen Angkor.
Pre Rup regnes også som et tidlig utkast av det som seinere blei det største religiøse tempelanlegget i verden: Angkor Wat. Det er så snarlik at bilder av Pre Rup av og til brukes som reklamefoto for besøk til Angkor Wat.
En av de første store Khmer-gudekongene
Dette tempelet var det offisielle statstempelet til kong Rajendravarman II. Det er bygd i 961 rett sør for det store østlige vannmagasinet, East Mebon. I dag er tempelet 6 kilometer øst for Angkor Wat og Angkor Thom, bygd 250 år seinere.
Rajendravarman II var en av de store gudekongene av Khmer-imperiet. Han utvidet riket opp til dagens Kina, områder som i dag er Laos og det meste av Thailand. Sørøstover utvidet han riket til dagens sør-vietnam, om lag fra dagens Mekong-delta og opp til området rundt Da Nang.
Til Shivas ære
Prasat Pre Rup er bygd som en kopi av de hinduistiske hellige Mehru-fjellene og deres fem topper, gudenes hjem i pantheon-varianten av hinduisme. Det er viet til Shiva, som er skaper- og dødsgud i en variant, og den store tids- og ødeleggeren i treenighets-varianten av hinduisme.
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De fem hellige tårnene, prang, på toppen har det sentrale og et av de andre viet til Shiva. De tre andre er viet til Vishnu, guddom for vern, bevaring og alt som er godt, Parvati, Shivas kvinnelige partner, og Lakshmi, den kvinnelige partneren til Vishnu.
Starten på østlig Mebon-perioden
Kong Rajendravarman II utviklet sin egen versjon av khmer arkitektur med dette tempelet. Denne østlige Mebon-stilen var dominant bygningsstil i Khmer-riket for de neste drøyt hundre årene.
Foran øst-inngangen, hovedinngangen til Pre Rup, er det tre store tårn, pranger, til venstre for inngangen, speilet av to tårn til høyre for inngangen. Det er rom for et tredje tårn der, men det er usikkert om det i det hele tatt ble bygd, eller om det ble demontert.
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Tempelet har en grunnflate på 87 ganger 77 meter, og det er bygd i tre etasjer. Topplattformen med de fem tårnene er 35 meter i kvadrat. Både statuer, utskjæringer og alterdesign er veldig typisk for arkitekturstilen som ble introdusert. Men nesten vel så imponerende er utsikten til det levende og historiske kulturlandskapet og naturen som både var og er særpreget for Angkor.
Det er lettere å forstå hvordan landskap inspirerete og ga næring til å bygge en sivilisasjon og og et enormt rike som varte i 500 år. Og hvordan denne sivilisasjonen også bygde noen av de største konstruksjonene og unike bygg i menneskets verdenshistorie. Noen av dem ble ikke overgått før den industrielle revolusjonen startet i Europa 800 år seinere.
Pre Rup ble bygd 200 år før det største fem-tårns tempelkomplekset som fortsatt står ble bygd. Og det fungerer fortsatt som en nøkkel til å forstå det mye større og mer komplekse Angkor Wat. Men Pre Rup er likevel verdt et besøk og undersøke i seg sjøl.
En av mulighetene i å besøke Pre Rup, er at både tempel og område rundt egner seg for soloppgang og solnedgangsbesøk. Den røde sandsteinen som dominerer materialene i tempelet gir en varm, intens glød når skrå solstråler treffer konstruksjonen når sola er nær horisonten. De tydelige tårn- og statueelementene gir gode kontraster og spennende siluetter. Og siden det er litt mindre og et stykke unna de store templene kan dette nytes uten altfor store horder av turister.
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Om du nå vil nyte dette i rolig sittende i en stol med noe å drikke, som de lokale selgerne gjerne bidrar med. Eller vil vandre litt rundt og fotografere.
For den som vil oppleve dette fra sykkelsetet, ligger tempelet rundt 35 minutter sykling i moderat tempo unna Siem Reap sentrum og Gamlemarked. Det er både vanlig asfaltert vei, og litt tøffere og stemningsfulle sykkelstier til og rundt tempelet. På vei mellom Siem Reap og Pre Rup ligger Sray Srah-bassenget, og rundt det er det et stort utvalg av khmer gatemat og små restauranter for frokost, lunsj eller middag.
Pre Rup var det fjerde tempelet jeg besøkte i Angkor Archeological park tilbake i 2011. Det er fortsatt en favoritt.
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askdrzinasia · 2 years
A draft for historic greatness
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This is the compact, unique five tower temple on the outskirts of the Big Angkor town that somehow is a draft for Angkor Wat.
Prasat Pre Rup, ប្រាសាទប្រែរូប, is a prelude construction to Angkor Wat, and is sometimes mistaken for the world famous symbol of Angkor and the Kingdom of Cambodia.
A true great god king
This was the state temple of King Rajendravarman II, built just south of East Mebon/East main reservoir and 6 km east of the site of Angkor Thom in 961CE. The king was one of the first true great kings of the Angkor Empire. He expanded the Khmer empire north to China, engulfing todays Laos and most of todays Thailand, and southeast into southern modern Viet Nam.
Prasat Pre Rup is built in mountain temple design with five towers, prangs, on top. They are reminiscent of the Mehru Mountains, the mythical mountainous home of the Hindu pantheon of gods. Inscription in the temple mentions that the five prangs were dedicated to Shiva, God of Time and Destruction (central tower and one of the surrounding towers), Vishnu, God of Preservation and protector of Good, Parvati, the consort of Shiva, and Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu. King Rajendravarman II started his own version of architectural style with this prasat. It set the standard for the next century building in the Khmer Empire.
In front of the east entrance, Pre Rup has three large tower flanking on each side. On the top of the temple itself, you get some clean cut impressions of early Mebon Khmer style.
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You also get a fantastic outlook view of Khmer Angkor culture landscape and nature. You will understand more of how this area provided the resources and inspiration of building a series of the largest human constructions before Europa entered the industrial revolution 800 years later.
The compact Angkor Wat
This temple was built over 200 years before the largest five-tower temple complex in the world, and is often mistaken, or used as an alternative to illustrate Angkor Wat itself. Simply because it is a compact version of the same design idea. It takes some time to get your head around how large the newer complex actually is.
Visiting this smaller and older temple is a way to understand the greatness of the Angkor Wat complex. Still Prasat Pre Rup is interesting to explore by itself.
Insiders tip
This temple are one of the sites in Angkor Part worth visit both to enjoy sunrise and sunset. Build in red sandstone, it gives a nice, warm glow during morning and afternoon sun. Even after rain. And it is tall enough with building details making shadow photos really interesting. A nice place to enjoy Khmer art and archaeology without the tourists crowds, too.
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Pre Rup is still one of my favourite sights and I like to visit it wheneever I am in Angkor Archaeological park.
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Entrance to the Chakri Maha Prasat Hall at the Grand Palace in Bangkok, THAILAND
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2t2r · 9 months
Ancien Siam, le gigantesque musée Muang Boran
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/ancien-siam-le-gigantesque-musee-muang-boran/
Ancien Siam, le gigantesque musée Muang Boran
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hyp-no-tic · 1 year
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KIDS don't you see the lanterns on your bedside tables? They're pretty heavy aren't they? Can't you just take one and SMASH IT ON MASTER'S PRASAT HEAD???!!! Is that too much to ask????!!
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livsoulsecrets · 1 year
#HomeSchoolSeries: Bleeding me dry like a goddamn vampire
Overlay: vqnilla.overlays (TikTok)
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thedalatribune · 3 months
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© Paolo Dala
Thai Architecture
There are distinguishing characteristics to Thai architecture that one can observe in modern buildings, ancient monuments and everything in between. Initially, these shapes were only people's answers to daily challenges or shows of power. Now they are permanently inscribed into the fabric of the country's architectural design style. These forms evolved throughout thousands of years of artistic craftsmanship to become the legendary aesthetic we see today.
Phanganist Thai Architecture Part 1: Origin of Its Aesthetic
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mitokenasia · 7 months
大急ぎRemote Temple Tour
4日目。 今日は観光のあと、夜のフライトでバンコクに戻ります。 今日のルートはカンボジア名でプレアヴィヒア(タイ名でカオ・プラ・ウィハーン)→コーケー遺跡群→シェムリアップ空港です。 ということで出発前に宿をチェックアウト。 オールドマーケットにも近いしリーズナブルでいい宿でした。またシェムリアップ来ることあったらここに泊まろう。 8時にプレアヴィヒアへ出発。 プレアヴィヒアは過去にタイ側から何度か来たことがある場所。最後は2007年12月。 忙しいことはいいことだ。 その後、領有権を巡るドンパチで、現在はタイ側からアクセスはできず、カンボジアからのみアクセスできるようです。 政争の具にしなくても   プレアヴィヒアの麓で専用トラックに乗り換え山頂へ(ゴールデンロックみたいだ)。到着する頃にはお昼前。 思ったより時間かかったなーーー。 お昼の日差しは強いうえ、彫刻の陰影も上からに…
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Geological Study Underway at Prasat Chen
A joint team is studying the impact of landslides on Chen Temple's stability within the Koh Ker complex, aiming to ensure the ancient site's preservation through detailed geological analysis.
via Khmer Times, 20 February 2024: The National Authority for Preah Vihear and the Institute of Technology of Cambodia have initiated a geological study at the Prasat Chen within the Koh Ker complex to assess the impact of landslides on its stability. This critical research aims to understand the soil composition and topography beneath the temple to devise conservation strategies. The National…
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cysnews · 2 years
V Zoo Praha nyní uvidíte charismatické štětkouny
V Zoo Praha nyní uvidíte charismatické štětkouny
Jednu z hlavních expozic Rezervace Dja doplnili dva samci pralesních prasat štětkounů afrických. Sdílet ji budou se skupinou kočkodanů Brazzových. (more…)
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mybeingthere · 23 days
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Standing Ganesha
Cambodia, second half 7th century, pre-Angkor period
Stone, Dimensions: H. 17 1/4 in. (43.8 cm); W. 10 9/16 in. (26.9 cm); D. 6 in. (15.2 cm)
In Southeast Asia, Ganesha, the Hindu deity who removes obstacles, has a more independent status than in India. His images were often housed in separate temples as primary icons of worship. Here, Ganesha is shown wearing a short wraparound skirt (sampot), the front end of which falls down the center in a series of flaring folds characteristic of the Prasat Andet style.
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artifacts-archive · 7 months
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Standing Ganesha
Cambodia, second half 7th century
In Southeast Asia, Ganesha, the Hindu deity who removes obstacles, has a more independent status than in India. His images were often housed in separate temples as primary icons of worship. Here, Ganesha is shown wearing a short wraparound skirt (sampot), the front end of which falls down the center in a series of flaring folds characteristic of the Prasat Andet style.
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askdrzinasia · 3 years
Pre Rup, the Angkor Wat prelude
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Prasat Pre Rup is a prelude temple to Angkor Wat, and often mistaken for the world famous symbol of Angkor and the Kingdom of Cambodia. The ប្រាសាទប្រែរូប- Pre Rub Temple temple was built nearly 200 years earlier. But its similar design idea and compact version of the basic structure makes it sometimes being used in photo and video presenting Angkor and Angkor Wat. It is not that strange. It takes some time to get your head around how large the newer Angkor Wat complex actually is.
The compact, unique five tower temple is today on the eastern outskirts of Angkor Thom, the great city built during the 1200s CE. Prasat Pre Rup is a hindu temple oriented North-South, and it covers an area 117 meter by 127 meter. It is constructed of brick, laterite and sandstone, and the warm, reddish colour becomes very visible during sunset and sunrise.
Temple for one of the greatest
It was the state temple of King Rajendravarman II, built just south of East Mebon Temple and 6 km east of the later Angkor Thom in 961CE. The king was one of the first true great kings of the Angkor Empire. He expanded the empire north to China, engulfing Laos and most of Thailand, and south into southern Viet Nam.
Prasat Pre Rup is built in mountain temple design with five towers, prangs, on top. They are reminiscent of the Mehru Mountain, home of the hindu pantheon of gods. Inscription in the temple mentions that the five prangs were dedicated to Shiva (central tower and one of the surrounding towers), Vishnu, Parvati (the consort of Shiva) and Lakshmi (the consort of Vishnu).
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In front of the east entrance, it has three larges flower flanking on each side. On the top, you get some clean cut impressions of early Mebon Khmer style. But, you also get a fantastic outlook view of the surrounding khmer angkor culture landscape and nature.
Pre Rup is still one of my favourite sights in Angkor Archeological park.
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save-the-data · 5 months
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Perfect10 Liners | Official Teaser
Thai Drama - TBA
~~ Adapted from the novel "Witsawakam Prasat" (วิศวกรรมประสาท) by JittiRain.
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