#Praise Be to Bunger
boxernco · 1 month
Art Of The Day
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Bunger from Bugsnax.
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rateaters-sutff · 11 months
All FNAF drama is like this:
\> Game dev, "The Slipster" creates a Fnaf fan game "Those 8 Nights at Zopster's Slop Factory."
\> The Slipster gains massive popularity due to their meme-ish and charming personality
\>YouTuber "Slamstest Yah!" covers Zopster's, criticizing gameplay and story while praising modeling and atmosphere
\> Both individuals have suspiciously furry rantsonas
\> Fans of Slamstest yah! go to Slipster's Twitter and threaten to kill and eats Slipster and their family
\> The Slipster @ s Slamstest yah! about the harassment and death threats Slamstest yah! gave them
\> Slamstest Yah! says they did nothing and accuses Slipster of punching down (Slipster has fewer bunger points than Slamstest Yah! but okay??)
\>Meanwhile a discord group of random Fnaf fan creators forms, calling themselves "The Gaggle" with the sole purpose of fucking over Slipster because he was pretty rude and selfish in their past fan game projects.
\> "The Gaggle" leaks all of Zopster's Slop Factory's assets and developer notes, as well as private DMs where Slipster called "B1LLR0xy" creator of FnaF remake "FNAF **-1/12**.", a "small unlovable glop with a trash game" and "ngl I think gungster#37 was right" ("gungster#37" is a controversial figure in the Fnaf community)
\> Slamstest yah! has no clue any of this happend
\>The Slipster starts a 15-page twit longer accusing Slamstest yah! of conspiring against him with "The Gaggle" to take him down.
\>5 minutes later, Slipster starts a live stream on his YT channel "slipZlop LIVE"
\>has a panic attack and begins crying live on stream, revealing a lot of extremely personal trauma to his audience of Slipster and Yah! stans, who all come to eat up the drama.
\>Slamstest Yah! DMs Slipster on stream and says he didn't orchestrate any of this.
\>Slipster goes on a tirade on Slamstest yah! and claims he should be sent to the deepest pit of the inferno, never to breathe anything but ash and fire
\> While this is happening famous offical Fnaf artist "Vensty Yummybunsty" comments "Gungster #37 was a mixed figure tbh" on the Fnaf sub,
\> Vensty gets backlash and apologizes, only for some random Redditor to go into their [timzbus.art](https://timbus.art/) page and it turns out they made infant cannibalism art and a Fnaf fanfic where William Afton eats 15 children.
\> Scott Cawthon materializes out of the black void between voids, grabs Vensty by the neck, and dematerializes with her, leaving swathes of black particle-like mist dispatching outwards in the air where the two figures were once was placed.
\> The Slipster starts a new stream where he comments on the dematerialization of Vensty and claims she was wrongfully dematerialized from our realm.
\>The 800+ FNAF content farms who have embedded themselves in the viscose flesh of discourse, all began to amalgamate videos describing word for word the entire cascading series of events that lead to this spiral point of pain and distress.
\>all 800+ content farms have suspiciously furry rantsonas and are 97% British
\> Slamstest Yah! continues making his Fnaf content and starts a VHS analog horror series called, "The Glerbs Reports"
\> Slamstest Yah! was later revealed to have eaten 15 children 2 years ago, jolting the twitching mess of the YouTube content farms to exsanguinate Slamstest Yah! pulling the veins rich in blood apart from the form, like pulling the thread out of a rigid carpet, weaving them out with so careful yearning, yet with such parched predation, as to leave dark hollow cavities where his circulatory system was once grown, a body now filled with devoided holes, and hollow smooth tunnels instead of veins that fit so snug and warm. All now pulled out and coagulating on the knees of which the creator of this work sucks violently at the wet plastic-like streamers. The corpse placed facing up, beamed by the sun, showing deep dots of drilled flesh. The animals sit and whip more ribbons to their tongues, cramming their mouths with veins palmed up and compressed to fit in between their cocked jaws, day after day they all sit kneed, pulling and balling the wrinkled tubes in their hands, to lastly entomb this dragging crumpled mess into the very back of their head by the gate of their teeth.
\> And when all veins gone, they bend forward their pale shapes, and lumber on.
\> Zopster's Slop Factory is still being developed, though The Glerbs Reports are still postponed
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wolfcubjim · 2 years
RTumblr! We have new swear words!
If you were at the stream, then you already know them. But, let's list them down so we always have them!
YouTube - offensive and pointless stupidity (action, individual, or a moment). Complimentary; inoffensive and purposeful intelligence (also an action, individual, and moment)
Mailbox - person who says nothing of note (I.E. Spam)
Bunger - mindless repetition (Like: no need to bunger it) (bungering)
Rowling - someone you genuinely don't want to mention because you're so disappointed to even say their name (unspeakable disappointment)
Squinky - a huggable, loveable person who really means the world to you; someone you cherish your time together (platonic)
Morgana - (no definition, but worse than a Karen. Just in general &%&#&@&)
Spire - a leech that drains your money/energy
Important: the meanings can be interchangeable. And YouTube can be a genuine insult or the highest form of praise.
I, for one, am very happy and will have lots of fun with our new words!!
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sukipershipper · 4 years
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This is the man we have to thank for blessing us with Bunger. May we praise him for bringing us the best bun
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aiweirdness · 7 years
A computer tries its best to learn psalms
There’s a type of computer program called a neural network that tries to imitate whatever dataset you give it. The programmer gives it no explicit instructions about what the dataset is like; whether it’s poems or prose or a list of pies. The neural network has to figure all that out for itself, as best it can.
I recently helped with Rose Eveleth’s podcast Flash Forward, which is a science fiction/technology speculation podcast in which she and her guests talk about a new hypothetical future each week. In this recent episode, we imagined what would happen if a scientist one day tried to create a new religion by training a computer on all the existing texts of world religions. I simulated this on a much more modest scale using a neural network on my laptop, just to see what the results would look like. The results were mostly incomprehensible, but there were a few interesting bits:
The camel (might), in this day, face the lord's light. He is never precious (to the camel).
You are a dog, o my soul, and most sooth.
The chicken listed of the enmity is not a guest of the chicken of his people, as the universe had met the rain of that day.
Here you can hear the entire science fiction story, and some real religious scholars talking about the computer-generated text.
I also trained the neural network on a much smaller dataset, which is much easier for it. This time, I gave it just the set of 150 psalms from the Jewish and Western Christian tradition, verse-form songs of praise, thanksgiving, or lamentation. The neural network would ideally love to memorize these and read them back word-for-word, but because it didn’t have enough brainpower, it had to generalize as best it could. Here’s a typical example of its attempts to recreate a psalm:
O My soul from the ends of the mountains; And the wild beasts of the wilderness; They that see me about from the wilderness? They shall be abundantly satisfied with the sighs of the mountains; And the wild beasts of the field of the wilderness; They shake the wind out it in the mountains; And the wild beasts of the field of the wilderness; They that see me about with mine own flesh. The wicked shall be abundantly satisfied with thy servants. For his lovingkindness endureth for ever. Oh give thanks unto the God of gods; And the mountains of the wicked perish at the fire, And the full of the river of the wilderness; They shake the wind out it in the mountains; And the wild beasts of the field of thy house; And the measts of the wicked shall not reproach unto thee. They that see me about from the earth, And the first-born is the deserts; Hide not the wild beasts of the mighty: He sent them food the sand. And the wild beasts of the field of the wilderness; They that see me about with me, but they hear not; Neither is the fountains of God.
If you are a choir, you can sing one of these, thanks to Owain Park, who arranged a neural network psalm as a chant based on the Tetris theme. (I assembled this particular psalm from a bunch of individual lines that the neural network produced).
Feel free to share and/or record (oh please oh please record this).
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Want more neural network psalms? Become a supporter of AI Weirdness to get them as bonus content!
Fulltext of Psalm 10010111:
For thou art my God, O God: I will observe thy statutes: I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices; And my tongue will rejoice with my transgressions; And thy testimonies be clothed with frogs; The faithful was in the lands of the earth; And the peoples he gave them the dust, He sent them wonders of the dunghills of God. And he brought forth his praise to pants. Then they went up a highway for him that rideth through the mountains. And the wild beasts of the seas; And the wild beasts of the field of eat, And the bars of the river of the river of thy wings. And the cattle upon me, O God; And the cattle upon the house of God, ye bread with thee. Oh let them do no bungers in the mountains; And the wild beasts of the field exult thee about the sheep of thine anger Their heart shall be abundantly satisfied with frogs.
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fueledandmotivated · 5 years
Prayer Update #2 
Joshua Bunger
Jul 1, 2019, 7:24 AM (1 day ago)
Dear Friends and Family,
I have attached my second prayer update! Let me know if there are any issues!
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July 1, 2019
Dear Friends,
I apologize that my second prayer update hasn’t been sent on time. It has been a busy last three weeks! As I write, I am finishing up my time here in Cartago ministering with Pastor Elias and Cecilia Muños. Over the last three weeks, I finished up my time in Madrid, spent another week in Bogotá, and then now have spent nearly two weeks in Cartago.
When I returned to Bogotá for nearly a week, I was able to do some sightseeing with the Sua family in the Plaza Bolivar. It was sad to have to say goodbye to them for now, but I am excited to spend a little more time with them at the end of my trip! The Lord blessed me with safe travel from Bogotá to Cartago, and I had no problems finding my next host family in the tiny airport!
The same day I arrived, I was able to meet the members of their youth group
and give my testimony. It has been a real blessing getting to know the youth here.
One young man, Stevan, has been a particular blessing to me. He comes from a
broken home without Christian parents and throughout high school struggled with drug usage. The Lord has changed his life, and now he helps teach in the youth group and is one of the two teens here who plan to go to Puerto Rico Baptist College to become a pastor/missionary.
Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to adjust well to the climate in Cartago. In
Bogotá, the climate is relatively cool, but the climate of Cartago is very hot and humid, and that brings mosquitoes. I am thankful for this opportunity to focus on Christ in the midst of physical discomfort. I have also had the blessing of traveling around this area and seeing the beautiful sights!
Unfortunately, the dates were switched for their week of Vacation Bible School down here, and I will be leaving the day before it begins. As sad as I am
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that I won’t be able to help with this great outreach, the Lord gave me the opportunity to accompany Pastor Elias and his wife to a family retreat in Medellín this past weekend. I had a great time and was refreshed spiritually by the connections made and challenges from the Word of God.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. I cannot say that my time down here has been easy, but I have been so blessed by the people I have been able to meet, and I have grown so much in Spanish and beyond through my experiences down here.
Excited for what God has next,
Josh Bunger
Prayer Requests
1. Pray for me as I continue to preach and witness in Spanish. Specifically pray
for the refinement of my Spanish as I preach, for I want to be more than
understandable, but also correct so I am not a distraction.
2. Pray for me as I continue to grow in the language. I have definitely noticed
improvement, but I still have a long way to go. Pray for my conversation
skills and vocabulary growth.
3. Pray for safety for me today (Monday, July 1) as I fly to Medellin to spend
time with American missionaries Peter and Elizabeth Putney. I will be
traveling for the majority of the day.
4. Pray for the VBS week for the ministry here in Cartago. They will be having
helpers come from Bogotá. Pray for souls saved through this annual
5. Pray for those down here preparing for ministry! I have met 5 guys down
here with the desire to start churches, and three of them may be at Puerto
Rico Baptist College soon! Pray for more to have this desire.
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6. Continue to pray for my health and safety down here.
1. I have stayed healthy and safe this entire first half of the trip!
2. Great blessings here in Cartago. I am really going to miss so many of the
people I have met here.
3. A great family retreat in Medellín this past weekend.
4. Connections made with local pastors and missionaries here.
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Clearly, it is so beautiful here in
Colombia! Pictures don’t do it justice!
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Santiago and Stevan!
Two future students of
Puerto Rico Baptist
College to prepare for
It was fun getting to know
Emmanuel! Pray for his
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It has been such a privilege to work alongside and learn from these
servants of the Lord!
Elias and Cecilia Muños
Wilian, Gina, and Salome Suarez
Christian, Cynthia, and Camila Sua
Prayer Update #2 (6-26-19).pdf
Open with 
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Prayer Requests of Josh Bunger (Maranatha Baptist Bible College student in Columbia for the summer)
1. Pray for me as I continue to preach and witness in Spanish. Specifically pray for the refinement of my Spanish as I preach, for I want to be more than understandable, but also correct so I am not a distraction. 
2. Pray for me as I continue to grow in the language. I have definitely noticed improvement, but I still have a long way to go. Pray for my conversation skills and vocabulary growth. 
3. Pray for safety for me today (Monday, July 1) as I fly to Medellin to spend time with American missionaries Peter and Elizabeth Putney. I will be traveling for the majority of the day. 
4. Pray for the VBS week for the ministry here in Cartago. They will be having helpers come from Bogotá. Pray for souls saved through this annual outreach! 
5. Pray for those down here preparing for ministry! I have met 5 guys down here with the desire to start churches, and three of them may be at Puerto Rico Baptist College soon! Pray for more to have this desire. 
6. Continue to pray for my health and safety down here.
1. I have stayed healthy and safe this entire first half of the trip! 
2. Great blessings here in Cartago. I am really going to miss so many of the people I have met here. 
3. A great family retreat in Medellín this past weekend. 
4. Connections made with local pastors and missionaries here. 
Clearly, it is so beautiful here in 
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Harold Bunger
Uniquely-equipped for supervising the production of cod in Petoskey, Michigan. Spent 2001-2005 working with cellos for the underprivileged. Developed several new methods for working on wieners with no outside help. Spent childhood buying and selling carnival rides in USA, Have some experience creating marketing channels for carp in Petoskey, Michigan. Earned praise for deploying robots on Wall Street.
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sukipershipper · 3 years
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I posted 2,728 times in 2021
620 posts created (23%)
2108 posts reblogged (77%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.4 posts.
I added 809 tags in 2021
#bugsnax - 334 posts
#mlp g5 - 88 posts
#wambus troubleham - 69 posts
#mun rambles - 56 posts
#mun answers - 54 posts
#shitpost - 54 posts
#triffany lottablog - 52 posts
#trolls world tour - 38 posts
#snorpy fizzlebean - 33 posts
#chandlo funkbun - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i am aware that the version peppy told the group is possibly the one twisted by the pop ancestors to make it seem like they were at right
My Top Posts in 2021
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Edit: Upon further inspection I also saw Twitter, YouTube, and what I think might be Amazon in the top right corner
161 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 23:50:20 GMT
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This is the man we have to thank for blessing us with Bunger. May we praise him for bringing us the best bun
162 notes • Posted 2021-01-11 07:55:46 GMT
Possible song by Snorpy for Chandlo??
@junkpile-of-eterna talked about a Bugsnax musical and I got a little too creative for my own good. Wrote a small song for Snorpy about keeping secrets from Chandlo and why he does what he does.
I thought it was fun to do, but mind my singing skills, they aren't up to par today lol
167 notes • Posted 2021-01-25 08:55:24 GMT
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The bugsnax twitter page HD these two beautiful images and I had to share them here
There’s also a gif of Wambus and Filbo which I can’t get to fucking download so...yeah you get this for now
195 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 01:11:21 GMT
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Some new Bio’s for the Mane Five. Nothing too interesting but I’m glad to see more detailed bios for them
253 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 06:12:49 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →9
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