How to Get Rid of Garbage Disposal Odor
Source:  http://xionlab.com/how-to-get-rid-of-garbage-disposal-odor/ One of the best garbage disposal cleaners in the market is Xion Lab's Bio-Enzyme Garbage Disposal Cleaner and Drain Odor Eliminator.  For more information about this product….CLICK HERE.
If you have a garbage disposal in your home, it is important to know how to get rid of garbage disposal odor. Getting rid of a garbage disposal smell is not ademanding task at all. Actually, you most probably have allthe things you need for this task in your pantry, and the task will not take long and you can be done with the cleaning in less than 10 to 15 minutes.
Dealing with a garbage disposal that disperses a foul odor throughout your home can be frustrating, unpleasant, and embarrassing. Garbage disposal stench can come about from a specific incident, like a meal that uses strongsmelling items like garlic and onion.
Sometimes the disposal can start to smell without warning. In either instance, it's important to learnhow to get rid of garbage disposal odorquickly before it starts spreadingall over your kitchen and you see yourself struggling to deodorize the whole room or if you fail to contain the smell it could spread all over the house. Damaging the ambiance of your entire house.
Here are someeasy and simple tips on how to get rid of garbage disposal odor, which will help keep your kitchen and the entire home smelling fresh and zesty. 
A WORD OF CAUTION: Before you proceed with any house maintenance you should always make sure to check with your manufacturer or the builder of the garbage disposal or any other electricalequipment. It is critical before trying any of these tips to ensure the appliance's compatibility otherwise you might end up voiding the warranty of the product.
If there is an unpleasant,disgusting odorcoming from the garbage disposal, you should realize that it is time to give the garbage disposal a good thorough cleaning. Here is a quick guide on how to get rid of stinky smell by removing food residue in your disposal and disinfecting the garbage disposal.
Materials and tools you would need:
Scrub brush or an old toothbrush
Dishwashing soap
Baking Soda
Kosher Salt
Lemon or any other citrus fruit
Tongs or long tweezers
Rubber gloves, to keep your hands clean and safe
Safety should be the number one priority throughout this procedure, make sure the garbage disposal is switched off and unplugged when you are cleaning or accessing the garbage disposal from inside. Furthermore, to prevent electrocution when handling the electric switch make sure your hands are not wet.
Let us proceed with the cleaning!
First: Cleaning the Sink and the Lid of the Garbage Disposal
It is important that you regularly clean the sink and the lid of the garbage disposal as it makes the kitchen more hygienic. Furthermore, not all the bad smells originate from inside the garbage disposal and sometimes the outer part of the garbage disposal or the sink is dirty and has bacteria developing there and resulting in bad odors. To proceed with the cleaning and make your cleaning more efficient and thorough you need to follow the following tips:
Shutdown and unplug the garbage disposal.
Put a sink plug inside the garbage disposal securely, so no water is allowed to drain.
Fill the sink with warm water, this will help in loosening any stuck debris.
Put 2-3 teaspoon full of dishwasher liquid soap, and mix it thoroughly.
Let this soapy water sit for 5-10 minutes. This results in soaking the sink and the garbage disposal.
Drain the water (you can also switch on the garbage disposal when draining, but do not forget to switch it off again. Because you will be working to clean the garbage disposal from inside next)
Using a brush you can start scrubbing the lid and the sink.
Rinse it with cold water.
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How To Remove Smell From Garbage Disposal
Source:  http://xionlab.com/how-to-remove-smell-from-garbage-disposal/ One of the best garbage disposal cleaners on the market is Xion Lab Garbage Disposal Cleaner & Drain Odor Eliminator.  For more information about this product…CLICK HERE.
If you are from the people that would rather try and work on it themselves, ones who would rather work out a solution that would prove cost effective and less time consuming. You should be poised to follow these simple techniques on how to remove the horrid smell from your garbage disposal. These are remedies that basically make sense due to the nature of the technique and the elements used to ensure that the garbage disposaldoes not get strained and does not spew the rancid liquids every where every time you use it. These set of technique include a wide range of items that would either aide you in losing the smell or would entirely clean out your garbage disposalunit which would again prove valuable once you are out to clean it.
When life gives you lemons… Well, cut them up into small portions and toss them down the disposal drain if you're looking for a quick “how to remove smell from garbage disposal” be sure to drop the citrus chunks when the garbage disposalis grinding. You can also do the same thing with a fresh lime; the citrus scent gets rid of most strong stenches. The citrus fruits lime and lemon tend to have strong corrosive juices with high acidity value which can easily wipe off the grime and food bits as the enzymes work their magic. This is one of the least expensive ways to remove smell from garbage disposaland would ensure the citrus juices end up “digesting the foods” and so in the process clean up your garbage disposalunit.
People have reported good progress using mild bleach, roman cleanser, or slightly fragrant bleach poured down the garbage disposalalong with running cold water. This won't just help kill the smells from your pipes, but it will also help dislodge any trapped particles of food because of the corrosive nature of the materials used and the cold water dilution technique one would be able to remove the smell from their garbage disposal.
Clean the Lid 
While it may seem extremely obvious, one should also clean the top of the garbage disposallid with soap or other materials which would ensure that there is not excess material stuck to the lid as this would make the smell more vile, use water and a brush to remove food particles that are lodged between the edges as they would be hard to get out. Not every smell originates inside the disposal itself so therefore it is essential for one to keep a look out for such materials which would make sure you do not keep trying to look too hard when looking to remove smell from garbage disposal.
Brush Clean 
Use a dish brush or wire brush to clean inside the garage disposalunit this would make sure the scrubbers and brushes are deep enough to clean whatever they can.
You must be careful enough to ensure you have unplugged and disconnected the garbage disposal unit before attempting to put your hand or a tool down the garbage disposaldrain. Take both precautions as you can never be too careful and accidents don't tend to announce themselves. Saving your arm is worth the extra effort.
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How Do I Clean My Garbage Disposal
Source:  http://xionlab.com/how-do-i-clean-my-garbage-disposal/ One of the best garbage disposal cleaners is Xion Lab's Bio-Enzymatic Garbage Disposal Cleaner and Drain Odor Eliminator.  For more information about this product…CLICK HERE.
Step # 1: Remove stuck objects physically from the disposal
If a large object is stuck in your garbage disposal then before you start the cleaning process you need to take care of this item first. Before you take it out, it is necessary as a precautionary measure that you switch off the fuse through which power is supplied to this disposal unit.
This will ensure that the unit does not turn on while you are in the middle of cleaning it, which could result in a serious injury or an accident. You can even unplug the unit form under the sink as an extra safety measure. 
To remove the object what you need is a pair of tongs or pliers through which you can access the object and pull it out carefully without damaging the grinder. If you do not have a clear view of the stuck object then shine a flashlight down the disposal or ask somebody to hold it for you while you get the job done.
One thing you need to avoid is to put your hand down the disposal at any and all costs. If there is a need then double check that the unit is unplugged and it is safe to put your hands inside as the blades are not razor sharp but are somewhat sharp.
Step # 2: Flush it with hot water
To keep the garbage disposal clean flush it on a frequent basis with water that will help remove any grime or dirt that is stuck in it. It is better you add two to three drops of liquid dishwashing soap in hot water and run it through the sink into the disposal. Let the water be enough that it is 2 to 4 inches (approximately 5 to 10 inches) sitting in the sink. To flush the water through the sink into the disposal plug in the unit and turn it on.
Using hot water is more beneficial than using cold water as it will help liquefy any grease or oil in the drain and thus flushing it away. This mixture of hot water and dishwashing soap is more effective than simply running tap water through as it rinses off the entire drain pipes under the unit and flushes away any built-up debris.
Step # 3: Use salt and ice cubes
To remove any tough sludge or debris that has developed in the grinding element and has attached itself there use ice cubes and salt. Grind them in the disposal to get rid of any remains. What you need to do is put two cups of ice in your garbage disposal and add one cup of rock salt over it, turn the unit on and let the ice and rock grind and get crushed together with the help of blades. Turn on the tap water so that the ice starts to melt as it moves down the grinder. 
One alternative that you can use instead of using rock salt and ice cubes is to freeze some vinegar along with some water into cubes of ice. Now instead of the previous combination add these cubes into the grinder and allow them to be crushed through blades. Not only will this clean your disposal but also will remove any unwanted nasty odors and sharpen the blades.
Step # 4: Scrub the garbage disposal
Once the disposal is clean and any grease has been liquefied and removed from it you can now move on to the next step. You might think that these combinations of different materials have cleaned the garbage disposal from the inside but how do I clean my garbage disposal on my own?
The answer is: you clean it manually with the help of an old toothbrush, soft sponge, or a scrub brush. Scrub the exterior opening and the interior of the unit with the help of a scrub brush that is specially designed for the purpose of cleaning it.
If you find cleaning it difficult then first remove the screen from the top of the drain which will make it easier for you to see and clean the unit.
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How To Deodorize Garbage Disposal
Source:  http://xionlab.com/how-to-deodorize-garbage-disposal/ One of the best garbage disposal cleaners in the market is Xion Lab Garbage Disposal Cleaner & Drain Odor Eliminator.  For more information about this product….CLICK HERE.
Use baking soda and vinegar to get rid of smells that has been one of the oldest tricks in the book. Baking soda is a great deodorizer and can be used to deodorize your garbage disposalquite easily. Vinegar is a wonderful cleaning and an applicative tool which tends to have corrosive properties enabling it to burn the layer of dirt or debris off the surface of most materials. But best of all, the two are safe to use in your garbage disposal even together despite what you may have seen during your 4thgrade science fair. To clean, disinfect, and deodorize the garbage disposal with these two ingredients:
Pour 2 cups (440 g) of baking soda into the garbage disposal drain yes this may seem unorthodox as far as the use of baking soda goes, but it is absolutely essential. This is because the powder has deodorizing capabilities which can definitely compete with your deodorant. Using baking soda ensures that one would not need to constantly try to figure out “what is causing that horrible smell” because whatever it is when it gets coated in baking soda that becomes like the black hole for smells.
Slowly pour in ½ cup (11 ml) of vinegar. The key word here is slowly as you start to pour the vinegar you would be thinking about your baking soda volcano. Unlike that experiment you're supposed to take your time with this. Make sure when you end up putting it in you do it slowly to minimize the explosive nature of the reaction. This would enable you to fully observe the reaction which would ensure all the debris falls down the drain and does not end up popping out of the drain.
Let the combination cleaner sit for an hour which would ensure that the reaction is complete and that the drain is starting to bubble up and heat up making sure that the drain is clean and there is no excess debris in there.
After an hour, turn on the water and the disposal and run it for a minute
Freshen up with lemon peels.
Citrus peels contain powerful juices with acidic properties which like vinegar are really good for cleaning along with delivering a rather refreshing and flavourful aroma. They make everything smell great so in most lights it can be referred to as one of the best deodorizers. To deodorizeyour garbage disposal and enable it to smell like fresh lemons, you should juice the lemon and reserve the juice for another use while keeping the peel to use to deodorize your garbage disposal. Now you would be asked to cut up the peel into 1-inch (2.5-cm) chunks which can easily be pulverized by the garbage disposal you're looking to deodorize. Turn on the water, turn on the disposal, and feed the lemon peels into the disposal a few at a time.
You can use any citrus peel for cleaning and deodorizing your disposal, including orange, lime, or grapefruit.
Avoid putting starchy or expandable foods in the disposal.
Foods that contain a lot of starch or that expand when wet are also a bad idea in the garbage disposal. This is basically because these foods tend to get thick and sticky and gum up the impeller making it quite a disgusting hassle. Foods of this nature to avoid include:
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How to Eliminate Vomit Smell from Car
Source:  http://xionlab.com/how-to-eliminate-vomit-smell-from-car/ One of the best products to clean vomit in cars is Xion Lab Bio-Enzyme Cleaner.  For more information about this products….CLICK HERE.
Steps to Cleaning Vomit
Start with the big chunks. 
This is the worst part of removing vomitmostly because of how scooping it up from your car carpet cannot be as easy as you imagine. If the vomitis still wet, I generally start with some paper towels and very gently, so as not to rub it into the car carpeting further, rather safely scoop the bigger chunks out and drop them in the garbage can. It also is a rather smart and innovative idea to use cut-outs of a couple squares of discarded or used cereal or soda box as scoopers. This way you can use one square to scrape the chunks onto the other which would enable you to keep your hands clean and safe. Many people recommend using a spoon or a spatula (hamburger-flipping type) to remove chunks, but as we go on there are things that would make you understand why one cannot simply use that option. Just make sure you always work your way from the outside in so as not to spread the vomitstain and to ensure total clean which would mean the smell and the stain would both be gone.
Shower the vomitwith love. 
Once you're all done gagging and puking from the previous step which pretty much regularly happens to me, you will have to continue to remove vomit. This step is at least ten folds less disgusting than the last we promise you would not have to stress out as much about it as the last step although hold on to your stomach juices there will be time for respite. Get a spray bottle, fill it with cold water (or, better yet, club soda), and douse the car carpet with the solution. This would make it easier for the stain to get sprayed out once you increase the nozzle size the stream mode would help you wash down the vomitgo very easily. Now, take a white towel and start blotting and dabbing the puke. Shoot with strong streams of water and dab with the towel repeatedly until the pukeis completely soaked up by the towel and the car carpet is perfectly clear making sure you eliminatethe vomit smellfrom the car carpet. Make sure to use a clean section of towel each time to ensure the maximum absorption thereby making sure you get it all and do not leave over residue which would make things very nasty and make the car smell like pukefor the rest of its days. You may need more than one towel. Just make sure it's a towel or a piece of cloth (or two) that you would not mind throwing away or that generally you don't care about.
Clean pukewith your very own vomitcleaner. 
For this method one would be needed to make the solution themselves which would enable one to be self sufficient which would also mean that anyone can make their solution and that anyone can sort this problem out easily. Ideally to make the solution you are supposed to grab a mixing bowl, pour 2 cups of warm (not hot) water in it, and stir in 1 tbsp of table salt. This is an old surefire recipe for getting stains out. Once the salt is dissolved, mix in ½ cup of white vinegar. This would ensure the vomitbecomes sufficiently wet for the cleaner to get rid of it. One tbsp clear dish or laundry detergent to ensure that the smell is masked and that the suds take out the vomitfrom the car carpet fabric, and two tbsp rubbing alcohol for those hard to get out stains and smells. 
This isn't an exact science, so just estimates mainly that can help you better work towards a perfect solution that would suit your needs and your car carpet. Now you would be required to grab hold of a clean kitchen sponge, dip it in your custom made vomitcleaner solution, and press it into the vomit. This would release the cleaner on to the stained surface as well as extracting the residue from the car carpet. You might be needed to do this multiple times if the carpet stain is stubborn, the car temperature is too hot or if you simply need to do it to ensure the carpet does not absorb the smell. After you are done dousing the stain a couple times so there is cleaner all over the stain you would need it to sit idly on the stain for a few minutes. Once you have left the cleaner on the stain for a while it would be a good time to go and grab a new old towel and blot just like before. This would mean you have to repeatedly douse and clean the area till there are no stains left behind and the smell is almost un-noticeable. This will be repeated, also like before, as often as necessary until no more vomitis being transferred to the towel. This could mean one of two things; 
1. That the towel has reached maximum absorbency and can no longer absorb things from the carpet or 2. That the stain is too stubborn and would need another towel. 
Each time you blot with the towel, you will be removing a chunk of vomitthat would not be stuck to your car carpet and leave a nasty smell. Have an extra towel or two on hand just in case the situation gets messy and if the smell bothers you just as much as it bothers us it would be advised that you keep an extra air freshener and an extra amount of vinegar.
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¿Cuál Es El Mejor Abridor De Desagüe?
Fuente:  http://xionlab.com/spanish/cual-es-el-mejor-abridor-de-desague/ Uno de los mejores destapadores de drenajes en el mercado es el Destapacaños Líquido de Xion Lab.  Para más información sobre este producto…HAGA CLIC AQUÍ.    
Si no eres fanático de las enzimas, los productos químicos, o las herramientas que están disponibles en el mercado para ayudarte a abrir los desagües, entonces siempre puedes usar las cosas que ya están presentes en casa. Una gran cantidad de dueños de casas usan mezclas caseras, y para ellos, estos son los mejores abridores de drenaje:
1. agua caliente:
Si te sientes flojo, pero el fregadero de tu cocina está muy obstruido, entonces este es el mejor abridor de alcantarillado que podrías pedir. Simplemente caliente una olla grande de agua y viértala en el fregadero. Lo mejor es usar esta técnica inmediatamente después de una comida grasosa. La grasa puede parecer inexistente en los platos, pero cuando se acumulan y se endurecen crean problemas, que un recipiente caliente de agua puede resolver fácilmente. Esta técnica es una de las medidas preventivas más útiles.
2. Bebidas gaseosas:
¿Cuál es el mejor abridor de drenaje? Pop, gaseosa, refresco o cualquier otro nombre que tenga para Pepsi y Coca Cola es la respuesta a su pregunta. Solo toma una lata de una bebida gaseosa tibia y viértela por el desagüe. Además de obtener el esmalte de sus dientes, estas bebidas también obstruyen las tuberías de drenaje y lo limpian en un santiamén. Deje reposar durante una o dos horas y luego enjuague con agua caliente. El ácido fosfórico presente en la bebida es más fuerte que el limón y aclara la suciedad de forma rápida y fácil.
3. El dúo de vinagre y bicarbonato de sodio:
Esta técnica ha estado en el uso de las reinas de “Hágalo por usted mismo” durante años y siguen siendo fuertes. Agregue la misma cantidad de vinagre y bicarbonato de sodio y obtendrá un montón de burbujas y spray. Rápidamente vierta por el desagüe ya que se llenan de obstrucciones y suciedad. Si desea que sea más efectivo, use una técnica mejor, rociando el bicarbonato de sodio por separado y luego vertiendo vinagre blanco por todas partes. Déjelo de la noche a la mañana y obtenga un drenaje claro y abierto por la mañana.
4. Detergente Destapa Drenajes:
Otro remedio casero rápido y fácil de adoptar para desagües obstruidos es su detergente de lavado. Están disponibles y son muy fáciles de usar. Debido a su alto nivel alcalino, funciona de manera rápida y efectiva. Sin embargo, el detergente de lavado es fuerte y es probable que tenga una fuerte reacción con los abridores de drenaje hechos químicamente. Para usarlo, simplemente vierta una taza llena en la obstrucción, ya que ayudará a aflojarla instantáneamente. Luego, enjuague la tubería de drenaje con agua caliente o bicarbonato de sodio y la mezcla de vinagre. Este es uno de los mejores abridores de drenaje cuando se trata de remedios caseros.
5. Trío de bicarbonato de sodio, sal y agua caliente:
Ante la posibilidad de que se quede sin vinagre blanco, todavía le quedan esperanzas. El siguiente mejor abridor de drenaje es un trío de bicarbonato de sodio, sal y agua caliente; las 3 cosas que casi siempre están en casa. Prepare la mezcla agregando la misma cantidad de sal y bicarbonato de sodio junto con cuatro partes de agua hirviendo. Mezcle todo, vierta la mezcla por el desagüe y despierte en un drenaje transparente y sin obstrucciones.
Abrelatas de drenaje químico:
Con tantas opciones disponibles, es difícil decir cuál es el mejor abridor de drenaje. Para ser honesto, la opinión puede cambiar de persona a persona, dependiendo de la técnica que funcionó para ellos. Hemos aprendido sobre los abridores de desagües hechos en casa, pero ahora, echemos un vistazo a algunos de los productos químicos utilizados para abrir los desagües y que los hace libre de obstrucciones. Echemos un vistazo:
1. Abridor de drenaje Oatey Glug:
Este es un químico fuerte y poderoso que resolverá sus problemas de drenaje en minutos. Sin embargo, tan efectivo como es, también es bastante caro. Sin embargo, si sus zuecos están haciendo su vida difícil, definitivamente vale cada centavo. Dicho esto, este abridor de drenaje, con base química, es muy potente y debe tratarse con sumo cuidado. Asegúrese de apartar a los niños y las mascotas y cubrirse por completo. Si usted es del tipo torpe, este químico no es para usted.
2. Abridor de drenaje Pure Lye Drainpipe:
¿Quieres saber qué abridor de drenaje es el mejor? Aquí está. Una solución económica, eficaz e increíble para resolver problemas, esta sustancia química es digna de ser considerada como la mejor. Todo lo que debe hacer es inundar sus tuberías de drenaje con agua caliente antes de su uso. Luego, vierta Pure Lye en el drenaje bloqueado junto con el agua caliente. Dele tiempo al producto químico y encontrará un desagüe limpio y libre de suciedad. Sin embargo, Pure Lye funciona mucho más despacio y tiene la tendencia de dañar tuberías viejas. Nuevamente, recuerde que este es un químico y, no importa qué tan importante sea la limpieza de su drenaje, no es más importante que su propia seguridad. Úselo solo si está seguro de poder manejarlo con un equipo de protección completo en las manos, los ojos, la boca y el cuerpo. Pure Lye es un químico muy corrosivo y podría ser tratado como un arma letal. Niños o no, no lo guarden en la casa bajo ninguna circunstancia.
3. Enzima:
Esto no es exactamente un abridor de desagüe a base de productos químicos, sino una fuente natural de desagüe. Un cultivo enzimático viviente ayuda a descomponer todas las partículas y la materia orgánica en la tubería de drenaje. Estas enzimas también ayudan a mantener un drenaje limpio y libre de suciedad. También ayudan a minimizar el mal olor en la eliminación de basura. También son muy seguros de usar en comparación con otros abridores de drenaje químico. Estas enzimas vivas naturales lo son, si la seguridad es su principal prioridad.
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Commercial Enzyme Cleaner - The Best for Urine Stain Removal
Source:  http://xionlab.com/commercial-enzyme-cleaner-the-best-for-urine-stain-removal/ One of the best commercial enzyme cleaners in the market is Xion Lab's Super Strenght Bio-Enzyme Cleaner.  For more information about this product…CLICK HERE.
You should not let pet odor remain on the mattress, floor, clothes, or carpets. It must be eliminated immediately otherwise it will become a health hazard. If you do not eliminate the pet urine using a strong commercial enzyme cleaner, it will get stronger and concentrated over time.
You may not see the stain after the urine dries. However, you can still smell it. What's even worse is that your pet will be able to smell the urine. This will encourage your pet to urinate in the area again. That's why it's absolutely important that you clean the area immediately.
Keep in mind that home remedies and non-enzyme based cleaners will not be able to completely eliminate the health hazard. Home remedies such as vinegar, baking soda, and others do not completely remove the urine stain; they only mask the problem.
Also, you should never use a cleaning product that contains ammonia. The reason is that products containing ammonia can react with the uric acid in the urine. Instead of removing the urine, it will exacerbate the problem. Even if the stain is eliminated, ammonia will linger at the place. Instead of completely removing the problem, it will only worsen it.
You can use a commercial enzyme cleaner to remove pet odors in cushions, mattresses, couch, linens, carpeting, and other furniture items. They can break down the uric acid present in the urine thereby completely eliminating the urine problem.
Enzyme Based Cleaning Product - How It Works?
Enzyme based cleaning product consists of the natural enzymes that are helpful in eradicating pet odors.  Cleaning the surface using an enzyme based cleaning product can effectively eliminate the pet odor problem.
Your pet won't be able to smell the urine when you use an enzyme based cleaning product. The commercial enzyme cleaner will remove the pet urine as well as human urine. You can use the cleaning product for eliminating urine from all types of hard and soft areas including floors, mats, clothing, cushions, mattresses, and bed linens.
Both human and animal urine are similar in composition. They contain uric acid crystals that when exposed to air can result in the release of ammonia gas. When inhaled, it can create serious health disorders including damage to the lungs and skin.
Commercial enzyme cleaners can effectively remove the uric crystals. They eliminate the uric crystals by attacking their chemicals composition. The enzyme present in the commercial enzyme cleaner speeds up the decomposition of the uric acid crystals.
Enzymes are actually proteins that are present in living organisms. They act similar to bacteria in decomposing the urine. However, unlike bacteria, they are not living organisms. The enzymes present in the commercial enzyme cleaner consist of a chain of amino acids. Their function depends on the specific sequence of the amino acid.
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How to Get Rid Of Cat Pee Smell
Source:  http://xionlab.com/how-to-get-rid-of-cat-pee-smell/ One of the best products to remove cat urine is Xion Lab's Super Strength Enzymatic Urine Odor Remover.  For more information about this product…CLICK HERE. Those who have or have ever had a cat as pet, know that no matter how much time and effort you put in for your cat's toilet training and how compliant he/ she is, the possibility of such mishaps can never be entirely ruled out . This is why almost every cat owner is found asking, at some point of time, how to get rid of cat pee smell?
To answer the longstanding question, that is, how to get rid of cat pee smell? Here, we are discussing some easy yet amazingly useful ways to deal with the mishaps your cat might be causing these days, all over the once aesthetically pleasing house of yours.
Vinegar – the Cleaning Champion
When it comes to DIY house cleaning, no other product can be as useful as the good old vinegar. It is an all-purpose cleaner that can be used to get rid of tough stains, bad odors and even grout from floors, including both wooden and tiled, carpet, counter tops, stove, oven, garbage cans, drains, windows, sinks, mattresses, toilets, showers, clothes, and all sorts of equipments.  
It also does not disappoint people who want to know how to get rid of cat pee smell.
The best part?
Despite the strong smell of vinegar your house won't smell of it for long. As it dries out, both the vinegar's smell and any other odor that may be coming from the area/ equipment, disappears.
To the relief of those who have always wanted to know how to get rid of cat pee smell quickly and easily, vinegar gives the same results in case of cat urine stains and the smell emanating from them. As the stains of cat urine get dry, alkaline salts form in them. Since vinegar is acidic in nature, it neutralizes the alkaline salts found in the dried urine.
As the smell of vinegar subsides gradually, it also takes away the smell of urine with it, leaving your house free from the horrible odor of cat pee.
If you do not want to ask every other person how to get rid of cat pee smell, make a solution by mixing equal parts of white vinegar and water and keep it handy so that any unfortunate accident can be instantly treated. This solution can be used to clean both the floor and the walls.
If it's your cat's litter box that's stinking of urine, the simplest and easiest cleaning trick is to empty it and then fill the box, about half an inch, with distilled white vinegar. Allow 20 minutes to vinegar to do the magic. Swish it around the box before throwing it. Now, wash the litter box with cold water.
Ta-da! You would be surprised with the quick and amazing result of this magic potion. Try it and you would be recommending it to every person asking how to get rid of cat pee smell.
Hydrogen Peroxide for Wood Floors 
There are no two views as how aesthetically good wood floors look. However, when it comes to cleaning, they can pose a real challenge. Wood has the tendency to get stained. Also, it soaks up the liquid and with the smell. Due to this, even if you quickly clean up the mess from the wood floor, sometimes it's difficult to get rid of the bad odor.
Smell of urine is one of those that keeps emanating from the wood floor even after the cleanup. While replacing isn't even an option here, there has to be a way to remove it. Before you ask how to get rid of cat pee smell from the wood floors, let us tell you the best way to do it.
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Cómo Eliminar El Olor A Orina Del Colchón
Fuente:  http://xionlab.com/spanish/como-eliminar-el-olor-a-orina-del-colchon/ Uno de los productos más efectivos para limpiar la orina en los colchones es el Limpiador Enzimático de Xion Lab.  Para más información sobre este producto…HAGA CLIC AQUÍ.  
Muchos limpiadores enzimáticos líquidos que están actualmente disponibles en el mercado tienden a seguir la misma parte que la orina para filtrarse profundamente dentro de los pliegues del colchón. Las enzimas se aplican a la mancha como un líquido espeso o incluso completamente líquido y toman el mismo camino que la orina originalmente. Sin embargo, su eficacia depende directamente de la naturaleza y el tipo, así como de la edad de la mancha que está causando el olor. De hecho, existen algunas enzimas que promocionan su capacidad para eliminar tanto las manchas como los olores de los colchones que pueden haber sido orinados, ¡incluso décadas atrás!
Esto es algo que simplemente no es posible a pesar de todo el lavado y limpieza y la "grasa en el codo" que puede usar en connivencia con los productos de limpieza habituales que están disponibles en abundancia en prácticamente todos los supermercados y tiendas de comestibles. Sobre cualquier parte del mundo.
Sin embargo, si su colchón se ha ensuciado, es obvio que no puede dejarlo como está y esto nos lleva a la pregunta ciertamente espinosa de cómo eliminar exactamente el olor a orina del colchón. Especialmente si el problema es recurrente y persistente y simplemente se niega a irse, cortesía de un niño o mascota particularmente travieso (como un perro o un gato, en el caso de nuestros amigos de cuatro patas).
Sin embargo, no hay motivos para preocuparse o tener motivos para preocuparse, ya que existen diversos métodos que pueden responder a la cuestión fundamental de cómo eliminar el olor a orina del colchón, independientemente de lo maloliente y maloliente que sea.
Pero primero, veamos a los sospechosos habituales cuando se trata de ensuciar el colchón en primer lugar. En este caso, el culpable más común es el humilde gato doméstico.
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What is a Good Enzyme Based Cleaner?
Source:  http://xionlab.com/what-is-a-good-enzyme-based-cleaner/ One of the best enzyme cleaners in the market is Xion Lab Super Strenght Enzyme Cleaner.  For more information about this product…CLICK HERE. The answer to what is a good enzyme based cleaner is that not all enzyme based cleaners are alike. Some of the enzyme based cleaners are better than the others.
You should note regarding the question what is a good enzyme based cleaner that different factors determine what is the best enzyme based cleaner. You need to consider different factors in order to determine what is a good enzyme based cleaner.
A lot of different varieties of enzyme based cleaners are available in the market. The cleaners differ in their content and effectiveness. In order to know what is a good enzyme based cleaner, you must compare and check different cleaners before determining the best one. So, in order to find out the answer what is a good enzyme based cleaner, you must check through trial and error.
Different types of enzyme based cleaners work almost the same way in removing stains, waste, and odors. However, what is a good enzyme based cleaner depends on the effectiveness of the content. One important thing that you should note regarding what is a good enzyme based cleaner is that some of the enzyme based cleaners are better than the other. Moreover, all the enzyme based cleaners are more effective than traditional chemical based cleaners.
When deciding about what is a good enzyme based cleaner, you should consider multiple factors. Some of the factors that you should consider when determining what is a good enzyme based cleaner include the following.
Moisture levels inside the house
Type of waste or stain to clean
Room temperature inside the house
The above factors can affect the effectiveness of the enzyme based cleaner. Which cleaner works effectively considering the above factors will determine what is a good enzyme based cleaner. An important thing that you should remember when deciding what is a good enzyme based cleaner is that you should never go for price alone. The reason is that cheap enzyme based cleaners generally do not work effectively in cleaning the stains. Instead, the effectiveness of the cleaning product will determine what is a good enzyme based cleaner.
What are the Surfaces on that can be Cleaned by Enzyme-Based Cleaners?
Enzymes have been used for decades in the medical industry for removal of organic material prior to sterilization. The enzyme based cleaners thoroughly cleaned the medical apparatus thereby preventing the formation of harmful bacteria.
Now the enzyme based cleaners are increasingly being used for general cleaning purposes. Using the enzyme based cleaning products you can clean almost any type of stains. The bacterial enzymes can effectively remove stains and odors from both soft and hard surfaces.
Enzyme based cleaning products work extremely well on fabric and carpets. The cleaners have the ability to penetrate the substrate. They normally do not cause leach out coloring or additional stains. Having said that, similar to all cleaning products, it's recommended that you check out the enzyme based cleaner by using it on a small surface.
You can use the enzyme based cleaning products in almost any types of surfaces. The cleaners can be used on different types of floor surfaces including tiles, laminated floor, wood, and others. An important thing to note regarding enzyme based cleaners is that they can leave a residual haze on some surfaces and therefore must not be left on the floor for too long.
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Eliminar Olor a Orina de Gato
Fuente:  http://xionlab.com/spanish/eliminar-olor-a-orina-de-gato/ Uno de los mejores productos para limpiar la orina de gato es Limpiador de Orina Enzimático de Xion Lab.  Para más información sobre este producto…HAGA CLIC AQUÍ.  
Tan pronto como se dé cuenta de que su gato ha orinado en la alfombra o en cualquier otra área lejos de la caja de arena, debe limpiarlo y evitar que se frote. Cuanto más tiempo permanezca la orina en la alfombra, más difícil será deshacerse de su olor. Para este fin, se pueden usar papel secante, toallas de tela desechables, toallas de papel o pañuelos de papel, ya que absorben la mayor parte del líquido rápidamente. Si los gatos se han rociado en las paredes, se pueden limpiar con un paño que se debe desechar después del uso. Sin embargo, si la orina ya se ha secado, este método se vuelve inútil. Este es el primer paso para eliminar el olor a orina de gato.
El vinagre es un poderoso remedio casero que ayuda a limpiar sus muebles y prendas de vestir. Combine cantidades iguales de agua y vinagre en una botella con atomizador para mayor comodidad. Vierta esta mezcla en el lugar exacto de la orina, así como en el área cercana. Extienda la solución sobre una alfombra o paño y luego frote la mancha con la ayuda de un cepillo. Esto limpiará el área y su aroma también cubrirá el olor a amoníaco de la orina del gato. La luz ultravioleta se puede utilizar para indicar la ubicación exacta de las manchas, pero no es necesario. Esto es efectivo para eliminar el olor a orina del gato.
Bicarbonato de sodio:
El bicarbonato de sodio es un elemento natural útil que limpia rápidamente la mancha y disminuye el olor inaceptable. Todo lo que se necesita hacer es echar una pequeña cantidad de bicarbonato de sodio sobre las manchas de orina. El bicarbonato de sodio también se conoce como bicarbonato de sodio y es capaz de eliminar el olor a orina. Una cantidad lo suficientemente grande de bicarbonato de sodio se debe extender sobre la zona afectada para limpiar las manchas, así como para reemplazar el olor irritante con aroma fresco y agradable.
Limpiador de enzima:
Los limpiadores enzimáticos están disponibles fácilmente en el mercado y son a menudo la primera opción de los dueños de mascotas. Estos se basan en enzimas biológicas naturales y funcionan dividiendo las moléculas de proteínas para eliminar las manchas y el olor de forma permanente. Sin embargo, ciertos limpiadores enzimáticos pueden no ser efectivos después de haber probado otros productos químicos en el mismo lugar. Por lo tanto, se prefiere intentarlo desde el principio o dejar completamente esta opción. Este es otro método de cómo deshacerse del olor a orina de gato.
Sidra de manzana:
El vinagre de sidra de manzana se usa principalmente para eliminar el olor a orina de gato de la ropa. En lugar de arrojar la ropa, puede probar este método para preservar la calidad. Se usa en pequeñas cantidades y se agrega con detergente de tela para obtener ropa sin olor. Entonces la lavadora se ejecuta para el tiempo normal. Después de quitar la ropa de la lavadora, revise la ropa para asegurarse de que el olor y todas las manchas desaparezcan, de lo contrario, el proceso debe repetirse.
El blanqueador es bastante fuerte y es capaz de dañar los colores si se aplica en la ropa. Por lo tanto, la relación debe ser 1 parte de blanqueador a 10 partes de agua. Deposite esta mezcla en una botella de spray y use parte de ella para lavar las superficies duras. Aplique el aerosol en el área afectada del piso o muebles de las paredes y limpie la superficie con un paño húmedo después de casi medio minuto. Ahora ya sabe cómo deshacerse del olor a orina de gato.
Peróxido de hidrógeno:
El peróxido de hidrógeno es un fuerte agente oxidante que elimina bacterias y gérmenes. Mezcle su pequeña cantidad con un detergente común para platos y distribuya la solución sobre los puntos marcados. Agregue un poco de bicarbonato de sodio también para hacer frente al fuerte olor a orina de gato. Si se va a utilizar sobre una superficie dura, entonces no hay problema, pero antes de usarlo en un paño, primero se debe probar para verificar si daña los colores. Use un cepillo para limpiar la superficie y espere unos minutos hasta que aparezca espuma. Use una aspiradora cuando el líquido se seque para eliminar las partículas de la mezcla y el agua restante.
Productos manufacturados:
Una gran cantidad de productos manufacturados también están presentes en el mercado y tienen un efecto en términos de cómo deshacerse del olor a orina de gato sin ningún esfuerzo. La solución simple de Brampton, el milagro de la naturaleza solo para gatos, los productos de limpieza de orina Just Rite y el mejor olor a mascota de Emmy son algunos de los aerosoles más efectivos. Estos productos actúan rápidamente para eliminar el olor a orina de gato y están disponibles a precios asequibles. Estos son adecuados para una acción rápida contra olores no deseados.
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How Does an Enzyme Cleaner Work?
Source:  http://xionlab.com/how-does-an-enzyme-cleaner-work/ One of the best enzyme cleaners in the market is Xion Lab's Super Strength Enzyme Cleaner.  For more information about this product…CLICK HERE. Enzyme based cleaners are different as compared to traditional chemical based cleaners. Many people don't know how an enzyme cleaner works. It's important that you know how does an enzyme cleaner work so that you can understand how they are different from traditional cleaning products.
An important thing to remember regarding how does an enzyme cleaner work is that the product work by breaking down the stain at a molecular level. Enzyme based cleaners contain bacteria that breakdown the stains.
The bacteria present inside the enzyme based cleaners are not harmful. In other words, they don't cause any sickness. The fact is that not all strains of bacteria cause illnesses. There are certain bacteria that are beneficial to the human health as they decompose harmful matter inside the gastrointestinal tract. The bacteria contained inside the enzyme based cleaning products are completely safe for humans.
Knowing about how the bacteria inside the enzyme based cleaner eliminate the stains will help you to understand how does an enzyme cleaner work. In order to know how does an enzyme cleaner work, you should know about the function of the bacteria.
You can remember from your science class that bacteria are microorganisms. They are present in many different places on earth including water, soil, and dust particles. The bacteria are also present in the guts of human beings.  Some of the bacteria are pathogenic that are harmful, while there are others such as probiotics that aid in immunity and digestion.
Enzymes that are present inside enzyme based cleaners are not important. This is an important point you should remember regarding how does an enzyme cleaner work. They are produced by living bacteria that determine how does an enzyme cleaner work. Enzymes speed up the decomposing of stain.
You should remember regarding how does an enzyme cleaner work that enzymes break down complex waste particles into smaller. This allows bacteria present inside the enzyme to break down the waste. In other words, you should know regarding how does an enzyme cleaner work that enzyme breaks down complex molecules into smaller particles. The smaller particles of stains including those caused by grease, urine, and organic waste products can be easily digestible by the bacteria. The smaller particles become bacteria's food that can be broken down into two compounds namely water and 
Contrary to popular belief, enzymes are not alive. They are produced by live bacteria and pave the way for it to work. Enzymes operate as helpful tools that catalyze (speed up) chemical reactions between bacteria and soils, making the bacteria more efficient. Enzymes work to break down complex waste particles into smaller pieces that bacteria can more easily consume. These smaller particles-organic wastes, urine, grease, stains-become “food” for bacteria to digest and break down into two basic compounds-carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).
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Cómo Limpiar Un Drenaje De Bañera Obstruido
Fuente:  http://xionlab.com/spanish/como-limpiar-un-drenaje-de-banera-obstruido/ Uno de los mejores productos para destapar drenajes de bañera es el Destapacaños Liquido de Xion Lab.  Para más información sobre este producto…HAGA CLIC AQUÍ.
Limpiar el drenaje con herramientas manualmente:
Ahora que lo hemos iluminado con maneras de mantener la obstrucción al mínimo, llegamos al siguiente paso para aprender a limpiar un drenaje de bañera obstruido. Hay muchas maneras de manejar un drenaje de bañera obstruido. Si no sabes cómo limpiar un drenaje de bañera obstruido, entonces no tienes más remedio que llamar a un plomero. Pero como esto no puede ocurrir en la mitad de la noche, puede desatascar el drenaje usando artículos domésticos, o puede usar el método más efectivo y usar herramientas de bajo costo para eliminar la suciedad manualmente. Aquí es cómo puedes destapar un drenaje de bañera
Herramienta improvisada:
Lo primero que debe hacer es eliminar todo el pelo en el drenaje o tanto como sea visible para usted. Si no tiene una herramienta, puede improvisar utilizando una percha de alambre delgado como herramienta de cambio para sacar la suciedad. Comience por enderezar la percha por completo. Luego doble los extremos en forma de gancho para que tenga algo con lo que atrapar todo el cabello. Use alicates si lo desea. Una vez que haya logrado la herramienta deseada, úselo para limpiar todo el pelo y la suciedad de la canasta de drenaje. Una vez que esté satisfecho, haga fluir agua caliente para vaciar todo por el desagüe.
Usando el émbolo:
Si sus problemas de drenaje no se detienen en la cesta de drenaje y atraviesan la tubería de drenaje, debe cuidar la profundidad dentro del desagüe, donde se acumuló toda la suciedad. Para eso se necesita un émbolo. En primer lugar, retire la tapa del desagüe y el tapón de la bañera, y luego llene una pequeña cantidad de agua en la bañera, luego comience a destapar. La presión combinada del aire y el agua se romperá a través de la obstrucción y comenzará a jalar el agua por el desagüe. Abra el grifo y deje que el agua fluya libremente. Una vez que esté satisfecho, reemplace el tapón y disfrute de un buen baño.
Usando una serpiente de drenaje:
Si no tiene ninguna de las herramientas anteriores, sino solo una serpiente de drenaje disponible más cercana a usted, puede deshacerse de los problemas ya que sabe cómo limpiar un drenaje de bañera obstruido. Repita el proceso de extracción del tubo de drenaje y el tapón de la bañera, y luego coloque la serpiente dentro del drenaje lo más que pueda. Vierta agua caliente dentro de la bañera y gire la manija de la serpiente. Repita el proceso y siga alimentando a la serpiente dentro del drenaje, eventualmente sentirá una obstrucción que le impedirá llegar más lejos. Esta obstrucción está causando el bloqueo y debe seguir girando el mango, hasta que ceda y pueda ver que el agua comienza a retirarse dentro del drenaje. Saque la serpiente de drenaje; reemplace todo adentro y aprecie el valor de una bañera destapada.
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Cómo Sacar Orina De Perro De La Alfombra
Fuente:  http://xionlab.com/spanish/como-sacar-orina-de-perro-de-la-alfombra/ Uno de los mejores productos en el mercado para limpiar la orina de las alfombras es el Eliminador de Manchas y Olores Enzimático de Xion Lab.  Para más informacíon sobre este fabuloso producto…HAGA CLIC AQUÍ.  
¿Por qué un perro hace se orina en la casa?
¿Saber las razones detrás del comportamiento inusual de su perro es tan importante como lo es que usted sepa cómo sacar el orín de la alfombra? Puede haber muchas causas posibles que se pueden clasificar en dos categorías amplias:
Problemas de comportamiento
Es común que los perros (y otras mascotas) exhiban ciertos comportamientos bajo diferentes condiciones. Si su mascota ha orinado dentro de la casa y ha arruinado su alfombra, podría ser porque:
Está marcando territorio
Carece de la formación adecuada
Está sobreexcitado
Para exhibir sumisión (a un humano u otro animal)
Tiene miedo y / o estresado
Hay algún cambio significativo en la casa o en el vecindario
Él está sufriendo de ansiedad de separación
Puede ser porque se siente inseguro. Esto generalmente ocurre con la llegada de un bebé a la casa. En la desesperación de que no puedan obtener el mismo amor y atención ahora, los perros exhiben el comportamiento inusual y lo dejaron preguntándose cómo sacar el orín del perro de la alfombra.
Problemas médicos
Si no pudo resolver ninguno de los problemas de comportamiento detrás del extraño acto de su perro, es probable que sufra algún problema médico. Si no quiere seguir preguntando cómo conseguir que el perro orine fuera de la alfombra durante mucho tiempo, es muy importante que elimine los problemas médicos.
Las posibles razones médicas que hacen que un perro orine en la casa incluyen:
 Problema (s) de riñón o falla
Parásitos intestinales
Enfermedad de las glándulas suprarrenales
 Problema con el hígado
Infección de la vejiga o del tracto urinario
 Piedra de vejiga (s)
 Enfermedad de Addison
Disfunción Cognitiva Canina
Síndrome de Cushing
Problemas de movilidad
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How to Start an LLC in St. Cloud, FL
Source:  http://freedomtaxaccounting.com/how-to-start-an-llc-in-st-cloud-fl/ Before you officially form your LLC, you must file an “Articles of Organization” report with the Secretary of State in Florida. The file is generally short and easy to prepare, involving only a small filing fee to be paid.
It is a good idea to designate someone you trust to be registered agent for your company. This 'agent' will be authorized to collect legal documents related to your business which include complaints and subpoenas.
You will have to include a statement about the purpose of your business, clarifying that you're not participating in an unlawful activity.
Key issues addressed in the Operating Agreement
The operating agreement will address common issues such as the financial management, rights and responsibilities of members. The key issues addressed in the Operating Agreement include:
The person who will be managing the LLC.
Offsetting the losses of managers in-charge of operating the business.
The amount of capital contributions to the business, when they were made and how much is left to be contributed.
Any penalties incurred by members if they failed to contribute their promised capitals in time.
The voting rights for important events such as the sale of the business.
The division of profits and losses among owners.
The standard procedure for conducting formal meetings between members.
The eventual dissolution of the business should the need arise.
To understand these complex legal requirements, we advise consultation your financial planner in St. Cloud, FL who will help you to make more a more informed decision.
The Employer Identification Number
Before your LLC in St. Cloud, FL is planning to hire employees, it is mandatory to obtain the Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. The EIN is also known as the “Federal Tax Identification Number”.
This was a difficult task to perform in the past because businesses were required to file an IRS Form SS-4 before they could retrieve their EIN. The process could take up to several weeks and even months. But the advent of an online portal has streamlined this process and you can now obtain it freely.
Additionally if you want to open up a business account in LLC's name, you will have to obtain the EIN. Visit the www.myfloridalicense.com, and select “License” and choose the option for new business license applicants.
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How To Clear A Clogged Tub Drain Naturally
Source:  http://xionlab.com/how-to-clear-a-clogged-tub-drain-naturally/ One of the safest drain openers in the market is Xion Lab's Safer Drain Opener.  For more information about Xion Lab's Safer Drain Opener…CLICK HERE.  
There are many ways you can go about learning how to clear a clogged tub drain naturally. Some of them include the following:
The ubiquitus 'plunger'
The humble plunger is the standard staple of just about every household, chiefly because it is the very first line of offence against the clogged drain. In fact, before trying any other remedy, this is what you should opt for when the water flowing though the drain is not going as fast as it really should.
Not every knows or is aware of the proper technique of using a plunger. The thing is that the plunger only works when the seal is perfect. Should any air leak inside, it will not create the desired suction and thereby unclog the drain. This is why it is imperative that you completely cover the drain and pump the plunger, slowly but surely. If it is not covered properly, the chances are that the contents of the drain might 'blowback'' right back at you. But before commencing the procedure to open the drain, it is important that you try your level best to remove as much water out of the bathtub as you possibly can, so as to be able to avoid creating a really big mess in the washroom.
Once most of the water is out of the tub, carefully place the plunger (rubber side down) over the opening of the tub's drain. Slowly generate a vacuum by pushing and pulling the plunger alternately. Once you think that enough of a vacuum has been created, grip the handle of the plunger firmly with both hands and completely yank it off the drain in one quick and smooth motion. If you have done it correctly, the odds are that it will effectively help to break the clog (or clogs, as the case may be) in the drain and get it flowing as quickly and smoothly as ever before.
The wire hanger
This is another handy little tool found in almost every home. A wire hanger can do so much more than simply hang clothes. From opening doors of a vehicle where the key has been left inside, all the way to opening clogged drains, the trusty little wire hanger does it all. If you do not have one, simply get it from the neighborhood store. Take a wire coat hanger apart until it actually forms a single rigid wire. Now push this wire down into the drain opening till it meets resistance. This will be the clog due to which your drain is not functioning the way it is supposed. Push it vigorously and wiggle it all around till the clog has been completely removed. It will help, if you have twisted the bottom part of the hanger into the shape of a hook so that it could 'hook' onto the clog and effectively tear it apart. Go on pushing and pulling till the drain has been unblocked completely and the buildup in the drain has been washed away.
The drain snake
If the above two methods have not yielded satisfactory results, maybe it is time to move on to the 'drain snake'. These devices can be sourced from a hardware store and have been designed specifically to unclog completely blocked drains. They work by using the blades or burrs on their lower part to saw through human or animal hair and fur, fibrous food material as well as any other soft or hard object/s that may be blocking the drain completely.
However, a point to be noted when working which such a drain snake is that they are available in many different sizes as per the requirements of the end user. For example, a sink drain snake will be of a different size and configuration as a main drain snake, and the same holds true for tub drains as well. This is why you should always try and make sure to select the appropriate size of the drain snake when figuring out how to clear a clogged tub drain naturally.  If this still does not work than it can be used in conjunction with the vinegar and water and baking soda drain cleaning techniques as well, that we will discuss later in this article.
The 'liquid dish washing sap and hot water' technique
This is yet another great method with regard to how to clear a clogged tub drain naturally. Simply squirt a quarter of a 300-ml bottle of a powerful dish cleaning liquid soap straight into the clogged drain. Allow a few seconds for it to reach the actual clog itself and then supplement the soap with a full kettle (at least a liter, if not more) of really hot and boiling water. This can help remove a lot of organic matter such as grease and grime and other residue coming from unwashed bodies. This is especially useful method if you are used to giving your dog a bath in your tub. Another advantage of this technique is that should you do it at least once a fortnight or so, it will help prevent (organic material) drain clogs from even occurring in the first place.
Using the 'baking soda and white vinegar method
Think of this technique along the lines of a subterranean volcanic eruption. White vinegar is a potent acid, while baking soda is an alkaline base. Both of these chemicals are diametrically opposite to each other, per se. When you mix these two substances together, it will lead to a chemical reaction that has the potential to bubble upwards right out of the opening of the drain and effectively eat through the clog itself, in the process.
How to clear a clogged tub drain naturally with nothing but the raw power of chemistry will require you to follow these steps:
First and foremost, clean the upper surface of the drain opening completely.
Get rid of the excess water (or as much of it as you can).
Remove all visible dirt and debris from the clogged drain opening.
Pour around ¾ cup of dry baking soda down the blocked drain.
After this, pour ½ cup of pure white vinegar directly down the blocked drain.
Now cover the opening of the drain as soon as possible with a plug (ideally) or a rag at least.
Leave the mixture inside the blocked drain for around thirty minutes or so.
Prepare a kettle full of boiling hot water.
Remove the plug and gently and slowly pour all hot water from the kettle down the drain.
Ensure that your face and hands
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How to Get Urine Smell Out Of Carpet Fast
Source:  http://xionlab.com/how-to-get-urine-smell-out-of-carpet-fast/ One of the best cleaning products to remove urine smell out of carpet is Xion Lab's Enzyme Cleaner Urine Remover.  For more information about this product CLICK HERE. Once you have located the spot, it's time to get to cleaning and finding an answer to how to get urine smell out of carpet fast?
Cleaning the urine as soon as you detect it is highly important not only for carpet maintenance, but also for health and hygiene. If left without cleaning, urine will leave tough stain on your carpet and it would also smell really bad and you would found yourself impatiently searching for how to get urine smell out of carpet fast? Also, it will serve as the ideal breeding ground for numerous kinds of bacteria and creepy crawlies that would be really harmful for your family's health. Therefore, do not delay urine cleaning.
Before getting into the details of how to get urine smell out of carpet fast, it is better to first take a look at the right way the clean the urine from the carpet.
Method 1
If the area of carpet, where your child or pet had pee, is still wet, blot it as much as possible using the absorbent towels.
Now, take small amount of detergent, put it over the spot and spray very little amount of water. Place an absorbent towel over it and place something heavy or stand upon it so that the liquid gets absorbed in the towel. You can also rub the spot with the towel. However, be gentle while rubbing and do not use harsh detergents or you would end damaging the carpet fibers.
Method 2
Another method to clean up the urine, as suggested by experts, is to spill or sprinkle about a cup of lukewarm water over the area where your child or pet had urinated. Then, clean it with a thick absorbent towel. Make sure you apply pressure while cleaning so that as much liquid gets absorbed as possible.
Then, wash the area with a detergent specifically meant for pet urine cleaning (they work well for human urine as well). Use lukewarm water and the same method to soak the liquid.
 Method 3
Cleaning the urine and finding an answer to how to get urine smell out of carpet fast is most difficult when urine is already absorbed into the carpet and had dried up by the time you discovered it.
To learn how to clean and how to get urine smell out of carpet fast when the spot has dried up, try the following method:
Take a spray bottle and fill it with half a cup of white vinegar and about one and a half cup of warm water. Spray it generously over the affected area and leave for about five minutes. Blot dry it with towel.
Now prepare a mixture of one teaspoon dish soap and 3/4th cup peroxide. First sprinkle generous amount of baking soda over the spot, and then spray the mixture over the soda. Rub it into the carpet and leave for five to six hours or overnight. Once it's completely dry, clean the area with a vacuum cleaner.
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