#Power Regulation
wordacrosstime · 2 years
Practical RF Design Manual
[Practical RF Design Manual by Doug DeMaw (Milton F "Doug" DeMaw). 1997. MFJ Publishing. 2nd Edition 1997 : 246 pages. ISBN 1-891237-00-4]
For many years I was an amateur radio - "ham radio" - operator, beginning when I was 13 years old and going up until I was about 40 years old.  For those who are interested, my call sign was WA6FEB and I held an Extra Class ham radio license (this is the highest classification).  My fascination with radio was fostered by my step-father, the late Sam Martin (WB6WZN, later N7TBV), who had learned his electronics and radio theory while serving in the US Navy.
Sam had many years’ worth of a magazine called QST, which was one of the premier journals available for ham radio enthusiasts.  Doug DeMaw, the author of the book under review here, was a prolific contributor to QST and to other ham radio publications.  I was (and remain) a huge fan of his writings, especially his transmitter and receiver projects for ham radio folks.
What I did not know then, but have come to learn, is that DeMaw was truly a world-class electrical and electronic engineer.  He was known to much of the world as a ham radio person first and foremost, but he was a professional engineer who had an extraordinarily broad grasp of all aspects of radio transmission and reception, covering all power levels from the very tiny (what we in the ham radio community called QRP, or low-power, operation, usually less than 1 watt) to the industrial (the 50,000-watt and 100,000-watt “clear channel” broadcasts from commercial radio stations, for example).  DeMaw was well-versed in design considerations spanning operating frequencies from the US AM broadcast band (560 KHz to 1600 KHz) all the way up to the UHF range (where television broadcast channel 14 begins in the US, or around 470 MHz and beyond).  His knowledge went beyond component-level design of devices to include the design and tuning of antennas and other auxiliary devices to aid in the radio experience.
All of this knowledge is subsumed under the aegis of RF - radio frequency.  RF in modern terms is usually linked to RF ID chips, which are becoming quite common in scenarios that require tracking (such as shipment packages), but this is a very restricted window into the RF world.  To really see just how vast an enterprise RF electronics is, one might consult this book.
This volume is truly a gem.  I dearly wish I had access to it back in the early 1970s when I was first getting into radio.  It would have illuminated a lot of practical design issues for me, especially on the design of receivers.  Receivers are generally more complicated and finicky than transmitters – it’s easier to generate radio energy and cast it out into the universe than it is to gather it in and make sense of it.  This book leads the reader through 7 broad-based topics and roughly 40 overall subsections within those topics, starting with transmitter and receiver fundamentals and leading the reader through considerations related to power regulation, signal quality, the use of different types of components for different frequencies of operation and different power levels, and so on.
Unlike much of DeMaw’s writing with which I had been previously acquainted, this book is definitely not a book for someone looking to do a home project.  There are no comprehensive instructions on assembling or testing transmitters, receivers, or other associated machinery.  This book is written for a true engineer who wants to become familiar with many (most) of the gotchas that accompany real in-the-trenches electronic engineering work.  And in this vein, this book is as useful to a professional radio engineer (such as someone who is the engineer-in-charge at a radio or television station, for instance) as it is to a radio hobbyist.  It is also not the sort of book from which to learn first principles of electronics; for this, there are many more suitable books that introduce electronics at the most elementary level (Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law, how vacuum tubes and transistors work, what makes oscillators work, and so on).  This book assumes that the reader already has some engineering skin in the game, as the saying goes.
Whom would I recommend this book to?  Anyone who wishes to know something about electronics that precedes the modern all-digital era where whole systems are embedded on integrated circuit (IC) chips.  While those circuits may make for easier and more controlled design, they take away a lot of the learning, guesswork, and outright fun of figuring these things out for yourself.  DeMaw’s work hearkens back to what many of us current and former ham radio people think of as a sort of golden era of communications – a time before cell phones and before email.
A couple of comments about the text itself:
There are some typos both in the text and on the many diagrams.  For the most part these are easy to spot if you are already versed in basic electronics, but they would be profoundly confusing to someone who doesn’t know what they’re looking at.  Anyone who doesn’t know how to read a basic schematic diagram of a circuit will not find this volume very helpful.
Bearing in mind that some of the material in this book dates to the 1970s and 1980s, it is possible that some of the actual components cited in the text no longer exist or are not easily available.  Happily, the author describes them in sufficient detail that a modern engineer or hobbyist can find current components whose characteristics match what DeMaw had at his disposal when the book was written.  DeMaw was fairly fastidious about describing the important pieces of each circuit or circuit fragment in the book.  One needs but to pay attention to the text to make the connection.
I was delighted to read through this volume.  I am not currently an active hobbyist, but as I near retirement age, I am giving a return to ham radio serious thought.  With that in mind, this book will be an invaluable title in my collection when I once again wield a soldering iron and set out to make some more home-brew radio equipment as I did so many years ago.
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[Photo credits with thanks to : Book Cover of 2nd edition 1 August 1997 © 1997 M F J Enterprises Inc / Portrait © Copyright Holder (apologies not known)]
Kevin Gillette
Words Across Time
10 January 2023
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wanologic · 1 month
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always good to keep a screamhole handy
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aquitainequeen · 1 year
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The WGA has two main stipulations. First, the guild wants to make sure that “literary material” — the MBA term for screenplays, teleplays, outlines, treatments, and other things that people write — can’t be generated by an AI. In other words, ChatGPT and its cousins can’t be credited with writing a screenplay. If a movie made by a studio that has an agreement with the WGA has a writing credit — and that’s over 350 of America’s major studios and production companies — then the writer needs to be a person.
“Based on what we’re aiming for in this contract, there couldn’t be a movie that was released by a company that we work with that had no writer,” says August.
Second, the WGA says it’s imperative that “source material” can’t be something generated by an AI, either. This is especially important because studios frequently hire writers to adapt source material (like a novel, an article, or other IP) into new work to be produced as TV or films. However, the payment terms, particularly residual payouts, are different for an adaptation than for “literary material.” It’s very easy to imagine a situation in which a studio uses AI to generate ideas or drafts, claims those ideas are “source material,” and hires a writer to polish it up for a lower rate. “We believe that is not source material, any more than a Wikipedia article is source material,” says August. “That’s the crux of what we’re negotiating.”
In negotiations prior to the strike, the AMPTP refused the WGA’s demands around AI, instead countering with “annual meetings to discuss advancements in technology.”
The looming threat of AI to Hollywood, and why it should matter to you by Alissa Wilkinson
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pratchettquotes · 2 months
Besides, she thought as she watched Wazzer drink, you only thought the world would be better if it was run by women if you didn't actually know many women. Or old women, at least. Take the whole thing about the dimity scarves. Women had to cover their hair on Fridays, but there was nothing about this in the Book, which was pretty dar--pretty damn rigorous about most things. It was done because it had always been done that way. And if you forgot, the old women got you. They could practically see through walls. [...]
Polly had forgotten her dimity scarf. She did wear it at home on Fridays, for no other reason than that it was easier than not doing so. She vowed that, if she ever got back, she'd never do it again.
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
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yuwuta · 2 months
Wow I have been nonstop thinking about tennis king yuuta and his little baby boy I’m going to kill you (affectionate) - @yuutito
teeheeeeeeeee….. here’s some more, aleks :’) enjoy :))))))
“Everybody thinks he looks like me, but I don’t see it that way. Maybe it’s because every time I look at him, I see my wife and I’m reminded of her […] I’m a little biased so I see her in everything.” 
You find yourself with tears welling in your eyes the more you read into Yuuta’s latest magazine interview. Between his sweet quotes and the pictures of him with your son, it’s taking everything in you not to burst into full-blown tears. 
Your boys look so handsome. You and Yuuta shared your concerns with publicizing your child at such a young age, but you two came to the conclusion that you’d rather have the control in the narrative than to let private family pictures be leaked uncontrollably. As another point of reassurance, Yuuta’s career provided him with just enough lime-light to be a household name without the crazy fame and criticism that came along being a true celebrity. Besides—Yuuta talked enough about you and your son in press conferences and interviews that it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. 
The article wasn’t entirely about you, or your family—or at least, you’re sure it wasn’t intended to be; you knew your husband had a knack for rambling about his loved ones, even where work was concerned. As you continue to read, you find a segment where the author compared Yuuta’s current statements with something similar he’d said about you twelve years ago—at the very start of his professional career: “If I owe this [winning Gold] to anybody, it’s my girlfriend. She’s always believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. I wouldn’t have qualified or even thought to qualify if it weren’t for her.” 
It feels like you and Yuuta were just two kids in love back then. You didn’t think it could be more than that—you didn’t think you could love Yuuta more than you did all those years ago, but somewhere along the way just being in love wasn’t enough to describe it; Yuuta became your partner, someone you loved fundamentally, but also because you couldn’t stand to see yourself without him. And just when you thought you couldn’t love anyone nearly as much as you love him, you turn the page to a picture of your husband and son peeping through the holes of a racket and your heart feels full. 
When you scan the image more closely, you realize that it isn’t just any racket—it’s an old one, one you’d given to Yuuta as a gift probably back in high-school. You had no idea he’d kept it, but you suppose you shouldn’t be all that surprised; Yuuta is nothing if not sentimental. 
“Ah, there she is~” Yuuta’s voice cuts through your thoughts. When you turn, you see him, with your baby boy on his hip, sliding the back porch door closed. 
Both boys approach you with a smile on your face, and you set the magazine aside to sit up in the lounge chair to greet them. Yuuta presses a kiss to your forehead, then your lips before you do the same to your son. Immediately after, he reaches his arms out for you, and Yuuta chuckles, “You wanna be with your mama? Can’t blame you, I missed her, too.” 
He hands the baby off to you, and takes a seat on the other end of the chair, reaching over to coo at his son as you smother his face in kisses. 
“How was the farmer’s market?” you question, letting the baby settle into your lap. 
“Good, he picked out some very bright peppers, and we got some more strawberries, know you’ve been craving them,” Yuuta smiles, reaching over to pat your son’s head, when the closed magazine catches his eye, and he reaches for it, quickly flipping through, “Ah—I guess that interview’s out. He’s grown so much, even though it was only a few months ago.” 
You find the blush on his cheeks beyond endearing. Yuuta always finds room to be bashful no matter how many times he’s waxed poetic about his love for you, or his family—his cheeks always stain pink like the first day you met him. 
“It’s sweet. You’re sweet,” you smile, sparing a hand to run through Yuuta’s hair, charmed by the way he leans into your touch, “I didn’t know you still had that racket.” 
“Of course, I keep everything you give me,” he says, earnestly. He closes the magazine and scoots a little closer, taking advantage of the proximity and of your touch to lay his head on your shoulder, “Did you… read all of it?” 
“Almost, but no, why?” you question, with a light-hearted grin, “Did you say something that would lead the world to believe you’re somehow even more in love with me? Because you might already be past the threshold, dear.” 
Yuuta hums. He reaches to take you son out of your lap and carefully shifts himself to that he’s laying down, his head on your lap, and the baby in his arms, happily giggling and cooing as Yuuta holds him up. He lowers and raises him back and forth a few times, nuzzling their noses together when their faces are close, before sitting him up on his chest.
Then he tilts his head up to look at you, wide, love-filled eyes blinking slowly before he says, “Maybe… depends on if me saying I want more kids is past the threshold or not.” 
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inamindfarfaraway · 25 days
The Pixies need to be villains in A New Wish just so that Hazel, canonical lover of paperwork and the predictable monotony of places it is done like the DMV (*cough*, autism, *cough*), can have so much fun with them that it makes them have a breakdown because they're not meant to be fun! They're meant to be boredom incarnate! They rob kids of joy, they don't give it to them! Who is this child? What is going on here?
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canisalbus · 8 months
I love how Vasco looks like he is always living his best life while Machete looks like he never had a moment of rest, ever, in his life. Like a mirror reflecting two opposites
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
i love it when athletes understand that they are actors in a little play
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ptanalo · 3 months
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that one sunburn trend from that one photoshoot hehe
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tabrisangel · 5 months
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i loave childhood pruhun so much
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vyeoh · 7 months
I just realized that the hermit permits have centralized the hermitcraft economy and as such, established socialism
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 6 months
I imagine the underlying principle of being upset by the proposed TikTok ban is that hatred of government regulation trumps all other hatreds, which makes sense, but it's weird to see how many people apparently love TikTok now, after I thought we all agreed it was in fact the worst thing in the world and that it poisoned the internet and our species incurably
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chaoticlandworlder · 4 months
People are kinda unhinged about Checo's Red Bull contract renewal...
Like yes, I was also surprised that Checo got signed for 2 years (though if it's 1+1 that some ppl are saying it is, it is more understandable) but come on, taking so much time just to comment and spam hate? Ridiculous and so immature.
And who should've replaced him? There are only so many available F1 drivers. So many haters are from the Versainz-lineup side (I too would've loved Versainz lol just for the vibes), but come on, realistically, Carlos was never going to work (just look at the Torro Rosso days...) and anyway it was news weeks ago that Carlos/Red Bull had no interest in signing a contract. I can see why some may say Yuki should be there but I can also understand why Red Bull may not want to promote him yet (no I will not elaborate because *gunshots*). And tbh, whichever driver they put in that seat, will still be crushed by Max. In fact, I think one of Checo's strong points is that he's managed to last fairly well against Max mentally- until last year where he got in over his head with the early talks of him possibly becoming wdc. Besides, even if you think another driver should have gotten that seat, it does not justify all the hate.
Also, some are just straight up delusional like somehow spinning it to hate on Max? E.g. those who think Max masterminded the whole contract (crazy take tbh) or got angry at Max for saying smt along the lines of how he's happy for Checo. Like what do you want him to say? "Omfg I hate having Sergio Perez as my teammate I wish [insert name of rando driver said angry person wanted to replace Checo] was my teammate instead!!" Be so fr guys.
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ridenwithbiden · 3 months
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luc3ks · 1 year
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thinking about my little meow meow
sol emeralds and sol energy fucking her up 😱
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paingoes · 26 days
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little graphic for johanna and delta ! although they’re both psychics, they are not the same species and they don’t have the same abilities! 
any intelligent species in destroyer-verse can be psychic, but some are more inclined to it than others.
delta's species has an unusually high percentage, around ~15% .
only 0.001% of johanna's species are born psychic.
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