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mercuriicultores · 2 years ago
Georges Bataille – Lo que entiendo por soberanía, 1. Notas para una introducción general a los tres libros de «La parte maldita»
[La parte maldita] trata de la vida que gravita sobre sí misma, es decir sobre el instante presente, que no sirve más que a sí mismo. [p. 55]
Hablo de la vida que se consume, independientemente de la utilidad que tenga esta vida que se consume. […] Hablo de algo que está siempre ante nosotros, ante todos nosotros. Pero siempre un poco secretamente. [p. 60]
Lo soberano es gozar del tiempo presente sin tener en cuenta nada más que ese tiempo presente. [p. 64]
Buscar a Dios es buscar en este mundo una duración asegurada contra toda posible destrucción (mientras que lo divino era el movimiento dado en la indiferencia a todo porvenir), es ante todo aceptar situarnos en el plano de la servidumbre. Si queremos superar la servidumbre, debemos por el contrario adherirnos a aquellos objetos de los que el cristianismo nos separa bajo el pretexto de que no duran. Por el contrario, podemos amarlos porque son perecederos y amándolos nos reconciliamos con todo el movimiento que nos lleva a nuestra perdición. Por eso la vida erótica tiene humanamente mayor valor –y un significado más profundo– que la vida religiosa que se aparta de aquellos objetos que según ella nos engañan por no ser duraderos. Por el contrario, lo que nos engaña es la búsqueda de la duración. [p. 56]
La tradición religiosa opone la vida espiritual, consagrada a Dios, a la del «mundo», abierto a las posibilidades de la vida erótica. Esta tradición es todavía tan fuerte que no vemos que la vida erótica, al igual que la vida religiosa, es de naturaleza espiritual. El peso carnal de la sensualidad enseguida la ha reducido a las satisfacciones bajamente materiales. Sin embargo, no existe una satisfacción de los sentidos que no esté fundada sobre conductas «espirituales». El análisis de los movimientos de la vida erótica la muestra dependiendo totalmente de reacciones religiosas, como la prohibición y la transgresión. [p. 58]
La facilidad de una vida devota no es sino la medida de la facilidad de un devoto. [p. 58]
¿No podemos ver, en fin, que en el origen de una preferencia por la llamada vida espiritual habitualmente sólo están la pereza y el miedo al juego? [p. 58]
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m4rs-ex3 · 29 days ago
it kinda just clicked for me that archdragons have their name name and then the title they receive(?) as an archdragon, ie "anak araw" -> "sol regem", which is really cool but like *shakes by the shoulders* WHERE ARE ZUBEIA AND AVIZANDUM'S!!! WHERE ARE THEY!!!!!!
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theartofdyingtogether · 4 months ago
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Chaos, Paulus van der Doort, 1609. From Heinrich Khunrath, Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae "The Amphitheater of Eternal Wisdom"
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shackld · 10 months ago
how do i figure out what path chief follows in hsr when in her own actual gameplay she can shield, heal, attack, aoe etc-
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latinthusiast · 1 year ago
one of my students said that patria potestas is "daddy power" in class today and i fear i may never recover
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firewalkwithme92 · 1 year ago
that other post said it so much better than i ever could, but it still baffles me how people think that thinking and reading about the roman empire is a straight guy hobby. like the roman empire was a pretty big thing that happened, it lasted for so many eons and it affected the culture, the identity, the politics of most of europe till a few centuries back. also i cannot stress this enough most laws in civil laws are coming straight form roman law. not even inspired.
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theartofdyingtogether · 2 years ago
That's fucking crazy
TIL a family in Georgia claimed to have passed down a song in an unknown language from the time of their enslavement; scientists identified the song as a genuine West African funeral song in the Mende language that had survived multiple transmissions from mother to daughter over multiple centuries (x)
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somniumoflight · 2 months ago
Is Magicae est Potestas still ongoing?
Simple answer: no.
Complicated answer: no, but I hope to one day come back to it because I genuinely enjoyed writing it and only stopped because I was burning out, and then went so long without writing it that my imposter syndrome is telling me I'll eff it up if I pick it back up again.
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the-astralescent-depths · 9 months ago
i have moments where i think i treated my mother unfairly due to misogyny (which tbf i was pretty misogynistic in the past) but then she pulls the most manipulative shit-
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theartofdyingtogether · 1 year ago
Qvis Sicvt Devs?
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Ivan Bilibin (Russian, 1876-1942), Archangel Michael, 1919-20. Ink and watercolour on paper, 32.5 x 27.5 cm.
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theartofdyingtogether · 1 year ago
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Initiation sentimentale, Félicien Rops, 1887
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dominousworld · 1 year ago
a cura di “Può piacere o no, ma la civiltà occidentale dall’invasione dorica di 1500 anni prima di Cristo si imposta su un’idea di patria potestas. Questo chiaramente non c’entra col condividerlo o meno, è la realtà […] La famiglia patriarcale, nel senso autentico del termine, è in crisi da 500 anni e non esiste più da 200 anni. È una cosa che dura grosso modo, per poi andare in crisi, fino al…
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middlefade · 1 year ago
for madeline / @hypnoticfever
Something sleeps in the woods. He is not currently thinking about it but it is something he knows to be true. A truth that haunts all other truths in this place.
Welcome back to Sanguis University! Where "Ipsa scientia potestas est"! is written on his staff intake papers. He stands under an imposing, untarnished wrought iron gate in which the same motto looms in an arch above. The non-presence of rust seems insidiously incorrect, as if his memory of this place and the reality of it don't align. It is dubious logic and a detail of such little importance that it doesn't matter outside the moment it is thought of; nothing more than a bad attempt to blame something else for the sinking feeling in his gut.
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Crows litter the lawn an caw at each other from tree branches and the roofs and he calms himself with objective the object truths: It is normal to be anxious starting a new job and everything is fine. Crows supposedly only remember faces for five years, and they do not speak. This feeling is not an omen.
Coming back was supposed to bring closure or purpose to what happened here a decade before. For what is the first but certainly won't be the last, Kian wonders if it was another mistake. But he takes a deep breath and steps through the gate and the feeling fades as feelings almost always do. Nostalgia and familiarity arise, leading his feet through a nearly unchanged courtyard toward the faculty building.
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theartofdyingtogether · 1 year ago
For opposition to be controlled they have to give them the truth disguised as lies so yah
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bitevibe · 1 year ago
Magic team is the most fun to play in eternal nightmare so far
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renfie1ds · 1 year ago
tag drop 3!
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