#Post-Production & DI
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luminarai · 10 months ago
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springtime in the country // I can smell summer on its breath // everything in my vision is movement and life // riverboat, wheelbarrow, wildflower and barley
just messing around with a simpler style and limited palette (stickers, prints, etc)
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bertoyana · 10 months ago
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erik thinking about charles the same way he thinks about magda in x-men apocalypse (2016)
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incarceratedcastiel · 1 year ago
the thing is the existence of the widower arc necessitated a conclusion in which castiel is rescued because previous experience suggests dean would not want to live without cas. that was already demonstrated onscreen?????????
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clovenhoofedjester · 1 year ago
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stars when you shine, you know how i feel
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a close-up of his mug, unblasted by colors and lighting and stuff. it was surprisingly difficult to color his fur in a way i liked
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Heyooo! I spent the last year creating an incredibly self indulgent Ronadora Pinup calendar!
❤💜Pre0rder here!! ❤💜
I'm putting them up for preorder from today (12/06/23) to 12/16/23! Orders are to United States only, for now. This is my first time selling, so plz be kind ;w;
(And shoutout to @biscuitgeekery for the awesome product photos!)
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biomic · 5 months ago
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this is an incredibly refreshing scene for one of these shows and im so relieved that there's no ambiguity around whether shoma's dad's abuse was justified or not because it was done out of "love". but now i worry im going to have this sinking feeling of dread throughout the rest of the year out of fear that the show will try to downplay or rehabilitate his actions later on
i think komura is making shoma and the show's stance as of now pretty clear here, but as history has shown it only takes one producer's note or premium bandai request for something like this to be completely upended
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lesbworth · 3 months ago
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selected moments (mostly gay or countess almaviva or both) from barrie kosky's 2023 production of le nozze di figaro at the wiener staatsoper
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pinazee · 9 months ago
Do you guys wanna hear something else ive been thinking too much about?
How did paul exist after he blew himself up? Did pokey somehow put him back together? Did he manage to only sustain damage to his torso and therefore hidden by his suit jacket? Did he purposely remain silent once he was rescued and no one questioned it? Were they all already in on it, and just pretended not to be just to fuck with emma because pokeys a dramatic bitch?
Personally i headcanon that pokey saw paul going for the grenade and purposely placed all his little zombie people to surround him in order to protect him from the blast, just so paul would have to live with his voice in his head and controlling him. And knowing that emma is important to him, because we know he can read minds to a degree thanks to alices song, fucked with him even more by torturing her- giving her hope and then taking it away. The ol’ two for one.
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flea-palace · 11 months ago
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alukaforyou · 1 year ago
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every time i go out, i see SO MANY PPL w this exact claw clip hairstyle!!!
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benkyoutobentou · 7 months ago
31 Days of Productivity Reading もう一回!: Day 0
Ever since my last Japanese intensive reading challenge in March, I've been focusing pretty hard on shrinking my English tbr (and subsequently not reading a whole lot in Japanese). I feel like I'm kind of hitting a wall in my English reading, though, and so I figured that I'd start this challenge up again, since I don't know how to be normal about my reading in any capacity.
Last time, I said that I wanted to revisit this challenge, and now I'm, back with a vengeance. This time, rather than timing myself, I'll be recording my progress based on page count. My goal will be 25 pages per day for novels and 100 pages for manga. The actual difficulty of completing that will vary based on what I'm reading, though.
Just like last time, I do have a goal of finishing three novels and ten volumes of manga. As for the novels, the first issue to tackle has to be finishing 憎らしい彼. Yes, the very same on that I started last time. In March. Why I haven't finished this yet, I don't know. I even read an entire other Japanese book between then and now, but still haven't finished this one. The other two books I'd like to get to in August are 地球星人 and 本を守ろうとする猫の話. I read コンビニ人間 a couple years ago and adored it, but it seems like I'll love 地球星人 even more based on what I've seen people say about it, so I need to just suck it up and read it instead of waiting for the perfect time when I'm perfectly fluent in Japanese.
As for manga, I intend for this to be a month of starting series. I got a pretty big order of manga last month (I put in huge orders of books a few times a year due to shipping costs) which contained an awful lot of first few volumes to completed series. I'd like to focus in on starting those series as opposed to ongoing series so that I can decide if I want to finish up collecting them in my next order. Those volumes will probably be オハナホロホロ and ポーの一族. I also have series that I've already started (バサラ) and a oneshot (悲しみのロックを鳴らせ) that I'd like to get to, and I'm not saying I won't catch up with some currently ongoing series such as 光が死んだ夏 and 気になってる人が男じゃなかった.
And so, here are my few goals for the month
Read 100 pages of manga OR 25 pages of a novel each day
Finish reading three novels
Read ten volumes of manga
And my (very loose) tbr for the month
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dolokhoded · 2 years ago
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i can't believe i've been led here by a tiktok post...
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biomic · 1 month ago
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so proud of them. you could almost, just for a moment, mistake this for a normal season of super sentai
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magentagalaxies · 19 days ago
I forget if I ever actually posted my Aubrey open mic performance but if you haven't seen it here it is!! This is the mic I went to with Scott back in July which was the first time he ever saw any of my comedy. I flubbed the order of a few sections and the microphone being taped to the stand threw me off but overall it was a good time. Also I have no idea why the audio pans weirdly with headphones and idk how to fix it so sorry about that:
the rest of this post is me deliberating about an aubrey decision bc i find the best way for me to figure things out is by explaining them to someone, so if you want an insight into my creative process read on, otherwise hope you enjoy!!
ok deliberation time lmao!!
i hadn't rewatched this set since right after i did it and honestly i think i feel a lot more positively towards it than i did before, but i'm also sitting here thinking, do i want to do this monologue anymore?
because the "uncle reg" monologue is the one i've performed the most times, and more than that, i think the introduction of reg really unlocked aubrey's characterization beyond anything else i've written. reg allows aubrey to contrast against someone, find unlikely common ground, and also is an outlet for comedy about some of the most unique relationships in my life
but the monologue itself? i mean, it's fine. it's not horribly out of character or anything, and the jokes work. it's a little more firm in one label than the aubrey i currently know, but it still scans.
but idk, i've written so much more aubrey and reg material since then (both monologues and sitcom-like episode concepts, some of my favorites being "nom de plum", "reg's funeral-orgy", "re-claiming the f word (friendship)", "don't grill the baby", and "hospital hookup"). and when i look at this character introduction, i feel like it gets bogged down in the little squabbles about labels and doesn't really have a story to it like the newer material does. it has a little bit of a story, with the pride stuff at the end, but that's barely developed (and my ideas for what else happened that day might work better as a sitcom episode).
and y'know maybe that's also reflective of how my own intergenerational-queer-friendships have evolved since i first wrote uncle reg, no longer getting bogged down in labels and arguments and instead going on zany adventures. but even tho the monologue is called "uncle reg", uncle reg isn't confined to one monologue
and i know i could always keep doing this monologue and just mix in others, or rewrite it to give it more of a storyline, but i kind of just want to leave it as "aubrey stage one". part of me wanted to keep doing it until i got a "perfect" recording (not flubbing any lines), but this might be the best it gets, and i'll keep getting better with the material i actually want to do lmao
idk i think the reason this is on my mind is bc as i'm going over the plans for scott's tour, i already had this goal that any time we stay in a city for an extended number of days, i'd seek out local open mics and do my own unofficial aubrey tour. and one of the other tour-members has a lot of connections to small clubs, so he said he might be able to get me booked shows as aubrey (and someone from toronto said the same thing at scott's new years party). so i'm wanting to firm up my material and practice it in my hometown a bit before taking it on the road. and also it's interesting navigating this culture-war-bullshit as this character, because i don't think aubrey can only appear to queer audiences or gen z or liberals etc. (you might disagree, but i don't want to perform in a bubble) but i need to figure out how to strike the right tone, and i think i have other material that works better for that (sometimes even edgier material, like the "hypothetical penis" monologue is still in)
idk it's daunting bc even tho i have a lot of aubrey material (two and a half notebooks worth), i haven't put it into a polished-monologue-format in a while bc i've been procrastinating. and the "uncle reg" monologue is the only one i ever completely memorized. but i want to get better at this so i just have to do it!!!
anyway thank you for reading this far if you did! i think i'm pretty much settled on not doing this monologue anymore (or at least just putting it on the shelf for now so i can motivate myself to do other material) but feel free to give your thoughts. and before you go...
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unproduciblesmackdown · 27 days ago
trying to say things about the bsol finale & how it has these little twists about what you don't necessarily expect for these roles but would you believe it i'm like i can't use my [just saying some shit] ability i'm pressed about wanting it to be more coherent & verbalizing doesn't even really happen if i don't have the [just saying some shit] wind in my sails But trying to say One Thing, how about the little twist like the miracle banana gets being that he himself lives, vs his emotional resolution that he would have died to help the musician, even as the musician is like no bestie you're good, even as the audience may expect & approve of even dying from funny little second banana guy who may even be supposedly taken as Superfluous now that thee man & thee woman have reunited (but it was always queerer than that) like. more resolution to our themes that that very second banana is doing just fine vs that the hero is, more classic iconisiquisms
#good enough And Post#bsol#what a bummer if he Had died like. & that would not have been Surprising b/c like ''ah bummer but sure of course.#perhaps even proper & fitting'' like no [side characters are less of a person than main characters] here#nor certainly funny little guys < hardass main hero romantic lead guys who don't wanna cuddle their boy but Will die & kill w/o him#also fun that mitb is that like big part of [bmc most Known / bway produced iconis musical] but where its origins indeed are like yeah#Now it might be the first/sole thing someone knows about bmc but when this was a niche novel debuting experience; mitb existing#could be more so perhaps confusing / surprising like why are we having this moment w/this second banana character to hear all about how he#feels? b/c the second banana deserves that. & then thinking of like something that makes bmc unwieldy from a potential perspective being#like oh there's too much time spent on these side characters vs the protagonist. well any/every element / idiosyncrasy / Choice of a show#can be argued as like alas this is a roadblock to longer runs bigger productions w/e other measure of success; bitch....#let's get you some fruit (bananas (second)) (queerness (all over the place))#& i had a real literal fruit banana earlier i am metabolizing into queerness as i type....#general vibe has been a bit intense lately; not conducive to my Just Saying Some Shit. but not Not necessarily wanting to#though not that it even comes Peak Easily with the wind in my sails / less of an intention to be a bit more coherent than usual#saying any things taking plenty of time / effort / really ofc still self editing along the way even in incoherent just saying sm shit mode#no such thing as really Just xyzing at all; certainly not if to any degree it's some instruction / not what you already do all the time#anyway tl;dr it Would be more expected like ah rip banana :( but instead we get the miracle of banana does not die. thank fuck
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tigeristired · 5 months ago
sending him to the overstimulation station
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