#Porto local experiences
Another Crisis in Brazil’s Amazon: Rising Crime
It’s not just the environment vulnerable to growing regional criminal groups, an expert writes.
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Brazil’s Amazon is home to almost 30 million people, most of whom live in rapidly growing cities and towns, like Belém in Pará state, which will host the COP30 climate summit next year. Many of these urban centers, like the deteriorating rainforests that surround them, are in trouble. Organized crime is increasingly contributing not only to deforestation in the region, but also to a surge of violence in Amazon cities.
Today, the region’s cities, peripheries, and hinterlands—rich in resources and rife with lawlessness—may have among the densest concentrations of criminal organizations in Latin America, if not the world. Against this backdrop, some local leaders are experimenting with promising new strategies to prevent and reduce crime and disrupt illicit financial flows.
Jobs and infrastructure have not kept up with rapid population growth. The Brazilian Amazon has registered the fastest slum expansion in the country since the mid-1980s, and over 40% of the region’s urban population lives in poverty, double the national average. The region also skews young, with a disproportionately high share of adolescents and children underperforming or dropping out of schools. Unemployment is also higher than the national average, and half of those who do have jobs work in the informal sector.
Predictably, large Amazonian cities such as Belém, Manaus, and Porto Velho are grappling with sharp increases in violent crime—but so are many of its smaller and medium-sized towns like Altamira, Ananindeua, Macapá and Marabá. 
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bitchsister · 6 months
soooo I need luckycharms!AU Bucky and Curt on vacation somewhere.. slutty. your choice. john wants to show his boy from the bronx the world. maybe rome? like in EYY but this time they get to truly experience and enjoy it without the fear of doom & war & death ?!!? ya kno
Ohhhh you know I love a good Italy trip lmaooo. Cattonquick in Liguria was my favorite thing to write. Now I get to write Bucky and Curt being sluts? I’m so lucky. Ripping the nude beach idea right out of my Cattonquick fic and putting a Curtbucky twist on it.
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This request got pregnant with this other one ⬆️ it felt right so we went with it!!
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Don’t read if you aren’t down with these: More vibrating butt plug, nude beach filth, ‘daddy’ is used twice, spanking, very very very very light dom/sub vibes if you squint but hardly, Curt is a cunt, abundant use of pet names
All it took was a few planted magazines on the coffee table for Bucky to quickly realize where Curt had wanted to visit, and the places he absolutely did not.
“Paris would be so fun, don’tcha think?” His legs were stretched over Bucky’s thighs who had been intently eyeing the score of the Brewers versus the Reds, dramatically huffing and puffing as the score continued not to work out in his home teams favor.
“Yeah, baby.” Bucky nodded, acting as though he was hardly listening but he was instead taking permanent mental notes. Paris is added to the possible itinerary, as is Aspen, Madeira, Lagos and Porto.
Then came ramblings of Barcelona, ripe springtime strawberries held between Curt’s lips as he flipped through pages filled with beautiful images of Casa Batlló, La Sagrada Famila, and the Picasso museum. “Look.” He turned the magazine around, pointing to the water. “Look how blue the water is, Ducky. We ain’t ever gonna see that here, huh? Closest we got is Coney Island.” He chuckled, again oblivious to Bucky’s mental note taking, the itinerary growing longer and longer with each new travel magazine Bucky hid around the house.
“Why do you got all these, anyway?” Curt grabbed the latest addition, a travel guide of Italy. “You got like thirty of the things.”
“I get ‘em for free at the office.” Bucky lied, and felt bad about it. “Guess Harding never cancelled the subscription when he was cruise shopping. I snag ‘em before he can realize they were even delivered.”
Curt hummed and nodded his head, puffing at the joint between his lips, all sprawled out over the cushioned window bench like a sunbathing feline. “I’d do anything to go to Italy.” He whispered, and alarms went off in Bucky’s head.
Bingo, bing, bingo.
Ding, ding, ding!
“My Nonna tells me stories about growin’ up in Bologna.” He hung upside down, the magazine held over his face as he multitasked like never before. A couple puffs, a flick of the page, ashing his joint, running his gorgeous mouth. “Oh, look!” He scrambled to his knees and sat upright again to turn the magazine around like it was his turn for show and tell. “Pompeii!” He flipped the page, his excitement growing. “Look! Tits! Dicks! Ass!” He pointed to all of it, the page covering the top rated nude beach in the country, Guvano.
And so, when Curt went back to his campus dorm room for a few days to hunker down and study for finals before summer break, Bucky did his own studying on hotels, which quickly had been switched to villas, vineyards, tours, beaches, restaurants, you fucking name it.
He had eventually enlisted the help of a concierge, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying. He didn’t speak Italian and he wanted to know what was really worth seeing, according to the locals.
Come Friday evening, Curt looked and felt like he’d been beaten with two cinder blocks, trudging into Bucky’s stretch of hallway once he stepped inside.
He barely had any energy left to announce his arrival, quiet footsteps wandering into the kitchen where Bucky stood with his hip jutted, his phone an inch away from his face and a wine glass in the other as he read closely each step of the recipe he’d chosen to make for dinner.
Cacio e Pepe and scottadito. Earlier, he prepped for the perfect Caesar salad, ready to eat since he knew Curt would be starved to death after his finals.
“Hey.” A voice squeaked after the source had snapped an incognito photo on his phone of that version of Bucky — quiet, contemplative, focused.
“Jesus.” Bucky dropped his phone onto the counter. “Baby, you gotta make some noise or somethin’. I’ll have a heart attack.”
Curt huffed a laugh through his nostrils and shuffled the floors toward him to wrap himself around Bucky, his eyes closed as he rested his head against the mans chest. “Oh,” Bucky cooed, rubbing circles into Curt’s back once he’d sat down the glass of wine he’d become rather familiar with in the last hour or so. “How’d it go?”
“My brain.” Curt groaned, pressing his face into Bucky’s chest. “It hurts.”
Curt, as Bucky had quickly realized, was a goddamn genius and he knew just how to work it. Never to speak out of turn, always raw and honest and never pretending to be something he isn’t, that thick New York accent poking through even the most intelligent sentences Bucky had ever heard in his life.
Listen to this, listen to this. Alright. Here we go.
Curt stood in front of Bucky, reading part of his final presentation project as practice with one of Bucky’s sweaters hanging to his mid thigh and another joint rolled with pink papers between his teeth.
The potential of shape memory alloys in morphin’ wing technology with adaptive geometries that adjust in real-time could greatly optimize performance across various flight conditions.
Curt took another puff, his eyes locked on Bucky instead of the paper in his hand. He’d memorized it all and knew it by heart. After all, it was a touchy subject he felt passionate about.
Furthermore, research shows that this could increase fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and could have a hand in improvin’ maneuverability.
Bucky was speechless, his jaw slack, hearts spilling out of his eyes and onto the floor. He was no help really, because every goddamn thing Curtis did was absolute perfection.
“Feed it.” Bucky held Curt to his chest with one hand while the other grabbed a plate, built an excellent Caesar, and offered it in front of a barstool at the island in the middle of the kitchen where half of it was still occupied by Bucky’s iPad, his knives, his cutting board and all of his oils and seasonings.
“You’re a real homemaker, you know, Egan.” Curt reluctantly detached himself from Bucky and plopped into the stool, stabbing forkfuls of lettuce and shoving it in his mouth while Bucky poured him a glass of some orange-ish hipster rosé, because the red shit gave him headaches and made him feel sleepy.
Good taste, Bucky would say.
You’re a natural at spending money.
“Yeah?” Bucky leaned against the island, pressing sweet kisses to Curt’s face despite the way he was feverishly shoving salad into it. “You gonna have me all kept at home while you make the dough, hm?” he was teasing, but knew once Curt got his foot in the door at a job after graduation, he’d be making his own natural hipster wine budget.
Big time.
“You think I will?” Curt murmured through a full mouth, booping noses with Bucky who nodded.
“Obviously, baby. No other choice, I fear.” Bucky watched intently as Curt sipped his wine, giggled, blushed, rolled his eyes. “How you feelin’ about the final?”
“Dunno.” Curt shrugged, watching Bucky continue on his prep for dinner and dessert. “I did good on the presentation part. It’s the fuckin’ multiple choice that I get so fucked up on. I’m indecisive! The shit’s outdated — how long they been makin’ us poor brain dead fucks fill in some bubbles, ya know?” He gulped more wine from his glass, “Like, since the dawn of time, I bet. And ain’t that shitty? You’d think they would—“
A red envelope was plopped in front of him, sealed with wax.
“What’s this?”
Bucky shrugged, sipping his glass of wine nonchalantly. “Dunno. Found it. Think it might be yours.”
Curt gave him a look of confusion, shaded with hints of brattiness and sass.
Bucky could eat him up.
His fingers deftly peeled the envelope open, his eyes taking in the words that he could hardly comprehend. “Italy?” He whispered, his heart sinking to his gut. “You’re kiddin’, Bucky..”
“I was going to wait until we got your score back from the final. But I know you’ll pass and I just couldn’t wait.” Bucky braced himself for Curt’s suddenly energized squealing and jumping and screaming and hooting and kissing and licking and all of it.
So. There they were, beach Guvano, the very same one in the magazine Curt had brought with him to compare and contrast magazines versus real life — so far, not a single thing had disappointed him.
“How’s it look?” Bucky asked from beside Curt, sprawled out on their beach blanket as he shoved sweet grapes into his cheeks.
“Less people here than in the pictures.” Curt had stripped down, of course, as he typically found any reason at all not to wear clothes at any time, no matter the location. “But I like that. ‘Cause some of these people in here shouldn’t be seen with clothes on.”
Bucky swatted his thigh, a dumb grin tugging his lips. “Bad boy. Be nice.”
Curt smirked and rolled onto his belly and closer to Bucky who still wore his skimpy little black speedo that he purchased simply to fit in with the rest of the Europeans.
American swim trunks didn’t feel authentic.
“You gonna lemme see the rest of ya?” Curt pressed a kiss to Bucky’s unbelievably tan, warm, sweaty neck. “Or you gonna be a perv?”
Bucky shrugged, scrolling on his phone in his left hand, his right buried deep in Curtis’ loose brown sea-salty waves and occasionally grabbing more grapes to chomp on. “Do pervs keep their swimsuits on at nude beaches?”
“Yes, actually.” Curt nodded, wagging his little ass once a warm breeze had tickled over it, his favorite plug between his sunburnt cheeks — the one that he’d worn to dinner with Bucky and Gale not long ago.
And Bucky had already started playing with him.
“I think the real pervs have vibrating plugs in their asses. In public.” Bucky gave Curt a look of mock-surprise once he’d flicked the level up to two, meeting Curt’s look of real shock with one of pure theatrics.
His mouth agape, his brows furrowed, his chin quivering as he moaned.
“Goddamn it.”Curtis cursed.
“Feel good?” Bucky whispered, the shade from their umbrella almost hiding them from the rest of the beach where the closest visitor seemed about thirty yards down the shoreline, minding their own business with their tits out. “S’your favorite one, isn’t it?”
Curt nodded quickly, his gaze softening into little horny feline slits, thick black lashes practically fluttering over his own pink cheeks, the freckles over the bridge of his nose accentuated by hours spent outdoors sipping wine or cappuccinos and eating all the finest culinary in the city. “Mhm.. M’favorite. Yeah.” He spluttered, practically drooling already.
Bucky laid his phone on his chest, reaching forward to caress his sweet boys soft cheeks instead, gathering the moisture from Curt’s wet lips onto his thumb and licking it clean. “God, you’re so fucking sweet.” He fawned, admiring again a practically frozen Curtis who whimpered softly in response.
“C’mere, my baby.” He hooked a hand around Curt’s waist and pulled him closer, the top half of his body resting over Bucky’s chest while the bottom involuntarily rut against every warm gust of wind with his ass or the blanket atop the soft sand with his cock.
Curt’s lips had found Bucky’s fingers, sucking them like he would his cock, or Gale’s, whenever their schedules aligned these days. “I passed my exam.” He breathed, pulling away from the hand he held with both of his own, half the size of Bucky’s. “Gotta ninety.”
Although he was expecting a one hundred or more including the bonus questions that saved his ass, he was nowhere near unhappy with where his GPA stood going into his second year.
Bucky lit up, of course, kissing him like it could be their last. “I fucking knew it.” He whispered between kisses. “My fucking genius boy. God, you’re so fucking smart. It’s so sexy.”
Bucky would eat him if he could.
Carry him around just like that, wherever he went, there Curt would be.
“What can I say?” Curt grinned, lips drenched in shared saliva. “Somebody besides J.Lo has to make a name for the Bronx.”
Bucky snarled a laugh. “Christ,” he chased the moan that escaped Curtis into his own mouth to devour it. “Better graduate early, then.” He teased, his hand grabbed again and the fingers enveloped once more in the soft hallows of Curt’s cheeks that grew pinker by the minute.
He wiggled his ass again against the plug that was stuffing him, eventually moving to sit on his folded legs and rut against his own heel, Bucky’s gaze watching all the while beneath a pair of sunglasses with rather transparent brown lenses.
Curt loved to be watched.
He loved, so very much, to be the center of Bucky’s world.
He’d put on little shows for him, all sweaty and panting and begging for it. He’d become a mess, held together by prayer alone at the altar he worshipped so reverently - theirs — their love, their passion, their unbridled blazing hearts that had morphed together somewhere along the way, or perhaps in lifetimes before this one.
This love, the one that gushed so unabashedly, was the reason Bucky was able to stomach the sight of Gale between his baby’s legs, or the way Curt sucked on his fingers while Gale fucked all of his courtroom rage out of him, his pretty blue eyes in the back of his head.
Whatever they did with Gale was an extension of their love, yes, but it would never get between it.
Could never harm it.
Bucky caressed his parted thighs but didn’t dare to touch Curt’s cock that leaked sweet little milky white droplets down his smooth shaft, a sight to behold since so much was typically impossible without a belly full of Bucky’s cum. “You’re so fuckin’ wet. Getting yourself all messy.” He whispered.
Curt was aroused beyond reason — every one of his milder kinks (amongst many others that wouldn’t be appropriate beneath the blue sky) were being fulfilled. Bucky’s eyes on him, sweet little words muttered in praise and adoration.
The sun on his shoulders, the sea breeze sending shivers down his spine.
His bent legs spread wider until he was sat between them, his ass plopped onto the beach blanket which he ground himself into. “Look’it what you done to me, daddy.” His voice was low and rasped through breathy gasps and moans, “I want your big cock in me so bad.” He chomped his teeth at Bucky, proving to be all bark and no bite.
Bucky hummed, ignoring the rumble of thunder that hung above their heads, and his cock that stiffened so much his Speedo struggled to conceal it. “Not here, honey.” He adjusted his sunglasses to sit perfectly nestled in his brown curls, his usually loose waves tightened and accentuated from the saltwater still in it from that morning. “Laws still exist in Italy, you know. I looked it up.” He had no reason to study European law, but for this, he did a little research.
“But —“ Curt whined, his palms flat against his thighs as he rode the plug like he would Bucky, feeling the intensity of the vibrations kick up a notch when Bucky flicked a little green bug off his phone screen, the notch set to its maximum which they’d never done before. Especially not after sitting on a three for so long.
Curt hardly knew what to do with himself, the fire in his loins growing and growing, just like the storm cloud that hung above their heads. “Too much — I can’t —“ he panted, scrambling to reach between his legs and get rid of it but Bucky abruptly stopped him.
“Ah, ah.” Bucky tsked, “Don’t you dare.” He pressed gentle kisses over Curt’s knuckles that held onto him like a lifeline, tight white and shaking.
“Please,” Curt whined, looking between his legs and down at his own cock that had yet to reach its climax but continued to trickle with a steady stream of excitement and arousal, toes curling as he squealed.
“You gonna come?” Bucky sat up, then. He thought maybe he was going to witness history — Curtis Biddick making himself come without being pumped full of it first. “Oh, honey. You’re so close. I can see it. Fucking look at you.” Scrunched nose, back arched, nails digging into his own thighs. “Make a mess, baby. I’ll clean you up.”
Curt huffed and puffed, their umbrella swaying in the wind and a drizzle of rain peppering his warm shoulders. “I’m g’na come.” He said through rapid huffs of breath.
“Give it to daddy, baby. C’mon.” Bucky was doing that sexy little thing he’d do. He’d pout his lips and mutter filthy encouragement through a clenched jaw. He grabbed Curt’s cheeks and severed their gaze, instead redirecting his attention down to his own cock. “Watch with me.”
Curt was wailing, watching his body react instinctively to everything happening to it but the closer he crept, the lighter he felt the vibrations becoming until they were gone completely.
And then came the torrential downpour.
“What happened?” Bucky asked once Curt began cursing, pulling his hands away from their restrictions in Bucky’s grasp to pump himself but there was hardly any hope in it.
“It fucking died!” Curt was angry.
He pulled the thing out of him and tossed it harshly into their beach bag, pulling on his so very American swim trunks and his Blink-182 tshirt. “Fucking bullshit goddamn technology, Bucky! I could make a better fucking goddamn fucking thing than that — fuck!” Curt was still panting but every other sensation he felt only a moment ago had been so abruptly ripped away from him.
“Well do it, then.” Bucky grumbled, sitting up and gathering their things as the storm raged on and Curtis stood with his arms folded, clearly pouting and being no help at all. “If you’re so fucking disappointed. It’s your job to charge it, Curt. It’s going in your ass, after all.”
Bucky rummaged for the keys to their rental car, soaked by the rain but still looking so rideable despite Curt’s suddenly horrendous attitude. “But you’re the one that fucks the battery!” He waved his arms, “With your fucking bullshit!”
Curt was left there, standing in the rain while Bucky made a beeline for their big Audi SUV that was similar in size to Bucky’s Range Rover, but he’d made several comments about maybe thinking about switching to something a bit more like this back home. “If you’re going to drain the battery, I’m just fuckin’ sayin’ you should also be held accountable for chargin’ it, too.” His voice followed behind, catching up eventually.
Bucky had opened the passenger door for Curt to get in before he even made it back over to the car, hoping he’d curl up for a nap and fall asleep before Bucky was done loading up the car again.
He couldn’t be so lucky.
“You still runnin’ your mouth?” Bucky furrowed his brows, shaking sand out of their beach blanket before folding it neatly.
“Yes!” Curt whined, wanting to fucking cry. Bucky wasn’t hearing him — he wasn’t understanding. He was so, so fucking close. He felt the butterflies wake up in his belly, his heart hammered in his chest, his legs felt like they’d turned to goo.
And then nothing.
“You aren’t listenin’ to me!”
Bucky closed the trunk before he sauntered to Curt, his neck craned downward to look at him. “Bend over.” He pointed to the passenger seat, voice stern but steady.
Sharp, but buttery smooth around the edges.
Curt stuttered for a moment, “I — Bucky,” but suddenly realized it would be his pleasure to do just that.
A silence settled between them as they stood in the rain, their narrowed gazes in a standoff until Curt backed down and draped himself over the leather interior, his trunks pulled roughly below the plump curve of his ass that fucking jiggled when he spread his legs a little, perking his ass out for Bucky to spank.
“Make it a good one.” Curt quipped, his tone almost bordering mockery. “Or it’d be a shame you bent me over at all.”
Bucky had been a little pissed off by that one, but knew whole heartedly that had been the exact point — Curt knew what he was doing.
The buttons to push.
The buttons he licked with his tongue and bit with his canines until he drew blood.
The buttons he knew all too well.
A loud and heavy handed crack left a vivid and splotchy pink handprint over the delicious and a little bit sunburnt strawberry milky white skin of Curt’s right cheek, his knuckles bitten as he whined.
“I want an apology, Curtis.” Bucky bent over his body, nipping at his ear. “Not fair to take your frustration out on me, is it?”
Curt rolled his eyes, grinning into the leather of the seat beneath him as they replaced the new car smell with their own. “Fuck you.” He mumbled, going to sit up again until a hand forced him back down.
“What was that?” Bucky shoved Curt’s stance wider with his knee, feeling a hand back again to spank Curt’s left cheek that time. He hardly tensed up at it, seeming to melt under each crack against his skin.
What am I gonna do with you, Biddick?
Curt wasn’t so tough eventually. All it took was three more good whips of skin against skin before he was back to begging for it. “Just let me sit on it while you drive.” He begged, clearly unaware how unrealistic and — even moreso— unsafe that sounded.
They had a schedule that day that allowed little wiggle room and Bucky had warned Curtis of this plenty before they made the reservations that they did.
We’ll have no time to play in between, Curtie. You realize that, right?
Curt nodded his head, encouraging Bucky to confirm their reservations.
I’m not an animal, Bucky. I can control myself. Jesus.
“C’mon. We can make it work. Please.”
Bucky checked his watch and shook his head. “We have the tour you wanted to do in an hour, Curtis.” He pulled Curt’s trunks up and manhandled him into his seat despite his resistance. “And we’re not going to be fucking late because of your bullshit.”
He closed Curt’s door and made way around the vehicle to his own where he hopped in and turned over the engine, blasting the AC against their warm skin as O Mio Bambino Care droned through the speakers.
“I’m sorry.” Curt whispered, leaning over the middle console and pressing kisses to Bucky’s bicep and shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said — I — I was havin’ an outburst.”
Those happened often.
Curt was simply a hothead, too used to acting out on his first instinct, which was always anger.
Gale was helping him work through this, but wasn’t always around to be the mediator.
Bucky wasn’t going to let him hide behind that excuse forever, though. “No, you weren’t.” He mumbled. “You were being shitty just to be shitty.” He rolled a window down and lit a cigarette. “I didn’t come either, you know.” He looked toward Curtis again. “You don’t hear me crying about it.”
Curt scrambled in his seat, crawling into Bucky’s and subsequently falling into his lap, his back smashing against the horn but he didn’t give a fuck. At the very least, it made Bucky smile. “You’re right. I’m shitty. I was bein’ shitty just to be fuckin’ shitty. And I’m sorry.” He inhaled the smoke Bucky shared with him, their lips slotting together perfectly.
Bucky could never deny Curtis the satisfaction of an accepted apology — this wasn’t a real fight. It was nothing of the sort.
It was a squabble, yes, but in the end, it wouldn’t make or break anything.
Except a few of Bucky’s fragile nerves.
“Still doesn’t mean I’m gonna fuck you, honey.” Bucky smirked, cigarette between his teeth. “C’mon, back in your spot. We gotta get goin’.”
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acommonloon · 11 months
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Mostly on my own here today. After our week in Porto, which I thought would be too long but was really perfect, we returned to Belgium. The last three days have mostly been spent here except for a short foray into Mons yesterday. I’ve enjoyed the slower pace and having a lie in. Except there’s a nest under the eaves in my corner room and the birds aren’t “half creat-in” for a few hours just after the sun comes up. I’ve nipped out a couple of times but haven’t caught sight of the noisy little buggers. G says he’s not allowed to remove the nest.
We also got to experience a trip in the woods yesterday which we D and I both found alarming remarkable. When G pulled off the asphalt onto a dirt track in his Peugeot I thought he’d decided to bury us in the woods. Then.
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There were street signs! I was shocked. Then.
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We came onto his friend’s brewery.
We chatted with Daniel, owner of Diaz brewing for an hour or so while he gave us samples of his brews which, are available for purchase at the local Drink Factory bottle shop in Mons.
Daniel has been in Belgium for 12 years and is married to a Belgian woman. His wife has an American father. Daniel is of Puerto Rican descent but was born and raised in Connecticut, where his parents still live. An American of PR descent with his own brewery in Belgium is a wonderful story.
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Daniel’s beers are most popular with Belgians who want something different and the large foreign community in the area working with NATO.
Now I’m sitting here alone at an old wood table in a house built in the 18th century (1778 on fireplace) drinking one of my favorite Belgian beers waiting for a delivery of Port we had shipped from Graham Port House.
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The election news this morning from the states was encouraging mostly so maybe we’ll come back.
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soccerdailyuk · 1 year
Four choices for Liverpool’s new vice-captain as leaders depart 
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Four choices for Liverpool’s new vice-captain as leaders depart  Liverpool is experiencing a significant reorganization in its leadership team as Jurgen Klopp seeks to identify fresh leaders among the players.  This transformation comes as Vice-captain James Milner left for Brighton on a free transfer, and Captain Jordan Henderson is set to join Steven Gerrard in the Saudi Pro League.  This marks the most substantial shake-up in the team's leadership in many years. Under the guidance of the departing leaders, Liverpool has achieved success in winning every possible club trophy. However, the team now faces a new phase without them.  The most probable successor for the captain's armband is Virgil van Dijk, who has consistently filled in for the main two leaders in their absence.  It appears he is ready to assume greater responsibility after a period of instability within the player hierarchy. Virgil van Dijk's position as captain of the Dutch national team adds to his suitability for the role, as he brings both experience and leadership credentials.  Finding a new deputy for him, who will wear the No.4 jersey, is more challenging, given the presence of several other international captains and members of Klopp's leadership group within the squad. In the following section, we explore some of the top candidates to become Liverpool's new vice-captain. Andy Robertson Andy Robertson made a remarkable addition to Liverpool in the summer of 2017, joining the team for a remarkably low fee of £8 million, which turned out to be an absolute bargain. Since then, the 29-year-old has not only become a crucial player on the field but has also played a significant role off the pitch.  He currently holds the captaincy for the Scotland national team and is a valued member of the Reds' leadership group. As a result, Robertson is a strong contender for the recently vacated vice-captain position in the team. Having spent six successful seasons at Liverpool, a promotion to vice-captain would be a natural progression in Robertson's career. However, there is some uncertainty surrounding his ability to perform effectively as part of a back three in Klopp's new tactical system. This aspect remains a point of discussion and consideration while evaluating his suitability for the vice-captain role. Trent Alexander-Arnold Trent Alexander-Arnold is now a year older than Gerrard was when he received the captain's armband from Gerard Houllier in 2003. As a local lad with great potential, it's likely that Trent has ambitions to become the full captain in the future. He could be the ideal interim captain for Klopp if Van Dijk isn't available. At 24 years old, Trent is part of the manager's leadership group and seems ready to shine on the field. He already showcased his abilities in a hybrid role last season, and fans are excited to see him flourish even more. Mohamed Salah Next season, the Egyptian King, referring to Mohamed Salah, will likely be eager to take on more significant responsibilities if the chance arises. He has consistently led by example on the field, becoming a crucial figure since joining the club in the summer of 2017, with an impressive record of 186 goals in 305 appearances. Notably, Salah also serves as the captain for his national team, Egypt, and recently led them to the final of the 2022 Africa Cup of Nations. There is no doubt about his capability to single-handedly drive a team to victory, much like Gerrard did in the past. Alisson The idea of having a goalkeeper as a captain can be a topic of debate among fans, but Alisson is not hesitant to give instructions to his teammates on the field. In November, the Brazilian goalkeeper captained the team during a 2-0 victory over Porto. The decision was made through a player vote to determine the hierarchy, with Henderson and Milner ranked above him. While it may seem like an unconventional choice, the main obstacle to Alisson being the captain is likely his position as a goalkeeper, not his leadership abilities, which are undoubtedly present. Four choices for Liverpool’s new vice-captain as leaders depart  Read the full article
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lacklustres · 1 year
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larry is a creature of habit. he finds comfort in the familiar, the mundane. for many, they're unaware of his history with severe mental health episodes and how it warped him; they see larry as a boring businessman. all serious, no fun. some of medali's residents might've pinned him as depressed, and they'd be correct to a degree, but very few have pinned him for being on the psychotic spectrum, linking his flat affect to his schizophrenia. he'd prefer to keep it that way. he understands that this can accentuate feelings of isolation, having people not understand his experiences and person, but he also doesn't want to have to face his memories or have history repeat itself. he'd rather project a façade. he'd rather blend than having those eyes, so many eyes, on his person, thinking thoughts shielded by bone and muscle.
there's few things he's adventurous in, the cycle of comfortable familiarity eating its own tail over and over, much like an ouroboros, but. if there's one thing he's adventurous in, though, it's food.
he loves trying new dishes, dabbling in cuisines outside locality. one of his favourite types of food is seafood. when he has spare moments and has a craving something fresh, something catch of the day like, he might make the trek to porto marinada to access their rainbow of restaurants and cafes that benefit from their plentiful access to the sea. he especially loves trying their new seasonal dishes; it might give him new excuses to dabble in something different in his home cooking.
it gives him that spark of variety, where he'd otherwise be humdrum.
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dougrobyngoold · 1 year
Friary, Francesinha, and Fun Port Tasting - Porto, Portugal
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We had grand plans for today, we were going to take in all of the bridges of Porto....but I quickly discovered that not all of the bridges allowed pedestrians. So we decided to walk across Ponte Infante over to the Monastery of Serra do Pilar and then walk along the river on the Gaia side of the Douro River. The view from the middle of the bridge was awesome (pictured above).
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Monastery of Serra do Pilar - I took this picture yesterday from the Porto side of the river.
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Amazing view up the Douro River from the plaza at the monastery.
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Luis I Bridge from the monastery plaza.
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We descended to the river from the monastery, planning to walk up to a viewpoint for the two bridges upriver from the Infante Bridge. Unfortunately, I had a blister issue and we had to climb back up and get that resolved. Back up we climbed to find a pharmacy and a bandaid! Once we got that resolved, we decided to find a place for an early lunch. We found a great little place for some local cuisine and they served vegan versions - Francesinhas Al Forno La Baixa.
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Doug had a local beer - it was delicious, along with a traditional francesinha.
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I had a vegan version of the francesinha and a glass of white wine, both were lovely.
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After lunch, we walked back down to Cais de Ribeira to the meeting point for our port tasting tour. The riverfront was so busy - it was amazing how many people there were!
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Our meeting point for our tour was near the base of Luis I Bridge on the Porto side of the river - great photo from the promenade of the bridge.
We had a great experience tasting the different ports from three different places on our tour: Calem Caves, PIANO Douro Valley, and Vasques De Carvalho. Below are photos of all the ports we tasted:
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I think our favorite was the fine white from Calem, but to be honest, they were all lovely to experience and we had a wonderful tour guide. It was a great way to spend an afternoon.
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An interesting work of art on the corner of a building during our port tasting tour.
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Half-way up our climb back to our Airbnb - needed to stop for a breather and to enjoy the view.
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Ugh! Still a bit of a climb left!!
We had to weave our way through a small protest going on near our Airbnb - apparently, a group of musicians were being kicked out of a building that they had been renting. Lots of police presence and plenty of chanting and drumming going on until about 11:00 that night. Luckily, it dissipated without any major confrontations:
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caveiratimida · 1 year
I would like to share a fun little thing. It is a bit bigger than my usual ones but I really want to speak about it as I am commuting.
So last week I came back to my flat and threw myself (but also was thrown) immediately into the academic and professional on fire frying pan. I felt better healthwise as the days went on but then mentally it was just more draining.
I managed to get 3 interviews done and they were all so varied, they didn't go as I had expected and the data isn't consistent but it is important nonetheless for me and the topic. This week I will have 4 more with one being at 7pm today but after this part of the project should be locked.
Anyway, it really is no joke trying to have a healthy balance between Work/Academia and other parts of your life. Like by Thursday I was so disheartened because the routine was bed-office-home-bare necessities-bed. Feeling frustrated, I took the decision to return to the first interview place to treat myself to dinner (a vegan dinner on top of that! Not really my thing but holy shit it was good!!) and it felt so good letting myself actually enjoy something even if my brain is 24/7 on the "I need to work to get this done".
This continued then on Friday when after doing some work and angrily cleaning my flat as a form of venting I decided to go out again. This time I went out to the original Gazella bar to have some comfort food of a Cachorrinho da Batalha and a beer.
Listen, I went alone, and by the end of the night I had spoken to a lot of strangers both local and foreigners and it felt so goddamn nice.
As I got in, I ended up helping these two Mexican men (I didn't ask but I am guessing 30s) who were so lost with the menu and how the waiting for seating worked (i.e, you gotta risk it and just go because lord knows there's very little queuing). We chatted about their traveling around for 10 days as well as the differences between Mexico and Portugal from currency to food to whatever before they had to leave since it was packed. One of them asked for my phone number and I said yeah sure in case they needed some more advice or whatever.
As usual in Gazella, the barmen and cooks were a treat being their curmudgeon little shit selves.
But the BEST came after when then these two Argentinian middle-aged dudes plonked themselves right next to me at the bar counter and just began to speak. One of them lives in Barcelona for 26 years now meanwhile his pal lives in Buenos Aires and never tried to live abroad. I can't even imagine how much these friends paid for this weekend getaway of theirs. Anyway! Our little chats were so enjoyable (the economy, the differences of city buildings and planning, what to see/eat in Porto etc.) that they ended up joining me afterwards for a little night walk by the river and to another favourite bar of mine. These guys were both 46 and this for me was something very unexpected to do (in fact this very much went against everything my parents tried to teach me in terms of "most of the world is shit and out to screw you over"). BUT IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!
They were gentlemen, refused to let me pay my beer and ginjinha at this second place. From talking about generational differences of how people show affection (like saying I love you to your parents), regional cuisines (I knew Argentina was famous for it's beef but not the variety of stews they had!) to linguistic differences (listen I learnt Castillian Spanish for 7 years, let me tell you when they went full Argentinian 1/3 of the words were unknown to me but thankfully my Portuguese helped me with that)... By the time we finished our chats it was too late to find another place but there also wasn't the need to. We just hugged and gave two kisses, didn't exchange any phone numbers and thanked each other for the amazing experience. I'd say all I got from them as a reminder was a massive bruise on my upper right thigh because I was so into the conversation at some point I didn't notice that I rammed right into a pole (it hurt like a bitch!! Still does!!).
Harmless night meetings where you just connect. I hope the barmen continued to have good night at work and that these strangers have a lovely time in Porto. It recharged me really.
I am sharing this because I don't want to forget. On Saturday I was invited to my English friend's house (she actually used to be my landlady) for lunch and we debated the idea of human connections without any further expectancy than that current present moment.
It's extra fascinating for me because I am Portuguese but spent most of my life abroad and constantly dealing with identity issues. Moving to Portugal by myself as an adult has been my way of trying to grow from this endless debate and it has been a hard lesson to recognise that I will never ever feel the 100% belonging I've yearned for because I have had truly a constant multicultural and sort of nomadic lifestyle. Personally, I find it really hard, rare and such a leap of faith to reach out or react to an unknown person in whatever public space. It's hasn't been something we're taught and I think it's a serious shame because it really is a reminder that we have more in common with each other than differences plus it's the most natural way to learn about someone else's experience. Identifying now really as an "Europpean" citizen, I truly believe we need this openess and willingness for something new and unknown to thrive.
Lastly, these kind of memories also just solidify my belief that I am not made for an office work where I am at now. I love to talk to strangers and share things. It was what made my job in Berlin fun working in tourism. I really hope that I can somehow find a job that joins sustainability and intercultural communication together. It really revitalised me in this dissertation battle, reminding me of the opportunities that could happen when I am not shackeld to a desk and academic bureaucracy/elitism.
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Ken & Siri family trip to Portugal from US visiting Porto, Lisbon and Azores 5 Stars via TripAdvisor review “Ride351 - The Best Travel Experience in Portugal Antonio from Ride351 is a true pro when it comes to putting together an amazing travel experience. This is my second trip with him and I am continually impressed with his professionalism, hard work and attention to detail when crafting an itinerary. He has connections with some of the best local venders in Portugal, which made my experience visiting the Porto and Lisbon regions to surf, eat and sight see all the better. Antonio was always available to help with any issue that arose during the trip, no matter how big or small. He is friendly and highly knowledgeable, making him the perfect person to see and experience Portuguese countryside and culture. I cannot recommend him highly enough.” Join us ride351.com
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"Discover the Serenity of Casa São José: Your Home Away From Home in Captivating Figueira da Foz
Are you longing for a tranquil escape where you can reconnect with nature and enjoy blissful moments with your family and friends? Look no further than Casa São José, nestled in the heart of captivating Figueira da Foz on Portugal's stunning Silver Coast.
Strategically located between the country's capital, Lisbon, and the vibrant city of Porto, with the charming city of Coimbra nearby, Casa São José offers a truly unique and immersive vacation experience. Prepare to be enchanted by the captivating blend of history, picturesque landscapes, and pristine beaches.
Imagine waking up to the gentle melodies of birds and indulging in a serene breakfast in our expansive garden. Just 3 kilometers from the beach, Casa São José offers the perfect retreat where you can unwind on golden sands, immerse yourself in crystal-clear waters, and rejuvenate under the invigorating sunshine. For the adventurous souls, the nearby mountains boast breathtaking hiking trails and panoramic vistas that will leave you in awe.
With spacious and comfortable rooms, Casa São José is ideal for accommodating families and groups of friends. Our attention to detail and warm hospitality ensure that your stay is not only memorable but filled with special moments that will be cherished for years to come.
Moreover, Figueira da Foz itself is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. Delve into its fascinating history, revel in its breathtaking landscapes, and discover its picturesque beaches. Take a leisurely stroll through the historic city center, savor the delightful local cuisine, and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture that permeates this captivating region.
If you seek a tranquil and charming getaway, Casa São José is your perfect destination. Allow yourself to be captivated by the magic of this family home and create unforgettable memories. Book now and let us provide you with a truly unique hospitality experience for you and your loved ones.
Escape to Casa São José, where serenity meets captivating beauty."
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abroadchangedme69 · 2 years
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Four nights in Lyon.
I’m still behind but I’m catching up. I’m writing this in Porto and I’ve been to Avignon and Nice before this, but that’ll be in the next post.
I really enjoyed Lyon, and it was nice to spend a bit more time in one place. The city is beautiful but I don’t understand what it is about being French that makes a person unable to pick up after their dogs. It’s really striking, there’s just dog shit on the sidewalks everywhere. But I had a nice slow-paced stay, though I wasn’t able to rest as much as I would’ve liked due to the inhuman snoring by my bunkmate. The noises and the volume at which he made them were truly concerning. Sounded like a duck was choking to death in the bed next to mine. Most of the time when a person snores it’s on and off during the night, but this man snored all the way through the night. And he slept like 12 hours a night. First in bed and last to leave. He actually almost never left the room. He also smelled disgusting so we chose to open the windows and sleep in the cold with the mosquitoes. I’d rather be eaten alive by mosquitoes (and I was) than sit in that stench. I try to be tolerant and compassionate but -without speaking a word to me- this man tested me. I haven’t felt contempt for a person like I did in that dorm room, sleep-deprived, being wrestled back into consciousness as soon as I’d manage to slip out of it by that man’s violent snoring.
While Lyon did not prove to be the relaxing experience I had hoped for, there’s nothing like a common enemy to bring people together. I was pretty much instantly friends with the other roommates. Hell of an icebreaker.
I met a 23-year-old German named Carl who just graduated college and plans to keep studying law. We went out for drinks. He falls into a category in which I would include Jonathan (the Swede from Faro) and a few other friends I’ve made over the years. Mature, thoughtful, cultured, intelligent, humble. We had some really enjoyable conversations about a wide range of topics. One moment that stuck out to me was when we were talking about travel, and people that travel. We both agree that traveling isn’t a personality trait, though some people you meet might make it seem otherwise. You don’t become a new person by traveling, you’re just the same person in different circumstances. Traveling does give perspective though which is important for self-understanding, and that can lead to growth. But it’s not automatic.
I spent the next evening with Thinh, a 29-year-old Vietnamese-Polish cook (formerly a digital marketer) and Charlotte, a 22-year-old gemologist. I had fun hanging out with them. While we were at a bar after I’d had a couple drinks I got on the topic of ants (shocking). I think I started by talking about how I used to dissect ant brains, then I moved on to what makes ants such an effective animal. I brought up game theory to try to illustrate my point, and I even ended up drawing the prisoner’s dilemma matrix on scrap paper. I have no idea if I got my point across effectively but Charlotte was very complimentary of my passion so I’ll take it. I also asked Charlotte for her initial impression of me and she said introverted and “adorable.”
On my final night I went to dinner with Thinh. I really don’t enjoy going to restaurants alone nearly as much as I do with company. Especially when the person I’m with is a cook that can speak the local language. Thinh quit a comfortable desk job in London to become a cook with very little experience, which is something I respect. But I’ve gotten used to being around people like that. When someone else me that they quit their job, sold all of their belongings and decided to live a nomadic lifestyle, that’s not out of the ordinary to me in the slightest. I’ve met so many people with a similar story. It’s odd to think about. Before I left, lots of people told me how they’d be afraid to do what I’m doing or that I’m somehow “brave.” I don’t think about it that way, it’s more that I got bored out of my mind and needed to break the cycle. That’s very much been the norm among the people I’ve met on this trip.
Later that night a pair of 18-year-old Canadian girls named Rosie and Octavia invited me to get ice cream with them. I’d met them earlier that day while I was doing laundry. All the ice cream places were closed so we ended up just walking around Lyon for an hour and a half. They were a funny duo. I enjoy seeing when friends develop a sense of humor between them. Most of it was them excitedly telling me stories about their travels while I’d inject dry humor into the conversation.
So yeah, that was Lyon.
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writeyoururlher · 9 hours
Top Reasons to Book a Transfer Service from Porto Seguro to Arraial d'Ajuda
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When visiting the stunning destination of Arraial d'Ajuda in Bahia, Brazil, one of the first things you'll need to figure out is how to get from Porto Seguro Airport to your accommodation. Although there are various transport options available, booking a transfer service is by far the most convenient and reliable way to travel. Below, we explore the top reasons why booking a transfer service from Porto Seguro to Arraial d'Ajuda should be at the top of your travel checklist.
1. Convenience and Comfort
After a long flight, the last thing you want to do is navigate a busy airport or negotiate with taxi drivers in a language you may not be familiar with. By booking a transfer service in advance, you’ll be greeted by a professional driver as soon as you land, who will assist with your luggage and ensure a smooth ride to your destination.
Transfer services like Zenon Tour specialize in offering a seamless experience for travelers. Their vehicles are modern, air-conditioned, and well-maintained, ensuring that you can relax in comfort and style as you head to Arraial d'Ajuda. Whether you’re traveling alone, with family, or in a group, the convenience of a door-to-door service cannot be overstated.
2. Hassle-Free Ferry Crossing
The journey from Porto Seguro to Arraial d'Ajuda involves a short ferry crossing over the Buranhém River. While this adds a scenic element to your trip, it can also be stressful if you're unfamiliar with the ferry system. Booking a transfer service takes the guesswork out of the equation.
With a transfer service, the driver will handle the ferry logistics, including purchasing tickets and scheduling, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. This ensures that your transition from airport to ferry and beyond is completely hassle-free, allowing you to enjoy the views and relax.
3. Time-Saving
Public transport can be slow and unpredictable, especially if you’re trying to navigate unfamiliar routes. With a pre-booked transfer service, you save valuable time by skipping long lines for taxis or buses. Your driver will be ready and waiting for you when you arrive, even if your flight is delayed.
Additionally, local drivers know the fastest and most efficient routes, ensuring that you reach your accommodation in Arraial d'Ajuda quickly and without unnecessary detours. This is especially useful if you're eager to start your vacation or have limited time to explore.
4. Transparent and Fixed Pricing
One of the common issues tourists face when relying on taxis or last-minute transport arrangements is fluctuating prices. Some taxi drivers might take advantage of your unfamiliarity with the area and charge higher fares, or add hidden fees for things like luggage handling and waiting time.
When you book a transfer service, especially with a reputable company like Zenon Tour, you get a transparent, fixed price upfront. This means no surprises when it’s time to pay, and you can budget accordingly. Transfer services often include all associated costs, such as ferry fees, in the total price, so you know exactly what you're paying for from the start.
5. Safety and Professionalism
Traveling in an unfamiliar country can sometimes feel daunting, especially when it comes to transportation. With a professional transfer service, you can rest assured that your safety is a top priority. Drivers are highly trained, licensed, and experienced, ensuring a smooth and secure journey.
Transfer services also maintain their vehicles to high standards, conducting regular maintenance checks to ensure reliability and safety. You won’t have to worry about breaking down on the way or dealing with unsafe driving conditions.
Additionally, companies like Zenon Tour offer insurance coverage for their passengers, providing peace of mind throughout the journey.
6. Tailored to Your Needs
When booking a transfer service, you have the option to tailor the experience to your specific needs. Whether you require a child seat for younger travelers, extra luggage space, or special assistance for those with mobility issues, transfer services can accommodate your requests.
Unlike public transportation, which follows strict schedules and routes, private transfers offer flexibility in terms of timing and route. You can choose when you’d like to depart and ensure that the driver takes you directly to your accommodation without making multiple stops.
7. Local Knowledge and Insights
Another advantage of booking a transfer service is the added benefit of local knowledge. Many drivers are locals who know the area well and can offer valuable tips and insights about Arraial d'Ajuda and its surroundings.
Your driver can recommend local attractions, hidden gems, great restaurants, and fun activities to help you make the most of your stay. This personalized touch can make a big difference, particularly if it's your first time visiting the area.
8. Stress-Free Start to Your Vacation
Perhaps the biggest reason to book a transfer service is the peace of mind it provides. After landing in a new place, there’s always some level of stress involved in finding transportation, communicating with drivers, and making sure you’re getting a fair deal. By arranging a transfer in advance, all of these worries disappear.
From the moment you land, everything is taken care of. You’ll be picked up, assisted with your luggage, and transported directly to your accommodation without any stress or confusion. Starting your vacation in a relaxed and stress-free manner sets the tone for the rest of your trip.
9. Avoid the Language Barrier
Brazil is a Portuguese-speaking country, and if you're not fluent in the language, navigating transport options can become tricky. When you book a transfer service, you don’t have to worry about miscommunication or misunderstanding directions.
Reputable transfer companies often employ drivers who can communicate in basic English, and their booking platforms are user-friendly and available in multiple languages. This eliminates the potential for confusion when trying to arrange transportation on the spot.
10. Group Travel Made Easy
If you’re traveling with a group, arranging transportation can be a logistical challenge. Public transport may not accommodate larger groups comfortably, and getting multiple taxis can be costly and inconvenient. Transfer services allow you to book a vehicle that suits your group size, ensuring that everyone travels together in comfort.
Whether you need a van for a large family or a group of friends, transfer companies like Zenon Tour offer various vehicle options to fit your needs. This ensures that your entire party can enjoy the journey together without the hassle of coordinating separate rides. Have a peek here transfer porto seguro arraial d'ajuda
Conclusion: A Smart Choice for Stress-Free Travel
Booking a transfer service from Porto Seguro to Arraial d'Ajuda is the smart choice for travelers looking to save time, reduce stress, and enjoy a comfortable, seamless journey. Whether you're traveling solo or in a group, the convenience, reliability, and professionalism offered by transfer companies like Zenon Tour make the trip much more enjoyable.
With fixed pricing, hassle-free ferry crossings, and the added bonus of local knowledge, you can sit back, relax, and start your vacation the moment you step off the plane. So, why take chances with unpredictable transport options when you can book a transfer service and ensure a smooth start to your Arraial d'Ajuda adventure?
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portugalvia · 4 days
A Road Trip Through Portugal: The Foolproof One-Week Portugal Road Trip Checklist
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Are you planning a tour through one of Europe’s most scenic countries? Portugal is a travelers paradise with beautiful routes, beautiful historical villages, and vivid culture that is still heard to be discovered. 
So, no matter whether you are interested in the history, food or nature of this beautiful country, this Portugal road trip guide will assist you in planning a fabulous road trip in Portugal.   
A Road user Guide: Why Portugal is a Road Trip Paradise
Stunning Landscapes: However, it is a place of variety: one can find beautiful and warm beaches on the Algarve or beautiful greenhills in Douro Valley. The curves of the road are more breathtaking than the other as one can have a new experience every end of turn.
Rich Culture and History: And when it comes to the architecture and traditions Portugal has been an interesting place with centuries, castles, and colors. And each town has its own tale to tell – enriching the travel narrative.
Delicious Cuisine: We can’t forget what kind of food we are preparing for the RTC. Seafood, pastries, and wines are some of the things that you have to expect in Portugal. This is quite the case since your taste buds are definitely in for a treat with every spot that you visit!  
Best Route to Take while on a Road Trip in Portugal's
Day 1-2: Lisbon – Sightseeing & the Beach
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Start your exploration in the historic city of Lisbon that has become a beacon of history, culture and vitality. Spend a few days and go to Gerald, visit famous places including the Belem Tower and the state of Alfama. Let me place you lining the tables of the local restaurants, enjoying the bustle of the restaurants and eating the delicious Portuguese foods.
Must-See: One cannot afford to miss the Pena Palace, a beautiful castle located in Sintra, which is on a hill with a beautiful and clear view of the city.
Pro Tip: Savor travesseiros pastries at the Piriquita bakery, which was a topic of my text about Sintra. It’s a local delight!
Day 3-4: Sintra to Évora - A journey through History 
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From the beauty that is Sintra, head to Évora which is roughly a 1. 5 hours’ drive away. Évora is a city, which is on the List of UNESCO World Heritage sites and has a Roman Temple, the Cathedral of Évora and the Chapel of Bones.
Evora Highlights: Culture lovers must visit the sites such as the Templo Roman and the Cathedral of Évora. Make sure to walk around this old town looking at displayed artifacts and actually get to know the place better.
Wine Tasting in Alentejo: Of a few activities, one can visit nearby wine producers in the Alentejo region and taste the best Portuguese wines. The natural scenery and flavors are amazing such that the day produces the best results.
Day 5-6: From Évora to Lagos
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Then you should go to the Algarve, a region which has cliffs, clear sea and noisy night clubs. Lagos, a town located along the coastal region, is an ideal location through which one can enjoy the various beaches and explore around.
Beaches to Visit: You mustn’t visit Goa without the trip to Praia Dona Ana and a Ponta da Piedade which will offer you the breathtaking views of sea water and dramatic rock balancing formations. It is possible to take a boat tour to get an up close look of the sea caves.
Bonus Activity: Treat yourself to the delicious sea food in one of the restaurants that over-looks the sea. You should try sardines grilled on the barbeque!
Day 7: Metropolis Lagos to Coastal town Porto
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End your road trip at Porto, a five-hour drive away from Lagos, and described as an enchanting city. You will be spellbound with the cobblestone streets, beautiful coloured houses and great views of the river at Porto.
Porto Highlights: Take a walk along the Douro River, drop by one of Portugal’s most famous book stores – Livraria Lello, and be charmed by Ribeira District.
Port Wine Tasting: There is no Porto trip that can be complete without taking a sample or two of the locally produced Port wine. In case you want to take a stroll and visit wine cellars and have a taste, head to Vila Nova de Gaia.
Hidden Gems: History and Archaeology: 
There are those villagers that have been accorded historical significance that you really should see.
Obidos: Óbidos is a lovely well-preserved medieval village that one can just stroll around along the ancient walls. You should also not leave out Ginjinha. This is a type of cherry liqueur which you take while in a chocolate cup.
Monsaraz: Nestled on the hill with a stunning view across the Alentejo plains, Monsaraz is terribly romantic about it. It is recommended to go to the castle and watch the sunset to make a very romantic evening.
Sortelha: It is definitely worth going there to take a walk in the village with half folded streets and live in the ancient castle. It Is most suitable to walk around and do some photography.
Road Trip Essentials: Some do’s and don'ts to make your road trip a bit less stressful:
The following are some ways on how one can ensure a smooth travel trip:
Rent a Car: To determine the choice of transport for possible independence, renting a car does the best. It enables one to roam around to his/her interest without having to conform to specific routes and mechanisms.
Plan Your Route: Read this guide to avoid missing some of the best places to visit in Portugal that you would really love to visit.
Stay Connected: Download maps before you proceed with traveling and keep your GPS with you just in case you get lost in the countryside.  
Traveling from the UK? Don’t Worry Grab Your Portugal Tourist Visa Now with Hassle with Our Expert Help!
UK residents with residence permits always require a tourist visa when planning to visit Portugal, a Schengen country.
Here’s how you can book your Portugal tourist visa with us and ensure your travel goes smoothly 
Easy Online Application: You can use our services to apply for your Portugal tourist visa without leaving your comfort zone let alone leaving your seat.
Expert Assistance: Our visa consultants who will explain the process to you make sure that you have all the paperwork in place.
Fast Processing: We want to ensure you receive your visa as soon as possible eliminating the need for you to spend time worrying about the visa.
Travel Insurance and Support: Apart from visa, we also provide insurance and assistance for travel medical insurance which will suffice for all your travels.
While you complete an online form, our team will do everything else. Apply for a Portugal tourist visa with us today and get prepared for a hassle-free full of fun, exciting Portugal trip.
A discovery of Portugal by car is one of the most exciting activities that will make a tourist’s trip both enjoyable and productive. Whether one is enjoying a scenic road trip with their car in the city of Faro on the Algarve coast, or tasting a glass of wine in the city of Porto, Portugal is a travel enthusiasts’ paradise. So, follow this guide closely so that you can have a checklist of what to do in order not to miss any fun in your trip and have lots of fun to remember for the rest of your life. Therefore, take your map, adjust your seat belt and let’s drive through the picturesque landscape and amazing sites of Portugal!
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dougrobyngoold · 1 year
Last Morning in France, Late Flight to Porto - Bordeaux, France & Porto, Portugal
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We had a late afternoon flight to Porto, Portugal today and we had to be out of our Airbnb in Bordeaux by 11:00. So we packed up and spent a few hours exploring a bit more of Bordeaux. Click on the ALT to get descriptions of the pictures!
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We finished our time in Bordeaux with a cold beer at a Scottish pub! I think we were "wined out". We would definitely come back for another visit to this beautiful city - there is a lot to see and do. Also, the people we met were very friendly and welcoming.
Our experience flying out of Bordeaux was a bit of an adventure. We arrived at the airport and needed to check in. The check-in board told us to go to check-in desk #59 - we only saw numbers going up to 24 and no signs that told us where the other desks were. We finally got in line at an Iberia desk (not the airline we were flying, but they had the shortest luggage-drop line) and the guy told us that we had to go to the Bilbi building to check in. So we followed the Bilbi signs and finally got to the right location and checked in without any problems. The clerk there told us that we had to go back to the main terminal to get to our gate. We headed back and went through the security point - what a mess that was! You had to take all electronics out of your bags AND they were making EVERYONE re-bag their liquids into a zip-lock bag that they provided. That took a minute! Adding to the confusion and back-up, every other person going through the scanner was setting it off. So they had a line of people that were waiting to be patted down by the security personnel, who had to wait on the non-screened side of the scanner, as well as the line of people waiting to go through the scanner. On top of that, it was extremely hot in the security area - we were very happy to finally make our way through all of that. We then had to walk a ways out to our gate, only to find that area to have no seating area - people were laid out on the floor everywhere! They finally started letting people board, but what they really did was just move us all into another area inside the terminal. After another 15 minutes of waiting, they finally let us get on the airplane. Good grief! It seems that the volume of people flying in and out of Bordeaux has overwhelmed their airport! On to Porto!
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We arrived safely to our Airbnb in Porto, always an adventure to navigate the public transportation when all the information/signs are in another language! We checked in to our Airbnb, dumped off our backpacks, and made a quick trip to the local market for food and wine. We enjoyed a little wine, cheese, and bread on our rooftop terrace. We then watched the sun set over Porto - ready to do a little exploring tomorrow.
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Underrated Travel Destinations: Hidden Gems You Need to Visit
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Traveling to popular destinations is always exciting, but sometimes the best adventures are found off the beaten path. If you're seeking a unique experience away from the crowds, consider exploring these underrated travel destinations. From charming towns to stunning landscapes, these hidden gems offer unforgettable experiences and a refreshing break from typical tourist spots.
1. Ghent, Belgium: A Fairytale City
Often overshadowed by nearby Bruges, Ghent is a medieval city brimming with history and charm. Wander through its cobblestone streets, visit the majestic Gravensteen Castle, and take a serene boat ride along the canals. Ghent also boasts vibrant cultural scenes, including lively markets and contemporary art galleries. With fewer tourists and rich local culture, Ghent provides an authentic Belgian experience.
2. Lucca, Italy: The Tuscany Secret
While Florence and Rome dominate Italy’s travel scene, Lucca offers a quieter, equally enchanting alternative. This Tuscan gem is known for its well-preserved Renaissance walls that encircle the city. Enjoy a leisurely bike ride on the historic ramparts, explore the picturesque streets lined with charming boutiques, and savor local Italian delicacies at cozy trattorias. Lucca’s peaceful ambiance and stunning architecture make it a perfect destination for a relaxed Italian getaway.
3. Hvar, Croatia: A Mediterranean Paradise
Hvar may not be as famous as Dubrovnik or Split, but it’s a hidden treasure on Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast. This beautiful island offers crystal-clear waters, lush landscapes, and a vibrant nightlife. Explore the historic town of Hvar, relax on pristine beaches, and visit the picturesque Pakleni Islands just offshore. With its combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage, Hvar promises a memorable Mediterranean escape.
4. Tbilisi, Georgia: The Cultural Crossroads
Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, is a city that blends ancient traditions with modern vibrancy. Its colorful architecture, historic churches, and bustling markets provide a fascinating cultural experience. Wander through the charming Old Town, soak in the sulfur baths, and sample traditional Georgian cuisine, including khachapuri (cheese-filled bread) and khinkali (dumplings). Tbilisi’s unique charm and rich history make it an intriguing destination for curious travelers.
5. Porto, Portugal: The Quaint Alternative
While Lisbon often captures the spotlight, Porto is a lesser-known Portuguese city that’s worth exploring. Known for its stunning riverfront, historic Ribeira district, and world-famous port wine, Porto offers a more relaxed and intimate travel experience. Visit the Livraria Lello, one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world, stroll across the iconic Dom Luís I Bridge, and enjoy the local cuisine at one of Porto’s many charming restaurants.
6. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: The Heart of Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital, is often overlooked by travelers, but it offers a unique glimpse into Mongolian culture and history. Visit the Gandan Monastery, the largest and most important monastery in Mongolia, and explore the National Museum of Mongolia to learn about the country’s rich heritage. For a truly adventurous experience, venture beyond the city to explore Mongolia’s stunning landscapes, including the Gobi Desert and the vast steppes.
7. Puebla, Mexico: A Culinary and Cultural Delight
Puebla, located in central Mexico, is a city that’s often overshadowed by Mexico City and Cancun but offers a wealth of cultural and culinary experiences. Known for its beautiful colonial architecture and vibrant tiles, Puebla is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s also famous for its delicious cuisine, including mole poblano, a rich and flavorful sauce that’s a local specialty. Puebla’s combination of history, art, and food makes it a fascinating destination.
8. Baku, Azerbaijan: The Modern Marvel
Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, is a modern city with a unique blend of futuristic architecture and rich cultural heritage. The Flame Towers, a trio of skyscrapers that light up the night sky, contrast with the historic Old City (Icherisheher), where you can explore ancient landmarks like the Maiden Tower. Baku’s bustling nightlife, vibrant arts scene, and stunning waterfront make it a dynamic destination for travelers seeking something different.
9. Arequipa, Peru: The White City
Often overshadowed by Machu Picchu, Arequipa is a charming city in southern Peru known for its beautiful colonial architecture and stunning volcanic scenery. The city’s historic center, built from white sillar stone, gives it the nickname “The White City.” Visit the Santa Catalina Monastery, explore the bustling Mercado San Camilo, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding volcanoes. Arequipa offers a more tranquil and culturally rich alternative to Peru’s more famous destinations.
10. Matera, Italy: The Ancient Cave City
Matera, located in southern Italy, is one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities. Its unique cave dwellings, known as Sassi, are carved into the limestone cliffs and offer a glimpse into ancient life. Matera’s narrow streets, historic churches, and stunning views make it a captivating destination. As a UNESCO World Heritage site and European Capital of Culture 2019, Matera provides a blend of history, culture, and incredible scenery.
Exploring underrated travel destinations allows you to experience the world from a different perspective. These hidden gems offer unique cultures, stunning landscapes, and a more personal travel experience away from the usual tourist crowds. Whether you’re looking for historical charm, natural beauty, or culinary delights, these lesser-known spots promise memorable adventures and a chance to discover the world’s hidden treasures.
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adaptiveus · 16 days
Top Industries Hiring Business Analysts in Porto, Portugal
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Porto, the second-largest city in Portugal, has emerged as a thriving hub for business and technology in recent years. With its growing economy and burgeoning tech scene, the demand for skilled Business Analysts has seen a significant uptick. These professionals play a crucial role in bridging the gap between business needs and technological solutions, making them indispensable across various industries in Porto’s dynamic business landscape.
Key Takeaways:
Porto’s business landscape is evolving, creating numerous opportunities for Business Analysts
IT, Financial Services, E-commerce, Healthcare, and Manufacturing are the top industries hiring Business Analysts
Technical skills, soft skills, and industry-specific knowledge are essential for success in this field
Salaries for Business Analysts in Porto range from entry-level to competitive senior positions
Several local and international companies are actively recruiting Business Analysts in Porto
Various training and certification options are available for aspiring Business Analysts
Table of Contents:
Top Industries Hiring Business Analysts in Porto
Key Skills Required for Business Analysts in Porto
Salary Ranges and Career Prospects
Notable Companies Hiring Business Analysts in Porto
Training and Certification Options
Top Industries Hiring Business Analysts in Porto
IT and Software Development Porto’s thriving tech ecosystem has created a surge in demand for Business Analysts within the IT and software development sector. Companies in this industry require professionals who can translate business requirements into technical specifications, facilitate communication between stakeholders, and drive digital transformation initiatives. Business Analysts in this field often work on projects involving business intelligence, data analysis, and process improvement.
Financial Services and Banking The financial services sector in Porto has been growing steadily, attracting both local and international banks and fintech companies. Business Analysts in this industry play a vital role in improving financial processes, implementing new technologies, and ensuring regulatory compliance. They often work on projects related to risk management, fraud detection, and customer experience enhancement.
E-commerce and Retail With the rise of online shopping and digital retail experiences, Porto has seen a significant increase in e-commerce businesses. Business Analysts in this sector focus on optimizing online platforms, analyzing customer behavior, and improving supply chain management. They often collaborate with data analysts to derive insights from sales data and recommend strategies for business growth.
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals Porto’s healthcare and pharmaceutical industries have been expanding, creating opportunities for Business Analysts with expertise in healthcare analytics and process improvement. These professionals work on projects such as implementing electronic health record systems, optimizing patient care processes, and analyzing healthcare data to improve overall service delivery.
Manufacturing and Industrial Porto’s manufacturing sector, including traditional industries and emerging technologies, requires Business Analysts to streamline operations and drive innovation. In this field, Business Analysts often work on projects involving supply chain optimization, quality control processes, and implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies.
Key Skills Required for Business Analysts in Porto
Technical Skills:
Proficiency in data analysis tools (e.g., Excel, SQL, Power BI)
Understanding of business intelligence concepts
Knowledge of project management methodologies
Familiarity with IT systems and software development processes
Soft Skills:
Strong communication and presentation skills
Problem-solving and critical thinking abilities
Stakeholder management and negotiation skills
Adaptability and willingness to learn new technologies
Industry-specific Knowledge:
Understanding of industry trends and challenges
Familiarity with relevant regulations and compliance requirements
Knowledge of specific business processes within the industry
Salary Ranges and Career Prospects
Business Analysts in Porto can expect competitive salaries, with ranges varying based on experience and industry. According to local job market data:
Entry-level Business Analysts: €25,000 — €35,000 per year
Mid-level Business Analysts: €35,000 — €50,000 per year
Senior Business Analysts: €50,000 — €70,000+ per year
Career growth opportunities for Business Analysts in Porto are abundant, with possibilities to advance to roles such as Senior Business Analyst, Product Owner, or Project Manager. Many professionals also transition into specialized roles in data analytics or IT consulting as they gain experience and expertise.
Notable Companies Hiring Business Analysts in Porto
Local Firms:
Farfetch: A leading luxury fashion platform with a significant presence in Porto
BLIP: A software development company known for its innovative projects
Sonae: A multinational company with diverse business interests, including retail and telecommunications
International Corporations:
Bosch: The global technology company has a strong presence in Porto, hiring Business Analysts for various projects
Deloitte: The professional services firm offers opportunities for Business Analysts in its Porto office
PwC: Another major consulting firm with a growing presence in Porto
Accenture: The global consulting giant has been expanding its operations in Porto, creating opportunities for Business Analysts
Training and Certification Options
Local Programs:
Porto Business School offers courses in business analytics and digital transformation
University of Porto provides postgraduate programs in business intelligence and analytics
Online Courses:
Adaptive US: Offers comprehensive IIBA certification preparation courses for aspiring Business Analysts
Ed2Go: Provides online Business Analyst courses with flexible scheduling options
IRM Training: Offers specialized training in business analysis and requirements engineering
Simplilearn: Provides a range of Business Analyst certification courses with industry-relevant curriculum
The future outlook for Business Analysts in Porto is bright, with continued growth expected across various industries. As businesses in Porto continue to embrace digital transformation and data-driven decision-making, the demand for skilled Business Analysts is likely to increase further.
To land a Business Analyst job in Porto, professionals should focus on developing a strong skill set, gaining relevant industry experience, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies. Networking within Porto’s business community and obtaining relevant certifications can also significantly enhance job prospects in this competitive field.
Call to Action: Ready to kickstart your career as a Business Analyst in Porto? Explore Adaptive US’s comprehensive IIBA certification preparation courses to gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed. Visit https://www.adaptiveus.com/business-analyst/ to learn more and take the first step towards your dream career!
What qualifications do I need to become a Business Analyst in Porto? A: Most employers in Porto look for candidates with a bachelor’s degree in business, computer science, or a related field. Additionally, certifications such as IIBA-CBAP or PMI-PBA can enhance your credentials.
Are language skills important for Business Analysts in Porto? A: While many international companies in Porto use English as their primary business language, proficiency in Portuguese can be a significant advantage, especially when working with local clients and stakeholders.
How can I gain practical experience as a Business Analyst in Porto? A: Consider internships, part-time roles, or volunteering for local startups or non-profit organizations to gain hands-on experience in business analysis.
What are the most in-demand technical skills for Business Analysts in Porto? A:Proficiency in data analysis tools, knowledge of SQL, and familiarity with business intelligence platforms are highly valued in Porto’s job market.
How does the work culture for Business Analysts in Porto compare to other European cities? A: Porto offers a balanced work culture with a focus on innovation and work-life balance. The city’s growing tech scene provides a dynamic and collaborative environment for Business Analysts.
Porto City Council Economic Data: https://www.cm-porto.pt/
Portugal Tech Hub Report: https://www.portugaltech.org/
IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis): https://www.iiba.org/
For more information on business analysis and career opportunities, visit:
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rabbitcruiser · 18 days
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National Port Wine Day
National Port Wine Day, observed annually on the 10th of September, is a magnificent occasion to pay tribute to the rich history and exceptional qualities of Portugal’s renowned Port wine. To truly grasp the intricacies of this celebrated wine, one must journey through time to explore its fascinating origin and evolution. While wine has been an integral part of Portuguese culture for centuries, the distinct category of Port wine, as we know it today, took shape during the 17th century, a period deeply entwined with Portugal’s burgeoning trade relationship with England.
A Journey Through Time: The Origin and Evolution of Port Wine
The emergence of Port wine was precipitated by a surge in Portuguese wine exports to England, driven by the increased tariffs on French wine imposed by Louis XV. English merchants sought an alternative for the English market, leading to a shift in demand towards Portuguese wine. This shift gave rise to a well-established trade route connecting the Douro Valley in Portugal to England, with the city of Port emerging as a pivotal hub for wine merchants. Historical records dating back to 1678 mark the inception of this significant trade. To preserve the wine’s quality during its long voyage to England, a small amount of brandy was added to “fortify” it, a practice closely related to the modern process of Port wine production.
The Birth of Port Wine: A Taste of Trade and Tradition
The historic Taylor’s Porto, founded in 1692 by English merchant Job Bearsley, played a crucial role in shaping the history of Port wine. Portuguese caravels and later cargo ships traversed the waters around Port, Viana do Castelo, and Monção, distributing the premium-quality “Port Wine” across Europe. This visionary endeavor, passed down through generations, transformed Taylor’s Port into a timeless classic of European wines, cherished by both the nobility and commoners.
Taylor’s Port: Shaping the Legacy of Port Wine
Porto wine is traditionally served in dedicated Porto wine glasses, smaller in size than standard wine glasses due to the wine’s higher alcohol content. The ideal serving temperature hovers just below room temperature, at around 16°C. Some varieties of Porto can also be enjoyed over ice, making them a refreshing choice for warm summer days in Porto. The extraordinary qualities of Porto wine shine when paired with robust, flavorful accompaniments such as blue cheese and smoked barbecue meats. It also serves as a delectable dessert wine, harmonizing beautifully with cakes and desserts infused with chocolate and caramel.
National Port Wine Day
National Port Wine Day is more than just a wine celebration; it’s a grand occasion filled with festive merriment. On this day, wine enthusiasts, locals, and tourists converge on the charming streets of Port, the heart of Port wine production, to revel in the festivities. The city comes alive with vibrant parades, live music, and street performances that pay homage to the rich cultural heritage of Port wine. Visitors can indulge in tastings and wine-pairing events, where they can explore the diverse flavors and nuances of Port wines, from the fruity and sweet to the rich and robust. The jovial atmosphere resonates in the air as people raise their glasses in toasts to the centuries-old tradition of Port wine, forging a deeper connection with this exquisite libation. It’s a day when the spirit of celebration merges harmoniously with the elegance of Port wine, creating an unforgettable experience for all who partake in the festivities.
National Port Wine Day is a cherished occasion that not only celebrates the rich history and exceptional qualities of Portugal’s iconic Port wine but also pays homage to the centuries-old tradition of winemaking that has made Port a vital hub in the world of wine. The evolution of Port wine, from its inception in the 17th century as a result of trade dynamics with England to its present-day prominence, is a testament to the enduring legacy of this fine libation. Whether enjoyed as an aperitif, paired with savory delights, or savored as a dessert wine, Port wine continues to captivate the palates of connoisseurs and newcomers alike. On this day, the streets of Port burst with the spirit of celebration, where locals and visitors alike unite in appreciation of the exceptional qualities that make Port wine an integral part of Portugal’s cultural heritage. National Port Wine Day not only commemorates the past but also toasts to the future of this timeless elixir.
1. When is National Port Wine Day celebrated?
National Port Wine Day is celebrated every year on the 10th of September.
2. What is the significance of National Port Wine Day?
This day serves as an occasion to pay tribute to the rich history and exceptional qualities of Portugal's iconic Port wine, as well as to celebrate the centuries-old tradition of winemaking in Port.
3. How did Port wine originate?
Port wine, as we recognize it today, took shape during the 17th century due to the growing trade relationship between Portugal and England. The surge in Portuguese wine exports to England, driven by increased tariffs on French wine, led to the emergence of Port wine.
4. What is the role of Taylor's Port in Port wine history?
Taylor's Port, established in 1692 by English merchant Job Bearsley, played a crucial role in shaping the history of Port wine. It became a classic of European wines, distributed across Europe on Portuguese caravels and cargo ships.
5. How is Port wine traditionally served and paired with food?
Port wine is typically served in smaller Port wine glasses at just below room temperature, around 16°C. It can be enjoyed over ice on warm days. It pairs well with robust accompaniments like blue cheese and smoked barbecue meats, or it can be savored as a dessert wine with chocolate and caramel-infused desserts.
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