#Port of Hull
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megaspeedcargo · 6 months ago
The UK, an island nation with a rich maritime history, is home to some of the busiest and most significant sea ports in the world. These ports are crucial gateways for global trade, facilitating the import and export of goods, including vehicles, machinery, consumer goods, and much more.
If you’re looking to transport your cargo, particularly from Dubai, understanding the major sea ports in the UK can greatly enhance your logistics planning.
At MegaSpeed Cargo, one of the Best Car Shipping Companies in Dubai and a leading Dubai Logistics Company, we offer seamless shipping solutions to and from the UK’s major ports, ensuring your cargo reaches its destination efficiently and safely.
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dasr12 · 10 months ago
being treated gently by the scrap-processing line of a sentient spaceship.
pumped through her pipes, orienting yourself by the residual heat of nearby furnaces turned off in advance of your arrival.
held still to the conveyors by the picker-arms while the scanner-arms and the feeler-arms do their work, have their fun. they're not meant for this, but it feels like they know what they're doing!
dazed & glowing, already getting crammed into another section of tubing. it's smooth & narrow, and a timid suction pump somewhere starts to pull you up. this ship has spin-gravity, so unintuitively, you're really being pulled to her core.
then, being caught by the trash compactor. cleaned out & filled with softer things for you, no doubt by the computer's own elusive puppet-drones; nobody is allowed access here. this machine is capable of crushing steel, but it holds you only so tight that you feel its hunger. squeezes you til you can't forget it. you'd better settle in.
once she's satisfied and the pressure lets up, you're rescued from the pit by a funny little drone. it leads you through low-gravity back-corridors and maintenance shafts until there's no gravity left. here, though, you're never too far from something to grab, so floating isn't so bad. float on into the computer core and let her see that you made it through unharmed. then stay a while, flip some switches if you wish
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years ago
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Shipping in the Port of Hull, by William Whitehand (1941-)
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loki-zen · 2 years ago
a thought vaguely around modern SJ-inflected Takes on History:
The part of England that I come from is, broadly speaking, where they put the factories that used the cotton that was picked by the slaves. Although we are geographically distant from where American Chattel Slavery’s worst horrors were committed, our economic history is intimately bound up with that slave trade.
And it made some people rich!
But the average conditions for someone in the north of England who was ‘benefiting’ (in that their work was created by) the slave trade at that time were such that “they were not as bad as the conditions of chattel slaves” is true both literally and in its implications of damning with extremely faint praise.
It was quite reasonable for certain workers’ rights proponents/abolitionists to frame northern factory workers and american slaves as two groups of people being exploited, murdered, maimed and immiserated to generate wealth for some third set of people altogether. “The industrial north enjoyed an economic boon facilitated by the slave trade” is also not an unreasonable statement; they’re not mutually exclusive.
It’s just.. ‘if you must think of people in terms of categories it is at least useful to try on different lenses that let you divide up people in different ways’ is perhaps something adjacent to my point
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hedge-rambles · 9 months ago
Secret third (fourth?) option: define "country". Because the UK is a confusing state (pun intended) that is a country made up of four countries.
So on one definition, yes, I can be in another country in about 40 minutes by car, or hour and a half by bus and train.
But on the other, no, it's over five hours just to get to Ireland.
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punkshort · 2 months ago
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Protect and Honor
Pairing: Marcus Acacius x f!reader
Summary: Marcus Acacius promised his best friend he would look after his wife if he ever perished in battle. What he didn't expect was to fall in love.
Warnings: OC death (reader's husband), grief, descriptions of battle/wounds/blood, guilt, angst, smut (18+ MDNI), unprotected piv sex, dry humping, cum eating, pining, language
WC: 6.6K
dividers by @/saradika-graphics
The entire city of Rome slept when the army returned. Warships quietly entered the port with another victory to announce, along with countless lifeless bodies in the hulls. Tomorrow, the emperors would rejoice, filling the streets and arena with games, wine, and laughter. But many families would be in mourning over the loss of fathers, brothers, children, and husbands.
It was those families Acacius thought about when he stood in between the young leaders of Rome, accepting praise and applause for leading those brave men into battle, then leaving their loved ones with holes in their hearts.
It wasn't unusual for him to feel burdened with responsibility and grief when he returned from war, but this time was especially painful because he lost someone very important: Antonius Sattius. His right hand man in battle, and his close friend since he was a boy. The man he celebrated with when he was married one year prior was now carefully carried from his ship, body draped in clean linen and emblazoned with gold.
His heart felt heavy in his chest as he made his way up the winding road to your modest home. Even though it was the middle of the night, he couldn't fathom not telling you the news right away. You deserved to know directly from him and not rumors that would inevitably flow through the streets at first light.
He knocked on your door, then stood with his head bowed and his hands clasped firmly at his waist. He wore his amour, although now clean, out of respect. His muscles were weary and everything ached, yet the thought of his own soft bed was distant in his mind when you swung open the door a moment later with a small lantern in your hand.
His head lifted and he met your gaze, eyes filled with sorrow, and watched while your expression changed from confusion to despair when you realized the reason he was alone at your door in the middle of the night.
"My lady, may I come in?"
Your lower lip trembled when you nodded and stepped aside, allowing his hulking frame to engulf your small sitting room as you hurried to light some candles with shaking hands.
"Was it quick?" you asked with your back to him. He nodded, standing stoically next to your furniture.
"Yes. He did not suffer."
Flashes of your husband's bloodied, dirt streaked face clouded his vision. He remembered voices shouting, swords clanging, and distant cries of pain as he hunched over Antonius's body, searching for signs of life.
You sighed and turned to face him, silent tears staining your cheeks, then slumped into a chair.
"Please, sit."
He relented and chose to sit across from you, perched on the edge of his seat, poised and ready but for what, he did not know. He watched you stare down at your tangled fingers in your lap, giving you time to process your loss.
"How will I ever go on? What am I going to do?" you whispered softly. Marcus pursed his lips, his heart breaking.
"I shall help you with anything you may need," he said. "I made a promise to him long ago. He was able to die with peace in his heart, knowing you would be watched over."
You gave him a weak smile. "And what was he to do for you, Acacius, if you had fallen first?" you asked. "No wife. No children. I have never heard you speak of family."
"He was my family," Marcus replied. "He promised to return my body to Rome, to be buried next to my mother and father."
You nodded solemnly and looked around the candlelit room. He could see the anguish flitting across your face as you tried to reconcile with the new life you would have come morning.
"If I had a choice, I would have taken his place."
"Do not say that," you said firmly. You narrowed your watery eyes at him and he fell silent. "We lost him for a reason. The gods - they have their reasons. Perhaps one day, we will discover what those are."
He held your gaze for a moment, a heaviness hanging in the air between you until the tears began to spill down your face and your vision blurred. Without considering decorum, Marcus stood and crossed the room to sit by your side. Tentatively, he reached for your hand, and you eagerly took it before leaning into his shoulder to sob quietly. All the while, Marcus sat strong beside you, letting you cry yourself out until your body sagged and your eyes could no longer remain open.
You didn't ask him to stay and he didn't ask permission. Once you disappeared into your bedroom, he removed his armor and made himself as comfortable as possible on your lounging chair before crossing his arms and willing himself to sleep.
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The following morning you weren't surprised to hear Marcus stirring in your sitting room, no doubt being woken up by the two girls you had employed to assist with meals and laundry. A luxury, you realized, you would likely have to forgo as a widow.
You wrapped yourself in a fresh stola and splashed some water on your puffy face, trying to make yourself look halfway decent before exiting your bedroom. Marcus was just securing his armor when he turned to face you.
"I hope you were able to rest," he said. You saw some movement from the kitchen and your gaze slid over his shoulder to the two sets of eyes peering around the door. The girls saw you and quickly disappeared, but it didn't stop your face from warming when you realized they must have been whispering about Marcus being in your home so early in the morning.
"Some, yes," you replied. You swallowed thickly and stretched your arm towards the dining area. "Would you join me before you leave?"
"Of course, thank you," Marcus said, straightening his spine and following you into the room to sit at your table, where the two servants had already begun to place some food.
After you had filled your plates, you ate in silence, the only sound coming from the cleaning being done in the kitchen. As you stared down at your plate, you felt your stomach churn. The thought of eating while your husband lied dead somewhere in the city made you sick.
"What happens now?" you asked. Marcus set his fork down to look at you. "His body? Where is it? What do I need to do?"
"I was hoping to take some of his clothes to the mortuary while I am here," he said. "Whatever you prefer he be buried in, of course. If it is too much, I can assist in planning the ceremony."
"I do not wish to make a spectacle of it," you told him. "Antonius would not have cared for that."
"I will be sure to keep it small. The men will understand."
Marcus kept his promise. He planned most of the ceremony on your behalf and even stood valiantly at your side the entire time. He supplied the two coins for you to place upon your husband's closed eyes, then led you back home. You cried more tears you ever thought possible in the eight days you spent mourning while soldiers came to pay their respects in small groups, all the while Marcus sat by your side like a pillar of strength.
Once the typical mourning period passed, you expected Marcus to go back to his life where he might occasionally check in on you to uphold his promise, but to your surprise, he stopped by your home every day. It wasn't always the same time of day, nor for the same length of time, but every single day for months, you saw one another.
Eventually, you fell into a routine once a week where he would escort you to the markets. With your basket looped around one arm and your other hand tucked into the crook of his elbow, you meandered down the street together, wandering slowly from stall to stall until you gathered all the goods you needed for the week.
"I wish you would have kept the girls," Marcus told you for the third time that week. "I would have paid-"
"It was not about money," you reminded him, picking up a ripe piece of fruit and testing the firmness between your fingers. "It was unnecessary, I told you this already. What do I need servants for? To cook food for one? I hired them in anticipation of having children. My dream of being a mother is gone."
"You could remarry."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes before placing the fruit back and moving on.
"You know as well as I that suitors look for an untouched woman," you said quietly so that you couldn't be overheard.
Marcus remained silent by your side as you continued to stroll. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining but it wasn't terribly hot, and there was a slight breeze in the air, bringing with it the scent of lemon trees from a nearby orchard. You were about to open your mouth to remark on the perfect weather when Marcus spoke.
"I could help you find a suitor."
You twisted around and looked up at him in surprise. The sun glistened off his tanned, battle-scared face, his dark eyes gazing down at you without the faintest glimmer of humor.
"You are serious."
"If you like," he said, "I know there are some higher ranking officers who are still unwed. I would never bring any man who Antonius would not approve of."
The idea of moving on left you speechless. It was something you knew you should do, that otherwise you would live a long and lonely life, but it still unsettled you.
"Perhaps," you said slowly, then looked away. Marcus noticed your discomfort and patted your hand.
"If you are not ready, we can wait."
You nodded, pinching your lips together as you pretended to look at some flowers.
"And what of you, Acacius?" you asked, changing the subject. "Are you searching for a bride?"
Marcus chuckled and shook his head. "I fear the emperors have chosen war as my betrothed. It was a rare act of kindness they have allowed me this time of rest and mourning."
Your heart clenched in your chest, realizing for the first time that some day soon, Marcus would be sent off to a faraway land once again, leaving you all alone. Suddenly, the perfect weather and the sounds of the market was not enough to keep a smile on your face. You struggled to make sense of the mixed emotions you were feeling but did your best to shrug them off and carry on.
What you didn't realize that right next to you, Marcus was wrestling with the same uncertainty.
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Just as you both expected but didn't want to acknowledge, three weeks later Marcus received word he was to lead Rome's army across the sea to conquer yet another distant city. When you heard the soft knock at your door far too early one morning, you sat up in bed, dread filling your chest.
With a cloak wrapped tightly around you, you slowly padded towards your door, only opening it timidly after taking a deep, shaky breath.
Marcus stood on the other side, clad in his black battle armor with a look of regret once again. Your heart sank as you tried not to slump against the doorframe.
"Come in," you said meekly. He nodded, jaw tense, and stepped inside your home the same way he had been every day for six months, only this time he set his sword by the door and turned to address you.
"I have my orders," he began, "I will be gone for a month or two, but I have asked a trusted retired general to check in on you in my absence."
You nodded and blinked away the tears that welled up in your eyes, but you weren't quick enough. Two fell down your cheeks and your lower lip quivered when his face softened and he stepped forward.
"Be brave," he murmured, cupping your jaw and swiping the tears away with his thumb. It was the most intimate thing he had done since you have known him. "I will return and escort you to the market in no time. Until then, do try to stay out of trouble. I do not want Julius to write of you injuring yourself chasing after the crows in your garden again."
You laughed as more tears spilled down your face. "I will try."
He smiled down warmly at you, eyes scanning your face and palm still cradling your jaw. You both felt something shift in that moment. The air grew thicker when your eyes met and your heart flipped when his gaze briefly fell to your lips. Your fingers itched to touch him, to pull him close and dispel of the gap between you, but you hesitated. Unknowingly, Marcus was doing the very same, swallowing nervously at the butterflies in his stomach, something he hadn't felt in years with a woman. But neither of you acted on your feelings, for the ghost of your husband still lingered in the room.
You cleared your throat and gently took his hand, the one that was pressed against your cheek, and pulled it down to hang between you.
"Please try not to die."
Marcus grinned and the air in the room instantly lifted.
"I will try."
Begrudgingly, he let go of your hand and took a step back. "I will return before you know it. And when I do," he said, bending to pick up his sword, "I expect to be inundated with all the exciting rumors around the city, first thing."
You bit your lower lip and swiped the back of your had across your cheek.
"I promise."
Marcus gave you one last lingering glance before forcing his feet to move. You watched with a heavy heart as he made his way down your walk, towards the road, towards the direction of the sea. From where you stood, you could just see the tops of the warships, their sails already fluffed in the dimness of the sliver of sun peaking over the horizon.
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As it turned out, Julius was quite good company. He was old enough to have all grey hair and deep wrinkles around his eyes. He walked with a limp, which was assisted by a cane he had whittled when he was a much younger man. He would share a meal with you or sit in your garden a couple times a week, and he would tell you stories of war, his family, and the exciting adventures he had experienced throughout his long life.
"My wife passed on three years ago," he told you one morning while you watched the sun break through the clouds and warm up your vegetable garden, which was growing at a substantial rate. "She had grown quite ill for a long time. She suffered greatly, and it broke my heart to not be able to ease her burden."
You frowned and gently took his hand in yours. "I am so sorry, Julius. But I am sure she was grateful for every moment she had with you."
He smiled at you, yellowing teeth peeking out behind his lips.
"We had a lovely life together. I feel such sadness that you and Antonius were not afforded the same luxury."
"As do I," you sighed, then turned to look back out at your peaceful little garden. "But the time we had together was good. He was a kind and strong man. Marcus told me once in this very garden how he died. That he was saving the life of a young, scared soldier. He sacrificed himself for that young man, because that was the type of soul he had. Always looking out for others."
Julius ignored your slip of the tongue, using Marcus's informal name, and instead hummed quietly next to you as he considered your words.
"He sounds as though he would want you to find another," he said after a beat. "Am I wrong?"
You shrugged and fiddled nervously with the hem of your tunic.
"I suppose he would."
"So... will you allow yourself to find happiness once again?"
You pressed your lips together, gaze falling to your lap. "I would like to, but..."
You trailed off, cheeks burning from guilt. Julius gave you a moment before he spoke again.
"Do not tell me you cannot find any suitors. You are a beautiful woman."
You laughed and shook your head.
"I have not been interested in seeking out a courtship," you said, but Julius could hear the hesitation in your voice. Slowly, realization dawned on him.
"Acacius is a good man."
You whipped your head to the side, eyes wide with shock. "What are you implying?"
Julius shrugged. "He told me he has been here to visit you every day since the passing of your husband. He knows much about you, about your life. Spoke to me for what felt like hours before he left."
"Well, yes, he has been assisting me due to a past obligation he promised my husband," you assured him, sitting up straight.
"And what if he has been assisting you simply because he enjoys your company?" Julius asked. "That, perhaps, something has grown amongst the anguish, tethering his heart to your doorstep?"
You sputtered in surprise, struggling to come up with something to say. Julius just chuckled and patted your leg before standing.
"I am simply an old man," he told you, grabbing his cane and putting all his weight on the wood. "But I have experienced love. Despite what you may think, Acacius cares deeply for you, of that I am certain. And I do believe you feel the same for him."
He left you frozen on the worn bench in your garden, mind reeling and heart fluttering wildly in your chest. He spoke the very words you wished you could admit. Even in the solitude of your home, you could never say just how much you had grown to care for Marcus. And now that the words were out there, floating around in the summer breeze, you couldn't think about anything else.
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Marcus had been gone nearly three months. Not one. Not two. But three whole months. Fear gripped your throat every passing day until finally you were walking along the shore one morning and far off in the distance, you could see the ships on the horizon. They were just a handful of black triangles, but you couldn't stop grinning. As each hour passed, they got closer and closer, pulling in groups of people all day long to watch, but they were so far away that by the time the sun set, all had retreated to their homes. It was too dark to watch the ships arrive, and citizens knew there would be a celebration in the morning, so everybody chose to go home and rest.
Everybody except for you.
You sat on the shore, the sea breeze whipping through your hair and cutting across your cheeks. You shivered from the spray of the ocean but you stood your post valiantly. When the first of the ships reached the docks, you stood and bounced nervously from foot to foot, yet still kept your distance.
It took nearly an hour for the ships to unload, but even in the darkness of night with only the dull flames from their lanterns to guide them, you saw a flash of bright red and your hands clamped excitedly over your mouth.
He was home. He lived and he was safe.
He was calling out orders to his men and ushering workers onto the ships to assist with the fallen and injured soldiers, his red cape draped around his broad shoulders, billowing in the wind. When he turned away to walk up the dock, head hung low and bones likely weary from battle, you couldn't hold back any longer.
His head snapped up and his eyes locked onto you immediately. Instantly, his face brightened and he smiled wide. His pace quickened to reach you and yours did the same until you finally found yourselves standing just a mere foot away, gazing up at his tired but happy face.
Neither of you knew what to say. Instead, you both let your eyes rake up and down the other, examining each other for any differences or maybe just to confirm it wasn't all a dream.
"You did not die," you breathed, both of you laughing.
"I did not," he said, smile still stretched across his face. A shiver shot down your spine at the sight of him, all tall and imposing and real. He quickly shed himself of his cape and wrapped it around your shoulders, pulling you close against his armor and breathing you in.
"You smell of the sea. How long have you been here?"
"All day," you confessed, already feeling warmer. He tutted under his breath and nodded towards the sleeping city.
"I will walk you home and tomorrow, we shall celebrate."
You allowed him to lead you through the streets, listening to him tell you tales, but none of battle. He told you of the different animals he saw, about a terrible storm that gripped the army for three straight days, and how a drunken solider swore up and down he spotted a mermaid and had the whole ship poking fun at him for the remainder of the voyage.
You walked past the statue of him that was erected in the center of the city after his last victory and you grinned.
"I have not seen you in so long, I began to think this is what you looked like."
Marcus rolled his eyes and tugged you closer. "I am sorry it took longer than expected. I trust Julius kept you in good company?"
"He was wonderful," you told him honestly, then nervously added, "but I would have preferred you."
If it wasn't so dark, you would have seen his face flush.
"I have been told we will remain home for several months now," Marcus told you. "Emperor Geta has sought a bride. He wishes to spend the next few months planning a wedding. It sounds as though his bloodlust has been assuaged for now."
"Ah, so you are saying I get you all to myself once again?"
Marcus laughed as his face grew even warmer than before. "So it seems, my lady."
He walked you up the familiar path to your door, waiting patiently as you unlocked it and hurried inside to fetch your lantern. When you returned, you sheepishly handed him his cape with your thanks.
He did not toss it over his shoulders. Instead, he gripped it in one hand while his eyes roamed over your beautiful face. He had missed you so much that it caused an ache in his chest the whole time he was gone, mind riddled with thoughts of you to the point where he felt like a madman.
Inviting him inside would be forward and untoward. You racked your mind for a legitimate reason, but you couldn't think of a single one. So, you resigned yourself to feeling grateful he was alive and unscathed, that you could sleep peacefully knowing he was home and you would see him tomorrow.
"You will be by in the morning?" you finally asked when the silence had gone on long enough. Marcus blinked and focused on your eyes.
"Yes," he said, "first thing. I shall be here as if no time had passed at all."
You grinned and bit your lip. "Wonderful. Then... I suppose I will release you. Please go home and rest, General, you have earned it."
He nodded in agreement, then forced his feet to move away from you, even though every fiber of his being screamed at him to go the opposite direction, into your arms.
"Sleep well," he croaked, eyes still glued to your face. You smiled shyly, the reaction so endearing it had his heart leaping.
"You as well. I am glad you are home safe."
He stumbled backwards but continued to gaze at you until you giggled and slowly shut the door. Once you were hidden in the safety of your home, you took a deep, ragged breath and fanned your face. Your pulse was racing and your blood was pumping so fast, you were certain you wouldn't sleep a wink all night. Instead, you set your lantern down and began to pace around your sitting room, wondering what you should do to exhaust yourself when suddenly, you heard a sharp rap on your door.
Without thinking, you rushed to open it, already knowing exactly who it was.
"Marcus," you breathed when you laid eyes on him once again. He looked slightly different now, a little more disheveled and filled with determination. "W-what is wrong?"
You watched his throat bob nervously before he stepped forward and cupped your face.
"My apologies," he said, "but I should have done this months ago."
His neck craned down and his lips pressed urgently against yours. You melted immediately, throwing one arm around the back of his neck to pull him inside so he could kick the door closed behind him. His tongue flicked across your lower lip and your jaw dropped, granting him access to deepen the kiss.
His hands dragged down your sides, fingers plucking at the fabric of your stola as you lead him further into your home.
When you staggered into your bedroom, his eyes popped open to look around. It was modest, just like the rest of your home. A soft, large enough bed sat in the middle of the room, along with a small wardrobe and a chair that sat next to it. It was quaint and unassuming, just like you.
"Wait," he whispered, breaking the kiss. His palms still pressed against your cheeks, fingertips curling around the backs of your ears. You looked up at him, lips wet and parted, panting for air. "Are you quite sure this is what you want? We can slow down, we can wait."
"I am sure," you replied. Your hands fell to the tie on your stola, blindly undoing the knot as you continued to hold his gaze. "I thought of you every day. I feared something would happen to you and you would never know my true feelings. My heart could hardly handle the stress."
You felt the fabric slip loose and fall to the floor. Marcus's eyes darted down and with pride blooming in your chest, noticed the hungry way he looked at your naked body for the first time.
"Thoughts of you were the only thing that kept me alive," he murmured, walking you backwards to lay you down on your bed. He began to unhook his armor, all the while his eyes remained roaming over you. "You saved me more ways than I could count, my lady."
You almost told him that he saved you, as well. But something about the look in his eye told you he already knew. After the loss of Antonius, you were not the only one who felt despair. You both were broken, the memory of Marcus's dearest friend, your husband, weighing heavy on both your hearts. But finally, after months and months, you came to the realization that Marcus was your husband's final gift to you.
Once he finally rid himself of the last of his clothes, you allowed yourself a moment to take him in. He was strong and broad, just as you imagined, and his body was littered with old scars. By all accounts, he looked like a rough man, but much to your delight, his touch was soft and his kiss was tender. When he climbed on top of you, settling his hips between your legs and sliding his tongue leisurely past your teeth, you didn't feel scared. You felt safe.
The tip of his cock nudged against your inner thigh when he shifted his weight. The subtle reminder of his thick length you had only gotten a glimpse of caused you to inhale sharply.
"You are so soft," he mumbled against your mouth. His calloused hand drifted up and down your side, gently grazing along your skin before it rested on your breast, cupping the heavy flesh in his palm and rolling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. You moaned and lifted your back off the bed, pressing into his hold while your fingers got lost in his hair.
Something stirred inside of him when he heard the noise of pleasure escape your lips. His hips ground against you and his mouth trailed down to suck a mark on the sensitive skin of your throat, eager to pull more sounds from you. It took no time at all before you were whining and rolling your hips in rhythm with his, relishing in the feeling of his cock gliding between your folds, taunting you with his size.
The very same hand that took countless lives with the blade of his sword slipped between your bodies so he could stroke two fingers through your pussy, testing your arousal and making a pleased noise at what he found.
"Does that feel good?" he asked lowly. His chest had pressed against yours, desperate to feel as close to you as possible, with only his arm separating you.
"Yes," you gasped while wrapping your legs around his waist. It seemed you wanted to be closer, as well. "I wish to feel you. Please, my general, do not make me beg."
Marcus chuckled against your throat, fingers still petting at your entrance. "I am willing to wager you would sound so pretty begging for my cock."
You squirmed impatiently underneath him and nipped playfully at his scratchy cheek, making him smile.
"Fine. If I really must," you sighed, "please, Marcus. I have spent countless nights dreaming of all the ways you would make me yours." You felt his muscles tense and his lips paused against your neck. "I would lie in this very bed wondering what kind of lover you are, your favored position to take a woman, and how incredible it would feel to be split open by your thick cock."
Marcus reared back with a growl, fisting himself before lining up his cock at your opening. Blind with lust and need, he pushed forward, entering you with one swift pass. Your head flew back into the sheets at the sudden fullness, mouth opening and closing pathetically, unable to formulate a single sound.
"Breathe," Marcus reminded you when he fell forward to rest on his forearms which were braced on the sides of your head. "Breathe for me, my love."
You forced yourself to drag in a shuddering breath, the pressure between your legs stealing all your attention. You couldn't stop yourself from glancing down, mouth agape, to see where you were joined, almost as if you couldn't believe it unless you looked. Seeing yourself stretched around his considerable girth shook loose a shattered noise from the back of your throat. His nose brushed against the side of your head and you heard a similar noise from him when he followed your gaze.
"Look how beautiful," he murmured before slowly pulling back his hips, leaving just the tip of his cock nestled snugly inside your cunt. Your eyes widened when you saw how his length glistened in the candlelight, soaked with your arousal, then moaned his name into the night air when he sunk back inside you, parting your walls and carving a spot for himself to claim as his own.
"You are so tight," he grunted, jaw clenched from the way you squeezed around him every time he thrusted back inside you. "Next time, I will make you come from my tongue and fingers first. But tonight, I simply could not wait."
You huffed a breathless laugh and dragged your eyes up to meet his. "I had no idea the fearsome General of Rome was so indecent."
Marcus lifted the corner of his mouth in a smirk. "I look forward to showing you just how indecent I am."
With every thrust, he drove himself deeper, knocking the air from your lungs each time the tip of his cock met a place inside you that had your back arching off the bed and your nails leaving red marks down his back.
Your hips burned from how wide you stretched and your skin tingled everywhere his lips touched. He was gentle, but assertive, a lethal combination you didn't know you needed until it was between your legs, whispering filth in your ear while ramming himself inside of you over and over.
You whispered his name, voice broken and raspy, then said, "I am close... please, please-"
Before you had a chance to realize what was happening, he rolled over, pulling you with him so you sat slumped over his chest. You blinked and looked around before pushing yourself up. Straddling his hips, you gazed down at him, eyes unfocused and hazy with desire.
"I now see why I never felt the urge to seek out a wife," he whispered, watching when you got your bearings and began to bounce in his lap. His fingers gripped your hips, indenting your skin and helping you move. "None could ever compare to you. You are more beautiful than any flower, taste better than any sweet-" He groaned when you began to circle your hips faster, grinding down on him and breathing heavily. "Your eyes shine brighter than any star. And this fucking cunt-" he growled, roughly grabbing at your ass so he could pull you up and down on his shaft. You cried out, fingers scrambling for purchase on his chest. "Best fucking cunt I ever had. Gods above, Rome could be in flames and it would not keep me from between your legs."
"Marcus," you whined, gasping for air while the pressure mounted low in your belly. "So deep... s-so deep, I can hardly breathe."
"Come for me," he commanded, "come on my cock. I wish to see the look on your beautiful face when you fall apart."
Moments later, you did just as he asked. Your eyes squeezed shut but stars burst behind your lids as your orgasm rolled through you, hitting you in waves that had you cursing and crying his name. The blood rushing in your ears was so loud, you didn't even realize he was speaking until his massive hands lifted you off with an urgency that had your eyes snapping back open. When you looked down, he was furiously stroking his cock, chin tilted towards the ceiling and bronzed chest glistening with sweat.
As quickly as you could, you slid down to the floor, kneeling between his thighs and pulling on his free hand for attention. When he saw you gazing up at him with your mouth open, spent but eager for his seed in your mouth, he whimpered and pushed himself up.
"Stick out your tongue," he whispered. You did as he asked, a shiver shooting down your spine when you heard his voice so thick with desire.
The fat head of his cock rested on your warm tongue. When his eyes met yours, you preened at the instant look of relief you saw half a second before he spilled down your throat.
His jaw hung open wide, hypnotized as he watched thick streams of his seed paint your lips and tongue. It wasn't until he was milked dry and exhausted that he let go of his cock. With parted lips, he gently lifted your chin, closing your mouth and nodding at you to swallow. He gave you a satisfied smile when your throat bobbed and you licked your lips, shaking his head in disbelief.
"And you speak of indecency," he said, voice hoarse.
You giggled and climbed into his lap, slinging your arms around his neck and nuzzling against his throat. With a deep sigh, he leaned back, pulling you with him until your bodies were stretched out across your bed, limbs tangled together while you caught your breath.
"Will you stay?" you asked meekly as you traced invisible shapes over his chest. He kissed the top of your head and gently squeezed your arm.
"Of course."
You laid just like that, holding one another with only the sound of insects outside your window filling the silence. Eventually, Marcus shifted a bit and your chin tilted up.
"Are you..." he began, then you watched him swallow nervously as his eyes darted up towards the ceiling before trying again. "Do you feel any regret? Or... guilt?"
You turned so your chin rested on top of his chest. "No. Do you?"
He shook his head but kept his eyes pinned to the ceiling.
"Not anymore. But months ago, when I began to see you differently... yes, I did."
You pressed a soft kiss against his skin, making his eyes drift back down to you. "I believe I denied my feelings for a very long time for the same reason," you admitted, "but while you were gone, it afforded me the time to think. And I have concluded Antonius sent you to me for a reason. He requested you take care of me should anything happen." You shrugged and rested the side of your head against his shoulder. "I believe he trusted you more than anybody in his life. He would have been happier I chose you rather than some stranger."
He considered your words for a moment before nodding and turning on his side. You smiled up at him sleepily with your head resting on the inside of his bicep. He cupped your cheek and, after searching your eyes, slotted his lips with yours for a tender kiss.
"Do you think we can share a fruitful life together?" he asked with his thumb brushing absentmindedly against your cheek.
"Oh, yes. You ought to see my vegetable garden. I hardly need to go to the market for much any more," you joked.
He laughed, dark eyes sparkling in the dim candlelight.
"That is a good start," he said, and you giggled. When you both quieted down, he gave you another kiss before saying, "I would be honored to take care of you for the rest of our days, if that is something you want."
"It is," you replied a little too quickly.
His face lit up at your eagerness. "Good. Then let us rest. Tomorrow at the ceremonies, I shall announce our pending nuptials."
And although it felt a little fast, you didn't argue.
Marcus followed through with his promise, as he always did. The following morning, you both dressed in your finest clothes to attend the celebrations being held at the arena. It was never something you enjoyed attending, the ritual of sacrifice feeling barbaric, but on that particular day you didn't mind. You sat with Marcus in the emperor's box, a place you only ever saw from afar. He introduced you to the emperors and you tried your best not to let your nerves show. Before the games began, Marcus announced his plans to wed, which was met with polite acclaim by those seated in the box.
"That was a little scary," you admitted quietly to Marcus once everyone had found their seats and the first fight began. The loud cheering and yelling drowned out anything you said, but you still kept your voice low.
"Nothing to be scared of, my lady," he assured you with the squeeze of your hand. You smiled when he brought your knuckles to his lips for a brief kiss. "I told you I would protect you for the rest of our days."
Happiness bloomed in your chest, excited for what your future held. But there was one thing you knew for certain:
As long as Marcus was by your side, you would never know sadness again.
Please follow @punkshort-notifs and turn on notifications for fic updates ❤️
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wherenightmaresroost · 2 years ago
so i had a dream where i was a very ruthless and cruel tyrant.
like near cartoonish levels of cruelty.
the most vivid scene was where i went to this town that had been housing a rebellion and they ambushed me. i put up a token resistance to deplete their resources, then allowed myself to be captured. while the chase was ongoing i and the disposable "guard" i brought along left explosives all over the place -- the gates, the plaza entrances, and civilian homes and their clinic. then when the leaders were discussing what to do with me, i had the explosives set off, and the troops i had hidden out of town rush in and corral everyone into the plaza. most exits were guarded, but i left some open on purpose for the final phase of the plan. loud, flashy attacks were set off to scatter the crowd, but as the exits were closed off, they had no choice but to squeeze into the narrow ones i left, and they crushed each other as they fled.
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swan2swan · 9 months ago
It is not, in fact, a win.
Dinostar nation, is this…a win??? I’m going to be honest it doesn’t really feel like one lmao I’m conflicted
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super-ion · 3 months ago
The Engineer
Part 1
I catch a glimpse of the pilot as she is wheeled towards the med bay. Her eyes have that telltale glaze of just having been wrenched out of herself.
I've never spoken a single word to her, but for a moment as the gurney slides by, those eyes briefly clear, ice blue pinning me to the spot. She raises an emaciated arm and her hand almost seems to beckon to me before something in the gurney clicks and whirs and she slips back into catatonia.
That brief moment of clarity, that piercing gaze, unsettles me. She recognized me.
It's neural bleed. I know it has to be. She doesn't know me, but Morrigan does.
Good god. In the pilot's present state of post combat haze, she probably doesn't even know where she ends and the machine begins.
Does neural bleed work both ways? Is it her head that I'm about to climb into?
My wrist strap buzzes. I have a job to do and I am late.
The pilot is a problem for the med team and the psychs.
The machine is my problem.
I hurry down the corridor, keeping my head down, avoiding the eyes of every passerby.
I don't like people.
I don't like how their eyes follow me. I don't like the whispered gossip that follows me.
One of the techs is waiting for me at the vestibule.
I don't know his name.
All clear, he says to me. Time to work your magic.
He says it without sarcasm. Others have been less kind.
Even so, he can't quite hide the leer as I strip down to the skinsuit. I don't have the physique of a pilot. My body hasn't been subjected to the stresses that ravage their bodies. Unlike them, I have fat and muscle and the skinsuit clings to every curve of my body.
I force a cursory smile and try to forget him as I walk barefoot to my destination.
The vestibule is small, windowless. It's impossible to assess the scale of the machine from here. The only part visible to me is roughly four square meters of pitted and scarred metal plating framing the access hatch and the pilot's cradle beyond.
B0-987T the stenciled lettering reads. And below, in flowing script, is “The Morrigan”.
She's a Javellin class, medium weapons fire support unit. She isn't meant to be on the front lines in a skirmish, but one-on-one, she can hold her own against a Wraith. Which is exactly what happened only a few hours ago.
I place a bare palm on the bulkhead. She thrums with some distant vibration. Her reactor is still online, still in the early stages of drawdown as she transitions to dock power.
“Hey beautiful,” I say to her.
I think of the pilot. I think of piercing blue eyes and I think of neural bleed.
I flinch my hand away.
The tech looks at me, asks if I'm alright. I'm fine, I tell him.
I climb through the hatch and into the cradle.
I feel like an interloper here. The cradle isn't calibrated for my body. Everything still smells like the pilot. Mingled with the smell of the machine is her sweat and her adrenaline and the particular scented soap that she prefers.
There is a faint whirring as her cameras track my movements from a dozen angles. The access ports open to receive me.
Against my better judgment, I imagine eagerness for this exchange.
This is immediately followed by an all too familiar sense of inadequacy. The engineers’ rig is not nearly as all encompassing as a pilots’. It's only the most basic neural interface. No haptics. No neurotransmitter feedback. No access to the suite of sensors studded throughout her hull.
I can't interface with her the way her pilot can.
My rig is a remnant from basic training. The pilot corps wanted me for my exceptional ratings in synchrony and neuro-elasticity, but after serval training exercises, they determined that I didn't have the temperament for the battlefield. I froze up too easily.
A neural rig is a massive investment and removing one will fuck a person up a hell of a lot more than installing one. The selection process is designed to weed out washouts before we even get to installation, but some of us still slip through the cracks. Most end up reassigned to logistics, operating loader mechs or piloting long haul supply frigates. But my aptitudes made me ideal for the engineering corps, so here I am.
Morrigan senses my mood and the cradle shifts slightly, aligning itself to my dimensions. Her eagerness to connect morphs into a sort of tender reassurance. It's a slippery slope, ascribing human emotions to these machines, but she does seem genuinely happy to see me.
I can never be part of what she and her pilot have, but I can be part of something in my own way.
The pilot knows about me, she would even without neural bleed. Does she envy the relationship I have with her mech? Does she envy that I can exist both together and apart with the machine?
Is she jealous of us?
Morrigan slips her jacks into my rig and my mind enters hers and I feel tension leave my body. Some dull ache that I wasn't even consciously aware of ebbs within me.
My senses dull and my visual cortex is fed a series of diagnostic logs and telemetry streams. The techs have access to the exact same data, but Morrigan highlights particular data points that she and the pilot flagged. I log them in the engineering report.
A wireframe schematic of the battlefield spreads out in my awareness. Green markers for our battlegroup. Red markers for the pack of Wraith interlopers.
I hear the ghost of music, strange and ambient, like whale song. The first time I heard it, I asked the techs about it. They had no idea what I was talking about. One even suggested I get an eval for some psych leave.
Later I realized Morrigan was singing to me. Or rather she was interpreting tightbeam comm links as something my brain could process. A human mind can't possibly interpret the full datastream, but with Morrigans's rendition, I can suss out the basic meanings. The battlegroup is a choir and Morrigan is playing me their song.
I caused quite a stir when I first made that connection and started flagging battle events the analysts had missed.
I survey the battlefield before me, reconstructed from feeds from TacCom and all the individual mechs.
Morrigan and I have done this enough times that she knows my preferred display layout, but she holds back, allowing me to pull off the virtual displays on my peripheral vision. There's an odd sort of intimacy to it, her letting me take charge like this.
God-knows how many tons of metal and ceramic and miles and miles of wire and optic fiber and see waits eagerly for me to start the playback sim. She wants to show off. She wants me to assess the actions of her and her pilot and tell them they did well.
Other engineers, few as we are, have mentioned similar experiences with their assigned machines.
“Alright,” I whisper so that only she can hear. “Show me the dance. Sing me the song.”
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fanaticsnail · 6 months ago
Five Days
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 5,900+
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Synopsis: Temperatures flaring between a marine and their prisoner brought the two of you to this moment. In charge of the former-admiral's prison transfer, the sweltering heat propels you to do something against protocol. You give in to your temptation, and allow him to give you what he threatened he would.
Themes: Aokiji Kuzan x f!reader, gendered terms used, mdni, 18+, smut, nsfw, inappropriate use of devil fruit, inappropriate use of seastone, coercion, swearing, unprotected sex, oral sex, marine x pirate, enemies to enemies that fuck, kisses, subtle Dom!kuzan x Sub!reader, pet names used, summer temperatures, tipsy writing, temperature play, pirate!kuzan x marine!reader.
Notes: This fic is dedicated to a dear friend, @skullfacedlady who needed a reward for all her hard work in studying. I hope you enjoy your man like this, love. Come get him. This is a part of my October event, but I wanted to give Skullfacedlady a gift because I'm so proud of her.
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The sweltering heat swelling the brig of the vessel stung and cracked your skin. The perspiration dripping beneath your marine hat did little to cool your face and body, especially due to the weight of your heavy uniform jacket. The remainder of the crew had made port, leaving you and another officer behind on the topdeck to keep guard of the ship in case there was an incident involving you and the detainee in their cell behind you.
As a lieutenant, prison duty was not your usual forte, yet it was your given task for the past five days. Drawing the short straw in the meeting with the other members of the crew had you seething: likely what had the temperature searing your veins with the slight simmer of rage. Standing with your back to the brig, you attempted to ignore the presence who continued to attempt to goad you into a verbal spat for the umpteenth time.
“Go on, little one,” the smooth voice calls from behind you, causing your lip to upturn in a twitched curl, “Take off your jacket. It’s hot out, and you don’t deserve to be more uncomfortable than you already are.”
Aokiji Kuzan, the admiral who served his severance to the marines in favor of joining Blackbeard’s crew, was a thorn in your bootheel the moment he stepped aboard. A fly buzzing in your ear would make for better company than the sweet-talking man in the cell. You were a marine, and he was a defector turned to piracy. These past five days, he had been pressing you with comments and flattery with a smoothness to his tone that you hadn’t experienced prior. Always balancing on the knife’s edge of being overly seductive, while a complete gentleman the next. It repulsed you, enticed you, agitated you, and aroused you. You hated it as much as you loved it, and that, in itself, drove you wild.
“The prisoner will refrain from speaking in the presence of a marine,” you offered monotonously to him in a practiced response, ignoring the trickle of sweat pasting your hair against the nape of your neck. The heat was bordering on unbearable now, the thick air stinging at your nostrils with the burn of the embers.
“Come on, honey,” he whispered softly, his tone almost harboring empathy, “It’s just you and me. I'm not gonna tell anybody, I promise-.”
“-You promise?” You cut him off, tilting your head towards him. Thankful for the shroud of your marine uniform cap, you were able to glare at him from beneath the shroud as you scorned him, “A promise from a pirate whispered through iron bars means very little to me. Especially from a deserter.”
“Ah, so that's it, then,” Kuzan nodded. His dark, tight curls now loosely framing his face with a wave-like bob to his motions. “You’re offended I renounced my orders and took to living for myself.” He chuckled, leaning back against the wooden hull of his cell with a cocky air to his tone.
Kuzan had long-since shrouded his heavy jacket, likely before the seastone shackles were placed on his wrists, halting his abilities. You were made vaguely aware of his powers, one of which was the ability to grow a prosthetic for his missing left leg from an element. He was exceptionally tall, far taller than you at full height. From his place sitting hunched against the cell wall, he could easily meet your breasts at his eye height.
Although his skin glistened with sweat from the heat, his demeanor was always cool and collected. The former admiral seemed to radiate a calm, and this agitated you to no end. The purse of his lips, the curl of that edge of his smile, the ease his eyes seemed to put you - all of those weighed heavily on you as the burning air entered your lungs and expanded your chest.
“Tell me what about it you're so offended by,” he quipped with that curious edge in his tone, “Let's put it to rest so you and I can really talk, officer.” Aokiji Kuzan took a moment to gaze at you. His eyes lazily drank you in with an almost entertained twinkle in his eye.
Turning your head back to face the wall in front of you, you took a deep breath to calm your nerves. His tone haunted you. That cool edge in the blistering heat did more damage to your already alight temper.
“I have nothing to say to you, oathbreaker,” you snarl viciously, your head upturning to add further emphasis to your attitude. “You will remember your place, and hold your tongue.” Expecting silence to be met with your order, you recoiled completely as he goaded you further.
“Why don't you come in here and hold it for me, marine.”
The way he spoke with such an air of confidence prompted you to completely meet your eyes against his. If you could strike him dead with your haki without causing a strike to your record, you would have done so in a heartbeat.
Before you had an opportunity to utter a word in rebuttal, he revealed his palms in surrender and fell his eyes to your feet in submission.
“Accept my apologies,” he uttered quickly, pausing only to take a heavy gulp of air through his lips. “It's hot, tempers flare, and I'm pissed off about the seastone. My devil fruit power would be useful right about now, and we'd both reap the benefits. Please,” he turned his eyes up, meeting them against yours with that honesty behind them that held you transfixed, “I didn't mean to offend you. I just-... I've been in here for a while, and it just seems to be getting hotter and hotter.”
You took a moment to search his eyes, your own forming an analysis regarding his demeanor. Kuzan meant every word, and you truly believed he meant no harm. In honesty, he had been a model prisoner through his entire ordeal. Well mannered, polite, and cooperative: Kuzan did not engage with any of the other guards in this manner.
In a sigh of good faith and understanding, you sigh through your nose before removing your heavy uniform jacket and cap, placing them on a mop handle reclining against the wall. Each button popped slowly, his eyes wandering over each one with interest.
“Apology accepted,” you crack a small smile, raking over your hair to remove it from your eyes and shake the sweat from it. “And it's not ‘officer’, it's ‘lieutenant’ to you. For those of us who still respect titles, you will uphold mine.”
Kuzan clicked his tongue in understanding before smiling at you. He drank you in as he would a cool glass of water, glistening with condensation from the ice melting within.
“Lieutenant,” he smirked at you, waving his hand against his forehead in a mock salute. You decided to match his energy, raising your own and uttering, “Severencer.”
Turning back around to face the wall, your jacket and hat removal now making you feel a little more at ease in the humidity in the brig. You continued staring vacantly in that silence, ignoring the pair of eyes that never leave your body for a moment.
Externally, Kuzan was doing just as you were: fighting off the heat as best as he could within the depths of the ship. But, likely unlike you, fighting off the heat of another kind.
He had never seen a woman as physically beautiful as you were before, and he is a connoisseur of women. Kuzan prides himself on loving women, appreciating them from afar, and hoping they would be as interested in him as he was in them. With you: the enemy on a vessel binding him for capture, wearing the very uniform he discarded to chase his own destiny; he was unbelievably angry.
You were so physically close, but unattainable by him. If he remained as a marine, and had you met under different circumstances, he may have had a chance of a different life with you. Kuzan calculated the statistical likelihood of having you in his arms after work, wailing for him in the thralls of ecstasy while he pleasured you, and the thought had heat pooling in his belly that rivaled the atmosphere surrounding the two of you.
Rivals bound to be enemies with one another: his end being met at the end of a rope with his legs helplessly dangling beneath him, likely a trial to hold him accountable first and made an example of. Would you be present? Would you even care? Those thoughts momentarily shrouded his mind before his eyes focussed on the curvature of your ass now more revealed without your uniform jacket.
If he was a man bound for death, he craved to have you near him, just once, in any capacity. Now he’d managed to convince you to remove one layer, how much more could he get away with before you stopped.
“Lieutenant?” he gently called to you, his voice holding an edge to it that felt like a purr, “May I trouble you for some water?”
Inhaling deeply, you clicked your neck in a rotation before turning around to face him once again. Your scowl had resettled on your face as you looked to the canister in the corner of the room.
“What’s wrong with the one over there?” you asked, curiosity momentarily piquing in your tone. His smile upturned dangerously, his full-lips goading you with the sinister smirk threatening to spill over.
“Evaporation,” he explained, gesturing to the vessel with his bound hands, “Tends to occur when it’s hot like this. Have you any to spare for a lowly defector?” Growling in response under your tone, you made to the other side of the cell and filled the jug left behind for those working security for the day.
Dunking the vessel into the barrel, you felt how physically warm the liquid was and scowled at it.
Noticing the expression on your face, Kuzan groaned below his breath. He could change it to make it cooler. He could change the entire room to make it cooler. He could think of a variety of things he could do with you to make the stay more bearable, but he held his tongue. Watching as you traveled over to his cell, he took a note of where the keys to his cuffs were on the ring you unhooked beside his cell door.
“Stay where you are, hands where I can see them at all times,” you stated in a low warning, “Make a move, and I will drink the entire container while you have no choice but to watch, you hear?”
“Yes ma’am,” he pursed his lips, revealing his palms beside his head with his knuckles scraping against the wood behind him, “I’ll be a good boy for you.”
Electing to ignore the connotations laced behind that comment, you took to the side of the cell and peered into the empty container to ensure it wasn't a trap before replenishing his supply with the fresh one from your jug. You both trailed one another with your eyes, the tension returning between you while the menial task was completed. Taking a moment to study him, you noticed how truly attractive he was. From his tall stature, to his dark curls, down his lengthy body, down to his remaining foot extended on the floor: Kuzan was incredibly handsome, and you hated how hot his gaze made you feel as it lingered on your body.
“Stop gawking at me like that,” you snarl at him, watching in the corner of your eye how high the jug raises the volume of the water. He continues to rake his eyes over your body: truly enjoying the display of flesh you’ve elected to reveal to him.
“Like what, lieutenant?” He slowly bats his eyelashes at you, tilting his head to the other side and pursing his lips innocently. Your glare hardens, your face falling stern and serious as you bore your eyes into him.
“Like I’m some meal to you.”
He chuckles at your choice of words, feasting on your body with each passing moment while shamelessly undressing you further with his eyes. Kuzan truly no longer cared whether you filled his water canister or not, opting to drink you in in lieu of water any day.
“Oh, lieutenant, you are a meal to me,” he uttered seductively in response, “And I haven't eaten this well in quite some time.”
Five days.
Five days of the heat swelling the room. Five days of being in close proximity of Aokiji Kuzan. Five days of tension between you rising. Five days of ensuring he remained alive and healthy for transport. Five days of thinking about him every night while you remained in your joined barracks with your fellow marines. Five days of being unable to release the tension pooling between your thighs to not be caught by your comrades.
Five days of tolerating his comments, his words, and the way he made you feel both validated and violated with his flirtatious comments aimed towards you.
“If I had my powers right now, I could cool you off,” he whispered huskily, his bottom jaw dropping as he gawked further, “Anything you wanted, baby. I would give you the world if you’d let me-.”
“-Stop it, prisoner,” you warned him, your temper teetering on the edge of your resolve, “Final warning.”
Chains rattling broke you from your simmering rage, his bound wrists rattling as he drew them down over his thighs. His lip curled high, both snarling and smiling at you with desire being the swelling embers behind his darkened eyes.
“Warning for what? I am offering you a reprieve from the heat,” he tilted his chin up, looking down through his eyelashes at you, “Remove my seastone, sweetness. Let me show you how good I can cool you off.”
Snapping, you discard the jug and allow it to roll to the floor, water tipping onto the wooden panels surrounding you. With all the strength you could muster, you gave in to your rage and approached him. Using your foot, you press it against his chest and shove him firmly back with your boot heel. Holding him firmly pinned against the wall behind him, you lean more pressure onto your leg and stoop lower.
Having the upper hand on a former admiral lasted for less than a heartbeat before he took his shackled wrists and nudged your foot easily away from his chest to fall beside his thigh. Given the position prior with your entire weight placed onto your foot, you fell unceremoniously onto his lap. Each leg easily took their place framing his thighs beneath yours, eyes now level.
There was no opportunity to scream, snarl, or growl a reprimand at him before his lips collided messily with your own. Groans and whimpers fell easily from his lips as he attempted to hold you flush against him with his bound hands. His kiss was lustful, passionate, and aggressive: his former cool-headedness all but fleeing him the longer his lips lingered on your flesh.
“Desserter-,” you snarl angrily into his lips, attempting to pull away from his hard kiss to no avail.
“-Kuzan,” he moaned into your mouth, tilting his chin and circling your face, “My name is Kuzan. Use it.” The short hair on his chin and upper lip grazed the skin of your face with his passionate exchange.
In lack of your better judgment, you had no choice but to whine into his lips as he ordered you. His admiralty tone still found purchase in your head and reverberated in your obedient marine soul. Temperatures finally flaring enough, you roughly grip his dark curls and yank them back. He released a gasped groan in response, his lips still attached firmly to yours as he didn’t fight the feeling of your hands laced in his hair.
“Take off my cuffs,” he barked at you, his chains rattling as he attempted to grip your thighs in heavy fistfuls, “Now.”
The way his words held your judgment in an anchor made you feel as if he was using some kind of haki to dominate you. You knew that wasn’t the case. The slick pool of arousal dampening your panties spoke in prologues to your neediness of him. Your fingers moved against their will, your mind screaming at you to think with anything other than your pussy as you drew your shaken hands to unclick his shackles: all the while his kiss pressed into your lips with vigor.
As soon as his seastone fell easily to the floor, you both pulled apart and took a moment to gauge the way the other was feeling.
You just unshackled a bound prisoner, simply because he had baited you with a few suggestive words. That suggestion led you to disobey a direct order and follow the way your emotions ran rather than to heed to your call as a marine and chastise him for poor behavior.
Kuzan knew he could run. He should use this time to escape now. Convincing a needy and repressed marine to unshackle him took a long time, but his charisma lucked out with you. He could push you aside, trap you within the cell, escape to claim his freedom with the nomadic lifestyle that came with piracy. But he couldn’t.
Not with the way your clothed pussy felt against his lap, and certainly not with the intensity the heat made the both of you feel.
That realization only met you both for the bat of a butterfly’s wing before he was on you again. Hungry lips swelling yours with the intensity of his bruising kiss, Kuzan pushed you onto your back on the warm floor. Your undershirt stuck to your skin with the sheen of sweat glistening in your skin, desire fueling your passions in the midst of the moment.
When his lips pried away from yours, kissing a hot trail down your neck, your skin began to tingle beneath his cool breath. The seastone now released from your prisoner’s wrists returned his devil fruit ability to him with full fruition. The tenth titanic captain of the Blackbeard pirates was cooling your skin beneath the intensity of his heated kisses. Each time he mouthed at a pinpoint of your body, the coolness shrouded your skin and shot relief to your soul.
“Kuzan,” you gasped his name as he mouthed at your pulse with the heavy neediness, “N-No marks, please-.”
“-I know, baby,” he whispered against you, moving down to mouth at your pale undershirt, “Nowhere visible above your uniform. I'm aware.” His possessive growl was ripped from his throat when his trail was halted by the material, “Remove this and give me something I can mark up. I want you.”
The air began to thin with his ability cooling the atmosphere around you both, but the thickness of passion between you continued to build in intensity. As you reached down and gently placed your shirt to the side, he hastily drew his hands to your belt and expertly unbuckled the fastenings with a few quick swipes. You gasped out a squeak in protest, but it was quickly stifled by his lips colliding with yours once more.
He used his body weight to stamp you to the floor as you shared breaths. As the heat of your needy exhales expelled from your lips, the cool vapors of his own replaced the ones you lost.
“Thankful we lost the cuffs?” he smiled against your lips before tearing them away and searing his eyes into your body. You curled your lip and bucked your hips up, trapping the back of his knee beneath your heel and switching positions. Pinning the prisoner beneath you, you glared down at him while circling your hands around his wrists.
“I'm regretting not chaining you down to this floor and riding your face until I'm satisfied,” you quip back at him. Left in your bra and panties, you felt his hands draw up and sneak his fingers beneath the hem and play with the flesh of your ass.
“I don't need chains for you to do that, baby,” he purred up at you darkly, “Take a seat, and I'll have you screaming for me.” He annuncified the statement by slapping your ass before molding the flesh beneath his hands.
You were unsure whether you should be offended at his words, or aroused further by them. He was your prisoner, you his guard, him an ex-marine admiral, you a lieutenant rising in the ranks. Weighing up the options, you quipped your head to the side and allowed passion to once again guide you.
Crawling up his long chest, you tugged your panties to the side and revealed your glistening pussy to him as to test how serious he was. Accepting your challenge, he gripped your thighs and immediately pressed you down onto his face and licked a fat stripe from your slit to your clit in one lengthy motion. You sucked in a silent scream when he continued to slowly and passionately collect your essence into his tongue without protest, romancing your core with each intentional glide of his skilled muscle.
“Kuzan,” you whined in a breathy gasp, causing him to chuckle up into you. His eyes never left your face as he used his hard grip on your much smaller body to rock your core against his face.
“That's it, pretty girl," he praised you, his hands disappearing beneath the material of your panties to press your body further against his lips. Muffling his words up at you, he continued, “Get off on your prisoner's face. Let me feel you.”
Given how pent up you had been watching over Kuzan for the past five days, the coil in your abdomen bound tight quickly. Stomach knit in heavy knots, your pussy fluttered against his lips and tongue and he mouthed at you. Alternating between latching onto your clit and swirling his tongue against it, before drawing his face down to fuck your needy cunt with his tongue while nosing at your clit, Kuzan’s eyes never left you.
You were gorgeous. Everything about you was gorgeous. From the curvature of your breasts, to the shape of your ass, to the partition of your lips, to the hue of your hair: he loved it all. And he hated that he did.
“More,” he growled up into you, “Give me more, lieutenant. Cum for me. Cum on my tongue.”
Focussing on your clit, he mouthed at the small bud while concentrating a small coolness onto you. The combination of the coolness of his devil fruit with the warmth of his tongue tipped you over that edge.
Dancing on the edge of ecstasy, one more rotation of his tongue around your clit and you were cumming hard on his face. Muscles of your stomach tensed and flexed as you rode through your high. His steady hands splayed on your ass cheeks as he guided you expertly through your release.
Just as you came down from your high, you were met with a crude shock to your large joy.
Ice bound your wrists and flung you to the wall behind you. Knees drawn up to your chest, black flush with the wall, he bound your body to the wood with his devil fruit. Your eyes rounded in shock, body still sensitive from riding through your bliss to process what was happening.
The prisoner bested you. He was going to escape, you were going to be punished for your insubordination, and your career was to be ruined. As he rose to his full stature, you had no choice but to watch as he dusted off his pants and produced a shard of ice to extend from his absent knee down to the floor.
You had released your prisoner, and after cumming so hard on his lips, he was going to leave you in your bra and panties against the wall for your superior to find.
Tearing your eyes away from his face and clenching them tightly shut, you felt shame wash over you like a cool bucket of water. Your body was still twitching in soft aftershocks as you heard the rustling of materials. Assuming he was donning his shirts and personal effects, you were shocked to feel his lips on your neck and bare chest flush with your own.
Your eyes reopened, quickly finding purchase on his thick curls as he hummed against your skin.
“Thought I'd leave you like this, didn't you?” he sighed against your skin, “No way, sweetness. Not when I haven't felt the way your pretty pussy wants so badly to take my cock. Nuh uh.”
“You-...?” Your breath was stolen from you as he dragged his cockhead against your sensitive entrance. His height at full stature was over nine feet tall, and the circumference of his cock was enough to have you whine as he rocked it against your panties.
“I know.” He nodded his head against your clit, “I'm big. But you can take me, can't you?” Tugging down your bra, he groaned in bliss as your breasts were freed from the shroud of the material.
The ice spread your legs, moving beneath the will of its master to hold them apart for him. He rocked his hips, against your clothes cunt, groaning as he did so. Ice cracked and swelled, dragging across your stomach and binding you to the wall. His lips traced down to your nipples: swirling, tugging, and releasing them with a taut pop.
“You want this, don't you?” Kuzan purred against your skin, “Tell me you want this. Big pirate making a little marine feel so helpless. Say it. Say ‘I want this, Kuzan’.” He drew his lips up to your neck once more, trailing a flurry of kisses towards your jaw while his ice toyed with the border of your nipples.
“Say it.”
“I want this, Kuzan.”
The words spilled from your lips before you could tell them not to. You were bewitched by him, possessed by a lust that you had never known. His smile was felt against your jaw as he drew his eyes up to meet yours. Tugging aside your panties once more, he lined up his cock with your entrance: soft beads of pearlescent precum beading in need at the slit.
“That's my girl.”
Those three words were all the warning he gave you before his lips bit and ravished yours. At the moment his rough kisses met with your lips, gasping and growling against your mouth: his cock softly rocked into your core. You whined desperately into his mouth as he pushed more of his cock inside to the ridge of his rim.
No matter how rough his kisses became, he was so careful with his cock pressing inside you. Kuzan knew how small you were in comparison to his stature, and he would never dream of injuring you in the thralls of passion. Although he was a pirate and you were a marine, he treated your body with the respect you deserved.
Five days of being close to you. Five days more for longing. Five days longer still for yearning. And five days longest for how many nights he fucked his fist to the thought of claiming you as his in the quiet of the night.
Finally passing that first ridge, your body took him like it was made for it. It was Kuzan’s turn to whimper into your neck, shuddering as he buried his face into your neck and cock into your pussy. Sinking down to half his length with little resistance, he became lost in the way your pussy sucked him in. Rocking against you, he gasped into your ear.
Eyes wide, you had never felt so full in your life. While he was your enemy, you had never felt a touch as gentle as his. He was so careful with his cock that you could take him, while he toyed with you with his devil fruit.
“Look down,” he whispered, “Look how deep you're taking me. How well you're taking a pirate's cock.” Doing as he ordered, you looked down and watched as his hips rocked in slow, languid thrusts. Cock disappearing within your cunt, you gasped out as you took him within you.
“Like being fucked by a filthy pirate?” He quipped, his cock sinking deeper, “Pretty marine getting her pussy destroyed by her prisoner. Come on, tell me you w-want m-more.”
His stutter gave out his hardened experior, his bliss truly being lost to him with each marriage of degradation and praise. He tried not to show how much he was enjoying this moment stolen with you.
As soon as he got you off once, he had no doubt he was going to flee from his cell and claim his freedom. But he was in love with the way you cried out for him. He was obsessed, consumed with longing for your release joining with his.
Sensing this dynamic shift while being bound to the wall, you decided to goad him into more.
“Does the filthy pirate want to show the marine who's boss?” you whispered against his ear, biting at the lobe and attempting to rock against him to the best of your restrained ability. “Does the filthy pirate want to fill his marine with his cum? Pathetic.”
“Pathetic?” he parrotted back, his hips snapping with more purpose, “Does this feel pathetic to you?” His pace increased, his desperation more tangible with each in-thrust.
Ice eclipsed both your nipples, only giving way when he dipped his lips down to roll your pebbled bud within his hot mouth to contradict the cold with the warmth. You mewled beneath his lips, your pussy fluttering beneath his harsh momentum.
Coil building further in your abdomen, you felt another orgasm approach you with a low build. Kuzan was nearing his peak, his cock already beginning to expel sticky waves of precum within your stomach. Kuzan was becoming sloppy with his movements, his balls sucking up into his stomach the closer he became to his release.
“Gonna cum, Kuzan?” Your question fled from your lips like a needy whine informing him you were reaching your end, “Gonna fill me up with your cum? Go on, pirate. Tarnish me. Ruin me.”
“Nnnnghh- fuck,” Kuzan growled into your neck, biting just below to collar to anchor himself to you, “Gonna cum. Gonna- fuck, I'm cumming. Ah-, shit.”
Ropes of viscous cum met with your cervix with his verbal confession, his hips rutting against your core and giving in to the feeling of your cunt fluttering around his shaft. As he met his peak, you met yours. Walls contracting around his shaft, you cried out for him while he filled you.
“Hhah- cumming,” you warned him, your pussy sucking him in with every wave of your secondary ecstasy. Milking him of his cum, your cunt squeezed his thick cock as you both met the waves of your highs in the arms of one another.
The dancing lights split your vision white, just as it did his own. You had never felt the way you did in the arms of this former admiral, nor did he buried deep within the pussy of a marine lieutenant. As you both finished, he slunk his head forward and collected you into his arms. Ice cracked like glass, the shards dropping to the ground and simmering like embers against the floorboards.
He ushered you onto the ground, sitting back on his calves and holding his cock deep within your pussy. Both panting and catching your breath, you sat within the shared breath with the man who ushered you into twin highs in close succession. Dwelling in the silence, your hearts beat as one as the heat dampened down between you both.
“You have a fifteen minute head start, former admiral,” you sighed, stroking his cheek with your palm. He blinked slowly at you, taking in your words while coming down from his high.
“What do you mean-?” He began, halting beneath your interruption.
“-It takes the average marine seven minutes to shake off haki,” you nodded, pressing your forehead against his and brushing your noses together, “You conquered me. I was helpless. Do you understand, pirate?”
Kuzan was taken aback, shaking his head and searching your eyes. You nodded against him, your smile slowly splitting up your cheeks.
“I conquered you?” he asked softly.
“Knocked me out completely,” you laughed in response. Gently pressing your lips to his forehead, you unsheathed his cock from your pussy and began to collect your things. “You have fifteen minutes to redress. Get to it before I catch you.”
“Catch me?”
You smiled as you gathered your uniform into your arms. Kuzan, the former admiral he was, was truly clueless when he was spent of his release. Balls and head both empty, he reached for you in craving of your touch.
“Kuzan,” you warned him, “You escaped your shackles after you found the strength to conquer me. You collected the keys, unbound yourself, and fled. You left me alive as witness to your escape.” Kuzan understood, nodding along as he came to terms with what you were expressing to him.
You were enemies. An ex-marine turned to piracy, and a marine in charge of his capture. Both of you knew how wrong this was, but your bodies couldn't help but to sing how right it could be. He could never give up his freedom for you, and you would never turn to piracy for him. No matter how your bodies felt together, and how easy the intimacy came to you both: you could never be together like this.
“Fifteen minutes?” He asked you, halting to cup your ass in his firm hands, “Is that all I'm worth to you?”
Rolling your eyes in response, you playfully slapped his arm while you scampered to find your uniform.
“You're lucky I gave you more than nine, pirate,” you snarl at him, “I gave you that extra six for making me cum twice.” Kuzan laughed, finding his effects and beginning to don them while you fixed your uniform up.
“I will see you again, lieutenant,” Kuzan whispered while fixing his belt at the waist, “And when I do, I am going to make you cum so hard you'll renounce your vows and join me in piracy.”
“And when I find you again,” you warn in return, “You're going to cry for me while I show you that quips and taunts are not all I can do with my tongue.”
Kuzan gulped, truly wanting to experience that thought while he shrugged on his heavy overcoat. You began affixing your coat once more to your persons, making sure each button was marine-issue ready. He watched on with a shudder to his jaw and a feral urgency in his eye that craved that meeting between now and then to become smaller.
“Until the next time, then,” Kuzan offered with an extended hand. Placing your hand within, he drew your knuckles up to his lips and pressed a soft kiss against it.
“Until I see you again,” you responded in kind, nodding to him as he released your hands with his kiss. The temperature began to fluctuate between you. The weather mixing with Kuzan’s abilities made for a more pleasant atmosphere between you currently, but the heat between you would continue to grow with every passing moment.
Both of you couldn't wait until the next time you saw one another again: both hoping you could truly best the other.
Only time would tell.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady @jintaka-hane @thenotsofantasticlifestory
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creepycrawliesanonymous · 7 months ago
Addam had taken to calling you "wife," and you weren't about to correct him.
You weren't married, you could never find the time, and it wasn't like anyone was raring to go crying to the sept over it. The people of Hull, at least the people you interacted with, rarely made a fuss over such improprieties, and even had the decency to throw a groat or two in your cap whenever you put out a pot of stew for the dockworkers and looked the other way whenever you would curse burning yourself on the cauldron or hock some phlegm in the dirt or take a hearty swig from your flask. Some of the men told you they had never had fish stew that tasted quite like yours did, and you weren't about to tell them your recipe, so your infractions seemed small in the face of loosing out on the way the fish meat would fall apart in your mouth or how the potatoes were always soft but never mushy.
It had only taken Addam one trip to your little makeshift stand for him to start pining after you, gifting you that flask that you now took everywhere. It was made of sturdy leather, with a small seahorse painted somewhat poorly on one side, and it was given to you already filled with spiced rum. You had made sure Addam's portion had extra meat in it that day. The way his face broke into the biggest grin you'd ever seen told you everything you needed to know.
So yes, you weren't married, but he still called you "wife" and gifted you small trinkets and spent meals at your shack and kissed you when he saw you in the morning, as well as other things that were frankly nobody else's business.
Addam had set out early in the morning, just before the sun rose, with his sieve and other tools to go clam digging. You liked that he worked with his hands, and told him as much when he brought up how soft a lord's hands might be and how much nicer they might feel against your skin. You shoved your calloused palms into his, ending the conversation. He let you sleep in, careful to tiptoe around your living space as he collected his wares. He liked the way your kitchen always smelled like the spices he pinched from his brother's trading cog, and how you placed the small curios he gave you around the windows where you could look at them. He had heard of Lord Corlys Velaryon's Hall of Nine, displaying the treasures from his nine voyages, and thought it couldn't be better than the treasures you kept in your windowsill.
There was a chill in the air, a breeze that made Addam pull his tunic tighter around himself. He recalled how the blanket you used was starting to wear thin, and how the sea breeze would wake you soon without him there to keep you warm. The docks of the port town were already filled with men, loading and unloading boxes, taking inventory, haggling prices with the local merchants, the general bustle of seafarers and sailers. Cod and herring were the main catches coming off the fishing boats, and he knew you would stop by later to pick up some to take home.
The beaches were comparatively quiet, with only a few other men digging around for clams. Poking around, he found a few small depressions in the sand, before settling in and getting to work.
The sun was over the horizon by the time you had made your way down to the beach, slightly stale bread in one hand and basket in the other. Addam stuck out a hand to wave you down, and before you had the chance to say anything, he dropped a pale pink shell into your basket. You fished it out, dropping down to sit beside him as you thumbed over the ridges of the body and poked at the spire. You held it up to the rising sun to see the way the colors changed, before pocketing it.
You cut a piece of bread from the loaf, handing it to him. It would be no use in warning him of its staleness, he wasn't like to complain. He took the piece gratefully, as if it was baked by the cooks in High Tide itself, although you could see the effort he had to put in to ripping off a piece in his mouth. You took your thumb and brushed away the crumbs that stuck to his cheeks. His is a handsome face, you thought, one you wouldn't mind letting people think was your husband's. The chill stung at your skin, and you pulled your knit cape close around your shoulders.
Standing up, you shook the sand from your boots and patted down your skirts. You took a swig from your flask, letting the rum warm your chest. Leaning down, you pressed a kiss to your husband's forehead, and he leaned up to press his own to his wife's cheek. While he felt a pang in his chest as you picked up your things and headed into town, he couldn't deny the contentment in watching you. In those moments he felt like he understood the stories of sailors crashing their ships at the sight of beautiful women-beasts, although none of the sailors could ever hope to know the warmth of their hearth or the grit of their sharp tongue, and none could call a beast "wife," so what could the stories know of ship-wrecking love, anyways.
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driverlando · 7 months ago
Port authority finding you and Max skinny dipping (and Max is protecting you from them seeing anything they should not) and Max brides them not to report the two of you
The moonlight danced on the water’s surface, casting a silvery glow over the sleek yachts lined up along the port. The night was quiet, save for the gentle lapping of waves against the hulls and the occasional distant hum of an engine. You and Max walked along the dock, the cool night air a welcome relief after a hot day.
You paused, glancing at the calm water with a mischievous glint in your eye. “How about we make this night a little more exciting?” you suggested, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
Max arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “What did you have in mind?”
You leaned in closer, lowering your voice conspiratorially. “Skinny dipping,” you whispered. “Just us and the water. No one around to bother us.”
Max chuckled, shaking his head in mock disapproval. “You’re trouble” But there was no hiding the spark of excitement in his eyes. “But I like the way you think.”
Without further ado, the two of you shed your clothes, leaving them in a heap on the dock. The cool breeze sent a shiver down your spine, but it only added to the exhilaration. You took Max’s hand, and together, you slipped into the water, the initial shock of the cold quickly replaced by a delicious feeling of freedom.
Max surfaced with a gasp, shaking water from his hair and grinning at you. “This was a great idea,” he admitted, splashing you playfully. “Though, you might have to fend off all the photographers if they find out about this.”
You laughed, splashing him back. “Maybe, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
The two of you floated in the water, enjoying the peacefulness of the night. But just as you were starting to relax, the soft thrum of an approaching boat reached your ears. You turned, heart racing, as a small boat with “Port Authority” painted on the side came into view, its searchlight sweeping across the water.
Max immediately positioned himself between you and the approaching boat, his expression shifting to one of focused determination. “Stay behind me,” he whispered, his tone protective yet amused. “Guess we’re about to make someone’s night interesting.”
The boat slowed to a stop a short distance away, and the spotlight fixed on you both. An officer’s voice crackled over a loudspeaker, breaking the night’s tranquility. “This is the port authority. What are you two doing out here?”
Max, ever the cool-headed racer, raised a hand in greeting, keeping his other arm around your shoulders to shield you. “Just taking a swim,” he called out casually, his voice carrying that familiar confident edge. “Didn’t realize there were rules against enjoying the water.”
The officer narrowed his eyes, clearly unimpressed. “This is a restricted area after dark. You can’t be swimming here, especially not like… that.”
Max shrugged, feigning innocence. “Hey, it’s a beautiful night. We couldn’t resist.” He glanced back at you, giving you a quick, reassuring smile. “We didn’t mean to break any rules.”
There was a moment of tense silence, and then the other officer leaned forward, squinting through the spotlight. “Wait a minute… aren’t you… Max Verstappen?”
Max sighed, a small smile playing on his lips. “Guilty as charged,” he admitted. “But listen, how about we make this a fun story instead of a headline?” He reached back to the dock, where his clothes were, and pulled out his wallet from his pants. Holding up a few large bills, he grinned at the officers. “How about we forget you ever saw us here? We’ll be gone before you know it.”
The officers exchanged looks, clearly tempted by the offer. The one with the loudspeaker finally nodded, though he couldn’t hide a smirk. “Alright, Mr. Verstappen. We’ll let you off this time, but get dressed and get out of here. We don’t want to see this in the tabloids tomorrow.”
Max gave them a playful salute. “You got it, officers. Thanks for the discretion.” As the boat began to turn away, he called out, “And hey, maybe come to a race sometime! I’ll make sure you get the best seats.”
Once the boat had disappeared into the darkness, you and Max burst out laughing, the adrenaline mixing with relief. “That was close,” you said, still grinning as you swam back toward the dock.
Max helped you out of the water, keeping his eyes on yours with a cheeky grin. “That was too close,” he agreed, wrapping a towel around you before grabbing his own clothes. “But I think we handled it pretty well. Not every day you get caught skinny dipping by the authorities and get away with it.”
You shook your head, amused and a little breathless. “You do if you’re Max Verstappen”
He chuckled, pulling you into a quick kiss. “You make life exciting, I’ll give you that,” he murmured, his voice full of affection. “But maybe next time, we pick a less risky spot. Just a suggestion.”
You laughed, nodding in agreement as you both quickly dressed. “Agreed. But it was worth it, just for the story.”
Max grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Absolutely. And hey, if we’re going to get into trouble, might as well make it memorable, right?”
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mochinomnoms · 8 months ago
Half asleep past midnight ramblings because I saw a pirate AU mentioned and I know you like Jade so like
Yuu drops stuff off the edge of a ship and into the ocean by accident - maybe some kinda mushroom-shaped pendant idk. And jade ends up catching it and misinterpreted the exchange as a courting gesture somehow. And now Yuu keeps on getting dragged out to deck by the rest of the crew because this bigass mer with bigass teeth keeps jumping aboard and snarling at anyone who approaches him except for Yuu for some reason
And Yuu just keeps having to drop what they're doing to nudge what seems, to them, like quite a placid merman off the deck and back into the ocean, wondering why they specifically have to do that and not believing the rest of the crew when they describe Jade as 'A hissing monstrosity that tried to take a chunk outta my arm!' etc. etc.
Anyway they have a collection of random ocean trinkets that Jade keeps giving them or something. And also Jade saves them from drowning. Floyd follows Jade to the surface once and then there's an issue with TWO mermen tryna hang out on deck but only tolerating two specific crew members and one is the angry redhead who ends up looking super amusing trying to drag a slippery, troublesome eel to the edge of the boat so he can get back to whatever he should be doing
Sorry about the rambling - and sorry if it isn't coherent. My brain needs something to do since I can't get to sleep rn lol.
I don't know a whole lot about pirates other than what I know from my video game...but from I am aware! They spend at least weeks if not months out at sea! I like to think that it takes Jade sometime to watch and actually fall for someone, while Floyd is the one more prone to love at first sight fight
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When you guys are around at sea, slowly making your way to the next port, you're not super surprised you've been followed by a pair of merfolk.
They're known to be curious, but unless they're sirens, they're likely to keep to themselves.
But these two have been following the ship for quite some time now, like they're after something specific.
They're practically identical, just a few things like their gray strands of hair and their bi-colored eyes that help with differentiating them. The more excitable of the two seems to be most invested in chasing after your boat.
You can't understand the clicks, chirps, or squeals he makes, but you do notice how excited he gets when your friend Riddle, a crewmate who ran off from home, is on the deck. Riddle seems annoyed and will often yell at the merman, telling him to go away and stop following.
Though the big guy just looks so happy to see Riddle that you think he isn't able to understand human speech. If you had to guess, you think he was following after Riddle. Not sure why though.
You almost forget about the other one, with how quiet he is. You encounter him after dropping a cute little mushroom pendant that you got from a port shop a while back. The moment it plopped into the dark water in the dead of night, you were absolutely devastated. You even took some spare rope and wrapped it around your waist in a tight knot before scaling the side of the ship to carefully make it down to the water.
Hoping and praying to whatever sea god lorded over the current waters you were in that the water was shallow and pendant not lost to the deep, you failed to notice the soft teal aquamarine glow emerging from the water.
When you finally do turn to look at the water, you just about screamed at the upper hand of one of the mermen's face staring at you. Pressing yourself against the wooden hull of the ship, you stared back at him, not even daring to blink, as if he would suddenly lunge at you if you looked away.
Not an unwarranted fear; you and the rest of the crew had seen the way those sharp teeth and claws torn apart large tuna and annoying seagulls.
You think this is the more quiet of the two, based on the lack of reaction and the strand on his left. He seems more quizzical than playful, compared to whom you think is his brother. His eyes flicker down to watch the way your chest moves up and down as you try to calm your breath. He stares for a bit before flickering back up to your eyes, where he resumes his chilling stare.
What felt like hours, but was probably minutes, passed as you two played what was essentially a staring contest. Eventually, made due to boredom, or maybe he was satisfied after studying you so long, his right hand came up from the water clenching something. He gently opened his hand to reveal the golden mushroom pendant, complete with your gold chain and everything.
"Oh! You got it, uh, can I have it back?" You asked, pointing at the item in his hand.
The merman slowly rose up the lower part of his face and upper chest now visible. Looking at him up close, you could understand why they cautioned sailors to keep their distance from all sea folk.
Such pretty faces, it's no wonder people willingly drown themselves just in an attempt to be with one.
The teal colored merman watched as you carefully reached for the item in his hand, only to jerk it away and make a laughing sound. You think it was laughter, based on the smirk and squinted eyes he gave you. You huffed, reaching for it again, only for him to swam back again. His laughter was growing louder, seems that he was just as mischievous as his brother, just sneakier about it.
It almost sounded musical to your ears, too bad you were too focused on getting the pendant back to admire it. Eventually, the creature was far enough out of your reach that you were barely touching the ship with the tip of your toes. It seemed like he wanted you to fall into the water as he playfully splashed at you with the tip of his tail. You knew he was playing, if he really wanted you in the water, that tail had more than enough strength to wrap around you and drag you in.
But still, you wanted that damn pendant back! He seemed fascinated by the mushroom itself and the detailing on it. His claws kept tracing over the ridges and he was studying it intently when he wasn't staring at you. He's probably never seen one before. That's when a brilliant idea popped into your head!
Gesturing him to wait, you climbed back up the rope, turning back every time to check and see that he was still there. The big guy seemed a bit annoyed, disappointed even, that you were leaving. No matter, you'd be back soon enough with a bargaining chip.
It takes a moment for you to finally make your way back up, huffing and your arms straining from pulling your self up. Riddle, bless his heart, had rushed out after hearing your scream earlier and was pacing around the deck waiting for you to return.
"There you are! I saw you with one of the mermen, did you get hurt? Do you need medical attention? Come to the infirmary, I'll check you up—"
You waved him off, struggling to undo your knot, blurting out something about you being fine and needing to trade. Finally managing to stumble into the sleeping quarters and to your cot, digging against your blanket and bags to finally find a small pouch.
Smiling at your victory, you ran back up to the deck to find Riddle struggling with the rope and one of the mermen. You're pretty sure it's the other one: his strand is on his right side and he's a lot more vocal as he tried climbing up the side of the ship using the rope and digging his claws in the hull.
Poor Riddle was struggling to get the merman's arms off of his, the latter's grasp tightening the more he struggled to get out.
"Damn it Floyd! I told you! Leave!" A kick. "Me!" An inhumane yelp. "ALONE!"
The merman looked almost disappointed as Riddle finally managed to kick him in the face and crawl away from his grasp.
Riddle was heaving as he glared at the pouting merman, watching as he finally lost his claw grip in the wood and slid back into the water with a loud splash. You helped your friend up, checking him over for any stratches or bite marks.
"So it is you that they're following! I'd been wondering way they were so focused on our ship, but how do you know his name?"
Riddle sighed, nodding his head. "I apologize. I was hoping that he wouldn't remember me from our childhood, it's been so long, but..."
He dragged his hands over his face in exasperation. "He has a perfect memory when he wants to. He used to visit the reefs near my hometown, I ended up meeting him there when I was younger. He was so annoying! Liked to poke and prod at me anytime I visited the beach, I thought I finally managed to get rid of him when I left home, but it seems that he's found me."
"How can you understand them?"
"Ah, they can speak and understand common tongue. They just choose to feign ignorance." Riddle muttered to himself as he slipped off his now soaking jacket.
You watched your friend as he wrung out the water in his clothes from who you now know is Floyd. Pursing your lips, you looked toward the rope, now splayed across the deck, and move toward it.
"Do you know the other one's name?" you asked, tying the rope back to your waist.
"Hmm? His twin? I think it's Jade, why do you want to—what are you doing?"
Riddle suddenly stood watching in horror as you slipped over the ledge of the ship once again.
"He's got my pendant, gonna get it back—"
"No! You going down there is how Floyd got up, get back here!" Riddle marched over, stomping his foot and reaching for you just as you jumped. "I'll get you another, one with rubies in it—HEY!"
Using the momentum from the fall, you planted your feet against the hull as you landed against it, looking down at the water again. This time, both mermen were watching you as you climbed down, though the one you though was Floyd looked upset and bored, swimming up to the hull to make small crying noises to Riddle, you assumed.
As you got closer, the one called Jade came closer, apparently interested that you returned. Once you were finally within each other's reach again, you gestureed for him to come closer.
By this point, his brother was behind him watching curiously as you held up the pouch in your hand, opening it and revealing a white button mushroom.
Jade perked up, looking between your pendant and the mushroom in your hand. You pointed at the pendant in his hand, before remembering what Riddle said.
"Oh yeah, he said you could understand me." Jade didn't betray that he understood you, though his ear fins twitched as you spoke.
"Uh, if you give me that—" you still pointed to the pendant, just incase he was wrong. Though Riddle rarely was. "—then I will give you this!" You pointed back to the white mushroom in your hand.
Jade looked excitedly at the mushroom, nodding as you two traded. Sighing in relief, you pulled the chain over your neck and tucked it into your shirt. You readied to climb back up to the ship again before glancing at Jade.
He was poking at the mushroom, turning it round in his fingers. He seemed almost childlike in his wonder with the fungus, it was almost cute. Right up until he tore it in half and dropped it into the water, watching it float.
"What, no!" You whined, startling him as you gestured between him and the mushroom.
"No! No, no, no! That's a waste of a perfectly good mushroom! Do you know how hard it is to get those at ports? You're supposed to eat it!"
Exasperated, you opened your pouch again and handed another to Jade, though this time he eyed your hand warily.
"...What? Do you think I'm gonna posion you? Look—" You tore it in half, like he did earlier, and popped one half into your mouth. "Shee? Yummy!"
He still looked doubtful as you chewed. Rolling your eyes, you extended your arm out to his face, making him jerk away again.
"Just, try it! Come on!" You pushed against the hull again, on your tiptoes, as you held out the mushroom towards his lips.
"I'll even feed it to ya! Say 'aaaah'."
Jade looked at your open mouth and, you swear on your soul, blushed before looking away. He thinned his lips, eyes flickering back at you again with an almost shy expression. Floyd, in the background, was staring curiously, before making a chirping sound. Jade made a similar sound back, before looking at you between his lashes and bashfully taking the mushroom from your fingertips.
You tried not to jump from his teeth scraping you and his cold lips brushing against your skin. Instead, you stilled yourself, holding your breath as he chewed.
"It's good, right?"
Jade paused swallowing and slowly nodding before opening his mouth.
"Yes, it's quite...nice." You were surprised how smooth and human his voice was. It as almost soft, a stark difference from his sharp ends and edges. Pleasant.
You shook your thoughts from your head. You refused to be one of those lovesick sailors.
"Right...well, thanks! I'll be, uh, heading back now."
You actively chose to not look back as you climbed up, though perhaps you should have. You could have seen the way Jade watched you, like your were Aphrodite emerging from the sea foam to the land.
"What I tell ya Jade?" Jade continued watching you climb up, eyeing the way Riddle dragged you to the boat, though he flicked his ear fin towards Floyd. "I told you that the lil shrimp was just your type!"
Floyd giggled as he swam on his back, circling his brother. He paused to listen to the way Riddle was yelling at you. So cute.
"Aren't you glad you joined me? I get my Goldfishie, and you'll get a little Shrimpy out of it! Mama and Pops will be so happy when we bring them back home!
"Yes...we'll have to do it soon though." Jade smiled as he watched you and Riddle peer over the edge. You waved at him, and he back at you. His smile grew as you excitedly waved even harder speaking to Riddle before your friend dragged you away.
"The farther we get, the less time we have to return to Azul. His water-breathing spell will only last so long."
"And whose fault is that?" Floyd scoffed, flicking water at his brother in annoyance. "I wanted to take my mate and his friend since day one, you're the one who wanted to 'study' them and stuff. I know you best, if I tell you that the shrimp is perfect for you, you oughta listen!"
Jade glared at Floyd, who stuck his tongue at him, before softly laughing.
"You're right Floyd, of course you know me so well." Jade stared back up at the ship, as if his gaze alone would beckon you to return to him. "The water's warm, there's a storm coming from the east, where they've been traveling."
Jade dove into the water, his brother following him.
"The storm is large and coming soon, and the wood over here is damaged." Jade gestured to a part of the hull that was starting to rot, water slipping in. "If we cause the ship to take in more water, it will sink. They only have a few of those smaller boats, and much too many crew."
Floyd grinned as he caught on to what his brother was implying.
"Everyone will probably be scrambling to get on them boats—"
"Precisely, and with the chaos of a storm, will be much too busy to notice two of their crewmates snatched by a pair of mermen."
The twins shared a conniving laugh, following the ship into an unseen storm in the dark of night.
Something that few people ever mentioned, as it was quite rare, was that once a merperson fell for someone, they also were determined to drag them into the deep, never to be seen again by the people of the surface.
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cosmicdahlias · 5 months ago
A Night on The Stan O’ War II
a stan and ford x reader fic
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You work at a bar in a seaside town. Two attractive older men walk in and they invite you back to their boat for a night of debauchery.
warnings: threesome, oral, huge age gap (reader is in their 20’s), slapping, usage of the word “daddy”
this is my first threesome fic. i don’t write about stan nearly as much as i do ford, but i would KILL to be eiffel towered by them. 😩 also i feel like them bickering while fucking you is incredibly in character for both of them.
You were waiting tables at the bar in the small port town you resided in. It was nothing to write home about, but it payed the bills. You were in the process of wiping down tables when two older men walked in. You could tell immediately from how alike they were that they were brothers, maybe even twins. You’d always had a thing for older men and you found both of them to be incredibly handsome. You approached their table.
“Hey there, my name’s y/n. What can I get for you two gentlemen?”
“I’ll take a whiskey, toots.” One of the men said in a gruff voice, he was very clearly eyeing you up.
“A bourbon for me, please.” The other tried to be more discreet, but he was definitely looking at you with the same lust as his brother.
As the night went on you started to find excuses to come to their table and it was obvious they didn’t mind one bit. You brought out another round of drinks, noticing when one of them went to grab his drink that he had six fingers. You shamelessly wondered what those six fingers could do, when the rougher of the two spoke.
“Hey, so uhh, we were thinkin’, we’ve seen you looking at us all night and we thought maybe you’d like to come back with one of us.”
Your heart skipped a beat, holy fuck yes. You were debating on who to choose when the perfect idea dawned on you.
“What if I want both of you?”
They exchanged glances with each other before the scholarly looking one answered.
“Only if you think you can handle it, sweetheart.”
You smirked. “Oh I’m more than capable. I get off at 12.”
The gruff one cocked a devilish smile. “Trust me, toots, it won’t be the only time you get off tonight. I’m Stan, the nerd over there is Ford, my brother.”
The brothers waited outside for you to finish your shift. You locked the door behind you.
“Okay, so where’s your guys’ place?” You asked.
“We have a boat moored nearby.” Ford answered.
You walked the short distance to the docks, arriving a decently sized boat, the name “Stan O’ War II” inscribed on the hull. They helped you onto the boat and led you down to the cabin below deck, you sat yourself on one of the beds. You were a little nervous, you’d never had a threesome before.
“So… how do we want to start thi-“
Stan interrupted you with a kiss rougher than his voice, you fell back on the bed with him on top of you, his hands immediately grabbing at your breasts.
Ford rolled his eyes. “Way to be a gentleman, Stanley.”
“Come on, you expect me to just stand there when they look like that? With that skirt and those tits? Now are you gonna watch or are you gonna get in on this?” Stan said between kisses.
“I was getting to that, move over.”
Stan sat you up and shifted to your left, his lips never leaving you. Ford traced circles on your inner thighs, you shuddered at the sensation.
“So what’s someone as pretty and young as you doing wanting to have sex with two old men?” Ford inquired.
“What can I say? I have an affinity for salt and pepper hair. I find men get better with age, more experience.” You said, momentarily breaking away from Stan to grab Ford by the sweater and pull him into a kiss.
Stan laughed. “Heh, that might be true for me, sugar, but you would NOT believe what poindexter over here has been up to for the past 30 years. And I’ll tell you there definitely wasn’t any hot young tail to go around.”
Ford gave an audible groan of annoyance and started to take off your clothes. He pulled your top over your head and unhooked your bra, sliding the straps off your arms.
He took a shuddering breath. “My stars, your breasts are gorgeous.”
“Tell me about it.” Stan said, taking one of your nipples in his mouth and biting it, his stubble tickling your breast.
Ford returned his attention to getting your clothes off of you. He pulled off your skirt and followed with your panties, sliding them down your legs, he gave a small gasp at your wetness.
“Good god sweetheart, you’re so wet. You really wanted us, didn’t you?”
Stan smirked against your breast. “Of course they do! You think they’d be able to resist the charms of us two silver foxes?”
You nodded. “When you guys walked into the bar tonight I secretly hoped you’d be into something like this.”
“We seriously didn’t think you’d reciprocate. It was a complete shot in the dark, but look at you, so eager for the both of us.” Ford said as he sank to his knees in front of you.
“Hey, you might’ve thought that, but I knew I’d have them swooning within the hour. No one can resist Stan the man.” He said, flexing his arms.
Ford rolled his eyes and lifted your legs, draping them over his shoulders. He circled your clit with his thumb for a moment before replacing it with his mouth and tongue. You tangled your fingers in his hair as Stan returned his lips to yours, tongue darting down your throat, hands caressing your breasts.
Ford lapped at your clit, taking in your taste and scent.
“God, you taste so good.” He said, moaning against you.
Stan laughed. “Damn, sixer. I didn’t know you enjoyed eating pussy this much.”
Ford scoffed. “I happen to find eliciting an orgasm from another person to be incredibly rewarding, their pleasure is mine.”
“Good god, you’re so pussy whipped.”
“I’m trying to concentrate here, Stanley.”
You felt your orgasm build, you tightened your grip on Ford’s hair.
“Good girl, that’s it, you’re almost there.” Ford cooed.
You panted, the sensation of being eaten out by Ford and felt up by Stan was overwhelming. You bucked your hips somewhat involuntarily against Ford’s tongue.
You reeled your head back cumming all over Ford’s mouth. He didn’t stop, slipping two fingers inside you and curling them at your g-spot, he wanted to make you cum again. It didn’t take long to coax it out of you, you gripped his hair so hard you almost ripped out a few strands, cumming on his face for a second time.
You fell back on the bed, you were practically floating. You panted breathlessly, attempting to steady yourself. Ford stood up, leaned over and kissed you, you could taste yourself on him. You sat up and looked at both of them, cracking a smirk.
“Both of you, strip for me.” You said in your best sultry voice.
“Of course, princess.” Ford said.
Stan grinned. “Get ready for the show, sweet cheeks.”
They began removing their clothes. Stan gave you the full stripper experience, running his hands seductively over his body. You wondered to yourself if he’d ever done this before, it sure seemed like he had.
You watched them hungrily as they revealed their figures. Stan was paunchy and soft whereas Ford was more built with a slight muscle definition, yet both of them were incredibly hot to you. You stared at them and couldn’t help but notice the multiple scars that littered Ford’s body. You had no idea what kind of hell he must’ve been through, but it had clearly been a lot.
As they pulled off their boxers you took in the absolutely glorious sight. They were both incredibly hung, over 8 inches. Their cocks were nearly identical, but Stan’s had significantly more girth. Stan caught you obviously staring.
“Like what ya see, angel?” Big, isn’t it?” He said, giving himself a few strokes.
“Bragging is unbecoming of a gentleman, Stanley.” Ford chastised.
“Hey, I know what I got, so I’m gonna flaunt it. Now, on all fours, toots.” Stan commanded, getting on the bed.
He came up behind you and angled his cock against you and unceremoniously shoved himself inside you, one hand on your shoulder, the other on your waist. He was so thick it felt like you were being ripped in half, you cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain.
“Oh shit, you alright?” Stan asked.
“Yeah I’m okay, it just hurts so good.”
He cocked a smile. “Damn, you like it rough don’t you?”
Ford got on his knees in front of you, tilting your chin up and stroking your lips with his thumb.
“Your lips are so soft, sweetheart.”
He slowly slid his cock in your mouth and began gingerly fucking your mouth, trying very hard to not make you choke.
“You ever done anything like this before, sugar? Gotten fucked by two men at the same time?” Stan said as he started pumping himself inside you.
You shook your head with Ford’s cock in your mouth.
“No? What do you think, huh? You like getting fucked by men old enough to be your dad?” Stan asked.
You nodded.
He grabbed your ass. “Good girl, so fucking dirty.”
Ford ran his fingers through your hair. “That’s right, you’re such a good girl, taking the both of us at the same time.”
Stan thrusted aggressively, each one forcing his brother’s cock deeper down your throat, you gagged around him.
“Easy, Stanley, you’ll make them choke.” Ford warned.
“Sorry, can’t help it, they feel too good. So- nngh- fucking tight.” Stan grunted.
You started to move your hips back against him.
“Yeah, that’s right, good girl. Fuck yourself on my cock.” Stan groaned.
He gave an incredibly hard slap to your ass, you yelped with Ford still in your mouth, a welt began to form.
“Hey, watch it! You don’t know if they like that sort of thing.” Ford scolded.
Stan rolled his eyes. “Oh come off it, sixer. They can speak for themself.”
You pulled yourself off of Ford’s cock just long enough to give a response before taking him back in your mouth.
“It’s okay, I love it.”
“See? They ‘love it’.” Stan said with a smirk.
“Consent is still important, Stanley.” Ford huffed.
Stan picked up his pace, god he loved this, using you like his own personal fucktoy.
“Jesus, that tight little pussy is gonna make me cum.” Stan groaned.
He gripped your hips and got a few good thrusts in before pulling out and cumming all over your back with a loud moan. Ford pulled himself out of your mouth, he leaned over and whispered in your ear while stroking your cheek.
“You did so well for us, sweetheart.”
Your legs shook, exhausted from being on your hands and knees for so long. You collapsed on your stomach.
Stan breathed raggedly trying to collect himself, then got off the bed and started putting his boxers back on.
“Alright, I’m gonna go out for a smoke, I’ll leave you two crazy kids alone. Have fun.” Stan said with a wink.
He started to head out, wiping sweat from his brow.
“Geez, you got me schvitzing here, toots.” He closed the cabin door behind him.
Ford turned his attention back to you. “Let me get you cleaned up.”
He got up and retrieved a towel and began wiping his brother’s cum off of your back.
“There we go.” He said softly.
He picked you up and laid you down with your head on the pillow and got on top of you. He tilted your chin up and kissed you deeply.
“I know you enjoyed being ravaged by Stanley, but now it’s my turn and I want to make love to you. Is that okay with you, princess?”
You nodded fervently.
“Good girl. I know my cock isn’t as thick as his, but still if it hurts I want you to bite down on my shoulder. Understand?”
“Yes, daddy.”
He blushed. “Daddy? How come didn’t call Stanley that?”
“You have stronger daddy vibes.”
He chuckled. “I’m very flattered, princess.”
He slowly started to insert himself making sure to give you time to adjust while kissing you, you moaned into his mouth.
He reached the hilt of his shaft. “Does that feel good? I’m not hurting you am I?”
You shook your head. “You feel so good, daddy.”
He chuckled. “Keep calling me that and I won’t be able to last very long.”
He began moving his hips, finding a steady, gentle rhythm.
“God, now I see what Stanley was talking about, you feel incredible. So warm and tight.”
He and Stan might’ve been twins, but the ways they fucked you were as different as night and day. Where Stan was rough and fast, Ford was so much more slow and passionate.
“From the moment I saw you I knew I would have to have you. The way your thighs looked in that skirt and the way your breasts bounced as you walked, god you looked so tantalizing. When you would bend over the table to serve us our drinks it got me so hard immediately. If you hadn’t come back with us I would’ve had to spend the rest of my night stroking my cock while picturing you.”
“I’m not gonna lie, Ford, I was bending over on purpose. I knew what I was doing. Knowing I was turning on two older gentlemen was so hot. I had to steal myself away to the bathroom and touch myself because of how worked up I got with you looking at me like that. You and your brother were practically fucking me with your eyes.”
“We wanted you so bad, it was all we could talk about.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, lacing your fingers in his hair again. He buried his nose into the dip of your collarbone. You moved yourself back against him, drawing out a moan.
“I’m so close, baby girl. Can I cum in you?” He panted.
“Please, daddy.” You begged.
Your words made him throb. “Good girl.”
He slightly increased his pace, still making sure to be gentle. He came deep inside you, coating your walls in a thick layer of cum.
“Stars, you are… amazing.” He said, completely breathless.
You kissed him as he pulled out, lying next to you. You nuzzled into Ford’s chest, he stroked your back, the gentle waves of the ocean rocking the boat.
“You know, we’re going to be here for a full week. If you want, we could do this every night. How does that sound, princess?”
“Like a dream, handsome.”
He kissed you. “Good, I’m very happy to hear that.”
Silence hung in the air for a moment or two before you broke it.
“Can I ask you a question, Ford?”
“Anything, sweetheart.”
“What happened to you? You have so many scars.”
He gave a small smile. “It’s… a long story, but let’s just say I went through quite the adventure in the last 30 years.”
A few minutes later Stan walked through the door. “Got room for one more?”
You smiled. “The more the merrier.”
Stan climbed into the bed, spooning you.
He chuckled to himself. “See, sixer? I told you we’d find babes.”
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arsenic-catnep · 1 year ago
Bounty Girl 2
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Koby x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5k
Contents: soft smut
Part One
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For months, Koby remains on your mind. You keep thinking about how his lips felt, and how he tasted on your tongue. You're curious about his surgery scars and if what you felt was correct. Koby being trans wouldn't affect how you feel about him, not in the slightest. He seemed so nervous about you finding out though, back in that cell block.
You had guided your crew into a port town. As your crew docks on the outskirts of the harbor, your heart skips a beat as you catch sight of a familiar Marine vessel from the corner of your eye. You see the insignia of your beloved cadet's division on the hull, and another piece of you comes back to life. A piece that you only ignited when you were alone in your cabin.
You smile to yourself, making plans to visit the bar on the waterfront that night, hoping that Koby would be there. You decide to spend time in the town without your crew for the day, wanting to see if fate will once again lead you back to your marine's embrace. As you leave the docks, you hurry over to the most popular bar, the whole port is bustling with marines and you hope to whatever God will listen that you aren't caught again.
You enter The Watering Hole, just as the sun is setting. There's a decent mix of people in the crowd. Traders, merchants, fishermen and plenty of marines. You scan the mess of people for a familiar face, and your heart stutters when I catch a glimpse of pink hair. Koby's sitting at the bar with another marine, a blonde with an awful haircut. You move to take a seat at a table in the corner where he won't notice you. Your eyes soak in his appearance, he's gotten a bit leaner in the months that have passed.
The bar is busy this time of night, but your eyes are set on your target. You watch as Koby chats with the other marine, his expression and body language relaxed. He smiles and laughs along with the man, and you feel a pang of jealousy in your stomach. You scold yourself for your childish thoughts.
You continue to admire him and notice that although he's gotten leaner, he's also grown in many ways. His eyes seem to sparkle more, and there is a confidence to his demeanor. He still looks like the same Koby that you remember, yet something about him feels... transformed.
You watch from across the room, feeling the heat in your cheeks as your heart flutters.
His tie has been loosened and he sips from a glass of what looks to be beer. He talks casually with his friend, his smile making your stomach turn. He could light up a whole room with that smile, and yet he doesn't seem to know just how handsome he is. You finally build your courage and flag down a waitress. You order Koby a drink and tell the waitress to let him know it's from you.
You keep watching him talk so excitedly with his fellow marine. It's refreshing to see him happy, and it makes your mind go back to the first day you met.
As the waitress leaves an icy cold beer in front of Koby, you watch his mouth form an expression of confusion. The waitress tells him that the drink is from you, and Koby looks around the room before his eyes find on you.
He stares wide eyed, not quite believing that you are actually here again. You give him a cheeky smile and your heart jumps.
He stares back, the look on his face a mix of confusion, disbelief, and surprise. His eyes go back to his glass of beer as he takes a sip, and you wonder what thoughts are going through his head.
He glances back, the look on his face softening slightly as he sees your expression. He slowly stands up, saying something to the marine next to him and moves across the bar to the table where you are sitting.
He stands in front of you, his gaze fixed on yours as he tries to understand the situation he is placed in. "You've... you've come back?"
"Don't look so shocked, pretty boy. I told you we'd meet again, didn't I?" You look up at him, he's as handsome as ever and you can't control the smile that spreads on your face
He stares down, his heart racing as he takes in your face again for the first time since the day you escaped. You're even more beautiful than his imagination could ever hope to conjure, and he feels the butterflies dancing in his belly.
"W-Why have you come back?" He asks, his voice no more than a whisper. "I thought... I thought that might have been the end of it."
He can't help but flush as he looks down at you, his mind racing with the possibilities. There's hope in his gaze, but also a little fear.
I shrug a bit, glancing down at the table. I can't form a proper answer, at least not one that isn't just "I wanted to"
"I'm not sure, I guess… I just wanted to see your face again."
Your words are barely audible, but they hold a world of meaning to your beloved cadet. The sound of your voice sends a thrill through his soul, and he can't help but stare as he tries to understand why you have come back.
"I can't believe you're here," he whispers, "I thought that I would never get to see you again."
His gaze sweeps over your features as if making sure you're real. You realize that you didn't actually say goodbye, but you also haven't said hello again either. Your relationship feels as if it hangs in the balance.
You reach your hand up and grab his wrist, you notice a few marines staring, and you quickly turn away from the crowd. Hiding your face with your hair.
"I'd love to keep chatting, but your coworkers seem to have noticed us. If I book a hotel room, do you promise to meet me there?" You let go of his wrist and looked up at Koby with pleading eyes. You feel so childish for being so enthralled with this man you barely know and met in a prison cell.
Koby looks down at you with a mix of surprise and shock. "You want me to meet you at a hotel?"
His voice is filled with excitement, and he seems more than willing to leave the bar. His face warms as he realizes the situation he is in, and he can't hide his excitement from you.
"Of course, I'll meet you there as soon as I can get away," he says, his tone almost as a whisper as his cheeks turn pink.
"Perfect, I'll be at the Blue Moon hotel, room number 60." You grin at him, feeling your stomach fluttering. You quickly get up, brushing past the cadet and making your way out of the bar, rushing to the hotel to book the room.
You get the key card from the desk clerk and once you're in the room, the weight of what could happen crashes against your girlish fantasies. Koby could reject you, he could turn you back over to the marines, he could betray your trust. Or, he could give you the best night of your life.
You hurry inside the room, feeling the excitement build as you realize the possibilities of the night ahead. You take in the details of the room, and notice the double bed with the freshly changed sheets.
Your body fills with nervousness as you imagine yourself in that bed with Koby, his arms wrapped around you. Your mind is flooded with a rush of hormones, and you struggle to keep your thoughts at bay.
Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. Your heart races as you go to open the door, swallowing down your nervousness. As the wood creaks, you're greeted by Koby. He looks just as apprehensive as you feel, but he smiles as he sees you.
His heart falters in his chest, and his cheeks fill with blush as he looks at you. He stares, his body frozen by a mixture of shock and arousal. Koby's eyes drift down toward your neck, and he sees the slight flush of color there. He steps into the room, closing the door behind him with a quiet click.
You back into the room as he enters, you can't help but reach out and pull him by his tie, just like before. You tug his body against yours, and look up at him. Your eyes fill with mischief, silently daring him to kiss you first this time.
He can feel your breath on his neck. His thoughts go back to the kiss in the jail cell, and his body begins to respond.
He closes his eyes for a moment, and then his lips find yours. His kiss is filled with passion and desire, and he holds you close as he melts into your touch.
Your hands instinctively cup his jaw, then move to tangle in his hair. You lick his lips, and Koby obediently opens his mouth. Your tongue fills his mouth, and each sensation sends a rush of heat through his body. He pulls you closer, holding you tightly and embracing the heat of your bodies together. The sound of your kissing fills the room, the feeling of your wet lips taking him over the edge. He feels your fingernails scratching the back of his head, and he reaches a hand up to touch the curves of your body. His free hand runs down your back, and his fingers make their way to the hem of your shirt.
You pull back from the kiss, reaching up to pluck his glasses from his face. He goes to say something, but closes his mouth just as soon as it opens. You gently place the glasses on the dresser next to you and take his hand to lead him to the bed. You push him down by his shoulders so he's sitting at the edge, his body relaxes against the soft sheets and he looks up at you. Your hands run over his chest, and you feel those scars through the fabric of his shirt again. Koby tenses up as you trace them, you look down at him and his eyes go wide as he feels you trace the lines, he tenses and waits for the worst.
But your kiss comes, and he is filled with a sense of relief. He lets himself melt into you, and he pulls you close as he returns the kiss with fervor. Fingers still playing with the hem of your shirt, unsure of himself.
Your hands move to work at trying to undo his tie. You maneuver yourself to straddle him, caging him against the bed. You get more and more frustrated as you fiddle with his stupid tie.
Your frustration grows, and your body begins to heat up. You wriggle yourself close to his body, and he can feel the warmth of your skin. Your lips move down to where his tie is, your mouth finding his collar as you use your teeth to help with the stubborn knot.
Koby stutters, the feeling of your hot breath on his throat sends shivers up his spine. You finally get the knot loose and pull his tie off, throwing it to the floor triumphantly. Your hands start to unbutton his uniform, and lean closer to trace your lips against his jaw. Koby's heart flutters as you speak "You're so pretty you know that? You're more handsome than any man I've ever seen."
His breath catches in his throat when you call him "pretty". He has never been described as such before, and he feels a rush of emotions.
"I..." He struggles to find the right words, his thoughts and senses overwhelmed by your presence. "You're... you're beautiful beyond compare."
His words have your heart trembling and lighting something even lower. You finally get the last button of his shirt undone and push the fabric off his narrow shoulders. You can't help but blush as you rake your eyes over his pale skin. He's absolutely perfect, and you feel a throbbing sensation in your cunt. Koby doesn't meet your eyes, the wall behind seems much more interesting to him as he waits for you to reject him. He's worried that the revelation of his past will drive you away.
But you don't care. It doesn't change your feelings for him, or how you see him. In fact, it makes him even more endearing in your eyes. He's something new, something softer, and kinder than traditional men.
As your fingers brush against his scars, you lean in and kiss one of them, your lips grazing lightly against the raised pink skin. The scars are jagged, and seem to have been poorly cut. Your heart aches at the pain he must have gone through.
You slowly push him back against the bed, his back hits the mattress with a soft thud. His breath catches in his chest and you can almost hear his heartbeat. Your lips find his neck, and you begin to suck bruises into his soft skin. His hands tug at your shirt, and he whimpers helplessly.
"Not so high.. I don't– I don't want to get in trouble."
You smile and move lower, he trembles as you nip the skin on his collarbone. His hands tug at your shirt again, his desperation becoming more and more clear. He can't handle the sensations racing through his body, and he whimpers as he can feel your teeth digging into him. You can hear his breath coming in short, rapid bursts as his body responds to you.
Your hands move down his torso to explore his scars, and your fingers begin to lightly caress them. You can feel the tension in him grow stronger with your touch, and you can tell that it's making a difference.
You ghost your fingers over his nipples, teasing and circling them as you feel his reaction to your touch. His breath comes out in a sharp hiss, his body trembling slightly as he fights for control. You drink in his moans, then shift to press your thigh between his legs. Koby jumps as feels the friction, a whine rumbling in his throat. He pulls your shirt up, and his soft fingers rub at the skin over your ribs.
He wants your shirt off, and you know it, but you want to see how far you can push him before he takes a bit of control. Your legs settle on either side of his thigh, and the weight of your body makes him moan. He can feel the heat of your arousal, and he shudders with the intense sensation of it.
Koby looks up at you, making soft and quiet little sounds as the tension leaves his body. You begin to sink down, sliding off his thigh and kneeling on the floor in front of Koby. You glance up at him, his whole torso is flushed pink and the color accentuates the deep purple bruises on his chest.
"Can I make you feel good sweetheart?" You smirk, your own arousal growing as you stare into his eyes. Your hands grip the outside of his thighs, and you eagerly wait for him to tell you yes.
His heart is threatening to beat out of his chest, he lets out a shaky sigh and looks away from you.
"I'm- I'm not. I don't-" Koby stutters trying to find the words to explain what you already know.
"I know, baby. I don't care. I wanna make you feel good, and I know you can make me feel good too." You rub circles into his thighs and smile softly at him.
He's still a nervous wreck, but he finally looks at you again. "I don't know how."
"I'll teach you. Just tell me if you want to stop." Your words are soothing, and he nods lightly.
"Can you- can… I want to see you- Your body. I want to see your body too." Koby gets a stride of confidence with his last sentence and your gentle smile stretches into a wicked smirk.
"Of course, sweet boy."
You stand up, and his eyes follow you. Your shirt comes off first, meeting Koby's on the floor. Then you work your way out of your bra, his eyes burning with desire as familiarizes himself with your skin.
Koby bites his bottom lip and can't help but stare at your tits as you throw your bra to the floor. He swallows hard and props himself up on his elbows.
"Like what you see?" You tease a bit and push your tits up before letting them fall with a bounce.
"Yes." He says with no hesitation, eyes flicking up to yours. You lean over him, placing your hands on either side of his waist and start to crawl up his body.
Using your hand, you push him back down on the bed. His eyes move from yours and stare at your exposed skin once more. You straddle his hips and grab his wrists, he seems so fragile underneath you.
Koby allows you to guide his hands over your boobs, he trembles as his soft palms meet your skin.
"Squeeze them a little." your voice is just above a whisper and he obeys. He kneads the skin in his hands, entranced with the feeling. You sigh as his touch sends sparks through your body. Your hands relax against his, allowing him to have free reign over his movements.
He uses his thumbs to rub over your nipples, watching them pebble at the attention they're getting. Koby seems completely entranced with the feeling of your tits in his hands.
You lean down and kiss him again, rocking your hips against his. He whimpers at the friction on his cunt, and you smile.
"Can I take your clothes off?" You cup his cheek in one hand, and your words are gentle. He nods nervously, and you peck his lips in reassurance before sliding down his body.
You hook your fingers into the hem of his pants and boxers then slide them down his thighs, they meet with the rest of your clothes on the floor. He watches cautiously, and as his pretty pussy is exposed, you feel your own ache.
"Fuck baby, you're so pretty." You whisper and his whole body heats up at your words. "Can I touch you?"
"Please." He whimpers, barely a second after your words.
Your fingers trace his thighs and he tenses, you rub soothing circles and practically gawk at his drooling cunt. You press a finger between his folds and collect his slick. Koby's whole body jolts as if he was shocked, a loud gasp emitting from his throat.
"It's okay baby, let me take care of you." You suck his slick from your finger and he whines. You can almost see his clit throb at your actions.
The room is soon filled with moans, the sticky sounds of slick, and wet kisses. Your fingers open him up, and curl inside his cunt, then he's cumming on them soon enough. You soothe his body and kiss him until he's done twitching.
Koby begs you to teach him how to touch you.
You guide his hand, show him how to rub your clit, and how to dip his fingers into your needy pussy. He watches with fascination as he experiments with his fingers. He's a fast learner and quickly notes how your body reacts.
It isn't long before your back arches and short gasps leave your mouth, Koby rubs fast circles on your clit as his fingers work overtime on your sweet spot. You gush onto his fingers with a long whine, and he watches in awe as you come down from you high.
You lay next to each other, both of you breathless and exhausted. Your bodies are pressed together, still feeling the after effects of the night before.
At that moment, it feels like time has stood still. The two of you are alone together, and the world outside the four walls of the room might as well not even exist.
You feel satisfied, your body exhausted but the feeling of euphoria coursing through your veins. The sound of his breathing makes you feel safe, the smell of his skin the sweetest perfume you've ever known.
After a long pause of silence, both of your heartbeats even out and your breathing slows. Koby moves to get out of bed, and you grab his wrist, not wanting him to go.
"Where are you going?" you whisper in the silence as he prepares to leave. You can't bear to let go of him, not yet.
He turns towards you, his eyes meeting yours. The look in his eyes causes you to shudder, the feeling of his gaze almost too much to bear.
He doesn't move to get out of bed, instead choosing to sit down beside you and pull you close. He wraps his arms around your waist, his breath tickling your ear.
"I don't want you to leave. I just got you back." You whisper against his neck. You know he has to go, he has to get back to the marine ship, he can't stay even if you weren't a pirate.
Your words fill him with the tiniest flicker of hope, but he knows it would be impossible for him to stay.
"I... I have to go," he says, his voice soft and almost a whisper. His arms hold you tight, and he buries his face in the crook of your neck as he pulls you closer.
"The ship is going back to the base, I can't just not show up," he says, his words filled with conflict. He wants to stay, but he can't ignore his responsibilities either.
You whine a bit, then pull back to look into his eyes. You stare as though you'll never see him again, and for all you know that might be true. You absorb his features, drinking him in, admiring his soft skin, blue eyes and plush lips. Your hand moves to brush through his pink hair. "What if... What if you came with me?"
His heart melts as you stare into his eyes, studying them as if he were an exotic and rare creature.
"W-what if I came with you?" he whispers. The notion sends a jolt of panic through him, but there's also a slight flicker of hope. "Y-you want me to come with you?"
A wave of emotions crashes through him, and he takes in your expression in the dim light. You want him to come with you? He can't believe his ears.
A look of uncertainty crosses his face, as he worries that he's somehow misinterpreting your words. "W-what about the marines? I... I can't abandon them," he says in an unsure tone.
He looks at you, and you can see the uncertainty in his eyes. He's clearly torn between his duty and his desire.
You look down at the sheets, you know it's too much to ask of him. "You're right.. I'm sorry."
"It's...it's fine," he says softly. You can tell that his response is a bit half-hearted, that he wants to be with you but knows that he can't put you before his duties.
He gives your hand a squeeze, trying to offer you what comfort he can. And in that moment, he realizes just how strong his feelings for you are. He can't believe how much he hurt at the thought of refusing you.
"Can I ask you something?" he asks softly after a moment. You nod, looking up at him. "Mhm?"
He looks at you intently. "Do...do you love me?"
It's a loaded question, and you can tell that he's struggling to find the words. He looks down at you, the desire in his eyes making his words feel all the more important. He can't bear the thought of leaving you, not after everything you've shared tonight. And if you love him, maybe there might be a way.
"If you love me, maybe I can stay.. I don't want to leave you so soon... and not when we're like this," he whispers.
Your heart wrenches at his words, and you ponder for a moment. "Koby, I-.." You pause, searching for the words. You met him once, months ago, this is the first night you've shared together, perhaps the only one you'll get. You want to say yes, you want to tell him that you love him and live in the fairytale you've made in your head. You know you can't though, he's a marine and you're a pirate. You need to put your girlish dreams aside and look at the bigger picture. "Koby, I don't know."
His heart breaks when you speak, but he can't say he truly expected anything else. He feels empty in this moment, his body frozen and unable to say, or do anything.
"I understand... it's okay," he says softly. You can tell that his words are half hearted, and the disappointment in his expression is written all over his face. "What... what will happen to us now?" he asks after a moment. "Did this all mean nothing to you?"
"It meant everything to me. That's the problem." a sob racks through your body. "I can't have you, without one of us leaving the life we want to live." Your tears begin to fall hot and heavy down your cheeks
His eyes go wide when he sees your tears, and his lips curl downwards in sadness. He didn't want to get your hopes up, but he can't help but feel saddened by your response.
He squeezes your hand and then brings his up to your face, wiping your tears away with his thumb. "It meant everything to you, too?"
"I... I know... I want to say that I could give up the marines, the life that I've wanted for so long," he says with a sigh. "But I know it wouldn't be right…"
"Then don't.. What's the harm in having a little fun when you're off duty?" Your eyes trail his body, then flick back to his eyes.
You continue speaking, "When in bed with you, I'm not a pirate and you're not a marine. You're a man, and I'm a woman and we're two people having sex and loving one another." You bring your arm up to hold his hand on your cheek.
Your words cause his heart to pick up speed, and he looks deeply into your eyes. "You're… you're right," he whispers softly. "When we're here, when the world outside is gone, we're not a marine and a pirate. We're just two people together... having fun."
His body relaxes into you, his hand squeezing tightly against your cheek. In that moment, he doesn't want to ever leave your side. He wants to stay with you where the outside world can't exist.
If it's illegal for him and against the pirate code for you, then so be it. This feels too damn good to let go.
You begin to lay back down on the bed, pulling his wrist as you do. He goes along with you, laying back and you lay your head on his chest with your arms around him. You can feel the heat of his body, and his breathing slows down as the tension within him eases.
You nuzzle into his skin, your body pressed close against his. He feels safe in your arms, and you can feel his heart beating softly underneath your ear. You press your head against him, and he wraps his arms around you to hold you close.
Koby opens his eyes the next morning, the sun dances through the curtain and across his skin. He reaches next to him, the bed is empty. He stares at the empty space next to him, and his stomach drops when the realization hits him. You're gone.
He glances around the room, prepared to get dressed and have his walk of shame back to the ship. He goes to grab his glasses from the desk and notices a note beneath them. Koby smiles softly as he sees the lipstick stain you've so delicately signed it with.
His eyes skim the letter as he reads your words, and a slight blush creeps across his face. You didn't want to leave him so soon either, but you had your own path in life to follow. You hoped that maybe your paths would cross again in the future.
He reads the letter again and again, each time savoring the words.
I'm not ready to let you go. We can still just be a man and woman, every few weeks. Your marine ship plans on docking in Mocha City, two weeks from today.
What a coincidence, since my crew plans on doing some trading there around the same time.
Meet me at the Sundae Inn, the same night you dock. If you don't want anything to do with me, disregard this letter.
Bounty Girl
He stares at the letter, the words hitting him with a strange mix of excitement and concern. What has he gotten himself into?
He knows that the Marines would never allow for something like this. He's supposed to be hunting pirates, not sleeping with one. And yet...
He smiles, knowing that he can't let you go either. It's too soon, and perhaps there's still a chance that there's more for you in this unlikely future.
Koby folds the letter up and puts it in his pocket as he prepares to go back to the marine ship.
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ltwilliammowett · 3 months ago
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Today we're heading into the eternal ice of Antarctica and keeping a special lady company. The beautiful Endurance is waiting for us in door no. 7
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More about her here:
The three-masted schooner barque designed by Ole Aanderud Larsen (1884-1964) was built by the Framnæs shipyard in Sandefjord, Norway. When she was launched on 17 December 1912, she was named Polaris. She was 43.8 m long, 7.62 m wide and weighed 350 tonnes. In addition to square sails on the foremast and gaff sails on the main and mizzen masts, she had a 260 kW steam engine, which allowed a maximum speed of 10 knots (19 km/h). The ship was designed for polar conditions and constructed to minimise the pressure of the ice masses. With a thickness of 28 cm, the frames were made of greenheart wood, a particularly stable type of tropical wood, and were twice as thick as on conventional sailing ships of this size. The hull of the Endurance was designed to be relatively straight-sided, as it was only intended to sail in loose pack ice. She was therefore calmer in the sea than ships with a spherical hull, such as the Fram; however, this came at the cost of not being lifted significantly out of the pressure line in ice pressures and was therefore unsuitable for encasements in pack ice.
The ship was commissioned by the Belgian polar explorer Adrien de Gerlache and the Norwegian whaling magnate Lars Christensen, who actually wanted to use it for polar cruises of a more touristic nature. However, due to financial problems, Christensen was happy to sell his ship to Shackleton for 11,600 pounds sterling (approx. 934,000 euros, as of 2010) - an amount that was less than the original construction costs. Shackleton renamed her Endurance after his family's motto ‘Fortitudine vincimus’ (‘Through endurance we shall conquer’).
The Endurance left the port of Plymouth on 8 August 1914, around a week after Great Britain's entry into the First World War, and completed the journey to Antarctica with a stopover in Buenos Aires without any problems.
Before the crew of the Endurance could cross to the Antarctic mainland to cross the Antarctic as planned, the ship was trapped by the pack ice of the Weddell Sea in January 1915 like ‘an almond in a piece of chocolate’ - as the much-used comparison goes. After resisting the force of the pack ice for 281 days, the Endurance was crushed by the ice on 21 November 1915. The expedition team had previously saved themselves on a safe ice floe. Thanks to a masterly feat of seamanship and navigation, Shackleton and his crew managed to get out of this desolate situation without any losses with the help of three lifeboats that were salvaged from the Endurance.
Initially continuing with the pack ice and later on ice floes, the castaways drifted northwards in their camps along the Antarctic Peninsula until the floes broke into small pieces. They finally reached Elephant Island in their lifeboats. There, one of the boats was converted and set off for South Georgia with 6 men to fetch help, which was successful. Months later, the remaining men who were still stuck on Elephant Island were rescued by a Chilean navy guard boat.
In 2019, a private expedition attempted to locate the wreck of the Endurance, but was unsuccessful.
In January 2022, the Endurance 22 expedition began the search. The S. A. Agulhas II brought the expedition, in which marine physicist Stefanie Arndt from the Alfred Wegener Institute took part,[3] to the last coordinates of the Endurance mentioned. From the historical records, the expedition members knew that the ship must have sunk at ♁68° 39′ 30″ S, 52° 26′ 30″ W. According to the rules of the Antarctic Treaty, the wreck is a protected historical site that may not be touched.
On 5 March 2022, the expedition found the ship with a diving robot at a depth of 3008 m, 7.7 km from the recorded position. Photographs showed the wreck standing upright in excellent condition.
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