#Poor things mind was probably absolutely ravaged by the end
illmoraineakoi · 1 year
Thinking about the Hollow Knight’s cut Dream Nail text, and wondering if the reason why Hollow mistook Ghost for the Pale King was because they couldn’t see anything through the infection and only felt or sensed the King’s Brand on Ghost.
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nouvxllev · 5 months
Enid becoming a wolf and having her heat…poor baby would be so soft with you and careful she’s not hurting you. But she doesn’t realize she has her heat, she’s never got it before so she doesn’t know why you smell so great or why her body just wants to be near you. Touching you, she’s like a puppy dog following you around.
going with enids heat would probably be the most comforting thing you would ever experience. shes so soft and gentle towards you, you’d often forget that she’s even in heat in the first place. 
maybe a first few days in her heat, she’d probably be so confused. she would wake up in a hot sweat and a constant desperate need to be with you at all times, go throughout the day literally itching to be in your arms, and would always try not to whine whenever you’re still in your “academic weapon” time trying to get all assignments done before going to sleep
then after a few days, you would notice this change in her attitude. obviously, it’s not a lot. enid would constantly shower you with her love and her presence. she’s like a ball of sunshine around you and you absolutely love her for it. but you can’t help the nagging worry that somethings going on with her
while enid was back at the dorm you both shared while you’re out and about or stuck in class, and she’s somehow constantly getting off at the thought at you for god knows why. enid was not the one to masturbate regularly, she would, but not that damn often. so when she noticed this, its all pretty easy to connect the dots.
The next days, she was avoiding you like the plague, fearing that you would push her away if you ever found out. everytime you were near her, she would say a nervous little hi and a wave then dip and she wouldn’t even sleep in the same bed at you anymore. 
that was a problem. a series of thoughts washed over you, the most prominent one being if enid was cheating on you and couldn’t hide it anymore because of guilt.
but then every worry in your head melted when you accidentally saw her masturbating and moaning your name with the most sweetest and desperate voice when you returned to the dorm to grab something you thought you lost.
obviously, that lead to enid being so open to you. you even scolded yourself for even thinking that enid was cheating on you with another 
having sex in her heat would probably mean just constant reassurance whenever she’s inside of you. a mix of whimpers and whispers of “im sorry” even if she didn’t do anything, “is this okay?” whenever she’s on top of you, “are you alright? should i go slower?” when she’s so deep inside of you, and the constant I love you’s coming out from her mouth while constantly worshipping your body was just basically enough for you to literally marry enid in your mind
shes just so gentle with you and so soft even if she’s completely ravaging you until your legs go weak. (bonus points if you last until the end of her heat)
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lowkeyed1 · 1 year
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Willow Month 2023: Day 3 - Favorite Episode This is a tough call for me, because it's very close. I love Episode 7: Across the Shattered Sea because it has so much gorgeous character development for everyone and so much beautiful scenery, but Episode 4: Whispers of Nockmaar just barely shades it. I think it's the whump. This ep is basically 45 minutes of whumping on poor Graydon and.... he suffers beautifully.
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This poor kid starts off the ep infected with dark magic. He and the group both know it will eventually corrupt his entire system, cause him to become possessed and try to kill everyone, and they will have to kill him. And they spend the first part of the episode chaining him up and not doing anything about it, except Elora comforting him.
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They finally decide to do something and this leads to him restrained even more, splayed out on some kind of bench. He spends a lot of time writhing and moaning in pain. They tear his shirt open while he gasps, exposing horrific scarring he feels deeply ashamed of and doesn't want to talk about, while he sweats and groans even more.
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Then they throw a bucket of liquid on him while he writhes around some more and it's obviously painful and I should probably just acknowledge it's not just the whump I love in this episode? They did NOT have to make this whole thing so BDSM but they really did, god bless them. Plus lovely grace notes in the script referring to him being ravaged and also reamed -_-
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ANYWAY we go on from here to his having hallucinations about his painful past, then the possession really starts to set in and he gets aggressive, then starts talking in the voices of loved ones to scare and distract people. Then we have a break in the action and when we get back to Graydon...
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well. all right then. Spoiler, he's fully possessed here but acting like he's not. You can tell because they flat-ironed his hair! Lol, but also he's uncharacteristically comfortable with his exposed flesh and touching other people which seems like a nice, subtle hint.
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Trust me, Graydon in his right mind is never leaving that many buttons unbuttoned. He leads Elora up to the tower so he can complete the banishment ritual Bavmorda was trying to do to baby Elora at the end of the movie, but then everyone else shows up and he gets whumped on some more...
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Literally I would die, as an actor, if I had Erin and Ruby holding me down and Amar crawling on top of me and pretending to pummel me but like. That's the biz, I guess?
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At any rate, Kit convinces Elora that she is magic enough to fix this, so she goes and almost-but-not-quite kisses him (she does call it a kiss later) and sucks the evil out of him. He tells her he never doubted her, and the boy is clearly smitten after that
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Unfortunately, Elora had a vision of him shoving his brother out of a tree when he was possessed as a child and feels like he might be sketchy. So he's giving her a big smitten smile when they leave....
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(credit to willowgifsdaily for this gif)
...but that smile starts to falter bc she's giving him this look in return, yikes
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Anyway, that was good wholesome fun for the whole family and kudos to Disney+ for realizing they needed to put in a bondage-themed whumpfest to really sell me on the show! And kudos once again to my boy Tony Revolori, who sells every inch of this episode just amazingly. The emotional range is all over the place and there's no part where he falters in just performing the absolute shit out of this one. This episode changed my brain chemistry forever, I think. And that is why Whispers of Nockmaar is my favorite episode of WIllow! Send help!
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Here's something the crossed my mind yesterday...
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These idiots show up like the entire Seireitei wasn't mourning, claiming that defending it wasn't their job, (which I call bullshit...) being noisy assholes, being rude and disrespectful to everyone around...
And then, they take away (by breaking in the 4th squad, may I remind you...) Renji, Rukia and Byakuya.
It all rubs me the wrong way and made me hate Squad Zero with a fucking passion!
By I was thinking about Kirinji and Uhohana's interaction....
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What if this reason was a lie? What if Kirinji is just taking advantage of Unohana's emotional disarray over seeing the Seireitei ravaged, having just lost Yamamoto and probably already knowing she's about to face Kenpachi and all that entails?
He plants the seeds of doubts about her healing abilities, he "offers" his "help" and in the meantime these people who are shady as fuck now have a hold on the four people who are the closest to each other.
THESE are a tight knit team!
And you may think "Well, they're going to recover together, train together, fight together.", right....?
Except we know they don't!
The first thing they do is separate Renji and Ichigo from the other two (still recovering, I know...) and then as @mondengel already explained beautifully in a previous post, they reach Nimaya where Renji and Ichigo get very different treatments that is probably engineered to break the latter even more.
After that, poor Ichigo is thrown into Ichibei's hands and completely cut aside from the other three. ( with his mind filled with doubts and, probably, a certain dismay over being kicked when he was already down, while Renji got a pat in the back...)
We don't know, because we're not shown, but I think it's unfortunately implied that Ichigo's entire training his separated from Renji, Rukia and Byakuya...
Ichibei wants him to lose. Needs him to lose. He wants a new, more powerful pawn to encase in that crystal prison.
For that to succeed, the Kuchikis must be away from Ichigo, lest all of them together came to the conclusion that Squad Zero aren't interested in Ichigo's success.
It's only by absolute luck (for Ichigo) that Byakuya never loses sight of what and who really matters in this war, ending up by destroying Ichibei's plans by sending Rukia and Renji to the Soul King's palace to help Ichigo...
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So, I think Squad Zero had planned to take those four people and try to drive and wedge between Ichigo and them... Because they could better control them close by.
It's just that they got unlucky by underestimating Ichigo, Rukia, Byakuya and Renji's attachment, trust and concern towards and between each other.
They also kind of forgot Byakuya is no fool...
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crossdressingdeath · 10 months
For the durge question: 10 and 19 (I'm especifically curious about who Kyvir is close to platonically!)
(Durge asks!)
10. What motivates your Dark Urge to either embrace or resist the tadpole? I'm afraid I can't properly answer this one just yet (I haven't decided whether Kyvir's going to embrace or resist the tadpole beyond him definitely not going half-illithid, my plan is to nom all the tadpoles I can this run and then decide what suits him better from there), but in terms of his reasoning both ways... On the "embrace" side the way that the Urge has little to no hold on him when he's hanging out with the Dream Visitor encourages him to lean into it in the hope that he can keep the Urge in check or maybe silence it altogether by giving the tadpole just a little more power, and to some extent the Emperor's attempts at copying Gortash's form does encourage Kyvir to trust him. On the "resist" side the fact that the Emperor cobbled this form together from what flashes of memory he could pull from Kyvir's ravaged mind means that it always feels just a bit wrong to him, which leads to him having more reservations than he might have otherwise, and he also has concerns about sticking more stuff in his brain when it's already such a mess. Plus, the idea of letting himself become reliant on the Dream Visitor even enough to trust him to be telling the truth about absorbing the tadpoles being a good idea rubs him the wrong way. We'll see what side he ultimately comes down on!
19. Has your Dark Urge become particularly close to anyone romantically and/or platonically in their journey? If so, who, and what is the relationship like? If no, why not? Well, obviously Astarion and Halsin as his lovers. Summarizing since you're more interested in the platonic ones, Halsin's warmth and kindness are a massive comfort (and knowing that someone so ultimately good could possibly love him makes Kyvir feel like maybe he's not entirely monstrous after all), and Kyvir and Astarion have this Thing where it starts out as pure manipulation on both sides and they're basically both having to learn how to love another person at the same time. Platonically, Kyvir's closest to Gale and Karlach. With Gale it starts because by sheer coincidence Gale happens to offer to help Kyvir connect to the Weave the night after Alfira's death, and having that moment of peace and connection and comfort in the middle of all his confusion and self-disgust and fear made him latch onto Gale... pretty hard? Not helped by Gale's constant praise during that scene, because this poor boy is starved for people telling him he's doing good. He actually probably could've ended up falling for Gale quite easily, but Gale's romantic feelings come before his sexual ones and that scared Kyvir off when it came up. They're still the very best of friends, though. They hang out and talk magic theory like nerds together all the time, it's great fun. For them. Everyone else finds it deeply weird (affectionate). With Karlach I think it started with Karlach being delighted at how immediately Kyvir was like "You want us to kill some paladins for you? We will absolutely do that! I will take no arguments from the rest of the group on this!" and Kyvir not having the heart to tell her that actually he just. really wanted to kill some paladins, and was actually a little disappointed when it turned out they weren't. But then Karlach started seeking Kyvir out to hang out with him and she was so nice and sweet and also violent and he just... really liked her! And then they started getting into the "I would rather die than return to where I was" commonality and even though Kyvir didn't remember his past that... did strike a nerve and they bonded over it. Also: she's very warm. Before Dammon cooled down the engine Kyvir had to sit like a foot away from her, sure, but that was still warm and after it's safe to touch her she's so quick to hug people so it's just. touch-starved tiefling cuddle piles. (Not coincidentally, Gale and Karlach are two of the characters who respond worst to the Bhaal's Chosen reveal. This makes that whole situation Much Much Worse.)
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sugar-petals · 4 years
:: Two Girls Dominating SuperM
↳ NOTE: Since sharin’ is carin’ 😋 Happy holidays! Get the list Santa cuz here go seven kinds of naughty. PS: I use different POVs here, whatever fits best.
words. 3.3k
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warnings ⚠️ bondage, pegging, flexibility kink, sex toys, some switch!kai, rough sex, harnesses, oral (m giving), possessiveness, taemin’s evil lady kink, ice cream
⎡Taeyong⎦⇁ I think it’s time to reveal an unspoken truth about the pop industry. You ready? When Rihanna did S&M, a vision of Taeyong from the future whispered the lyrics in her ear. I swear to god. That’s exactly how it happened. Just the way we’d expect, dear Taeyong is gonna float in paradise. Not one domme ready to shake him up, but two? He can retire. Boy doesn’t need anything else. Except maybe a bit of cash to buy harnesses he can model but they’ll treat him to that anyway. That being said. Knowing that two fly madams in latex are ravaging his body at every chance they can get is gonna make him know he can die happy one day. Like, he truly lived. He won’t really hold back with restructuring a lot of parts of his life to let this dynamic unfold all the way. We’ve heard of his DIY skills. This sounds funny but Taeyong will design, paint, decorate, and maintain a special area for their play. Not necessarily just one room, he varies that. We know how gifted he is with interiors and domestic ideas, so. Prepare to get blown away by his sheer efforts. And man, the amount of spare time he can stretch to get a quickie out of that time window. Incredible. Even more interesting is gonna be the range. Taeyong can handle girls that dress up super differently every time, he goes along with any roleplay or character they come up with. He’s gonna be their little prince, their hotel boy, their waiter, their flight attendant, their Jack Dawson incarnate. And their dream boy altogether, cuz that’s what Taeyong is.
His frustrations are bound to work up over weeks if he is busy at SM, so finally seeing them again will have him so excited. And nervous. And so involved with preparing things for them, the perfectionist comes out. Can you imagine Taeyong donning his apron and preparing a four course menu for an entire afternoon? You bet he’ll pull that off. Butler Taeyong will be at full throttle. He’s gonna end up getting viciously fucked in the kitchen anyways. Like to the point where all his hair is a mess in his face and everyone ran out of breath. And seriously, he’s the type to completely surrender and place all trust in the girls. Which they know, and they’ll reward him so well. With things Taeyong loves best aka getting whipped and plowed. One of you could be binding him to a fucking machine and controlling the remote, the other marking his legs and upper back. The little bun gets terribly turned on if you push him on all fours for that and hold the nape of his neck in place so he can’t go anywhere. Consider your carpet ruined with semen. While Taeyong is busy recharging for the next round lying on the floor exhausted, you take polaroids.
⎡Baekhyun⎦⇁ Okay listen, I’ll tell you the secret. You can pull a complete duality on him. Baekhyun, getting nuzzled and snuggled and squeezed from all sides because he’s so sweet? Absolutely his jam. He got two hands to hold, after all. And two mochi cheeks to kiss, my friend, two of them. But also, getting a full dose of freaky stuff inflicted on him with some good music playing? This loud little fucker is going to levitate. These two raging girls can take complete control of his body and fool around to their liking. Grabbing his butt, feeding him cake, dressing him up or stripping him down, riding his face to oblivion. Like not just circling your hips. Actual sharp thrusting and making him forget the light of day. And using some cute pink ropes to string his pretty wrists from the ceiling as a treat. Only a matter of time until he’s an arching mess. As you already suspected: A giant dose of ass destruction is only one step away. Any toy suffices. At best, when he’s trying to beat a new high score and has to concentrate on the game. Nice challenge for his focus, he likes that. He wants to feel how he’s getting stretched out from all directions until it hurts so good. Screaming „Ah!“ is his favorite word. Maybe not too straps in one hole, that’s Taeyong territory, and Baekhyun’s ass is really tight generally, but spitroasting? His favorite pastime. Stuffed up and getting a load of extra hard thrusts. He can suck and gyrate all the way, all at the same time like he never did anything else. It’s gotta be hard and fast. I’m telling you, he’ll make it sloppy anyway.
Did he ever think he could get fucked up like this by a sexy tag team? Nope, he squarely thought he was undeserving. Now that he’s getting regularly suffocated and earns the praise for being so cute, Baekhyun is actually starting to believe he can ask for and enjoy that glorious wreckage. Because if there’s one thing he wishes for, it’s drowning in his own spit. These two are gonna be so territorial and wild, his dick and tongue are gonna threaten to fall off every night. How many condoms Baekhyun’s gonna fill, those will be record numbers, it’s like the album charts. Baekhyun’s a straight-up cum bank dairy cow extraordinaire when it comes to milking him dry. Like what did you think if two mommies feed him with all sorts of delicacies, all that juice is going to stock up and get ready to blow. And the amounts and types of collars Baekhyun’s neck is gonna be in: Whole lot, even with leashes attached. Oh god, they’ll strap him stupid with some dog ears on as a reward. Baekhyun’s prostate is gonna be a constantly spongy ruined mess, poor mochi gonna end up waddling around the kitchen to chug a liter of water at 3 AM.
⎡Taemin⎦⇁ You know who’s gonna be in his element. You just know it. Taemin is ride or die when it comes to wanting someone to be the boss of him. He’s not just dabbling in all that jazz to experiment, he’s livin’ and breathing it. Taemin’s imagination is the 3D version of AO3’s finest fanfics. Hell, he even imagines the sounds over and over, it’s gotta be 4D! He’s already crafted the most intricate fantasies for some seriously action movie-like roleplay. But let's start from the beginning. What’s on Taemin’s ever-wicked mind when he goes to sleep at night? Two intimidating ladies ganging up on him. Arriving on their black motorcycle at his house, flirting the living hell out of him, raiding his fridge, grinding on his lap in their biker gear, licking his face, taking his luxurious clothes off, calling him names, making him dance for him (that one’s a staple), biting down on his torso wherever they please, and having their way with him until it’s all one big orgy. Hell, probably on that motorcycle in the garage. Taemin pretty much getting one dry orgasm after the other because it’s the time of his life. Like, they’re really spoiling him. And he’s giving himself to them. That kind of scenario going down? To Taemin, that sounds like his wettest of dreams come true. He’s like yes, yes, yes and yes. A dynamic duo of sadistic girlfriends, that’s gonna leave him so shook and utterly addicted. Like he wants to get backed into a corner, bring on all the kabedon, Taemin goes all the way the way we know him. Nobody loves that fantasy more than him.
Now… the trick is. They’re actually really fun and sweet and pet his hair incessantly. You know, casually, doing daily life things. Cooing at him and getting all the sweetest princely kisses from their angel. My god, they’ll be so gently in love with him. But in the bedroom, it’s raw business. Taemin is gonna take is so hard, he’ll be seeing stars. That he’s getting slapped around — the thighs included, he loves that — while getting a handjob has to be the most orgasmic experience ever. Taemin is gonna bust fifty-thousand nuts over having his hair pulled by one girl and being choked by the other. Boy is he gonna be hard even if the pants stay on. What if he’s not the one grinding around this time. Two scary girls riding his lap, cuffing and belittling him — wow. Taemin never wants that feast to end. Getting roughed up at any occasion makes his day. He is needy, but the girls have all the cruel shit could ever ask for, and he has the stamina to handle all of it. And the class, he never loses his mystery. A fucking marathon with some pretty brutal bondage and impact play involved, no problem, he’ll last it. You can torture the soul out of him, he’s gonna be winding and gasping for more. Except maybe that his voice is gonna be pretty hoarse if they don’t gag his mouth for the most part. Man, Taemin is so vocal. This will have the ladies all runny beyond imagination. Nobody who meets him casually is gonna suspect it, but Taemin has the wettest dick in all of Seoul (unless Lucas is doing an allnighter) and no pliable brain left because he’s got is fucked out hard daily and he gave it daily. Now you know.
⎡Jongin⎦⇁ Kai is gonna act smug about this right from the start. He’s gonna be the guy who’s proud to show you off, walking around arms over your either shoulders, him right in the middle. Like hello, I’m experienced. The entirety of SM Entertainment is gonna have rumors circulating but nobody’s gonna be surprised. Little does he know you’re down to make his naughty lyrics come true. Kai is gonna get pegged and punished holding onto his dear oversized teddy bear. Literally, these two will have him burying his entire face there. Whimpering and high-pitched moaning like it’s time for EXO adlibs. His couch is large enough for three people, so. Somebody is gonna end up horny and crying. With his album on repeat because there’s no better music to fuck to, don’t kid yourself, you likely don’t, anyway. It’s Kai we’re talking about. He has sluttiness for days. Getting your hands on all that tall dark and handsome goodness is just all that you need as a domme duo. Have you seen how this guy moves just breathing and walking and cocking his head on the occasion… I don’t wanna know how far he can go in the horizontal realm to put it carefully.
But you gotta be ready for Kai’s aggressive side that wants to make things happen. If you like a struggle for dominance, this is the address. You two are just too tempting and delicious not to move around on his bed to assume new positions. And if Jongin doesn’t feel like snapping his dangerous hips into either of you, he’s lying. Kai is ready to fucking dick you down like it’s your birthday. He has to be taught to request and wait like a good boy, on his best behavior and his knees preferably. Yep, I think that Kai is a case for some extended training because he’s so impatient, with good reason, but he still needs to be put in his place. Which Kai likes because it means you go harder on him without restraint. Was it his goal all along? I can see one of the girls taking the role of speaking to him with his head in her lap. Giving commands occasionally, checking in. And the other, getting freaky on him with her instruments. Kai’s body is so sensitive and reactive, it’s gonna be fun to see him twitch and beg. Even something as simple as clamping his nipples will already do the trick. That’s when you have Kai begging.
⎡Ten⎦⇁ Believe it or not. Out of all people, he’s gonna be the one with the most doubts and insecurities — at first. It feels a little overwhelming to Ten because he doesn’t know what’s coming. You know that kind of facial expression he does when he is uncertain. Mind you: Having a whole bunch of people around him isn’t new to him. Bitch, he’s in NCT! A threesome is peanuts against that neo energy. It’s more like, the coordination, he doesn’t know how to act. He’ll be shy and big-eyed and doesn’t know what to say. The king of comebacks and clapbacks: Speechless. Let that sink in. The girls are dealing with the kind of guy who needs a lot of clarity and talk beforehand because he doesn’t have experience with it. It takes him to really know what the program is and damn he’s right about that. Ten really getting into what he’s signing up for is big-brained of him. He asks a lot of questions with an open-mind, but also care. But then again, we know how Ten’s confidence can skyrocket, and that he’s so secretly curious about those things he’s bursting with anticipation. And he knows what to ask for to really get someone going. Touch me, tease me, feel me up, am I right or am I right? He adapts so well to almost any circumstance in his life, it’s admirable. Totally up to the challenge once it goes down, he really grows into that. And I promise that particularly the physical part is absolutely his forte, that’s where he blooms. Ten can be easily taught through the genius of his body and he’s gonna love that.
Once things get hands-on and he finds himself with two girls mounting him, and on go the cat ears, he’s like oh my god this is great. The surprise factor is the biggest in the group here. Ten is gonna almost facepalm because he’s been worrying himself where there was nothing to be anxious about. Because he’s in his groove! Smiling and laughing and having a good time. No stress, just feeling so damn good. Probably with several super-size vibrating toys employed on him because that’s how Ten rolls, always taking the challenge. What a twitchy mess he’s gonna be, I can’t. The two ladies are gonna have a blast themselves bending him around and getting the best of the best erections out of him. Ten is totally gonna snack something while they’re fooling around as three. Or they’re stuffing him with delicacies, he’s gonna be so eager. But that’s not even a glimpse of what they’re gonna do! Ten is ready for almost everything, my friends. Tag teamed while dressed up as Alice? Likelier than you think. With the wig, that’s right. Ten is gonna be their good girl for one long night and truly love it. He obeys so well, spreads his legs like its nothing. It’s all gonna be a hell of a mess on his outfit though. If there’s one person ready to have cum all over him, that’s the right address. He’s throwing peace signs and pose for their phone cameras. Oh Ten, the legend you are.
⎡Lucas⎦⇁ Wong Yukhei… the entire concept that is him literally screams for it. Two people handling all that fucking hunk. So much space to work with, that body is a drug. Xuxi is one staggering big boy, his forehead is making love to any door frame. Lot of waist to grab (…like why is it shaped like that. Offensive!) lot of wrist to tie. And those long fucking model legs, for god’s sake, you just gotta do something with those for once. Get those thigh harnesses! Plus he’s a literal baby who’s all down to date girls his senior. Yukhei is a sucker for mad girls acting possessive over him. And he’s a handful, one fucking tease, one chaotic man. Two times the payback is just so much more appropriate. He can just get fucked and fucked and fucked some more. As is two times as much stimulation. You can imagine. Yes, all over his body. Grabbing his necktie and guiding him around this that (good shit) and caressing his face, and his back, and his chest, and his stomach, it’s so sexy to touch him there.
But let’s not lie. A certain somebody has cock and balls for two people. Lucas is one hell of a stallion. Lot of girth to make hard and to edge. That needs a duo of two unhinged girls, forces of nature, someone shy won’t do. It’s their job to make him shy and docile, not the other way around. Because Lucas enjoys being teased and flattered right back, and is more than fine with being toyed with, even playfully beaten up. You know he loves to be on the receiving end of bickering. Doesn’t mean he suddenly forgets to be an active party or just leans back. He has giant hands and knows how to use them, he’s chartered some major clit territory as well, remember that. That’s gonna be three people losing their fucking minds. Imagine all those luscious, raspy groans. Lucas never holds back, no filter, he knows what the ladies like. Drenched in sweat is all you’ll gonna be. And probably a whole bunch of lube because that’s the other thing the entire concept of Lucas is screaming for. The more ye know.
⎡Mark⎦⇁ Alright my friends. Cute Mark vibes different but that’s no secret. Boy’s gonna admit he’s really intimidated and shy, but so happy he’s gonna get sandwiched once he agrees to try it. It’s all a matter of courage. The girls will be the ones approaching him because they bought him ice cream, and the conversation starts from there, but it’s up to Mark to really set the mood. Oh boy, he’s not gonna stop blushing. This nerd with a girl on each side, that sure as hell looks great on him, I assure you. And if Mark Lee is your trophy rapper poly boyfriend, you truly made it, so. This is gonna be a dynamic right here. And the most fun, imagine the mayhem. He’ll talk his mouth off like his life depends on it. Mark doing sexy talk with two girls at the same time would be so entertaining. They will own his ass. Like wow… they’re making out with him, alternate with french kisses and putting their hands all over him, and ruin his face with ice cream. Mark would be so sexy to pull close by his collar.
And you bet it’s gonna slowly escalate from there, he’s tapping into some sides of him he never knew were there. Ice cubes down his chest, tongues down his mouth, hands in his hair kind of afternoon. As a brief and hilarious interruption, a shivering, horny as hell Mark takes a phone call from Johnny. Who, as you learn, is completely unsuspecting. „Hey, I’m at IKEA, uh. The living room section, actually. Should I buy the blue pillow or the yellow one? I can’t decide. They both have the same print on them, so.“ Mark is gonna blurt out that blue is probably gonna be a good idea and ends the phone call before anybody can moan into the speaker. Johnny is left confused at the other end of the line. The girls will end up teasing Mark that he said blue because that’s what his balls are for sure. Freudian slips, always glorious. Mark is not gonna deny that and ultimately ends up with his face between two cleavages — talk about melons, are we gonna kid ourselves — and two hands down his jeans. This is gonna need a lot of towels. Mark has never gotten this fucked up in his whole life and he is grateful. Watch out people, he’ll write a whole mixtape about this.
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
Top Ten Posts of 2020
Thank you @bakatenshii for tagging me! This was definitely interesting to look back at, and weirdly emotional all at once.
Made using this site here
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Two of my top posts were my fic masterlist and Kinktober masterlist, so I subbed them out for the next top 2. I didn’t realize how many Kinktober fics landed on my top 10 until I did this, and I am really grateful that it did so well. Also I swear it’s going to be finished soon.
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Conflagration (Alpha Bakugou x Omega Reader)
Of course a Bakugou fic is number one. Of fucking course. But nah, in all seriousness I really do like how this one turned out. It was one of my first times writing full fantasy AU and I had a blast with it. It’s also extremely close to a huge note milestone for me and I am super excited about it.
Daddy’s Little Girl (Step Dad Enji x Reader)
Honestly this one was a huge shock for me of how quickly it blew up after posting it. I was a bit nervous to venture into stepdad territory, AND it was my first time writing for Enji. Definitely not my last though 👀
Aerie (Alpha Hawks x Omega Reader)
I have a soft spot for this one because it was my first attempt at A/B/O. It’s a trope that I absolutely love so I was both excited and nervous about attempting it! So many good A/B/O fics out there that I wanted to try and do the trope justice. 
Blood Ties (Dabi x Reader x Shouto)
Ooh boy, surprised to see this one on here. When I was writing it, I felt all tingly but was also like “...I am going to get so much hate for this one, I can just tell.” Good thing you guys are all deviants like me 😂
The Skeld (Dabi x Reader x Hawks)
Omg this one was so much fun to write but also difficult. I had multiple map pages and info guides on Among Us on one screen and a google doc open with an outline of who was where, who was accusing who, and who was dead 😂 Shit I practically needed a flow chart, but obviously it paid off.
Black Coffee (Gang Orca x Reader)
Sugar daddy Gang Orca grabbed me by the cooch and would not let go. Surprised that a less popular character did so well, but it just goes to show you that people like massive whale cock breeding your coochie and taking care of you. 
Vault 68 (Shigaraki, Dabi, Muscular, Kurogiri, Spinner x Reader)
God I hated writing this one at first. I had never written anything beyond a threesome and keeping track of everyone’s positions, body parts, and dialogue was so fucking hard. Ended up color coding the whole document for each one’s parts which seemed to work okay. Both looking forward to and dreading writing the sequel for the last day. (Spoiler alert: probably going to have a section for each character solo with one big gangbang at the end, assuming I’m not being over ambitious)
His Biggest Fan (Hawks x Reader)
Scumbag Hawks is best Hawks, you cannot change my mind. I loved the idea of Hawks taking advantage of some poor civilian by using his wings to hide him utterly ravaging her pussy and reader being too much of a fan to stop him.
Rising Star (Bakugou, Deku, Shouto, Kirishima x Reader)
I had an absolute blast writing this one too. I really tried to make all of the guys different and unique in the way they talked/fucked reader and got to throw in a bunch of kinks into one fic. I think it turned out really well.
Mirror Image (Twin Shouto x Twin Reader)
Honestly this is one of my favorites from Kinktober and another one where I went “the hate I’m going to get from this is going to be incredible.” But nope, very little hate and now I have people begging for a part two. My wonderful little deviants 💞
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Tagging: @thewheezingwyvern, @hisoknen, @trafalgar-temptress, @katsukikitten, @dee-madwriter, @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten​ 
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“I’ve requested before previously but I decided to send in another request bc I’m absolutely obsessed with your writing WIDJDJFJ But anyways, could I request scenarios of how Iwaizumi + Goshiki would react to their teammates teasing them for having scratch marks on their backs from their S/O? 🥴 I hope my request makes sense and stay hydrated !!”
omg THANK YOU ANON!!!!!! i don’t mind people requesting more than once!!! it’s nice to know people like my writing well enough to request again heh :-)!!! u stay hydrated as well <3!!
* You’re the manager of Aoba Johsai!!!
* Iwaizumi knows that the both of you had a rough night, judging from the way your face contorted with every step you took, and how you spent most of practice sitting on the bench, and not walking around like you usually did.
* He totally forgot about the scratches on his back, though.
* That is...until he takes off his shirt in the locker room.
* Then he hears a low whistle coming from Matsukawa, and he’s like ???????
* “YO IWAIZUMI YOU RASCAL!!!!” Hanamaki is saying and he’s slapping Iwaizumi on the back.
* Then he feels his back sting from Hanamaki’s slap, and he realises!!!
* Okay this is the first time the team sees Iwaizumi blush this intensely.
* Mattsun and Makki are hollering, and calling Iwaizumi a rough boi LOL
* Yahaba’s watching from the sidelines and he is so JEALOUS lmaooo
* Kyoutani has a pissed look on his face. maybe it’s because he’s jealous too LOL
* Kindaichi’s blushing, because this pure, sweet boy had not expected to get a glimpse into his senpai’s sex life HAH.
* Kunimi is just chilling, tbh he already expected Iwaizumi to be rough, so he’s just casually changing out of shirt.
* Iwaizumi is just over there sporting a brilliant blush, and he can’t even speak because Mattsun and Makki are still screaming.
* Then Oikawa walks in.
* And all goes to hell.
* Now Oikawa is screaming, and the next thing Iwaizumi knows is that he’s being pulled into a hug.
* “Iwa-chan! I didn’t know you were like that, it’s alright, i support you!”
* Bc of Oikawa, Iwaizumi snaps back to his senses, and he’s landing a clean hit on Oikawa’s back.
* “Not another word,” he’s grumbling, and the locker room falls silent, because no one wants to incure the wrath of Iwaizumi Hajime.
* Meanwhile you’re outside waiting for him to come out and then walk home with him.
* When the team comes out, everyone’s staring at you with this glint in their eyes, and you’re kinda scared LOLOLOL
* Lmao Kindaichi’s blushing the moment he meets your eyes.
* Then the Seijoh third years come running to you.
* You’re so confused at first, but when it clicks in, you’re blushing the same shade as Iwaizumi did.
* Bonus:
* “Wow, (Y/N), your blush is the same shade as Iwa-chan’s just now!”
* Tbh i actually think he’s a huge subby, the most he’ll do is probably power bottom you.
* Goshiki’s casually taking off his shirt after practice one day.
* He’s also trying his best not to look at Ushijima’s abs AHAHAHA
* Then he hears Tendou’s laugh burst into the air.
* And he’s like ????
* “GOSHIKI!!! I never knew you were that type,” he feels a light tap on his back, and when he feels the sting, he remembers the scratches that you left.
* But his team claps for him LMAOOOO
* Tendou’s the first to clap, followed by Semi and then the rest.
* Ushijima’s the last bc that pure boy does not know what’s going on until Semi tells him LOL
* For the first time, Shirabu has not looked at Goshiki with disdain, and instead looks SLIGHTLY impressed.
* Reon looks so SHOOK, his face is the shocked pikachu meme.
* Goshiki’s so embarrassed, that poor thing, but Tendou’s so HAPPY FOR THAT BOY.
* Tendou’s praising him to no end LMAOOO and tbh Goshiki likes getting the praise.
* Goshiki’s just smiling and shuffling his feet when the praises flood out from Tendou’s mouth, and when he sees Ushijima give him an approving nod????
* And when the team comes out all changed and sees you wave at Goshiki from the benches, Tendou’s shooting you a grin.
* You’re so confused, Tendou’s grin doesn’t look like his normal ones.
* Then he’s skipping to you and asking you,” did you use protection?”
* Bonus:
* “(Y/N), lets do it again.”
* “Do what again?”
* “SCRATCH ME (Y/N)!!!!!!”
* “EH?”
LMAO hi anon i had fun writing this but i’m not sure whether i got goshiki’s character right!!!! but thank you for requesting this i hope you like it!!!!
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ichorizaki · 4 years
cosy up, cuddle down | o.t.
#PAIRING.  oikawa tōru x f!reader #GENRE.  fluff #WORDCOUNT.  2.5k #SYNOPSIS.  your very bored boyfriend drags you out into the snow to build snowmen. unfortunately, a snowball fight broke out and now you’re shivering and in need of warmth.
✎  author's note is at the bottom of the piece.
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Snow danced in the golden beams of sunlight, stunningly choreographed by the rhythm of the gentle winter breeze. The sky was but a grey sea of fluffy clouds overhead. Rays of the sun broke through the clouds like angels’ pathways down from the heavens above. Miyagi has been pelted with a thin white layer of snow, like the city was a cushion so warm and soft. Even through the windows of Aoba Johsai High school, the entirety of Miyagi Prefecture looked like a winter wonderland. Snow was by no means a rarity but it never fails to fill you with wonder and unbridled, child-like excitement.
However, it was a pity that you were so sensitive to the cold. You watched the snow from afar, in the confines of the living room with a mug of hot cocoa made by your ever so talented boyfriend. He was laying down on the couch with his head on your laps, hugging your leg like you’re his personal bolster. There was some movie playing on the television screen that you weren’t paying attention to and he was somehow so engrossed in it. Mattsun and Makki were always recommending him stupid movies to watch and more often than not, you and Iwaizumi were dragged into it too.
“I’m bored.” You brought the mug to your lips, sipping on the warm drink whilst also trying to get one of the tiny, slightly melted marshmallows to chew on. Upon succession, you placed the mug down on the coffee table before you while he shuffled his position so he could sit up straight. His deep honeyed gaze was fixated on you, lips twisting to the side and pouting cutely. “You’ve got some hot cocoa on your lips, silly.”
Before you could pick up a tissue to clean it or even swipe the remnants of the drink with your tongue, your boyfriend had leaned forward to capture your lips in a kiss. You felt warmth rush up your neck and to the apples of your cheeks, painting them a rosy hue; a telltale sign of how flustered you were by his action.
“Tōru!” Your hand flew over your mouth, brows furrowing in faux anger at him. He all but gave you a cheeky grin in return.
“What?” Oh, that shit-eating grin you wanted to wipe off of his face so badly. “Anyway, Y/N sweetie, I’m boooored. Let’s do something!” Like a child he bounced in his spot where he sat on the couch, legs folded underneath him.
“What could we possibly do, Tōru?” You asked. He hums, eyes fluttering shut while his index finger and thumb cradled his chin. He seemed an awful lot serious for someone who’s bored. Just what goes on in his mind, you didn’t know. Not that you minded. Sometimes his ideas can be rather genius. Other times, however . . . they’re purely idiotic and it’s during those times he’d end up in some shit with Makki and Mattsun that you and Iwaizumi have to end up cleaning. One time they tried to race on shopping carts in the parking lot of a neighbourhood mall. Long story short, Tōru ended up bruising his wrist while Makki had a sprained ankle. How Mattsun managed to escape unscathed remains a mystery to all of you.
“Let’s make a snowman.” You would’ve choked on your drink if it wasn’t placed far from your reach. Your face had distorted into one of abject horror at his suggestion, while his was akin to that of a child on Christmas morning. “What? It’ll be fun! I’ll wrap you up in many many many layers, I promise.”
“Tōru, that’s the least of my concerns right now,” you sighed. “There’s barely enough snow on the front yard to make a snowman.”
“Then we’ll make a mini one!” He responded as-a-matter-of-factly, like it was the most obvious thing to do; the perfect compromise for the snow, or lack thereof. “A cute little snowman. Maybe even more than one. We could make a whole family of mini snowmen!” You all but stared at him, not quite sure on what to make out of this idea of his. On one hand, you got to see his nose and the tip of his ears turn that adorable rosy hue of spring blooms in the beginning of winter. On the other hand, you were terribly sensitive to the cold. There was a reason why your parents were so against you leaving your house during this time of the year.
Tōru had slithered from his position across you and onto his belly, arms snaking around your waist. He dragged himself up into what resembled the cobra position, resting his chin on your stomach with that handsome grin of his on his stupid handsome– okay, Y/N. You gotta resist. Do not fall for his trap. Whatever you do, absolutely do not fall for his stupidly handsome grin, the one that never fails to make your heart flutter and race like you’re a girl in middle school all over again.
“Okay, we can make snowmen.” Well, you tried. That’s an A for effort. Maybe you could stall him . . .
“Yay! Y/N baby, you’re the best girlfriend ever, I love you so much!” His palms were now flat on either side of you as he pushed his entire body weight up to press another kiss to your lips. This kiss, you savoured all that you could of it. Your fingers trailed up to cup his jawline, tilting your head just the slightest so you could deepen the kiss. A soft hum of appreciation fell past his lips, swallowed by your own before his tongue had found its way swiping at your bottom lip. His rough, calloused fingers had now found purchase on your waist, hiding underneath the fabric of your sweatshirt. He massaged mindless and shapeless blobs into your sides while his tongue ravaged your mouth like a beast, making sure no corner was left untouched before he pulled away to catch his breath. “As much as I’d love to make out with you, I really wanna make snowmen, baby girl.”
It was your turn to pout, chest rising and falling as you chased for your breath. So your plan to make him stay inside a little longer was foiled. Could you refuse his cute face? Absolutely not. You were putty in his hands. He knew it, you knew it, and he knew that you knew it. Tōru leans back with that handsome grin of his so omnipresent on his face, resting his haunches on the heels of his feet. You missed the warmth of his touch but you knew one way or another, you’ll be back and cuddling up to each other.
As promised, your boyfriend had wrapped you up in a ridiculous amount of layers. He on the other hand, simply had a winter coat, a scarf, and a pair of gloves which had his name embroidered in an elegant golden. Your heart swelled with pride upon seeing that: it was an expensive gift that you’d gotten for him last Christmas. He was always complaining that his hands were cold, so you decided to get him a pair of gloves. Turns out, he was just making excuses to hold your hand during wintertime.
“Do you think we should make one by your gate so it can be seen by others?” Tōru takes your mitten-clad hands in his own, his warm breath billowing onto your joined hands. You looked up at him with a frown on your face. “What? No good?”
“If we’re gonna put it on the floor, why make snowmen at all, babe?” He nodded slowly in agreement. “How about on top of my mailbox? I’m pretty sure we can somehow try and balance it. The surface’s not curved.”
“Sounds good!” He cheered, leaning in to press a warm kiss to your lips. How could he be so warm in this cold weather? It was probably one of the perks of being an athlete, you guessed. ‘Athletes run hot’, you remember one of the boys said. You couldn’t quite remember who, but you distinctly remember your boyfriend agreeing because of his ‘attractive face and hot charms’.
The two of you walked over to the square-shaped mailbox embedded into the cobblestone fence that guarded your little house. Your task to build an army of tiny snowmen was quickly forgotten when your boyfriend had decided to smother your cheeks with snow. Yelping out from the sudden biting chill of the snow, you quickly bent down to scoop however much snow you could in your tiny hands before shoving it onto his chest.
“Y/N, that’s no fair!” He cried out at how cold the snow was as the temperature penetrated through his winter coat. However, peals of laughter quickly resounded in the air. “I’m so gonna get you for that, pretty girl.”
Your eyes watched him carefully as he scooped up a generous amount of snow in his palms. The second he began charging towards you, you were screaming while he chased you around the tiny yard. Your heart was rapidly beating against your chest as you tried to catch your breath. He was way too fast for you and quickly gained on you before dumping the snow on your head.
“Tōru!” You shrieked. “You’re so mean!” The chills of the wintry breeze caressed your rosy cheeks, tangling with the locks of your hair until you could feel it freeze among your strands. A sneeze ricocheted through your system. It was so strong that you jumped in your spot.
“Eh? Baby girl, are you okay?” Perhaps he had finally remembered that you were sensitive to temperature, especially in freezing negative digits. A loud gasp of realisation and shock was due when you suddenly sneezed once again.
Then another sneeze. And then another. And then another.
“Okay, okay! Immune system, quit being mean to my poor girlfriend!” He sulked, pulling you into his arms. Immediately you were embraced in warmth, but it wasn’t enough even through the five layers (yes, he made you put on five layers) of winter apparel. You were still sneezing and it was beginning to make your eyes water. Now, you were beginning to be afraid that your eyes were going to freeze up in the cold. Bursts of apologies were profusely coming from his lips like a desperate prayer to gain back the gods’ favour to somehow miraculously cure you that instant. Tōru swayed your body side to side, peppering warm kisses that felt like delicate butterfly wings made by the sun against your face. “Aw, my poor baby. Let’s go in, shall we? I’m so sorry for making you play with me, I genuinely forgot.”
“‘S okay, T-Tōr– achoo!” He finally guided you back inside where the snow could be observed from afar and heaters warmed up the space. No matter how slobbery your running nose was, your boyfriend was ever so kind to give you encouraging kisses on your cheeks and forehead while stripping you out of your winter clothes in your room. He ran around the vacuity of your house, already so familiar with the space having spent an ungodly amount of hours there to the point where your parents could recognise his shoes in the entryway, along with Iwaizumi’s.
He had always been so gently with you, and this moment was no different than the rest. He grabbed all of the comforters that you had, all of the blankets that were in the house (except for your parents’, of course) and tossed them onto the couch next to you. You would have complained if it wasn’t for the fact that Tōru was so frenzied by the idea of being the reason you were catching a cold.
“My poor, poor baby,” he cooed softly. His big hands were quick to wrap you in a layer, and then another, and then another, and one final one. Satisfied, he placed his hands on his hips and stared at you, bundled up in four different layers that wrapped around your body. All you needed left was him to cuddle you. “Anything I can get for you, baby girl?”
“Some hot cocoa, and lots of kisses and cuddles, please.”
“Okay, I’ll be a second. Don’t miss me too much, yeah?” Though his words were teasing, you knew he meant well. Before your boyfriend disappeared into the kitchen, his index finger and thumb cradled your chin to bring your gaze to meet his. He places a kiss on your forehead, the tip of your nose, and then finally one last kiss fully on your lips. “I love you.”
Ah, he just knew how to make your knees weak, didn’t he? The telltale heat of a blush creeped up your snow-cold cheeks and he grinned triumphantly. You could all but muster a weak response that mirrored his words exactly and then he was off into the kitchen. Right as he promised he was back before you knew it. Or was it because the cold was making your brain freeze too?
“C’mere.” Tōru gently peels the layers from your fingers so you could hold the mug with your two hands. As soon as your fingers came into contact with your mug, you swore you could have melted right then and there. Your nose was clogged no longer thanks to the steam from the mug and the heat that radiated had sent goosebumps rippling in waves from your hands and all the way to your spine.
He had settled himself right behind you on your bed, adjusting the pillows with one hand and being careful so he wouldn’t accidentally cause another accident. Tōru manoeuvred his way around like you were a glass doll until he could confidently settle his arms around your frame. Melting into his embrace, you’d nearly forgotten about the hot cocoa in your hands. You took small sips as he sung quiet hymns of praises and apologies right next to your ear. His chin rested on your shoulder while his left hand moved to caress your hair and tuck locks of it behind your ear. Given it was a little difficult, but he prized your comfort over everything else.
“Feeling comfy, my pretty princess?” He prompted when you handed him the half-finished hot cocoa. He reached over to place the mug on your nightstand. Your fingers were no longer freezing and you could finally feel your hands.
“Very.” You got onto your knees, turning around and resting on your haunches and opening up your arms with the layers of blanket acting as wings for you. To him, you looked like a cute little snow angel. “Now get your ass under the covers so we can cuddle.”
Tōru all but laughed. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around your frame before carefully laying the both of you down on your bed with you on him. His hand reached up to push the mountain of blankets and comforters away from your head so you could properly rest on his chest. Fingers carded through your locks, gentle and tender whilst he hummed a nameless tune. Warmth finally spread throughout your body and it felt like you were sinking into a warm, toasty marshmallow. Yeah, you were right: one way or another, you both ended cuddling up to each other.
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hi @mindfulvenus​! i’m your secret santa. i hope you love your gift and it was up to standards♡ oikawa tōru is a goofy, needy boyfriend and i will die on this hill i’ve created.
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juminly · 4 years
As The Rush Comes II (Ikémen Vampire Theodorus Van Gogh x Reader)
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Summary: As the events of the night unfold, you finally find yourself at Theo’s apartment. Tension is high and your bodies are hot. Would this be the night you finally leave the friend zone? What happens after that...? Keep reading. You’re going to want to. Part I. AO3 Rating: Explicit/Mature (It’s smut, so...) 
Word Count:  4170 approx. PS: It’s gonna be one sexy ride. Get ready...  ------------------------------------------- Madonna was so right. Time goes by so damn slowly. You always wondered why that song always pissed you off and now, you knew why. It was so hard to breathe. The air is suffocating even as the cold breeze hits while you were speed walking out of the club. If only you could tear the dress off yourself, you definitely would’ve. It was so hot in there. It was so hot whenever he was near. The dress barely covered you but still, you were both denying yourselves the pleasure of even kissing one another. The possibility of both of you just losing yourself and succumbing to the overflowing desire that built up from months worth of sexual tension and frustration. Your chest felt so tight and your entire body was trembling with anticipation and excitement, as Theodorus laced his fingers with yours tightly, guiding you from the club to his apartment, which happened to be only a few blocks away. Tonight, you were going to have the best sex of your life. No… tonight would mark the day where you would continue to have the most incredible and mind-blowing sex of your life. That’s not right. Tonight, you’ll be getting the best you’ve ever had, ever will have. Why? You looked to your side, at the criminally handsome man that was holding your hand and leading you with a determination that you’ve seen before, when he talks about his passion for art… He wasn’t the type to express himself and you’ve spent enough time to be able to read in between the lines, the subtleties in his behaviour and especially… his expression. You always knew that you were hopelessly in love with this man… but never thought it was this bad. You were smitten, whipped and… insert every other word you can find in a thesaurus that would indicate that you were beyond prepared to sell your soul to Lucifer just to be with Theodorus. The only thoughts whirling in your head were of him and you couldn’t stop staring at him. Your cheeks might have turned into a pair of tomatoes if he actually caught but you didn’t give any fucks. Whatsoever. Yes, you might have been a bit inebriated, big squint on the “a bit” part but you were sober enough to be aware of everything that happened, was happening and was about to happen. Thrilled wouldn’t begin to describe how you were feeling, especially when you’ve been waiting for this for so long. No passing out this time, bitch. You better not. 
“Am I going to have to carry you, Hondje?” You simply shook your head in response. “Come on, then. I don’t need the deadweight. We’re almost there.” His raspy baritone snapped you out of your daze and muttered a quick “I’m good” before picking up the pace as fast you could, practically jogging by his side through the narrow hall that would lead you to your destination. Now, that sounded like horny irritation and it was incredibly hot, to say the least, and you just absolutely loved hearing that in his voice. He wanted you as much as you wanted him and the bubbling in your chest felt like you had a bunch of small guppies in there, the thought making you giggle a little too loud. His long and hurried strides suddenly came to a halt and if it weren’t for his firm grip on your hand, you wouldn’t have fallen on his broad chest and gotten a good whiff of that intoxicating cologne of his. He was wearing that on purpose, right? To your defense, the lack of equilibrium was definitely not because you were trying to get classily drunk as you called, which meant wine drunk in your dictionary. He was guilty, of course. Handsomely and unapologetically the reason for your tunnel vision where you could only see him and the tsunami of sensations that eroded anything else that was not caused, done, inspired by him.  He peered down at you with forced concern, clearly because he didn’t want to have to use the brain between his shoulders but rather be led by the one between his legs. His expression immediately softened and a reluctant chuckle resounded in his chest as you beamed up at him, with your chin resting on his chest in your horny happy state. You had that “I’m so happy I could suck you off right here and now” look on your face but this show had to go down in the privacy of your man’s home…? Yeah, YOUR man’s home! “I know what you’re trying to do, Hondje.” He breathed out with fake admonishment, shaking his head as he let go of your hand, proceeding to smoothly wrap his arms around your waist. While taking out his keys and unlocking the door to his apartment, boyish glee radiated from his face and the pale blush sprinkled over his cheeks and ears only spurring you further. Your small hands held on tightly to the white fabric of his button-down shirt, leaning on him and  pushing every inch of your softness against his body.  “Hm… Theo… You have no idea what I’m trying to do.” The moment the path before you was clear, you clung onto his collar tightly and shoved him into the apartment with all your force, making him stumble back until he entirely hit the wall at the entrance of his condo. Your bodies collided like two magnets indiscriminately attracted to one another, every ounce of your being practically vibrating as you slammed the door with a back kick of your heel as if you were offended that you actually had to bother to make that action. Not the wisest move on your end. The impulsive nature of your actions caused a loud smack that made you jolt in surprise and trip, slamming into Theo, knocking the breath out of him while prompting an irresistible rumble in your lover’s chest. This is definitely not how you expected the night to go but seeing him laugh so carefreely made your heart soar to horizons that you never thought you’d reach. Excuse yourself, Redbull. You and your bullshit lies. Did wine give you wings? Or was it Theo? Well, was it a failed attempt to take the lead? Probably. You know nothing called failure, the man of your dreams was in your arms. Your motto now was : never say never! You lowered him to your lips forcefully, his hands settled firmly on your hips to balance himself as he leaned to meet you, allowing you to capture his bottom lip between your teeth and sucking on it aggressively, inciting a marvelous grunt from him. He didn’t necessarily “allow” you to do anything, per se, since you weren’t planning on taking no for an answer. With one hand snaking to his nape, lacing through gold streaked chestnut and tugging roughly while your other hand reached for his manhood, hard and begging for your attention. You squeezed generously and Theodorus hissed against your lips, his fingers painfully enveloping your wrists, making you cry out before spinning around and pinning to the wall with his hips. Fuck… fuck… He was already so hard and you felt his erection against the thin fabric of your dress as he rolled his hips against you with such diligence and so much worse that his tantalizing demonstrations in the club. He let one of your wrists go, bending slightly but never breaking your kiss to hook his arm under one of your knees and then the other, the spot where you needed him the most meeting his hardness in abrasive delight. It was now your turn to let out a mewl as he ground against you, humping you against the wall while his mouth ravaged yours, biting on your lips and claiming dominance as he slid his tongue inside. Your kiss was whiskey, wine and simply pure sin. You tried to fight. You really did but just feeling him graze your sensitive spot over and over again had you your body screaming for more and growing weaker by the second. You tried to break the kiss to take a breath, he gnarled a threatening “Breathe through your nose”and silenced you with his lips. Breathe him in. Breathing him in was all that you could do. All you wanted to do. You were not even out of your clothes, not even on his bed, barely touched by him and your imminent release was not close enough. Threading your fingers through his chestnut locks, you tugged at his hair with all your might, pulling him away from you forcibly before he latched onto your neck hungrily, licking a long wet strip across the column of your neck before nipping at the sensitive spot right under your jaw and sucking hard. “Ahhh Theo!” your gasps grew louder as your breath quickened. That was going to leave a mark and it was gonna last for a few days, definitely. Not that you cared or even wanted to cover it. No, no… You wanted to actually flaunt it. Whatever anyone else thought, they can suck it. Cause you definitely were planning on doing some sucking. His momentum became erratic, his clothed hardness continued to rub against your swelling core, the thin layer of fabric that separated you from him worsening the throbbing. With a sinful snicker, his masterful ministrations persisted as he peppered you with alternating nips and suckles, blowing on each bruised spot ever so gently, sending a pleasurable chill through you. You couldn’t help but squeeze him tightly with your thighs, trying to make him stop his vile grinding, momentarily refraining from the attack of love bites on your poor, poor neck. “Theo, please… Please… Let’s go to your room.” With a breathless scoff, Theodorus licked the line of your jaw to whisper, husky and low. “Since you were good enough to say “please”, I’ll entertain your request.” With a grin, his lips met yours once again in a lingering kiss, a little less urgent but passionate all the same, as he carried you with practiced and precise movements to his bedroom. Good thing he was able to do so blindly because you were not planning on letting go of him. You were already addicted to his taste and you still have yet to have more of him… all of him. He literally kicked the door of his room open that you almost… almost felt sorry for the poor wooden door that would most probably have an angry dent. But you absolutely didn’t care as you embraced him tightly against you, crashing your lips down on his and biting his lower lip and sucking on it with such bewildering tenacity that he groaned against your lips, his icy eyes flashing open as he had to tear himself away from your grip in order to set you down.  “Fuck, Hondje… Are you planning to bite my lips off?” he growled against your lips, pulling away from you before you leaned in again, biting the air that separated you and giggling unceremoniously. “So that’s how it’s going to be.” His boyish smile had absolutely no semblance to the intensity that his eyes exuded. It was all a disguise and you could see it in the glint of mirth in his hooded orbs, making the rabbits in your stomach hop around hysterically. “You really think this is the time to be funny, hm?” he warned as he literally peeled your legs off him, his hands lingering a moment too long on your silky skin, leaning down to set you on the floor. He then wrapped strong fingers around your wrists, unhooking your arms from his neck. He took two steps back and let his weight fall on the edge of his king bed, sitting with his legs spread wide. “Strip.” One word. Just one word and your motor functions decided to fail in this crucial moment. You blinked a few times, standing completely still and feeling your heart fall into the pit of your stomach. Your body was the epitome of your insecurities and the fact that you had to reveal yourself willingly to him was exhilarating and horrifying. Leaning towards the former though. “...What?” “You heard me. Don’t make me repeat myself, Hondje.” He wetted his lips, his demeanour predatory. You told your heart to stop beating so fast, but it would not listen. You weren’t scared but more like… scaroused. Never had a man looked at you the way he had… Time to suck it up and get shit moving. “It’ll make things easier and faster if you do the same.” you cooed, voice laced with hope and arousal. You couldn’t help but tremble at the thought of seeing him out of those godforsaken clothes that he looked so fine with but you were sure… absolutely and positively certain from the glimpse that you got of his defined chest that he was most probably a god in the guise of a man. “I set the rules. Now be a good little pup and do as you’re told.” He leaned forward, rolling his shoulders as he propped his elbows on his knees and joined his hands together. Tilting his head, that was your cue to get the show started. You didn’t bother to weigh in the pros and cons in your head. He was already ravaging you with his eyes and you wanted to see how he would look like once he’s through with you. “Hm… is that how it’s going to be, Master Theodorus?” the corner of your lips drawing up seductively as you bent forward, giving him ample view of your cleavage, that you had your lingerie to thank for, while you unclasped the strap of one heel and then the other, kicking them off your feet. It didn’t go unnoticed when he heard Master, how the rise and fall of his chest grew a bit faster while he licked his lips and even bit his lower lip for the briefest of moments. Kink Unlocked! You were going to give in. Not because he asked you to, but because you wanted to. Sapphire burned into you, your sense of reality was distorted by thoughts of him and the utter sight of him. Entranced by each other, it wasn’t even a possibility to separate you or pull your gaze away. You knew very well what you both wanted. Melt into each other’s embrace and become one. And… in other words, fuck like there’s no tomorrow.  “As you wish, Master. I’ll be your good Honje so tell me. What do you want me to take off first?” “Remove the dress. I’ll take care of your rest.” he demanded as he rearranged himself, his own erection clearly making him as antsy as you were. Seeing that he was clearly suffering as much as you were, you were definitely even more soaked now and trying to fight not to squirm and rub your legs together. Your cunt needed some sort of attention or else you were going to lose it. The moment he touches you… he would discover how much of a Hondje you truly were for him. Fuck him and his irresisitble… everything. Literally. He was a hard-headed bulk of tantalizing muscle that caused your blood to boil and turn into bubbling magma, his calculating gaze boring into you as a Master would to make sure their pet would do as they’re told. The thought alone made your body inconsequentially heat up with an undeniable surge of emotions that you couldn’t pinpoint. With a relaxed smile, you pushed down one sleeve to slowly hook your arm out, your touch breezing gently over your skin before you repeated the motion on the other side.  “There’s no rush, Hondje. The more time you take, the heavier your punishment will be.” The huskiness of his voice was laced with lust and desire, but so much more. Crazed frustration and faux composure. If you didn’t get it, you were gonna get it… bad. You couldn’t afford to stall and suffer for an orgasm. You just wanted to do it, for heaven’s sake.  You gripped the hem of your dress, pulling it down leisurely so you could wriggle yourself out of it, exposing yourself bit by bit to him. Your chest, waist and hips but sliding it all the way down the smooth length of your thighs. His lips parted to suck in a deep breath when your white strapless bra and matching underwear came into full view. He was clearly straining to remain composed as you were both drawing this out, far more than you both could withstand.  Once your dress hit the floor, your Master called for you. “Come here, Hondje.” Your lower lip prisoner between your teeth, you ambled towards him with an intentional sway in your hips as you were slowly warped into the heat that radiated from him. Extending his arms forward in an inviting gesture to welcome you into his embrace, large hands smacked your behind, fingers splayed over your round cheeks, groping the soft flesh roughly and you yelped as he pulled you further between his legs, your chest on the same level as his head. He looked up at you and you didn’t dare look away. Were you dreaming?  “You’ve been hiding all this from me, Hondje.” He nuzzled his face between your breasts while his hands fondled your behind roughly, his fingers tracing the seams of your lacy white panties and caressing the skin on the back of your thighs, inciting a tingling sensation to spread through you. “I haven’t been hiding, Theo. You just never made a move… Ah!” You gasped as he bit the top of your breasts, trailing wet kisses over your chest, he nipped and sucked on your skin mercilessly, cascading whimpers from you as he relentlessly coaxed them out of you like the handle of a music box. Every brush of his fingers on your skin, dipping along the valley of your lower back and tracing upstream to unclasp your bra, discarding the garment dismissively. Eyes shining brightly, Theodorus snuck a quick glance at you before marveling at the soft mounds before him. He rubbed a soothing hand on your back, a silent gesture of reassurance filled with so much… love? His hands pressed against your frame, urging to get even closer, bringing your breasts right to his mouth. “You’re perfect, mijn liefje…” He mumbled with such reverence… which you didn’t expect. He knew more than anyone and could tell what you were thinking without you having to say anything. Warm breath hovering over one of your breasts before he extended his tongue, languidly rolling it around the pearly bead before sucking on it fiercely, the dichotomy of his approach coaxing soft sighs as you felt his other hand finding your behind once again, hooking his finger under your lacy whites, dragging them down with the light stroke of his knuckles over every inch of you he could reach before letting the nuisance fall. “Theo… Mhm…” you tried to protest in vain. Staring up at you with an arrogant smirk, he proceeded to lick around your areola, grazing his teeth against your nipple, chuckling at the sound of your loud hiss as he continued to alternate between soft blows to cool your skin and licks that warmed you. Your body trembled under his gentle displays as he paid the same exact attention to your other breast, leaving a trail of love bites on his way from one to another. You placed your hands on his shoulders while you lifted one leg and then the other to straddle him. Your fingers shakily stroked his neck when you noticed him flinching as you touched the spot right under his ear. His breath caught in his throat and if you weren’t so intent on watching his every movement, you wouldn’t have been able to see it. Tonight, he was the artist, painting you with marks of unspoken secrets. “Verdomme… I don’t even have to touch you to see how wet you are. What a naughty little thing.” He rasped as he let go of your nipple that was held captive in your mouth. About what he said? He wasn’t wrong. Definitely not. You were so damn soaked and his advances didn’t fail to make even more of your arousal pool and drip from your aching core. “You’re the reason why I’m so wet, Master.” you groaned in response to his teasing, leaning down to ensnare him however you could, sucking on his thin lips, his tongue or anything you could get her mouth on. He tasted so fine, so exquisite, more delicious than aged wine that you loved to a fault, you were so drunk on loving him and craved his yearning and his passion for you. You planned on feasting on him but you knew for a fact that it would be the other way around. Not that you were complaining, you were ecstatic about that fact.  With his hands fondling your supple cheeks once again, Theo pulled you down on him, the fabric covering his skin only increased your frustration as you began to grind against him and he reciprocated, trying to inch closer to what you both sought. Yet, it was not only pleasure that occupied your mind but… It was not only his body you craved. Your freneticism was taking over you, enraged that he was still clothed when you laid completely naked in his lap. You cursed his damn blouse in your head and swore to rip it off him before your fingers managed to fiddle through it and slide the cursed garment away, sinking your nails over his skin as your lips never parted for a second. After his display of possession on the dancefloor, the way he moved his body against you, making you feel so vulnerable in front of prying eyes…. You were asking for this to happen… and you were thankful that he took the bait. You wanted him to be yours and claim him as such, or claim you, it didn’t really matter. His arms firmly pulled you to him, bestowing open-mouthed kisses down your jaw, along the length of your neck and settling on your collarbone, suckling and biting on it with so much fervour. What was he doing to you? This was already so much and you hadn’t even started. You arched your back, biting your lower lip to suppress the moan that roused from you was in vain. All your efforts to resist him were naught. You were at his mercy. You didn’t even want it. You wanted to taste his almost wrathful need, unleash all he had locked up deep inside. Only for you to see and feel. Your voice echoed across the room, filling it with loud moans and your heavy breathing. If Theo didn’t have a good hold on you, you would have definitely fallen back. Your body was turning to putty, shaking in his embrace, whimpering softly then giggling as his lips found your ribcage. The warmth of his tongue against your chilled skin lit you up inside further, shivers running up and down your spine. Always so strategic and meticulous, upon discovering your weak spot, he chuckled devilishly and targeted it single-mindedly and you were already on the verge of losing your mind, already. He discovered how sensitive you were and how easy it was to get you over the edge, or at least, tease you enough to reach greater heights before crumbling as he insidiously pulled you back down. You wouldn’t let him have the fun though. You struck your nails deep into the skin of his shoulders, meandering down his back, gracing it with scratches that mostly probably bled. Pride swelled in your chest as you heard low grunts emanating from the depth of his chest. If you were in any other situation, you would’ve been scared but you knew he was going as crazy as you. Your breathing quickened as your heart began doing somersaults in your chest, looking down  into ocean eyes, inviting and wicked, already submitting to her will and forceful ways. His hips never ceased their movement, grinding on you mercilessly, feeling the cock rub against your drenched folds. Your hands cradled the handsome visage that you had come to love while your fingers traced over his sharp jaw to the sensitive skin behind his ear. As his tongue expertly slid down the column of your neck, whines and moans unintentionally escaped from your puffy and reddened lips. He groaned against your skin with each beautiful sound you made and whined as you kissed him under his ear, feeling him shudder beneath you and his motions becoming less coordinated. “Y/N…” You… You were able to make him weak and hear him call out your name with such unbridled need. More... More…  You needed so much more.  --------------------------------------------- Link to PART 3. 
Tagging le Theo simp squad + tag list: @delicateikemenmemes @sweetlittlemouse @nad-zeta @nafeary @raymiazaki @munarisblog @karmaaf​  @kisara-16  @ikefool   @cinnatwisted​ Thank you to my wifey @shhhlikeme​ for her support!  💜 Hope you enjoyed this 💜 Please feel free to leave comments/feedback! Masterlist
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lupin-for-president · 4 years
“Behind the Shelves” Pt. 1
(A Wolfstar College AU)
Long couldn’t even begin to describe the day Remus Lupin was having.
From waking up late and missing his morning lecture, finding out his chocolate bars had melted from being in his car, spilling coffee all over his floorboards, and then his boss telling him he had to work the late shift at his college’s library, “long” didn’t seem to do this day justice.
It was around six in the evening when he had noticed them walk in from his spot behind the front counter.
A graceful girl with long red hair, at least four books in her arms, and a baggy cardigan hanging loosely off of her shoulders. A darker boy with nerdy looking glasses following close behind her, holding just one textbook in his hand, and his hair a curly mess.
The boy clearly fancied the girl, it was obvious in the way his mouth curled at the edges while he tried his best to match her steps, and —by the way she was trying to fight off a smile of her own— Remus was nearly positive that the girl fancied the boy a tad bit too.
Then, Remus’ eyes landed on the last member of the arriving party.
A boy with warm carmel skin and wavy black hair that hung gently down to his shoulders. His mouth held a smirk —that Remus would deem absolutely sinful— and his eyes glinted with a playful sense of glee. He wore faded ripped jeans and a black Queen shirt with the sleeves pushed up, exposing his delicately intricate tattoos. He had piercings littering both of his ears, as well as a black stud in the side of his nose.
Just my type, Remus thought.
When he finally lifted his gaze back up to the stranger’s face —hazel eyes meeting a set of piercing grey ones— he felt his breath catch in his throat. He quickly averted his gaze back to the books he was sorting, doing his best to fight off an embarrassed blush. The next time he dared to look up, the enterauge had already vanished away —deeper into the library— and a relieved breath blew past his lips.
“Way to go Remus,” he muttered to himself, “Just start having repressed gay thoughts the second a mildly attractive boy walks through the door.”
He’s more than just mildly attractive, he scolded himself.
With a heaved sigh, he picked up the stack of books and walked out from behind the counter. He made his way to the proper shelves quickly, knowing he had at least twelve more stacks to sort back out before the night was over.
He was finally on his last book of the stack and, due to its placement, he had to use the library ladder to put it back on its shelf. Climbing the rolling ladder —rather carelessly if he were being honest— he lazily reached up to place the book back in its proper position.
“Ah, History of French Language, I wonder what poor soul had to indulge in that.”
The sudden voice caught Remus off guard, making him jump so hard that he nearly fell backwards off the ladder. After he regained his balance, he was ready to look down and make a snappy remark to the person who had almost made him fall, but immediately bit his tongue as his gaze locked on the source. Remus’ eyes widened for a moment before he cleared his throat, a heat rising to his cheeks.
It was the same boy from before, his long black hair tucked lazily behind one of his ears, arms crossed over his chest, and a cheeky smile painted on his lips. He was leaning against the shelf, eyeing Remus with a teasing look that was enough to make his skin become peppered with goosebumps.
“It actually isn’t too bad,” Remus finally answered, making his descent down the ladder.
“Oh? Have you read it?”
“Yes, I have,” Remus nodded curtly, grabbing the ladder and dragging it along behind him to put it back in its proper place.
Remus had expected the conversation to end there, but he heard footsteps following after him. When he positioned the ladder in its rightful spot, he turned to quirk an eyebrow at the boy, readjusting the sleeves of his sweater.
“Can I help you?” Remus asked, probably a little too sternly, “Are you looking for something?”
“Oh, no,” Sirius grinned, leaning forward slightly, “I’ve found everything I need.”
Remus was taken aback at the boy’s forwardness, it wasn’t something he was used to seeing. Then again, this boy was undeniably attractive —enough to make any girl or boy weak in the knees just by looking at him— so he really had no reason to be shy with his flirting.
But Remus was currently working and on the clock and —even though he was oh so tempted— couldn’t be caught flirting with some mysterious bad boy behind the bookshelf.
“Right,” Remus cleared his throat, “Then I must get back to work. If you decide you need help, I’ll either be behind the desk or putting books back on their shelves.”
And so he strolled off and did just that, but the strange boy simply followed. Remus tried to pretend that he wasn’t looming over his shoulder, but the boy kept getting closer and closer and it kept getting harder and harder to avoid him. Finally, Remus slammed the book he had just scanned into the computer shut and turned around to face him.
“What’s your name?” Sirius asked.
“Remus,” he said bluntly.
“Remus,” Sirius repeated, as if he were testing it out.
The pale boy nearly felt his heart combust at the sound of his name dripping off of the other’s tongue like warm honey, drizzling into every crevice in his mind. He did his best to push past the thought and not focus on those beautiful pink lips that just looked so temptingly soft.
“And your name is?” Remus questioned, leaning back against the counter, arms crossed over his chest.
“Sirius, but you can call me yours,” he winked.
Remus couldn’t even attempt to hide his blush this time, his entire face turning a bright shade of pink. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously before turning back around to gather up the scanned books.
“Sirius, that’s uh— that’s a nice name,” Remus nodded, cursing himself for not knowing how to handle the blatant flirting of this beautiful stranger.
Sirius laughed —a melodious, charming laugh— and shook his head.
“It’s after the star,” he murmured, “Speaking of which, the stars are supposed to look absolutely beautiful tonight. Would you like to go watch them with me?”
Remus paused for a moment as he turned with the stack of books in his arms, his eyebrows creasing togegher slightly. Slowly, he looked up at Sirius, head titled slightly to the side.
“Do you always invite random strangers on dates or is this a new thing for you?” Remus asked.
“Nah, only the cute ones,” Sirius smirked, sending him a flirty wink that made butterflies erupt inside of his stomach.
Remus simply scoffed and brushed past him, books in hand. “Well, sorry to disappoint, but I must decline. I don’t go on dates with strangers,” he said sternly, though his voice had a hint of teasing in it.
“Oh, come on. We’re hardly strangers now, Remus. Wouldn’t you agree?” Sirius quipped, following after him, “I mean we’ve known each other for a whole half hour already, I’d say we’ve become pretty swell friends.”
Remus just started sorting the books back onto their shelves, careful not to make eye contact with Sirius in the fear that doing so might cause him to give in. After all, this boy was obviously handed everything in life. It wouldn’t do much harm for Remus to play a little hard to get.
“Speaking of friends,” Remus started, “Aren’t yours going to be wondering where you are?”
“You mean James and Lily? Please,” the tan boy waved off the claim, “I doubt they even notice I’m gone. James has been swooning over that girl since our freshman year here, two years later and he’s still just as infatuated as ever. I think Lils is finally starting to give in, though.”
“So you’re a junior here as well? Funny, I haven’t seen you around much,” Remus noted.
“That’s because I never have the need to come into your little library,” Sirius shrugged, “I’m an art major —a free spirit if you will— I’d rather not waste my time surrounded by books. Though, now that I know you’re here, I might have to come around a little more often.”
There it was again, that bold flirtatious side of him. It made Remus want nothing more than to grab him by the shirt collar and slam him up against the bookshelf, ravaging him with intense kisses just to make him shut up. Remus was sure those pretty pink lips were just as soft as they looked.
He cleared his throat and turned to the boy, hands now empty of books to sort. “Art major, huh? I should’ve guessed, you seem like the type,” Remus said, his eyes giving the boy a once over.
“Do I now?” Sirius smirked, taking a step closer to Remus. “How about you, what’s your major?”
“Should’ve known, you seem like the type,” he said, his words spilling out like dangerously sinful honey. “When does your shift end?”
“A few hours,” Remus replied, his heart pattering inside of his chest, “Not that it’ll matter to you, I already told you I don’t go out with strangers.”
“What’ll it take to convince you?” Sirius asked, his tone turning oddly tense.
“Figure it out yourself, Mr. Free Spirit.”
With that, Remus turned on his heel and walked down the aisle and back to his counter to finish his job. Sirius, of course, acted as his shadow the entire time, dropping flirting remarks and teasing hints every few minutes.
It didn’t stop until the glasses boy from earlier came up to the front desk to whisk him away, just about ten minutes before closing. Not that the stubborn boy would admit it, but he almost hated to see him go already.
As Remus watched him walk out of the door, blushing lightly as the boy turned and gave him a cheeky wink, he found himself wondering if he would see him again.
And prayed to god that it would be soon.
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marmolady · 4 years
A Ride to Remember (Estela x MC)
Main Pairings: Estela x (f)MC
Summary: Endless Ending.  As Estela continues to help Taylor along her road to recovery after freeing Vaanu's essence, she shares with her a bittersweet part of her life in San Trobida.
Word Count: 3255
Chronology: carries on from ‘The New Taylor’, precedes ‘Inheritance’.
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, @greengroove 
“Okay, sit naturally, with your back straight, and I’ll adjust the stirrups to the right length.”
Taylor shifted her position on a small, grey horse until she was comfortable. “Well, I’m up, and I haven’t fallen off yet, so I guess that’s a good start.”
Estela chuckled as she fiddled with the saddle. “We’ll take it slow. It’s good for your core strength and your balance, which will be really important for you. I read that it’s actually helpful for your circulation and for relaxing . The movements should sort of gently work your joints and muscles, and I think your spine too. As low-impact exercise, it’s pretty hard to beat-- unless you fall off.”
“I’ll just… try and avoid that, then.” Taylor patted the horse’s neck, swallowing her nerves. She’d ridden a freaking yeti; this should be a piece of cake. “Pepper here is the friendly one, right?”
“Ha. Right. Better him than this asshole,” Estela said, while, as if on cue, the dark bay horse she was beside made to take a chunk out of her. Reflexively, she moved out of the way. “They call this one ‘Miel’. It means ‘honey’, which is exactly what she’s not.”
“You know, I’m seeing that. I’m guessing she’s the one who threw you back when you were a kid?”
“Of course. I’m sure it’s a memory she treasures.”
A little laugh made Taylor relax into her seat. This outing had been coming for a few days; her physical recovery had been going well, thanks in a large part to her very attentive and encouraging personal trainer. Taylor could feel the progress taking place within her body; something that she’d not long ago feared had stalled. There was a way to go yet, but… the climb to get there no longer felt insurmountable. Putting the focus on complete relaxation and actually getting some undisturbed sleep had done wonders.
Estela clicked her tongue, and as Miel moved forward, Taylor gave Pepper a little squeeze.
“Okay, buddy. I’ve got this.”
The movement beneath her took a little getting used to, but as Taylor sat straight, she realised that her core really had been strengthened in those past weeks. No doubt she’d be tired by the end of the ride, but for someone who just a couple of months ago couldn’t even sit up by herself, this was an achievement.
Estela grinned. “If you do fall off, I’ll try and throw some ninja moves so I can jump down and catch you.”
“Hahaha. You are absolutely hilarious. This is a cakewalk.” Let’s just keep it at a walk though. To be safe.
“I know. Nothing you can’t handle.” Estela brought her horse so she was walking parallel with Taylor’s. It was wonderfully weird to see her wife out here in the San Trobidan countryside even after all these weeks. But now, it could never be home if Taylor wasn’t there. “There are a few different tracks I used to take from here; we’ll probably get around to a couple more before we head back to La Huerta, but I figured the shortest trail is probably our best bet for now. There’s a really nice lookout spot in this one as well, so you can take a break if you need it.”
The trail meandered through thick primary forest, the shade of canopy bringing a drop in temperature that could be felt in an instant. All was quiet but for the calls of birds and the steady plodding of hoofbeats. That this could exist in a place so war-ravaged was startling to Taylor, and she could quite imagine how such a slither of peace could become a lifeline.
“You used to come out riding here a lot?”
“Yes,” Estela said. “It was one of the few useful things I could do when I was a kid. Seňor Ruiz loved these horses, but when he became involved in the war, he didn’t have as much time for them. When I was about twelve, and then… pretty much until Mom died, I kept the horses exercised and groomed, and Tio would get me off his back. Mom was quite friendly with Seňor Ruiz as well; she used to do this with me whenever she had the time. Obviously, with everything that was going on, I mostly felt like I was trapped. Riding was freeing. There were trails off the beach and up into the hills; I could disappear for hours. Sometimes I needed that. To just take those hours away from a world that seemed to be falling down around me.”
“I’ll bet. It must have felt like a whole different world out here. Has it changed a lot? Everything else seems to have changed so much for you… this place looks like it’s never been touched.”
“It’s the same. I could probably take another shot at jumping that log if I was so inclined.”
“So you didn’t stubbornly come back and try again?”
Estela’s eyes sparkled at the tease. She shrugged her shoulders. “It was a way off where I usually ride. But, yeah, I did jump it later. Not on Miel, though-- on Pepper. I’m stubborn, not an idiot.”
Taylor laughed. This wasn’t so hard. She had a distinct feeling that her butt and thighs would be killing her the next day, but it was enjoyable. At the slow pace, her body relaxed into it.
“But, no. This part hasn’t changed a bit. It’s stupid, but it makes me feel sad. Everything is as it should be, except my mother isn’t in the picture. This was her thing. What she did to unwind.”
The mood changed, taking a turn for melancholy. Estela winced apologetically. It wasn’t fair on Taylor; this was supposed to be about her recovery, not looking backwards.
“I’m… guessing you haven’t done this… since your mom died?”
“No. No, I couldn’t. To begin with, it would have been too painful. Then I’d managed to push myself into rebellion, and if I wasn’t helping-- really helping, this time--, I was training my mind and body so that I could take my revenge on Rourke.” She looked back at Taylor with a bittersweet smile, sorrow still lingering behind her eyes. “I didn’t realise how much I’ve actually missed doing this.
“Thank you for sharing it with me. It really means a lot. I feel like, slowly, I’m being woven into the tapestry of the real world… and it’s because of you; what you’ve given me. I know so much of it is painful, but you’ve not held back from me--”
“I want to feel your touch over every part of me. You know that, right?” Estela flushed a little, but didn’t avert her eye contact. Taylor’s gaze was full of love, and she returned it. “It makes it all easier to bear. And this kind of intimacy helps you, then… it’s important.”
“Yeah, I know. Just… I appreciate you letting me be that person.”
Estela’s lips curved to a smile. She didn’t need to be thanked, not for that. “I love you, Taylor.”
“I love you too.”
 Coming out at the other end of the thickest part of the forest, the sun was blinding. A downed tree had cleared all that stood in its wake, and now made for an easy post to which the horses could be tied. Having offered both horses a piece of apple, Estela helped Taylor join her atop the vast log so they could enjoy the view over the jungle-fringed coastline.
“Wow. It really is beautiful.”
“It is,” Estela said wistfully, staring out into a hauntingly familiar horizon. “It’s kind of a miracle it is still as untouched as it is. Around a lot of the edges of the forest, it’s all been destroyed. Of course, people would go into the forest to hide-- I know my mother and I did. When people are scared for their lives, why should they care about protecting a few trees? But a lot of it’s still okay. Us and the jungles. We’ll rebuild and get stronger.”
She frowned. Maybe something could be done to help. The resources available to Aleister through Rourke International could do a world of good here. It was difficult to bring up. Something would be asked for in return, something Estela was adamant she wouldn’t-- couldn’t-- give. As much as she fought it, though, she felt the burden of responsibility. If it could be as simple as taking Aleister and Grace out here and showing them why her home was special…. That time was coming soon.
“It’s weird to think, in just a few days we’re going to have Aleister and Grace here. Worlds colliding all over again.”
It wouldn’t be just a friendly visit. She’d had Aleister badgering her far too long for that to be the case. She knew. He had a burden to force upon her, as if sharing it would somehow distance himself from Rourke. As if cold, unfeeling money could in any way ease the suffering that had been caused. Aleister could take guidance about righting his father’s wrongs without tethering Estela to that name. After all that company had taken, it owed her that much.
“Hey,” Taylor said soothingly, her voice as gentle as the expression in her blue eyes. “They care about us, about you. Whatever conversations anyone might want to have, no one can force your hand. Only an incredibly stupid person would try, and that’s neither of them. They just want to be here for you.”
Only because of my blood. As soon as the thought came to her, Estela pushed it away stubbornly. However she thought about Aleister’s intentions for Rourke International and that blasted fortune, she did know that both he and Grace cared for her. And they cared for Taylor. And Jake. They must do, for it would take a brave person indeed to be in Aleister’s shoes and face an introduction to one Nicolas Montoya.
“I’ll have to tell Tio some more nice stories before then. I don’t know if my ‘warts and all’ approach to sharing our experiences on La Huerta have painted my poor half-brother in the best light.”
At that, Taylor chuckled darkly. Meeting the approval of Tio Nicolas had been a mighty intimidating feat to take on, albeit worth it a thousand times over. “Aleister did so much to keep you safe in the fallout, even under threat of your wrath. I think Tio of all people could appreciate what a challenge that must have been.”
“I’m lucky to have so many people looking out for me,” Estela said quietly. Then, as if she had no control over it, her tone became harsh, defensive. “But I don’t need looking after. Not with anything from Rourke.”
Taylor looked at Estela with aching affection, and saw it returned, the storm clouds clearing under a tender gaze.
“I’m doing it again,” Estela said sheepishly.
“Yeah. And it’s okay.” Taylor took her wife’s arm and held her. There was a whole lot Estela was working through right now, and she would not have her do it alone. “Maybe you could use a date with that old punching bag.”
Estela exhaled heavily. “That thing’ll be a pile of frayed string by the time I’m done with it.” She leaned closer, touching her forehead to Taylor’s, closing her eyes. It’s okay. You’re in this together. Look how far you’ve both come already? “You are amazing, you know? Taylor. You really are.”
“On a good day,” Taylor chuckled. Her whole life had been an erratic ride of peaks and troughs, of glorious highs and despairing lows. It hadn’t suddenly become easy once the world was restored and she was home with her soulmate.
“On a bad day, you’re even more,” Estela said solemnly. “You never give in.” She blushed slightly. “It’s one of the things I loved about you first.”
Taylor came away so she could press a gentle kiss to Estela’s nose. “And you still loved me when I could barely leave my bed. When I had no freaking control over my bladder,” she laughed. “And I couldn’t have sex without falling asleep after five minutes. It’s… starting to feel like we’ve made it. It’s like our future is actually possible. I don’t have a damn clue what it’s gonna be, but it’s gonna be us.”
“Yes. You and me, forever.” Estela took Taylor’s face in her hands, and brought her in for a deep and lingering kiss. God, Taylor; I’d go through every heartache a thousand times over for a day with you, a day like this. “Come on, mi amor,” she said airily as she came away, riding that wonderful high. “It’s about time those old horses got some real exercise. Let’s take them down into the sea.”
“Oh god, why do I feel like I’m about to get really wet?”
Estela smirked. “You better hold on tight, then.”
 The bay horse, Miel, flicked her ears back, responding to the tension feeding from the young woman atop her back.
“You expect me to want to leave… to just turn my back on everything that’s happening here. What if I refuse?”
“You’re a minor, Estela. You could dig your heels in and refuse to leave, but your uncle won’t make a revolutionary out of a fifteen year old girl. Nicolas wants you out of here as much as I do.”
Estela bit back a retort. No, he doesn’t. He would let me be useful. “I thought you cared about this place… these people.”
“Don’t.” That tone of voice didn’t come out very often, but even Estela knew better than to argue with it. “My child being killed in this war won’t make things better. You are bright, and determined, and compassionate. I won’t have your light snuffed out before it even has a chance to shine.” Olivia shook her head. “You are too precious. To me, and to all you care about. You finish your education, you grow and you learn, and then you will have more to offer. Then, it will be your choice. But while you are a child in my care, I need you have faith in my judgement.”
How, when it’s taking you away from me? Estela chewed on her lower lip,fighting to keep her tears at bay. Who would make you smile when you had the whole world in your shoulders?
Olivia must have felt the emotion in her daughter, for her voice trembled when she spoke. “The thought of being away from you is… torture. I don’t know how I’m even going to breathe knowing you’re so far away, knowing that the violence here could escalate at any time. But I have to do this, mija. I would not put us through this if it wasn’t desperate. But it is, and I am. If working on Rourke’s island for a year means that you come through this all, alive, there is no question.”
“I’ll miss you, Mami.”
“I know, Estelita. Mi preciosa. But we’ll get through this. One week at a time, and I won’t ever let you forget that my heart is home with you.”
Choking on the lump in her throat, Estela spluttered a sob, and roughly wiped tears from her eyes. “We’ll get through this,” she murmured weakly. This will pass. She had to believe it, she had to try,for it was all that would keep aching loneliness from taking root in her heart. For everything her tio was fighting for, she’d be strong. For her mother, she’d be even stronger.
“Come now, my star.” Olivia reached and stroked her daughter’s face, tenderly caressing away the tear-tracks that Estela’s harsh brushing had left behind. She cupped her cheeks and chin, adoring her. “If these are the memories I’m taking away with me, I’m going to need to see your beautiful smile.”
What is there to smile about--?
“Mija, this is our time. You and me, holding on together. So, I’m going to race you. One end of Cala Paraisa to the other. I’m not going anywhere with you under the delusion that your mother can’t leave you in the dust.”
“I’m sorry, Mom. I’m sorry you’re gonna be stuck on that island, stewing in the knowledge that I kicked your ass out here.”
Olivia scoffed exaggeratedly. There it was; there was her smile. “Fighting words!” She petted the grey horse’s neck. “What do you think, Pepper? We can take them?”
With a roll of her eyes, Estela clicked her tongue, encouraging Miel to walk forwards. This hurt. This really hurt. But her mother was right; they couldn’t let this time be taken from them. This was theirs.
“I think you and your horse are dreaming. We start at that driftwood-- are you ready?”
The still of the quiet cove gave way to the pounding of hooves and the whoops and hollers of mother and daughter at play. One last time.
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peepingtoad · 4 years
It’s not that often that I talk about what I really think about Jiraiya, and I guess I mean more how I feel about him, since I always try to write my ‘deeper’ headcanons/metas from a more... idk, trying not to get too emotional about it point of view. Basically it’s because I know how controversial he is, and I pretty much ritually avoid a lot of takes because I don’t want to get irritated about something that really doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme, because we’re all entitled to our opinions and I largely get my say through the act of writing and developing him how I see fit.
Which is enough for me, mostly, but for the purpose of reinforcing/building upon how I see my muse’s plight, working through some of my Sannin-feels and also to dip my toes into why I find blindly judgemental/single-faceted takes of him, his priorities and the Sannin’s bond so exasperating, I kinda feel like rambling my thoughts (feelings) anyway! 
Politely sticks this stream-of-consciousness mess under a cut.
So sometimes I do think about the fact that Jiraiya kinda, lmao, forgot about Everything Else in the world because of Orochimaru and his (frankly) obsession with him/them. And the fact that a ridiculously significant portion of bad shit that happened is down to his actions/inaction. And the fact that he really did go and leave the likes of Naruto (and maybe to a degree Kakashi, although there’s zero actual evidence he didn’t get involved given the strong indications of a great rapport in the canon), just because he was so hellbent on pursuing Orochimaru, who was not even shown to be affectionate towards him at the best of times. When I think about it in terms of Jiraiya being gone and the main reason we’re given for it, things suck for a number of people, and quite largely because of potentially unrequited/horribly communicated/obsessive JiraOro pursuits, in essence :’)
(And for all it’s still quite the rarepair, Jiraiya does express on accounts that he was destroyed when Oro left. I mean... this is the guy who rarely acknowledges his sadness so... It’s not my bias at all I sware)
Of course JiraTsu is very real in my eyes too, albeit a very different kinda tragic, as is OroTsu. And the messy poly ship? Ohohoho, even better, but... yeah. Tsunade does at least go her own way for a long time, as messed up as that is in itself, for reasons including the fact she seems to pointedly not��heal or move on from her grief. And given the absolute debacle that was her and Jiraiya reuniting... and both her and Oro even discussing a possibility of sacrificing him... and just, them in general for that whole arc :’))) yeah. They are without a doubt messy and troubled, but even despite how fraught things become I genuinely think all the furtive expressions and the undercurrents of longing and the evasion of their past exhibits a history much deeper and full of lost love compared to many other team dynamics we get (otherwise the Three Way Divorce wouldn’t have been quite so horrible on them, would it? That and they’d probably have split up after Team Hiruzen was no more, if they really hated each other/just tolerated each other out of familiarity like I sometimes see speculated).
But yeah, back to our main man. Jiraiya’s intense (and frankly very Scorpio of him) love for our first series Big Bad kinda did ruin him and what he was setting out to do in some ways, to the degree that the actual story of Naruto wouldn’t be very much without him in terms of drama. I mean, he always loved a good story, right? So art imitates life, and innit just pathetic poetic.
And in so many ways it is incredibly tragic and pitiable that he’s Just Like That. Idealistic and warping everything terrible, no matter how bad, into adventure in his mind! As growth! As pain that makes you TOUGH and makes you a stronger man! As something to be pushed aside while you just keep on truckin’! Whatever anyone you love throws at you, it’s Totally Fine!
After so long narrating through his personal lens, I’ve come to realise he truly is so convinced that everything bad that happens, is sort of just... something he has to deal with and feel big and guilty and feelsy for while spinning it in ways that enable him to keep going. He just loads it on himself and sorta holds it. The fact he’s so sad and filled with sickly pining grief that he has to try and exorcise it with impulsive bouts of decadence? Fine. And it’s not abnormal at all, how he approaches things with such broad scope and just kinda... thoughtlessly wrecking-balls his way through everything he thinks is a great idea at the time. He experiences the fallout of these things and simultaneously feels the entire ravages of it acutely while compartmentalising it ever so neatly away. The crazy thing, too, is that he’s exceptionally convincing at making everything he does and how he handles things seem so grand and noble and romantic and tragic... but in a humorously self-deprecating and still ultimately very hopeful way, to the degree that I as a mun get caught up in his relentless optimism and forget he actually is a sad and heartbroken guy wrapped up in all this grandiosity.
Sometimes I do step back and look and I just think yeah, fuck, he really is a total disaster! He’s a walking disaster and he’s been so damaging to himself and others in so many ways, all because of acting on emotions and impulses without really thinking about the impact! He really did kinda give up on those who needed him and for what? A love that will never love him or prioritise him back? 
A wonderfully tragic theme that I do love with him, don’t get me wrong.
But then at the same time, there’s always more nuance to be had than just ‘he is a disaster and made bad choices, as tragic and romantic as it is, he was actually just selfish and kinda sucked in the end, pathetically whipped by his friends and unable to let go of what they had’. There’s more nuance to be had than reducing him to a purely romantically-inclined character, who just snubs everyone else for a doomed love... because in the end, I think a huge part of JiraOro’s demise in particular was that Oro felt immensely snubbed by Jiraiya when he stayed in Ame, when his loyalty to Konoha (as a place and people, not necessarily a system) and of course loyalty to his own ideals was prioritised over Oro.
To an extent, I feel like Tsunade could have been a similar case, were she not preoccupied with already having lost so much, and besides I really do think she and Jiraiya were quite firmly in best friend zone at that point. With Tsunade not being able to get comfortable around Jiraiya or to pursue any underlying affection for him because of the dumbass way he always behaved (understandably of her tbh), probably until she got with Dan, by which point I reckon Jiraiya started to really come through by showing how he valued her for her, where we see by them having each other’s backs so closely in the second war. Not to mention him generally respecting that his feelings for her have no place by the time he gets her back to Konoha.
In terms of that first split in Ame, Jiraiya, I feel, simply didn’t think him leaving was going to be a big deal, because the three were always fiercely headstrong people who had their own shit going on (simultaneously independent while also being, perhaps not to their knowledge, So Very Codependent). Not only that, but his overly affectionate ways and incessant jolliness were probably considered such a joke that he was basically like ‘they’ll be fine without me’. I certainly don’t think he felt needed by them, which I don’t think is their fault or a point of angst and ‘waaah poor blameless Jiraiya’, because quite honestly, the strain on their relationship was something I fully believe even he didn’t realise he needed out of at the time. His one-track mind was just on ‘save kids, teach kids, this is right, must seize opportunity to be the change I was told I’d be, not continue with this godforsaken war’
Selfish? Maybe. Well-intentioned? Certainly. Intended to hurt anyone or imply he stopped caring? No.
In essence, when it comes to why in the end Jiraiya seemed to be so horrendously bad at being around at the worst of times, at being responsible, whatever else (and I’m not even going to go into scenes intended to be comedic because, they are comedic)... I’ve got to look at it from more than just one view. It’s easy to say ‘he’s ridiculous and terrible because he pretty much flaked on what was important based on his whims/a doomed love/his dick’ (which I have seen said lmao) but there are so many other things at play here.
So I’m thinking, while he was shirking duties (godfatherly mainly)... did he actually consider that his most important duty? Was it anyone’s place to tell him it was? Minato didn’t, as I recall, and when he sacrificed himself he specifically left it to the Third because he (presumably) respected what his teacher was about and knew he wasn’t for staying put. Did Jiraiya not consider his primary duty to be to the prophecy, and in a more general sense fixing the big wrongs and trying to foil big dangers to his home? Were these things not pretty much what he existed for (as much as his faith wavered and went off the rails at times)? Was that not the main source of any real purpose he ever had, being a kid who showed practically no ambition before? Did he not pretty much redesign himself as being ‘from Mt. Myōboku’ rather than Konoha after two devastating wars, and thus is it not understandable for him not to focus solely on Konoha—not outright destroying it, still ultimately loyal to his home and not about to let anyone destroy it, but seeing that the world is in fact so much bigger than just his little town? Is that really something that’s so bad and wrong of him, in a story where the main cast’s country has a pretty fucking nasty system and is established to do so very early on? Is he not pretty revolutionary in his own brand of not blindly serving, but not going on a destroy-it-all frenzy either?
Also, was he not the only one who actually bothered to investigate Akatsuki and the forces that would see Naruto dead, in time? For all he did help bring Akatsuki into existence in ways, it was inevitable from before he even met the orphans that they were going to be groomed/moulded into what they became, regardless of whether Jiraiya came onto the scene. Jiraiya leaving them was just a different kind of suffering to what they were inevitably going to suffer anyway, and hell, with his influence at least there was a time where they might’ve stood a chance of going totally against Madara/Obito’s path, especially while Yahiko was still around. Jiraiya didn’t know that the whole thing with the Ame orphans was, by a design out of his control, doomed to end horribly. So while he felt personally responsible not knowing this, and it’s taken as a given that he was... actually, was he, when there was a master manipulator at play? Was it wrong to want to give some kids a chance?
With regards to all those things I see people say he should have stayed and fixed, that he should have been there, he should have done x y z... Is it not the responsibility of everyone not satisfied with their lot to step up to the plate and make where they live better? Jiraiya wasn’t the only adult. Tsunade, and I absolutely love her, does seem overwhelmingly to be absolved of leaving Konoha because... ??? Kicker is that she too is related to Naruto, of course. 
So... was she not also needed for the very material ways she could’ve helped at numerous points? Was she not also placing her grief and lost love before everything else? Are some reasons inherently more ok than others to ditch? As Kakashi’s generation grew up, was it not also then up to them to decide whether they’d change the status quo? Were Minato’s own generation, presumably his own peer group, not complicit in Naruto’s ostracisation? We got a slight taste of rebellion with Asuma, Hiruzen’s own son, but the fact is many Konoha-nin were overwhelmingly complacent with how things were. And yet never get demonised at all for it. Because it’s Jiraiya’s fault for... not staying and giving it all up to be a guardian who could well be depressed and unfit to raise a child... or just being a flaky as hell one that’s never there anyway because he has shit to do? (and in doing the former would let too many things go unchecked by a completely tuned-out Hokage, not gathering all that spicy useful intel, y’know... essentially he wouldn’t have ended up largely doing his job along with the personal shit in between).
Basically when I see claims saying that Jiraiya as an individual should have done pretty much everything better, and somehow been there for everyone that needed him at any given time, and that (mostly Naruto’s) suffering was a failing on Just His part because of his selfish whims... I feel like the point of his tragedy is absolutely missed. That tragedy being that barrelling through things alone is definitely a failing and harmful in numerous ways, as we see with Itachi shouldering everything alone too, and we see them both miss out on Naruto and Sasuke as a result... but at the same time, is just settling down and leaving everything else to chance not also a huge failing, when there are so many other circumstances and enemies acting against you, when you do have the power to change tides, and when so many other people refuse to or can’t seize their own agency? Jiraiya does put his faith in a lot of people too, and a lot of people fail. Don’t fail him, but in a general sense many, like Minato, fail to make the change they wanted to. That’s life in this world, it’s tragic, and after losing a lot of loved ones yeah, he retreats and goes at it alone. 
But how can he win? How does he do what’s right, other than by chasing what he thinks he can do to actually help the world, which happens to be bigger and not centred on individuals, even those he cares about?
(and remember, nobody knows Naruto is special-reincarnation-prophecy-boi, which is why I tend not to blame-game any characters for him being treated like so many orphans were because... while it’s not morally right or nice at all, it’s tone deaf to how the world is, to the fact all characters having different degrees of knowledge and priorities, and it’s insensitive of the fact most the characters had their own struggles and were just doing their best with a bad lot gdi). 
Hell though, Jiraiya even does put Oro, his big obsessive wild goose chase that whisks him away into selfish pining hopelessly devoted land, on the back burner at points. Maybe not in a lasting way, particularly by the last databook where he’s inspired anew by Naruto, but he does prioritise other shit on numerous occasions. And there’s a lot of shit to try and prioritise.
What I’m trying to say is, Jiraiya can’t solely be held responsible for people. Sure, he’s a character whose decisions were pivotal to events, but what of every other character in the story? Why are they not held to the same crazy high standard of doing and protecting and preventing and somehow doing everything ‘right’ that would have also meant him fitting neatly into the Konoha mould? Would other characters really have been that much better in the position of The Big Guide/Martyr/Tragic Hero/Force For Change character? And also is having a tragic Chaotic Good bastard of a hero not a sign of a damn good and interesting character, that at the very least tried where so many others didn’t? Would Naruto not have been a boring as hell story, whose main protag didn’t really have much conflict to make him compelling, without Jiraiya (among others) being a mess with the best intentions? Without so many other characters having failed him, for him to overcome it and still be able to love and inspire change (albeit through sometimes-clumsy talk-no-jutsu)? Was I missing the point of the story?
............. Hmm!
No longer sure where else I’m going with this now, so.... here, I guess, ends my ode to why character hate (especially that reduces them to One Thing) is dumb, why demonising truly well-meaning characters doesn’t feel particularly woke to me in a cast full of flawed characters and horrible circumstance, and why I’ll defend this poor bastard with far too damn much hinging on him to the end I guess :’)
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
Don’t Look
Sort of Febuwump? I’m so late in the game for this one that I’m not tagging it as such but the prompt was from Febuwump. 
Summary: Before Regina casts her dark curse, a curse is put on her. One that gives inner evil a physical manifestation and mirrors onto her the pain she inflicts on others. 
Warning: Suicidal thoughts and mild gore--mostly trypopobia stuff.
Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t look. It repeats in her mind. She repeats it to herself. She doesn’t want to look, she can’t bring herself to look because she knows what she will see and she knows that it will leave her queasy and dizzy and more hopeless than usual.
She knows that she has done it to herself and that she probably deserves it. She is not a good woman. She is an evil woman. She knows this by now. It is quite deeply ingrained. She thinks that everyone will be satisfied to see her like this.
To see her twisted and broken. To see a curse ravaging her, eating her from within; bridging the ugliness she feels within to the outside.
The hate in her heart warps her unrecognizably. She doesn’t want to see it but she can’t ignore it either. Her hands are stiff, knotted and lacerated. She tucks them into her pockets so she doesn’t have to look at them. She would bury them in gloves if they hadn’t elongated.
The transformation has been slow and agonizing. She doesn’t know the extent of it. She hasn’t brought herself to look yet. But she knows that she has horns, she can feel as much. Every inch that they extend. And they extend quite far. To grow new bones is much more tormenting than to break old ones. She thinks that she would rather break every single bone in her body than to let the horns grow another inch. They get in the way of sleeping comfortably, they get in the way of a lot of things. And her head aches and pounds. Under the weight of them she thinks that her neck might snap. She thinks that she might be okay with that so long as it takes the pain away.
She curls in on herself. Everything aches. Every single inch of her. She has forgotten what it feels like to not know pain. She has forgotten what it feels like to be comfortable and safe.
She has no one but herself to blame. For antagonizing the wrong people. For filling herself far past the brim with loathing and rage. She has no one but herself to blame and so she thinks that she deserves the suffering she is getting.
On one arm lumps begin to form, they pulsate and ache and occasionally they secrete a poisonous purple fluid. On the other she finds pockmarks and craters. That arm is never exposed. The sight is revolting. It makes her sick, queasy, nauseous.
Her teeth ache too some sharpen, some elongate with her horns. They set her jaw at a bizarre and excruciating angle. She can’t close her mouth without drawing blood. Her eyes burn as well, she isn’t sure what they look like. She doesn’t want to know. She’d sooner claw them out then find out.
And her hair. It falls out in clumps and with a burning sensation upon her scalp. This is suffering, true suffering. And she does it alone. Does it alone with the knowledge that she will always be isolated. She is a monster, and abomination inside and out.
It is all the more reason to cast her curse. She can glamour herself a nice and pretty form--her old face, her old body--and she can finish the job. She will crush the heart of the thing she loves the most. Her body and soul will contort and distort hideously. But her curse will come by, it will steal the magic away and she will have relief. So long as she keeps it maintained, she will never suffer so thoroughly again.
It was different in Storybrooke. But she could still feel it, she could always feel it. Though the magic in Storybrooke was potent enough to keep her form intact. She had expected to wake in her bed and find herself wholly relieved. It wasn’t so; she had woken up and touched her cheek. Had felt smooth and unblemished skin. And the mirror reflected as much. It showed her the face that she had always known. But she could still feel it; each lump, laceration, hole, and horn. The weight was still heavy. Heavier than ever. Heavier and more painful until she had become numb to it.
Her curse is broken now. Broken and she can feel her body twisting back into the abomination it was meant to be. And she is terrified.
Deep down she thinks that she had hoped that someone would see her, that someone would find her lovable. That someone would be there to help her break this affliction. She finds no such person. And her window of opportunity has come to pass.
She steals away into her bedroom and waits for the magic to slam back in full. Likely she will end up sealing herself up in her vault. More likely she will mix herself up her own poisoned apple and give it a good bite.
She would rather succumb to an eternal sleep than go back to the unique brand of suffering that has been tailored just for her. The burning already erupts over her arms. She should get to her vault. With a wave of her aching arms, she finds that her magic doesn’t work. Her heart sinks and she feels faint. She supposes that she can try to make it to her car but she can barely stand let alone make it down the hall, descend a flight of stairs, and across the length of her driveway.
She collapses onto her mattress, ear against the pillow and bunched in on herself.
Emma stuffs here hands into her pockets and exhales as she makes her way up to the former mayor’s porch. She doesn’t particularly fancy doing a wellness check on the Evil Queen, but someone has to do it. At the very least to make sure that she isn’t in the middle of formulating another scheme of sorts.
She rings the bell twice. A third time. She exhales. For a moment she considers turning around and leaving. But an unanswered doorbell is a pretty poor sign. It might be that when she busts into the mansion she will find it vacant. She rather hopes that she does.
She picks the lock and lets herself in. The house smells like Regina, of apples and lavish perfume. But there is something else mixed in. Something copper. Something sick. Emma cringes, she doesn’t like it at all. She hasn’t yet had the ‘pleasure’ of smelling a corpse and, God, does she hope that today won’t be the day.
Her voice is thrown back at her as she wanders deeper into the mansion. It is mostly spotless, though a very fine layer of dust has begun to settle on the counter. The uneasy fluttering in her tummy grows. Either the house is empty or the woman in it is…
Emma puts her foot on the first step and calls out for Regina again. The woman doesn’t answer. She stands before the door and takes a deep breath. She inhales that scent, that ill odor. It is stronger. And yet she isn’t sure that it is the smell of death, she thinks that the smell of death would be overbearing. Absolutely gag inducing.
“Regina?” She tries again.
“Leave me, Ms. Swan.” Her voice is hoarse. Some of the tension leaves Emma’s body. At least the woman isn’t dead. But she very well could be dying.
“Are you okay?”  It is a stupid question, of course she’s not okay. She doesn’t even sound okay.
Her answer is as predictable as Emma would have thought, “I’m fine, Swan. Get out of my mansion.”
But what can she do? Call the sheriff? “Regina, you don’t sound fine…” it is as much warning as she is going to get.
“Swan, don’t you dare.” She snaps as soon as she hears the doorknob turn. It falls ajar. “Emma, please.”
Emma hesitates, swallows, thinks of turning around. “I just want to make sure that you’re okay.” She knows that the woman isn’t. She can hear it. She can sense it. She enters the room. Regina pulls the covers over her head.
“Don’t look, Emma.” She says very quietly. “Please don’t look at me, Emma.” She sounds so tired. So pained.
“Stress isn’t pretty but don’t you think that you’re being a little dramatic?” She quirks a brow and musters a little chuckle.
Regina doesn’t see the humor in it. She never does, she definitely isn’t the joking sort. But she does laugh. And it isn’t a pleasant one. It is just as hoarse as her speech and twice as bitter. “You don’t understand, Swan.”
“Then help me.”
She sees the woman shake her head under the covers. “I don’t want you to. I just want it to end. Leave the door open and let them come for me.”
“Do you think that I don’t know that the whole town wants me dead? They’re in luck; I do too.”
Emma shifts uncomfortably. She should have anticipated that much too. Of course she isn’t taking the breaking of her curse well. She hasn’t even asked to see Henry. It dawns upon her that whatever this thing is...she doesn’t want Henry to see it either. “I don’t want you dead, Regina.”
“I need to be. God, Emma, it hurts so much.”
“What hurts, Regina?”
She is silent for the longest time. And then she reaches one arm out from under the bed. She holds it up for Emma to see. Mostly it is pockmarked and full of holes. In other places it looks raw and scaly--quite literally scaly. She lets it drop, dangling off of the bed. Emma wonders if her whole body is in such a state. She musters up the courage to ask.
“The same or similar.” She goes silent again. “Please end me, Emma. I can’t even move.”
Emma imagines something like a sunburn amplified by ten. She imagines traumatic third degree burns. And then she makes note of the way Regina’s body is twisted. Even under the covers she can tell that the angles are wrong, contorted very agonizingly.
“What happened to you?” Against her better judgement, she takes the woman’s hand.
Regina flinches but she doesn’t jerk away. She isn't’ sure that the woman can jerk away. “I cast my curse to escape a curse...among other things.”
Emma pulls the blankets back before she can stop herself. Before she can even process what she is doing. Regina lays with her right cheek turned up. Emma can’t recognize her face at all. She has the eyes of a serpent. And there are growths, growths like toadstools or, perhaps, treebark. The erupt painfully from her skin. She grits her teeth, some pointed, some elongated, some broken… “Do you understand why I need to die?”
Emma very nearly nods. “I understand why you need help.” She takes a deep breath. “I’m the savior, I promised to help everyone get their happy endings. How do we fix this?”
She thinks that Regina is crying. “We don’t, Emma. You don’t. This can’t be fixed.”
“If there’s one thing I learned about curses, it’s that they can be broken. All of them. And I’ll find a way to break this one.”
“Why?” She husks. “Why would you want to? You hate me more than anyone else in this town. You should anyways.”
“I don’t hate you.” She replies. She certainly had prior to invading the woman’s home but that hatred has given way to pity and concern. To a nagging need to give the woman a chance. “Henry doesn’t hate you. He asked me to come check on you.”
“He did?” Her voice cracks some.
“Yeah, he did.” Emma replies. “So maybe if you hang in there and let me try to figure something out, I can talk Henry into stopping by.”
“No, Emma.” She shakes her head. “He doesn’t need to see this.” She bunches more tightly in on herself and winces.
“Then let me find out how to help you and you can see Henry after that.”
“I can’t, Emma. I can’t do it anymore.” She is crying. Definitely crying.
It has been nearly two weeks since her curse has broken. That is quite a long time to be actively suffering this much. Emma thinks to squeeze her hand but that would probably only hurt her worse. Instead she rests a hand on her back. She can feel the jutting of her spine even through the blankets. “Please try. For Henry. I promise I can help you, I can ask Gold…”
“I already have. I asked him before I cast my curse.”
“There’s got to be something…”
She keeps coming back. No matter how many times she tells her to leave, she keeps coming back. This isn’t out of the ordinary for Swan. In fact it is almost expected. But Regina finds that she doesn’t loath it anymore. More or less, she is growing used to the woman’s presence. She is beginning to think that she would be distraught without it.
Emma takes a seat at the edge of her bed. “I wasn’t sure what you wanted for lunch so I made sandwiches.”
“Sandwiches aren’t lunch food…”
“They are for Henry.”
“Yes, with a fruit, a bag of carrots, and maybe a cookie if he was well behaved that morning.” “It’s PB&J.” Emma hands her the sandwich.
She frowns to herself but she really can’t afford to be choosy. She hasn’t had much of an appetite anyhow. She takes a bite of the sandwich.
“I’ll make pasta for dinner. Does that sound good?”
“Well enough, Swan.”
Emma smiles. “Great. I’ve just been a little busy today, but I didn’t want you to totally miss lunch.”
She supposes that it is nice to know that Swan is thinking of her. That someone has at least a very basic care for her. She sticks to her word and comes back around dinnertime. It should make her happy. Regina isn’t sure why she feels so… She can’t even place the feeling, but it isn’t joyful. She thinks that she almost feels guilty. Guilty for having made the woman’s life so difficult despite her being the exact sort of person who would go out of her way to help everyone.
Her mind wanders back to the woman pulling her out of the fire. To setting her down and declaring, rather frustrated, that she would do it again. The fire is bigger this time. Bigger and raging and it has already burned to the bone.
Emma hands her a plate of pasta. She isn’t hungry in the slightest but she clears it, Emma had gone through the trouble of making it for her. She sets the plate aside and fixes her gaze on the ceiling.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m still in so much pain that I can’t function properly.”
“What do you mean, ‘and’?”
“You’re even more upset than usual, I can tell.”
She forces herself to roll onto her side. “I don’t know, Swan.” And that only adds another layer of distress. She finds herself tearry once again. Emma rests a hand on her shoulder. She doesn’t shake her off this time. She finds that it hurts less, if only a little, to have a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Relief creeps in, it takes its time in driving out the pain, but steadily it does. Emma rubs her back, and she does it so lightly, with such care that it doesn’t agitate the sores on her back. It is a small comfort, but a comfort no less. It is a comfort that is becoming routine.
Emma makes a point of stopping by daily, to give her her meals at the very least. Sometimes she stays longer. Sometimes she spends the night. Those nights are the best nights. Those are the nights when she almost doesn’t feel pain anymore.
“Will you stay the night?” She asks.
Emma nods. “I don’t have any plans. I’ll just go home and get my pajamas.”
“You can borrow one of mine. You seemed rather fond of my shirt the last time you stole it.”
Emma chuckles. “It was pretty comfy.”
Regina nods. She pats the other side of her bed. “There’s room if you want to lay down.”
Emma stretches her arms. “That would be fantastic, thanks!” She flops down. “I knew that helping you would come with perks eventually.” She gives one of those goofy, lopsided grins.
It is a joke, she gathers. She tries for a laugh but she isn’t quite sure that she manages. They lay in silence for some time. There is a slight tickle in her tummy as she tries to muster up the courage to finally apologize to the woman for treating her so terribly before. She doesn't quite manage, what comes out instead is, “thank you, Emma.” She clears her throat. “For staying with me and…” she gestures to the empty plates.
“Yeah, of course.” She smiles. “I told you that I’m going to give everyone a happy ending, including you. No matter how long that takes.”
Regina smiles. For the first time in so very long, she smiles.
“I think that it’s working.” She takes Regina’s hand.
For the first time in so very long, she doesn’t feel a twitch or a twinge of pain.
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all-hail-stevinel · 5 years
Im curious as to how the boys found out about universe lmfaooo
Lol this one was really fun to answer, lemme give some background on the bois relationship with Steven and Universe bc its not really how they found out, but how they met
The bois and Steven:
Steven is of course, one whole jealous slut, but he does try to get along with the boys bc Spinel cares about them and wants them all to be friends and he’s so weak when it comes to his gem boo and her puppy dog eyes
Its just so hard, bc no matter how nice the guys are, Steven will see one of them pick Spinel up or hug her for a second too long and suddenly he’s like a fuckin walking pink glow stick of seething jealousy (much to Spinel’s glee)
She’ll not so subtly try to plan ways to make him hang out with the boys and they all go along with it bc she’s just too cute and so eager for them to like each other
“Oh Stevie, didja kno Sammy likes ta’ garden? You should show him your greenhouse, you guys could have plant parties!”
*deep awkward sigh* “...Sure, Sweetheart.”
The bois actually all really admire Steven. Its hard not to considering he’s all Spinel really talks about and they all love her to pieces. They’re all slightly older than Steven and remember what it was like to be younger and in a new relationship, so they kinda enjoy teasing him a bit about his jealousy and possessive behavior 
Timeline wise, Spinel met the boys almost a month before Universe made his first appearance, so she had a lot of time to bond with them, much to Steven’s ongoing frustration lol
Steven still has a ton of little homeworld responsibilities, so while he did cutback so he could have more time with Spinel, he’s still busy more often than not. They’ve been dating for nearly four months though, and Spinel is a lot better at dealing with time and distance away from Steven because of her own friendships with Lapis and Peridot that she hangs with when not with the diamonds. but outside of Connie, she struggled with making human friends. So when she became buds with the gang, whenever Steven’s too busy she’s usually with them, having fun, and it drives him crazy lmfao 
The worst part is, it'd be easy for Steven to hate them if they weren't such nice assholes. They're so sweet and kind to his Spinel, and so protective of her which he can admit he appreciates. Once Marcus, who despite his intimidating height is waifishly thin and about as intimidating as a wet kitten, confronted him by fish stew pizza because he thought Spinel might be gettin mistreated. While it had been awkward to stutteringly explain that Spinel was in fact very consenting to his um..assertive treatment, it had made him weirdly happy to know she had made such caring and thoughtful friends
But then Universe arrived, and it was like the game leveled up for the bois
The bois and Universe:
They found about him via Spinel, of course, bc she told them maybe a day or two after they had discovered it and the “Who Can Leave The Biggest Hickeys On Spinel?” competition began btwn Steven and Universe
“Holy SHIT, Spinel! Did you get mauled by a fuckin bear???”-Sammy, wide-eyed and impressed
“Or two bears? A circus? Damn girl, we didn’t even see you yesterday, whats Steven got to be mad about?”-Kyle, too high for this
“Heh...funny you should ask…”
So she explains the situation bc while they’ve been teaching her human stuff, Spinel really enjoys teaching them gem things, including Steven’s weird-ass diamond powers which the bois are always excited to hear about but this really throws them all for a loop 
“So like...he’s your boyfriend...but not?? There two of him now??” - Josh, in the middle of an existential crisis
“Kinda! There were always two, i mean Stevie’s a fusion so yeah. But i don’t call the pink him that, I uh-” *blushes* “I gotta call him Universe.”
“So they are different people then? And his other half is pink?”- Marcus, ready to paint approx 178 murals about this
“Yes and no. they’re both Stevie, just...also not? Different parts of him that make the whole, but I don’t love either any less and yes he’s pink.”
The Bois decide this sounds like the coolest shit ever and need to see Universe right away
However, upon hearing that he usually only comes out when Steven’s asleep, our chaotic gang of miscreants decide to lure him out like the idiots they are. They figure Universe is as jealous as Steven, (he’s worse, just not towards Steven lol) so they plan a beach day and invite everyone they know to it
They then spend the entire day flirting up a storm and I’m talking The Bachelor level™ type flirting. Absolutely ridiculous and hilariously sexual, making Spinel crack up and blush the whole day as they shower her with attention and always keep her just out of her boyfriends reach much to Steven’s evergrowing frustration.
It finally comes to a head when Josh asks Spinel if gems need sunblock lotion or if they cant get a sunburn, and she says that she probably can’t but it’d be fun to try if he didn’t mind helping her with it. The poor man doesn’t even get to grab her a bottle before suddenly there’s a heavy hand on his shoulder with a matching hard grip as furious pink eyes glare out at him from Steven’s face looking positively deadly.
“That’s. My. Spinel.” is the only words Josh has ever had Universe say to him, and he can say with confidence he would very much like to keep it that way. The pink-eyed boy had then turned to a turned-on Spinel, scooped her blushing form up and over his shoulder, and walked away without a backward glance, leaving the bois stunned on the sand
They haven’t seen much of him since, but its not due to a lack of trying bc these lemming brained bois like to push their luck (and when they saw Spinel the next day, even though she looked absolutely ravaged, she also had the biggest smile on her face, looking completely lovesick) so in the end, its a game everyone wins lol
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Killer Kings (E.D. & G.D.) PART ONE
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DISCLAIMER: this fic is violent and graphic and could be triggering so pls don’t read it if you’re squeamish about blood and murder and sex!!!
@nostalgicbailey @joeyskinnyleg @notanotherdolantwinsblog @dandydolans
Ethan was always a beautiful sight to behold. He was always gorgeous, no matter what he was doing. But he looked almost ethereal when he was covered in blood, tan skin slick with it and glistening in the sun. He knew how I felt about him so he wasn’t exactly shocked that I was leaning on the doorway admiring him as he used a hammer to repeatedly bash the skull of his latest victim. Watching him attempt to drown her in our bathtub earlier was quite a production but she just wouldn’t die and we couldn’t have that, now could we? As he moved along with his dismemberment process, the sickening cracks of bones breaking echoed in the room, sending a shiver up my spine. I bit my lip trying to contain a moan as he moved on from the hammer and began cutting away at the girl’s chest cavity. “C’mere sweetheart.” Ethan called to me from where he was kneeling on the floor.
I hurried over to him and sank to my knees at his side. His big hands slid into the gash he made in her chest and got a good hold on where he had split her sternum. He yanked his hands apart in opposite directions, effectively opening her rib cage and exposing her heart and lungs. “Knife.” He murmured. I rummaged around in the tool box next to me, retrieving the big kabar knife and placing it in his palm. I watched, enraptured as Ethan carefully cut the poor girl’s heart out. He gingerly tugged it out of the gaping hole in her chest and turned towards me. He placed the still warm heart in my hands and touched his bloody fingers to my cheek. “She’ll never bother you again sweetheart. You’ll never have to worry about her flirting with me at work anymore. I told you I’d prove to you she isn’t important to me. Everything is okay now. I did good right? You’re happy? I just want you to be happy, baby.” He asked, eyes wide and glittering. I turned my head and sucked his thumb into my mouth. He groaned as I licked the blood from his finger and pulled off with a pop. I leaned into his touch, melting against him. “I’m always happy with you baby. I promise. You did good. You did what I asked. That makes me happy.” I said smiling softly. He sighed and his eyes fluttered shut before he leaned forward and rested his forehead on mine. “I love you sweetheart.” Ethan mumbled. “I love you too darling.” I answered.
Ethan stood up and started peeling off his clothes, discarding them on top of the body until he stood naked before me. He towered over me as he stood beside me. His hands, arms, and face were splattered in blood but the rest of him was untouched. He turned his face towards the window and the sunlight spilled over his face, highlighting his angular features. I ran my hands up his thighs and let my fingers trace the tattoos that littered his thighs. My mouth watered at the idea of sucking him off and as if he could read my mind, he smiled down at me. “No no sweetheart. Not yet. Later, I promise. Now strip. I have to roll everything up in the plastic sheet and bury her.” He said, extending a hand to help me stand up. I took his hand and stood, quickly stripping off my now bloodied clothes. Ethan’s eyes scanned my body and I didn’t have to look to know he was hard. “Alright get back in the house before I fuck you raw right here on top of Karen’s dead body. And you know I mean it.” He said, smacking my ass as I made my way out of the shed. “And put that that dress I like on! We’re going out tonight!” He shouted from the shed. I smiled as I leisurely strolled across the yard and into the house.
A few years back, I met Ethan in a pretty seedy S&M sex club. We got to talking and quickly came to realize that we both had rather...unconventional interests. I found out he was already living out his dreams of cold blooded murder with his equally beautiful twin brother Grayson. But one night Grayson had gotten too angry too quickly and attacked a man in an alleyway, killing him where he stood. He stuck around too long to relish in the kill and the police nabbed him. He had been in prison ever since. I went along with Ethan for his visits and me and Gray got along swimmingly. I spoke to him on the phone often when he would call the house looking for Ethan and we had become very close which i knew pleased Ethan to no end. Although I hadn’t gotten to know Grayson outside of the visitor’s room of the prison and on the phone, I knew we had to bring him home with us when he got out. I had grown to love him almost as much as I loved Ethan and I know Ethan wanted Grayson at home with us more than anything. After Ethan and I had the idea of bringing Gray home to live with us eventually, we bought a house in the middle of nowhere and we also purchased the surrounding land. No one wants nosey neighbors when you’re into what me and the twins are into.
I slipped into a nice white lingerie set and then the dress Ethan wanted me to wear and waited for him to come back to the house. He entered our bedroom a short while later and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. When he emerged he pulled a nice grey button up out of the closet along with black dress pants. He quickly dressed himself and began to explain the plans for the evening. “I want to play tonight. I want to go back to the club we met at and find someone. A boy, a girl. Doesn’t matter. I want you to seduce them, and I want to bring them home. Then, I want you to kill them. And I want to watch you.” He said, weaving a fairytale with his word. I shivered with anticipation and my body was tingling. I nodded furiously letting him know I was more than ready for that plan.
When we got to the club I immediately spotted a boy who looked so new to what was going on. I watched him from the bar as his eyes moved rapidly, watching the couple on front of him absolutely ravage each other on the floor. He was so pretty and probably much younger than most of the people there. “Him. I want him.” I whispered to Ethan. “Then let’s go get him.” Ethan responded with a wicked grin. We moved through the crowd to the bench where the boy was sitting. Ethan sat on his right and I sat on his left. He looked shocked and when I touched his shoulder he was trembling. “Hello baby boy. I’m y/n and this is my boyfriend Ethan. What’s your name?” I purred into his ear. “M-my name is Zeke.” He stuttered. “First time huh?” Ethan said, placing his hand on Zeke’s thigh. He nodded, wide eyed and nervous. “Don’t worry. We can show you the ropes.” I said with a smile. I used my index finger to turn his head towards me and leaned it, planting a gentle kiss to his lips. Zeke’s eyes fluttered shut. We kissed for another minute or so until Zeke’s head fell back and a moan spilled from his lips. I looked over and watched as Ethan sucked a deep purple mark into Zeke’s neck. I clenched my thighs together trying to alleviate the throbbing in my core. I watched intently as Ethan’s tongue swept over the young boy’s skin and his teeth grazed Zeke’s earlobe. “Do you want to get out of here baby boy?” I whispered to him. Zeke nodded and said he needed to use the bathroom and would meet us outside.
We made our way out to the parking lot to wait for Zeke. “Y/N I don’t think I can wait anymore. We have to do this now.” Ethan said, furiously scratching the back of his neck. “Ethan you need to relax. We do this at home or we don’t do it at all, got it?” I hissed. “YOU DON’T GET IT! I NEED THIS!” Ethan shouted. Before he could register what was happening, I cocked my hand back and struck him right across the face. He stumbled back into the brick wall of the building and I got up in his face. “Ethan Grant you shut your fucking mouth. Don’t you EVER speak to me like that again or YOU will be the one wrapped in a plastic tarp and buried in a field. You’re being irrational. THIS behavior is what got Grayson locked up. You two couldn’t control your fucking tempers and you got sloppy. You let him fuck everything up and now he’s behind bars so unless you plan on being his cellmate any time soon, you’re going to shut the fuck up, get Zeke back to the house, and then you can have your fun.” I growled. He stood there, a look of shock frozen on his face. “For gods sake, do I have to do everything around here?! GO!” I hissed at him and he hurried off to get the car.
Zeke came out of the club and spotted me and made his way towards me while Ethan went to get the car. Zeke seemed more at ease and sure of himself as he slipped his arms around my waist. “Hey beautiful where’d your boyfriend go?” He asked. “He went to get the car baby boy. We’ll be home soon enough I promise.” I said looking up at him. “Mmm good. You better be careful, I might steal him away from you.” Zeke joked. But I didn’t laugh. I got angry. Even though i subconsciously knew he wasn’t, the jealous monster in my brain started to view Zeke as a threat. I pushed down the bubbling anger and forced a smile. “Oh honey let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” I said, faking a laugh. Just then, Ethan pulled up with the car. I leaned up on my toes and planted a kiss on Zeke’s lips. “Come on baby. Let’s have some fun.” I said pulling him to the car.
The ride home was more than exciting. I rode in the backseat with Zeke while Ethan drove. Zeke was all over me, kissing and licking and sucking all over my neck and chest. It was getting hot in the car but I couldn’t care less. My eyes flickered up to the rear view mirror and my eyes locked with Ethan’s. He was biting his lip and watching us in the backseat. Zeke’s teeth grazed my neck and I moaned. Ethan revved the engine and took off the second the light we were at, turned green.
When we got home Zeke and I tumbled out of the back seat and Ethan followed us into the house. I led Zeke up to the spare bedroom and pushed him down on to the bed and Ethan sat down in the chair near the bed. I bit my lip as I watched him spread his legs. He took out his phone and started playing some music on the bluetooth speaker. I focused my attention on Zeke. I wanted nothing more than to sink a blade into him but not until I got my man nice and worked up from a good show. I straddled Zeke’s lap and pulled my dress off, revealing my white lingerie. I heard Ethan groan across the room. “Sweetheart you know I love that set. Those crotchless panties are my favorite.” He grumbled from the chair. I grinned over my shoulder at him. I turned back to Zeke and leaned down to kiss him roughly. I ground down against his erection and his eyes slammed shut. “Fuck that feels good.” He moaned. “Wait till you get inside me.” I whispered in his ear. “Get him undressed and ride him baby.” Ethan commanded from the chair. I made quick work of Zeke’s clothes, and without warning I positioned him at my entrance and sank down on his cock. A moan spilled from his lips and he bucked his hips up into me. “That’s it sweetheart. Show him what you can do.” Ethan directed. I was moving frantically, eager to get to the real fun. “Ya know, I thought it was funny earlier.” I said. “Huh?” Zeke said, disoriented. I continued bouncing up and down on him. “Oh you remember, silly. Outside the club? When you said I should “be careful” because you might “take Ethan away from me”. Remember that?” I asked, rage fueling my movements. “I uh, I guess so? It was just a joke.” Zeke said, confused by my words. I slid my hand under the pillow near me,my finger curling around the handle of my knife. “Yeah? Well, I wasn’t laughing.” I growled. I quickly pulled the knife out and with slashed Zeke’s throat. Blood sprayed all over me and the bed, staining the sheets and my lingerie. He was gurgling and making feeble attempts to shove me away. “Oh sweetie do you think you’re gonna make it out of here alive?” I asked, lower lip poking out in a fake pout. I slammed the blade into his chest, still moving up and down on his dick. “Fuck! This adrenaline high has really got me goin’!” I screamed, slashing at any of Zeke’s exposed skin. “Yes baby! That’s my girl!” Ethan bellowed, making his way to the bed. “Alright that’s enough. Up. Get off his dick. You cum for me only, you know that.” Ethan ordered and I did as I was told. Zeke was still coherent, gasping for air and choking on blood, weeping like a baby. Ethan leaned over him and laid his hand on Zeke’s cheek. “Sorry honey. It’s time to go.” He whispered, placing a gentle kiss on Zeke’s forehead before harshly twisting his head and effectively snapping his neck.
I rolled over on my hands and knees and wiggled my ass in Ethan’s direction. “You wanna fuck me Daddy? C’mon, I know you want me.” I called to him over my shoulder with a grin. Ethan landed a hard slap to my ass before he responded. “You know Daddy wants to fuck you. You did so good for me baby. You know I love when you put on a show for me.” He rumbled. I could hear his clothes hitting the floor and seconds later he was behind me, lining up, and slamming his cock into me. “Ah! Yes! Right there! Fuck that feels so good!” I cried beneath him. “Oh my god. Your pussy is so tight sweetheart I might not last too long if you keep tightening up like that. Fuck, it’s so goddamn wet.” Ethan growled as he continued to slam in and out of me, hands gripping my hips so tight I knew I’d have bruises. I felt like I was floating. My body was singing with pleasure and the rush of the kill was still coursing through me. Ethan’s thrusts were so rough and punishing that the bed started moving, causing Zeke’s corpse to slide off the bed and hit the ground with a sick thud. This prompted Ethan to speed up and my eyes rolled back. His hand slid up the back of my neck and into my hair where he grabbed a thick section and cranked my head back. A guttural moan tore from his throat as my walls clamped around him when I came. “Yeah that’s right baby. Come on. Give it to me. You want me to come inside you? Huh? Is that what you want?” He growled, still slamming into my slick channel. “Yes! Give it all to me! Cum inside me please!” I whined and I could feel him pulse inside me. Ethan’s thrusts began to falter the closer he got to his orgasm. After a few my strokes I felt him release inside me, hot and sticky and thick. He rolled off me and his chest heaved as he breathed. My knees gave out from under me and I swallowed thickly, mouth dry from all the physical activity.
“You’re cleaning this up.” I mumbled. “No I’m not! You killed him you clean it!” Ethan griped, propping himself up on his elbows. “Umm if I recall correctly, this was your idea Dolan so you can clean it. I’m gonna go take a long hot shower.” I said with a grin as I crawled off the bed and sauntering to the bathroom throwing him a grin over my shoulder.
Ethan leapt off the bed and quickly made his was to me, shoving me up against the bathroom door. “Mmm baby help me clean up and I’ll take that shower with you.” He muttered into my skin as his lips peppered my neck with wet kisses. “I don’t know...I don’t think that’s an enticing enough offer.” I moaned as my eyes slipped shut. “I’ll do that thing you like with the pulsating shower head,” my knees grew weak at that. “And then I’ll carry you to our bedroom and rub you down with that black cherry vanilla lotion you love.” Ethan said biting down on the juncture of my neck and shoulder. I shivered and moaned out a yes and he pulled away from me. “Alright sweetheart lets clean this up.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the guest room.
The next morning I woke up to the sound of the house phone ringing downstairs. Not wanting to wake Ethan, I slipped out of bed and rushed down the stairs to answer it. I clicked the button and was greeted with an automated message notifying me that I was receiving a collect call. I agreed knowing exactly who it was and waited. “Hello.” a gruff voice sounded from the other line. “Hello Grayson. How are you?” I replied flopping on to the couch with a grin. “Hey peach. I’m surprised you’re up this early.” Grayson said and I could hear the grin in his voice. “Mmm I got a lot of rest last night after your brother wore me out.” I flirted, biting my lip. “Oh yeah? He doin’ ya good? He fuckin’ you right peach?” He groaned. “Only every day.” I said back. “Good. I taught him everything he knows.” He said with a chuckle. “Oh yeah? ‘Cause he’s good. He’s real good.” I said, sliding my hand down my torso. “He’s not as good as his teacher.” Grayson mumbled into the receiver. “Hmm...I don’t know if I believe you...Daddy. You’ll have to show me sometime.” I moaned as my fingers slipped under the elastic band of my panties. “You want a free trial peach? ‘Cause I’ll give it to you.” Grayson growled. “Y-yes please.” I whimpered.
“Slip your fingers into your panties. Run two of them through your folds and swirl them around your entrance to get it wet.” Grayson instructed. You did as he said, moans falling from your lips. “Good girl. Now take those two fingers and rub your clit in tight little circles. Just like I would.” His voice was even but you knew he was straining to keep it together. “Mmm feels so good Daddy. I need more.” I keened.
“Alright peach. Take those two fingers and put them inside you. Thrust them in and out.” He could hear the wet sucking sounds from his end and continued. “Good. Faster. Thrust them faster...add another finger.” You did as he said and a loud sound ripped from your mouth. “Yes. Keep those fingers inside and rub your g-spot.” He said. “I-I can’t. I’m too sensitive!” I whined. “Yes you can. And you’ll do what I say or you won’t cum. Understood?” He growled. You began to follow his instructions again and your head flew back into the fluffy arm of the couch. “Now thrust them again, in and out...good...faster...does that feel good? Yeah? Imagine its my cock. Fuck. I’d be tearing that pussy up if I was there.” Grayson’s voice was working you up and you were so close to the edge. “Please! Can I cum? Please let me cum!” I cried into the phone, limbs shaking with the effort to keep my orgasm at bay until he told me I could let go.
“Go ahead baby. Cum for Daddy. Lemme hear you.” He coaxed. “Fuck! Grayson oh my god!” I shouted as I came all over my fingers, body falling limp against the couch. “Thanks Gray.” I said with a chuckle, lightheaded from my orgasm. “Yeah. You can thank me by sucking my cock the next time you see me. Tell Ethan to pick me up from this hell hole at three p.m. next Thursday. I’m comin’ home peach.” My jaw dropped open as the line went dead. A smile appeared on my face as I heard Ethan’s footsteps coming down the stairs.
Grayson was coming home.
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