#Poor dear
mizgnomer · 11 months
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Good Omens 2 - Glasses On
See also: [ Good Omens 2 - Glasses Off ]
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arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
A distressed ghost in the marsh?
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After saving Lian, Roy brings his daughter home and comforts her when she cries. As he hold her Roy subtly checks for the brand on Lian’s lower back. It’s there. (Outsiders Vol.3 #19)
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yourfavoritehorseman · 6 months
Imagine: Death was relieved when his human finally fell asleep. Partially because it meant they'd finally decided he wasn't a danger to them, but mostly because it meant some peace and quiet to get his thoughts together. So he thinks, until he discovers what he later learns is called 'sleep apnea'. He occasionally remarks on the numerous flaws of humans, but he always stills until he can hear them breathe again.
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prompts are: “in the future” and “on a… cruise?”
more from that Draw Your Rise OC Challenge by @angellustrates
(previous, next)
River is not having a great time in these.
The first prompt gave the option for either the bad or good future, but since River was already an adult and I don’t see her changing much in appearance in the good future, I drew something from the bad future :( She would not do well in an apocalypse. She ends up getting stuck in her ghost-like form.
And on that “cruise,” well, she’s uncomfortable in a dress and overstimulated with the bright light and lots of people and smell of sunscreen and has no clue what’s going on. The reason she’s able to sort of keep it together is she remembers Warren. (Before this, the two of them had been searching for Hypno who’d been kidnapped.)
Also, the bad future one got me thinking about the movie, and I decided to try giving a design for a krangified River a try. (Don’t worry, it’s not canon to her story.) Under the keep reading in case anyone doesn’t want to see it.
cw for light gore/body horror/extra eyes
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walkingstackofbooks · 22 hours
Just realised how relieved Julian must have been that Lwxana got distracted by Odo in The Forsaken.
Like, having to spend a significant amount of time in the company of a very powerful Betazoid must have been a nightmare for him, in terms of having to keep absolute control over his thoughts so his secret didn't get out, right?
What's the likelihood that if Lwxana had got trapped with the rest of them, and he was having to weigh up all the options of how to get them safe (and if he can risk using his enhancements to do so..), that control would have lapsed and she'd have realised what he was.
Julian's very subdued at the end of the episode, amidst all their praise of him - is he aware of just how close he might have come to losing it all?
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aduckwithears · 1 year
It seems the one thing almost every post-s2 fic writer can agree on is that the Bentley has big emotions, they are Sad emotions, and are mostly expressed through the lyrics of Love of My Life
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coquette2004 · 4 months
Literally the entirety of the Glorious Revolution is just dear little Maria getting treated like crap.
Maria deserves an award for putting up with all these terrible people and their absolute garbage.
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
Hey. Had this idea of Thena being a billionaire and Gil being her private chef on her private little beach house in the Hamptons!
Maybe you can do something with that? 😊
Gil smiled as he plated the perfect omelette, gleaming yellow, nice loose scramble in the middle with a pristine outside. He sprinkled on some green onion for garnish; Thena acted like she didn't care about presentation but he knew she liked it when her food looked nice.
Thena was...interesting. She could be hard to read, maybe. He had been in the private cooking business for a while, and he'd had a variety of clients. But no one like Thena.
Thena had this old family house, basically a castle, way out here in the Hamptons--as antisocial as possible. She was in charge of her family's generational wealth, he was pretty sure they did business with historical...stuff. Or something.
Thena didn't talk much. The first time he interviewed for the position with her in the room he wasn't even sure if she spoke English. But her assistant - a very sweet man named Karun - assured him that 'the Madame' was perfectly nice. Just not to bother her.
But Karun was right: Thena was nice. Sure, she didn't exactly make small talk with him while she was eating or anything. But she had a nice smile, she was prompt with money, both for his pay and for any of the ingredients he needed. He always had transportation home, or he had a room ready for him if he was staying for a whole weekend.
Gil put the plate on a place mat at the opposite counter top. Thena liked eating in the kitchen instead of the cavernous dining room. She ate a a French style omelette, or if she was feeling adventurous, maybe a frittata, or he had even prepared omurice for her once. She liked fresh pressed grapefruit juice with a little natural sweetener in it. And berries picked from the gardens.
And he liked to add a little flower if there were any blooming on the strawberry plants while he was out picking.
Thena came in through the patio. She had already done her morning routine, then. A light workout, a shower, maybe a sauna. Her phone was in her hand but she famously didn't accept anyone speaking to her before 9 in the morning. She smiled and nodded to him as she took her seat.
She was in a good mood.
Gil turned around, carefully transporting the gold rimmed cup with his best cappuccino yet. He had even looked up how to make latte art to make a heart design in it.
Thena blinked, surprised as it slid into her view. She looked up at him.
He just nodded, encouraging her to take a sip.
She raised an eyebrow but did so. Usually he waited for her to ask for a specific coffee, since it could vary largely depending on the morning.
He shrugged; something about how beautiful the sunrise was had told him she would want something fun. It wasn't sunday, so she wouldn't want something as filling as a latte. But she only drank black coffee when she was already in a bad mood. Actually, now that he thought about it he ought to get more vanilla soy milk.
Thena sighed at her first sip, her shoulders lowering as she let the hot beverage soak into her. She really was in a good mood.
Gil just chuckled, keeping his comments to himself. He had come to respect the serenity Thena created for herself in the early mornings. He turned again to clear his dishes and fill the dishwasher.
He had to get soy milk, and a few other general weekend groceries. And he needed to get ingredients for a recipe he saw online, essentially a lemon cake tiramisu. Thena liked zingy, fresh flavours, and she enjoyed having something sweet on hand for if a craving hit her out of nowhere or after a hard day.
"It's perfect."
He tried to conceal the surprise he was feeling. But he couldn't help it; Thena had almost never commented on anything he made her, unless it was a brief line attached in an email. He turned, "y-yeah?"
She nodded.
He pursed his lips faintly. Back to silence--okay, sure. He peeked in the fridge to examine what else they had and what he needed. When he had asked Karun what Thena liked to keep on hand, he had merely stated that Thena was so bad at cooking, and so selective about food, that if left to her own devices she would probably just eat raw fruit forever.
"How did you know?"
He grinned. So, he was making progress! He had tried more actively in the beginning to get her to warm up to him. But he had come to accept that Thena didn't withhold her words deliberately. Still, he liked it when she did talk. "Just thought you'd be in the mood for it."
She raised her eyebrows at him from behind the cup being tipped up to her lips again.
He closed the fridge and moved back to the counter. "It's nice and mild out this morning, so I think you should have slept well. Stocks are looking good and you don't have to travel this weekend, right? I figured you would want something a little fun."
Thena smiled through his explanation. Maybe some of his observations of her would be a little much to some. But she nodded, looking down into her cappuccino, one leg bent and resting on her cushioned stool. "I assumed you would prefer when I travel?"
Gil blinked.
She set the mug down, as if this were a very important business meeting. "If I'm here, you don't get the weekend off. Or at the very least, you have plenty of work to do before hand."
"I don't mind," he shrugged easily. It was part of the job, and as far as clients went, Thena really wasn't all that demanding. She wasn't even that high maintenance, all things considered.
Food was easy to procure, either grown here or paid for out of her pocket. The only real stipulations of what he made was that she had to eat it. Karun was kind of like a worrisome father in that way. He had added specifically that she needed more vegetables, and that meant it was up to Gil to make them in such a way that Thena would actually like them.
"Do you ever think you may be too agreeable?"
"Hm," Gil ran his hand over his chin (he needed to shave). "I think it's more like...part of the job, y'know?"
Gil blinked at the new tone of the sound. She looked back at her breakfast. She sounded almost...disappointed. Disheartened, and now poking at her omelette like a dejected little kid. Gil leaned off the further counter and moved closer to her. "I just...wanted to do something kind of special for you."
She peeked up at him. She was awfully cute for some zillionaire old money type. Her hair was nice and soft from being gently blow dried, she didn't have any makeup on, fresh from the shower. Maybe all rich people were really, really pretty.
"You're not contractually obligated to be thoughtful," she smiled as she said it, but he got the impression that she didn't fully believe in her own joke.
He shrugged again, pushing the little flower closer to her, "call it my signature, then. Every chef has their own style--I like being a little sweet."
Thena smiled at the little white strawberry flower. She even reached out to it, but just barely let her fingers brush its soft petals, as if she would make it burst into flame. "Quite."
Gil inhaled, feeling better now that she was smiling again. She looked up at him, the sun behind her, making her hair glow. He blushed.
"Thank you, Gilgamesh."
He laughed faintly, feeling shy as she turned those siren eyes on him. He leaned back from the counter, sticking his hands in his apron pockets. "Hey, it's my pleasure, really."
"If you have shopping to do, Karun will call for a car for you," she added as he started slowly slipping - stumbling - out of the kitchen.
"Th-Thanks!" Gil squeaked out before reaching the hallway. He pulled his apron off and gripped it on his way to take it to the laundry room.
"You require transport, sir!"
Gil jumped at the sudden appearance of the man in question. "God, man, can't you walk a little louder!"
"My apologies, sir," Karun just chuckled. "The Madame walks lightly--as do I."
Thena walked around like a cat. She was silent, graceful, long legs...
Fuck. Gil nodded, twisting his apron in his hands. He tilted his head as Karun shuffled closer, even waving him down so he could share something secretive.
"Excellent choice with the cappuccino, sir," he disclosed with glee. "The Madame has been trying to strike up a conversation with you for some time. I believe this was the perfect-"
"I must go," he waved to Gilgamesh before dashing off to see to Thena's needs.
Gil felt a little stunned. It sounded like Karun was telling him that Thena had been wanting to talk with him. But that didn't seem right. Of all the times he had tried to chat with her, she had never bit, even once. And he didn't really think of her as the shy type.
He sighed, shrugging it off. He had groceries to get, anyway. Maybe he would try talking with her again, later.
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the-kingshound · 1 year
My poor MC was basically having a non-stop panic attack the entire chapter. Loved the update ❤️
Noo baby i'm sorry-🥺
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ffcrazy15 · 1 year
Season 4 Episode 2 spoilers below
Ugh her little "Why– why would I do that...?" just got to me. Because I know why. Plenty of people know why. I just assumed Mariner knew why, too.
But no. It makes perfect sense that she doesn't know. That she doesn't even realize she's doing it. Because that would mean thinking about the war and acknowledging it and she has buried it so far deep down that she doesn't even recognize when she's acting out because of it.
Oh honey. I just want to give her a hug.
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pirunika · 9 months
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idea for a female demonspawn i had done earlier n deleted for some reason
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personaglitch · 9 months
Takemichi probably has some crazy PTSD.
Dude not only lived his life 2.5 times, but he is the only one who will remember EVERY timeline and EVERY death. How often does he wake up from nightmares of his friends dying? Of all of Hina's deaths? Of his OWN deaths?
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cicero-the-assassin · 2 months
[cold] - It's cold, and sender/receiver have to stay together for warmth. - @twistedhxart
seggsual tension!
"I don't think this is gonna do what you're hoping it will," Lucio laughs warmly, watching the other come in for a cuddle.
The dead of winter was unforgiving in the area they lived in. Too cold for him to move much without the heat. But- he'd been determined to take Lian out somewhere. And on the way back- in the middle of nowhere, his car broke down.
And while huddling for warmth in the back seat until the help arrived was usually a fine idea for humans, Lucio himself offered no help in the way of supplying heat. He would likely make Lian colder. And he himself was... already dead. There was little risk for him besides getting stiff. Whereas Lian seemed keen to cuddle into an ice block. Did he not remember?
"I'm sorry," He says sympathetically, "I have no warmth to offer, no blood. And while..."
Lucio tousles his hair with his hand fondly, "While I appreciate the thought of you wanting to try and keep me warm. It would be more detrimental to you than it would be beneficial for me. I- I have some blankets in my trunk. I can go get them for you."
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sugarandice3 · 4 months
Just found out that my sister is extremely concerned about me cause I wear black nail polish. Like, okay, hater, lol.
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fistfuloflightning · 2 years
Sauron: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Morgoth: Killed without hesitation. Sauron: No.
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