#Ponk dream smp
stealing-the-smp · 13 days
Member 10
The Doctor
Lives by the end: 1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Sides: Pogtopia(? Was mostly there because they were the underdogs so would need the most injuries patched), Hydra’s underground city(always has a place there), The Cult(mind controlled or wouldn’t join)
Age: Unclear but in their 20s
Species: Blaze hybrid
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: Any
Sexuality: Pan and Poly
Morals: Helping others at any cost, Not hurting others
Goals: just help people given people on this server tend to get really banged up
Likes: Lemons, Medical stuff, Sassing others, Getting to sit on Sam’s back to avoid walking, Warm temperatures
Dislikes: The “Egg”(gonna change it eventually), Water
Allies: Demi, Sam, Mahogany, Vian, Hydra, Bee, Franklin
Enemies: tries to not make enemies it’s a bad idea
Family: None
Appearance: Aloe has dark skin and white hair and dark eyes which sometimes you can see little specs of yellow in if she’s emotional in some way(anger and confidence and happiness are really likely to do this meanwhile sadness and disgust and fear usually have the dark eyes staying normal) they also have yellow blaze like qualities on their hands and feet or at least hand given in the cult arc they lost their left arm at first at the elbow but it was ripped off so they had to amputate it to a little higher so it would heal better also you can often find them wearing a mask that only has their eyes revealed and is reds, blacks, and yellows
“Oh! I have medical knowledge I could help out!”
“Pssh my teenage crush was too embarrassing for anyone to ever know….”
“Oh! That’s just Dog my horse and that’s Cat my bee…. Shhhh don’t tell them that!”
“Oh I’m not approaching you to be allies I’m trying to date you…there’s a clear difference Sam”
“What if I called you Sammy? How would you respond Sammyyy”
“Oh this is Lemon tree it’s my home!”
“my home……”
“Sammy I’m just going to stick with you”
“What Sammy wants to say is he loves your idea he’s just not the best at conveying that”
“Sammy can you meow? You are a cat centaur thing after all”
“Oh I just like sitting up here Sam is cozy and the ground is ew”
“Pssh I don’t pick sides everyone needs help after all”
“Oh ok Sam you can protect me”
“Oh my the god teenage me crushed on….I’m gonna flirt with him….”
“Heyyyyy Demi you’re hot like hotter then my hands and I’m part blaze you could even hold my hands as proof”
“how did that work?”
“why do I have to pick a side this time? Ughhhh Sam we’re joining the Pogtopia side they’ll need more medical attention”
“Demi mind if I call you Dems?……YES”
“Pshhhhh Psshhhh Pssshhhhhhhh” <vocal stimming while thinking
“I’m starting to question the sanity of this nation….Like seriously I’m no therapist but I think everyone here needs a psychological assessment and a IQ test they are all IDIOTS most of the time”
“Oh shhhh it doesn’t hurt as bad as getting the injury idiot just calm down let me work”
“This was your STUPID plan??? I still gotta help”
“I’m sorry everyone….. he’s already gone”
“I need somewhere to stay Hydrangea can I stay here?”
“thank you Hydrangea”
“Well it’s time for me to leave…take care of yourself Hydrangea”
“what’s that sound? that voice?”
“I can’t let this take over no no no”
“SAM oh god I don’t have control over my voice!!”
“*evil giggling* Pssh Sam come here”
“That was traumatic…..”
“I think I need to cut it a little higher so it’ll heal ehhh”
“I hate walking this much….please nothing cut my legs off because I complained about that…..”
“Oh yeah Muffins I can manage food”
“Wanna dance Sam?”
“You’ve a husk of your formal self as well you know Sam?”
“DEMI!!! wait I’m aware…STILL SHIT”
“Sam can you apologize for my arm? I think that was a little extra…”
“I accept your apology pshhh I love you Sam”
This character is replacing
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cupidl0vesy0u · 3 months
The Adventures of c!Tommy the Puppy - chapter 1: Gardening
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I’m not sure if this counts as comic but I hope you guys enjoy >:)
(can’t believe I did this all entirely in one day 😭)
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transmcytshowdown · 9 months
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Submitted for: Hermitcraft
Headcanons: Nonbinary, he/she; Nonbinary, he/they
Propaganda: Confirmed that his Hermitcraft character is nonbinary and uses he/she
Submitted for: Dream SMP
Headcanons: Genderfluid, any pronouns
Propaganda: Uses any pronouns irl
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that-one-raccoon · 1 year
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This is how the red banquet really went
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ryemackerel · 11 months
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i tried fitting as many dsmp chararacters possible from my dsmp healing au :]
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cabinetduo · 3 months
what it is is like, on a meta level there were characters in the dream smp who were played by ccs who didn't have a large enough fanbase or "lore importance" to impact the writers room. like there were characters with specific written roles and there were characters whose arcs and internal conflict weren’t even being considered right. people's inability to separate cc from c also contributed, with cgnfs lore importance correlating w the ccs large audience (and ties to the main antagonist), he never would've been relevant otherwise. cniki was lightning in a bottle bcs she had just enough involvement with the guy's involved in the "main plot" to get eyes on her and what she did with that stage and focus was so captivating her character was able to stand alone with a fanbase of her own
however because of the nature of the dsmp, being able to see every characters individual perspective, the idea of 'side characters' only exists on a kinda narrative level, like for all intents and purposes ctommy was the main character (ignoring that old ass debate), the story was being sort of written with him at the center so thats how he was treated narratively but also on a meta level, many characters arcs were weighted based on how ctommy interacted with them. there were no side characters in the dsmp bcs of the nature of streaming as a medium but in the like, overarching story, ctommy is the mc
ALL OF THIS TO SAY ctubbo exists paradoxically. like technically he's one of the 'main guys' the fandom would focus on and was close enough to garner his own dedicated fanbase but [the thoughtstream that would spur this post] in modern discussions about dsmp nostalgia and character quotes and stuff I've never once seen ctubbos name.
So but but butttttttt on a meta level, narrative level, and TEXTUALLY LIKE IN THE ACTUAL TEXT he is regarded as a side character. like cctubbo gained a large enough fanbase to stand on his own but despite his proximity to the writers room he wasn't very involved in the writing of the "script" however the importance of his character to ctommy made it so that his character was always considered in the script (well characterized or not). with ctommy as the mc and ctubbo as his best friend, in the story of the overall dsmp ctubbo is the sidekick to main main character. now that's all well and good if it was only on a meta/textual level but this dynamic is actually crucial to his arc like actually IN THE TEXT
like in season 2 cdream is the main antagonist with making ctommys life a living hell being his main goal. he meticulously separates them and incites a canyon sized rift in their relationship. then while tubbo is holding up the sky and being [new] lmanburgs youngest acting president. cdream fully befriend him at his lowest with the intention of using him against ctommy. ctubbo was never a person in cdream's eyes. he, like many other characters, goes out of his way to dehumanize ctubbo, viewing him as an extension of ctommy the same way the discs are, something to taunt him with or destroy for a reaction. we see this in the white house fight and disc saga finale. despite going out of his way to gain ctubbos trust and play chess with him everyday, cdream never even saw him as a person (how fucked is that)
Anyway where was I goibg with this..ctubbo had enough ties to the 'main characters' to be tied to the 'main narrative' of the dsmp (in quotes bcs there's nuances to those phrases) but not enough to be allowed to stand alone on a meta level, narrative level, and in the text when regarded by other characters. it isn't until later in the story [thru streamer and tubbling efforts that he kinda gets his own legs? until the story requires otherwise from him and he's dragged along to whatever role the main story needs him to play (which in retrospect led to a lott of mischaraterization huh who knew
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npc-dudebro · 1 year
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End of an era (but not the end.)
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foolsocracy · 2 years
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tealvz · 2 years
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moments that made me go “whew!!!” in real life
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jaimeski · 2 years
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pretend this is 2021
alt version belows
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monsterritory · 1 month
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I've waited to make these pages for so long, and I'm so excited to be reaching the fun parts of my story!
It's called Tale of a Dreamon, you can read the full story here, here, or at @taleofadreamon
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miyani · 1 year
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The og dsmp fam ❤️ thank you for the good times!
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cuhreestina · 1 year
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The End :)
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transmcytshowdown · 9 months
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Submitted for: Hermitcraft, Evo SMP, Last Life, Double Life, Limited Life, Secret Life
Headcanons: Demigirl, she/they; Genderfluid, she/he
Submitted for: Dream SMP
Headcanons: Genderfluid, any pronouns
Propaganda: Uses any pronouns irl
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fleflafiefie · 6 months
puffy's deleted DSMP photos
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4thebedrockbros · 4 months
The obligatory SBI Hogwarts AU ( fuck jk Rowling tho)
With Phil, a war veteran as a defense against the art teacher, Tommy as a too powerful Gryffondor/Hufflepuff ( not sure ABT that one ) and Technoblade as a cursed Slytherin.
Technoblade is a pureblood with a family into some cult shit ( blood god ect ) that was supposed to be sorted into Ravenclaw but practically begged the hat to put him into Slytherin because he did nit want to deal with his family bullshit. With than the curse of voices, he gets into fight fairly often which causes him to almost always be in detention. ( That's how he meets Tommy and Phil )
Tommy Innit is a muggleborn just a wee bit too powerful and uncontrollable magic, that gets him into trouble at school but also in his everyday life in the Muggle world where he's a foster kid. ( Try to be a witch and a foster kid it's a pain in the ass ).
Philza Craft is a veteran, and also a crow animagus that's been requested to become a teacher at hogwart because the Minister of magic are a bunch of pussies scared of some prophecy. He's a defense against the dark arts teacher and also is responsible for the detention classes. Tommy and Techno basically becomes his responsibilities and if something happens with them he's called immediately ( before their families yes ).
As for other characters:
Tubbo is a pureblood Ravenclaw, and he's terrifying. The guy likes to create spells and testing things he probably shouldn't test with magic. He's also Tommy's best friend and would do anything for him. They meet while shopping for school necessities their first year and become unseperable.
Ranboo is a half blood Hufflepuff/Gryffondor ( again unsure ) with a powerful magic, to cope with it his body just erase memories of times he couldn't control themself. They meet Tommy Purpled and Tubbo in the train during their first year.
Purpled is a muggleborn Slytherin, he wasn't too shocked to develop magic because of all the weird shit around him during his childhood. While people think Ranboo is the most responsible out of them, he takes care of his friend in his own way and is the most responsible one.
Nikki is a pure blood Hufflepuff with a knack for healing magic. She's one of Techno's closest friend and will defend him against rumours spreading assholes.
Slimecicle is a ghost of a Ravenclaw student, thought he tends to hang out in the Slytherin dorms the most to hang out with Quality. When he's not there he tends to spy on students or spook them for fun.
Quackity is a pureblood Slytherin that used to be a dick to Techno but calmed down after getting his ass kicked. He gets along well with Tommy when the blonde didn't know what happened between them but once he learned Toms kinda kicked his ass verbally so they're not as close.
Sam is Charms/Potions teacher that took Tubbo under his wings to avoid mass destruction. He the second teacher to go to if the quatuor of chaos gets in trouble.
Ponk is our resident nurse of course.
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