bahnloopi · 11 months
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[DBS AU] Therapy Therapies will care for a distressed Sento Saiyan to either prevent an Oozaru transformation or calm them back to base form should they transform.
Sentos are aware the energy in the atmosphere of the planet coupled with intense negative emotions such as hatred or depression will trigger their Oozaru transformation. Therapies were put in place to prevent chain reaction transformations from destroying the planet.
Therapies duties include: physical therapy, community aid, along with Oozaru Control. A squad of Therapies are stationed within every Sento tribe.
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abridurif · 6 months
Ce que j’écris ce ne sont pas mes pensées, ma philosophie, ma théorie. Ce sont mes goûts, mes lubies, mes façons de voir. Honnêtement c’est ce qu’il faut dire. Aucune raison de ne pas révéler, exprimer, chanter son particulier, ce qu’on est seul à voir comme on le voit. Ce qui est inadmissible – et plus encore ridicule qu’inadmissible – c’est de donner (et surtout de se donner à soi-même) ses goûts comme de la pensée, de la pensée impartiale, objective, valable pour d’autres et imposable à d’autres. … Et au fond je me moque de tout cela. Quand j’écrivais « Penser ou être pensé » je me proposais de dire bien autre chose, de prendre cela sur un tout autre plan, de rejoindre cette autre idée que chez l’homme le phénomène-pensée est, comme à un autre degré la folie, une manifestation de paroxysme nerveux. Il n’y a rien à admirer là-dedans. L’homme pense, c’est-à-dire se-complique-l’existence. L’homme pense au lieu de vivre tout uniment. Et penser c’est se compliquer l’existence. « Réfléchir », « se faire des idées sur » ceci ou cela, cela revient à rendre l’existence plus difficile. Je ne dirai pas que c’est le propre de l’homme (je n’en sais rien) ; c’est en tout cas une des caractéristiques de l’homme. Je ne sais pas si d’autres êtres animés ont la même faculté, ou lubie (je le crois) – mais l’homme la possède à tel point… ! Francis Ponge, Nouveau nouveau recueil II, Gallimard, 1992
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leisi-lilacdreams · 7 days
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sogladiatorpenguin · 8 months
Ponge, La rage de l'expression : qu'est-ce que je dois savoir pour réussir la dissertation au Bac de français?
Francis Ponge est un poète du XXe siècle. Sa vie et son oeuvre son influencées par les nombreux événements marquants de son époque : il vivra les deux guerres mondiales et connaîtra 5 gouvernements différents (voir chronologie plus bas). Il fréquente les surréalistes, rejoint le parti communiste, côtoie de nombreux artistes comme Braque ou Dubuffet mais il n’a en réalité une affiliation nulle…
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retrogamingblog2 · 4 months
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The first ever rage quit from 1969
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johaverabies · 2 months
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"Bingle-Bongle- Dingle-Dangle Yickety-Do Yickety-Dah Ping-Pong Lippy-Tappy Too-Tah" ☺️
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shaunashipman · 5 months
buck texting tommy after finding out about doppel!shannon: you will not believe the hetero bullshit eddie is pulling tommy: babe it's 2am, and that's not even how it works buck: he's cheating on his girlfriend with a woman that looks just like his dead wife tommy: what in the hetero--
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promblums · 1 year
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rennebright · 3 months
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ミカとシャワーを浴びる by pong_do [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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bluegiragi · 1 year
Have you ever animated or attempted to? And If so, Did you like it or was it just not for you? Also, Love all of your artwork! Every single drawing you publish is an absolute masterpiece!
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i animated this kiss over a couple days!! i'd love to animate more, and there are a couple of songs i've storyboarded things to, but honestly its just always a massive commitment and I usually can't spare the time for it.
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jadequarze · 16 days
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So, there's this fic that involves an AU (werewolf/vampire) that's very dear to me and collab with my friend where we kinda go ham with ideas. GO CHECK IT OUT between raindrops written by the amazing @gaymerkree
Extra arts on the side
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rexxdjarin · 1 year
this is commander wolffe and you cannot change my mind
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itswhatienjoy · 26 days
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I hope you enjoy your visit. @itswhatienjoy
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stealthetrees · 3 months
Thorn, Stone, and Thire hold an intervention for Fox because his obsession with his supposed conspiracy about the war has gotten to unhealthy levels again so they force him to take a vacation somewhere he can’t disappear to fight gangs and assassins for days on end without sleeping.
They send him to the 501st because Cody can keep an eye on him and Rex, as the batch baby, may have some luck getting him to sleep. Fox decides to make this everyone else’s problem by getting into screaming matches with Anakin over his ability to make battle plans, terrorizing logistics officers, abducting shines into his “spy network” (aka cult, also known as being adopted), and ranting to anyone who will stay still long enough about how palpatine is secretly a sith and is controlling both sides of the war.
Fortunately he calms down a bit when they let him out of the ship onto a battlefield. He’s used to being able to run around Coruscant, which is a giant parkour playground, and doesn’t do well cooped up too long. Unfortunately the battlefield is Umbara.
When Krell gets there Fox tells him he’s shit to his face and pulls out his spreadsheet to prove it. (The spreadsheet is a meticulously crafted document ranking every Jedi general and commander based in multiple factors like casualties, treatment of troops, how the chancellor feels about them, ect. Number 1 is Plo Koon and 2 is Mace Windu. Krell is last, Anakin is second to last.) Rex keeps trying to get Fox not to pick fights with commanding officers and reminds him he’s supposed to be on vacation, but Fox doesn’t listen cause he’s too busy radicalizing the ARC troopers.
Krell dies of a heart attack because he drank Fox’s caff, which had enough caffeine to kill an elephant.
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retrogamingblog2 · 2 years
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The first ever rage quit from 1969
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lizardkingeliot · 2 months
sam saying he and jacob were embarrassed by how emotional they got filming the reunion scene is such a testament to the strength of their connection honestly. that they're able to trust each other on that level and go so deep they reach a place they feel embarrassed to witness after the fact? i've said it before and i'll say it again—those two have the sort of chemistry a thousand onscreen couples couldn't manufacture over the course of a thousand lifetimes. and i'm so grateful rolin recognizes that and i also i can't imagine how that must feel as a showrunner to see your two leads work together on that level. talk about capturing lightning in a bottle...
anyway all of this is to say i truly cannot wait to see the ways in which these two excavate the depths of each other's souls in season 3.........
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