#Poly Cait AU
Caitlyn being in love with Vi and Jinx (and having to deal with the stupidity that runs in the family)
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kanencrow · 1 year
Request Guidelines/Masterlist Links
Here's a simple post that goes a bit more in depth on what I feel comfortable with writing, as well as what I don't feel comfortable writing. I'm a multi-fandom writer, but I think it'll be better if I clarify which fandoms I'm willing to write for, as well as which characters in said fandom I'm willing to write for.
Fandoms/Characters I Write For:
The Walking Dead:
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen
Black Cat/Felicia Hardy
Natalie Scatorccio
Lottie Matthews
Van Palmer
Shauna Shipman
Jackie Taylor
Taissa Turner
Misty Quigley
Fallout (Prime Show):
Lucy Maclean
Lee Moldaver
Fallout 4:
Piper Wright
Honestly, request whatever you want when it comes to how you would like the reader to identify in your requests. This means I'm more than happy to write for my fem, masc, trans, and nonbinary readers. By default, I do use they/them pronouns in my posts, but if you specifically request certain pronouns or whatever the case may be, then I'll be more than happy to do that for you. Just ask! :)
As for the characters, I'm more than happy to do the same thing. Whether it be making them transmasc, transfem, nonbinary, or anything else that my brain is struggling to think of atm. I want everyone to feel included, so don't be shy to inquire if you're confused about something, either!
Genres I Will Write:
Alternate Universes
NSFW (depends on my comfortability)
If you are wanting to request a particular AU, all I ask is that you give me some detail of the idea you've got, just so I'm not doing your request a disservice.
What I Won't Write:
Non-Consensual Relationships
Discriminatory/Hateful Relationships
It'll really be up to me on whether the request is too intense or not. I'm usually easy going on what I will write, though the things I listed are things that I'm usually not going to be comfortable doing, if requested.
At the end of the day, I want this blog to be a safe place for everyone, so please be respectful with your messages and requests.
With that being said, though, request till your hearts content!
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TWDG Masterlist
Spiderverse Masterlist
Yellowjackets Masterlist
Fallout 4 Masterlist
Fallout Prime Show Masterlist (Nothing Yet!)
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songofsilentechoes · 1 year
miss noelle, are you poly?
"Wh-what kind of question is this? I-I mean I guess I might be? I don't know." Her cheeks are red and she covers her head with her hood.
// Noelle isn't in too many relationships and while she and Cait are occasionally intimate, it's very much an open thing. As for her other relationships, they would be in their own AU. Plus most haven't been clear if they're actually a couple or not.
Noelle isn't really against being in a poly relationship, but it's not what she's directly seeking, either.
She is, however, a demi-sexual lesbian. She's attracted to females, but prefers having a close connection to the other party before she feels comfortable with sex. She is, however, quite a romantic at heart, but one would still need to get past her lower self-esteem before she'll realize the other person is wanting to date her, rather than just hang out.
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ofviolentdeathmuses · 8 months
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name: Blake Morgan
what: Cait Sidhe (faery cat)
age: Appears late teens to early 20’s
birthday: August 23
occupation: None
location: New York
faceclaim: Richard Harmon
status: Selectively Open to AUs
relationship: Poly with Lilah and Sawyer, still trying to figure out where Naoise fits
parents: Boo and Cassidy
siblings: None
kids: Teagan, Kitty, and Brandon (biological with Lilah), Tilly and Daisy (adoptive-biologically Cayden’s and Lilah’s), Leonie (biological with Sawyer), Callahan (adopted with Naoise)
Blake usually classes himself as Cait Sidhe, mostly because it’s easier to explain. He’s kind of on the bitchy side, snarky, and often rude but he can be fairly mellow around the people he likes, usually on the cuddly and sleepy end of things, and has a pretty potent purr.
Despite his mother being a pixie, she wasn’t raised among the fae and has very limited knowledge of them so Blake is rather oblivious when it comes to the fae as well. He knows what he is, he knows how to work with glamour and to avoid iron, but not much beyond that. This led him to some trouble when he crossed paths with Naoise for the first time. The two eventually developed something of a friendship and Naoise has been teaching him about fae customs and rules.
Even with getting lessons in fae etiquette, Blake still isn't great at it. He especially finds the politeness rules to be bullshit because of how painfully subjective it is. So, while he teaches the kids to mind themselves among other fae, he does not give a shit to enforce those rules when it comes to himself. He's not going to curse someone or anything of the sort over a perceived insult.
Other Info Threads Face Drabble
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angelfireeast · 4 years
The Flash for the shipping meme? :)
Shipping Asks: Send me a fandom, and I’ll tell you:
My OTP: Westallen, harrisco, snowstorm, deathstorm, Cythina/Cisco, Cisco/Kamilla
My NOTP: Snowbarry, Cisco/Eobard
MY OT3: A currently canon ship I’m okay with but don’t prefer: Cailtin/Ronnie/Frost my poly ship. Cait & Frost wouldn't date each other obviously but Ronnie loving them both and both them loving each other enough to want the other happy with Ronnie & then they realize they can all be happy together
A ship that would only work in an AU but would be awesome: Ramsey/Barry/Iris batcrap I know but Ramsey’s little dream talking how it’d be the three of them if Barry joined him and SM’s chem with both actors just made me think what delicious fun idea it’s be.
A ship I’d like to see explored but not stick around: Leo/Cisco, Cisco/Eddie. Let Cisco date men! But the men had short shelf lives so I guess they go here.
A ship that may as well be canon: Frost/Ronnie. The way she talked about him in s3 it's clear she was just as in love with him as Caitlin. Something I wish they would dig into it in a positive way.
OTP pair if the other died: Marlize/Iris screw the husbands let these ladies be all about their wives aka each other
A crossover ship I’d dig: Clois/WA, James Olsen/Iris West
A ship that would work great in a Coffee Shop AU: I dunno they have a coffee shop and it didn't do anything for WA in s1. Harrisco or Leo/Cisco maybe?
A ship that would work great in a sitcom AU: all then just move the whole show to sitcom The ships I’d give my
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blapis-blazuli · 6 years
In the monster AU, do all the monsters (and their families if they have one) live together? Or do they all live separately but just keep in touch with one another?
Oh, nah, they don’t all live in one place; they do try to keep in touch with some of the others and sometimes get together to catch up on stuff for a short amount of time (usually at some place that Dracula owns), but they all like to have their own space.
So, this may take a while to explain, but…
Dracula and his wives live in his castle, though sometimes they travel outside the country to other places (Dracula met all of his partners– both past and present– while traveling). Usually this is the place where the other monsters will meet up once in a while (Rei has her own room set up there even).
Lucy Westenra (alive and unfortunately for her still a vampire) lives in Dracula’s English home with Rei (Phantom 1.0) living in the basement. Sometimes Marya visits them.
Marya Zaleska herself mostly lives on her own, sometimes visiting Carmilla (who’s… an ally but not officially part of the group due to her own reasons), sometimes visiting Rei and Lucy, rarely visiting Dracula’s castle (only when there’s plenty of non-family members around).
Alucard lives in his own place in America, far away from the family drama. Gill (the Creature from the Black Lagoon) lives with him since his place has a big enough watery area for them to live comfortably in.
Victor Frankenstein and his family live in their own castle. The monsters he either created or inspired others to create live in a private area on his property not far away. There’s another monster, Dan McCormick (a man someone had tried to turn into his own mindless creature via a machine that uses electricity to alter someone), who goes between living with the Frankensteins and the monsters that don’t live far from them, as he’s not quite capable of living on his own (yet) and Victor is trying to assist him with his problem.
Phyllis Allenby comes from a family wealthy enough to have their own manor, where she lives with her partners Paula and Barry and their adopted son Larry. Her cousin Carol and Carol’s husband Dwight also live there.
Jack Griffin lives with his partners Flora Cranley and Arthur Kemp (and later his and Flora’s child Jamie) on their own, though not too terribly far away from Henry Jekyll and Rosemary Carew, who live in their own place in England.
The Invisible Poly Square (Geoffrey Radcliffe, Helen Manson, Kitty Carroll and Frank Griffin) live on their own with their kids.
Erique Claudin usually lives with/near Basil Hallward, sometimes going between visiting Carmen and Winslow. 
Carmen/Phantasia has her own apartment with a room for Winslow whenever he stays over.
Lisa Moya goes between living with/close to Ardeth and living with Alucard.
Malla (an immortal of sorts) rarely stays in one place for very long lest someone catch on to them.
Jimmy Flanders (a college freshman who ended up becoming a werecreature of sorts by accident) has his own apartment, but often stays with whichever scientist monster/ally has agreed to take him in as an intern.
Zenobia, her adopted daughter Stephanie, and her mutant pet spider Taran, all live somewhere far off and fairly isolated.
Andre Delambre and Hal Moffet (a man with a rare disease who’d been treated poorly more than once) are two monsters that go between staying with different monsters from time to time.
Cait and I hadn’t fully discussed this yet before you sent this ask, and this was a nice opportunity to talk it over with one another. Thank you so much for asking!
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calix-daesyn · 7 years
Thank You All So Much
Calix Daesyn: 400 Followers
Lotus-of-Noxus: 460 Followers
I remember when I first came to the tumblr rp community a little over two years ago. I had no idea how to get started. However, I had been reading a lot of stuff by @prodigal-ezreal and their RP partners and I missed roleplaying so badly that I knew I wanted to jump in. I couldn’t decide who to play though: I had never played canon characters in any rp - and while I thought about trying my hand at Ezreal I just wasn’t sure. So, I made Calix. And he has evolved a HELL of a lot since then. 
It has been a bit rough getting into rp, I’ll admit. When I first made Calix I decided to try and take the advice of a lot of people and just start sending things out. About 80% of those were never answered or I received a ‘sorry I don’t rp with OC’s’ or jus t ‘no’. But some people answered and we soon started having a great time.
A lot of people I started RPing with just aren’t really around any more. Like @cutthroat-diplomacy who was my first SERIOUS ship (with poly allowances of course) for Calix and a great RP partner. @axesrevolution has always been wonderful and a great friend for Calix @timeforatruedisplayofskill helped me get into RP so much, welcoming me readily. @soulreaverdraven did the same and answered my asks and helped boost my confidence early. @spirit-of-an-exile I’ve seen more recently, but not as much - but still her riven mama was the guidance Calix needed and often ignored and got in trouble anyway but she would still sigh and call him bambi and pat his head. Someone who I’ve seen around more recently, but still not much: @the-malevolent-rose I loooove all your interactions with poor Calix. He may have danger kink and monster boyfriends but even he stays ten feet away from Rose when he can. Like I said, they aren’t really around any more, but I’m still so grateful. And there are a ton more I haven’t mentioned. I don’t want this to become a huge wall, just everyone know how much I appreciate everything. 
Now on to some people I interact with today all the time:
@uncle-touchy-lich You are such an amazing writer, artist, rp partner, and friend. I can’t express how happy I am that we clicked. I started following you and was so amazed by your Karthus and wanted so badly to RP with you that I reached out cautiously expecting kind refusal and instead I found someone who was excited to rp with me. I couldn’t believe someone with such a great muse and such great ideas thought my writing and my character were compelling. I’m so happy we started RPing and even happier we started to talk as friends. I adore you and your lich and all your work and characters and I hope we can continue being buddehs for a long time.
@thelanternwretch You are so fkn awesome bruh. Starting with your character and your RP - I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT. Every dark twisted thing, every vodka thresh moment, every truly horrible villainous thing Thresh says, all of your history and your writing - I just love it. And you the mun are an amazing, sweet, beautifully twisted humor-having person. I really do consider you a friend and I am amazed that you like writing with and talking with me and I thank you so much for the interactions and for just talking to me.
@thecrimsonexecutioner Bab I know you feel insecure about some stuff some times but let me be the tell you that you are AMAZING. Your art is SO GOOD. Your characters are SO GOOD. I love writing with you and talking with you. You are awesome and your muses are fantastic. <3
@cervantestheferryman Dude bro bruh friendo you are a cool ass muthamuffin and I’m glad to see you back and active again. You’re great to rp with, great to build characters and AU’s with, and great for a fun time. Thanks for taking an interest in my bb’s and giving them good bruises.
@thefallenstarchild We don’t really RP, but I just want to note how much I love your Soraka and your art and just how sweet you are. Every time you answer something from Calix it makes me smile so much. <3
@definitely-not-altair You are one cool dude!!! I love watching your streams and reading what you do with Talon. Thank you for ever answering anything I send you from my Kat you are an angel. I really adore your writing and your art and we don’t talk or RP much, but I really appreciate that you put up with me at all lol.
@ace-of-spades-ezreal OOOAH YOUR BOY IS SO GOOD KAT WANTS DAT - ahem. Anyhow. I love your art, your writing, your character and I love every interaction between Ace and Kat - just so so so very good. And I love reading your interactions, your character building, just so much. You are one shiny muffin, acey.
@hook-and-chains Bab you are lovely!! <3 We don’t talk as much but I love your Threshie and adore seeing you on my dash!! <3
@morose-deserter You are such a sweetie and so is your Seryn bab and I loooove talking with you - in RP, in messenger, just everywhere. You are so great <3
@cup-cait Thank you so much for all the entertainment and for trying to keep Kat in line keep trying I believe in you bab. <3
Anyhow I should probably stop there before I take up everyone’s dashes completely. I’m sorry I couldn’t get to everyone I want to thank, but please know that I appreciate you all so much and I just love that anyone follows me at all. When I started Calix I couldn’t believe I had twenty followers - and now I have twenty times that. 
Thank you - so very much.
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