#Polska Press
lady-nightmare · 11 months
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revelstein · 2 years
Jutro zameldują wykonanie rozkazu
Jak wynika z różnych medialnych enuncjacji, dziennikarze Polska Press – to to coś spacyfikowane jakiś czas temu przez Orlen – dostali “wytyczne”, de facto będące nakazem/zakazem, pisania o Wielkiej Orkiestrze Świątecznej Pomocy. Precyzyjniej chodzi, o jak to elegancko nazwano, “ograniczenie się” w relacjach, co tłumacząc z polskiego na nasze faktycznie oznacza zakaz. NIe łudźmy się że ktoś się…
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mirrors-are-green · 11 months
I'm so happy right now I'm crying
This means that the leftwing party will be in the government
The far-right party had the worst result
The turnout was the highest ever!!!!
We did it!!!!!!
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10minuttv · 1 year
Oszustwa w imporcie zbóż. KAS przeszukała 222 siedziby importerów i agencji celnych
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Ponad 800 funkcjonariuszy z Krajowej Administracji Skarbowej (KAS) z całej Polski przeszukało 222 siedzib importerów i agencji celnych w związku z oszustwem w imporcie zboża.
Importowane zboża miały być przeznaczone do celów technicznych lub przemysłowych, a mogły być wykorzystane do konsumpcji lub żywienia zwierząt.
Śledztwo prowadzi Prokuratura Regionalna w Rzeszowie, która nadzoruje kilkadziesiąt postępowań przygotowawczych prokuratur i urzędów celno-skarbowych.
Oszustwa w imporcie zbóż
Badane przestępstwo polegało na imporcie towarów (w tym zboża, pszenicy, rzepaku, które miały być przeznaczone do celów technicznych lub przemysłowych, a mogły być wykorzystane do celów konsumpcyjnych lub żywienia zwierząt. Importerzy deklarując przeznaczenie zboża do celów technicznych, liczyli na to, że ominą procedury i unikną specjalistycznych badań takich produktów.
Śledztwo ma zweryfikować podejrzenie, że rzeczywisty cel importu był inny niż wynikało to ze zgłoszeń celnych, co może stanowić przestępstwo karne skarbowe.
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KAS przeszukała 222 siedziby importerów i agencji celnych
Funkcjonariusze zabezpieczyli dokumentację finansowo-księgową, z odpraw granicznych i z transakcji handlowych, korespondencję biznesową, nośniki danych, a także ponad 1000 ton zboża, które było niezgodne ze zgłoszoną deklaracją.
Akcję wspierały służby i inspekcje, których działania koordynowało Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi.
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faktypress · 2 years
Najnowsze wiadomości z Polski w FaktyPress
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mariacallous · 7 months
Use of the Pegasus spyware by the previous Polish government appears to be much wider than initially suspected, according to officials in the run-up to the launch on February 19 of a parliamentary commission set up to investigate the use of such surveillance technology.
Among the many new suspected cases are journalists, one of the commission officials said.
Based on revelations by the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, Polish media and a Senate commission looking into this matter, the Polish public is aware of around 10-15 cases of spying with Pegasus, some better documented and proven than others. The Senate has confirmed 14 such cases.
Among the documented cases are those of key politicians in the liberal camp, for example parliamentarian Krzysztof Brejza, who was spied on while heading the election campaign for Civic Platform, Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s party.
Poland is one of dozens of countries whose governments are believed to have purchased the powerful spyware from the Israeli cyber-arms company NSO Group and used it to spy illegally on its citizens, including opposition politicians and journalists. An international investigation led by a non-profit media organisation, Forbidden Stories, established in 2021 that it had been used against more than 50,000 phone numbers in more than 20 countries around the world.
On Monday, Tusk said during a meeting of the government with President Andrzej Duda that “the list of the victims of those practices is unfortunately very, very long”. The prime minister said he would send Duda “complete documents” about the issue.
No such list has been made public so far, and Gazeta Wyborcza reported that, based on sources in Tusk’s party, only the prime minister and a few people in his inner circle could be in possession of such a document.
In an interview with Wirtualna Polska on Wednesday, Marcin Bosacki, a Civic Platform MP and vice president of the new Sejm commission, who also headed the previous Senate one, was pressed to specify how many victims of Pegasus he was aware of in Poland.
Bosacki denied being in possession of any full list, but said that, based on his knowledge of the matter, it could include hundreds of people, out of which “over a hundred” were likely surveilled “without grounds”. The list included journalists too, Bosacki added. So far, among the known victims of Pegasus in Poland, there is only one blogger.
Bosacki explained that there were ongoing investigations about the use of Pegasus by the national prosecutor’s office as well as internally at the various intelligence agencies. Bosacki stated that the goals of these inquiries were to determine whether Pegasus was used legally at all in Poland – something he said is unlikely – as well as to identify the victims so they can be informed.
“PiS politicians I speak to on the Sejm corridors are expressing fears that Pegasus was bought, among others, to collect ‘hooks’ [to use for blackmail later] on politicians from the PiS camp itself,” Bosacki said in the interview with Wirtualna Polska.
Further new information presented by Tusk on Monday concerned the purchase of the Pegasus software, which the prime minister said was signed off on by the previous justice minister, Zbigniew Ziobro, himself.
It has already been established that the Anti-Corruption Agency purchased the spyware in 2017 for 25 million zloty (about 5.5 million euros) using money from the Solidarity Fund, which was established by the Ministry of Justice to support victims of violence but was later proven to be used widely to illegally channel funds to allies of the previous nationalist-populist government.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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The Anti-Semite Who Saved Jews: Zofia Szczucka
Arrested by the Gestapo
Zofia Kossak Szczucka was a Polish novelist who overcame her own antisemitism to save thousands of Jews from Nazi death camps.
Born in Kosmin, Poland in 1889 to an illustrious family of artists and writers, Zofia became a writer as well and penned a series of historical novels in the 1920’s and 30’s. The books covered a range of time periods and locations, and included a book about the Russian Revolution of 1917 and one about the Crusades. A devout Catholic, many of her books had religious themes and she wrote extensively for the Catholic press. Zofia married Stefan Szczucki, but he died young, and she remarried Zygmunt Szatkowski. Together they had one daughter, Anna.
After Germany invaded Poland in 1939, Zofia edited the underground newspaper Polska Zyje (Poland Lives.) In 1941, she co-founded the Catholic organization Front Odrodzenia Polski (Front for the Rebirth of Poland) and edited its newspaper Prawda (The Truth). To protect herself, she adopted the code name “Weronika.”
In 1940, the occupying Germans forced the Jews of Warsaw into a squalid, overcrowded ghetto. After a visit to the ghetto, Zofia was shocked, and felt a duty to tell the world what she had seen. She wrote a leaflet called “Protest” and printed 5000 copies for wide distribution. In the pamphlet, she described the horrific conditions in the ghetto, as well as the deportations of residents to death camps, starting in 1942. Zofia wrote of the Warsaw ghetto inhabitants, “All will perish… Poor and rich, old, women, men, youngsters, infants…. Their only guilt is that they were born into the Jewish nation condemned to extermination by Hitler.”
Surprisingly, when the war began, Zofia had no affection for the Jewish community in Poland, and openly described her own anti-Semitism in “Protest.” She wrote, “Our feelings toward Jews have not changed. We do not stop thinking of them as political, economic, and ideological enemies of Poland.” However, she said, “We are required by God to protest, God who forbids us to kill. We are required by our Christian consciousness. Every human being has the right to be loved by his fellow men. The blood of the defenseless cries to heaven for revenge. Those who oppose our protest are not Catholics.”
Either her personal beliefs towards Jews changed, or she put those prejudices aside in the interest of justice, because in 1942 she co-founded the Provisional Committee to Aid Jews, also known as Zegota. The organization was created to save Jews from death camps and contained one hundred secret cells that provided food, medicine, cash, and false IDs to thousands of Jews in Warsaw, as well as many in Krakow and Vilna. It is estimated that members of Zegota forged over 50,000 documents, including marriage, birth, and death certificates, as well as baptismal records to “prove” that people suspected of being Jews were actually Christians. Zofia and other Zegota volunteers also cared for over 3000 Jews in hiding in Warsaw.
Zofia repeatedly petitioned the Polish Government-in-Exile to appeal to the Polish people to help Jews. Indeed, the exiled government provided significant funding for Zegota until the end of the war.
Zofia was well aware that her underground activities saving Jews was likely to get her killed. According to noted historian Richard Lukas, “The number of Poles who perished at the hands of the Germans for aiding Jews” may have been as high as 50,000 (!)
In 1943, Zofia was arrested by the Gestapo and transported to Auschwitz. Fortunately, she survived until liberation in 1945. She returned home and continued writing books, including From the Abyss, about her experiences at Auschwitz, and The Covenant, about Jewish patriarch Abraham. Zofia also published numerous books for children and young adults.
After the war, a communist government was installed in Poland. The new Minister of the Interior, Jakub Berman, was Jewish. Grateful to Zofia for her heroic actions on behalf of his people, and knowing that as a Catholic activist she would be targeted by the new government, he urged her to leave Poland. Zofia followed his advice, but returned to her homeland in 1957.
Zofia Kossak Szczucka died in Poland in 1968. She was survived by her daughter Anna, also a Polish resistance fighter, who wrote a book about her experiences during the war. Three years after Zofia’s death, a memorial plaque was placed on the outside of her spiritual home, All Saints Parish Church. The plaque reads, “To Zofia Kossak, the renowned Polish Catholic writer, a woman of great generosity and courage.”
In 1982, she was posthumously honored as Righteous Among the Nations by Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vahem. The National Bank of Poland issued a coin in 2009 honoring Zofia and two other heroes of the Holocaust, Irena Sendler and Matylda Getter. In 2018, Zofia was awarded the highest civilian honor, the Order of the White Eagle.
For overcoming her own prejudice and saving Jewish lives, we honor Zofia Kossak Szczucka as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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weirdestbooks · 1 month
Successor (Wattpad | Ao3)
Bonus Scene from Secrecy and Deception
It had finally happened. The communist government was gone, and Poland was no longer controlled by the Soviet Union. Most importantly, his father could come home.
After so long, his father, the Polish Government-in-Exile, the Republic of Poland, was finally home.
Poland finally got to see him again without having to be secretive about it or hide the fact that they were talking.
It was an amazing feeling.
“What should I do now?” Poland asked his father, who smiled at him.
“What do you think is best for your people?” he answered. Poland shook his head, not meaning to get an answer like that.
“No-Ojciec-what should I do…I…” Poland tried to explain what he meant. What should he do now that he was going to die, die to let the real Poland take his place?
“Polska, you are completely free now. You don’t have to ask for my permission to do things. You can do what you think is best.” Poland was so frustrated by his father’s lack of understanding. Poland needed to be told what to do so he didn’t mess anything up for his father when he returned to his proper place as Poland.
“But…now that the communist government is gone, you’ll be coming back to take your rightful place as Poland and I-“ Poland was cut off by his father as he began speaking.
“I’m not Poland anymore,” His father said, causing Poland to jerk his head up in shock. Words spilled out of his mouth without much thought.
“But—but you have to be! You were Poland before Soviet Union and Third Reich took over and ruined everything. I was just born to be Soviet Union’s puppet, his toy. I didn’t even know how to speak on my own. I wasn’t meant to be a person or a personification of an independent country. That was supposed to be you and—” Poland was cut off by his father pulling him into a hug.
“I was Poland. But now I am passing that mantle onto you,” he whispered. Poland began crying softly and gripped his father tightly.
“But I don’t—” Poland began before his father cut him off.
“Don’t you dare say you don’t deserve this, Polska. You do—more than anyone. You deserve to live without being under the control of others. I got that chance. Now I want you to have it,” His father said, causing Poland’s tears to come faster and harder.
“But what if I fault your people because I’m too much of a mindless follo—”
“Polska, you are many things, but a mindless follower is not one of them,” His father said. Poland nodded hesitantly before burying his face in his father’s shoulder.
“Not anymore. But I…” Poland started, unable to express his feelings.
“The circumstances of your birth don’t define you now, okay Polska? You are far more than a puppet or a satellite.” His father said, his fingers starting to trace shapes on Poland’s back, right between his wings. 
Poland relaxed at that, the motions calming him. 
“But…Ojciec, I don’t know how to be a person. All my life, I’ve been someone whose strings have been pulled by others and…I don’t know if I even understand how to remove the strings and move, live completely on my own, with my own free will.” Poland said, his eyes closing. 
Poland was so tired. Maybe this was because he was going to die soon, finally be free of the pain and suffering of life, leaving behind his father, the countryhuman that the Polish people deserved.
“You will do wonderfully, Polska. You are strong, and I know you can get through this,” his father said. Poland thought he was squeezing his father as hard as he could, but he was still not ready to leave him, not after the short time they had together.
“You have so much faith…” Poland muttered, his eyes opening.
“And none of it is misplaced.” He said. 
“You have so much faith….” Poland muttered again, his voice tired.
“Let’s talk about this tomorrow, Polska. It’s getting late.” Poland’s body went limp in his father’s arms, and he nodded.
“Okay, Ojciec. We can talk about this tomorrow.” Poland muttered. He felt his father press a kiss on his forehead, and he smiled.
“Polska, I need you to move as well,” Ojciec said, his voice amused. Poland groaned and reluctantly pulled away before walking to the bed and pulling off the covers. He kicked off his shoes and went to lie down, his father following his example.
“Good night, Ojciec,” Poland muttered. He felt his father pull him into a hug.
“Good night, Polska. I love you,” he said, his heartbeat lulling Poland to sleep. Poland returned the hug, wrapped his body around his father’s, closed his eyes, and swiftly drifted off into sleep.
But unbeknownst to Poland, that night, the Government-in-Exile wakes up in extreme pain.
Unbeknownst to Poland, the Government-in-Exile kisses his forehead as a way to say goodbye.
Unbeknownst to Poland, the Government-in-Exile whispered one final goodbye.
And then the Government-in-Exile exhaled for the very last time.
And Poland woke up with his arms full of ash.
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
The scholar who said "Schulz był piłsudczykiem" is going to catch these hands and also this tuba I swear on my life. Do we not remember:
He wrote the first draft of Noc lipcowa in 1928, as a postscript, now lost, to Debora Vogel. Can't remember the exact date or if exact date has been established. But we DO know that 1928 was the fucking 10-year anniversary of niepodległość and there was Mandatory Patriotism With Full Fanfare, Flags, & Military Parades across the nation. Lejtes made Huragan--celebrating 1863, of course--and Ordyński made an über-patriotic Pan Tadeusz film, pure political propaganda, in which Mickiewicz by ham-fisted historical analogy tells the story of the legions. Sanacja is already established, Schulz is teaching school to make ends meet, not sure if his school has been recognized fully by the government but he would be given a certain curriculum even as an art teacher! [UPD: I forgot he got fired in 1928 lol] The new Polish state is adhering to the rituals of empire, with Piłsudski inhabiting the legendary figure that Franz Józef did; you can actually see this in his three posthumous sketches on Piłsudski from 1935 and his descriptions of the Habsburg emperor in Wiosna.
Which brings me to! When Schulz finally publishes the story--edits have been made--it's 1937, part of the Sanatorium collection. They're in a specific order for a specific reason. Wiosna is too complex to delve into more deeply but it is about history and myth and anachronism and legend and "breaking out" into a revolutionary being-in-time where matter becomes pluripotent again re: possible forms, it becomes dynamic with potential, but if it does not maintain that dynamism then history--an inertial force, a static force, will bring it "down to earth," press matter into form, degrade it into something utilitarian while calling it myth regardless.
These themes are like. So clearly in conversation with Wyspiański's Noc listopadowa, which was a whole Thing--I just. Do you not understand Schulz's seasonal messianism. He establishes it very early on. In Wiosna he makes it explicitly "resonate" and "rhyme" with the Spring of Nations and other revolutionary movements in different places at different times around the world, and makes the Legions in 1914-1918 "echo" the Napoleonic Legions at the turn of the *19th* century, because it is always the Long Napoleonic Wars. Do you not remember how Wyspiański has Greek gods interact with the November Uprising participants, but instead of being Zola and doing a class analysis about it, he fuses the realms of myth and history to justify the uprising despite its failure? Schulz puts Noc lipcowa right after his story re: failed revolutions; the summer that comes after the spring, thematically "in conversation" with Wyspiański, also with Vogel, and challenging both!!!
People of course talk about Schulz's reading Tadeusz P. re: myth but they forget...when he was born??? What the school curriculum was??? Of course he read Venus in Furs re: his horny art, and of course he was inspired by Lilien and the Secession, but the composition of his early portraits and his triptychs, as well as the line and the chimeras, is 100% Młoda Polska. He would have been r a i s e d on that shit!
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emlos · 2 years
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i hope we all want France to lose
anyway heres my prediction:
osiemdziesiąta siódma minuta, polacy siłą trzymają krychowiaka przed czerwoną za zajebanie m'bappemu. linia obrony przy bramce stoi jak stoi, na naszej połowie trawy już nie ma a na ichniej widać już początki niezłego żniwa. Francuzki bramkarz od godziny gra na telefonie w peggle 2. ogółem kaczor zamiast skakać w powietrze zaczyna scheduling gdzie jaki grob chce mieć. nadzieję na awans są od dawna stracone musiałby zdarzyć sie cud.
sędzia dolicza 5 minut dogrywki no bo okej za dużo przerw wsm nie było. Michnowicz spocony jak świnia decyduje sie na ostatnią zmiane na hail mary, i zdejmuje biednego zbieganego frankwoskiego. jako ostatni a zmiane wystawia kamila grosickiego - pierwszre minuty w Katarze - licząc na jego deus ex machine, legendarne turbo. więc na ostatnie minuty meczu pojawia sie on, TurboGrosik.
Francuzi już chcą skończy c ten mecz, powoli bawiąc się piłką pomiędzy linią obrony. literally neutralizując ten nieskoordynowany “pressing“ polaków. Cokolwiek nasza drużyna robi to jak walka z wiatrem, ale wtem, ni stąd ni zowąd, Varane przy piłce czuje skurcz w prewaj łydce i pada jak worek pomme du terres. Do bezpańskiej już piłki dopada się nikt inny jak wypoczęty Grosik. Francuzi coś tak krzyczą po ichniemu żeby wybił piłkę, Lloris gestykuluje agresywnie na linie boczną wymagając od Polaga gry fair play. Kamil za to wie że nie ma znaczenia jak wielkim kutafonem jest teraz, to jest ostatnia szansa - historia nie zapamieta stylu gola ale że padł przez polaka w meczu 1/8 z Francją w Katarze - po raz pierwszy od 36 lat poza grupą.
Grosicki nie zważa na wydzierania się Francuzów i pędzi przed siebie mając w głowie wiwatujący naród polski. Jedyne co zostało to pokonać jeden na jednego doświadczonego już mistrza świata. Ale jednak... szybki balans ciałem, mała zmyłka i Turbo z łatwością omija rzucającego mu się pod nogi Llorisa, po czym z całej siły uderza na bramke i...
Kamil Grosicki strzela gola mistrzą świata. W euforii biegnie pod trybuje z polskimi kibicami i wskakuje na skrzynie z logiem mistrzów świata, tak jak za najlepszych czasów na Narodowym. Zrobił to. Wyśmiany, szykanowany niedoceniany weteran stawia kropke nad i, i na zawsze zapisuje się w historii polski na mundialu.
Ostatni gwizdek i koniec.
Francja 5:1 Polska. Koniec Misrzostw, do widzenia.
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head-post · 2 days
Global media control gaining momentum
Poland discusses reforming state media while a lawsuit in Greece threatens to silence journalists, with social streaming and media giants collecting user data.
The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium completed a two-day mission to Poland on 16-17 September, holding meetings with the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, the Ministry of Culture, as well as journalists, publishers, regulators, and media law experts.
The mission focused on measures to reform public media, the protection of journalists from Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) and proposals to reform the media landscape in line with the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA).
The meetings discussed changes in the state media after Donald Tusk’s government used legal mechanisms to remove senior figures from the public broadcaster Telewizja Polska S.A. The ministry also said it had swiftly withdrawn 37 SLAPP cases brought by the previous cabinet.
The government has been criticised for being slow to implement reforms and provide legal and financial certainty for the public broadcaster, which has been in a state of “liquidation” since the beginning of the year.
Press freedom in Greek court
MFRR expressed its full support to Greek journalist Stavroula Poulimeni and media outlet Alterthess ahead of their appeal hearing on 19 September. The hearing followed a court ruling. The judgement partially upheld a civil suit seeking damages for Poulimeni’s reporting on the conviction of two Hellas Gold executives for water pollution.
Alterthess was ordered to pay €3,000 to one of the executives in 2023 for reporting on his court conviction in October 2020. The judge ruled that although the sentence was publicly available information, the publication of his name was a breach of his privacy protected by GDPR rules and caused moral damage.
If the judgement stands, the future of judicial journalism and the public’s right of access to court decisions will be jeopardised. Moreover, the court’s ruling risks fuelling new SLAPP aimed at silencing media outlets in Greece, where journalists are already facing increasing legal harassment.
No data protection
Social media companies collect, share, and process vast amounts of information about their users without transparency or oversight, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report.
The document published on Thursday analyses how Meta Platforms, ByteDance’s TikTok, Amazon’s Twitch gaming platform, and other companies manage user data. The FTC concludes that data management and storage policies at many of them are “woefully inadequate.”
Media companies collected data through tracking technologies used in online advertising, by buying information from data brokers, and in other ways, FTC Chair Lina Khan stated.
While lucrative for the companies, these surveillance practices can endanger people’s privacy, threaten their freedoms, and expose them to a host of harms, from identity theft to stalking.
Data privacy, especially for children and teens, is a hot topic. The US House is considering bills passed by the Senate in July to address the impact of social media on young users. Meta recently released accounts for teens that include enhanced parental control features.
In addition to collecting data, most of the companies reviewed by the FTC collected users’ ages and genders or guessed them based on other information. Some also gathered information about users’ income, education, and marital status.
However, advertising industry groups criticised the report on Thursday. David Cohen, chief executive of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, an advertising and marketing group including Snapchat, TikTok and Amazon, said:
We are disappointed with the FTC’s continued characterisation of the digital advertising industry as engaged in ‘mass commercial surveillance.
Meta recently said it would ban Russian state media from using its apps, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Threads. The measure was taken after US prosecutors claimed that RT allegedly funded influence campaigns through social media.
Read more HERE
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Vasco Electronics after Global Sources Mobile Electronics 2019
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Global Sources Mobile Electronics Show Hong Kong 2019 was a special event for Vasco Electronics. Once again we enjoyed a fantastic welcome and our booth was crowded with visitors interested in our products. Not only did the show prove a business success, but also gave us a reason to be proud of. Our electronic translators solve real problems experienced by our customers. FAQ: What kind of products were exhibited at Global Sources Mobile Electronics Show Hong Kong 2019? Exhibited products at Global Sources Mobile Electronics Show Hong Kong 2019 ranged from smartphones and smartwatches to robots and 3D printers. How did Vasco Electronics fare at the show? Vasco Electronics booth was popular with many interested visitors and the company received recognition from the media. What are the Vasco Mini 2 and Vasco Neo? Vasco Mini 2 is a verbal translator and Vasco Neo is a brand-new device set to be released early in 2020.   Organized in Hong Kong, Global Source Mobile Electronics 2019 is one of the world's biggest events of its kind. This year's edition of the show attracted more than 3600 exhibitors, who presented their latest products and solutions ranging from smartphones and smartwatches to robots and 3D printers. The exhibited products included devices capable of producing anything a customer's heart may desire. Trade shows, especially as large-scale as the show in Hongkong, offer exhibitors such as Vasco Electronics an opportunity to present their products to a broader audience. Our booth at this year's edition enjoyed huge popularity.         We attracted visitors, distributors and customers from Russia, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, United States as well as many European and other countries. Visitors expressed considerable interest in our electronic translators: the Vasco Mini 2 verbal translator and Vasco Neo. We also received recognition from the media. Not only did we appear in a television report, but were also written about in press articles by journalists from the press agencies: Burda International and Polska Press. Global Sources Mobile Electronics Show Hong Kong 2019 saw our company present 2 devices: our best voice translator Vasco Mini 2 and the brand-new Vasco Neo, which is set to be released early in 2020 at CES Las Vegas. The Hongkong event was the 3 trade show we took part in this year. Each time we learned how huge is the need for our products. We could not ask for a better motivation to grow and develop. Thank you! In a nutshell: This year's edition of Global Sources Mobile Electronics Show in Hong Kong was a special event for Vasco Electronics. The company enjoyed a fantastic welcome and their booth was crowded with visitors interested in their products. The show proved to be a business success and also gave Vasco Electronics a reason to be proud. Their electronic translators solve real problems experienced by customers. The show attracted more than 3600 exhibitors and Vasco Electronics' booth was popular among visitors. The company received recognition from the media and their products received positive feedback from customers. The show was a success for Vasco Electronics and they are motivated to continue growing and developing.     Read the full article
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Karolina Jonderko, "Autoportret z matką"
Artystka sfotografowała się w ubraniach matki, która kilka lat wcześniej zmarła na raka. Karolina Jonderko – polska fotografka, członkini agencji Napo Images. W 2021 roku otrzymała II nagrodę World Press Photo w kategorii projekt długoterminowy za zestaw zdjęć "Reborn". Via Culture PL
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Lewa str: "Ubranie weekendowe", Na prawo: "Ubranie zimowe" z serii "Autoportret z matką", fot. Karolina Jonderko / Napo Images
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szpilkaraskiwynik · 6 months
Jaki wynik meczu Polska-Albania przewidują eksperci bukmacherscy?
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Jaki wynik meczu Polska-Albania przewidują eksperci bukmacherscy?
Artykuł: Typy bukmacherskie na mecz Polska-Albania
Nadchodzi dużo wyczekiwany mecz między reprezentacją Polski a Albanią. Jakie typy bukmacherskie warto rozważyć przed tą konfrontacją?
Zwycięstwo Polski: Reprezentacja Polski cieszy się dobrą formą i jest uważana za faworyta w tym meczu. Typowanie zwycięstwa Polski może być rozsądną decyzją, biorąc pod uwagę siłę drużyny oraz wsparcie kibiców na stadionie.
Powyżej/poniżej ilości bramek: Mecz pomiędzy Polską a Albanią może być widowiskiem pełnym emocji, dlatego warto sprawdzić opcje typowania ilości bramek. Możesz obstawiać powyżej/poniżej konkretnej liczby goli, w zależności od oczekiwań co do przebiegu spotkania.
Strzelcy bramek: Kto zdobędzie gola w tym meczu? Możesz typować strzelców bramek po obu stronach, co dodaje dodatkowego elementu ekscytacji podczas meczu.
Handicap: Handicap może być ciekawą opcją typowania, szczególnie jeśli oczekuje się jednostronnego meczu. Rozważ obstawienie z użyciem handicapu, aby zwiększyć potencjalne wygrane.
Pamiętaj, że typy bukmacherskie powinny być zawsze rozważane z głową, z uwzględnieniem informacji o formie drużyn, kontuzjach czy innych czynnikach mogących wpłynąć na wynik meczu. Warto również śledzić aktualne kursy bukmacherskie, aby wybrać najlepszą ofertę dla siebie. Mecz Polska-Albania zapowiada się emocjonująco, dlatego dobrze przygotowane typy mogą sprawić dodatkową radość podczas kibicowania swojej ulubionej drużynie.
Przed nami emocjonujący mecz piłki nożnej pomiędzy reprezentacją Polski i Albanią. Obie drużyny przygotowują się intensywnie do tego spotkania, starając się osiągnąć jak najlepszy wynik. Polska, z silnym składem oraz wsparciem kibiców, ma szansę na zwycięstwo. W poprzednich meczach pokazała swoją determinację i umiejętność grając w zespole. Z kluczowymi zawodnikami takimi jak Lewandowski czy Piatek, Polska ma solidną bazę do budowy strategii na boisku.
Z kolei reprezentacja Albanii, mimo że uchodzi za zespół "mocno walczący", ma przed sobą trudne zadanie. Ich styl gry opiera się na agresywnym pressing i szybkich kontratakach. Nie można lekceważyć umiejętności graczy, którzy potrafią zaskoczyć przeciwnika. Jednak z niewielką liczbą gwiazd na boisku, Albania będzie musiała polegać na współpracy zespołowej.
Przewidywany wynik meczu Polska-Albania może być trudny do określenia. Obie drużyny mają swoje atuty i słabości, dlatego decydującym czynnikiem będzie to, jak każdy zespół wykorzysta swoje szanse podczas spotkania. Kibice z niecierpliwością czekają na widowisko, które zapewne będzie pełne napięcia i emocji. Miejmy nadzieję, że zawodnicy obu drużyn dostarczą nam niezapomniane chwile na boisku.
Analiza ekspertów bukmacherskich meczu Polska-Albania
Mecz między Polską a Albanią jest zawsze emocjonującym wydarzeniem dla fanów piłki nożnej. Przedstawiamy analizę ekspertów bukmacherskich dotyczącą tego spotkania, aby pomóc Ci zrozumieć, jakie są szanse obu drużyn na zwycięstwo.
Według ekspertów bukmacherskich, Polska jest faworytem tego meczu. Nasza reprezentacja ma silny skład, w którym znajdują się tacy gracze jak Robert Lewandowski czy Krzysztof Piątek, którzy potrafią strzelać bramki nawet pomimo trudnej obrony przeciwnika. Ponadto, polska drużyna grająca na własnym terenie ma dodatkową przewagę, ponieważ kibice zawsze są motorem napędowym dla zawodników.
Z kolei Albania, chociaż jest przeciwnikiem mniej znaczącym, potrafi zaskoczyć. Jej zawodnicy również mają umiejętności zdobywania bramek, co może stanowić zagrożenie dla polskiej obrony. Dodatkowo, drużyna od lat pracuje nad poprawą swojej gry i może zaskoczyć nawet doświadczonych rywali.
Podsumowując, analiza ekspertów bukmacherskich wskazuje, że Polska ma większe szanse na zwycięstwo w meczu z Albanią. Jednakże, w futbolu nic nie jest pewne, dlatego każda drużyna powinna podejść do tego spotkania z determinacją i zaangażowaniem, aby zapewnić fanom emocjonujące widowisko na boisku. Czekamy z niecierpliwością na ten mecz i trzymamy kciuki za naszą reprezentację!
Kursy na Polska-Albania u bukmacherów
Spotkanie drużyny narodowej Polski z reprezentacją Albanii zawsze budzi duże emocje wśród kibiców futbolu. Niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o eliminacje do mistrzostw świata czy spotkania towarzyskie, oba zespoły stawiają sobie za cel zwycięstwo. Dla osób, które lubią obstawiać wyniki meczów, istotne jest sprawdzenie kursów oferowanych przez bukmacherów na to konkretne spotkanie.
Kursy na Polska-Albania mogą się różnić w zależności od wybranej firmy bukmacherskiej. Zazwyczaj faworytem są Polacy, co odbija się na kursach oferowanych na ich zwycięstwo. Jednakże warto zwrócić uwagę na to, że kursy na tego typu spotkania są dynamiczne i mogą ulegać zmianom zarówno przed, jak i w trakcie meczu.
Aby obstawić mecz Polska-Albania, warto przeanalizować formę obu zespołów, kontuzje kluczowych zawodników oraz taktykę, jaką zamierzają zastosować trenerzy. Na podstawie tych informacji można podjąć decyzję dotyczącą obstawienia konkretnego wyniku bądź zakładu specjalnego.
Pamiętaj, że obstawianie meczów powinno być traktowane rozważnie i z umiarem. Niezależnie od wyniku, najważniejsze jest emocjonowanie się grą i kibicowanie swoim ulubionym drużynom. Korzystaj z ofert bukmacherów odpowiedzialnie i baw się dobrze śledząc emocjonujące pojedynki piłkarskie.
Jeśli jesteś fanem futbolu i lubisz dreszcz emocji towarzyszący zakładom bukmacherskim, sprawdź kursy na mecz Polska-Albania u różnych dostawców i wybierz najlepszą ofertę dla siebie.
Zanim obstawisz mecz Polska-Albania, warto zwrócić uwagę na kilka istotnych zaleceń, które mogą pomóc w podjęciu trafnej decyzji. Po pierwsze, zawsze sprawdź aktualne formy obu drużyn oraz historię ich dotychczasowych spotkań. Analiza statystyk może dostarczyć cennych wskazówek dotyczących potencjalnego rozwoju wydarzeń na boisku.
Po drugie, śledź informacje dotyczące kontuzji i zawieszeń w zespołach. Brak kluczowych graczy może znacząco wpłynąć na rezultat meczu. Warto także wziąć pod uwagę warunki atmosferyczne oraz to, gdzie odbywa się spotkanie – mecze rozgrywane na wyjeździe mogą różnić się od tych, które mają miejsce na własnym stadionie.
Po trzecie, dobierz odpowiedni zakład zgodnie z własnymi preferencjami i przemyślaną strategią obstawiania. Nie sugeruj się tylko emocjami, ale stawiaj racjonalnie, z uwzględnieniem faktów i analizy. Pamiętaj również, że obstawianie powinno być traktowane jako rozrywka, a nie gwarancja zysku.
Wreszcie, korzystaj z zaufanych i licencjonowanych stron bukmacherskich, które zapewniają bezpieczne zakłady oraz różnorodne opcje obstawiania. Unikaj podejrzanych serwisów, które nie posiadają odpowiednich certyfikatów.
Podsumowując, przed obstawieniem meczu Polska-Albania warto odpowiednio się przygotować, analizując wszystkie istotne czynniki oraz stawiając rozważne zakłady zgodnie z własnymi preferencjami i możliwościami finansowymi. Powodzenia!
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10minuttv · 1 year
Children's needs overlooked in climate finance
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Only 2.4 percent. of key global funding to fight climate change can be classified as supporting children's needs. It is already the youngest who suffer the most serious consequences of the climate crisis, although they experience them to a different degree, depending on the region, the wealth of the society or local conditions.
A report jointly produced by members of the Children's Environmental Rights Initiative (CERI) coalition (Plan International, Save the Children and UNICEF) finds that efforts to respond to the distinct and increased needs and perspectives of children in international climate-related financial flows remain low . The study analyzes a total of 591 project proposals, covering the period from 2006 to March 2023, conducted under key multilateral climate funds and Paris Agreement (MCF) objectives. Only 2.4 percent. of their funding can be classified as supporting projects that include child-responsive activities, totaling $1.2 billion.
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Experts note in the report that while these funds represent only a small proportion of total climate funding, the extent to which they include children is of great importance. They have an important role to play in setting the agenda and in catalysing and coordinating investments by other public and private financial institutions, including at the national level, which are essential to drive broader change. So if these sources of funding don't take children into account, don't assume others will.
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Article by @marcinwojcik.
Read: https://slupsk.co/publicystyka/potrzeby-dzieci-pomijane-w-finansowaniu-dzialan-na-rzecz-klimatu/
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machinedalal · 6 months
Used Gluing Machine for SALE
Bobst - Domino 90
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Manufacturer: Bobst
Year: 1990
Machine Availability: Immediately from stock
Price: 25000 EURO
Location: Częstochowa, Polska
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